V-07-94-ALL SAINTS EPISCOPAL CHURCH EXPANSION VARIANCE-PLANNING FILEW e 0 0. TOWN OF HILTON HEAD ISLAND One Town Center Court, Hilton Head Island, S.C. 29928 803/842-8900 Fax 842-7728 P—UAahpw m1� July 27, 1994 Certified Mail P 131 584 180 PrrJc &�tmm Mq-Pmhm �Ir. Rob Hull CounWM@bm Hall & Hull Architects 1� Kculln P.O. Box 5216 � Hilton Head Island, SC 29938 p Tom P;t oaanraP.r— Re: V-7-94 - Request for a Variance from LMO Section 16-7-842, Buffers and Section 16-7-850(e) & (n), Parking Standards, Mkh.dc.atadu to allow parking that does not meet current parking design Town M-8. standards at the All Saints Episcopal Church on Meeting Street. The property is identified as Parcel # 44 on Beaufort County Tax Map N 7B. Dear Mr. Hull: On Monday, July 25 1994 the Town of Hilton Head Island Board of Adjustment heard your Variance request for the above referenced property. The Board of. Adjustment Motion was to grant a Variance from I�td-•Sections 16-7-842, Buffers and 16-7-850(e)(n) Parking (Standards, to allow parking that does not meet current 4o design standards at the All Saints Episcopal Church.`, .The Variance was granted on the basis that conformance`with street Buffer requirements would cause undue hardship, because of limited land area to provide accessible -parking to off -set parking loss and the tree coverage precluded widening of parking bays; and that the intent of the Parking standards requirement was met by the extra width of lanes which allow the maneuvering space for parking. If I can be of any assistance please call me at 686-0904. Sincerely, �%,�. I✓VUU� fi /fib David E. Ras Current Planning cc: BOA Members Steve Riley Tom Brechko Greg DeLoach Bob Christopher BOA File DER:BJM Hwy e J e 6 P—UAahpw m1� July 27, 1994 Certified Mail P 131 584 180 PrrJc &�tmm Mq-Pmhm �Ir. Rob Hull CounWM@bm Hall & Hull Architects 1� Kculln P.O. Box 5216 � Hilton Head Island, SC 29938 p Tom P;t oaanraP.r— Re: V-7-94 - Request for a Variance from LMO Section 16-7-842, Buffers and Section 16-7-850(e) & (n), Parking Standards, Mkh.dc.atadu to allow parking that does not meet current parking design Town M-8. standards at the All Saints Episcopal Church on Meeting Street. The property is identified as Parcel # 44 on Beaufort County Tax Map N 7B. Dear Mr. Hull: On Monday, July 25 1994 the Town of Hilton Head Island Board of Adjustment heard your Variance request for the above referenced property. The Board of. Adjustment Motion was to grant a Variance from I�td-•Sections 16-7-842, Buffers and 16-7-850(e)(n) Parking (Standards, to allow parking that does not meet current 4o design standards at the All Saints Episcopal Church.`, .The Variance was granted on the basis that conformance`with street Buffer requirements would cause undue hardship, because of limited land area to provide accessible -parking to off -set parking loss and the tree coverage precluded widening of parking bays; and that the intent of the Parking standards requirement was met by the extra width of lanes which allow the maneuvering space for parking. If I can be of any assistance please call me at 686-0904. Sincerely, �%,�. I✓VUU� fi /fib David E. Ras Current Planning cc: BOA Members Steve Riley Tom Brechko Greg DeLoach Bob Christopher BOA File DER:BJM Hwy e J e ®1 0 t i• PS Form 3811, December 1991 nus.Won aow-5521714 DOMESTIC 0 my I1,.roquestod Y 8Zad • 0 32X� SENDER: i . Camplet: name 1 andlor 2 1., additional service.. I alae wish to receive the • complain nmm a, and do a b, following services (for an extra ai o •Prim yaur name and add,.., on the moan, at this form so mal wo can teal: > return this card to you. • Alloch Ihia term to the Iron) of Ihe moilPlaea, or on the bpeF II apace 1. L1 Addressee's Address m N dopa not pmmll. • Writa"Ratum Receipt Rint—od"anthe m.ilplece below the article number. 2. ❑ Restricted Delivery C • The Return Receipt will show to wle—he attics was delivered and the data ca Consult postmaster for fee. ef.Werad,_ i 3. Article Addressed tp: 4e. Article D! Number i4b. j /a �• Service Type m ❑ Registered ❑ Insured T WN O HIL N H D ISLAND, S.C. CertRbd ❑COD 59 = ❑ Express Mall ❑ Return Receipt for Merchandise 7. Data of Delivery c •t�� t i• PS Form 3811, December 1991 nus.Won aow-5521714 DOMESTIC 0 my I1,.roquestod Y 8Zad • 0 32X� • D • • UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE I II II 1 1 Official Suaineaa PENALTY FOR PRIVATE USE TO AVOID PAVMENr OF P0.STAGE, E300 I I • , I i,290 ® • • rte" 'int* me, address and ZIP Code here TOWN OF HILTON HEAD ISLAND, 9.0, I f PLANNING DIVISION { ONE TOWN CENTER COURT I HILTON HEAD ISLAND, S.C. 'M2t M • • t� 32XI tz,wWrIall W • i� M E M O R A N D U M TO: Board of Adjustment FROM: Planning Staff RE: Request for Variance (#V-7-94) for July 25, 1994 Meeting DATE: July 18, 1994 APPLICANT: Hall and Hull Architects for All Saints Church REQUEST: Variance from LMO Sections 16-7-842, Buffers and 16-7-850, Off Street Parking Standards to allow parking that does not meet parking design standards. The property is identified as Parcel #44 on Beaufort County Tax Map #7B. A Development Plan Approval and subsequently a Building Permit were recently issued for expansion of the All Saints Episcopal Church facilities located on Meeting Street in the Main Street Development adjacent to Hilton Head Plantation. Because the existing site development does not conform to current LMO standards relative to buffers and parking, the provisions of Section 16-7-305(c) regarding expansion of a nonconforming site aro applicable. The LMO amendments that made this site nonconforming became effective in January of 1994. Although variances would not necessarily be required for the expansion, the LMO requires that the applicant 'make every effort to bring the site into conformance'. An Administrative determination is made as to what qualifies as meeting the requirement of making every effort. The applicant (Hall and Hull Architects) met with Staff to review the plans before the development was approved. The approved site plans include modifications to the parking lot that were required pursuant to the LMO provision referenced above. The applicant is now seeking relief from this requirement and requests the variances to allow the parking to remain as it now exists. The site plan attached shows the areas of asphalt that would need to be removed to comply with parking end island widths as currently required. Re -striping of the spaces to meet the 10' wide spaces now required is also shown. When Staff reviewed the existing parking with respect to the current standards, it was felt that making many of the alterations that would be necessary to comply with all current standards would not be advantageous or feasible. For example, in order to increase the drive isle width to 241, the planted 9 • • 32XII 1 V e V-7-94 July 18, 1994 Page two islands and trees between rows of parking would have to be reduced. Creation of the minimum 20' buffer at Meeting Street would necessitate the removal of one entire row of parking. Staff therefore proposed that the parking be altered only to meet the space and island widths. Following is a review of the variance criteria as they relate to this application: A. What extraordinary and exceptional conditions pertain to the particular parcel of property in question because of the size, shape or topography of the property; and, as a result thereof, the strict application of the design and perfor- mance standards of this chapter would be more burdensome on the parcel than was intended? The property's nearly square shape and relatively large area does not pose any development hardships. The existing building is situated in a portion of the property that allows adequate areas for expansion. However, the property as it is now developed relies on parking that is in the Meeting Street buffer, where there is insufficient lot area to provide conforming parking. Staff also finds that to meet the wider drive aisle dimension, the parcel would be burdened with additional unnecessary tree loss. B. How would the application of the ordinance to this property cause an unnecessary hardship which: 1. relates to the applicant's land, and not to the applicant's personal circumstances; 2. is unique, or nearly so, and is not one common to many surrounding properties; 3. is not the result of the applicant's own actions; and 4. is one suffered by the applicant, and not the adjoining landowners or the general public. Other developed properties whether adjacent, near or far, are nonconforming to current parking standards. Making efforts to bring the parking into conformance will therefore be required as part of expansion of nearly any development on the island. Strict application of current parking standards howaver, would result in significant tree loss and hardship relative to the ability to accommodate accessible parking on the land. C. Granting of the variance would not cause substantial detriment to the public good or impair the purposes of this chapter or the Comprehensive Plan: • J L 32XIC ■O E r AC V-7-94 July 18, 1994 Page three The purpose of the revised parking standards is to provide ample area for persons moving in and out of vehicles and for vehicles moving in and out of spaces. The requirement of landscape islands at the end of parking rows relates to vehicle mobility and together with median widths, the desire to achieve parking that is not an oasis of asphalt. The existing parking lot has ample medians between rows, although the end islands are less than the standard. The parking revisions requested, though minor, are recommended pursuant to the LHO provisions to make nonconforming sites more conforming. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff finds that the subject site is burdened by development initiated under previous design standards for buffers and parking and that complete alteration of the existing parking would cause unnecessary hardship. This hardship is related to the land in the vicinity of the existing sanctuary, where there is insufficient land area to provide accessible parking to off -set parking loss which would result from compliance with the street buffer requirement. Further, the land's tree coverage in this area precludes widening of the parking bays. However, staff also finds that the purposes of the parking standards and the provision for bringing nonconforming sites into greater conformance necessitate that revisions be made to the parking. Staff finds no hardships that would preclude the removal of small areas of asphalt at the ends of parking bays, an6 the re -striping of the spaces. For these reasons, staff recommends that a variance be granted from Section 16-7-842, Buffers and from 16-7-850, Parking Standards, provided that all parking spaces shall be at least ten feet wide and that minimum end islands of 15' be provided. j)yr if t °s iii .� J �J V-7-94 July 18, 1994 Page three The purpose of the revised parking standards is to provide ample area for persons moving in and out of vehicles and for vehicles moving in and out of spaces. The requirement of landscape islands at the end of parking rows relates to vehicle mobility and together with median widths, the desire to achieve parking that is not an oasis of asphalt. The existing parking lot has ample medians between rows, although the end islands are less than the standard. The parking revisions requested, though minor, are recommended pursuant to the LHO provisions to make nonconforming sites more conforming. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff finds that the subject site is burdened by development initiated under previous design standards for buffers and parking and that complete alteration of the existing parking would cause unnecessary hardship. This hardship is related to the land in the vicinity of the existing sanctuary, where there is insufficient land area to provide accessible parking to off -set parking loss which would result from compliance with the street buffer requirement. Further, the land's tree coverage in this area precludes widening of the parking bays. However, staff also finds that the purposes of the parking standards and the provision for bringing nonconforming sites into greater conformance necessitate that revisions be made to the parking. Staff finds no hardships that would preclude the removal of small areas of asphalt at the ends of parking bays, an6 the re -striping of the spaces. For these reasons, staff recommends that a variance be granted from Section 16-7-842, Buffers and from 16-7-850, Parking Standards, provided that all parking spaces shall be at least ten feet wide and that minimum end islands of 15' be provided. j)yr if t °s iii .� VITMU 1 O' O .q dRLr-i i 2 A variance may be granted by the Board of Adiustment if the Board of Adiustment concludes that he .strict enforcement of any design and Performance standard set forth in this chapter would result In unnecessary hardship to the aoplicant and that by granting the variance the spirit of this chapter will be observed public welfare and safety will not be diminished and substantial lustice done The Board of Adiustment may reach these conclusions If it finds: a. There are extraordinary and exceptional conditions periainIng to the Particular parcel of property in question because of the size shape or topography of the Property and as a result thereof, the strict application of the design and performance standards of this chanter would be more burdensome of the parcel than was intended b. The hardship of which the applicant complains: i L relates to the applicant's land and not to the applicant's personal circumstances: tt is unique, or nearly so and is not one common to many surrounding properties; L11 is not the result of the applicant's own actions; and Iv is one suffered by the applicant and not the adjoining landowners or the general public c. Grantiniof the variance would not cause substantial detriment to the Public good or Impair the purposes of this chanter or the Comprehensive Plan d. No variance shall be granted for a use of land building or structure or density thereof which is not permitted in a given zoning district according to the Provisions of Chapter 7 of this title In exercising the above powers, the board of adjustment may reverse or affirm, • • wholly or in part, or may modify the order, requirements, decision, or determination, and to that end shall have all the powers of the officer from whom the appeal is taken and may issue or directed the issuance of a permit. The board in the execution of the duties for which appointed may subpoena witnesses and in case of contempt may certify such fact to the circuit court having jurisdiction. u All final decisions and orders of the board shall be in writing and be nprmnnontht !doll tk , ac s tk. t,....a .w ti 25� 32X! ■ r r MEMORANDUM TO: Board of Adjustment FROM: Hugh Talcott, Manager of Current Planning RE: All Saints Church Variance Request DATE: June 21, 1994 This variance request for the referenced project is to be postponed until the July 25, 1994 meeting of the Board of Adjustment so that Staff and the Applicant can review the issues further. The requested variances would provide relief from the parking standard provisions as they apply to the expansion of the existing development. The project expansion is proceeding, although with requirements from which the applicant is seeking variances. It is expected that variances from both parking standards and buffer requirements will be addressed at the next regularly scheduled BOA meeting. W 0 (.1 Application No.:T-!7-?d TOWN OF HILTON HEAD ISLAND ONE TOWN CENTER COURT HILTON HEAD ISLAND, SC 29925 PHONE (803) 842-7638 APPLICATION FOR VARIANCE Instructions: Please TYPE or PRINT legibly. Attach additional sheets if needed. Note: Variances will not be granted for use or density. Project Name: u Tax Map Number(s) S30 913 and Parcel(s) of project. Location of Project: M0.1N� Base Zoning District(s) of Property: K-1 Applicable Overlay Zoning District(s): erje) f ecord licant(s)* All Duly Authorized Agents* Name :1! lziAw Address o. 1 Phone: 'l4y�jll *LMO Section 16-7-603 requires applicants or the authorized agent to have a local mailing address and telephone number. Section Number(s) of the Ordinance from which a variance(s) is requested _ lfa-7-o50�N Describe completely and specifically the requested variance: Ip:l//W T✓y ]I((�'� M► -1k4 -h IhISiAlM IN 10110AA RM �19y`.���1L�M11��oyyy��iAufybuxi -fy iLL 4 W ��A,,,��,iiil Explain briefly why the variance is requested: IHCInVI' ED b /Y.D IMo w 'its CSA XIM 00 �W I'M AM NM)IMI 09 MtOft 1A Ah ols 12 MML' SW*. Attach the following items (see Lmo Section 16-7-672): 1. Written narrative answering ILU of the following questions (criteria for granting the variance): A. What extraordinary and exceptional conditions pertain to this property (size, shape, topography)? B. How would the application of the ordinance to this property cause an unnecessary hardship? C. How are these conditions peculiar to this property and not shared by neighboring properties? D. How would the variance not cause detriment to the public good or to the purposes and intent of the ordinance. i J • • 2�► ; 32XI 0 1a+Mrm® 4V • 0 1/ l Application for a Variance Page 2 2. Written certification, signed by the owner(s) of record of the property, that the owner(s) consents to the request for a variance. Certification is not necessary if the owner is the applicant. 3. A dimensioned site plan that clearly illustrates the requested variance in relation to the affected site and to surrounding parcels and uses. A reproducible copy of this plan, no larger than 11" x 17", must also be submitted. 4. A vicinity sketch showing the general site location and depicting vehicular access routes accurately referenced tc the nearest public road. 5. Any supporting documentation deemed necessary by the applicant. 6. Filing fee: $100 payable to the Town of Hilton Head Island. Show project name on face of check. To the best of my knowledge, the info:tmation on this application and accompanying documentation is true, factual and complate. I hereby agree to abide .by all conditions imposed by the Town of Hilton Head IslatJ if this variance is granted; I understand that such conditions shall apply to the property, and are a right or obligation transferable by sale. Signature of App icant (r duly authorized agent) Date LL, Please print or type name of Applicant/Agent NOTE: The applicant shall orovide notice of a Public Hearing to all land owners of record within three hundred and fifty (350) feet on all sides of the parcel(s) being considered for a variance. Such notice shall be mailed by certified mail, twenty-one (21) days prior to the Board of Adjustment meeting. Ord. 93-17, Section 16-7-674(d). HPT:bjm J 32XIC V V • ALL SAINTS EPISCOPAL CHU N-11 A. The existing parking for the church was designed to meet 1990 LMO standards. It was Installed In 1990, and the greenspace landscape buffers at the ends of the aisles and the median have been completely landscaped with grass and tree coverage. Three years of growth has provided a pleasant visual buffering from the street. The Episcopal Church is not located on a busy street. The frontage street is Meeting Street in the Main Street development. The Episcopal Church is the second to last piece of property on Meeting Street, which Is a dead end street. The only traffic which currently passes by the church is the Beth Yam Synagogue traffic or the Latter Day Saints Church traffic across the street. B. The 1994 LMO standards call for an Increased width in the greenspace at the ends of the aisles to 15' minimum, the median to 12' minimum and the standard parking space to 10' wide or 11' wide at the ends (see enclosed diagram). To implement this increase, the church would have to eliminate 12 of the closest parking spaces to the church by tearing up asphalt, restriping the space and then replanting these areas. The congregation of the church is an elderly congregation. Eliminating 12 of the closest spaces to the church, including some additional handicapped spaces which they have added to accommodate the handicapped parishioners, is a great concern to the church. C. The application of this change to meet the new 1994 LMO standards for parking would affect each property differently, according to its design. The specific aspects of this are very unique to this property. There are currently only two neighboring properties, the Synagogue, which is adjacent to the north, and the Church of the Latter Day Saints, which is directly across the street. The chance of these two properties being affected the same way as the Episcopal Church is very unlikely, if ever at all. D. The existing parking works very well for the Episcopal Church and the general public. The intent of the ordinance was to Increase the landscape greenspace in and around the parking areas to soften the Impact of multiple cars on the environment. The existing design already accomplishes this in a very effective manner. To enforce the new requirements would in no rsay increase its effectiveness. • 32XIC 4=10WAM V • U ALL SAINTS { E P I S C O P A L C•H•L.T-R•C *H The Reverend J ohn Gregory Prior, M.Div. Rector The Reverend William D. Shively, ADM Aewdnte The Revcmndj. Souon Wolfe, M.Div. A„oei,te July 13, 1994 Chairman Board of Adjustment Town of Hilton Head Dear Sir, Our church, which has served the community since 1985, respectfully requests that we be granted a variance, exempting our existing parking lot from the new LMO provisions enacted on January 10th of this year, 1994. Our present site was approved for construction in 1989 and was in full compliance with the code in effect prior to 1/10/94. We are now adding 7800 sq ft of parish hall and class rooms to complete the facilities we were unable to finance in the original construction. Unfortunately, the new building construction and the additional parking which we feel we need and can provide voluntarily (well beyond the LMO requirement of 70 for our church capacity) is triggering a requirement to re -do the entire existing lot. A sort of tail wagging the dog action, with its attendant hardships. Specifically, we request that the existing parking area be allowed to remain with: -the present fifteen foot set back allowance for our front row of parking (which now gives a 25 foot landscaped area to the street) -the present nine foot space per car -the existing turning buffers at ends of rows In essence, this is a request to waive the new LMO requirements for the existing lot, preserving the parking capacity of this lot. All 33 new spaces conform to the new LMO. It is worthy of further note that these new spaces plus our rearrangement to add more handicapped spaces will give us 46 standard/handicapped spaces qualified to LMOts new width. This is not far from the 56 standard/ handicapped spaces the new LMO would require if our lot was only the minimum 70 required spaces. (Our lot will be over 90 spaces.) The new code, while improving the standards for large, busy, commercial, heavy use lots, creates a hardship on our church and relatively small and predominantly elderly congregation who use the lot once or twice a week: -Adding five feet to the setback and changing the other dimensions would essentially require us to start over-- P.O.Box22884 Hilton Head lsland,S.C.29925 Phone803.681.8333 FaxPA-68, 9)03 -- f J • • 32XIE] 1 V • 6 V. tearing up and repaving the lot, eliminating grassy dividers, and cutting down as many as 20 trees that now limit our use of the available space but fit into the old dimensions and give a semi -park -like appearance to the lot. -If instead of this, we abandon our first row of parking (which encroaches five feet on the setback) and re -size the remaining area to the new LHO dimensions, we lose 17 parking spots (of our 41 paved spots near the church) and end up with two-thirds of our remaining parking over 200 feet from the church entrance, instead of the present, and recommended, 100 to 120 feet for elderly people. Our church is located on Meeting Street, a dead end street occupied also by a Jewish Temple and a Mormon church. Our expanded lot will connect directly to the Temple lot, providing overflow parking for us both for the Saturday or Sunday services appropriate to each faith. There has never been an accident or even a minor mishap in our parking lot, operating in conformance with the old LMO; our parishioners easily handle the turning areas and smaller stall sizes without mishap. In summary, we request your mercy in allowing us to maintain the standards and configuration previously approved for the existing lot while we add new parking meeting the new LMO. This grant would prevent a hardship on a group of people, many who are elderly, who use this lot a few hours a week for the sole purpose of worship. C Our misfortune was that we did not complete our work a flew months prior to January 10th of this year, but it took us a while to raise the money. Please "grandfather" our plan in the interests of the greater needs of our community -serving group. May God bless you always. Respbctfully submitted, All Saints Church By: rt A. Christ her, Jr. Warden RaymAd E. Tuttle,, Building Chairman Rev ohn G ego IPrior, Rector J 32x1, I'a W PART H - PARRKING AND LOADING STANDARDS Section 16-7-850 Off -Street Parking Requirements and Standards (a) All development shall provide permanent off-street parking space at minimum in the amount specified by Section 16-7-851. There shall be no on -street parking allowed. Such parking space may be provided in a parking garage or properly graded and improved parking space composed of asphalt, concrete, porous paving blocks, compacted shell, or other materials approved by the Town Engineer which are unlikely to cause substantial maintenance problems. If more than one hundred and five (105) percent of the minimum number of spaces is provided, such spaces shall be of an all-weather pervious material acceptable to the Administrator. Changes in use of existing structure shall also require compliance with all parking requirements applicable to the new use. (b) Remote parking space. The use of remote or off -premises parking shall be permitted to satisfy parking requirements. When such parking is residual above the parking requirements for the off-site use or allowable for use under the combined parking requirements in (c) below, a permanent parking marking easement shall be secured and legally recorded. Remote or off -premises parking shall comply with all standards of this Section, includi•ag the walking distance guidelines of (g) below. (c) Combination of required parking space and shared parking. The required parking space for any number of separate uses may be combined in one facility. Generally, the required space assigned to one use may not be assigned to another use; thus, the total available spaces should bo the sum of required spaces for each of the individual uses. Shared parking facilities where parking available is below the strict requirements for users set forth in Section 16-7-851 (schedule of parking regulations) shall be allowable when the functional nature of the uses allow for differing peak hour demands. The number of spaces required in such a shared facility other than those specifically noted in Section 16-7-851 shall be determined by Administrator review of a parking study submitted by the applicant. Said study should follow the guidelines of the Urban Land Institute's Shared Parking. Any such combined use will require the recording of a perpetual easement, in form and substance acceptable to the Administrator, in the office of the Register of Mesne Conveyances of Beaufort County. (d) Bonus for providing public transportation bus stops. Minimum parking space requirements listed in Section 16-7-851 shall be reduced by five (5) percent for developments located along public transportation corridors provided the developer constructs a bus loading/u loading zone along the VIII - 46 11-2-87 J 5 %i,; 32XIC a • development's street frontage. Said "bus stop" shall be constructed to approved State and Town standards, shall contain seating and trash collection facilities and shall be maintained as part of the development. Such bus stops shall not be located within 500 feet of an existing bus stop unless approved by the Administrator. (e) Design of parking area. All off-street parking in conjunction with development fronting on a collector or arterial street shall be designed so that vehicles can turn around within the area and enter the street in such a manner as to completely eliminate the necessity of backing into the street. (f) Size of off-street parking space. (1) "The size of parking space for one vehicle shall consist of a tectangular area having,dimensions of,not,less than nine (9) feet by` ;eighteen (18).feet, 'plus adequate area forYngresa and egress, as: ,approved''li] 'thi Administrator. (2) Up to one-third of the number of spaces provided (given that the total provided meets or exceeds the minimum requirements of this Chapter) may be designed for use by compact automobiles. Such spaces shall be reserved for use by such automobiles, marked with signage or pavement wording, and the size shall be seven and one-half (7 1/2) feet by fifteen (15) feet. (3) Parking spaces for the physically handicapped shall be provided pursuant to the South Carolina Board of Barrier Free Design's "Rules and Regulations for Making Buildings and Facilities Accessible to and Usable by Physically Handicapped People," as adopted in June, 1983, or later edition. Generally, these spaces should be distributed throughout the parking facilities, but should be the spaces most physically proximate to buildings being served. Access shall not require wheeling or walking behind parked cars. (4) The Administrator may reduce the paved length of any parking space by one and one-half (1 1/2) feet for an appropriate bumper overhang, provided a wheel stop is constructed (curbing is also acceptable). Such overhang area used for parking shall not be counted as required buffer or open space. (g) Parking Areas. (1) off-street parking areas shall be oriented to and within a reasonable walking distance of the buildings they are designed to serve (as a guideline, a maximum of 1,000 feet for employee parking; 700 feet for shoppers; 300 feet for non -elderly residents; 150 feet for elderly residents; and 500 feet for guests of a hotel or residential development), unless specific provision is made for a shuttle service or other transit from the parking area. (2) Access to parking lots shall be designed.so as not to obstruct free flow of traffic. There shall be adequate VIII - 47 11-2-87 I 32X l V • 01 AA , n 1112 provision for ingress and egress to all parking spaces to insure ease of mobility, ample clearance, and safety of vehicles and pedestrians. In development where vehicles may be expected to wait (including, but not limited to drive-through restaurants, car washes, gated parking lots), stacking for a minimum of five vehicles shall be required. (3) The width of all aisles providing direct access to individual parking stalls shall be in accordance with the requirements specified below. Only one-way traffic shall be permitted in aisles serving single -row parking spaces placed at an angle other than ninety degrees. MINIMUM PARKING ANGLE AISLE WIDTH (degrees) (feet) 30 12 45 13 60 18 90 22 (4) Where sidewalks occur in parking areas, parked vehicles shall not overhang or extend over the sidewalk unless an additional 2 feet is provided in order to accommodate such overhang. (5) Parking areas shall be suitably landscaped to minimize noise, glare and other nuisance characteristics as well as to enhance the environment and ecology of the site and surrounding area. As a guideline, large parking lots of more than 150 spaces shall be broken down into sections of not more than fifty (50) spaces, separated from other sections by landscaped, or naturally vegetated dividing strips, berms, and similar elements. (h) All parking area lighting shall be hooded or directed to the extent practical to shield the light source from direct view from adjacent properties and streets. The maximum allowable height of such lighting shall be thirty (30) feet. (Ord. No. 87-25, 11-2-87) Section 16-7-851 Schedule of Minimum Off -Street Parking Recuirements When calculating the minimum number of spaces required, calculations shall be rounded to the nearest whole number. See Appendix A for U.L.I. shared parking requirements marked with asterisks. When parking is based on the number of employees and when the number of employees on-site varies at different time during the day as a result of different shifts or work patterns, parking requirements shall be based on the maximum employees on-site at any particular time during the day. R6A Minimum Spaces Required Auditorium and Theatre One (1) space for each four (4) spectator seats* Automobile service station one (1) space for each service bay, VIII - 48 11-2-87 J 0 0 32 x 6 a • PART H PARKING AND LOADING STANDARDS Section 16-7-850. Off -Street Parking Regiuirgments and Standards. (a) All development shall provide permanent off-street parking at a minimum in the amount specified by section 16-7-851 and in compliance with the standards of this section. There shall be no on -street parking allowed. Such parking shall be provided in a parking garage or properly graded and improved parking facility with the parking spaces composed of asphalt, concrete, porous paving, blocks, compacted shell, gravel, or other materials approved by the Administrator which are unlikely to cause substantial maintenance problems. If more than 105 percent of the minimum number of spaces is provided, such additional spaces shall be of an all-weather pervious material acceptable to the Administrator. Change in use of an existing structure shall also require compliance with the minimum parking requirements applicable to the new use. (b) The use of remote or off -premises parking may be permitted to satisfy parking requirements. When such parking is residual above the parking requirements for the off-site use or allowable for use under the combined parking requirements in (c) below, a permanent parking easement shall be secured and legally recorded. Remote or off -premises parking shall comply with all standards of this section, including the walking distance guidelines of (g) below. (c) The required parking for any number of separate uses may be combined in one facility. Generally, the required parking assigned to one use may not be assigned to another use; thus, the total available spaces should be the sum of required spaces for each of the individual uses. Shared parking facilities where parking available is below the strict requirements for users set forth in section 16-7-851 shall be allowable when the functional nature of the uses allow for differing peak hour demands. The number of spaces required in such a shared facility other than those specifically noted in section 16-7-851 shall be determined by Administrator review of a parking study submitted by the applicant. Said study should follow the guidelines of the Urban Land Institute's Shared Parking. Any such combined use will require the recording of a perpetual easement, in form and substance acceptable to the Administrator, in the office of the Register of Mesne Conveyances of Beaufort County. (d) All off-street parking in conjunction with development fronting on a collector or arterial street shall be designed so that vehicles can turn around within the parking facility and enter the street in such a manner as to completely eliminate the necessity of backing into the street. J VIII - 46 1-10-94 V ., C ,A4 14.1.850 (e)The size of a parking,apece for„one vehicle ahall,.cona� t of a rectangular area having dimensions of not'less than 10 feet 6yA18'feet,y plus adequate area for ingress and egress,ae approved by the iAdministrator. For those,`parking spaceA that adjoin a median at the end of a parking bay or adjoin a median separating parking spaces in"a"row sof parking, the width'of the parking apace shall be expanded to 11 feet:; (f) To preserve trees and other vegetation, up to one-fifth of the number of spaces provided (given that the total provided meets or exceeds the minimum requirements of this chapter) may be designed for use by compact automobiles, subject to approval by the Administrator. Compact spaces shall be 9 feet by 15 feet and clearly marked as a compact space. For those parking spaces that adjoin a median at the end of a parking bay or adjoin a median separating parking spaces in a row of parking, the width of the parking space shall be expanded to 10 feet. (g) Parking spaces for the physically handicapped shall be provided pursuant to the South Carolina Board of Barrier Free Design's "Rules and Regulations for Making Buildings and Facilities Accessible to and Usable by Physically Handicapped People," as adopted in June, 1983, or later edition. (h) All off-street parking spaces shall be oriented to and within a reasonable walking distance of an entrance to a building or facility that the spaces are designed to serve (a maximum of 1,000 feet for employee parking; 700 feet for shoppers; 300 feet for non -elderly residents; 150 feet for elderly residents; and 500 feet for guests of a hotel or residential development), unless specific provision is made for a shuttle service or other transit from the parking facilities. The Administrator may waive this provision if he concludes after applying the criteria in section 16-7-671 that strict enforcement of this provision would result in unnecessary hardshi to the applicant and that by granting the waiver, the spirit of this provision will be observed. (i) Access to parking facilities shall be designed so as not to obstruct free flow of traffic. There shall be adequate provision for ingress and egress to all parking spaces to insure ease of mobility, ample clearance, and safety of vehicles and pedestrians. in development where vehicles may be expected to wait (including, but not limited to drive-through restaurants, car washes, gated parking facilities), stacking for a minimum of 5 vehicles shall be required. (j) The width of all driving aisles providing direct access to individual parking spaces shall be in accordance with the requirements specified below. Only one-way traffic shall be permitted in driving aisles serving single -row parking spaces placed at an angle other than 90 degrees. VIII - 47 1-10-94 P-'. ■.: W e M Section 16-7-851, Schedule of Minimum Off Street Parking Reouirements (a) When calculating the minimum number of off-street parking spaces as required below, the following shall apply: (1) Calculations shall be rounded to the nearest whole number. VIII - 48 1-10-94 J M • • `6,,, 32 x I C � m4 \ MINIMUM PARKING ANGLE DRIVING AISLE WIDTH (degrees) (feet) 30 12 45 13 60 18 90 24 (k) Wheel stops shall be provided in all parking facilities without curbing. The vehicle side of the wheel stop shall be no more than 18 inches from the end of the parking space. (see figure VIII -H1) (1) Where sidewalks occur in parking facilities, parked vehicles shall not overhang or extend over the sidewalk. In these parking facilities, wheel stops shall be provided even if the parking facility has curbing. (m) Parking facilities shall contain appropriate plant material to minimize noise, glare and other nuisances as well as to enhance the environment and ecology of the site and surrounding area. Existing trees and understory vegetation should be retained whenever possible, supplemented with landscaping as appropriate. (n) Each parking bay shall be separated from other parking bays by a median. Not more than 10 continuous parking spaces shall be allowed in a cow .of parking without separation by a median Mil medians shall be at'i0a�6t 12 feet wide unless spegified otherwise A median of at least 15 feet, lin width sll be provided'at the''ends"oi'each'parking bay,:y All medians shall contain appropriate plant material as identified in (n) above. The Administrator may allow minor modification of these provisions in order to preserve trees and other native vegetation. These median provisions shall not apply to parking located under buildings. (see figure VIII -Hl) (o) All parking facility lighting shall conform to the standards in section 16-7-857 - Site Lighting Plans. (Ord. No. 87-25, 11-2-87) (Ord. No. 93-27, 1-10-94) Section 16-7-851, Schedule of Minimum Off Street Parking Reouirements (a) When calculating the minimum number of off-street parking spaces as required below, the following shall apply: (1) Calculations shall be rounded to the nearest whole number. VIII - 48 1-10-94 J M • • `6,,, 32 x I C 0 1994 June 7, 1994 Mr. Hugh Talcot Planning and Inspections Town of Hilton Head Island One Town Center Court Hilton Head Island, SC 29928 Hugh: Enclosed is the list of people we have notified, along with the receipts for certified mail. Please use this as the affulavit that this has been done. HALLINC. & HULL ARCHITECTS, IN v S "1 Robert R 11414 Architect • do Enc. I • 32XI fo v Parking Bayes II � O H H r-1 N H u U N �, 32 x V • S v 1 '- 0 0 e� 32xe W • •fi j. IOM4 LMD eMmAK5r? C4 -L f if PAN 1<*R WIrm 114 ifs C -w -i 41M-0 ov� or �w I MN 't4942[2 N& e-O� To Ids WX WMIN415- 12 Cf -Mg GICMS�?"NCS -K, 14JE: Q$" V—r -CW►Wv CF *PWAL-t �itn >� -tc g �Wg 4Jr7- ;jg-94(:;7 tWb5 f16 CCYZ11 IhC.b/f WCv Stl►1�nt'�+"iJa lgb 1-j �j �5 A CaVebRl.1 GOO, j 32XII 11- %traml= a, • •fi J 32XIC r • s r �' C r►y � ♦' �� �'� j it � r or v i a 32 ■.T I =Mm V LIST OF MAIN STREET COMMERCIAL PROPERTY OWNERS LETTERS WERE MAILED 6/6/94 CERTIFIED RECEIPTS ENCLOSED Reference: All Saints Parldne Lot Variance HHP Limited Partnership Parcel G/GI - Lots 5, 7, 8, 23, 29 Michael Labarsky Parcel K - Lot 34 P.O. Box 21307 Parcel J - Lots 37, 38, 39, 40, 41 Hilton Head Island, SC 29925 Parcel I - Lot 3 Hitman, Inc./Steve Neinow Parcel G/GI - Lots 35 & 36 Chris Construction P.O. Box 21638 Hilton Head Island, SC 29925 KHH Partnership Parcel G/GI - Lot 22 1128 Weisbarger Road Knoxville, TN 37909 Beth Yam Congregation Parcel I - Lot 2 P.O. Box 6885 Hilton Head Island, SC 29938 Seventh Day Adventist Parcel G/GI - Lot 21 c/o 44 Wexford Club Drive Hilton Head Island, SC 29928 The Environmental & Historical Parcel G/GI - Lots 21, 24, 25 Museum of HNI, Inc. c/o Helen Cor; 3 Row Boat Row Hilton Head Island, SC 29928 Dr. William Rentz Hilton Head Elementary Assistant Superintendent Hilton Head High School for Operations McCracken Middle School Board of Education P.O. Drawer 309 Beaufort, SC 29901 32x10 V L Z-074 195 624( Z 074 195 622 i Z 074 195 625 Receipt for Receipt for Receipt for Certified Mail-0s*Certified Mail Certified Mail No Insurance Coverage Provided .rffffff� No notuse Insurance Coverage Provided No Insurance Coverage Provided Do not use for International Mail ,al ,AI Do not use for International Mail :al- IS not use for International Mail (See Reverse) ISee Reversal sem IP (see Reverse) s..'.. senna YAM 5 :1':ZWG 8 P s !Ir 4 �f �r Smm an 1 Cmo Z Nr r vlr�pe lir n a 37 $0.1 �• rwlepe O rasuge Y l o Postage S G. a�iS Of Z $ a Z [allwil lne I C.110.0lee /• OO CailinuJ leu . 1► O � SPocull D11-1, ler SP, -1 W -1v !'e 'e _^ aPecwl Denvay Te' ,a 00 K/ 1 1i 11,1.11-d D.1-., F. "esecled pelnNy fee "'Iwn o'Cmpl D a D S—,n Q onium aece�Pl Snowin tP Wnom a Dam pelwmeJ $ whom ela alm "elwn nate. oeluln "'calm Snowmp IP WA", Dale, and M Dae, and Add-sm's Addm a TOTAL TAL P."-g. T• G fy0 5 Pasim Data , 1 1 i I 7 s a yy�� Peluln a /, p iSi m wnvn e I. oa�.m li C Peluln Dale, an Qd 'f Adeiess tOTAI Yr .e4 Q� S �, s Poes i` OPostmark el GOM LL Z 074 195 627 Receipt for Certified Mail No Insurance Coverage Provided Do not use for International Mall Peluln R0C PI Snow o Wnom a Del. D'I1 "aNrn Fi—III Snawi Del., en �a a TOT p a o kOP „t 0 'J 0 32 x 10 Poflmmk Pr 0a a a' to o C D.�.. I, �.• a. a--------- Z 074 195 623 Z 074 195 628 Receipt for Certified Mail Receipt for Certified Mail No Insurance Coverage Provided Do not use for International No Insurance Coverage Provided � Do not use for International Mall ISee Reverse) (See Reverse) 1 1 i I 7 s a yy�� Peluln a /, p iSi m wnvn e I. oa�.m li C Peluln Dale, an Qd 'f Adeiess tOTAI Yr .e4 Q� S �, s Poes i` OPostmark el GOM LL Z 074 195 627 Receipt for Certified Mail No Insurance Coverage Provided Do not use for International Mall Peluln R0C PI Snow o Wnom a Del. D'I1 "aNrn Fi—III Snawi Del., en �a a TOT p a o kOP „t 0 'J 0 32 x 10 r V. 1 Z 074 195 626 Receipt for Certified Mail No Insurance Covorage Provided Do not use for International Mail tom- J c T Applicant: Hall and Hull Architects Owner: All Saints Episcopal Church Request: Variance from LMO Sections 16-7-850(e),(n) to allow parking that does not meet current parking design standards at the All Saints Episcopal Church on Meeting Street. Property is identified as P rcel X44 on Beaufort County Tax Map A 7B. Appli.,#: V 94 i I i a 4, M1 Fa 32X� ■ , cwx mwm =V -M a JOSEPH K. HALL CHITECTS, INC. P.O. Box 5216 HILTON HEAD ISLAND, SC 29938 \ (803) 7854869 TO LIEUTEM @[F(_ MRSOMOML. WE ARE SENDING YOU ❑ Attached ❑ Under separate cover via the following Items: ❑ Shop drawings ❑ Prints ❑Plans ❑ Samples ❑ Specifications ❑ Copy of letter ❑ Change order ❑ THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: ❑ For approval ❑ Approved as submitted ❑ Resubmit copies for approval ❑ For your use ❑ Approved as noted ❑ Submit copies for distribution > ❑ As requested ❑ Returned for corrections ❑ Return -corrected prints ❑ For review and comment ❑ ❑ FOR BIDS DUE 19 ❑ PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US J COPY TO ar p ►carun Can1Y 1 • tex onY�am.nwCo YYn SIGNED: �f&710 z 1,00Yp7Y ®Y4 W Y 11111 Ir MdYWIM M est YY not" kk,wy "any YY Yt .4. .� • 26.,•.x.., 32XI W • II PLEASE NOTE: THE FOLLOWING PROCEDURES AND INFORMATION MUST BE COMPLETED AND SUBMITTED TO THE PLANNING DIVISION WITH THE VARIANCE APPLICATION IN ORDER TO BE ACCEPTED FOR REVIEW. Section 16-7-677, Variance Application. (a) The owner, developer or otherwise responsible agent, hereinafter called the "applicant", shall initiate a request for a variance by filing an application with the Administrator. An application shall be certified complete by the Administrator before being reviewed by the BOA. (b) An application for a variance shall contain the following items, as may be applicable, before being accepted by the Administrator for review by the BOA: (1) A signed Request for Variance Application Form as published by the Administrator which shall contain the following items: ✓ a. Name of the affected development; ✓ b. Ease zoning district in which the development is located, as well as any overlay zoning district; ✓c. Beaufort County tax map and parcel number of all lands constituting the affected development; ✓d. Street address of the affected development; V0. Name, mailing address(es) and telephone number(s) of the affected development site owner(s) of record, the applicant, and all agents duly authcrized to act on behalf of the owner and/or applicant; V f. Citation of the section number(s) from which a variance is requested; ✓ g. Complete and specific description of the variance requested; ✓h. Brief explanation of why the variance is requested; ✓ i. Written narrative sufficient to explain how the criteria for granting a variance, contained in section 16-7-670, are met; and J. List of owners of record to receive notification as required under section 16-7-674(d). (2) Certification, written and signed by the owner(a) of record of the affected development site, that such owner(s) formally consents to the requested variance. No certification shall be necessary if such owner is the applicant. (3) One black or blue line site development.plan or dimensioned sketch plan no larger than 11 inches by 17 inches sufficient to clearly illustrate the requested variance in relation to the affected development site and to surrounding parcels and development uses. (4) A vicinity sketch showing the general site location and depicting vehicular access routes accurately referenced to the nearest public road. �(5) Filing fee as specified within part B of this article. (6) Any supporting documentation deemed necessary by the applicant. IJ s • 3' X IN R 0 Mr. Hugh Talcot Planning and Inspections Town of Hilton Head Island Hilton Head lslar4 SC This letter will serve as the certificate of Owner's Consent for Hall & fluff Architects, Inc to represent All Suints Episcopal Church before the Town of Hilton Head Island in application for the planning review request for a variance 77tank you for your cooperation in this matter. Lee Woodruff, Senior Warden All Saints Episcopal Church a JOSEPH K. HALL( CHITECTS, INC. P.O. Box 5216 HILTON HEAD ISLAND, SC 29938 1 (803) 7/8`5-4n86�9 TO —)'L) � �lq4 -74 WE ARE SENDING YOU b Attached ❑ Under separate 'q' L�44G�3 Of�L.�kiGla��t]U44ad THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: ❑ For approval ❑ Approved as submitted ❑ Resubmit copies for approval ❑ For your use ❑ Approved as noted ❑ Submit—copies for distribution > ❑ As requested ❑ Returned for corrections ❑ Ratum_corroeted prints ❑ For review and comment ❑ ❑ FOR BIDS DUE 19 ❑ PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US I COPY TO uxrnc,,,.,,r,caw -10%Porca.mro,r,n SIGNED: �4,7 rsiur ®r.wr+. uni. it wkr m net a mead alley n"to do -M «w. 32XII a ■ wxwmaan O ...................... ORIGINAL RECEIPT RECEIPT NO. TOWN OF HILTON HEAD ISLAND 1 ONE TOWN CENTER COURT 6 05620 HILTON HEAD ISLAND, SC 29926 Control Numbers 8005620 Issuing Officer___ (Receipt not valid hout Issuing Officer's initials) Receipt Dates 06/13/94 Names ALL SAINTS EPISCOPAL CHURCH Transaction Code Description Amount •.......................................................................... DEVELOPMENT PERMITS VARIANCE - MAIN STREET DEVELOPMENT 100.00 • -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Receipt Totals 100.00 Cash Paids Mailed?i Check Paidi 100.00 Mailed?i N Receipt Ball . O -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 32■u