1993 Town Scrapbook....................... 9 .... ....... .......... ',. .'. o„ t- d: b: 2 k J Gary Bruno, driving the Bobcat, and Mark Nizotek, co ,Yn"fm"4r4F- town•hired company Is making a sweep from the Monar( ( owners of the Island firm Bruno Landscaping and Irrlga• in Sea Pines to The Westin Resort near Port Royal Plant + ` tion, remove debris from South Forest Beach Friday. The tlontocleanup potentlallyhaxardouspiecesofdebris. ides, st®was batter island, beaches Erosion not,, caawstro , hic',' T®— J99�Q���//anal di •'aa�J ...• Leti4/ .:t�.►Y 8i:'.o:`r i:11 'i — gV .�M■i g . u` ..... rnaay supervrsing 111e loading of JtVO.T'T" r.eMwnMh, debris into a boxcar -Size container By LEONORA BONEN Winter Udes have backed awn atCollgnyBeach. oaao,,,tnWOW The other system under con, - s(deraUon would involve plat. at Hilton Head Island's beach, cut- He watched as a small front-end A town search for Hilton Head hi8 "beach cones' — 02•pound tines away an estimated 25 yards loader picked up a monstrous, Island beach -restoration alter• concrete rings designed to slop from some sections along the water -soaked log and placed it In natives each-rincludes orb sand from wesesn Atlantic Ocean. the 1umpster. Noting its rectangu- use .' two Systems uunt, OII along the beach fronig, away — Frank Margolis, Hilton Head's lI shape Margota surmised that AtianticOeesnehorea. To make a deeper look at the town special services manager, foreowaveswashedltfrom ashore restoration Option of using sand ock be. said the ocean attacks have Or, for dredged= Port Royal Sound knocked over or damaged at least ..news been a lot of erosion be. NB option that would else be , d, the Corps of Engineers, the SO sand (eaten — most notably �� less expensive Ulan the twhWs cause of the weather, he said committee authorized chair. I along NorthForest Beach. "But In the spring and summer, of IM,million e tow anent project man Dick O'Donnell to seek In addition, stakes tarried in tiro (sand) will comeback again.,, of 1f)lq, We town'° 8hw_e and .$7� from the Town Council to BeacllProservallonCommltiee hlreErihOlsen. sand for the town'° IfIg0 renoutl°h- Dick O'Donnell, chairman of the la looking at buying, sand meat Project are now auHadng. town'a Shore and Beach Preserve• dredged from Port Royer Sound Olsen, a beach renourishment Project surveying, being car- tough wiuter. B Committee,takes, which were used for tiOn the erosion Is nooald It's heft t DDean . the U S. Army Omps of Eng!•. signedthe town's expert from logo vbeach re- rled off by town workers, town en. "caastrophic,'hesald nourishment project. The new gin—JackO'Hanionsald ,Tides !n � aro Mwa The committee dlscusced the hiring proposal includes having Workers In the past week also high," he said, "and we've had a options�t a Friday mooting at himPuttOge►her theapplicatton totheConeers have hauledawaysandfences, tree coupleofnortheasterlystorms." One of the system'sWing In- Committee members said the branches and otherdebris from the Erik Olsen, the towns beacb• vesligatedlsuseofa"horizon dredgedeandrnuldbeplacedon beach between Coligny Beach and nourishment consultant, also noted tar dewotering w a" that might beaches, along the sound where i the Hyatt Regency Hilton Head, that beach sand washed away over mlghthelpstopbeacherveloo. (SeeBAND,back page) add Margotta, who spent part of (See BEACHES, back page) Scoop Paolo e W sang 7 Scoop IsThe island Packers 2J hmmmandinfmnafion - BYERICSCHMITT The Ave -page ors and senators 'la the nett ei.', n.r.nme.a.�.ea,m. memorandum a r 1 . ssrvta.ltotlan draft n y , a monthstoworkoutanewpollcyt1u,. heesc(essto iyASHINGTON _ Dofewd Seers p lawmakers ill not reject. Even Inlarmaibn which was pro Clinton ordered the ban Iitted, Col one _ teryLes'Aspinhas advised President Hided to The New ;grass could pees a law reverala" nrNl of Clinton in a cadidOtdiW memoraa . York Times by him. Y dum that a majority of. Coogr+eae !n someone not In the ableNe 7%newPolicq Must enddleerin; Mcludlnpnetkmal addition to top military leaden, military who la. 1°Stioo"against lamsessuals(nti i srelfnlernaflaial wnuld..Oppose any immediate at- critical:°f Aspin, armed services, !'meinainmilitor, IF.. telhot by the ndminbdroll m M lin fnnbld , air f ,r -� Y" rw,o�aa ." tinf8 tins ^N6' h bun ni•: a right to landmark Brown vs. Bard of Edo- American be- �..Nh tM u trfet of Colum• who preach present social satiny school segrega Y•" Ufa that M". m, uaier press tion rase . policies. a bare existence In utter fore the high court and later became Retired Chi, Mi auvtiaa and bla that fed the Supreme Court In misery for w many poor women and its first black member. Burger said h, j Sunday'. d N.' of a giant gave lass to outlaw racially segregated public education. "Segregation, theirchadren,' howrote. �efJusUceW.WlamH.ttelmgtdit Marshall's 'IS' While his teat years on an lacreas• saSd � former coUengue' made [m- neargument o[ ! from the high {k Marshall said many years nf- terwards, "is tiro worst thhiB that often conservative for i , ighMa shall were rant contribations to American sat with him often bitter for him, Marshall never co constltutipnallawduringhis24years years, moray asanactivistat- r d by numerous everhappened." As a civil rights advocate and In held personal grudges against his conservative colleagues. To them, he on the Supreme Court, but he will be' tit career a, every bit as much for literally took 1 angry courtroom udges. his two years as solicitor general, the government's top courtroom lawyer, was tiro master raconteur, who reak.•nbered blendedhimiorondlroight. what Foe did before he came to the try civil rigb',l hla untlr(ng leaderial 1 Merahati often Marshall argued 32 cases bei'ore the filth coutrt• He won29. "All of td rrho served with him court — y:or dinVice Presid; E were the better for his counsel; 'said the legal. battle to outlaw racial cis tico Ma hall �, and humor sir hard Kluger'e Througlwuthis24yearaon the high ChietJusticeWUllamH.Rehnquist. crlmimPion.- Beac-he Sand Law 6Uan Burial for (Continued from Page 1•A) (Continued from Page 1•A) (Continued from Pagel•A) ®� is not obscene and is a conatl ' 1 think t� 6, of Hilton Head 12:30 today the course of tie winter tends to re- tumthtriug thesummer. erosion has been prominent Some of the sand could be trucked to other speed.utiona- lyPrOtected form of free speed. 1 think p P1enUfts include two women who rrt p.m. hcan Church, with Much of the sand that lo cut away „bot eta„ along the island's ocean frontbeach,OTMotreBeald said their erotic dancing at the club interest had "serious artistic value.,, , aifejewskl official- from sand berms along the beach is redeposited along other beach areas, It would cost about $1 per yard to . buy'sand from the Corps of Engl. The suit also argues that allowing the law would be a d Thursday at HII• 4 will be burled in 'Cemetery, the coastel engineer also said In a Phone Interview from his Office la Phone Into nets compared with $4 per yard under tiro beach renourishment pro- have to enforcement of violation of property rights. "It's our intent to let it slide," deh! 'of Brooklyn, N.Y., o, j� But the town would an- thorlm the payment of about $700,000 ' not club. A Steve Riley, the town's Community department+ p j .eph and Mary Mt, In other words. mat of the send is to $1 million for the project, because Development director, said of the ware of arI Is moved to Hilton 997 from Houston, not carried out to sea. But since the recoveryrate is less than the IOU700,000yardsofsand,hesaid the dredge usually carries about. . ' suit. crime aroun Beaufort lawyer Jim Moss, Cadd- Though W avedfortenyears.. luate of St John's rate, another beach restoration pro- t eventually will be needed, he jecsaid. . The horhantalde,vatrring system would involve burying pipes to. suck `and Ines attorney, did not return tele- its law, th' phone calls. Cadillac's co-owner seems to h. 1 York and a men• water from surd above them Dave Connor declined comment,, to of Columbus. He i mate derimsand, according toUte• The previous Town Council "Ithink I' Navy during World Olsen deigned the town's original nature from Horizontal Dewaterhtg adopted the raw in September 1991 "1 thinitpeq red from Scientific $9million beach nourishment project system ofCape Coral, Fla..that the days before Cadillac's switched from Councilmll 1 in 19M. that dredged and pumped 2.3 million commateerevlewed. a '5os music theme to "adult enter but said th.) 1de his wife, Anne ugam; a son, James cubic yards of ocean sand onto more than big miles of beach between The The water would be pumped Kato the ocean and itwould the more d [ti• taiament, ' but the business obtained anyway, " a restraining order from the 14th Juu- problems t rleston; a' Westin Resort and the former Hilton cult for waves to wash the cam• racial Circuit hurt that allowed It Ih he said. s of Princeton, N.J.; Head Ian, now the Marriott's Grande pasted, dryer sand seaward, accW- remain open pending trial, we've got t, ird Dugan of Sum- i sister, Mary Craig a rt Ingtothelterature. Town engineer Jade O'Hanion vies Cadallaesfeatures topless dancing itCadilh six nights a week and serves alcohol, defeat amyl Y., and four grand- He lo expected to provide the Town Caen with the results of a beach skeptical about it. "it's highly specu - lativeand ivislikely itwould fsV,"he a combination the town law seeks to town, Colt ban Business has been "shah," a will pop l ; ttribuUona may be tr survey, conducted last fail, at its said. "I don't am any sort of sciuntU- to CadUlaes employeesaldFriday. ' "There's F lu s Hilton Head, P.O. t Head Island, S.C., meeting at 1:30 p.m. next Monday at townhall. Ic evidence that shows this system be effective. It's just the contrary: The suit alleges that passage of the oriented law was aimed at sbuttlng down "1'd hat Uneral Home is in "It showed the fill (sand) Is per dry scar erodes more titan wet may.. CadWac's and the now -defunct Gold joints;' G Club. The previous Town Council had a terrible' a fements. formingaspredicted."Olsensald. Tare system has not been estab the law drafted after the Autg.1,1991 don't thin ®®e llahed at any other beaches, I: rt lo MadInland tolower the groundwater opening of tiro Gold Club as the is- market f( lands first topless nightclub. That way.'• Alan Fle t1da lottery around lagaoa or sand traps, coon• around 1- mbar Gr nandoraps. dub,localedonWilliamRatonPark• way by Shipyard Plantation, later Committee member Gary Walker Winning numbers Sunday in the suggested a s_mau portion of bland y closed on Its own. i When the law was passed, town of- mte Florida I.ottery't: Cub 3 game are: ocoanlrent be used as an expeitnaal for the dowatetiagsystem. Belals cited concerns that topless "sexually oriented" 1,1,1 ;ad rate mortgage at Al Robinson, a Hilton Head fslisd architect who studied at Tudane Uni- bars and other bushmisesmightbreedcrimes.T'bey studies and other munlcclp&U- gage carried a 7.75 Winrdng numbers Saturday in the varsity in I adsbrus.. told committee tt rate as of Jan. 22. Lotto game are. 6,3,25,29,27,47. members Use man who laveated noted ties that used shnUer groundsI Irons of up to $M300 leach own. Bill Mouton, Was his Bt down payment and Winning numbers 6unday in the Play P+ atTYilame Uaiveraity msgy antiobsceaity laws. Riley said Friday the town has ten statlatla that that would show drug I J ingla femUY,prlmary 4�peare:3,7,9,1. e incorrect rate was y�aio It would cat about y.Y OOD far two truckloads of cones along a,400•foot trafficking, prostitution and other ! such crimes have increased shoe I chart in no Sunday stcetchofbeacb,Robluoussid. Cedilla c's became a topless mlgltt• itE C r 1 � - ----------- i I, i I I i i i i I i I i • i i M I i i t ,'P f P {; TOasawi7• •lr ant• d!el6lbb791(NEWS)onatouch• - d J a� ta»teleplrone, aou thenanter t r• 'lyiltodetogalnarcaesfoa law t® g® to t�� pedtltepory. By RAL L. MILLARD Natbnalnewa pp�p v,aawn.ar,r Inhmotionalnawe 7015 After languishing for more than a year, a lawsuit ar, oft Hilton Read Island's and-obscenitylaw Is=eonstt• t µ ' Hari.eporbreport 25H tutionalmay finally gototrial InMarch. r , YlWelyMidstotb tots Town attorney Curtis Coltrane said he would like to ' 1 • ,k ,'. ? 9trlbdayboroscope 3002 are an end to the lawsuit, which was Ned In September 1991 by Cadillac's Cabsrel, Dumagan'a j i 71nrolilOD a nightclub on Alleyfeaturingtopieasdencere. We'll by to dispose of It one way or the other," :loralweather 1001 Coltrane add Friday."We're going to try il. We'll win or :• we'll load.,. �' { While no date has been set, Coltrane said he would seek a March trlei date in Common Pleas Court In Beau• r fortto settle the matter. ! Cadillac's sued to block esforcanmt of a town law designed to prevent'bexuallyorlented businesses;' In. eluding topless barsrfrom 3peralingonHlltonHead.: • The suftargues that the topless dancing atCadillac's, ° (tieel.AW bockpagat � / � jd. •1 ll, Pti �i� fli. r r , I '� 1 taus victory was In appalled attorney argued and won the 11O woaucuuen a vemcxe to protect 'warld'is' �d of Education — the "I am a lled at the ethical bank• rights attorn the equal rightsof all'has nomatch In . naea, Virginia, South ggatcy of those who preach a right to landmark Brown vs. Board of Edu• American history. I shall miss him wait here be District of son ilia thst means, under present social cation school segretion case be. Wyly Civil e Se Supreme Court In Policies, a bare existence In utter fore the high court and later became said, ..F { racially segregated theirrcchildrenfor so mhewrorte women and its first black member. Burger sold heChieJustice Warren E. would never forget under so Ion. "Segregation," While i'3s last years on an increas- Chief Justice WUiiamH ! .. known i Id many years of- � Marshall's great advocacy at theMarshal tngly conservative high coral were Bald his former colleague "made Inn- reargument of Browp, and although I the worst thing that often bitter for him, Marshall never portant contributions to American sat with him on the taut for 17 ghfs advocate and 1, hold personal grudges spainst hL- constitutional law during his24years years, �y I again think of his "I bell conservative colleagues. To them, he on the Supremo Court, but he will be great careeras as advocate, when be yet to n s eollcItar gea:-ai, tha was the master raconteur, who remembered every bit as much for literally took his life is his hands to vard un APcau:oomlawyer, blended humor and Insight. what he did before he came to the try civil rights cam In the South." lar Laur ed 32 cases before the "All of us who served with him court— for his untiring leadership In law who, won29, were the better for his counsel," said the legal battle to outlaw racial dis• Vice President Al Gore said, "Jus- tin Luth its 24 years on the high ChlefJusticeWilliamH.Rehnquist.. crimtnatlon.' tice Marshall was a friend our family sues." Vies Sand Law Beii I mPagel-A) (Continued from Page VA (Continued from Page l•A> (Con i he winter tends to re- erosion has been prominent. Some of is not obscene and is a constitutional. 'I think the shock's over. the oa summer. hotspota' and allongtheislaand'cked soc an P�tifffs Inntedclude two wwoomeanwhwho i think people have lost �Z°he send that Is cut away front beach, O'Donnell Bald. said their erotic dancing at the club. interest' Senate ms along the beach is It would coat about $1 per yard to had "serious artistic value." tOtf/n attorney �tloo ong other beach areas, buy'aand from the Corps of Engi- The suit also argues that allowing weer also said in tleere compared with >N Per yard enforcement of the law would be a Curtis Coltrane rar :w from his office in under the beach renourishment pro- violationofpropertyrights. • Ith ?la. ject. But the twm would have to au. "It's not our intent to let it slide!," thorize tie payment of about $700,000 Steve Riley, the tmvn's Community ciao A detective with the sherltCaey `cis, most of the sand Is to $1 mi'dion for the project, because Development director, said of the department said Friday he was una• he it to sea. But elate the the dredge usually carries about sWt ware of any marked increase In memt is less than the less 700,o0ogardsofsand,hesald. Beaufort lawyer Jim Moss, Cadil- crimearotmdCadiftes.. tereM beach restoration pro- The horizontaldo-ewatering system Ine's attorney, did not return telThough the town Intends to defend erwho r br will be needed, he would Involve burying pipes to suck phone calls. Cadillac's co-owner its law' the turn' over Cadillac's ly relit; water from sand above them and Dave Connor declined comment. gems to have died down, Coltrane difficult xdthetown's create denser sand, according toUte The previous Town Council - "I thLnk thesaid. l lknourlshmeoo jet citrate from Horizontal )watering t avi adopted the law In September 1991 "Ithlntpeoplekiatinkres said. ho�mme Pro Systems of Cape Coral, Fla., that the days before Cadillac'sswItcbedtrom Councilman 4uss' Condit agreed, the lah pumped p a � �ro committee reviewed. a 'Soo music theme to "adult eater art said the town must fight the suit News P The water would be pumped Into talament," but the business obtained anyway, '•We've got so many more coadvi i of and thbeaeormee between The theculocean. wavesdIt would to wash the tom• be more &fit. a restraining order from the 14th Ju- problems that are more Important," the 1,17 i the Merrlott's Grande patted, dryer sand seaward, accord. dlclal Circuit Court that allowed It to he said "But we've got a law and "permp Ing to the literature. remamop-pendmgtrial• we've got toenforceIt." nremW Town engineer Jack O'Hanlon was Cadillac's features topless dancing H Cadillac's should win its suit and oppose to provide the Ion. Thi the results of aTownbeh%h skeptical about It. "It's highlyldf spefail," h e a combination theix nights a week and town�law seeks to town.! CColtranefsequent s strip joints Nt� ucted last fall, at its wideand Idoe'tseeanysortotfacientU ban• Business has been "so-so," a will pop up across the Island. p.m. next Monday at [c evidence that shows this system to . CadWac's employeesald Friday. "There's been no Influx of sexually be effective. It's just the contrary: The suit alleges that passage of the orientedbusinesses,"hesald, �=d (sand) Is per- dry sand erodes mote than wet law was aimed at shutting down "I'd hate to have a ah�ing of stripCadillacs and the nowdetunct Gold joints,' Condit said. "1Lat would be "Olsenesid CIub.ThopreviauTownCouncilhad a terrible thug for the island.But 1 was ew The systemtany has not bees, b tatr law drafted after the Aug.1,1991 don't think Hilton Head Is a good tary th utelishdI la any other beaches, but m of the Gold Club as the Is- market for that of thing, any- eampai 8 lotterytoed d 1-g tolowersand traps, am -ter �a lrPe armund lagoons or nand traps; tom• lead's first. topless nightclub. That way.,' self wax mltteemember AlWinston said. dab.located onWilliam Hilton Park - Committee member Gary Walker Way by Shipyard Plantation, later abets Sunday in the suggested a small portion of island clesedonitsown. ry's Caen S game are: fo� a dront beteused ring a mupeHment nc�n thelaw caw was passed, ttown of- The Island Fuller Al Robinson, a Hilton Head Island bars and other' "sexually oriented" and Crejmat architect who studied at Tulane unl• businesses might breed crimes. They ibers Saturday In the varoltty in Louisiana, told committee noted studies and other muWdpaH Hilton W ad Island, South Ca 4 ,q � f I couldn't be deckled unlit after a'eecondary Tinnen told the assembly t acco'rding a "The otfiei SileUlfg'btllteti�ItS�etween4^--�. source is chosen by the utilities, the only le• his calculations, at build -out, the Island' gaWhuty authorized th do so. would never require more then 17 MOD It See WATER, Page A-e z)17�9.3 lf.nr,+}•r�i ts.r.,�:?�1...t,CY ,r '-c,+rt 'i4HCSuin ,�. ���rrK'Yiltl;,�tytV., f%fi�.Z„' ! Town takes s steps; .for �. handicapped. By TERRI JO RYAN sunweAw F Town government Is taking measures to make sum ` acassiblerto'all,*AWidenrograms W'- andvvisitoes ro f r that matter '— no matter what their handi• caps, according to town planning employee i f •,� TrudleJohnaon.a The .federal government passed the , Americans with Disabilities Act in 1991, and Johnson Is assigned to make sure the. town Is In compliance. She recently completed a complianca report that the federal govern- ment requires of all municipalities employ Ing 50 or more people. As part of that re• See porting procedure, the town had to conduct related self -evaluation of .. Itaa ! -1 programs and facilities, stories with the help of a com- f mittee. Those numbers' a� ,} • Included Johnson, town page B.a 1 Inspections chief Frank Hodge, town staff attorney Greg DeLeach, finance director Shirley Freeman, and com• e fQIliaUFGi6f�iitffh munityrepresentative Chuck Swaim. 111 � l ti k 11 ' as h'' i k � I The compliance report will be on file for y ad.�at a Chlt� ?� st. 3i1S;{itioiddirlg enrAlice in,Yg(o Co-CeiebfaUorl OP thetbAth06tNbtlgl�t OUt B Quetm'Oj I�eartd' three years, Johnson said, sd the public Is + Invited to read and comment on what the town has done and plans to du. The commit, >... We solicited the comments of two Interested fG: parties — Preston Carter of the South Caro - thin i Ilna Board of Barrier- tee, Design, in Colum• bia, and Millie Colson of the Foundation for `✓ter earned the title `flniste�' txDeafandBnclude atranslon., The report Includes a lnnaition plan that . outlines the steps the town will take to come 1 ed a man who worked with Mr. Huggins. �„ i lots lbli compUenee by Jan. 29,1995. a' A phone call to Sheriff Ed McTeer In Hilton Head Island gets a small break resultdlnannothetboatioadot•.,.'; when It comes to providing access to pro- Beaufortfederal agents arriving on the Island to,'rams, because It to a Ilmlld services gov arrest the first bunch,. t emment, according to Johnson. But the fa - clittle, themselves have to be is compliance Anotiner eerytold us by Mr Hugg�nn with federal guidelines.. e�au� involved aUlgatoro.Itseems that mtho»e;k The town has options she said, that BUIU llaH days the big lizards were more thanpleo-,i would reduce the cost of compliance. For tia andweremakingInroadsonswl' , ; example, tiro town,could keep one planning game. Analtigatorjsantwasdam d office on lho tlnt'fioor of the Community and Mr. Huggins recalls taking about 50. t 1 , I CASM of Unem in the course of a couple of days. ; Development Department, which can be Mr. Huggim'e father was a''Wrpen reached by wheelchair, Instead of putting in Sy Jim ��ttf®jdm1119 lineman" whobroughthisfamilytothe 111' J :_jloor.°vator.to carry people b the second Pritchardville area before the turn otlhd century. Times The town Is also planning a redesign Timeswen herd and there was , iof minded by mange and tangerine trees, seldom much money available, but Mr. + the (toot entrance to Town Hall to make it rou accessible to wheelchair use. In a public he said, and added that the trees weren t Huggins remembered his youth In the i building, at [east 50 percent of the entrances "Just for looks, either. The fridt was: Lowcountryas a U= 6f few troubles and good:' alotofhappineae '. s , have to be handicapped accessible, end at' Steve Huggins, Mr. Huggins' son, re. Sometime in the early 1910s, Mr. Hug , !; i Town Hall now, only the rear entrance near' callelpicldngoraageaoutothfsbed- ginshadarun-inwlihtkelawoveraome, �cilChambenisromped. t Disabled people shouldn't be -asked to room window. " othie property: The county had Pored I Jt t , take s back door in or take a less desir• A long -treasured anecdote about AM some new Iegiatatbn 1l Uag'dump.1 , Island during the IMs told by Mr. Hug• but hadn't given it a tot of ppublklty. A. (; able route to their, destination," Johnson gins involved amen coming to his house lylend asked Mr. Huggiro Ithe could de• + , said. for help In refloating his boat, which had posit some building debris on a pleee or', G While work !s done et Town Hail this one round:`' Mr. Hu summer on a xeriaaca in project — -the B e8'PloPertyrmdPQ6t1op' wa ent method of lanscape design . "I tried to tell him that he could just ` was given v �a. . wait for the next Ude and the boat wouldCounty: t e ' and Irrigation n the town will also put ol offieWeheard.otltandon . '.ramps, according to'cunent planner Carat ' floatoff by Itself,"Mr. Huggins related, dered an arrest. The deputies came andKraW=YL She projects a May approval for "bat he was'a little worried and finally handcuffed a Wyeamid moo; and w thepubUc project with construction to be satdlsshad acargo that aeuldu'lkeep H him toBeaufort for arraignmmtThe j;c '' inlnJune,andl�nexeriascapingplants to i the'nverooers' found %". case was dater dismissed, but the lncl ,: ttF+ : ; pa pat to by August. The project' wW bee: He also recalid s Ume when another dent outraged a number of the dtb au of,,L.part 3991 Yi tiscsl ar'a capital liquor boatbroke up during a alarm and the lower part of the county: ! yyee -.abed ashore! The cargo was spread all We e^ :.:.'wed Mr. Hugghs 9h bed t t ' prove Johnson Project schedule. . over die Island beaches. The federal ` an regrets about not having invested N Ja t acquiring add town management d look- over who were sent ins more time y lag at acgdring assbtd listening devices of the isest*0ean'remeHisonaer.11R one for use at public meetings by the hard or drinking the contraband than they did ' 'of wisest we can'remember. Re• ` 5 � hearing. The battery -operated head sets or cat Vrig It for evidence; and their lie• ' gnat? You should never regrot It doan't�„ „ . t earpieces would emptily. speech, she said, iwv'or became unruly. They even arrest• do auy good. ; + Sae HANDICAPPED, Page , _4 Y 1 ���; ®� Its �1 its taking on a resanding i trouser be own, Fox said, No. It would be ' member.'Jill Foster, who has kept ckue track of tides, said the ones elm i too the big for us." Frank Margotta, who heada up Town of Hilton Head Island's over the weekend were the highest . she could remember since the early to middle 11 0a." Continued From Page A•1 various beach facilities, said the re- A check of the Fogy Field Beach Fox said the surging water had pparently Dot done any structural aotta cent storms have taken at least five more yards from the dry beach at. showed considerable erosion there, as well, with most of the dry sand he the Is now showio the ng along the front ncrete abutment � "Lastfall „ Margotta said, "we said W1 heardisad rereports about exttenstve And count you edge of the hotel property. "The steps have taken a pound- had 25 to 30 yards of dry sand here at Collgny. The amount varled up erosion in Sea Pines, also, parlicu- IerlyatSouth Beach. Almost Everydt ay is New they ire damaged but are still sound,"said. "if lireir they can anddown during the ch. We lost fall. Beach most more than $6 million piping sand In from deposits in f000, covering Not Just one or two be replaced. Right now I see most of the damage is cosmelle, and I would employees told me that (Feb. 8) . around 8 a.m. was the worst time offshore an area from the Westin Resort In love to see new sand trucked in" Asked*if the Hyatt was consider- and that waves were caning in high er and faster than anyone could re• Port Royal to South Forest Beads just south of Coilgoy Plaza. everyday, you'll get 'Morning News or l iHandicapped to date from the tined to perform legal Interprets self -care, according 1990 U.S. Census. Continued From Page A-7 } helping people get more out of the Uon. Johnson said she is getting theA ts word out to handicapped residents study by the State Data Center division of Research and Statistical Servlk es shows Ukri some "' of the ' meetings. She's scheduled demon- straUons by manufaclurera of ttkeae that the town Is coming under ADA compliance by posting dnformatlon t8,818 Ielandere participating in the natiIt.onal cenaus kle titled UKm• portable hearing aids before. the town makes a purchase at volera'regialraUonaites. Approximately 4.2 percent of the selves as handicapped. The atatia adivi The town will also get a TDD — Telecommunications Device for the Island's yeas round population _ Is Whited in elUker UWr mobWty, or age lb who are nothost ID imUWUoroover g .�' Deaf — which will open up contact between citizens and Town Han. The ' town is already a member of the ytrcari �gdmpalradcan I( sj each or call �• T'Lookin j an operator, who ferrks the typed messages on a dedicated Tine the d - •r. TAYUpo rr •rx¢Y HAD A LC !! n Town all, employee who can so- Q��Ml, A$ eaunons iN •rotu►v'6 Psi i ewer the questions, and the reply is ��� r fIr1ack to the celli7.' k I The town will also make a sign language interpreter available at . who = Ito College Check one: j ; Moming News Even Morning News Ev , public meetings, for those make 7 say sutiscdpUons. and requests In advance. Johnson said that Colson is one of only a handful Craig Allen, College Placement Director NAME In eosin Carolina who an etatecer• Craig Allen will give parents of students below grade ' ADDRESS ' STATI 10 the nuts afed bolts of the collejr- admissions and ;CITY LOCaI ►SCOU"rOOP uncial aid rotes!. Learn What otl and our child p Y your CHECKONE rs pay eerier monthly BB Me every 9 nrorslw .' ❑Inwvw,a In advance sets fiUlit4il�iriAiiSCC can do NOW to lady your, ftimily, for. -the college , : srarein Process. Boy Snout Tropp 298 Is hosting Ida dinDer Tu? day, February 23,11993 ananal valek�g appgkew t fiaU the Firsts atthellioNship of Mk ._.._. ,._..._.::.,.._ m. TelklsAuslitoriu>oit.'__..-.__._. - - - __._-. -.. _-----• i _ I l�S•.Li'�.p '�i'�i�'` ia'A• '(r .l• ti'i R Preeldanlrstart all prlm,6-A ■what's lnthe economic Ptant. PA ByTERENCEHUNT IUrdetN ►tru�Hta 1 WASHINGTON—On the eve of ad- dressing Congress, President Clinton tried to smooth the way Tuesday for an economic austerity plan that would impose bigher taxes on fami- lies making more than $30,000 but re- serve thebiggest blow for Americans eamlog ilW,o00 or above. "I think that when you see the .4 whole program, it iI won't be raw, w' poin," Clinton' "I • y;Jq, said. think most middle-class , • Americans, whem- .�.r: ^i+;y•.(' they rook at the coals plus the tien- ar ' eats, they're going to be much, much Clinton betteroff." �+ 1? I3Jt`',rxfik Wall Street was jittery about CHn- N,... ton's plan. The stock market 15WWP•chW tumbled nearly fld points on fears a Workerh irbm;8tyan4 Electric Repa- kinstall a traffic counter Tuesday on William-N1lton Parkway near Legendary Golf.. �`:I • that higher taxes would short-circuit . .... Jin �. A r ! i .: ... '1 ' an economic revival and would not be accompanied by deep cuts In gov- ® ® a, (.'? A I t ie . o ';Filp�> ernmentspending. Clinton shrugged off the drop, wY• "The people In the stock market - haveknown hlgeneral all along what have • was going to be In the program and �{ • • Traffic counters' will provide valuable inf®rmation for down. the stock market's gone up markedly a,arotheeiecuon:' ; . Senate Republican leader Bob Frsmafaflydporla camtsthecars,besald, The town could use a system Dole said the market was reacting to Clinton's speech Monday night. William IIMton Parkway traffic The counters are tied into town hall via phone, ,' paWLr on highways that consists . ofapieceofrubber base stretched "Dropping like a rock," Dole said. "Holdontoyourwallets." trlbutaUoro caused by roadwork lines, and a computer counts the cars. across4heroadand connected toa' lthepresident wiligobefore ajoint should end today when workers shoo mechanical counter, but the sesssionofCongress with anationallywith ,. a Gastonia. N.C., companyworkers syrtan bring "is a system televised speech a a p.m: tonight to islaad's thews Drive and WUborn Road, are rmanen . Eintab 1O81m� trat Because Hilton , Head that4morepet'maoent, hesaid. i explain detailso[hiafi500billion plan ; • ficcountaa. growth control mechanisms are presshueactivated and use thrte According Stave RUey, Hilton Scott' Bmddy, a foremen with largely' lied to traffic counts, the loops of. wire under tin.—Uon of Head's director of community de- of tax increases and sprn. ding cute overfouryeara. �. Bryant Electric Repair Co. Inc., town bought its own counting road,hesald. Valopmenk fheaystem'shardware Tuesday the last devices. The wires connect to a small pe• :: — computer, traffic counters and The broadest impact of Clinton's .. tor: program would be from a new said afternoon counter will be, put In today. Then destal•like boil with a 4-foot piece of, staff !raising -cast about 131,000. [outman start wiring Tiro counters, placed in east and pipe sticking out the top. The corn. The rest of the money was spent fax on energy. Details o[ the energy tax were being withheld unlit Clin- Ua crew writ UrotSo,000systemtoacompeterat west•boundlanesnearCentral •tersare tied into tam hall via tote•;., planning and designing the system, Park,u>aMaUatSheiterCove,Ma• ; phone iines,'and a computer' HUeyeakL.ra, '' ton'sspeech, but itissuppoaedtobe.' baxdotrlheheatcoalentoffueW. I` towahaU. lgee CLINTON. back page) Senate Republican leader Isoo _ Dole said the market was reacting to remarksataphotosesslon + ilystern - Clinton's speech Monday night. Also, the Dew drop r.•as less consists stretched "Dropping Ilke a rcck," Dole said. "Hold ontoyeurwaflets." than apocalyptic, returning the average only to late Jan- cted to a. The president will go before a joint uary levels. It had risen 10 '• but the session of ca*ress with a nationally percent over four months to an a system televised speech at 9 p.m. tonight to all-time high of 3,442.14 on_ tasaid. j, Hilton explain details of his SW billion plan of tax increases and spending cuts Feb. - The Nasdaq poelte hi _* unity de- overfouryears. t dexofsmaller stocks —which lardware The broadest impact of Clinton's had gained about 25 percent''; aters and d;31,000. tax program would be from a new tax on energy. Details of the energy since October — piummetted 3.64 peroenl, with its biggest: , has spent tax were being withheld until Clin- point d:dlne since late 1NV— ' e system, ton's speech, but it is .supposed to be The index dropped 25.15 t07 based onthebeatcontentoffuels. (See MARKET. backpage).''' (See CLINTON. back page) . ers at Saratoga Harness he harness track in Sara- i postponed by the'storm. gged down highways and England. Story 2-A Olympic l" Town forting panel} to develop '.game plain ByHALMILLARD' 'a' I rI 'rl'j ?• ' gdul.faHwrlMr Olympic yacht races drawtogmorethan100,000speN : tatom will run as dose as five mild to Hilton Head Island, : in19Mand the town wants apiece oftheaMion. I. ,: Olympic sailing will be headquartered In Savannsih, but many of the actual races rill be closer to 1111t6h Head To take advantage of this "once in a lifetime Opporbi nity," the island's Town council is creating an Island OlympleTaskForce.' The limp, to consist of about 12 to 15 people tppointeN : ed by the mayor; ahould have a mission statement and be operating within the next 60 days, Mayor Harvey Ewing saldTuesday. , : The group will address ways for the Island to begeDt: from the summer games as well as plann for an extra: intiax of people during the height of the tourlstsmsoa. In addition, the group will help coordinate events, leading up to the games, Ewing said. Such events include; pre -Olympic regattas and festivals. One is The Martlime: Festival, which will feature a golf tournament on the is,; land and a sailing challenge pitting Savannah's 10 bests:; satlofssgainatthe tobest onHilton Head. j::: The IM Olympics, hosted by Atlanta, are expected. 4see of yAIPIC. back page)•: � 1 i _ _...—�.__ .........,..........................�......... . .......—....d.. .. .....-......... - W s wa wp pnonnef vrai 1 to . y Increase at all fn uals with adjusted gross incomes of taxes. "Iadlviduals are going to be thetpeople laldofwe' axeslj de they would have $140,00o and joint filers with incomes asked to make a greater contribution jects in the past Cold W7acif, Jn lid8 [or'digher energy taxes, otabout$18o,000. but the overwhelming burden on the 1)ndgood jobs•lH be protected by an increase They would pay at the rate of 3e American peopl9 Is golag to fall oo He also talked via satel3 earned income tax creditpercent, as opposed to the current bigher-Income Americans, not on Homla economic confere enables the working poor to top rate ofabout5lpercent. middle -income Americans," Foley to the onebeheldafter the election. . oney back H their Income falls To justify his call for higher taxes, sold. "I don't believe for a moment that the level at which taxes are Clinton will any today that the feder• In between meetings with lawmak- America's economy can recover on. al deficit In four years would be $41 on, Clinton changed from his suit to ill California recovers," Clintonsaid. said that in the $30,000450,000 billion higher than the gloomiest Jesus, cowboy boots and a leather He noted that California helped get there would be a "very small Bush administration estimate unless jacket to visit a road construction him elected and promised that the crease," essentially the energy steps are taken now, a senior admin• project that he said was the kind of state will receive a significant num- in some cases, the increase istrntlon official said. Clinton will public works effort his economic stir bar of the 500,000 jobs he envisions j be allow as $20, he said. use a fiscal ION budget projection of mulus program would finance. will be created in the short term I-ering the standard for higher $348 billion, compered to the $305 bti- Betty Hager Francis, director of from his economic stimulus. 1 - Olympic nuedfromPagel•4) gan planning the terminal. (Continued from Pagel•A) Curry said. "But once you start Since the time the plans were first thinking about it there is a whole ike an estimated 18 months to drawn by Betsa, of the Greenville- to attract more then 8million specta- multitude of possibilities." The 'ete the project, if all goes bend Odell limcfatea, the number tors from around the world and games, he said, pose a wealth of cul- ding tothe latest schedule. of passengers [wing the airport has pump more than $5 billion into the tural and educational opportunities a'regoing to put a spade In the grown dramatically. Now, Betsch 3outhesstMonomy. that the town will try to address j was toldTuesday,the terminal asde- "Spectators should have opportu- through the task force. f d or award a contract by Aug. signedwillnotbebigenough nity to know there Is a very fine place . Ewing said the groups ororganlra. ` innonsaid. for them to stay," Ewing said Tues- bons represented on the task farce "if we would have built it two day. "We want to make aura we do likely will be the Beaufort County original purpose of the years ago, we'dbetalking about add- getour fair share of the visitors." SherilPsDepartment`aSouthernDl- hop was to review already ing on space today," said John Cur- No studies exist that estimate the vision office, the island's plantations, architectural designs for a ry� cycp�, of the Aviatlon Board. the hospitality industry, marinas and .square -foot, $1.8mtillon terms- inat'seubatwe'redoingnaw " number of people that will visit fill- yacht dubs, and the chambees with an eye toward educing ton Head or what the economic im• visitors and ComrentEm Bureau, !�etech'sdesgnincludes four gates ctwillbehere. a and cost. But what resulted pa amongothers. and room for three airlines, five car But Patrick n8 to enlarge the Proposed cals want or rental firma and a snack bar or gift Olympic official, said it would dbe needsomething When hdone pic fion Hilton Head shop. It is designed 0 accommodate . ,very significant. ... 1 guarantee "they won't have to search around,", 'rresentatives of airlines and IN,000 passengers per year and U uq/ be full." An architect, to is the Theywill have a rd ) lcar companies that plan touse espandable,Betsch sad. The airport am of town Planning Commiaioner am=(in the task force) l( 4 terminal m of with the county landled05,Mapaesengerslestyear. WMO•Shay. 'The idea for a task force was ion Board and architect Ken ` Betsch said there is not much that John Curry — who made an brought up 1% years ago by WM i 6 to look over plans that Betsch can be trimmed from the building to unsuccessful pitch to Olympic of- Shay at a Planning CommtsaIon (up in 1801, when the county be- reducecosts. flch& last year to headquarter the meeting. Nothing came of it at tiro sellingevents on Hilton Head — add time. But the games should also provide lots of members) ,pickeIm dleup on thad they t," t,"he a free, international publicity for the said Tuesday. "People will be flood Igh$�1 island, fng In here in their boats or looking I 6 "It will put us on the international fora place toatay.,' lnned from Page 1•A) the CRC, sold he believes the fawn map without question"said Curry, Shay's am Patrick b a member of would be justified in setting lower an end businessman and former the Savannah Olympic Support t Plaza to a bigger store in the light level standards because of the .chairman of the Chamber of com= '',utmctl and designer of the Savau• .iopping area• lerr, level of ambient light on the la- meree's vialtors and Convention Bu• nab Olympic Mari- and Olympib x the CRC rejection, Rooney �• reau. village. As a member of the Olympix Iqt iewould try towork out alight- The developers of Wal-Mart re- He will help�gand others In �tltPatrickcontactedCurryn i ceived town approval for parking lot winter to discuss the ccordlastlan o! an that would sath;fy the town lights leaf year, but nought approve] developing the teak force. pre. and pant-Olymple activitles, ai•Mari. for a new plan with more lighting to In addition to finding a way to Curry seid. ; mwhile, the lighting Isave has ensurecustomersafety. boost tourism and promote the is- The Town Council on Monday nlibt i questions about the iuwn's Wal-Mart representatives were land, the task force will address unanimously passed a resolution ng standards. The town's plan- concerned with the 'Wormity ra• IDanY other issues, Curry said. Ccoo- backing creation of the Island Olynl• !Jivisloa has used an informal tin" of the lights in the lot — the dH• dinat[ng os" viewing areas and boat pieTask Force. of thumb" lighting guide that is ferenc:e between the brightest spots access to rases will be studied, as Before the town's move to plan e -low industry standards, but and the darkest spots. National Stan• will such things as traffic congestion, task face, state officials and island members said Tuesday it is dads set the maximum ratio at10to security and the availibility of organizations also had asked that oset a formal lighting guide. 1; the ratio under the previously ap• tramlators for international visitors. some sort of plan be dedaed, Curry ey Keane, a former member of proved plan Is 121 to 1. "it started out as a tourist thing," added. y t, I , nr i � j i i I I I i i i i i I i T®W_ j What's the ticket � Green notes from de Point way to new town�co%= BPAupd urt By VICTOR F. LONG nan.ae.nr.. S we wrote (Monday) could tea• albly go to court ple are e* 39th S.C. >4 Beaufort on (Tueada Delvers accursed of runNng a March 9), but most likely the fleet a etopalg°orapecdln8wtthinHil. courtdatewulbethel8th. ton Head Island town limits 'That's day. Will to allow People time to n9 get a blue ticket and a green lido- decide whether to a Ic: at — one for breaking i�ey or lease Debra BiddlJ the law and or Pay the tine, him an the other telling the driver about or whatever they want to do," he thonewMunicipalCourt. aieace and what's a a) added. . Beaufort begs County she dep. Municipal Judge Terry A. Fin. titles began carrying "Municipal ger also said he doesn't expect Courtesy Bond Information" court to form, Confereii? Thursday a begin rmtll mld•Merch, sheets at 13:01 a.m. Monday. The and said cases will be beard on ' green, s'by-by'sheets explain Tuesdays and Thurad$ye spa Ns4col ' on Parris. John at alter- the Process for paying traffic noting times. tickets 0" going to Court andTraffic cases Will be Mark V lonaEp z� accompany the moe amilia�aY8:33o a• m ard nd blueticketslasuedbydepitles. am the not Weak ffthe Month, tlnhurch lwill 64 ed '. Pao& charged with a traffic and 0 Tbursd 'sbetwesa3p.m. wedr of lbe and SP•m• The second mOOtk the offense can Pay the fire in PerOffice Munlem ttto -ha ason Tuesday `Cast form bal lch 1. nfZ be inlbeaftaraoo4 the Thursdsession ay T the entrance to Wexford Plants- seasloaintbemornhig. lift Payment can also be made third hird week the by veTTherts mainag a certified check or THY ffiorrdng P•O Drswer74&%Btoney Order go OnHea�dla. WarsaWand asdy of coo and ao g;lao m=38. Finger stressed that everyone . � Those wanting to contest a trot0 comes to court .la irmoceat He � ticket can go to U°iil proven guil exPre�s- itwt the first session � wllttwo ad his gmuh*toBea�ufortCouo- ,weelo away, according to Cpl• mhief Us to Rita Sim. am and aber s Lt. J E Heath C.C. Loar with the sheriff's 3oulberaDlvislot forlralpbrgsetupfbeeoirrL "f"R'eglvepeoplelodevstogoto �' �0 �, the Clerk of coat after we write a ticket," urk �,� d— a phenomenal .., MbNdt b �� Liar Bald getthrg it an )e or8a �P i°iag etick.nl:ed, Fin. nyer s said. , mow. ! �� �� • i . - 1 �" - — ---- feaang•.• .4i2, ;-re-=-�--•---- - 1E9 and trained at lbe former Hilton Head was � 7 Wt�, �a Inn for his third and last fight against Ro. He ger ,� v. �w 1berio I,Asir : ; t �+ . , Alit. t�, _s__ ♦i fitreet Cate {IOetB (8s S Duran. That some summer, Tyson was training j 1efore ly with ,"'AuneChiladWe Easy wae.one of f118f1y a U(t } ,f1i 13ltttday,'e Saint Pattll:k'& ay;perede Oil FpllOn,Hepd;, ;fey. Ei Y t kU • �+ f %± - �' d �l at the Hyatt Regency. Spinka was on the Island In the late 1970s. erald eepittt, 8t ` d f ' {i iF 1*A preparing for his first tide defense, against Muhammad All. He in a ring at R IF jig t�k. 1Ci •, ' 141=. practiced (�nbej:+s Head Island Community Play- j�edy I(some nd �dler ; i '. ii�� r�'s `�] (�p�1(� n ���ci��l� ®��� �A� ®a ' house What is It about Hilton Head that attracts aU"Hilto oxen? these "Hilton Head r e nice to Pfthe A76iA717�oEi' '� ' place manor said 011ie Dunlap, Leiria' camp coordinator fineiro jj i. Ac ' pp�'t p heard y'� ®® (t ys(r./� r Tti1 sdsi Thus S. and the former camp coordinator for Leon- a� cases on A� R� 1� y ' y There's enough to do here but not ofit' "A �'• ! ,' r .tl„i...r : >... tenough'to keep In trouble. The boxers can a Ce- "A N•3� l y3 either pay their fine in advance, hire a law• ; concentrate here. They're not inundated with autograph requests like In some large be Vie and By TERRI JO RYAN smffw,sa an r the Judtrial ge or.take A total Of 83 tICiC@tS IheJrchances with on th beach metropolitantheg [or thelrlega. it s ice that The court isnow In session. Cure add officers began writing tickets ,just were ISSUed between '. good old Southern hospilatity." on Hilton Head Island's firstaesslonotmu ,: �� the town'a wart darling March 1,'ana " RkidickBowe isrecognized asthe heavy - ;atl• nlelpal court, presided over by the Honor- March 1 and March 12: have to allow for at least 10 working days weight champ by the Intemational Boxing Federation andBoxing socwho a t': line able Terry Finger, was scheduled to get underway eariyTuesday morning, and wtlf between the time the ticket is issued and the 53 were traffic tlCiCetSr natcourtsession. ..,. 'the tion, so there she Worldquesas to is re busi•• i see a session at 3 p.m. Thursday Consequently, the numbers will be smell . and 30 were criminal to heavyweight In the world. Sut there's no doubt In Dunlap's mind. P 1pthe ie 'rat The municipal court was formed lost • year by vote of Town Council; which seeks 1; at first, as a backlog is created. For in•" offenses.. ','stance, there was only one case scheduled ',annox Lewis the top heavyweight, no question," Dunlap said. "After Mike Tyson, Desolld to recover some of On funds now going to ;for:Tuesday's opening dayj'nlne cases are s set'forThursday, 14 for March 23, 21 cases Inazoe Ruddock was recognized as the top heavyweight fighter, and Lennox knocked Head Beaufort county for traffic violations and minor criminal offenw' comet fitted on-Ir et a tau but it would not o over for •March 24, and eight • cases � each for B laugh, 8 � '� i March A Aprll L and 6. .:, him out in the second round of their fight He also defeated Bowe In the Olympics." " gaper, land. Beaufort County Magistrate iota Sim• said. A total of ra tickets were issued between ... Lennox represented Canada In the 1988 Olympics, and Bowe fought for the United ito a mans served as the town's judge since ION, Court will be held every, Tuesday and ,, Mardi I and March A Care said. Of that to. .'.Staten. ' i0mg 10 by a special agreement. She will continue to . Thursday, with morning sessions held from .tat, 83 were' traffic tickets, and 30 were Dunlap said it Is just a matter of time ire' n put on hear civil cases and fraudulent cireck cases, 8:30.11 a.m. and aftcmoon Sessions from 3$ criminal offenses ranging tram disorderly. The scliedule will vary. however, no.. conduct, shoplifting, marijuana possession, fore Lewis and Bowe meet in the ring. "It's not economically feasible for them e hit, because they do not fail under the municipal court Jurisdiction. p.m. cording to Clerk ottee Court Susan Cure. f underage drinking, domestic dlolence to as,''to fight at this time; ' he said. "Right now' athering ably Finger Bald teat week that while he la a ' , saultand battery. This: wak'a Tuesday session, for sum < .. „he IndW Startup costs of the court sys•; Lennox would get about $13 MUlion if lu fought"Bowe. But H he waits a while, b Ilttie nervous about the new task before Pic, was held in the moming,'while the. lam were leas than 0178,000,'according to Stands -to make US million. That's wk ratten• quite him, he goes to the bench realizing ,coo Thursday session will be held•in the'otter.,'",TownManagerMikOWNeW.The,estimated they're fighting against other opponents could many people worked so hard to get It go- Ing." noon. Next' week'a schedule will be the ?, annual revenue of the court is about, same but sits that morning and afternoon The hew about 8,000 But they will eventuuallyfight one angther. • . Given' Head's desirabilitysays 's Lip and j me pur• Hopefully, It will go smoothly, '. he add• , tt100,0W. Judge vso' schedules will alternate between the days. catty per yam trains site for boxes, Dunlap estya he's lr to for terealed fa working with the Chamber c as aPpar` ed. Court secretary Lynn Heath'aald she dad .. ; 'Finger was sworn 1n Jae 4 ea tla lowa'a , Commerce to build a permanent alsucturnj Ne. never, the Finger aaW be hasn't planned any ape no kiss bow muuy people would be coming first municipal Judge. Finger, an attorney in such as • a cement Wockheuee, where Bgh) �Jng and slat observances to mark the occasion, such c to court to conteatNueir traf is Ockets, Bo- ; partnership with Tan Taylor,sald he will, erg could train. Such a site, Dunlap salrl i as breaking boom of champagne on the cause people have until the last minute to . excuse himself from municipal court caw would serve as'a�', to the island, a boxers tourists. bench to launch the enterprise. "It might: pay their fines and skiicourt. Peoplecan .,-involvingellents. tracting as well as *.` b 3 l 2 71110 TOWN .� G,.wtth traa�sk force gets t® specifics. apecitteanywnaae�tnettgnt. rty,haaaid. Gabrielsonsaid. s • ' orsftBausin, SherUlbdepu ps WfIIBated, y ��y y�� ��ss �p y� �i c V Y MerthaBaumberger andlheleacneraPlanvesUg hargm, on pi.®pOseCl traffic congestion deanemongUtose leeaid. N Use a point system to cull out' ommlttee.Tne gyNALMILLARD lase desirable projects. The task • tl aseeawerobrokenand force, however, has Yet to design ;mheduledtoholdits IK,S, ,- ewereknockedoffwhen F+an".uw.wr Th@treffiClaWiS suchasyetem. gTueWayeven►ngat onestudenttried toreach pastherlo denGrlHinIs firm getdenotheratudent,Gobrlelson Tha town's Growth Management expected to be o Reserve capacity for projects. eExecutivePark ra1d.StemanwaaDnhedintoawall Task ForceBotdowntoU:eniUygrl C ipYlpiBt@d50111@time in Tneteaktone,however,hesnotyet and sustained an abraaienonhia ty ropose , � fic coo�u� law it decided et what point in the permit - irrader dies, a proper jay, the task force has ting proems that the capacity is r& a rightelbow,heseid. soon hopestocomplete. served. Tana attack Teen denies role The traffic law, part or an overall indicated. ■ Not reserve capacity for pro• ,LAND —A Is yrar old r er town growth control effort, Is ex- jecl , with prior approval$ or vested f • atlAdy'a Uland Middle in man S l)ea • 9 petted to be completed somewne m if a problem cannot be mitigated, rights until the conteatioua issue of road improvements, vested right,issettled. yyalternoonat BEAUFORT—AndnUlysses May, thetasktorcehaatndicaled. either through =o 0 Factor into traffic studies the ,morialHospital after GadsondeniedTuesdaYhewas To get there. redesign Or other measures, P tsanddn- 1 attack. l 1 beating of Cari e T outstanding t Issues Tuesday and t could be dented approval by the impact of projects I asWma involved vedIntheMay oft Tuesday many of Win, island projects oulsidetown caps : roads,l9,ofthe W•,WUI"ShultsonWashington managed to sign ■ Prohibit the transfer o[capacily %ectionofSt.Helena's Street them, The task force consists Of plan InitsdellberaUoasonthepnposed asasalablecommodity.Thecapeci - f•edtheattackduring TIm17Y� oIddefendanttoldthe nin6 commissioners Willis O. Shay, law Tuesday, the task force agreed ty drun with the project and ac- tlp.m.,and Annette jury inBesufortCountyGeneral Walt Ledbetter and Dick O'DomeB to; school nurse, . �1onsCourt inathewas with a and Town Council members PAW ■ Allow the devoloPer to pick a eruetoant impact fees Ace. After examining �pofyouthswholaterattacked Condit andDorothyPerkins. town -approved traffic consultant to Bra offset fund road improvements i atinghimwithan the2oyear-oldvictimthatnightbut do the traffic study. The consultant, in opera ':calledhismotherwhO satdheleftearllerwithhls. In general. the proposedblawwould ever, would contract with the Plan. � etown'eCapitalimprovemegts ;takehimtoUrohwPital• girlfriend. saektovehelp opment Y aB and the developer would PeY NPostpone a decision on which PrincipalRandYWall The girlfriend, Demete James, tune development to the amount of tow' to include in development projects are subject,to !n-agercollaPaedeathey backeduphisclalm,tesllEYingehe roadcapacit��ouldbesubjectto a Allow ailable. Devel- developers oleave, MAWay am some of her friends were driving entprojec a their tra[tic analysis all town road review. Some task [one members .IN 1yealred"Wonufort a�ndand saw the group on a traffic impact analysis � rat n �p menu contracted to be on- advocatedess ollheltaize beaukt all now bject�W ,! e � Ce NewcasUeStreet, Apparently jtmt computer software Program ect'ss islandwide im• at the time of theproject sopen- rreevviiew.w. beforetheattack. analyl f j died atebcuts:24p.m. Oneotthemeninvolved,20-Year• pactonroadsand lnknecUoos .`:. a 400 a!1 Coronercartcopehtnd old MonterrioFields, testified ®® s as No as ae as Was s.ss s on 1103 studahistoryoteethma. agairatGads;mTuesdaY,staUng .,r '• wgg:endefi that the defendantandthe Others V S beatthevietim���'r�thatnight. ' , ' S&0o1_c&t headedhaShulb�ne(romateatauratln;�was whenhewasattackedInthe1100 1 t�yy�// PROFESSIONALAMN011VESEAhC 11 roRT—FgtrRobert nm'� Street, IlddleSchooistudeutawereryexacYwhat d for 10 days, the ^ ; SUM' ®M® m,Tueaday,afterbelag hePPoral, t.ChuekChapman,Uhetint :A InaBBhtthetlnjundtwo MU�sllwnene,saidhefound t 7'1�iE SALE ;,PrincipelBWGabrlelson Shultslyingint;emiddleoftheroad, ksand bleediagl"vilyfrom -is and s�s� ' SC scan, were trying IDjueleatolilselmB. Cheek, Rattail it 1 I t 11 .1 : t t l pj GkME�NF•tj meD,wentryin6 PYeldalsserdagal0year• •' t - �atlxavhgeween . nornindinga�tyta A •can Coo�Cing f s39.95 j j I a m sae i•A) tower's corridor Review Committee, sald he Could not make that Hilton Head's Town Co out of line. OWYI Organlzing_ proposed law to the audience, With additional comment without first dis- - "Hilton Head can do it., qp� �f'�Yfldld8$T�1j no debate, the Council Olen Voted on thelaw. cussing the council action with his clients. can't enforce lt," Mims Sal proposedlaw. ;, The Townof Hilton Head Island 7be new proposal was drafted late Friday, but not released until the There are six, video -poker parlors anHilton Head, and Waeampoker It is the ultimate exercki Ity," headded. "You cannot turns l0this ear, Y tkewhaypartylsinvitedtoa' x council had a chance to discuss it In PriMayor Hervey Ewing Bald private, machines at Main Street Lanes and otiherbbuhdbusbieases. state taw. That's just impr doIn4outhCarolina.A r PPa birthday party.,. s U MayorHarveyEwiagamnwmced', . after the meeting.; , .. Maayparloroparatorsreachedby onerexdtbemUhelaw.", Mims said he understar .4mingMonday'sTownCoundl %g ' �s original was just window Phone. Monday declined comment, governments have IegiUm) meetingtiatthepartywillbefQm. dressing," said a happy Frank Brafman, the Mhmcil's most vocal and others did not return calls. One who did to talk, expresses t must be dealt wil t lia.m.tosp.m.Saturday,Maylsaf' Ae Island Recreation Center, 20 t opponent nt .video pokee,.afler the "It have �tloci,». � ..• ^ :1 , t "I'm ever, he added, towns such Head would be better aerve� iWilborn Road. al, "Tenyearshavepassedsince, tlie3 meeting. wouldn't steam.. plbhedmurb. .- . :..s.:c.:t? . steamed by it, I'm just stunned by it," said Carol Chichl , let the S.C. General P dealwith theproblem. NownofHUtooHeadwasoriginally' ' Councilman Tom Peeples called manager of Jackpot Video Poker In . "A lot of local problems khartered on May is, IN%" Ewing the councirsdecision a'biggie and Northridge Phua."Tbesame money. awe, with uniform etatewid y hoed "I)ueingfhepasti0yqceaairssthe" a"hiatoricmoment", ; rii ;: PeeplesabhoagrecdUwoddtiroed people put in these macldnee pays PeePle'sbills.'• n sr.s, tione'assemNams bly .ftwbllcaffairsofthetilandhavebeea' steeredbyllv6mayorsaodilvq' t lawsuits. "It's going to be Later-' 1:, ` The Jackpot has been inopersUon since last November. Chlebllla Is consider lo' make the �largely ,unr cam�ilsaadaUwiliptherwltht}:ne''�• eating1-6saidafteribomet"' said! bus(nessea comermder gees. hundreds ofvolunteemidwhavepll% think we're beadingstraightfo itattracteanicacrowd ofpeople who, tinybythestate. ' • 1vorkedtogetheAgivi0goltbeirthii! wirL" .. ....••. might otherwise spend their eve-, Mime, whose 0[gan178tiorl� OW talents tomolda decadent -t°; There did not appear to be agyv1. nings in bars instead of in her coo- ' Cityof Aiken to court ovi ,,progressfor ourcommunity.. deo• oker-parlor owners or oPa'?• alcoholleestablishment. ' ; "v � poker restrictions and won, : .. Ewing sai��waddboa .; ton atMonday's meeting ''. `:; "After 9p.m..there's nothing to& ton Head would likely see' , ' �'�}.. ' Drew Laug dhi, a local lawyer, on this island but drink," she sold court H it tries to dose dour dreshmenta,en(erlalnmeatnnd r`• wasonhandtorepr'esentabandhdof ChIchilla reasoned that It is better ueloperations bybanning ps n sodtimes" video-pokaellentswbohaVeputhim for people to cone in and spend their Ewing said after the mcej h He received0011mllapprovai for-; on refalner. But he did not address money on the games than to spend )t.. neither be nor the council r, tbetowntospendupto(7.=to''- inmderwrltethecostnttinefeativl es thecounct. ;. .� are people whose UVet- . on alcohol, which does nobody, any , good, she said..' . swayed by the threatof lltlge The mayor said Hilton F ��irI'- hoods are going to be impacted," At least'one person scoffed at the. law, ' the right to seU•determtaati� .s.,� ygi hold glpiss.as�s� ! +'. "wing •"_i Laughlin said after the mcetlng. He also said he was surprised the new proposed saying the town was getting in over its head. _. ,... I. chairman matter. "Tile threat of litigation! yssV t. law had not been made public until Michael Mims, of tiie ''nor deter us from first reading 4Hilton Head Island'sPlanning „'.. theladminute. S.C. Coin Operators Association, said will Itdeter usonseco jCommissionw)llcondudapublic ' . But Laughlin, who also is chair. in a phone Interview from Columbia .. ing,'said Ewing. hearing Wednesday toreceive ^.;':" commentsand formulate* r j_ kiwmmendationonaproposalto ; r}hangethe town'saignlaw. a Growth councilchambersatTownHall,Ona ;Town Center Court v <ContlnaedfromPagei-A) Mitchell said the town should coo- tine its Rate of Growth and Algh j charged, The last section of the 1 ' Tcemangeswoolorandc tplsiousty,s(re,ColorBndCddther the congestion mused by their pro- Traffic Commercial Special Excep- would require emergencyp; ;various typesotaigns,amongolher jects. - tion Review ordinance, which- the new law would replace. nessdocamentationbeSubm fore receiving development' ' Alssoontheagendabarezoning irequeat Several member nt the audience rose to speak, with the number of Countering such criticism, some provd. A traffic -analysis -plan i'. to allow for thedevelopment sofa 60-acre "golf park"atf i eg 0' • proponents edging critics of the pro- posed law. James Mitchell, president residents who spoke heaped praise on town officials for finally taking a . would have a life of one Y� MuttonRoadontheislard'snmib;. of the Hilton Head chapter of tha NAACP, mid the law would beuatair to his& islanders to stab at controlling growth and curb• ing traffic congestion. council agreed. Hdevelopm' approval were not obtain; that time, the applicant wou lnotber business, fora propose& �developmentagreementforParcel.- who might want developtbeirland. Others said that the quality of Ufa on Hilton Head Is in danger of trod- Qutred to go through the en l5oftheIndigo Run MasterPlw4the �twnmEaxton will review atraffic Michell said the law would serve to down zone and devahm native Is- bog unless steps are taken to mid- mizegrowthandtraffic. �sa� In other business Monday I ,; dreulationplanandatraffic temlysisandmitigationplan. landere lends and acid blacks feel "alarmed, dismayed and betrayed 'For too long, the town has per-cil: mUted untmlted building for cam` ■Postponed first reading watercoaservatltm It f bythbordtaam.'. meree, thereby. worsening traffic vlted ` Correction Criticizing town officials for being ,noglectful and Irresponsible In its Michell "Nativels- Tbere's obvious and pressing need for tho measure before as," said gl�tioms that had not b swerodanamoved that the I pLmntsg,': homeowWJayRald, law be tabled. Brafman, a �. i landees fed (this law) Is dlscrim)aa- terry and unjust auhd wtl dowmmme ' The revised law approved Monday by eot� seta up a "truncated ro- of the town Water Conservat Farce, said the group shout 7 t `Not Middleton fat view" Whereby projects determined convened to look over the Is, i Theheadline on�a story ` J.J. Call'-, vice president nt the by the town to havemimpactonkey intersections would be exempt from camcilactsonIL w Agreed with a reque 4owcountry Life section about Melrose, Co.. told council membaw gang through full-blown and cosily .Councilwoman Dorothy Per] ;Magnofi%PlsntsUoanearCbarleston . that "in addition to bein1CQ41YedlAd h.�.. ._.._ . - --- . _... __..._._ ___..__...,tea.... se• rted the plan'last year, we would i[it rolned.—'—cause mere was never a Umlt to the Tickets aro avaUa6le through CIt ch thladevel'by the third year;' The second reason was to atop a number Of daily passes sold. With the sic Sportsat071.2449. V i leom e Court challenge of proposed lair liltely ■ Jasper County passesvitimpokerrspulailons,4-A By NAL MILLARD Packet stallwrltor Ina bold move that some contend flies In the Pace of state law, the Hilton Head bland Town Council on Mon• day became the first In thestate to attempt a local ban on cash payoffs forvideo-poker machine winnings. In a unanimous firstreading vote, the council gave initial approval to a law that would prohibit video -poker machines from providing aq, ng other than amuse. ment to players. t- �,.,. . .,.,... If the measure becomts town'law, crib payoffs for the accumulation of d its or games would be Me. gal,the coandlsaId. .,,. I., v t_;Falling0 cease payoffs would be a misdemeanoe...;, punishable Ii ha ON one or,.9d days In jail: The council, showing'Wil it's Oripusibout the Issue, also threatens in the law to seek A Wunctiom against any operator who P85¢ag ,g taUstoconiply. q. , r like"14htd i1 old pesse that could requires adoption on a second vote It come as soon 7 p.m. April 19, when the council Isnextscheduledtomeet.Witb'approvalonsecond read•. �® lug; the law-*guld take effect Immediately, said town' . mane erlWchael0'N W 3 PIP pavoi Its t. The S.C. §Oprepw Court, In Its 1991 State vs. Black mon ruling [o®d tbata loophole in the etate'a gambling n �g law allows vldeo-poker machines. The court determined iii �i 17 g]� tfiat cash payohs area egal because they are made by hu• S S _ i t±7 + , 1 - m!km nottbefidi tam,andareeorolderedrefunds. "+ ■Townpgnablrthda 'bask Henry Drieeeeli Je;,lni� onr1# Since tirat,'t{dln�, gaming parlor have sprung up ByNALMILLARD ti r Martin dteaenttng.:lt tacegtaoot60' across the state, bringing In $30 million annually In il PackelaMawrlHr :, reading before passage and earl ceming fees tothestate treasury. t next come up for a vote at fltq "" We'ronoCneceaiarilyravokingatatalaw, jurtinter. A controversial grow&control oU's7p.m.,AprUl9meeting n 1 sting it differently; ' Mayor Hari* Ewing said after measure won' tdtial approval Mon. Followhrg debate among its mend ling. ' We feel that based on advice we have re split vote of the Hilton Read .hero ��� the e calved that we havelthe right to do this — and we are IslandTown Council, should expire data final ®p gofngtodotL" Derided by some developers, yet Proval. Many members said it was Video poker gacibling does "not fit within the char• applauded by many Job nd residents, imports& to set an expi ' dtai date acter of this Island,"Ewingsdd. the law would welt to tle growth to so that the town's growth task force The proposed law isatrikingly different from the one the available capacity of the town', would seek to finish, its permanent WtlaUy released to the public last Thursday. That law roads and intersections. growth -control ordliunce in a ttmely, would have allowed the payoffs to continue, but would manner. , have set rules erninghoursotoperatlon,aminimum With some exceptions, Including Under the proposed law devel: age, tidistance f, requirements from schools, churchal single family housing. it opera or landowners could be forced andresidentlalareas, would restrict development accord The council unveiled We new law Monday followingmg to !ts alfaat on traffic congestion.to Fund an approved tratfic•Impact : wq++.gp..� Yanalyses before receiving devdl- St IM29 an approximately 20•mtnute, closed -door. session to The law would coordinate the type, opment plan approval for their pro dtlmore which council members said theydlecussedtheproposed location, amwnt,timing and rate ot )re. The law'spossible legal ramificatioro development to assure growth doer *is. d broad- When members returned to open session, Conn. notoutpacecapacity. The developer or landowner could also be forced to fund onslte and off• oilman Ryas Condit read the entire text of the .new Council gave tentative approval in site road improvements to relieve (&e1'010ER,bacltpage) a 5►2 vote, with eonrnell members. (Sea GROWTH, backpagei 3e m _coin To ;e on st umu us package:,. o . ' i er in Washington on ry In a microchip is years away. deny someone a jao, creme, or rue or the driver's license number-m-nu= -- — j the d i° if your Sochi Sects• Smart cards, he said, "could serve car insurance. merous states, and are required 1n• ch her motMl ) H into the hands of a lot of good uses to health taro ... "The use of the Social Security formatlonformertycreditcards. watched - The Mee ®��ir causanc® jury of , jury cous drove over iports (Continued from Page VA) roan of the town's Corridor Review that Milan Head's Town Council was Efforts to Committee, said he could not make outofline. Chiles, s 1 g n�. proposed law to the audience. With additional commentwithoutfirst dis- "Hilton Head can do it, but they on Visitor no debate, the council then voted on cussing the council action with his can't enforce It, ' Mims said of the U.S. Adore ►P�3' thetaw. clients. proposed law. former I llton Head Island < The new proposal was drafted late There are six video -poker parlors It is the ultimate exercise in futil• whether si r,and tocelebrate Friday, but not released until the onitlltoAHesd,and there are poker Ely;'headded. "Youcamotrevoke a new f eden � i invited toa council had a chance to discuss it In machines at Main Street Lanes and stale law. That's Just impossible to pr"e nte, Mayor Harvey Ewing said other island businesses, do in South Carolina. Apparently, no "I think Ewing announced after the meeting. Many parlor operators reached by onaread them the law." eralcrime' c sTownCouncil :` "The original was Just window phone Monday declined comment, Mims said he understands local zees, but iparlywillbefrom dressing," said a happy Frank and others did not return calla. One governments have legitimate coo- he said. i1 5aturday,MaglSaf• 6tionCenter,20 Bra[man,.the emmcil's most vocal opponent of video poker, -after the ,who •did agree to talk expressed., shock,.,; verbs that must be dealt with. eves, he added, towns such a5Hiltbn'� "Chiksdi A meeting. "It wouldn't have accom , I m atu�nned bP it I'm ,just Head would be better served to well °tate fie i `e slnco � pllshedmucIL a, stunned by it,'.' said Carol Chlchills, and let the S.C. General Assembl deaiwiththeproblem arts rude 1 J P c cad wm oHgimlly Councilman Tom Peeples'called "biggie" manager of Jackpot VideaPoker in "The A lot of local problems would go He' also 16, ltle9,"Ewing the council's decision a and Northridge Plaza. same money' away state Leg pepasel0yesrsthe a"historic moment.". , , le put in these machines people PHYs , ,ith _ Mimsormatetewlderegula• tlom; Mimssald • nating sI d the island havebi6i �myors Peepbw also agreed It would breed lawsuits. "It's ' people's bWa ' been ' The assembly Is considering b"ili and five. ry ! going to be inter The Jackpot 1>ea in operation to make the largely unregulated d ha wlll gatherwith the1 anteenwbohaveall' esting," he said after the meeting. "L think we're heading straight to since last November. Chlchilia said: itattracfsanicecrowdofpeoplewho: businesses come under greater ecru- ',Y'- or '•; i h gluing of their time court." might otherwise spend their eve.. tithestate• 4Y ms, whose organiratlon took the 'City ldeatifiab' ioldadecodaof There did not appear to be any vi- nings in bare instead of in her noo- ofAiken to court over video. a 'community' _ deo•pokerparlor owners or opera. alcoholleestablishmerL ." . poker restrictlom and won, said Htl- �Q pre woouldbe&. ; toreatMoadsy'smeeting "Afler9p.m.there'sisotWngtodo ton Head would likely gee itself in A. e Drew Laughlin, a .local lawyer, on tits island but &Wy' she said. f it tries W close down indivld intertalnmentand ` was anhaWtoreprelentahandfulof Chichilla reasoned that It is better ual operations by banning payoffs., • video•pokerelientswho have put him for people to came In and spend their. Ewing said after the meeting that �� puncll approvalfbr on retainer. But he did not address money on the games than to spend it neither he nor the council would be idupto$7,500to. . thecoundL on alcohol, which does nobody, any swayed by the threatoflitigetlon.,_. bostafthefeativides:"Theream 1r� people whose Lvall good,shesaid' i least at The mayor said Hilton Head has ®77 n ft anel hoods are going to be impacted," At one person scoffed the': the right to sel determimt)on in Me i3 Laughlin said after the meeting He proposed law, saying the town was matter. €also tit healingt add he was surprised the new getting in over its head. t "The threat of litigation did not From law had Aot beer made public until Michael Mims, chairman of the deter us from first rcadtAg passage, ST. Hl Sland'sPlanning': thelastmlaute. S.C. Coin Operators Association, vdd nor will it deter us on second read ock 31 conduct a public But Iaughlln, who also is chafe in a phone Interview from Columbia ., lag," said Ewing. don dire 4 sday to receive formulates ! on on a proposal to Mondayanswer over of c atarlsat0a.man startsat9a. Growth v Growth onHittor bra etTown Ifall, Om Dort (Continued from Page l•A) Mitchell said the town should con- charged. Shedlo t tine Its Rate of Growth and,High The last section of the law a:rw AAsso�ciat e,colorandegotheof the congestion caused by their pro• Traffic Commercial Special Excep would require emergency -prepared- meeting. ,colorand dsigm,amongother �b lion Review ordinance, which the ness documentation be submitted be- Recrea i Several members of the audience now law would replace. taro receiving development plan ap emental genda Is a rezoning rose to speak, with the number of Countering such criticism, some ProvaL Shedlu j wforthedevelopment proponents edging critics of the pro- residents who ipake heaped praise A traffic -analysis plan approval question off park" off Leg O' pad law. James Mitchell, president on town officials for finally taking a would have a life of one year, the county a A the island's north of the lfliton Head chapter of the stab at controlling growth and curb- owned agreed. H development plan NAACP, said the law would be unfair ing traffic congestion. approval were not obtained within ques��' y" nets, fora proposed to black bLaders who might want to Others said that the quality of life that time, the applicant would be re- to open: igreementforParcel developtheirland. on Hilton Head is in danger of erod• quLred to go through the entire pro" gramso• iRunMesterPlan,the ldreviewatraftie Mitchell said tha law would serve to down tone and devalue natively Ing unless steps ate taken to mW .mizegrowthandtrafQc. cesagain' In other business Monday thecoun• "Iw8 aboutth m and aiptl tranplac 1ltlgatloAplan. "alders' lands and said blacks feel "alarmed, dismayed and betrayed the town has �- ,Tr too milted unlimited bullding for cons- • Postponed first reading of a re- questiioot by�ya ," merce, thereby worsening traHtc. vlsedwater-conservation law.•Coun• ellmeo Frank Brafman said he bad not to Criticizing town officials far being. •'n ul and ineapomlble in its Theres obvious and pressing need for the measure before us, ' said queatlmrs that had not been an• thha�Ction I Planning," Mitchell said: "Native tobomeocvaerJayileld cowered andmovedthattheproposed law be tabled. Braman, a member Bryan � tenders felt (this law) i l dowmlAa• tory and unjust aM will downzoao The revised law approved Maaday of the town Water Conservation Task comma The 1 ili�IetOA and davalue property without Just by council sets up a "truncated no -'Force, view' determined said the group should be re-, look the law before recontl e i causeorcamideratlon." whereby projects by convened to over It pay iit __._.... ... _ ._. __.: •. � -tint.. ..a......IA.M w1 elr_,,.�.......uw.a.,�dd1+�.nrsmro the town to have no Impact on key lemn� counctl s..aanrw,l..wlth..JLrepliyat, from y _ rn .. 1 ,cu on faceof local ban ak �mPt a on wbadnea• rote, tits council gave bit vl d er prshl deo•polc , �'. atW� n8 .other than amuse. 6 motes town law, cash payoffs for cp s credits or games would be We - se payoffs would be a misdemeanor ..: bit by at $M fine or 39 days in jail: The council, ? g that it's seriousabout the Issue, also threatens In pwtoseekdvllinjunctions against any operatorwho e.can uwra.m,r t.w a r.cn.c Passage of the Jaw would mean vldeo•poker machints trey tornmply. tlkehTs one of Jackpot Video could only payoff in fun. ;,, 'Final passage requires adoption on a second vote that could come as soon 7 p.m. April 19, when the councti 134 ingelhe World talcroval on s eftectalmmedlately,, ` managerMtshae10'NeW. The S.C. Supreme Court, in Its 1991 State vs. Black. eon rullw%4foundo;poke law allows The du____ Th determined 0 s �aw. (icy � � L^I •� ' YfY gi idea poker machines. machines. court court that cash payoffdare legalbecausethey are made byhu :i '. 4 ; mans, uotthemachines, andarecomideredrefunds• Sine-Uat ruling, pmwg parlors have sprung up ■ Townptambirthday biah,16-p Henry Drfeasen Jr. and Donn ByHALMILLARD Martin diaentiug. It faces another across the state, bringing in $30 million annually in U. censington to thestate treasury. , ' s'dwisus-d- seeding before passage and could r • : next come up for a vote at the coon- ' We're not necessarily revoking state law, just later. A confrcveeaial giowth•eontrol eB's7p.m.,April l9meeting. preting It''dUterently," Mayor Harvey Ewing said after the meelf4g. "We feel that based on advice we have re• mesa— wai initial approval Mon- Following debate among its mem; ? it vote of the Hilton Read y�, the council decided the lax! da�� on aTm l calved that we have the right to do this — and we are Council. n .. should 120 on after anal ap ' expire days i goiagtoofoiL" Video"poker gambling does "not fit within the char- •, t+ - � b some developers, Yet im val• iA to members rats it was blandan httask i actero[fhleteland;'Ewingeaid .. '' . '7'be *Posed law isstriklngly different from the one the law would seek ti growth to ..90 �t the town' growthset force . the available capacity of the town'e :would seek to finish its permanent :. inlBaBy released, to true public last Thursday. That law would have allowed the Payoffs to continue but would r oadsandnterscotions. growth -control ordinance In a timely age, ig disnaceemnglaurs of opeiatl*'a minimtim -'lots requirements from schools, churcher. manner. some exceptions including ` .. Under the proposed law, devel. " single family housing, It opus and residential areas. a pry. The council unveiled the new law Monde follow �t.q4p�.�. Y n8 or landowners could be forced would restrict development accord- to fund an approved traffic -Impact i ng to Its affect on traffic congestion analyses before p1TCf1 an approximately so minute, closed -door session in lmore which council members said they discussed the proposed receiving Bevel• The law would coordinate the type. o pment plan approval for their Pro. ' location, amount, timing and rate of . The law's possible legal ramifications When members returned to road- open session, Coon•. jects. development to assure growth does The developer 'or landowner could not outpace capacity. cilm m Russ Condit read the entire text of the new also be forced to fond on -site and off- Council gave tentative approval In site road Improvements to relieve .. a (See POKER.backpage) a 5-2 vote, with council members (SeeGROWTH,back page) - i e may _compr®mise •ou stimulus package i i t by evening it wastar. from day that the White House has given what kind .of compromises the Senate's majority leader. George fered a relatively imall package of Clinton' a spokesman, George 'reductions in the Democratic plan; Stephan opados,Motndayde ad that i I cbticaes clone a.wldondng gap between J. Michell of Maine, broad authority and Democrats on the to strike a bargain with the Repuubll- led by a. proposal to eliminate $i.e the White 11tse had offered to give bWlon flat would make up a shoe- up the Pell tent expenditure, but t 114 { eationsthatthetwosidosmight package. There were even cans, who effectively want to halve .speadngonanarrayofpubSc-works , 'togs In the Pell Giant college -educe. .other`o(6c.'v mid that Mitchell had tlm That monoyMust be nfact faked MAtpM*L up s sad'assorted federal pro- for awe, and fake whet p. grams of a vacation that was sup. BramsthatClntonhaspropescd.. spentorlater,butitwouldnot In any event, itwas too Small a I tostart last Friday. SO ItepuWlamliwmalcerasaid create new jobs, and thus is iacotsis• gesture to satisfy. the Republicarn, ,tent with what; Clinton says is the and their leader, Sen. Bob, Dole of { �, t.r.ennnerMlAlArAld.Mnn__..MnrAAV-Wit rMiLhadJtnfamrallvof• t�'soyerarehingpurpoaee-, (See STIMULUS. back "gel i m«una ••ti wouldn't have aeeom _.. I'm seamed by it, I'm just Head would 6e better served to &a ; and let the S.C. General Assembly the creme s as79�:*Y'"' plishedmuch. Tom Peeples called stunned by it,",tald Carol Chtchiila, manager of Jackpot Vldeo.Pokerin deaiwlththe blem.dwaCouncilennn A lot of l� problems would Bo jurisprudent He also s: to i9m. ' Ewing - the comcirs decision a "biggie" and Northridge Plaza. "The same money away with uniform statewide rellula- state Legisla pastl iyearsthe a"libtorlemoment breed people put in these machines pays Mons"Mims said. meting sheen aislandhavebeen Peeples also agreed it would people'sbIDs." The assembly Is considering bills plates, which yors and five lawsuits. 1Vs going to be inter- The Jackpot hau been In operationlargely nuke the unregula and have m agatherwiththe eating;' he said after the meeting."I since last Nniember. Ch►chilla said eundru- busibusseacemeumdergreaterscru b oiabil sers who have all think we're heading straight B B it attracts a nice crowd le who Pcep, tinybythesteta. a identifiable. j Iving of their time court." might otherwise spend their eve- Mims, whose organization took the Ja decadeof There did not appear to be sny vi- sings in bars instead of in her non- City of Aiken to court over video- mmuNty."_ r deo-pokerparlor owners or opera- aicoholicestabllshment. '^ poker restrictions and won, said Hai- iwouldbea.. torsatmanday'smeet(ng "After9pm.there'snothing todo ton Head would likely see Itself In e � pas, Drew iaugft a ,local lawyer, an this island but drink," she seld. court if it tries to close down hndivid- entand . washandtorepresent ahandhilot osvideo-pokerclients who have put him Chichilla reasoned that it ls better for people to come in and spend their ualoperations byharming payoffs- Ewlsgsaid the meeting that �i��� approval for. on retainer. But he did not address money on the games ilan to spend It after neither he nor the council would be �+ toi7,899t ' thecouncil. on alcohol, which does nobody any swsyedbythe threat oflitigation... • ofthetmtivltlm. "There are people whose ilvell• 600d,shesaid The mayor said Hilton Head has ®� 1 hoods are going to be impacted," At least one person scoffed at the" the right to self-determination in the anal Laagnitn said after the meeting. He proposed law, saying the town was matter. also said he was surprised the new been getting in over its head. 1 The threat of litigation did not promstalfrei I law had not made public until Michael Mims, chairman of the doh us from first reading passage, yT. HEI El sI'lamdng thelastminute. S.C. Coin operatorsAssociatioa said nor will it deter us on second read- ShedlockBe hductapubllc But laughlln who also Is chati+• in a phone interview from Columbia . ing, 'midEwing , ° Non Thaler, �torecelve ;', answer boas sulatet F iaproposaito Monday night over of count., gnlsw et9a m to Gis®� onHdtonHeal Shedlock's Town Hall, one (Continued from Pagel•A) Mitchell said the town should cce proposalAssociation 0 adeM -:: •: th1 throe Its Rate of Growand•High The last section of the law also Bpi Canither the congestion caused by their pro- Traffic Commercial Special EzCep• would require emergency -prepared- meeting of amongother jeCts. tion Review ordinance, which the new documentation be submitted be- Recreation B- Several members of the audience nowlawwouldreplace. fore receiving development plea al), ementarySch (sprmaning •< development rose to speak, with the number, of propons nts edging critics of the pro- Countering such criticlsin, some residents who spoke heaped pralse 111'ow� A traffic analysis-phm approval Shedlod sal questions foll di'etfLegO';+ Island's north.•:; pored law. James Michell, president of the Hilton Head chapter of the on town officials for finally taking a stab at controlling growth and c� would have a life of one year the council agreed. H development plan! comtyadmhhi . Shedlock a] , `, NAACP, said the law would be unfair Ingtraffic congestion. approvai were not obtained within qumtionsonv forapropo , aentforParcel might to blade lalsnders who mi t weal to developtheirlesd. Others said that the quality of Ufa on Hiltm Head is In danger of erod that time, the applicant would be re- �� to go through the entire pro- to operate ell grams onldilh ter Plan, the 9ewatraffic Mitchell said the law would serve to doom some and devalue native ls irg unless steps are taken to mid• mize and traffic. teas again. In other business Monday the con n- "I was told about Mat prol growth �° "You atraMe osplas. Landers' lands and said blacks feel "alarmed, dismayed and.betreyed "alarmed, "For too long, the tower has per nutted udhn[ted building for tom• W Past net drat reading of a re - p0 are : t by this ordinance." merce, thereby worsening traffic. vise:lwaterconservatlonlaw.•Coun cllmun F rank Brafman said he had not to talk a not to talk nothing I can t `.® criticizing town officials for being There's obvious and pressing need questions that had not. been an tint " on "neglectful and irresponsible in its planning," ?Michell said: "Nativets- for the measure before us," add bomeownerJayReid. '•ered and moved that the proposed law be tabled. Brafman, a member Bryant crow Lenders feel (this IeW) fa discrlmina• tory and unjust and will downzone The revised law approved of the town Water Conservation Task comment late The Island 1 Teton and devalue property without just acedMonday rw view,' whereby whereby projectssets up a �rmined should be re- convenedlto lood thek ovveer the law before recently prop causeorceaskderation." by the town to have m impact on key council eMa on it. pay it to man story In Sunday's J.J. Collins, vice president of the intersections would be exempt from ■ Agreed with a request from on progra lido. section about h near Charleston Melrose Co., told council members that "In addition to being flawed and going through full-blown and costly reviews. Councilwoman Dorothy Perkins that the council should determine if there The county c d the attraction dlserimloatory, , (the law) does not The traffic analysis would kirk in is a need for the town to do a mass- ker Field off I ro, address the issum or solve the prob on projects, other than single-family transit study. A 1985 study by town Isms.„ Ccillns Is upset that single-family homes on separate Iota, that gamer ate more than 10aftaaoonpeak hour consultants said that the coat of a mass transit system watt be high Lots are exempt from the law, eves fpshtheeffort. and might not alleviate enough con- ottery — though they would generate a great deal of traffic when added together. The "peak hour" is defined as the Perkins said several people, along Also, he believes that developersfour busiest quarter-hours between and8p.m: with the island's Clamber of Coin - Monday in the should be reimbursed fully by the me =, feel that the ongoing debate j Ish 9 game are: town for mad improvements the The town's goal Is to maintain a over traffic congestion merits doing townwould otherwise do on Its own. stop -delay at all intersections that anotherstudy. Manda is the He urged the fawn to Consider oth• does notexceed eo seconds. The council's Community Develop- back er alternatives, Such as waiting and The law also would allow develop ment Committee Will go over completing a similar permanent law ers who made road improvements to the original study and determine If j Monday in the being drafted by the town's Growth . earn credits against baffio-impact money should be set aside In the next ORDER j ;8,a. � MansgementTaskForce. fees which would otherwise be town budgettofundanewstudy. f You ou cannot CassfBadads ............t-B . COMICS ..............•--.: A little cooler �� a grip j &ivestralght Editorials...............10•A Mostlysunnywith hi LAwcamtry "ith--....13-A highs Langerrs unusual putting grip on a tWating lane. Obituaries ..............1FA chopping track into mid-70s. helps lead him to Masters title. Riusianproverb w//Movies..............12-A Forecast,2-A Story, 1-6 >JSL3 .A AAFfift, THE eenis HILTON HEAD ISLAND, SOUTH CAROLINA JW D PAC. R TUESDAY, APRIL 73, 7993 28 page ':ZIP . L i ® .S . ALe�.l _:estate tr t4pJioMAVANAMBERG effect More than clearlyhadprevicusly. told O'Neffinaletter Moadaythat ' TowoofHtltmHeadlonger i tea.rwe.rn.r two y� ago now Town manager Michael tYNelll he believes the opinion -may also be color) wch as the ( )impact pile, Howazd nooth, a ruling with potentially broad . p SBe spent �: called the ruling • a landmark decI- �iPtul is the contest of the pending 15O 'Coltraneasidinhisleiter..: WassociationpWA-i amiflcatlons the S.C. Supreme ?y a .� akntorlocalgovernmeab:' ; -Cadillac litigation foes the town d � "hye'ta-pkaesd that the eoml clarified the scope a[ Home In addition, pub.. •`lbis Is tbe� first major battle obscenity law), and the upcoming 11- - cipal Association of South Carolina .•a!� so firmly,^ be sald:',"ft;*il it otticiala sa we've won with the State, , he add. tlgationoverthependingvideopoker' - take years to realize `what: tbh We powers and affirmed the validi- y. ordloacc, d�fifile3afrIeodotthacamthrbzt �yofffitonHeadblaad'srealestate ? OR's.bmad• `�hey'vebeenjammingthingsdown' telling us wt cant belleve-that this decision . supporting the-town'sposition .: all the raminatlmstolen erfeeManday. _.:. m language raise moneyour throat, toto the problems NQcantandMa9-ftomentskWOM have tobe tested titzrmovestheling and�mis � a• � -to the$mibare,maatlihe It means the �t.61 million the foam have authority L2+ .n they create ^ • sing questions from malty otherao- �" ;OF municipalities and corm -).sue appal collected and held in escrow other areas that Town attorney Curtis L. Coltrane, U.. heretofore undertaken by local tiesconat � !saved oe _ tbetransfer-fee law .weatinto they have not "a who represented the town In the suit, governments in general (and the •'This'courtcase will bethe fhaa first eF .Daekpase) .,. DAUFUSKIE SCHOOL DEBATE h 1S E nop Past champions to kick off tournament TM { }« w 1.R ramnMll will loin the cede of WnmAay prism swards aunaay. April in use mrcntty wnsal [he Liberty oat, log. banquet In the Grand Ballroom of the 9 a•m.-e p.m.. Final round; MCI The regulations, as �r cfa„le lowed by the official opening cero- Hyatt Regency Hilton Head, Heritage Classic, h.-bour Town Golf bon the machines fron ridare and monies held adjacent to the 18th •� + •Taumda ,A rU16"•.., Links (live coverage i.,•CBS Sports , wltidn1,000feetofacl; B Y P 3:30 p.m.-6, p.m,). Ch• Ing eero- and wonidprohibit tile green at Harbour TownGol[IJnke. '`i:30a.m.4P.m:iFirstround,MCI monies at lath green Imn.tiliately midnightaridea.m.. 5 p.m.: Pme junior golf ellnie, HOI . Heritage Classic, Harbottr Town Golf following play. The ordinanca, will ' . . .. .. I+. q` t �i:Mitfl J.U1M.4.�1_�2N c � ; .t'•• �i. C,...: .. v' 'Iy.vN.I•�Il„�iGG/7•eia....�helYNfahaWalY .i.�i._rr• t+u+tJ.i•-�iY.L.f,lw�.'3:. t: ,. ;�,._ _ _ (Continued from Page A) . f;,r .Peace,'order and good government, (Continued from Pagel -A) asked if board men obviating (he requirement for fur understood parents. James F."' March 6, 1992 by Masterin•Equlty Cher speMfic statutory authorization have made It dear that they will not "You want better 4 brother of. Thomas F. Kemmerlin Jr. of Heave so long as such regulations are not in. send their children over on a boat, kids. We want bette Bruno of fort, i+ll consistent with the Constitution and, What plans do you make for sixth Daufuskle. Le 's bulgy April 5 at A Hilton Head couple :Bled the general law of thestate," through eighth grade?," asked John. This is home. We knov, "friendly lawsuit" to tat the consti• Further, the court affirmed nie Mitchell, a school board member what It takes to ke de of Ford- tutionallty of such a real estate tax; Kemmerlin's ruling that the purpose who represents a Hilton Bead dia- going. Our children or w England which required taking it to the state of the town law establishing the real • trill, Mitchell said she was called by said Coleman, adding i itydirector ' Supreme Court on appeal. estate transfer fee to within the "rise Pare?ta and asked to question the drenleaveDaufuelde,l I Center ta • ' "! wearyand proper''! definition of sec- board. Another parent, C of the New Atotal of$2.44miWonhas beencolt tion5.7.30. •� Carolyn Hultman said, "We've stood up and put her lit lected since the .25 percent tax on been attending all these meets y elation. "Therefore tbe collmllon and ex• meetings. head. "I feel like m I 1,1991real on t sales went Into Shirleyeflect Jan. �ni� of revenue derived from We're talking In circles. The parents is rising, This Is like lay' In the' man, he the des director irlA. Preen transfer fees to acquire land is nec- here want kindergarten through tennis tournament. : et with man, the ay. T director of asfinb ere essary and proper. for : the general eighth. That's all we're asking for," going to listen," said D Inetery. said Monday. account money has been welfare of the citirsrlsofHilton Head said Hultman, a resident of Haig twochildrenatMary F� held ta a trust account pending the outcomeofthelaweuit. bland," the court found. PolntonDaufuskle. Dugan charged that! � � �•� Kemmerlln, In his rulln ,declared island lawyer Terry. A. Figer "This board really angers me. You have been going on sii g Ned the civil action for Island lawyer come here and dictate to us. We keep for a new school and', that the town acted within the state Cheater "Chet" Williams and his saying we want kindergarten ways says it will do 4 constitution when, in October.1000, it wi(e Arlene B. Williams after they through eighth. I just annoys me. and be back In two we' established the transfer fee as a way paid a $W.50 transfer fee on Feb. 29, You can't listen. I don't know what it an answer. e to create a "land bank" for p-- 1991, when they bought a house inSea Is," said John Wampler, president of "I think tide In ro ing open spaceand emoting parks, Pines. the Daufuskie Island Community shouted."Pro so sick i )W The judge ruled the 1978' amend : Finger also argued the appeal for Club. He added that board members conversations." meat to Article Vill of the state n• the couple before the supreme court' should spend a few days riding a boat School board vice chI E tert�� con. — which authorized home on Nov. 4,1992. Coltrane represented . back and forth for school. Buell, who helped orgy 'adding the rule for counties and municipalities the town, island resident and parent Seale ing and led It told psi Annual Art —was "given effect " by subsequent Finger since has been appointed Coleman, who has been working with dents that she heard w nformalion ly enacted legislation, Section 5.7-M Hilton Head town judge, a parent group to get a new school, saying and explained or Sunday, tothestatacodain1978, No further appeal Is anticipated, % in Wind. "ThIS court concludes that by en= Chester WBIlamssaid Mon day. 009, or call acting the Home Rule Act ... the leg- r "Title was a matter that had to be �® -5270. IslatureIntended to abolish fheappll• wed upon before the town could' cation of Dillon's Rule In South (safely) use the money," he said... It Carolina and restore autonomy to lo- "Someone had to do it (teat the con- te cal government," the Supreme Court stitullonality, of the ordinance) and (Continued from P . gnse.e l•A) There were no reH stated in Its lour page ruling. we were foRiulate to be in a position • Another 90 people were wound x1 in planes confronting er "Dlllon's Rule," named for John dosing house •, �s approxl- ^. theattadc,hesald. Monday. lomw that F. Dillon, former chief justice of the , While collections continued to ac-. Allied lanes are policing B Manojlo Mllovanovi 4,000 hotel Supreme Court of Iowa and former cumulate In the town'strust account , P Po B Bosnia commander of Bosnia. •rs were judge for the U.S., Bill Judicial Cir. members of the Hilton Head Island from bases In Italy a::rossthe Adrlat• told Serbian televlsloi Monday's cuit, provided the controlling Stan- Lend Bank Commission hold public to• Two U,S. Air Force F-15 jet fight- that his men had re dard that a municipality could not hearings and worked behind the �. two Wench Mirage 20M and two Dutch F•les flew the first mis• "not to provoke agyom ®pass bylegislation hestat unless authorized to sceneprope8 le prepare a pre to list of etan. AWACS survetilanca terferingwiththeN1 . doeobytheatataleglshtture. i propertita It would lilts to recom- . Pta The show of interm; nimous tnendthe town buy. manned by multinational crews and ter} S.C. Supreme Court oto pinion, written , "rids Is great news," said island Navy jets on the Roosevelt also are h the U.N. Secie war took a uil —.— by Justice A.J. Finney, Monday; br vyer Cary Griffin, chairman of the participating. dried to postpone avc ay In the We are persuaded that, taken. to. se van -member panel. "l- guess It - NATO officials declined to discuss Ing economic samth gether, Article VIII and Section 5.7• ' eatellea everyone by ,(uprise today. spoxdfirally how violators would be dominated Yugoslavia. gams ore: 30bestowuponmunicipallttmtheau. But I guess It means the town can dealt with. But they said previously The sanctions are k thorlty to enact regub itian for gov havauseadthemimey." that NATO pilots would try to order to fares Serbia to press day inthis ernmentservices deemed necessary .'The Land Bank Commission's violators bark home or force them to an Serb allies toaccep 26.23.4• and proper for the security, general monthly meeting Is scheduled for 2 land. Shooting down violators would already signed by that day in fine welfare andcaivenlenceof themuni• p.m. Thursday at Town Hall, One be fbe bet resort, and ground post• Croatrivals. cipality or for preserving health,. Town Center Court, tionscowdbe fired on only Inself-de• RusslanDeputy•Forl &,Unique ch Rdckeii The Rhett'House' Inn and Restaurant de Selection�^starting at afviteyou•t0anelegant g candlelit dinner in a 1820 ''''Plantation Home Reservations required. $79; Lfntes' �;;-%i Rocker Gallery Available for private parties and Mall weddings„„"'�L Vll4gewulage L 1009 Cravens Street • Historic Downtown Beaufort • S24.9030 i-. • e ixr�v* ' ,e',thing Sul:" ......:;aA Blustery d country Health ...... 11-A tat truth. 0611wrin .11-A Breezy, clouds' ; Stocks "..:..:::::' :rs High in the lowi Anonymous N/Movla. ,' C S`rt �, i•am Mass f 1;? THEANDI ISL cents HILTON HEAD ISLAND, SOUTH CAROLINA idc ...... levels maker `Ban OK'd; -&tsnext +: iV HALMILLARD .The Hilten Head Island Town y Aamcll narrowly speed Monday 'gkt to outlaw vldeopoker payoffs. YF the Anal decision on the matter, . . ' ;�f�viflbexWedlnthecarrIs, r, r••pAer hearing public comments an ,.• w4 controversts] Issue, the council t Into a closeddoor session POut so minutes to discuss related rrMal Issues. Wben it emerged, the i-S�l0lmell voted 0 to become the ant �fpd`�olci�paliVIn the state to ban' 1 `? tinsteadufthenewlew;lmmedt ' taking effect ae'originatly r two weeks ago when it was ' t waatdered, the town will seek a' j t3 r cialdetenminatlocupholdingit. ` " ►)+led Kuhn, a Beanfoef'attonrey �apreaecIN a handful of Island v1 i%ppoker owners and oparatm," will seek an injuncuou tots ht the Flesufort County court of Com ,Sg1or`Pleas. Town attorney Curtis �liltsano; In furs, said be will Me a IN, �n psnse to Kuhn's 1 O•page brief.. f. i ¢caafs will take the matter from .T�sl both medandUwcouncil have t+ ;�' 'ICthemeaothne,tlbattmited9s0 < �. tM• ,� � . - poker marJdrxs ueenaed on' Fire engulfs the Branch Davidian compound near Wac©,Te ? bLndwill.emalninoperatlorias"+,: jse%ss,Coltronesaid. ti `UV the test case gop to the $ C. $u• r ^ ' CO OU mthnated ft'ebuld We 18, latthstosettletheloms. PI 1 3!' Wee POMIt. back page),Ob ` 1' i i".pinp b u ,, s" Y, x 1 i8�a� onjytrtsraoq :iffl�w yk ..d:RQQfw'r�e se' Pool« ` Polo linear vehicles that were j town the compound walla. (C•oatlnned from Page i-A) sonal business (in a ) glutted market were injured at that time, Id. (Video poker) provides extra income More 11aa201peopleshowedupto., tohelpusmake itUnatghlbeyear."; conceded, officials in oPP=8the baa,mcntwearing bright 'Ed Macho, president of AAA the operation had net ex- e ,r . .: .. w Angestickela saying 'Pro Poker." Amusements in Ridgeland and a These people believe video -poker Hilton Head resident, said the banal not introduce fire to thCn andwas ! ., e• b S`` '� Payoffs are legal and cannot be' • payoffs would only coot the town and, banned because of a 1081 S.C. Sit.. ' would not help those few people wbq to compound be burned o d Ricks, the only federal om reporters - \ 6 premeCourt decision. haveagsmblingproblem. ff The town contends poker payoffs He referred to a study pointing out are Illegal gambling not expreaslyal- t that the marlines on average dhow- werepisode. Ion about the episode. "I - p ;owed instatestatutes. -, duce $20,000 in net ashes year,' •. Per year: ou the shock and the hoe'' Somewhocametoarguethepoint -' Multiply that by 250 machines an d 1 of us felt when we saw Is ecming out of there. We :` were P>sYers of the machines, in- the total for Hilton Head comes to x5j clueing ode wire said the games were, million, ha estimated. hmyGod,theyarektiWng I� " _ '`..-.. ':. j hdrmA•ls and . 'uced him after a .' "Tbat$5Million isJust going toge' alghtotwork. ...sucked up from Hilton Head and de? TIMAXWdslodit Ruth Mosher weeps while Most who spoke were come down In other communities members jailed Monday led past reporters and awaiting word of her daughter, Sherri Jewell owners, employees and viderigame hesaid. ! distributors. They said a ban would 1 Gamblers will just spend then "kill" their bmtnessesand hurt in .opportunity to describe - . . •. their, . money parlors in other nearby, • . workers through lostpronts. •. towns or through Sparta bet in of events. But one fol. :aesh, 91-year-old Brad a has been out of the com. veeks, telephoned a local on from the McLennan . and said he did not be. oresh had ordered his fo1- mmit suicide or that they ire. mowledged that the mess contrary to what bureau dleved the cult leader or endure himself. For ne, Hicks also said that ter the initial Feb. 28 gun. i Koresh announced he Wmself up, the silt lead. !o strap on grenades and on national television but ned out" of thoplan. t throughout the world Hued former cult mem- rtes of cult members, the t I last checked was 8t is said. "The vast bulk, lal majority of those be. they would not commit as operation started just . Vehicles knocked holes ipcund and then began gas Inside. Federal of. led Monday that the cause eye, nose and skin it would do no long-term myone inside, Including siege, Koresh repeated. hat the initial gunfight �1 ttng.or Bruce Belimon, an employee with •., bingo, heargued.1. a machine distributor on Hilton:.; Mayor Harvey Ewing, who noted Head, Bald "You're about to put an ; he ease ilved in the gambling town of. end to my livelihood, Who up there' ; Reno, Nev., said he Is not opposed represents. this half of the room?.,, gambling and doesn't care ifpeoplb There sure doesn't seem to be any. ,, spend Weir money elsewhere. The. . arse " ; simple fact is that gambling does uq(' Ed O'Brien, an employee at Fall:. fit Hilton Head's "character; - ,hp -House Games In Heritage Plaza, said said. at:' that most of the parlor's customers' "Gambling in any form is not good are' ale" people looking for enter for the Island; ' be said. "It has gone. tahnmeM In a mom-alcholic atmo• farenougb," .,�•. sphere, and most do not have a gain. ' Ewing joined council memh&s• blingproblem. , Dorothy Perkins, Bass Condit, add "Most spend their money a little Frank Brafman in voting for the ban bit atathne,"O Brieaeaid on payoffs. Council members Henry Timothy Hayes, owner of FuU Driessen Jr., Peeples and Donors House Games, said his parlor caters ; Martin dissented. 1 to many retired persons and even Peoples And Martin said that even lawyers and doctors. Most patrons, though they oppose video poker payt ' he said, spend momorethaaiio to $10 offs, they expect the law will get Ued' pervisit. flip in the courts and eventually bbn Joe DeFaMo, owner of Brothers ; overturned. As a result, they said, It Amusements, a distributo: on Hilton would leave the town where It alerted Head, said it was wrong to think that "!"with moregulations. { Poker parlors "would bring debauch." 1 The' tows would be better off to, eryofeveryklad." 'make zoning regulations for video - Connie AngeleW, the only one in'.; Poker establishments and to wait foil lire audience to speak against video the S.C. General Assembly to paste: Poker, said she understood that pro• new laws regulating their opers : poneafs of Ibe machines have a right %1 Uoaie. to protect their pocketbooks. But the - Thiessen said he sympathized with; . general public, she 'snid,' has the - poker proponents who fared the Is+ right not to be subjected to gambling would endanger Weir livelihoods: and the problems It may based — . Also, he said, he believes the novelty; problems such as gambling addic. of thegames will wear off. ; lion andan Increase in crimes. ' 'Driessen agreed with Ewing thaC "Iflat's whatwe're talking about," Hilton Head is unique, but said peo•; Asgelettl said. "I agree with the ple have a right to entertatn tiienl fufflllment of his vision, to have Included his be' Town Council 100 percent and I hops /elves. vas a Messiah destined M. a considerably different view of the may ,In effect, It's a sell-fuHUling . they'Batick tothelrgim'l:" The Island has about, locations '�Nra just an't go around stopping: everyUdog,"hesnid ' his is true, then I'm "But prophecy," a senior FBI official. said. "He collected what we believe where vt•,ao poker cw be played, In- ' eh,aing obi Parham/ which afar ex- In other - business Monday:. the cauacli: � ice said. so what? 1Yoaraago.What'sso belnt chrU" A moo am Illegal weapons over an extended partodOftimeandsaid,'Look,rsn'tit..placessuchasrestaurantsandbars, .mealoa. The prophecy Is eemina . elusively to tiro video poker crowd. in aWinas, ■ At Peeplo'a request, tabled a Proposed interim growth -control taw « sorrow f. i bruit Law elkrklm0.AW�1 Ill maehha help bones a' ;"be()aeesihe to clear u and ambirol faocandambigulUrg ora}aentilf/fdal/ took abed a'alttration,Uia '/pOa/e,P... • lmtaurant mad tdi� Rsmv �0 ' U�lt ," aB`Refe:tedtia'PrOPosed piy3meeotable ,, ,"Imp rou]daolyhurthLChnlaeea��yate al" watfMonservat)on law t0 We (ova'/ i A. VY aP eR'eaaid "T4(a�te a oq lion Task Force fori � cgnsideratlon; again delaying a.p� „ Iimlaaryvote. i As said that they were Fated, had agonized over the decision for , that they had not the last few days: She spoke withdec� 9 negotiate anythlag with lore sad people who had been ex - they did not Wink that Posed to tar gat to assure herself r come out," Reno said. that It would not injure the children -. •, dthathehad mo rethan -Pilestolastanextended or Pregantwomenintiwla Finally, on Satuiday evening, + � •. .a sy s. " sgoveramentneverser- after• assuring herself that there was no other alternative, she gave her as i tcllir;y ', lered just pulling back sat. She briefed President Clinton .•.:'d,.Ndasai-3.5"r_zi-.5:unt..w.., �Y r w -1. '-. -. . . -. eencyonmsiujru=ymwnv.---------_._ ._ - .,.o.•..rnn.�...o...r.a.. menuiacturrrsat inannwn neoVi,. lax 067TING IN TNB SWIM I 1. :down budget ` plan calls for lowering mills Growth -control law OK'd, 4• A 0 Golf -park request denied,+A i•ByHALMILLARD' y.t. ` Town property taxes would do- p✓ under a municipal budget {.Crease { plan unveiled 1Jond9y by Hilton Headlse town manager. That4 a big change from lent yA" . taxlieyma were hit with an se Wt.. mllltxincieaee +�+} f But eved •with lower taxes, the pib posed $22.8 minion budget would s e s ��aauae spending to increase more thdn $4.3 mi0foa — up 29 percent Iroin the current budget of $ls.s mill. lion. u+ In making his presentation , to ItllLou Head Island Town Cour6i - mNere b, town manager Michael' b W said his spending plan for the r iiseal year that begins July 1 would j feature a 7 mill tax decrease to 88z J mills. A resident homeowner with a ` house assessed at 00,000 would pay approximately SW less in town prop• erty taxes, O'NelU said. Toe total town tax bill on that same home' would beaboutp00. ! I am a wizard," O'Neill said, y , jokingly, before presenting his bud• get proposal to council members j Monday afternoon. Broken down, the total budget would outlayils,is X4 for the gen. r - r ' eral fund,;8,1Tg,000 for capital .,�., . , •.,. spending and i1.W.785 for debt ser- vice. Council members did not comment wz�y on the new budget, having just re telved theireopies Monday. , •O'Neftlsaldthis town Iseapectcdto ' piill in more revenue this coming Its. Cal year from most fun(ft sources, and alsolasuseof$2.8millloninred ; estate Iramfer fees that had been frozen until a recent state supreme Wee BUDGET. back page) Coach Carol Phipps shows Hilton Head' er stroke Monday during. Hurricanes swim -team members the prop pract•Ice atthe isle... Scoop i.�iLi�sion aR��B+a`• IsT MUIandPxkeYa2h "• ^ hosr� newaandimRollersornutwnAmerican a..,�s treeecauto I IMorsretlen, varloyof � I r! , I MINES' -- rere isa;uuu people ceaa or misaM& Serbalate,.,, !auuila up a pick 5 U S total . mg a consensus behind Clintal's ml- are not gotag to be thrown off stride" Karadric'a forces held TO percent of ••Wewoald e to r* litary. proposals In case the settle- Christophersaid. Bosnia. Under the U.N. Plan, they our an UM%" i•e was a hangar 1 9WWX %tt ment falls, got no anurences on Keraddes agreement to the pence would get 43 percent• are very close Is " 21xFa '"'•28.ar1 ar 4y' stops InlAndonand Paris. plan was conditional on acceptance ooeda res18 lie benches. The On 11fonAsy, at least one radical y and cards, read . (2lrlatopbar left Britain without by the sell -styled Bosnian Serb par- Serb deputy remained o to the "Bel ww tb[se b 23,32189manknroofalgplia P Y PPS t ant quietly. ►3� ,t., apecUic endorsement. of either air (lament when It begins meeting peace plan. But parliament speaker cle,abigvrereaf le powerful me � }g9't t1 i t strikes against Serb artillery sites or Wednesday. A week ago, that TI• MomciloKrajisnikreined him In. usandwebavetotty- orWNnN* :, the lifting of a weapons embargo that member body unanimously rejected added ,alhvftNk1 nifty aweoo elrKnw has hampered outgunned Muslims In Uwplan. • „There should be no compromises em mtl(taryttdav Icing pelted by : Bosnia•Hemegovina.PrimeMinister with anybody! We are not going to NATO coa at. the Americans arrive. Every time I Another possible stumbling block take a stepbackward.... No ratifica- ta John Major lathe division of Bosnia called for peacekeepingfacey� rorce Capt. Joe went back there, I looked for her, but could be expanded if more weapons. under the plan. Uoal" vowed deputy Nedeijko Bnaol- troops is help Impkroai ineversawheragain" da, on a radio call -In program with aunti images reachBoanla. .... plea and effectively tl Ling Davis held out hope for Somalle's Karadde was quoted by the Tan- Krajisnik. HerzegovinaaU•N.Wft testions. He re And, future K children can en steered jug rrolw agency assaying the doeu- he met last De- found the French government Ina "We have to change the way we to panto U.S. troops area 13o rage just awayfromcrlmoandvlo]ence. dissonant mood. Foreign Minister meats he signed stipulated that the act. We should not use force any bepartotthaU.N.tora. The children playIng•in the B" b>orders are provisional for the 10 etrcets are Itica ohfidren all over the Alain Juppe has described the divl• prom _ three each to the goe- re crippled; ' 6e world; ' he said.,,unfortunately. you elon of tasks U.S. strategy as erning Muslims, Croats and Bosnian iawling out, put- have some to- and 12-Year•olds here uaaceePteble: Serbs, and a jointly administered 'Me Ielmd Funeral Holt lands, just to see carrying9uns•" But Christopher, who also metwith capital•provinceofSarajevo — to be and Crematory iD0 Budget — Hilton Head island, South Carolina 29928 I :: i ll rtt'.. ,j:..l, r .: 1'{' q(ftl • L) I1:. r � r,, ' 1414 r thaiilt would'lob ImPoas►tale to eam• expmdituresfora synchronized traf- .: 4 C8rdlnal R (Coathilied Iron (Page 1 A) „ ' ' (803) 881.44( l Pare this budget with leaf year's ba fic•ltght system anticipated to be on- Courtrvllngupheldthetown'sright cause he had switched People around' line this fall, and an additional VS tocolleetthe fees. and proposed creating new depart- 00,000inconsulting fees for the Kan- Allen L Rlehai meats. as City law firm that is helping the Funeral Direcl mohge decreases this time around town draft a new traffic-ceagestion THE ORDER Of THE GOIDEN RULE i `.'eetor would come from a 1 mill decrease In For example, under the now bud- AM growth control law. the general fund, 2 mills from capital get Ore town would have the equiva- c . fi;ard, the new di, Projects,aad4mlllstromlandaPcqul- lent of a public works department, 1UeTowal euricllwlUhevaitsfint it Volunteers i, projesition ls which the s t will no long- called the Department of Public Pro- l�Bc age whop at 7 P.M. ` rZ,as Incorree Y erseek tofundby property taxes. jects arnd.FAcEltles, is would be re . Vfedr iaY. Y6, incouncUcham• . ralbhf for managing town owned ben at Town Halt, One Town Center g r in Monday's under ha• pia O'Neill, who .doted he has done buildings orM faculties' _ town-owned eas d Court. The workshcp will cones o- more than a dozen budgets on the to- Town Hall and beach parks. O'Neil trite on the operating budget, Mayor . cal government and federal agency said. levels, said he was pleased with the proposes n a R68,162 budget for the de Haenot Ewing ; •�� pariment. .. AnMhararo:rkahopwWbeat7p.m. newbuftet ' ' MaanBothvmajorclranBes1n111s Monday, :fay 10, in clambers and ®i'y "Idon•tthink rveamb6enmore never budget, WNetll said he.would will tocusonIto, capital portion afthe ---- comfortable with a financial Pack- create a new position, p�sonnel sPe budget, ; age than I'am this,'. he told council elallst,. hire a traffic engineer, add H necessary, a meeting is tents• TondaY In the members. "And I hope that you'll six ,paramadlafigh tireten to man tively scheduled for May >Z to ad• h 9 game an: agree that your time involved will be three full-time ambulances, sad add dress work not completed in the ear. short" .. three liarmeeGags,Ewktgsafd. "Package would when firefighters won promoted to A final budget wrequire two 5,16,2,12,3, workwellforus andend casting babattaUonchlefa.will readings by the council before it can 1 the town a "tot less." t c i Sa i Monday in the Other proposals h1c1°.tde more me-, go Into effect on July 1, when the 0, 3. He cautioned council member ney for bike•path m'.mtenance; new 19t0 fiscal yearbegina.LAI I 4-A The island Packet, Tuesday, May 4, Im g L 1 ® oil vote u A$ a glance from staff reports By HALMILLARD FrankBraf Ewing reporters "Dream"""' Those eppo , . calls Dreams of building a golf park died earned that 1 ,�/,� J ,• p]��•►�l•,S elel:l+l�$ ' '1a Monday when Town Council voted to deny de�en� Wis a rezoning request that would have wed arse ad Hilton Head Island Mayor HarveyEwing has called a pushed the development forward, from the ante tion• pews conference for this morning todiscuss the 1993town In a s-2 vote, the council Indicated the elections, development Of a 80 acre golf park located Plans for 4 EwingwouldnotcoMrmhewUl discuss reelection off Leg 0-,Mutton Road on the Island's 18bole par 9 intentions atthelia.m.conference atCrystalSands north end was dnneeded and unwanted. Ingrangea Resort'aBrigantineRoom. HUton Head '@{�ttorney William Fo)les, Holf, a play "This Is a personal thing,,"Ewkigsaidwith alaugh Ina representing thd•developers, old not re- house phone interview Monday evening. "I don't want to spond when asked U he would appeal the game. 1 preemptwhat I'm going to tellyou (at the news Aeclslon. Concerns conference.)" The negative effectively kills the pro- dulled light -` Ewing, 67,won the mayoral post In1991,defeating "posed project, unless the developers elect courses, 'then -Incumbent Mayor Jerry Barkie.Theretitedcar- "toappeal ItincourL Coun dealer and former executive director of the Island CulturelCouncilemomeedhiscamUdacyatCrystal t faayorHarvey Ewing and Heml,Dries. . agree with Ii 'Sands'predecessor Marrlott'sHlltonHeadResort July jkh Jr. voted in laNOr of the rezoning. '= -„ Council members Ruap Condit,. Peep- ' Condit sal ;7befieldeveatuallywidenedtoBvemayoral 2. .. .. Jr,orothy Perkins, Donna Martin, and 'my Intent .;.2he�� -=;�- . candidates, andEwing defeated Barkle in a November -run•offelection.Barklewas the first Wandmayortoseek '• l�n ' +' . :areturatooffice.:aak cEwing'smayoral run followedanuasuccessful1909bid y, r :toraaat-largeseatonthe islandTownCouncil. . .a.1ftfor the mayoral andTownCcundlraces opens in -. �. t, with elections slated for November. r a>ufort voters go to polls a( BEAUFORT—It's electionday, in Noe cities of e BceufortandPortRoyal Four candidates ate seeking two Beaufort City Couneil' seats now held by FledWasbhWcaJr.andEdle A e Odgers,neitherofwbomIsseekingre•election.Michele „Blnkowski, Mike Brewton, Franh Glover and Bill Rauch J ire running In the nonpartisan, cityw(deraces. ' e In Port Royal, Shirley Heyward and Mary Beth Gray � �leywardarerunatngunopposedfortwoTownCoancU Institute for `able learners' " ViiaufortComtySclwolDistrictisbavingaer Institute for third•, fourth -and Wth-gradetsIdentifiedasgiftoandtaleatedandforother?aeleamers. ' The program wlilbeoffered from 9a.m.torrooaon . t liondayOuoughThursday,June 2lmetoJ29. ? ItisbeingoffaWaspartofaConverseCcUege, Spartanburg, cam for Beaufort County teachers in glftededucatloo. Asa reTAr•ementof the bourse, c Breedlove looks at Za h � leachershrivetolead aaummerimtitute. Steven Logan, left, to , sl TlufocusoftheInstitute "wWbeen units ofstudytbat demy's.Invention convention. i reflect the theorleaotmultipleIntelligence �� Six"a. �1 � ,//., ac��e • toappUcationinformation.at 's i; Sludentswboaregittedandotder•ablelearnersmay el -� ,,. a aunun ncau as t:uub rmwwe need,-- rung argued. Temvorarv,,'"., traffic approved. SYNALMILLARD 5 �� hekNaAnrrier •''; "=! •,t A temporary traffic and growth control measure 6e;' came law Monday, but the final versional the law is s openlochanges. Following an often confusing parliamentary prooesa,, the Town CouneU passed the law requiring most new de^ velopment to receive traffic plan approval from the dung$ 4 The Iaw immediately went Into effect attar a O splltl . vote, but could ba amended in two weeks when the comM CH meets again. If amended, the law would require 'd'. anotherreadingbefore becoming final. „ If. an amended version is voted down,. the verse passed Monday would stand, Mayor Harvey Ewing AnsNa i.imTl.vwsr Head C�h stlan Aca• _Though it only has a life of 120 days, the ccotrov `_ law has Inken up a great deal of time and effort on kr partoftownnaciapaandstaff. r e + ��n One reason is that the socalled Interim Traffic Lnipa ;sly, is and Documentation law is a triad run for a to¢� detalled and Permanent law being dratted. Both I, rtiP = =v.lwu+em.amaenrswere tnventionandwritea w:+cs ".uunsanaroad networa. rp• �mdimanTom Peeples had the law tabled two ia" l n=M1,. Ihelr inventions were Zach ago and persisted Monday In seeking to dear up IOA guagehefears will place developers atadlsadvantage.fe3 Joy Sldna,;'AutogWle �lnder one section of the law, Peeples believes, divilh ere Sfevea, ol_peigoo;.Pi'ptected against funding mdreYhad M%io !-!z" edtGoshorn;'Rea- wanUzabetir fade share of road Improvements. He wants thefmvp+a,ner Growth Management Task Force to addressthatg*o--bo"LorenRodgere or.inventing a "Feline and before the nextcouncllmeetinig. Peeples said he Is concerned that.ottner developer .' could come in and "piggyback" the efforts of prevloNI builders who funded r•nad improvements as a corxI1dw ,4n;( . request ._ recelvdngdevelopmeg;;;7lsnapproval. OpportuNstic developers would not only have the oard member Gladys Hua• essary traffic capacity'or their projects to be approv Peeples fears, they also would not have to reimburse l developer Ireject fie requeat. Mem• dti a fig Poaslble confUd previous that made that ca nit Council members Henryand envy Drtesaen Jr.,Jeand Draw A. Donna i of tin joined Peeples in voting against the law. Mayor Hbn OW and the board's South- veY Ewing, Dorothy Perkins, Frank Brafraan, and s Conditwere In favor; committee recommended 1 Under the law, those seeking permits for most deveb vallable alongIli _ bundreds cr a Highway ld es'said oPment would be required to submit an approved trS= impact analysis plan. Exempt are single-family homfit eodt. cut the potential for traffic and mobile homes on individual lots, and projects tlnaf� produceless than l0afternoon peak hour trips. avid not have great im c be IncremeaW impact. taasase of In some ins tances, a mitigation Program would be � to all traffic Impact, usually In the a of ,, ,� area „ d they were concerned that f' concernd ned new or Improved roads. Developers could be relmburead town �o� traffic Impact fee credits for rani} precedent s for others. obligate improvementsthe thetownftselfwouldotherwisettmd, • . Failure to get approval of dim traffic or mitigationo plan this looks, to have this little' rrgersald. for the would �e beitheng. g. The In aPProval to proceed, at leaK stag• The latent of the law Is not to deny the o about precedent selting, ':' do developer the right to build, officials say. The law is d jj . signed to time the permltthng of development toe anyharm;'VanIiaN' with availabWtyofadequateroads toabeorLthe traffic Itgea erales .. k , our ... •a ens of Seneca -based Thlr�tBrothers'ded guilty agadnsttire Sam and Tom Thrift P But ttat In December 1991 to aims can* from $piracy for giving a $2,0aD cash Pay, tluns r J�y meat to a Highway Department of- Mints yourting or Poe( finial. Study• Str®n �rotection- ne for coastal w tion, The (t Tine AuoclHed Poss Monday. CoasW areas.reed more $aY in Such an hew to handle their population and NAS rePor pollution problems that takes lots ar ing law's count differences in each area, a Na- have not a titaal Academy of Sciences commit• eequatelfs teesays. i The U.So- . Environmental Proteneeds' tioe Agency, which requested the For an h%dy, bas tended to treat all coastal new a�Dr somas the same. saldThomas M. Kei- a nearby d6th dean of Clemson University's `i ul 06g4e of Engineering tem i, 'hey've been treating the West from no t the same as the East Coast ..* all be COI a tow to P the East Coast to more send- d ," said Ketnath, one of the 1f, a�lsowa wot B, joberaoftheacademYP-4• commer The committee's report says local and the; goyernmentsneed more Power toW get a' lgtpwater treatment standards to to- rests [ cold, Scree areas are more vulThe- npsabiere to pollution while others a , r pQgjp¢tlf J%"1d nt; :wia2c bo!_JMNL $'fti-4ed"goVernmenEwduld still.'...Uga.'!_ HlVe nitloiiife'authorlty, but "the to- Envil cap governments would ha�to soo approa atown problems," according tsomep msfixmcomlttee's chairman, BO lhdofJohnsHopkns i certairj l;n(I] now, most emphasis was on Carolh fp►¢aaipt sources of pollution, such as the Dana j �1Sthe m from a NAS study helps romote RtMenta aP Char c o already under way in South SOR .�„ NWas, that takes into account the the ail ;f ppi�itptulative effect of all pollution. Envpl 0; $dross a large area, such as a wa- broa ws. hed. Under such a system, tors ter R jW. get a bettor Idea of how resilient life tows aster body or estuary is to Po 9 be Cocaine t&feWs �� ff rCHARi.ESTGN (AP) — Charges d, 1 ageimt two Charlatan women ac- dUsed of distributing cocabne to their Nivosn children were dropped Moo- dg�+by SoUdtorDavidSchwack& Schwacke said the charges of dis- tribution to a mborwere dropped be - recent Greenville Countis I { Water (Coalinued from Page t-A) with the basic principles outlined by ■ A ` Tinnan, he did not agree with all as - ' month Investigation into the deep peels of Tuesday night's presenta- A A aquifer, which included the construe- Ron. er . q Ron of one of the largest and deepest The unknowns that still exist about soon.toreducedrewsadayb from wells in the southeastern United the Cretaceous Aquifer could be cleared up if the utilities solicit bids (Continued from Pagel•A) SeptembeFlor, to9.e million gallons a day by September 1995. Sanwa - State..- His report maintained the Crete- from several private companies that system of doepwdln. ter Intrusion just north of the Island is responsible for �d l canna Aquifer would cost less and a high gnaUty water for at have shown an interest in construct • ing a system of deep wells and sup- The recommendation culminates a Mmonth In veaUgatlon by the town al a cast of more than 11 mil• The impncetions of Sea Plrxa Public Service DhH ' Implications i provide Ieast25yenrs. plying the utilities with water at a linen Into the Cretaceous Aquifer, a water sourcetrict.'s to- • Tuesday morning decision are not yet dear, Graham said. f "On the other hand, it must be clear that we can not provide an ab specincrate,Peeples said. One of the biggest things le the catedbetween 2,709and3,809feetbeloargrcund. The utilities hold the ultimate responsibility for ' "We hopetoworkwiththe other utilities toward& reeolutimott6ls, butldon't knew yet,"hesaid. solute guarantee that the Cretaceous question of water on this island is unity," Peeples said. "Now !hero is selecting the Island's Hatt supplemental. water • .: sewing the north Several utiland are " 6 water supply will remain available for 50 to 70years, or literally forever, division with some utilities going one o way and others going another way. i source. " We don't take issue with the quality or quantity has Bete m 4nd d the Island have said they are determined to lap y (•he Savannah River for the island's future water sup -.' some utility representatives have requested,' ' TYnnan told the council. make a plea to the utilities to pull it badrtogether.Whateveryoudo,we of the water from either some," said Arnold Ellison, BeaerelmanegerofSeaPhKsPublleServlceDiatrlct. ply, because it serves as a more reliable source of wa- ter in the long term. }. Utility representatives from Hilton have to act as a community and : !t boiled down to cost — what we need over an ex- "We Intend to go to the Savannah River," said Head No. 1 Public Service District comehether." tended pedodottime and how much itwlllcost. Bob Wood, a Hilton Head No. 1 commissioner. "But and Broad Creek Public Service Dis• trict, two uorth•end utilities, have The Sea Pines Public Service Dis- trict informed the council Tuesday "We just didn't need to make that kind of Invest- went (in the Savannah River) right now to meet the the Sea Pines decision will determine how we go to the Savannah River. The demands are different now and i questioned the reliability of the Cre- night that It had adopted a resolution needs of Sea Pines, end the total island, but Sea Pines we're looking into alternatives that will make the Sa. i. taceowAquUeroveramlong term. to draw its future water supply from particularly," Ellison continued."We hope that unity vanaahRiver mom cost•effective. "To most of us, gambling on the the Cretaceous Aquifer. will occur. We're not pursuing this just for Sea Pines "We started out with 10 utilities two years ago unknown capacity of the Cretaceous for the The resolution, which Sea Pines The first option is Islandwide. We bops we'll pull It all who wanted to go to the Savannah River," he contin- "Now j Aquifer rather than going re PSD chairman At Graham ad to together.,.. us&we've got nlneudUties,who haven't stated S Im billlomofgallonsperdayca- paclty of the (Savannah) River Is the council, states the district will tap the deep well source in conjunc- In selecting the CretaceousAquiferasitsnextwe- they want tochange their minds,plus one big question mark " ' like playing Russian roulette with; tionwith other utilities or alone. ter source, the Sea Pines Public Service District es tebUdredthree ways ofimplementingthe reaolunon: Graham said the Sea Pities Public Service DLr F Z� the water of future genemllons;'" said John Mason, chairman of the 'ghevepersonallyrepresentedthe lalendwide solution from the begin ■ All utilities islandwide would supplement the "'trletdecialenramadawnlothecostoftbetwoalterm- tip' Y �r Hilton Head No.1 Public Service Dis- trict, during remarks to council Wing; 'said Arnold Ellison, chairman of the Sea Pines Public Service Dls- 9.5 million gallons of water a day available from the hind's at water the Floridan , The Cretaceous Aquifer, he said, represented the cheapest am=, based on a town consultant's engl- Tuesdaynight. tract, In an Interview following Tues- usUpper Aguilar,wlthwater[remlhoCrotaceowAqulfer.' ; . with the Cr; ' OB�ng tp' Mason told the Town Council be . Carolina day's council meeting. "i will contio- "uetodotbat." a These utilities serving the south side of the Is land tap the CretaaemsAquifer' The report, enEand yw had written a letter to South wouldadoptaplanto costofa14ped lsyst system nearing, sets coat of a 14 well system on the island Gov. Carroll Campbell informing the Also In an {nlerviewattor the meet- ■TheSeaPinesPublicServiceDlstrietwilltsp■ ; at more thanl;amtiUon. '. governor otidnpreferencetotop the Ing, Ewing said Tuesday'a council system of deep wells on Its own. A 25-mile pipeline and treatment plantproviding; P . Savannah River. decision does not put an end to the 77re isadnd's uRUtiw are under a moratorium;�.tirelalaadWithWetm'fromtheSaVenaahRivaiseaR- call , "I write not to ask your approval, town's Involvement with the water fiGln the South Carolina Water Rea0111Y%a.COmmlm matedtocsat>YISmIWon 2. or disapproval, of my decision, but Issue. , 1 rather of night, and even duty, to The isla nd's. utilities are attempt - vote mysincere beliefs," the May 3 : letter to the governor'ststes. "If I Ing'to satisfy a mandate from the ".South Carolina Water Resources gether.Ithink the town Isvery deshr the fawn conactidate the utilltien. needs to be done.... It'sabouttimafo have in any way misunderstood the : Commission to reduce draws from ' ous of going forward with eensollda- Barnwell Is chairman of the Rural take the next step. You consolidated ',Water the EMS (emergency medical or j mandate Implied bymyappointment Ser- the Upper Floridan Aquifer by 1995 Intrusion tion. People identify with one District, •but said he was `a taxpayer TueWmY ` vices).,. to the Hilton Head No.Y Public following saltwater north of. supplier of water, a water authority. speaking as "Mere aropeople enthe north end vice District Commission, please. theisland.. "We the We've made our recommendation, night i of the Island as I stand before yip correct me so that I may reassess - mypoaition:' will work with (public ser• vice district) commissions," "sold but the town le not walking away -„ ,''Iromthewater to6lem:" IledlikeItIstimeforthistownto ` Who are not connected to a wakr "Those Tom Peeples, a town councilman who also serves one the Water Com• Ewing. „Bat eventually we wIII end up With consolldatlom. I'm netjust P grow up,'' he aaid. "When I eaY fPov� system;' he continued. per• . Tom 8armwdl; a native b,,Rnder, up, I'm talking total responsibility ' sons need to be included In the total minion, said that while he agreed ., slmplY sayLag alreY wrW ail cents to had urged duriry� the meeting tout and get on With the business of what prices.,, :. _ kiol 1eon 'It I'm supposed to leave, lire damn thing blows up;' Hahn of thetira loom' ;, traffic along William Hilton Parkway and make adJustr, 1 I f ILScleaned said as Hilton Head blend Fire and Rescue personnel "f was standing there talking to my friend and 1the van In the Stone's Throw Villas parking It Just went up," James Filippone said, as his friend Dus- • ments in traffic lights to help minimize debys. As iher town faces the prospect of gridlock in the coming years,) ti f lot. ;' '+ ; tlnDeamorepceredhltolhevan.. ''Toadd iroulttoinjury. Hahn said his 3lstbirthday was James' sisters, Jennifer and Jana FiQipan,gave siml-••P���ed�tthesyatemwasmorehaportaatU►aa JoAlso. i t} ` keling am '' Monday.' t • tar accounts of lira Ore along with their friend, Hannah "All this happened and I'm sober," he said, along it Blair. " ' I .-mr , ` • he noted with consternation, the project w foisted upon council by a previous Planning Commis Odr s I ' recommendationandhadnorhymeorreason behind It. 'T9rdonated mulch to save. t9X dollars The council agreed to make the traffic light system Me own se s;r+ -, t, . .�1In priority and fold oft the paving until it receives da ,rt Margotta said. ' � (IDo It anticipatesasked that wdem $400 with labor and tratlepb;6n cook thestat Fromstalfreports ' The council also 'asked fist lire Pi uming Cummisalod Buying pine straw would have cost the town more than come upwith arationale anytime Itmakes.ssimilar rer rbnds," As the tovm looks forward to decreased property taxes $3.OD0 and wouldn't last as long, Margotta said oamendation to the council In the future. As a result vi :heir this year with the unveiling of a new budget, town govern- "The mulch holds better Man the pine Straw because Of, Council'& decision, Cakview goad, set to be paved thud ment has hit on another way to save more taxpayer mo• 'the wind (at the beach)," Margotta said. „ year along with Jonesville goad, was put aside. y I' neyand support recycling atthesameUme. 7UmulchideacamefromFredCornettofLowcountryAcouple ofcouncil members debated the action, pain 6-ntlyon ufort- Nearly five tons, or 30 cubic yards, of mulch donated by Recycling Association, Margolis said. Hilton HeadDls-, ficularly councilman Henry Driessen Jr., who argued La Yegatry Tree Care on Dillon goad is being placed posal is receiving a $100 fee for transporting the mulch. that the town had made a promise to the native Waadejs. 41tthe around the meters and planted areas of Folly Field 7heremaining $300dollars pays Mefive laborers wboare onJooeavlUeRoad. "We to the the isbfd to let them ri4i;, 1 s. ooloro t Beach Park. 1Ue mulch replaces the pira straw that spreading it, Margotta said. owe it natives of would normally be bought by the town, said town Special 7be mulch is created at Lowcountry Tree Care through Ize Ugly are part of the town IDriessen said, adding tbat, [[ Services director Frank Margotta. a wood chipper that recycles wood waste and is donated the town was reneging wits promise. "i think was" Iry ryr Thetwodayprojectisestimatedtocostthetownabout lreeofebnrgobyowner(IaryMuliana. i l.sUcktofbatpromlaepu ['as ;afi6e ^v Count aviation firm agree, on 'plans 6 upgradei land ai�.mortti1have J f ad at the By FRAWK HEFLIN Peterson told a joint sesaloaoEthe cowr• In negoUaUoro with lira county, bond cleaning up a DOo•gelton spill of aviation ' dlIsCommunityServiceCommitteeand Avlallonhaeagreed to: fuel that occmedin1080. y" ih i ,',:loselo S ;' se..RAWKNE Uo Aviation Board t7ednesday Ural his Y Repair the currant terminal facility ■ Submit a written plan for the clean County officials and owners of a new company plans to complete construction tutown na "tile tlkki hut" Wilhbl 00 days of up to the S.C. Department of Environment tha get aa tatutes i ,working aviation company tenatively have agreed of a new fixed base facility for its own op• the lease transfer, tal Control within a time frame to be ag.r On pbro to repair Hilton Head Airport's eration and to repair the current terminal - ■ Complete construction of the 'new reed Onwithialire narltWOWeeks. ai, dilapidated facilities and dean up a 7- facility for U.S. Air Express. U.S. Air wiU fixed b6e facility within' 1mD days of the The county has agreed to demollsh the • '-` ' the tso, An Pe t' oliciUng yesaold fuel spill, use the facility until the county's new ter-:. lease transfer." ' nr` mosquito control bung at airpor ' building ! on$50 bland Aviation, managed by Rick Pe- minalIs completed Inlate loo4. ■ DeranUshthe UMbut wWdnGodays" 'thespfUdeanupeantakeplace. ..1 Col y defined oEeach . tenor, wants to buy out Uo current [fixed ' of U.S.' Air movWS Into the new camty Both the board and the committee voted base operator at the airport—Lewcounly The county has to approve the kale in•1': r: unanimously to accept tha agreement lerrnlnal. "' v r a$' L18rigbt6 Air— H the agreement is approved by Uo transfer because tiro fadfitia are o0 , county-ownedproperty� :. , t; ■Take funBnaoctet ulytor'',ivhlchwWnmvbeeeaetocouncil ';" 1 Bea—iftCauntyCauncil. 'THE , C SLANDPACM t m � EDIft1MIAtDBUSIIi 0091CL 1PopMw11r1,talmFladldar0.aCtla>e L � i :f r • 1 i'JLLMOADDPE88: '.POeoa6r!:7,'ianlYtlMad.aatla0s L i Dr. Brad E. Fraam die Sea Pines t+ a* t k 67tr�r tintindldc OWV Ftau1>� ►�ito tx�v Sw 1'Ilx s Fitrx.'ss Center, located at eaaaeareDraeroanarrrv�M�MvrerrmrrararYnaroerwrgfBteeFaaaaweain■b ;Z'; Spatz & ConFelenee Center, has eve7ftg you nett to keep nRfNrulDlltd�f poearraa,naoarkasw+4eaarooarrazwar -' L11 rs a f LOCAL AN AMERICAN ADVENTURE ess fun sl t. for iand Tow eraf3es property �_,:�'. taxes" for acquisition ►� �r ... x " O,V*11 SyNALMILLARD PttiNtgNt,NNr -.'' Town councilman Tole Peeples fought unsuccesdullf !( t: Wednesday night to retain piety taxes to fund land ac- qulalUon de believes is necessary to "proteet the heritade' • �'�„'�' ... �, „ . otthe Wand." .. .. The current municipal budget has four tax mills de•' � voted to land acquisition. in the proposed budget for the' V •' r upCauning 189391 Baca1 Year those mills have been' r erasedbecauseofarecent state Supreme Court nding'a1-; lowing the town to collect real estate transfer fees. A. j Upwards of $2.e mWion will be available by June 30 tql buy land "you from the town's tax on property Iran•' actions. Peeples argued that retaining the four mills' would pose no hardship on taxpayers and would WIR them to participate In saving the island from overdo. lopment. Retaining the mills would cost $32 in tax for a home as-' . , .. ., or"LtPNeNTht ill"PtUtl sensed at $2W,000, council members figured. A milli is.!. "" of Sarasota, Fla., to Hil- recycling lectures In public schools along the She also to write about and unit used to calculate tax. in the past year, the town has bought up several douur 'ot1 luring a visit illy. She said she way. plans film the react she calls "Recycling P acres otlend,kcepiagitfrombeingdeveloped Some thelandalsomightbeusedforparks. orlda to New York America: Memoirs From the Road." She "There's no better'way to'control growth," Peeples` um cans and gluing has her car along for the walk.. said. "I think we should stick with it, put the four mills back in the budget and taketheheat." Most cound l' members,i'who were gathered fo -Y re. destroys workshop on the $8.2 million capital improvements pair?' van, -MgO Liogn of next yeary , the from train fees would world tniuiinenv; Town manager Michael O'Neill, a strong proponent of, might be time to start drinking alcohol. buying up lard to save, said by next year We fees Cal;• Hahn blamed the 7:28 P.M. fire on a recently replaced , lected would total about $4 million. .; i ItonHead Isla ndcouple fuel line. Fire department Capt. John Thompson agreed "That's a bell of a Intel Money,"O'Neillsald. with Hahn's theory about the cause of the Are, which de- Mayor Harvey Ewing agreed and said, "Ifwe can do, ght when the engine of a o flames and destroyed stroyedabout $3,500worth ofOwcouple's belongings and' ' projects without increasing the tax burdenoncitizeae,w9, severely damaged the van. should do iL' = w Thompson said the Volkawagen's magnesium engine On another issue Wednesday night Peeples tared bet, uhn planned to leave for �hnplanere they edit leave evefory were After saving up CamplicetedmattersbecausewhenfirefightershititwUh W,incensedoverabudgetJim tospend $W,000topivel water, "sparks went :verywhere." Jonesville Road, a dirt road on the Island's north sad, dh{y college. ibvghtanorange camp- Firefighters had to go Inside the van and push the firo:• council decided to delay thoprojeeL the beck, ultimately using chemical agents to smoth- Peeplca said the money for Jonesville Road should,ti% a ago from Rutland Tire ns for the couple's crass. out er flames. put aside In case state funds do not come through for.gi A group of childr-n in the Folly Field Read apartment computerized traffic light coordinating system the tuggp, f ;lime and the day before tithime complex gathered near the van, each comparing stories Iwpm tohave operational this fall. Zni the fire andazger to tell what theysaw. , The system would ► se sensors to measure the flow;el, n blows up," Hahn n thin Rescue personnel of "I was stending there talking to my friend and 'boom,' ,. traffc along William Hilton Parkway and make sdjuetd ments in traffic lights to help mWmin delays. As tt�l a's Tluow Villas parkin1 It just went up,JamesPYllppo esaid,ashisfriendDua- anDenmorepeered Into the van.. town feces Urn prospect of gridlock In We coming yes*, tdhle21atb1rthdaywas James, sister,Jennifer and JaneFlltpaue,gavesiml•:n:,�aPlesarguedt4attbgaystgmwasmoreimportaatUy4ai far accounts of the tiro along with their friend, Haaash JotaavWeRoad. the vv�(ppg$ ober," he said, adding It Blair. Also, he noted with consternation, project totaled upon council by previous, Planning ComtnisipaF Dnated-mulchto recommendation and had no rhyme or reason behind It. save. tax dollars The�nneBet i►'t��;akethetraf��lightayate �e it ri,priority and bold oft,the paving until rowdy"1tdq• shoo, with labor and trabspbrtation cast, Margetta said., , ;; cIt ell -a o-aske ttht the .. The arationale that decreasedproperty taxes Buying pine straw would have cost the town more than pwitll me Itmakessimilarr - a eult➢i, i3,o00and wouldn't last aslong, Margottasaid. • ' i CameupvritdarationaleanytimeItmakesAsimilarlN ommea, to the council in the future. new budget, town govern• decitlon „ be v "The ': ��p'a �1on, Oakvlew Road, set to be paved this, . save more taxpayermo• 'the wind (at the beach),'Margottasaid. yearalongwithJoneavtlleRoad, wasputaside. .•a` :same time. rds,otm'd hot led by. The mulch idea came from Fred Cornett of LowcamtrY . A couple of council members debated the action, pars : Recycling Association, Margotts said. Htitcn Head Dis+ Ucularly cauuwlman Henry Driamen Jr., who argq�d j on Road u being placed areas of Folly Field posal is receiving a itt00 tee for trantpmting the mulch: , that the town had made a ps»aW to the native faiendeb, r Therematnings3ooddlarspaysthefivelaborerswhoare onJonesvWeRosd them cea the pine straw that e town, said town Special spreading it, Margolis said. "We own it to the rwtives of the Island to let roll The mulch is creihed at LowcoentryTree Care through ` ize they are part of the fawn," Driessen Bald, adding that its "I think we ahead !to. a wood chipper that recycles wood waste and U daea,.ad . the town was reneging or prmnfse. tied to cost the town about treeotchargebyowner Gary Mullane. ""eticktothatpromise.' 1 ation % agree, on'plana to.,upgrade 1B �ld-airport ': L I Peterson tow a joint session of the roan- In AgotiaUmer with the county, Island elsou fig up a 00A•gallon apW a( aHdbn c r n Nt a �,t+��n"hnenPTPPAtn ItMlthat nemnrdinION The meeting was zum-: -r- ;•.--- ;� t i with committee members reporUn6 land and has aBn ea CC a number at new' developments re• committee. Doetring added she 7s tt ]sled to fundralsing and a winter going to New York Wednesday so 1 cultural evert hopes to taro a musical direct- I Pater Thompson showed a 555- thejarsfesuvai. • minute video featuring Hilton Head's e- minterviewalteribameetil Derek Brown; 4, a student in Beverly James's prekindergarten class beaches, sporting and cultural DeLoecLs� if rt Icailcenter. blA ; events along 1ng Dew Michael C. Riley Elementary School in Bluffton waves an Australian that can shown cor tra[!Ic Impact fees have yet to be flag Monday during the school's paradeot countries. The event kicks off rat center Pow �� and others t- fund rats- theschool'sweek•long Internatlonal Festival. dais ed over insurance issue To W4 OK y q�q y., 4 YA sai lb*& �clll d his metbtid Would tout the' "I don't reel we're ]arias 1n,' D'Neiil tioeal 1, ' 'for the toWn s soured council members. ...... l .. � ow BY ItpLBl11LLARD ,- a itien,an; O eilliuuspmp5eed ]own sm ° Instead of the t ,� the The balance of Monday nibguhht'4 ndu�.au ,u.. r oliirila8tin$Wattex ° " `62 employees, . 7' ^ ` r. town Wmdd havo to pay to compensate lq2. - workshop, opened to the public t C Iillion5feadlstandTownCouni'.tiWnks Poeplaa,6civever azs el �c �n,a�payer,centered onthe I the proposed budget for the upcoming •wants at least two mills public safety peesarm �� fund portion of the proposed it2.9 y year is a winner, but it wants turthei dis retained: Ha said he be CounallousngU•COydit.lwweyer, said miWoabudget. cusslon before agreeing to give more mo• lieves that buylall land be objected to tree health insurance being neyfor employee healthinsumace." po� are ties to controlbest e d to family membere:without the The general fund portion accounts for t pa our s a'resud6 Monday night's budget wanted development employeeconlrlbutlnBsomeotUiacoat. al��nn� O'Neill theed. gent W5 worluhop won't be the iast, u some cam and preserve the yrrl. Othe comcll members 7d Condit, million all members had hoped: Mayor Harvey toga of the tslend." that the proposed P� art set a ue, )rhrlag caked another. one f- Tuesday Council iaembees sayingt and .that the town A breakdown of general fund raven. fy j Sunelat7p.m.atTownHall rewtdly acknowledged Dept daa6 1° (t it rear 's]wwstbatthemaj-ItY taxes Another Y Atthatineatingthe —ell will discuss that O'Neltl's proposed ,..' t not li able slid duwge will come from property the lgsurance Issue u well u the possibil- budgetis a good one. Sut many said that •esaary: Wile tiro short farm saea� causes; million is revenue comes from ti, ity increasing the proposedrate by , extendla8 nocmt health insurance to might be enticing some °aid they feared camas and permits. Intergoyermnenfal,; 2 mtila -all of It for for land acgrdsition:- tow employces' spouses and Children 'in¢rlasedCesL4t0the townie thefuture1..' ' state shared revenue. amounts to A mill m a unit of measurement used to the B rgerwumove. =U7,7ce. too much . tax. peepki said there was just revenue, derived from 1 Cal Neill 0:NeiL said extending the bandits to yptylntWinat4aaeeindvatrY ' :. Miatellaaeous '.As It stands' the proposed budget f6r and children is a rash of the 89' such sources as the and reaero tannins and! "town mana6- Mtdu<e10'Neill would do-. '� t to consolidate the island's prevd !'That'° the but (hln6 I ss an employer am and fees collected by the town's Mu•; . :ereasetlro current mUlage rate by 7 mills . autouamow lira"depu4ments under 'wmM want to touch;' he sold at carrying ddpel Court, equal $1.1 million Nearly ; toWngoverment. enIDptoyess'lesursaCerest° iJWODD"cones from foods from Fior! . Was25mllic. t of camdl i place ahem= said tiro town could . Yam° accommodations tau sad equip•• " $ut Monday, a mej O'Neill said it world help pla O'Neill, bowever, meatreserva transfers and invcslmentit members ezPreased support t- adding 2 P� at ° tepting, He added that , e course in the future and maim ens •� mtils f- land- a�VIIitioa, u proposed by . It would be cheaper to extend the ao cost ployessaco�� to U develap�m to the in 'Toe general fund V used peimarlly to CeuncllmenTomPeeples. beaeflfatoexi°tiogtownemPloYae°'t�i .ts�atry m in Washington de .. tend the town'evartomdepaetmmts,aah; a i20D ppp hovae� 8 tax of two mills ' "the° to compensate public safety P« ' mancl tt y. aria ande4uipmznt on aonnell-losiagtheire. �`± ttosleaye°r a wockaou r f E. leer%nce al S...- :.:. ,g,�K181Jl�e9tIPR� ( .. - __w„�uu.u.�-a,c. �sr�c c-•-. --g'�p departmentwlllconductaworighkop anC remove me ty Ls our recipe" pe"udoganfromitslogo. 6lat-to saywnetner w ----- ma's porawouldagreetomeetthecco ---�••"..•..._--_•..�•' '.._�"•�---.ii°—�r InB io the application submitted by lu-,...- u� changes to a freestanding Ysig,r and�°a°ce _ e staftatated SigutIluminat1= alsoistabefr�shiddedfnctures Thorsdayat7pm.IntheMunicipal Cpurhoom,STownCeuterCourt Committee member Jake H. Leeditions "umnecessari- islanderJahnCettysSmiW The airport terminal applicatlen twotau�deudgrusatTheeDolihase m Dunnagan's Alley was denied as �� pin presort tannin for at an The workshopwill provide idformationtopwtentialapplicanta attggestM the red was "'�YIntense" la -� 5' 3 On other matters, the committee looked kindly on plans for alast was submitted to reflect Beaufort -Camtyplanstoenlargetheproposed recommendedby town staff. The signs are white, transhwent terms facility ao South Beach Drive afsowasamaogprojectsapproved. ahouttheinterimtraf6ourdinance. ;Theerdimacewinregairethata T• c impaostproaaresiByHORMAVANAMBERG Mayor says town present transfer fee on real estate sales `adequate' I wastuuftwlll be avaOable to raawme.m.. datiomtaxonovernightlodgings. amineral-heavy brackish byproduct harmtoareashAifish aon ad real estate. atdinance and to aaawer otdinance ndto o we gquuestiom Mayor �Y Ewing told mem- Dorothy Perkh�and Henry DrCouncil met I i Tom iesessen� of deepwells the town would use forMO6�omerY. its wafter supply will be handled in working inMmmtPleasant. agent Barbara ��pp� m.' c5acerningtheordinance rtquirementsand therevIewand bars of the Hilton Readfs]andAs— eiation of Realtors Tuesday he be. joinedEwingfortheluncheonbeldat theport Royal Clubhouse. meP��t�Bprocessthroughthe state Department of Health and En. Andrew IOepchick, president of the 550•member trade group, an. award Tuesday night. He plans to at. tend Clem anlfniversity. abproval process, lForadditiosal Information, Haves the oneq uarter of a percent transfer fee on real estate sales is Peeples and Ewing assured istaod- vironmental Control. Ewing said state and federal offi- acumeed that Ryan Montgomery. a senior at Hilton Head High School, A second place award or $w wlir be presented to Jamie Dietz, a senior c6ntact Scott Uggett or Charles "adequate." eeDonEarnhardtofMnghominsur- dials of environmental protection won the association's essay contest at Hilton Head Chrhfi=Academy; Cousins ata42-Ttt30. NotIng therehave been discunvions once that concerns about using Broad Creek as a dumping place for agencies have agreed with eogi- peen' assessments there will be'no with his "Rome and The Family: B��g The Bk� of aNation." She b the faster CbIId of Steve and.. . SeanYPowe11 ata+, n 111 vAm to raise the tax to 1 percent, Ewing t of alligator said he thmla the current figure is �d �ve and CRYSTAL RESTORED IRIDGEI.AND-JaaperCamty banking g to questions after a 'state Monq May 10-Sat.; MaV 5 �se��Sa� wide -ram talk m the the Town" during the real estate All repairs done in our stoaskelet6n reportedbyd—ofixassersby, -finallylocatiogtheremaiffiMooday. agents' luncheon meeting, Ewing said the town's goal is to establish Broken and chipped afternoon. jjTbesearchwashanperedby tonding to Create $1 million to $1.5 -Wim for ongoing beach manage- mentandpre5wntion I goblets, tumblers, pitcher i lips reground - rebeveled Cbaugtagtides,whichapparentlyhld Ifwskeletmr+eryfewhoma. _ Ewing said them doesWt appear to, ---- ,caL'= t �. ..repolished. Flnally,statewiidllfedepartmeat .dfG«rHobtrosbylocatedtha be support in the General Assembly for i sun Introduced by state Rep. See Richard Payne. at skeleton Monday, andldwUrfeditas Scotf Richardson, R-Hilton Read, to �T that ofanAmericanaNgator. -_ raise the state's2percent accommoEO lZ� ', ®� tl■ ®0 " - 0� uli0 ®� ®Id Noehridge JE__ I ERS- ` Plara Since 1939 681 755TheH2rid_Hubby 0 _ Or Mton Head®- i V�aatArfordableRome Repairwiththe Competent&Expert Service lbatteaves1burRankAocountsmileog? "Me Handy Hubby of Hilton Head" Home Repair Service FcoaJ, �� e'IbQtUadj:[Cn.. • ^'..• � SPRii'i:�1119.'f � Call Now For Savings... $25OffAnyJobOver 150.00WhenYouPhmwt7NsAd 4 :''� ; . ®S®Dentea(®1® /� HICI`OIZY CHP�IF� . . Island Packet, Thursday, May 13,1199 �p ••. .. PARTY, T® t® t®w itself, : a belay tbah ..II. . ...V • .TheTowno}H Island's l0th blrl m. 'agel•A) ' From staff reports add there's no charge to attend. Continuous entertainment will be • blood pressure checks wLU be pro- until3begin.m.Tt 11 ec Provided, and featured performers videdbyEMS. untlbeatt Thee es everyonewishea , Picnic lunches will be on sale for it include the Bay Street Stompers, the While Um intent of the party is to Recreation ecr a ti the enlIslr For IOth give gifts of tin o a cos Gumtree Road. e like It wpe before ��, � give gifts of .tin or abumi- a plate, which will include hotdoge, Baebershoppera, and the Hilton celebrate the town'e Incorporation, Gumtree Road. latedandreplaced num.For the IWhanniversaryparty hamburgers, coleslawandpotato sa• HeadElementaryTraveler. made .official by the secretary of t urban probtema. of the incorporation of the Town of lad. Refrnhmentaalaowlll caatil. There will be games and contests, state on May IS,1003, Baker said or• There Is Hecht t stop growth, but Milan Head Island, however, orga• "It's the best deal on the IBlaad," as well as swimming in the reema• , � atao want to "pull the town Picnic lunches : town has done ex- oast the gift of your pcep, • ' , ` , " together.,, sate ford s ptah tntrollingit, alzers o� Bakersald. tioncenter et the beat growth presence' There will he epeechee; but the Demonstrations will be conducted "We look'at this event as a look cell ale et lo po,+ grams in the coat- On Saturday the town will throw it- by Hilton Head Fire and Rescue, : ahead," and as a basis for movlag self asbindigandextendsanInvite- idea is keep them short Emergency Medical Services, Hilton 'ahead;']Iakeraatd Refreshmentsw enjoy themselves, Baker said. In ad-Entertalmnen Ic, it's not possible tion to the entire tat" The cele- dition to community leaders and Head Hospital, the Beaufort County Baker said he hopes the event will demonstrations, ,e possible" to atop bration will be held at the Island town government officials, i.t. Gov. Sheriff's Department, the U.S. Coast help people get interested in town Guard Auxiliary Flotilla 1011 and the government sad local volunteer ef- contestsand hea said. Recreation Center on Gumtree Rend [Vick Theodore will attend U.S: Seim. HLLlceHeadPowerSquadron feels. wlllaitotaepart- has maintained a fromlla.m.to3p.m. Strom Thurmond andErnest"Fritz„ ssuty and comfort, Tom Baker, chairman of the cele. Hollings, and U.S. Rep Floyd Spence Free cholesterol checks will be "We want this to be a fun day for pustlonWlncerporatiatCommlltee, have been Invited,Bakersaid. provided by the hospital. and free" allw'beadded..'':; .' has changed, but it .rimental," Ewing Sri residents who are a� ; .v s • • . • �Offib mdagrowth tend.;�ty� .�A },' ,1 fu 4ntr rtr .,, tC"� , vc7, 17i r RD `. : beauty of what we 016ton 4 a M { �C� pt/� * y� Y is) sit hem; weave 'Ndl fit UI�SfiDa �*�V' 4�n (�w,uaafrom Page l•A) absolutely beauU• (Contisnedfrom Page I -A) jla F s„+d t+ti e t )1w0) a a fit �tiv a 1,h a a C kCt Ir or, Ingendray do you favor r,,:� r� �taliM�anwiU �i crude. Even a crude bomb would be Gilleland mot economic plan by tapping. into the wC er,oppoa•BIIrCY �y ill"c e1 " t " rl i dWicullto(igurewt" inl�yeuu peat deficit-reduction theme popular with r. �a plBll7a 4n � ,., islandinthel Ross Perot and his followers, bar,t a ra d tm v1 " , Gilleland, a former Dayton, Ohio, ,live." roared the idea from proposals al ;c 40`,IC" IS �� { a t re a t resident and One of the original der bought South all the gushing rmdydretilalinginCoagiess.; a tAlTM overnment and its 7tte president spelled out his gran 1;= i d ) velopas of South Sescin Marina VLL• Marina Villal vote to Incorporate a 1 cif lags, lost his right band is the elrylo He later deve :ftbehlndaresidue in a speech at the Great Ha11 Of the j % n d'+ Iz j a Si%o t , � slon that occurred about 7:30 a.m. ecielly with Heaver Udon for the Advancement " +h �tk hOpredatemo�t� otScienceandArt,whichwatheto- ,rwrCa� a otter heeither pulled oropened an marinadndS ' a •• Ic ��xa�� envelope he had found In a box an his ntwhite residents. runt for speeches by Abraham I.ia # Mont portions Of it troweLL, a black to coin: Ulysses S. Grant, Grover Cleve if and, Theodore Roosevelt sind rill„ �r #` a�' t{t r t The Wend man was retrieving the Jersey In 103R, the tower's iusad ' y 1 })o ' " �Wzed d et WaLL Street Jottrml from the porch Wltilam Howard Taft before they be ! , v�rt ito ° h�=n P� ` """�" sm .,;- when tr are box, which also o muse for vela a r la s ) came president " r a a 4 16% r 11lG 11lLS ,) le and down for t ', Clinton Bled was the guest of hows a rWn tee i KID , er a r v, qt v e'� ^ rc i mRlBined t you balls and a "It's ownjuster of the Si r r % r y 1 f + k all, OwnP1 Ot the Si rxes and lea sec " Wednesday eight at apolitimidinne Do,vou tNa�yoix� (�jl•B�Ifori k + Wdeatape,pleautottCounty3herifCs dd "Maybenoth'•1 'npectW to table $3 million fen the 9atr�tysl•x..Witi)0 Otrtiir.3b� t Depatlmeat Detective Sergeant Da• Beach Marina Vwr flee. �arteiAy71r•f"Ntesur ;t . [dendotmine.Ipla ere'llbenopativt� 'pkmocratklVaLLhealCommi c .Gy y, q vldliardatisald onSundayandhew, s what we re vale• He said We proposal mould require Ah_k��� I I i :III i j I I I i i i I I i r voff v /'w strike the sight, is .a C+hQrmsast g Classified ads ... • . ..7•C ®f �i�®LIMB' SeahawRS at Sta Comics............ but merit wins the soul. Editsriaia.............:.)aA Ckvdy and breezy today, Hilton Head track team: It Lowcounrry We ........... 1•c for another strong state I AlenderPope Obuwrlaa .............)s•A rain likely. High in the 80s. stocks ..:...........5.6 Forecast, 2-A ' TV/movies.... .. ..S•C ease "dollils, ISLAN..V, PA THE Eiikeespas SOUTH CAROLINA THURSDAY, MAY 13,1993 cents HILTON HEAD ISLAND, r h re a c�t issue;l, i s 10 (��owt l® to CommunityAssociaHom. Illp Town throwing a party, )1•A 10 yam ago Hats month — will con- "1 think florae iassma are to vtsit Wis yeawith a r !7 unlike most municipalities, the �' BYHALMILLAR0 IIIme to be a central issue, cotnmu whatweretortoestlrotKalth,satety.•- �µ. iy�n mu dty end government lraden eey. As aadweUamof UW Ww%TWwM de• The town'a Incorporation allowed town employs a stet of Professional } r, the town begins Its 1M6 anniversary tsrndsro how this Wand wHllock, and Ito begin matrlag Its own rules and Warmers, bad enacted tough r 6. 1�The7bwnotNlltonHesdialandts it also moat continue to look ahead the llvebWty ot.tlro,leiand,!'. Ewing setttseampaoeot8<owts+landithas:; lend managemenhas t and aesthetic re - ton amy ocher i6yeat old -It's con- amt plan caretullyYor growW la fho ate, paW oH, said A.& "Bus:' Carols, a gm' laws,. and whose duty istoto h tautly wondering hoe blg:lt'll be comingdccede,leaderseaId Icrmertawnco�mcllmem: lurther'strengthen town es to henttgmtimtry: lslton Head Island has expert•.• •'We'vehadanarpartWamudd; But unlike a Hormel 10ycarWd, "1lsemaintocuevvslcent►muetobe tp omenalgrovrlhsiaeeswl- .PI government that's.:mamged to; stemirmwth eepec�aliY a f eat issues ' said developmeaL a town Is more about growth mamgem „That'9 also dents voted m may 10,11 am, to Incor achieve a. balance' batwcea real Hog Its 6rltchee than It to about Mayor Harvey Ewing• rate ae a town. Tiro po AUOn has dentist, commercial and tourist , Carota said there an those Island - Mayor I . upbigandatrong. tiodintoin[restructure-eaco�dary Pa '� said Carots, who also ts as who wishMariwereoogrowth• ' ,.Gnpm tmamgememt — e major roads and the (cross•Islad) more th"i doubled, now boverh�8.,. �0°°�' (saaTOVM.backpage) . Gm in Bedding to become r town parkway. around 26.0 WA _Ume residents, psaidert of thq Hilton Head IsLad M Vic• '' • ` STAi� T®�STRIEBT I�IQHTIH® � � , �� .. • i o i �ad&e prod t hooting readers -- - -- - - , Town Town to : throw itself a baj, (Continued from Paget -A) From staff reports said there's no chargetoatteui. Continuous entertalmr Ewing, too, believes everyone wishes For IOth anniversaries, it is riff- Plcn'o)unchmwlllbeonsaletoril provided, andfeatured the Island could be like it was before include the BayStreet S development escalated andce laced tomary to give gifts of tin or alums• a plate, which will Include hotdogs, Barbershoppers, and devclo P num. For the Iath amdversa hamburgers, coleelawand potato charm with urban problems. rypartY Po HeadElementarylYavcl Its impossible to stop growth, but of tiXe Incorporation of the Town oI lad Retrtshmenfsalsowlllcsetil. There will be games both men said the town has done ex- Hilton Head Islain nd, however, ergs• 'It's the beat deal on the island," as well as swimming in I ; ceptionallywellcontrollingit. prase only request the gift of your Bakeresid. tioncenterpooL "We have one of the beat growth presence. There will be Demonstrations will be management programs in the coun- On Saturday the town will throw It- speeches, but the ides Is keep them short so people can E Hilton Head Fire v try,' Carole said. self a shirxllg and extends an faults- Emergency Medical Serv; "It's notrealistic, It's not possible Ilan to the entire island. The sale- enjoy themselves, Baker said. dens a ad- Head Hospital, the Beata and it never will be possible" to s bratlon will be held at the Island dtion to cotmunity, leaders and EwingNick•go odors t officials, Lt. Gov. Guard rUCaDepartment, the all grohe Wand said. Recreation NlckTbeodorew)Uattend.U.S.Sens. GuardAuxiliary FioU1la But the Island out maintained a tron)f1a.m.to9p.m. Strom Thmm�and Ernest„�tz„ Hilton Head PowerSqua great dent of Its beauty and comfort Tom Baker, chairman of the Cele• ' Hollings, and U.S. Rep Floyd Spence Free cholesterol ch beadded. bration of Incorporation Committee, have been lnWted,Bakersaid. provided by the hospital The ambience has changed, but It ' has not been detrimental," Ewing said, adding that residents who are _ critical of the Island's growth "tend, : Cluxt® s • • • • • 1 to lose sight of the beauty of what we Un 6 have. We(resiaenfs)sit hem; wesee a Flo enthusiaam.for Ciintonom,i the warts. But We absolutely beaut• (Continued from Page 1-A) a,q Jyt t ;- tul ^ economic plan by tapping into the tp In goaerel, r!o yyoouu fawn F Do you think rho Even with all the growth, he deficit-reduction theme or oppoas Bill Cfnions ? succosd or fail ai added, "it's certainly still an appeal- popular with sto lj1le planQ *,ti ih• tadarol ds ingplace forms tolive." Rosa Perot and his followers, ben- fir 11 I�' j p j�7 ti y i, , , gIgniticantiy'1 Regardless of all the fells roft wed the idea from proposals al- gushing ready circulating In Congress. praise of town government and Its s 9 j anniversary, the vote to incorporate The President spelled out his plan 10 years ago has left behind a residue In speech at the Great Hall of the Favor ' nti ! " t ' Succeed: r i of dlmntent especially with native Cooper Union for the Advancement black Islanders who predate most of of Science and Art, which was the to- theisland'saffluentwhiteresidents. rurrr for speeches by Abraham Lin r�, { lfSt1 u For Thomas Barnwell, a black Is. coin, UlyssesS. Grant, Grover Cleve- tenderk im�P r'n born here in im, the town's land, Theodore Roosevelt and �,r i t(h{ "� ,roriri -anniversary Is no cause for sale• William Howard Taft before they be w'dd*ir{u"�i *" `nr `t pgs�•umr bratlon. camepresident. f "Why jump up and down for 10 Clinton also was the guest of honor years of more taxes and less ser• Wednesday night at a political dinner utkr oL lNnk Wig y ' w(It yes) HaW tr�uehT '+� 1 vice," Barnwell said. "Maybe not too expected to raise =s million for the ti nee z la ly'a'taltes wlli fro S 1a t�►9 #a llnd•r i6llA4 , M long from now there'llbenonatives Democratic National Committee. ,i.nsxtyssfaaa *suk,TK left —maybe that's what we'recele• He said his proposal would require ;airy �q' C�licl!� tp tmating " Congress to „put every penny of new ;urt _,+, p+�PM ,, vr, i�e} 1 a Perhaps the town would be really taxes and the budget cuts proposed . y t{;,, i PWr'. �M + ;hot r ;t1011300 ' celebratory once they "run us off the In my budget Into the trust fund so island;'Barnwellsold. the American people know that it has "I would certain' hope the town to otodeBcltreductlam" No 5301•E600 wr ay�Y Y Pe g fiici , 13% ,dt 13lbgtri' grows up. and faces Its full rospon• Practically speaking, the 'trust sibWty, or lessens the taxes and re furs wouldn't re much more than b epomibitity of lawn that residents on the north end have to live under," he already to system under Congress' � iN ��dlM tack than g1t001), tiiv' complicated system of "budget so- said.conciliation," which requires spend• r r " j , ' When the town Incorporated it , ��,s v No Notate•�,r °a` adopted a "limited services" con• ea to tell witido agreed= a�tH r� cept of government that has hurt pD bdsrdi�APe•tdr•i r,00a.autbpui.nswsaeytcaaneyperw.. black and native residents, pr'marl• It also would not reduce the deficit ' of lea ! o )eft Ncl•ga�a+s�r 91AP ijPw! o ` Iyanthe Island's north end, Barnwell any more than is already planned, said abeutt3b0blllion overfive years. ARM , every Penny of it is going for deficit succeed. Now it seems as "The town can find monies to do However, Supporters hope tsxpaY- . reduction " people just stead around other things, such as beach renou- erawWviewthetrustfundasalegal• be people disapt stand walling ty rishment, but It appears Its priority ly, binding contract that locks In defi•: The proposal would Have to be ap what's wrong and who's t is not with those people who have citreductios: �vedby • been on the island for to develop. "This is a legal Clinton said that Americans are how the special interest o ' Pr oP' age guarantee on whet ' has strangled lhenationnl i� meat," hesaid. the budget reconcWetion is supposed plagued by "A crisis of belief and He said the government 1 The town can put down bike paths • to do,", said Gene Spatting, the press• hope' on any answers, "doing wl but it can't provide water and sewer, dent's deputy assistant for otonomic' When President Kennedy took'ot- like," by cuttl-g• taxes'an fire hydrants, drainago�im "'policy: He said'the ihemge from'''fire'.:ovdlOpiktcnt'blUmAmeri•• spending on popular prof: . provements, or pave roads that,' Americans Is, "We dotet mind We I 'can people fundamentally believed'" thepastlsyearo:t ` !(' bkckh W Bve down, heeald. tough medicine (of higher taxes and that their leaders would tell them the "We have to begin to roe And :town government' is ropro- spending cute) if you guarantee that .truth. s� `that 'titelr "system, oaild procaaa;'thepresldeatealdi sented predominantly by whites, i Barnwell added thus pine'-- the In - teroste of nntivee and other minorl• ties at risk. Barnwell, who sits as en v- n 1� j ®�i liar :�®: defixt, tryingi 'I appointed member of the towns Planning Commission, considers himself a "token" member of that By TOM SZAROLETA "When the community gets In. in the feud, but he could no board Iadrdna-wr-a volved, there can't nothing but good is making any progress. On planning issues affecting the black community, Barnwell said The owner of the Spanish Wells steed club where a lbyeat•old was come from it," he said. "Samson (Cohen) and those people have got Chbolm was shot in tl cheat around 1:50 a.m. Sur { f . ConViellonS to b t Sunday morning said he is try. . shen atwin IIccan be easily and mybeliete t lag to piny the role of Pescamaker Ing Detective Sgt. David Randall ex. side daughters. Cc outnumbered " . between feuding Hilton Head Island similar sentiments, saying. about 50 teens were Invite Tbe lack of representation hinders the of nauves, d.. age, aWBluffton groups. It's going to take the goad guys to this us .II the peo. party, which was held at a social club t i cultureandtraditlon,"hessidon Samson Cohan, who witnessed the . falalshooti fhesterChiaoim id ppllefuse the did It to justicethink he building with Colien's Gy Native islander Perry White, who ae as (Cohen) needs tobecomment ." other50orsoca neuni Mod suit in 1983 to challengb the the shooting was the result of a feud token said he Is afraid the feud . ' No alcohol was served at t towns incorporation, agreed and between youth of the two. cummu• , will escalato Into more shootings itba said, but be added that U said "Reid my comments from nitios The feud extends at least as , someonn does uot'make far hnrksatNtf.whrnr hkiirst�n.. - peace. He his that some pevmincould h •-r •..--- - - re 1'rectleally apeaklp�'-the 'tnntT !i sillily, or lassos the lase and re fund wouldn't do much more Man 4 a u yyI 1 1'�ii l �� •� s�otnsibility of laws that residents � "v v s" r ` on the north end have to live under." he said. �#i , 7lL +1 ro uG Underrequired ted rAtern of ' � ^ 1 i � '�y �1,q� i Moro the n 31,000 r budget re. When the town Incorporated it adopted "limited conflation,"which a 1,7 r Ing and taxes to fall wrbjnn spend. p" �u� , 4 µ}fa r ' NoNwrrsr. Hotaun a thin agreed. a services" con• uponfimits. • apt of government that has hurt'edu^�'Mwt oolbflibcatlubrMen 6abyICRtWnyMta j black it alsowouidnotreducethedeficitat'a and native residents,primarl- Psd att8Caruku,uuuahaanr9yse�sraspetikpwa lyontheisland'snorthend,Barnwell any more than fa Ihhgtfet bYl{laePMDehMbM7hlaaor axhhNg. nv;'S i- sires . - dy pram rl, said. abouts50obWionoverfiveyears. Awwhr, 'The town can find monles to do • j other tInA such as beach renou• However, supporters hope taxpay- a erY Pe°nY of It is going for deficit succeed. Now it seems as I era will view the trust fund as a legal • reducil�.. people just stand around d rishment, but it appears Its priority ly binding contract that locks in dell. The proposal would have to be ap• be disappointed, waiting t Is not with those people who have cit reduction. proedbyCcagras. what's wrong and who's G been on the Island prior to develop- mThe This is a legal guarantee on what Clinton said that Ameiaru are how the special interest or the budget reconciliation is supposed plagued by "a ends of belief and mHe�eaja 1 the tonal in town can put d p own bike paths,, but it can't provide water and sewer, to do; 'said Gene Sperling, the presi• hope. government h "doing dent's deputy assistant for economic "When by fprovehydrants, n�aa a, drainage' Ini-'; pave roads that blackfamilleslivedown,hesaid. President Kennedy took of- like," cuttingµanswers, anc policy. He said the message from'' Bdd':::bvd70 CUtheAmeri•. spending on'popular Americans Is, "We don't mind the:• can people fundamentally'beUevedy!thepaatl2ykart;ti"�? And town government is repro- toughmedicine(ofhighertamand. �thattheirlaatkeswoWdteBUremthe;:. epasWe ears4-nt(9. Spending cuts)HYougyaranteethat truth and that'.their`•system sorted predominantly by whites, Barnwell added, thus piecing the In. could the president i ry aerate of n pd other mono'- to at risk. Barnwell,� who nits u an aC' ��Y u �y�� ®�� • gi '�® �� �l member appointed member of the town'e Planning Commission, considers , ��J/ himself a "token" member of that board. ey TOM SZAROLETA When the community gets In. in the feud, but ha could not On pm issues affecting a co black community, Barnwell d volved, there can't nothing but good Is making any progress. The owner of the Spanish Wells . come from it," he said. "Samson Chosnim was shot In th said he'll "try to speak my convictions and my bred", but I can be easily goad club where a 1� year old was (Cohen) and those people have got chest around 1:50 a.m. Sun kWed Sunday morning said he is try- the'ght Idea " side a 16th birthday party , outnumbered." ing to Play the role of peacemaker Detective Sgt. David Randall ex. hen's twin daughters. Coh The lack of representation hinders el to talcs thtia sentiments, ding Hilton Head Island saying about 50 tans were invite between feu 'It's and Bluffton groups. ch was held 'at guys to the protection of natives' "heritage, cultureandtmdiUon,"henaid, diffuse this and help us bring Iho pro- Place, a social club that sl Samson Cohen, who witnessed the pie that did It to justice. I think he building with Cohen's Gym, fatalahaotingosthe Native islander Perry White, who [tied suit in 19a3 to challenge the resultofaIfeud (�n)noadsmmoammended." other 50orsocame uninvited. the shooting was the result of a feud . Cohen ' town's incorporation, agreed and "Read said he is afraid the feud No alcohol was served at tb� between youths of the two commu• will escalate into more shootings If he said, but he added that it f Wiles. Thefeud extends aauMten f as said: my comments from IM. I predicted then there would be someone does not make pence. He blethat some people could hal roiled In fears that friends of Qilaolm may, drinking In their care outs' public schools to Bluff- more regulations, more taxes and no services. And 'I think you'll sea the form a gang and head for Bluffton party. roil, bent on revenge. they've all come true." N for providing services to the na- The fight started when two "I had the same problems wino I "It wW keep going of someone one from Hilton Had, theothl was In school; ' said Cohen, who doesn't stop ft.It will go on forever, Bluffton — began firing hat tive black population, many of those graduated from the former H.E. Me- Cohen Said. "Something should have • into the air over each others! fntervlewed believe the town even• tually win expand to meet their Cr'acken High School in Bluffton In been done a long time ago. This' In We parking lot of the club. I 1977- "Bluffton and Hilton Head, hasn't juststarted." needs. The town, for example, has man was Invited to We party, there crazy. We're neighbors, we're ( trying to arrange a meet- said. theamepeople,bashcally." brought fire and rescue services Ing of the rival group leaders in Athirdman,oitUnginacarl Beaufort County Sheriff D.J. Lu• hopes of putting a stop to We feud be. on Spanish Wells Road, then under fix wing and "will continue to expand,'Carota said, cas said the effort of Cohen, and oth- fore someone else gets killed, be firing at the Bluffton man, ere, are needed to defuse the tensions add. He said Tuesday that he has said. He said he Is not sure w In addition to providing water and between the Island and Bluffton. spoken with several of the principals the gunmen shot Chlsolm, I sewer and other services vital to the native community, Carota said he envisions the town ultimately form. IngIMown paw force inthe next 10 Prep .At a glance years, "We need to manage more ash vices; it depends on what the citizens (Continued from Page The Associated Press insomehoops7 , want,"hesaod. 1�s,,a,. "Ican't got0the ballgame, school has retained to either present* Clinton rejects although I'd like to,"Clinton two the 10 years, care, E Y sa school use or to residential use. "H t f'I'mabigbaaeballfan" Prep were to move. it can still be ticket Offer ' also envision town government be- used for residential purposes; ' Sear- Pause. And Lnus'response icoming more service -oriented. As the population continues to grow, It minecheaid. NEW YORK- Bosnia, budget tourae,thlawouidbebaskethat ; President 11 Will have to, Ewing said. He said school officials have been �s,BobDole—the presidency ken apron Clinton:"DidyousayKnicks° working with CSA officials since last pa m°Y The town likely will stay away = from providing social services, but September to make the transaction. WhichexplalpewhyPrealdent WoughtyoualdMets' , He said school officials approached Cllntonturneddowatckela Iaun: "Nobodywantetoaeet Ewing believes 1t cow get Into the road paving business and eventually (SA, which had just formed a task WednesdaytotheNewYorkKnicks- Mete." i force to look Into providing more Charlotte Hornets playoff game. And 7f� Lion coil set up a public.works depart. menI.In the futtuY the town also !s tocreatelteownrecreaUondo amenitlesforSeaPlaesreaidenh; maybewhyheewfusedtheliBA greets ••We've wlUttheNLEast. ', 6.[i1lrClLotile� loping a plan partmant' at least a Ttheficketoftercameattheandot a � are going to deal with the Sea Pines of.,.:aCllntanappearancewithNewYork CALABASH, N.C.—Barbara the future," said Vercellottl. He sold morning Meares doesn't mindsome g Don ed .e Florists lottery raucous show slowradlohowt to animals, butshegetaa lltUea m AremrecreaUd an on�amenitea tion to andida ' �wlwlthaserirmQand-Aseadon. when they're cats and, Utey,roup number of reaiderits had beep asking The Whitenouse fa trying to 1 ¢lose and personal. CSAtodosomething, reapturethemagleofClinton's She went toftBeulah Baplial Winning _ oatheCaehsumo arfor er,O,1dueemY be He said CSA saw Prep's offer as presidential this week and iintteerviewawith d unlock edoorChurch where for�anorgap ':.• fuifullinganeed thatSeaPines had. media persomptessuchasimus,toeholdanTuesday.But she had Winning numbers Wednesday in Prep parents were to receive a let-. whobackedCnnton: forgotten her key and started tol { the Fantasy.5 game are: 20, 0, is, ter Wednesday from Scarminach ex- • After 10minuteaotchataboutthe for—therdoerthat might be op 10,14. plalning the,transaction. They, also economy, famUyleaveaWthe Maw. When she turned around, $borr i Winning numbers Wednesday In will be told about the transaction at a Voter bill, Innis popped Clinton the Share, a no -pound lioness. Parent's Assoclatloa meeting at 7 ,question Howsboutatripto "f'aindusadtoturnhhgerounc 1 ,' U>aPlay4gameate:2,e,e,d P•m.TuesdayMaylB,atPrep.- Madison Square' G take anon everyday,"Maressaldb) iardw'to .......... TOWN OF HILTON HEAD ISLAND One Town Center Court, Hilton Head Island, S.C. 29928 803/842-8900 Fax 842-7728 Hmay W. Ewing, Jr. M Horny DAavn, Jr. For Immediate Release cc uncu manbm - PrankBrafira, Plans All in Place for ;Jr'Dorr,c Island's Birthday Celebration Tom Peoples - Dorothy QPaWrs Saturday, May 15 -11 a.m.- 3 p.m. - Island Recreation Center Mirh,ec.oxw TownMmgw Important details to keep in mind for the Town of Hilton Head Island's loth Birthday Party — for all Islanders . - I Plans include appearances by Federal, State, County;;and local personalities — all to recognize the Islan&s:''Decade of Progrgss" as a springboard to the future. Recognition of leadership4ill be the emphasis of•.the fornial:part.of the program — all to be limited to twenty; minutes or less ` BoyS�couts from the" Island will serve as the Color Guard. . The plans include a variety of activiheslfor aII ages Games and contests with I i prizes, as well as sw>a hung pooh activ>ttes, have lieeiY,aiiari d ;,'The entertainment I program will feature',, the Bay Street Stompers; f Tf6n:'Fiead Elementary Traveler, the Barbershoppers, and others Beginning at 1215'an excellent picnic feast vnth-freshments will be available for all. A minor charge of $t will`lie made for each plate of food, plus $1 for the ` refreshments. These charges are well below:cost and assessed just to control waste. Important to the Celebration will be exlutiits and deriionstrations by a variety of organizations. They will°include: • Hilton Head Fire & Rescue • Emergency Medical Services Hilton Head Hospital • Beaufort County Sheriffs Department • U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary, Flotilla 1011 • Hilton Head Power Squadron A special note: Free cholesterol checks will be offered at the Hospital exhibit, and free blood pressure checks by. EMS. f All Islanders, are expected and most welcome to attend this Town Council j sponsored event. TOWN OF HILTON HEAD ISLAND One Town Center Court, Hilton Head Island, S.C. 29928 803/842-8900 Fax 842-7728 Ramey w. Ewln& jr. - Mq- PCMJr. c°°"`EM'°i" PRESS RELEASE Fmk Burman Ru" L lZond141r. . DonnaC Martin Tom Peepie- ' Dorothy Q Perldiu Mark your calendars today for a very special event to be held Saturday, May 15. Mijwc.ow-w That is the day Islanders will gather at the Island Recreation Center, 20 Wilburn Road, from 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. to celebrate the loth anniversary of the incorporation of the Town of Hilton Head Island. 1 Ten years have passed since the Town of Hilton Head Island was officially chartered on May 18,1983. During the past 10 years the public affairs of the Island have been steered by five mayors and five councils and all will gather . with the hundreds"of volunteers who have all worked together, giving of their time and talents to mold a decade of progress for our community. All islanders are invited to join in the Celebration and meet the distinguished group of State, Federal and County governmental, representatives who are being invited. There will be a variety of food, games, refreshments, entertainment and good times. The day will be" pifiof eelebration and fun. i i 1 . 1 .cerane'newer-Authorit -on=lhe t —'�--- - - -- t ' Peeples joined the council follow no�funct Z4miie pipeline. He was chair- N deokllog},Rh special election III late 109. Jerry Dunn the ?;^! man of the council's subcommittee on Com- �kKj� lobetenoVed �ta� % councU member representing Ward J, was'-munity Affalre which was preparing to rea t• iJipt`bolwee:an elllgabr9la ihi f running for reelection unopposed, but died ommend the formation of yet another town t ;'1Hlpdas Bold; "doeaq't mean..wet4 +• ' etler the !Wail period closed that fall. A ape• task force, this time to study transportation, i Al 6es�to pose a+thre� t'tolhn•t rI cial electioq was held Dec. d, IM, and Pee' And he served on the council's subcommit- ( 1 iseisgs: ; 4 i f : t , r 1 Z� ples was sworn In the neat day with the oth. tee on intergovernmental affairs. aecarding b ithodea, the`r�liga , otii� er council members of the Jerry Betide ad-' Peeples said he's not yet decided whe& o, z m,�,t,go p' ministration. er he will run again for office from Ward d. ' pable A•a, f uu F 1 Peeples recalled that he received 62 per . He said he might like his nenfound freedom +rT p.f ' cent of Bro vote In IM, with Islander. Bob ,;. from Town Council duties ® i/iI V� .. ^w ,,} p[ �t c q v , f } 1, .5'v S� S 1 +• J) g1 rr r i „u �t it �• n '4ref{l;{�dt'� ift Y4 ��r x + r1e�7i� Ft y�ttprf' P is ¢ itry3 fff lid?? 59� 4 ! �t�►3ep�z o�"o+U�UOn inee�a 7reac�er, i 11�t lid' *M?• f, 'N`a���}t� �k'�; n• +jvo�59 JUL :�Yr ve� 5�„v " j)'t?'t} ant 8� 11M OIIN 16ayeers of SThereSls alW iw requ �Ingsever weyore'end Into tormem i 1 �� ii►' HIV meat,for 0.bbod. o ys I UsedM Eplscopal'wedding service I t ' aalclktA¢A��f'�ys p was raised a' Presbyterian but when I tfi?IltouslyrlHilton Headaland�fdayor TheCabilj tegetra x'qufckle taseP+� married+snSEpiecopa11an1lwas given a .� a iteryoYlEalgg hesla'b ?of sa ty irn' nedf Hh Ibe r�ntetlallik pnyd' book, and f havn worn lt:out tum ! i dpubUo"mallets'. But'so Tol le rh n glamor ra�kHUIOn,Head'taei (obf,"the tegto'tfro'wtddingmremony' r twt�rolltethltde`atsohae'tiioauWarlty�'drmoslfwous'delttiwttbnti6dbrW• �j8lmrlll'esyaabt'oftou�ka'bfrecenl4`, + to �mtfetmmamlagemiinionlepjor+that lkeep>fi�►deatiad'dnfhaeh! Ead, eYreftwve�Nanted?ldwrtb!thdrown BLOM '.heshnmtthat`auttn�rltyRkltbn galjgpeetorma'mritlagex'�i!?;� r ceremonks�aandthabiheae`da�'66ottnel } petill4lq fhe etate.i t ,. , dThua farfiEidng hhs ofjldated a► f hbn af'alll Whatever monies tlro`couple ! j�a�)Uadergoinfh Carellntl A he ig la llh r and a of c feel good about the �mmltmeatthoy erp sp'a�oogteebtfand doA�n kk gleede� bat counc111tnem• atakingisfldewithm Q4� hssald.t + i p I Jim I.it$16j1Dhn �0"�en`ac seSvlee"vrth�b g tAiY, s A'tyimberorolttefLlandaerrhohokl Yprdfa�ld� 110" tp'D la„'10 u+ `yl+��e • • �,gatei'j�,�}'O�Omp11/aiattf.'l t�ee�,n'f p jOrgledr s, (' > � Y' weddln Lynn Baskin a amer'edget ,, eeling that he did not really mock that aaaua;b the ooatSactt{wtiich(#nust np a line q� , >p f es and "roots" that witch doctors dealt t bo ttteued �y Appro}l�t�eb W .fit �'llinme for, �4c let +Wing exgcutive who..now b lnvolve� la { l tsUnlaiidedFAMY,IM !t ti rt v� K real*'estaRetahaa 'married coulesron l alsed unnder the heavy Influence of a t K4�iiith'etate ion; eucbgea a±ttota,Y ' 4�Zhawglhe,Mu�lo yyV Yet? C bode' 4 ra Wort and ,vleb•Ib111Wnent that helped T110 blip. olberr' ho mayslegeUy��w►taep msyar oliChat)edaa+) iol� !half calls performing ore ceremsay'on tiro u the voodoo establishment as it ex- Ya thd'callracl are�o aln t minis trait oro'i ` rm la ei bt !hid s fey . i�th�. g gat Meltme Club on DauNskl� l on aaetal Carolian. Ed bad no trouble ear t ind?Tf�ilil� ' i" e) a augthl� nerxa r ti I ng It ppearrtt.this arsaul when fro wen 1[0 r cari ticbimder of. Peeples Canstruo u,ly !halms! lato the job of sheriff at the : o 'q,lepiire� >eveealt a�tam4�a,+srhoS don Company. pbo Is also known for his I f21. hjnarrlilge�ongmedegouth aturodthniewotkbojdatataryb work laJeouUag,mgywelibe..thelocat l a seat was In Beaufort,but his new job. wu'a'hevea MYcttug'eta mop tMi boot/ ploni, l�ben I oomm.,tq�rmkn�4 him virtually unlimited ctvgpowers ' iluick�riherrlaletCouples&?fa tup mite s i , " .1 D°I ,�� be lives of thousands upon thousan>la x sktee•wltb atrkta lade ,tb6kked b� 'W pe toe 7Lps tar •gcireed - !seek, zens throughout Beaufort County. Pelmetb gtale, wlrore thae.wmea nose + serl!Insal 1Jafek'8imrlll, i f !lave of iciated'et'JTt weddings, and I -,: vays were warmly paved anywhere, 1' ulranente� torj blood 1" a 6;f tvha hku, a t(dge and stlil;fieiriti o! ' . to ay l of j ' ed mm* d tbbm. t 9 oy neautomobile was hardly out ofIts In- f� waltlegperiad `, # .,; tp6lchhe �fordWe gclntneder?sald h9 hoe had`.some un ,. Emorcing the law called for personal i sh a bee bne4 sllghWy , .. htl sUrl rt+gllmtsf for flocations�,9pt Y Have ellam,couage,andany eortotaq'fhere'ba24•hoGr:•ws1tiea jbgna6g1 ony z ¢lune'osuplesTatthetspotthe' j roe could get. _ K,w "rida �� p t' -11 TII 6 MOi RN ` �mtntbi elbt ; * Boo ftIAWWII�.�Pape IM 9 r" �`i 1 i l `AcTEEM Page A•1l) n 1 1 . i.. . 1' • , 1 1 , 1 r f , ,�: ,n i�`lf�l♦ ,. , ,t4 �j .,'I }t )i, , s. V ;1 c r ,u ,n "mugnt it lion" be fair to have Deke De According to the official town —wmauun for *=,000, and $3 mil. lion from state coffers. "We ,/ ►' A% Irman of the performing minutes of the May 20. 1991, meet- • fund drive, present for aren't literally bolding their. ion, and Delmach was out Ing, Delmach pledged to Town Coun-.• cU that construction would not begin e 7. member Frank Braftnan, last week's annual without all funds being In hand in an endowment fund. He also said the(ii i iq Married Eit the Resident Home Own- cultural center would not become a white elephant, and that the Cultural r� ' n, said Cultural Council Hill discussed June 7 be. Council would not approach the town for more money because all funds Continued From Page A-1 uncil could have been in be in hand before construction revoke the fundingwith votes. Council 'member �� Brafman told his RHOC audience Harbour, Town Lfghthoaae ' be said, "and one down on the heath, be. In was absent, and May. that with DeLoach announcing to the of tween hot e sJuly day dunes. e also done one at dawn on the beach In front of the Westin, and anoth#,, at the same location, but at night. to that case it was a good thing I was trained to -Be Prepared; and brought along my �y group 1.65 per 100,00O hours. flashlight." Another Islander recalled the Volunteers The volunteer members of the Hilton Head Composite Squadron, time when an outofdown faintly member was to be married In his lunteers of, the Low- chartered in logo, have conducted • numerous air and ground search, se- home. "We •made all the artaage- merits," he recalled. 17M couple framed tutors and/or aching experience to curlty and Wandng misslons in the state for the Air Force, Beaufort was here, they had their flame. guests were arriving —and then I ute tutors this sum- County Emergency Preparedness get this telephone call. The would-be o arc LVA or I subach and the state EPD office. To date, the squadron posts a perfect safety oificlant, a &lend and locai'lawyer, was calling &Om a local marina. His e teaching experience E all 6018855, Monday record with no reportable accidents or Injuries. boat had been stranded and he 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. -, For further information about wasn't going to have time to go home, get cleaned up, and get to our +' sCAP ts record contact Captain l;arnier at house for the wedding. lane safety Kasten is monitor "No one knew what to do. Then i recalled that ayry � Tom and Parrot, the worid'a at Virginia SChool g he said he could come ova and sign the arenas, but that beer never r of light aircraft, ty record In 61 years Katrina Kasten, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Bradshaw of read a marriage cerent 1 told him to cgme on, anyway. 7tun, with I, the official auxa- 13 Air Force, flew foir the Re, aM94 academic year at 'and Tom standing by, pen at the ready, I got `\\ tin an accident rate Episcopal High school in Alexsn- dria, Va. Monitors serve as formal out my praygr book and read the service. I figured that was stretch. ' 000 hours as com- • oral aviation rate of and informal student leaders and . are selected by the entire school ing a lay reader's license a little far, but Tom took care of the Iegattie a . Air Force rate of community. and we all had a great time."Fr 11* ROBBERY Tom. back$ jaxforbe'ach .s ent now Brafman, residents stew over proposed levy on meals Sy NALMILLARD Conditions Deapiuo Intense orfttcism' by one councU member, the Hvton Head added for Island Town Council gave initial ap- proval Maadey night to new taxes on Id and meals Whelp pay for arts center beach nourishment. In a 41 vote, the caf on h first A .. ' ieadtug backed a tax o[ one hail of , •li•a{�rei�� one percent to be added tobilis of ho- tels, motels, condos; billas and gyNORMAVANBER6 e.un taWMVTI+e,.4MPSAM Campgrounds, unwell as on prepared rosL.,wewr,trr the,getaviiay car toundbehind Port Royal Plaza. ; meals lit island restaurants, super' Supporters o[ the proposed market delicatessens i cenve P posed ::' w $7.2 million cultural center at Dienes stores. t! Shelter Cove face a new (loan -Council members, however, voted cWhurdle. dr1� down 3-2 a controversial provislon in ft the_ Beach Preservation Fee Ordl• Member of the HUtoaHead nance that would have earmarked 10 isbmd Town Council passed a percent of are levied taxes to the Is- three At resolution Monday ImWs Visitors and Convention Bu• night delays release reautobelppromotetotrkiii: i1M httowDmSeveral speakerp rase fromft aau- mtax funds until the diencetopraise orhint the proposed Cultural Council of Hilton taus as either desperately needed Head Ealaad actueUy receives for beaches or as an Im quitable tax ' b million promised in state •forc-edonWand residents. ondmoney. =_The tuiraheat criticism. however, ;That would delay release of k came from Councilman Frank Iowa money until ftY9S, un lees state officials change the BrafmaD who tried uns,xcessfully to hive the matter taken off the agen schedule for release of all tics I state bond money. During "s' break in the meeting, After the vote, Cartha t.r.,a ,w,a radw Braman said the proposed new tax, "Deke" DeLoacb, chairman °r1'^ „ ., of the Cultural Council, and I meals tiDka. e f. on e I a piece o n Bank branch sea eaPecially . _. • ,Iles et the Natlo s P Dudley King, Ls treasurer, nee—aGeorgiaTt:cheap-foundatthesceine. The proposed taxes.tvauld� (See FUNDING. back page) late Into an extra pew of tax because nut windows were arrived dep,it6xs opened are doma (SeeTOWN,backpage) to show a partially melted interior. . mothered itself before it ex. Trader, removed r least one glass.�� � ®� y� �y �asy A Deputy C.H. Trader, tar. from the car, and deputies' �/ LULL arded aw car while waiting gathered what appeared to be gas explicit', � �y M. �,p. _� evidence ,rah and evidence no car had Icahn!• °llne in j aperecimen Jars � g kan On �Xp�clt r ide®s *arrive. vas net to go up he said. Budget Car Rental to lieu of a U. an thank God that It didn't." Cense plate: March saw, It was sto Poker rules, , beer -wine - � sales Stud ear's windows were black- kn from a Savannah dealershiprul IJ 1 smoke, and when March .(See ROBBERY. back page) i llyOARYKARR part of the state budget that law- �er.�M/m.wmNr ..makers approvod feat week. Lt all, r} '��pp V wf��9 COLUMBIA=Gov. Carroll Cam �� vetoed 22 items from the d-busted: y � • .4 • man bell vetoed a proposed now tax on �etbW rate l estwtioners madeerely the A.sexually explicit videos Monda cause separate legislation made tic, .�t.:_a.- _ y _.: as_ _..:- 7 . .:. _ • :_ _ ,.,_._...�...y. y' provlalonsreduadant: � _ .. ` _. the United States are entitled to go, through through the asylum -seeking process, the world's indifference atrhat time . arewellknown.". thstUwpreahlent'spowersunderthe Constitution in matters of "military oeauuno — waca uaw mwwa a ex - Y tensionwa° Jan.1,190i.• . __. ...•_--•.. soled the (hiltural Council allU a which often takes years. But those Harold Hongju Koh, a lawyer who operations and foreign policy" The Self Family Pavilion for the t0 raise an endowment [and to operatlngloses. p who never get have ra such right Steverevvrole. .represented the Haitians before the Supreme Court, called on President should !a ers for the Haitian ref ees t'lalaul and Pefamlag Arta Is de- signed to have a firstplaseinoarding Former Town Councilman e was fictal The 1980 asylum law, which says "shall Clinton to rescind his policy volunta- roy. . countered that the i9oo law says the Justice Department; a S50•sest theater, anartgallery, Stu- din apace and, offices in its H,405 Peeples — who.recently t aignel required Iit Wellsaw afterPlanmoving i, U.S. authorities not deport or return" aliens who demonstrate fear I'M Is a sadday for, anyone which oversees the INS, shall not "deport or MM. I square feel. It would be located an 6 Ward 2 — proposed a ccerpromb i tan of retribution based on "race, reli• whose ancestors came here b y any refugee facing political persecu. lion donated property at Chamber of Commerce Drive and William Hilton amemberof the llc. t' t r Caut gion, natlonailty :.. or political opia . ion," was never Intended to apply boat," said Kah "It ha peened to the Haitians, but it could have happmMd They COat°nded that this:provlslon Parkway. 7�° li Ifs asked Q the rrouneB could a, to release the bed tax money, bu rE gthe When Immigrants grants are apprehended beyond U.S. borders, Stevens said. toanyoneofus." In ghowgcover fall toil law B.to c°ntl°u° t° &'oarrdbrinuet ryfDelo ch aSepol mberg Pilate that ground couldn't be ben without race! receipt of the Article 00 of the United Nations a statement Associate Attorney , 'General , Webster Hubbell said he � anywhere on the map. On Man day, the Supreme Court said this in said Monday they would be speaking to NatloraBant ofBdala about fi• i money. 'This would give a coQ ('. wrile Protocol Relating to the Status of Refugees, which the. iseD law party- was "pleased that the: Supreme Court has sustab,ed the, president's " terpreletlonofihelaw was incojr�e ° also sevenbout level that the town le committee � jeU�P�lessaidd.. , and nk lets, also was r teot Intended to take et- fecloverseas, Slevenewrole. autthe U.S. He yinnoted Ihat Haitian embassy ca t- the US.embaesylntbettaltiancepl- Earlier this In New York ordered.a federal "gover "goverment expressed what next Two Council A to be elected in me, town'& first mayor in 1209, dean j: aaablt , , "While we must of course,: be guided by "high of both . tal of Port-au-Prince are accepting r'ehlgeearylum requests' to release inHaitians Infected with the virus that causes AIDS who were November—mightdo. "Will the next Town Connell 14e propara! colder as a " - purpcee the treaty and the statute, we are not After the ,1991 coup, 'the Coast being held at the U.S. Navy base in Cubs. 7?re INS said Monday that tho change the commitment?", King asked. '.. ..I urge bon not to delay' her It's investment for she t it i.dgone persuaded that either one places any limit on the president's authority to Huard brought a small number of Haitians to the U.S- Naval Base In high court'& decision has no effect on these refugees, who are being flown IUai said last Week the pion i l Council expecting tim million in t a world c y world c we try ni y to attract community to attract people (le repatriate aliens interdicted beyond Guantanamo Ba , Cuba, where Y they lefheUnitedgfates. d alelebcodfundsaenetimelnthe last San Head).'. , Robbe TO , ripyerd ICoatiaaedhomPaget,A) (CoatleaedfremFagel•A) .r ,, . 10 Ra&ide alreadylaveprovided by council. Theceurcipsnext r�u and maintenance of public bead o, died . "wlthinthepastmonth." 'gang for every p of graa males. Lodging mllliana to general fax funds to beach parks and Infrastructure wm�l°July10. Ewing Is bankinghirhopesthatthe ceae, and capital Improvement b°a�esAMbeachfadllties. Iospitel employees wen allowed to speak with the media after, the already le lased a 2 percent accem modatlons tax, as well as the &tea• that. t°urism may nourish. It's the, . hospitality induetry's turn now,,,, he town has WNmate authority to enact "landmark" A —jar reruauNahmeat mayy needed as aeon as 1898, offtdab r,N.Y., alter of terry, DarrB dard0perantetalesalestax For meals bought within the tower added:: hu.vaW sparring With Huainan, the tax, citing a reseal state eCourt �°g 1 said.7becostofresasdbng00,000 ci beach could Bost as much as, He Woe M°taQY� ° said 6e V a Na- tloro9ank vice president and Is in. the now town tax would beodditional totheatate°alestax.,.; • Ewing defended the proposed taxes .and Said: "It Would be criminal not The April Wiling uphold a lower court decision allowing Hilton Head $10 million. Ewing said thot a family ; :eranot &ember charge of the six NationsBank branches on Hilton Head, referred, Brafinen chided Miley-:;Airvey Ewlag. We eblef span or of the plan, . toproteeiour nurnbeaonetaset.This is itiltoo Held Inland: It Is a beach Island to charge a0.25percenttax on , real estate transfers. spends t20aamonth eaftout wi pay only $12, a year under the: Hail of customers toother branchofDces. for seeking a' beklad-the•eoeaes con- . that presents us whop' we came here Asked for an on the epotlegal opin. t- m. Mary Hewouldn'ttellantomerswhylbs, back was closed, even when some aanaaafor ftnew taxes with tbaJoe calhosptlalitylndustrYi.; `for. Asfares Iameacerned, this Lt. land needs (these tax dollars for Ion byBratman, town attorney Curtis Coltrane said, "I don't see In other business Monday ni thebouncilunantmouslypeosedo „Elaine askeddithebrenchhodbeenrobbed:-- '"Me mayor did not:disouaa.tbe nou• �brrtent),' a°ythingthat ,tells usL.Ibelieve tha nal reading a potable water con, vatlon law; a pfaavelime: ' homesat Lalle andmSan�dP Paws Pets,stwo stores:'ested Proposedtax.thar sidentsof later. group —the residerutsof Hilton J wereecouncilm emb Russ c adit, cwmdlhasiheauthari todotlils-' -no money'ls to be used solely for In a r a -Ihdo;a thmore, near where the abandoned Hyundai`Headfalandwho was discovered, said Way didn't see would hepayla$the tax on their restaurant bills,,.' DazothyPerk!ffiandlfenryDreaaen Jr. Councilwoman, Dorms Martin rauHshmaat reasMiugI mainten-,special imm, dune restoration, acquisition .7bessspecialdi oa.. is III 'meetlngat?p.m.ratMonday. , Of Long mdchil. the suspect, the car or his flag Brafmansaid. Bratman;aad several,othe' audl. was absent and former Councilman .7bmPeeples'seatlevacenk aeceodgefaway' ' race members said the council 7La •propoesd has, expocted to ' e at it emorlah ' investigators weren't sure H. lei tars managed to inert an esplaive - Should seek;to doable: We exiattog 2 peeceat . acoornmodatlorm tax,, and ache "!much as 01.s mWlon a year, Would nwt need':the approval of the ®- ; dye pack inwith#W morroy. not make Isiand fesldents paq taxes le8�stare Or the voters, but •would e is in arunemealaureyaokr : t y , i become.taW Wiur arse more radkrg t �4ME OWNER; LOANS Corr®coons . r ,, ! , , :.0imue TUITION • �llE'.ig18�AlkT[1xx�S111P.7�ii� �fjgliP" i..1 • DEBT CONSOLIDATION t • H09fE 1glPROTEidENf8.r11'1 d1it0 9bi9 �Lii 85!i d^— aaldGhe18128perosrsoi9lo J '! - ir' •,. rc : � .. Taewonw..aa�.n BYALANFREEAMNRob 9gAmmbnalflh'avdasturnM.;:ut ,,ra,,jj marks 10 years or joyous'i-events `I-a.t.' �los��t�ll'' TCKYO - Japan's ruling Liberal MoAud by P N Democratic Democratic Party fell short of a Ins- thread— birth at the hospital —and grimaced. was the 20Phchildboosatthehaspl ; its, tal. But he baseball forltyinparliament Sunday but may hold on topower if It manages to cob Ubaral Dsmooxatle Parry + 1 "You're right mom, they are all was playing on . born's head Sunday, she said.., . Erica wandered off, encounter- ble together a coalition. Non-communist toddlers," she said to bar mother, a "lira hard to get them to come It. In81-year-old Courtney Spahr, who Voters abandoned the scandal- opposition parties ' nursing supervisor at the hospital, they're older kids especially if.. proudly displayed a little fiat cov- ridden LDP, which has held power while pulling at a strand of short They are the baby in the faintly," eted with a, pink, hasrt and red since 1t155, in favor of new parties Indapsndsma and smiths Japan CommuNa Party brown hair. Nicksa said. ".Chris Is my young.,,. sparkles. promising reform in an election that Marie Nickae, coordinator of esL Hthey are the baby inthe faml•.,•,,.. Courtney punched her turd into was touted as a watershed in recent Babies Alumni, said Ashley was ly, they're usually wrapped, up in the air to show Erica her newest Japanese history. 35mats the oldest child to attend the ninth annual celebration of the obstetrics doing what their older brothers and., .acgWaiGat, painted by Cappy the . sisters an doing." a r, , ; .;I I.Clown..,.. With results in from all ell seats in .the !ewer Hama of the Japanese The twas added s lathe:; David Spahr, was9-day-olS d Sara ' (parliament), P� was � seats in February M, eightng. years after the hospital celebration , tauglwd• Schooleraft, slept "It's ��Diet the In 223 a ;ate H opened. who lheargh.the ;.; . iike she's a 28 year Ma• of the 256 needed to form a majority "This Is just something we do every year for all the babies born two4hour party iB her teal, blue Hne;' he said, poaching his arm stroller. intotheairtoimitate bar. government. (Tiro LDP held 276s seats in the last Parliament but lost ry4ti,, N at Hilton Head Hospital," Nicksa Her parents, Jimmy: and-Enra. Loom Spahr, who works in the 48 members to now parties after the r j said. Schooleraft, stood proudly behind;tiospltel'smedlcalreorordsaection, Diet was dissolved) �r°•;.:, su- '''" Her I"ear-old son, Christopher.,.. their new daughter, as. their other(See BABIES, baek page), But the party remains by far the (SeeJAPAN,back page) T® 'sl"ass t ce hot fine is bAch in, bus�ess i Nallenalnewa 2W 7,yw 1IyNALMILLA6: 1`I f depetmency'aldruDO,aliwbulaadto. The town will Issue monthly re- available atTown Hall and atthe is; - Internationalnews 2W ^i1Ni",wHt r :, '; ' baao• , ports on the number of substance land branch of the Beaufort County. f NarLeportaroporf 73DS Widelyheldgoda� 7ot5 „Heip for .evehything from sub. Yt� the revived hot Iltro'a caller. stance abuse. to, unsightly.:weight . with a substance abuse problem or abuse calls received, but contiden- maintained, lmd, he said. 'lalityThe .beof Library. :.. Hut you don't rty heed A Blrihdayhorostnpe 7a97 gain Is Dow at the touch of a ringer. .,:question can be,connected almost immefttely to � as c t The cast o[ two phone lines is at the towowGlpaytorUroprogram. brochure: Callers with touch4aap s with phoney can hoar a menu of the as Time iow Justcat8424900: siata�e,Stephamoaeaid The rest of the hot-llae service, messages, each with a four4lgit. Conwmertips 7120 •Downforayearafteranaaty1%hf Who► you call H3�90p; a recorded meantime, has been greatly expand- S Soap sera 70r4 mint strike broke 't, the Town of voice says you've reached The Com- oil, said town Special Services arils Topics include taco about cocaine, ! Newonvideo 727 Hilton' Head faland a Corninurdty mom! Awareness Awareness Telephone Message teatTehnmy Matooe: alcohol and health, how to t smoic- �' the symptoms of AIDS, date Trlvlacall 711s" ck on, .vld6aatroWernumber todial "Hyou and , have asidstanceabuse problemand Is ever � This includes alhaetofdrugraLted and other issues- Including 95infor ai3 Local weather taD1 bottorthantem would like to tatc with someone per- native recorded messages on such " kid teetipgwteattwme.iaa pounds; aerobic misers, cop!ng with 14 It's aiso`easler toi use,,alof Paul Banally and confidentially, right now Stephenson, chairman the.May Aayorn%hL ! topics as AiDS. mental health; sate• fight nand ty, weight and nutrition, stress fill- stiaGodon stress, building self-image, decision. . f or'sSubstartoeAbuseCmnmlttee Theme aalatiag totem: are volua The Mt pawl crated � f e`i •teen — Individw4 who want to heip mro linage, Infoon, .: 'townrervhxs such as how to register tovote making,gal•settlog,wheretoregis• ter W vote, atul town beaches. The program, sponsored by the mayor Jerry Hartle aM o�r1g1� others or nosy have had adeug or al• chalred by Paul Bargesr, atarted tl a".. cdwl problem in the past, Stephen• :_ .' Malone said brochures listing all town, is produced by the lostilute for Drug and Alcohol Prevention is San original hot lux to help people with sonaid, available information will soon be, Marro, Catif. ,•' V _F 1." i; - If. ,4: i ,1I;t: L`1. r'- ,. _: .. .. r+•.•...,r..w.� ..w if/► tir.� .. rt rry on,'s6ys farmer Shorty'Huts BABY f LOUIS. wiTe as five football fields, choked . The Missouri and Mississippi riven, both surging to Disaster officials said the assault would Probably continue for several with flotsam, Including uprootrid trees that looked fragile as matib maximum crests In the great Mid- west flood of IM, Joined muddy more days as the Mississippi churneO.uear the 47-foot level, en- sticks. It was Nature with the bit in herteeth. forces Sunday at their news just north of here, then swept dorm n gorg'4d with runoff from 40 percent of the nation!s*corstiental land mass. Ev mh: Icon t wheel peat, almost Ali this city's sodden, weakened system ofprotectivelevees. After that, .the officials exprict, the times the normal mld-july ilow. river — barring unexpected rains — irve lived we an my life and,The extra water pouring Into the Mississippi from the Missouri to begin a slow but steady (all and the, danger of flooding to d1mint, , not honest to God, I've never sew thing like this," marveled Jack Ici swelledthe nation's greatest river to lot here, but all aver the flood re- ler, a refired automotive worker, a record crest, or maximum depth, gion, where 20 People be- been standing beneath the arch with " bt* of 47 feet as it rolled southward past killed and damage may exceed $10 dreds of other sightsears. "My bearl: the soaring Gateway Arch. Some R berms on the suburban outs- billion. The sight at the arch while the goes out to thus people who are get- 'Ung hit. But U you live near this kirts of the city were topped.. forcing "Father of Waters," as some Indian (See FLOOD, back POO State' says ioI5 k can't 47 4bollec't.. • town each lee. 0 Mental-hialth center planned, 4-A agerMchae O'Neillsald. ByHALMILLARD "We have not had an opporhmiq nor rmxr,mre' to precisely (determine) bow the A propbsed town sales tax o6 res- money Is tobo'collectecl,"besal& AV, taurant meals And lodging is on bold while lMtm Head Island officials try Iffle bad hoped the state would do it for us, but t appears we're meei- toworkoutawaytocollectiL mg..some re'litance- They (the tax T draWaIllbeir fj�oume.," .rianee needed to ecrict ii has been re, ', —I' I movied tronr tonight's town Councu ur leetthe A tee Haney Ewing pr6posed the week " last month as i way to raise An Totlast $1.5 million annuially1OF would A ,try doll-, I_,4fler calming tentative edbell" i6val.164aWlt now will tie i'm?" idencei a . wifti. last a *laid law eik' ` the tax, whm,: half -cent On OV7. meals AM fi.0 Jopan election �es ub [as at Sunday's Babies Alumni party.,housed esit S, DQ1oXRftPaftwhMbdJqMk*ru M Po9wwru1nIO'WWWWshffld qj 6126parcmatte LA 6YA 1f61iOAAN Tenure etYeudatan vahasttrrwdouL ioyous events, at hospital. TOKYd "�'Ijmpgra`g railQ Liberal RtsuifaruiaaioadtryllapuDfcTy Democratic Party fell short of a ma- th child born at the hospl. WAS playing baseball on dauglittr, Erica, 3i patted the new- born'shied. Jority in parliament SOW — My bold on to power If it me tocob.❑ 7gre Ube . MI Democratic Party iesald. rd to get thers to come if Eris, wandered off, enjowder.. Ing 1-sar-old Courtney Spahr, who bletogetheracuution., a the 54 Voters abandoned ndal. N6- communist❑ opposlilon pardes 'der kids, especially if proudly displayed a Bills list cov- ridden Lzp, which has held power, he baby In the family," d.. "Chris *red with a pink heart and, red since im, fij..Iavorof new Parties �promlslflgreisrsalnanelectliinttiat IndePandents and and the Japan Communist Party is my young. sparkles. Wgtebkb rLthe. form( ,. COUrtnev nurch ed;her_bandJnt;i__:: was touted as a watershed In recent . { i 1 .4 5 ° gan- wrsteWar nomaB °' fendwlehes.Theysatdpr°Ye!° live "Wasteteo ruBsisg In a'reetangla J hntead• "a piece of the and his wife, Kay. went,'• their fatti billrnnttasnl,apartof�8°°ala Atthe oone,theufivechildronlonBflO two o top It wi t of the 0ooa. Hutson's taland � ��+ �� f��feetsbova i acre -- CoU ble3 Home Rule to charge a 025 percent t W lContfnu¢dlmmPagei-A) teeonrealestatesales. d lodging in tw A --sideline" issue for thecommis- (LeatinuedlromP°Bet-A) be added to temporary tollageusuall y e to Sunday's event be vacation rentals and camp eo nmmisssiontwould bak�� write new MANNING. :said she cam a lot for uls, Programs and create new but relentles gables Alumni do's giounds• comPnteo�r acollectthetax• tions have q ffieuhoaPltalsobstetricswdt. with COnisslon spokesman.formsin •said the nds , --And its a party," she added The tax give Me same for putt "That's cost-Prohibtflve; wound wbowould9obe tbecom• spokesman. And it 1sn ,41ai raises money to u� ion Abe dtdB'tthtalr a O'Ne1g said the town tout gables Alumni d collect the money ua- d collect gt.OtOtte' yercbsae eQu►; pu� inthe oan � be a ka the state Pan"' law seymg layer of tax We , but comPla it would ta- -emit. The, Bout Pm� warmer. volve creating an ex qd be col• It'q c -57,wo birthing r'oem mothers and can the tax is not a state reporting• Reports d then the time, tl ent allow et the 'supped nor �e that would 6e �tedby the town,wtddr commission, one off UA ,�wborns to stay together' referendum. A send them to the tax back to hotlthas ad of moving the infantapp- 0 voter members, lea by would then seas them , 6eryryghtatterbirth. a .-DWority of sour Ewing are attempt- thetown• F to 1 itaren Nell said I r�ml a hoe iB6�P°" �e on Weir own ►�Y .� extra expenditure o time , ef- weeks } e use ;beanon for the their hopes on a recent, f� ana money v;?�a been H r Ilspe lb o her rhl` ' js�rkk state S9 Trje Court somefortheto9m, f) Ideillsald fortheto all thren. l�drenthere.Neil,irth anurseatthe mP� •Ingupbol"thetown' r16h + foresters saldshe talbwithitsnew a'aVeS femrc about making donations to ,� A„ nOUS1 r� ry 6 Bpi igabiesAlumoi. celebrated au �+ Yai7 _ tit" cl " r birthaaYs9BaaY' �.®�de,n 4enda they f ev 'Her young gi er i t • Welvecom ,most every e� v® ad A� trissacond °ate ding Weelebratathfs state dot '. s and `� • ' ' N. tAP) to W candidates In q I 5• :Ws�'shesald'' o makes Yea ,.,NORTii CgAR b Wg Ulm pberna �nettand ! 4¢e ,%: ° Wz Illcbe you're R� o i tamOY 6rietlan cwser�!ed to develop atl��ves agenda .David �W�r.—a�0attaoed many o� a :� IgltaiHeadFirak a�BdtonadowBlheh'fetarlcoaabor �Ro�ysse�the esd fire - ;.i,' s p I"' Her �t gobia Nell, brovgh�.°. tionandgaYrl6os themes debated mentioned abut +.' un =q Rescue p • ties that terence• He barely t.the other t�• ijm� irsektoj, iday'sevest. ,� „We must Promote assuchastax Lion• Inat"d"hew hatathe"ag. only , ,!qratiol a come out here every Ye -0 pe gybenelli voters,"tion and 'radicallett, was one I R�rtBm ¢e meter Sv as she Le d as lire crimofor e Bald Rsiph Rasa' executive tag Woodstock to take ova the caun- ° { %Rem �rector61theCioutwacosll slowly tcyinB to t°k0 twos Fir 6ous�e wLlle other ehtidren raB , ant genge for > of aashipschoolwas P?� ltsstusy mint %ves is do- vat]. devoted to exp the cosll Hurl. }y' : ago, most o[ theeaUY pe�v strategy C8� 'aa , S •dmoi of old sad taeY �atiBgdisPraporu°sawdt. ateRePublicass,whofear&takeover' Haan ,•�� w , ,}_"Y Y „!w said But now velopabros UeOage�re �i °erva�sruodeN lings am t[ : eyleveit•' ly Oft issues Such"abo�aBi"s" by the Christian sb were urged 1 } ' _=wow masaxuatltY, t d remsm a vl• new voters. ole the mesas by which they fire t built Our raovam „ he told a communicate. ' 'tt'�®�1as 1®t$®i� rat Pact d theange11ca1a Sat- it really Ss the height a rr �o urday of a r gents to dam that it is the ' lendedSaour terms. ' r WInnW6 nwabers Sundaym are, The 1"de"MP col s � tle "Goa and bbel&t of Se ca Andons of the ways Aga foltery a Cash game Ca lrY Ga1 At ls attaendad' by 3,000 PE0 where arepeopIs to find d Guy air fltO�gQl i,}.wbat theycoBrxmed about .". pyWning cumbers Saturday to the ae Rodgers, the coaAtlen's national h rnttogameare.9, 18,2>t,40.M+�• Televangellat PaR blition,. 1 � e,uer.:_Ma..� �nelddirecta'. i . �perB,owetiuHexinarrcicr-r�- roof. ..___._ ._.......... ...... - and a ountYdeputies had their hands full Before the storm, 'a record high tempera - mum. duieuegtrafticthrough intersections where Voyteawasm'talone. lure of 105 degrees was reported for the or the lights no longer worked. No major accidents Hunheds of South Carolina Electric and Beaufort area by the national weather sec - where were reported although a three -car collision Gas customers were without power attar the vice, breaking the previous record of 101 S4 near the Marine Corps Air Station drew storm swept through the area shortly before earlier this month The heat index reached d Torn. emergency crews from throughout the area. 8 p.m. Trea of Dis- Details of the accident were unavailable at town and limbs and huge trees tell all over an uncadortable 1ledegrcea. severe lightning added to the 0* 1.34 inches of rain fall during thq press time. storm'sdm aeges. storm uck by The heaviest damage came from trees District Manager David Tempel said the . Hall the ithae of mothballs was also M. ek and andtightming. initial storm was an extremely nasty one, parted imparts of the city. ER DRUG BUST Towne� � ` O on plan to. push .: onto beaches 7 - 30 - 9_3 SyLEONORABONEN ►acaal ata11MI1M Callitarepsirjob. 'it's a measure to extend ' " Eroatom along area beaches has the work we've done on j prompted from the state coastal HUtoo Head Island to seek the beaches.' Council two push sand up from the low 4 Al Winston, tldebeach ;'ie'sameasure toextend the work -beach-panel chairman ' we've done an the beaches," said At Winston, chairman of. the tawn's otteaUwouldbedone. ..r i • . j '::, , i ..: < ti. Shore and Beach Preservation Com• .The work would be limited to tlna mktee.. "It's one of the nfethods to besciifront hotaien CoUgfW Ctrele. lanoian the lure before we need to 1Y „Hotel spend another ilo million fairs raw "it entalls going out atlow tide and blunei>< rot. ` The town spent more than $9 mll•' WI said "Or Wpushing the sand ye o W��' 1r l�.u. lion In IM on a beach nourishment la project that left 2.3 million cubic " thbndl�doxers.Itwouldb k itwi� ehe pr0l, ; along the Wand's Yet& Of sand al torsWwork slongthabeach." i*', 1 u, Town officials s. Donna Gress, a spokeswoman tad propose to scrape . the coastal council, said Tuesday . , _: s+: sand from the Intertidal sard bar to the permit application would prob,, the existing eroded dry sand beach by come upbeforetheCoastajCotb Brian LIP"ernhe lslampactat stion suspects Thursday after raiding their Springwood when0ver.1t is needed, according to cil at its September meeting. InteR' the town'spermit application. sated parties now have until Aug.14 es raided the unit with guns drawn. Whuton could not estimate how comment on the towm'a much scraping would coat or how ltleeSAND,backpage)' U.S.won't •, dn�w Demjanjuk s return.�.. 0Acauhtslstirsoutraae,10-A But the United States stripped him `\ .i By KAR IN LAUD of W citiransblp in 1981, and only hie' a.madat".rauwrit.. native Ukraine loomed as a possible JERUSALEM — John Demjanjuk, destination. Ukrainian otnciahs said Dam11ai4juk would likely be allowed acquitted m being to go there U he applied for MG the Neat mass °~ bemblp• murderor "Ivan " •�" s. Faintly members said DemjanjA i the Terrible," won : • would likely remain in Israel for the �-. his froodom on: 0_ next tr hours because malty details .,,emu._ .•-4 �-..I.J � ..._,3_t 1 TI. Itt.. _.,_...,,�•-...•,u.,.n�..�, ,.,.,may=�.,-«-��•-�•.,�,,,. •�. �,_„ u-.-.�...�ti.,.�.x.�m,....A-.,,..,_,�..—yellowing 'aemt� `Uvitka refusal to allow him to bungee jump from a" o cut fhe ropesaand p ummet tohisi Jchn LemtxrBer, director of the anyone who t nlgntechsa oled survivor support group Amcim, said .shouted: "I la fy, They rated private plane. Rosso, who claims to be the death if poiicd attempted to rescue him. flood with cabs Sher the rut inTreliWkka d wAlght•relal¢d the PIScoumelhotlineswlerere family, 20Dpon are less common Wa (a ripped open old wounds amo er'e are fewer w s routs. t ofthe300,000Holocauslsorlvasmltkv ing NOutraatfeNa', I. wam of the copse ' �� Ingla Israel. stones at ,the i lrolldk4S ixd alb on a Some said the dedSlon would pro- Demjanjuk'ason! Vide fodder toUwe who contend that son•in•lawEdNis' axes of inactivity ICoallnued liom Page I•A) of Paimettoft¢rm Reskvt.' 8 million Jews wore not killed by Some found a a( town'setfortetomaintainthebeach. Nazi Germany during the Holocaust. thededslon: stilt �. showed that Indl application. Onerato Permit Palmetto Dunes ob.The town "Spent $10 million to put "For survivors, this (kvling) ls a raeli Justles. ;acheart diseasetive have otI G �� a similar permit has talred a nts from tka U.S. Arm sand on the bm.- " he Corps of Engineers in the early S03 to need to preserve the said. "We ry i of saying their collective memo- "I think it Is a g Ilcallyscllva beenlasuedonPawky'sbland. scrape sand along Palmetto Du work, which isviW." 'Ndraaybe,ifthegarelh¢onlsidd. m hktegrlty of that !Y ls not valid; Lembergor sti. the Supreme Coku '' "But We need to make sure It's a thin ilesotbeaches. 1b prevent damage to U10 logger or former Is said li viable project,,, she said of Hilton "We did thMalat for 13 n !a't, and their memory is n A former tuaell Sul l Head'ser. years, Seel we head turtle Seats, t10 atata Coastal valid, `sybe that will X"ngthen the Justice. fort to protect „beak s, but rli like relatively ellyy good condilned the beach f on " is y� In "Wil tlu�kalsr most4es � � p¢¢ , case of those who say It didn't hap. Other Israelis ion, the Pal• ciousofthecourt'a c, heachnakrlehment,lthastobedone mettoDunesresidenBahl. "But we turlksarenotnesthrg,GresssakL Nazi hunters said that by overturn. 751AGuman,45,t j, ge I -A) fight. were stopped (in the mid•eighlles) Meanwhile, town cdRcfeIs have es. . ing a convktlon based an survivor from nerthern isr., "If beach scraping is done improp. the a sea turtle's west came dare thnuled no r Iarga- ale trourlsh• testimonies, the decision will weaken up at s a.m. toget i average per. erlY. It can do more harm than ingruneverbyabulldozer• merdtw°jeetwWboarededinIra. the "m¢lveofOther countries topro. said, "ddsdecisior. :ounty. good," Gtessaddod. After that Palmetto Dunes' beach But eUor efforts are wader way to secuteNadwarcriminals. Israel fears take that the require, This is not the first time sand deteriorated, said Onorato, who save 00* beach Israel � net plan to ling press further makes choices; has ' we growing fan-" scraping has been undertaken to ads nerved as President of Palmetto Besides the beach acraping per. des' and the court wrote that ks, notprinciple." rmelsgrowing," extent on Hilton Head, according to Dunes until 1985. mil, town officials are attempting to CiOd wend have to Pass final Judg. Demjar juk's trin The way we're Robert C. Onorato, former resident get sand dredged from Port Royal used ion dies extent of Demjanjuk's as an eduestloml fl) those two Ines P Onorato said he supports the Sound thsompotegglrtrers, raell ofIIclals cox complete�Chie J Me WSham. acchaa� to I of i t was made duo- Bar aeld "The rompkls truth ls oot from survivors aboc' !caleastoercempt At a glance �Jut the efforts theprarogativeofthehumanjudga" killing machine t 'port,Hesaihe Demjagjuk'sconviction was based deredemiltionJews '; 0come up again By The Associated Press tocorgenitai absence ot ,- rip testimony by the Troblinks survb Dror Koch, 14. ca thehospitatsdd, ' everys0,00oto70,00(1pregnandes," versandanSSldenitycardissuedln supreme Court am 8 a r° Twin dies � a dodyaboui70percerdarelorn Damlanjuk's came at the Trawnild group of i tt Doctorsknewshewouidle HvaeranrvlvebeYoodfbeRretday training camp for death camp who wanted to bec that something �areIIpai'i1l$ without akidney, but saibothBlHs UteUntversltYofxentkrrlq,fioapltd IPls+ds arguedthel thing would havedlelIflettjobsoxidthe said But yers.He done to get tire LEXINGTON, ICY.-A2uS•monh pelvis. lbuut �rvaY through the Supreme of five survivors six erUwtrestrk Doctorssatd7wanywasnotan- l PPW, Israel won access to been eneugh to coin eldgirlkRwtihoutakldroywben acaplsbk:cakkdislstorakl p Soviet archives that yielded deposl• Janjuk even though I She was surgically separated from kidney • 110- by 37 Trebiinka guards and new elderly and th her cokkjolaedlwindied7tkuradayln transplant becauseshehadotker eII �1��$�L forced laborers whosald"Ivan"was hePpenednearlysoyr" i herparents'arms. seriousmetiicalproblems, MILWAUKEE—Awoman anollmr Ukrainian guard, a dark. 'The court made a ittery Theother [win,Hrit Herparents tothlntheirlsls Ple dedgulliyThumdagtortalsety haired man namaiIvan Mareheako. mistake. It can't i ReneeLewls �m� cB al� teem. stayed In a room next to rePmtingasyrrh�elnaPepalcan Sense IdentUtodw nkom�o. everyone is senile stable condition at the University of 7lHany'ssothey could me, hold and duringatutloawadeProduct. graphs and there was no resemb• Koch. ;auredayinthe KentudyHospiW.Thelargerand rocktlrtrdauglderasmuch as tamperiagseare. Iance(oDemjacjuk,abland. Prof. Amos Shapira P his before shedled. KatherhmWuerIA0,me&her Mardreako was last seen iorip,n the dean of law at Tel A' 13game sko: skungerofthetwo, she wasg)ven "HerAnoPleainU.S.DistrictCwrlas Tuesday.Dodo is ItiagIrls'lonekidneydhers�iws i s rgery, Lewla,weereehholding'f f(anyywh 40 a ntwiWprnsecutoo�who not known, NWWume C sais id fate was worthwhile beeai shedledinthehespital'atkeonais FCComraatdednomaselhealA has obtained rowdocumekds lscls evidence had came . auradayinthe charkceaarogaod Y intekwecareunU thoh0s W ' pl m1(ha mnprlson him in the Flume region In Cr wls In a out the extent of am 4• 71HanYLYanBrearsl.ewisdied ea said ' TM+naiklraumsentenceisliva 1982. peon collaboration a a resultot''.analfailure, secoalary Conjolsedlwinaoecuroocaln' Yaa+alaPrlsoaandag1S0,000flkre n ThernurtruleilLhegnatd"d¢poet. Nods SentetkdnBlssot[orOct,l?, boas saLsd nasesabk ch ubt. i "'r'1"?': t�i tirrrestaentiames t "+pewrnlwlu iaraelur �,.. �- • a , a, y 1+ Mitchell du in a acallrinr'rv/YH _ r gTut3sdaymeeting `Go to bat, for us,' ..NAACP t 1s town „�.:. eyLEONORABOHEN rackatihnwrllar NAACP members criticized Hilton Head officials for treensiuvity Tuesday during a meeting at Town Hall and urged tho town to become more active In helping native Islanders. Tempers flared and frustrations rhowed spring the two•haur meeting. "We want you to go to bat for us," said James Mitchell, president of Hllton Head Island's chapter of th NeU net AsrociaU f Ad t f Col '+beAGmpbeU{� a vitx�prmident at the loeai NAACP chapter. "I expect tiro town government to take care of my needs. That's your job. It's not my job to go to the county (or the utWtles) and find out why they are ootdoingatp•Udng." E W responded that the town bad asked the county for, an Improved drainage system. But there was no money f n the county budget, he eel d. In addition, Ewing promised that Jonesville Road would be paved by the end of the year - something "People. on or I .r vancemen o that native Islanders say the town has been dragging take Its concerns over drainage to the county. Water and its feetonfor several years. us.,. "It Is necessary for you to [fight these battles for sewer service, town officials said, Is controlled by the to Ewing said the town budgeted t1w ow for the Tuesday's meeting followed the rece:Aarrestand utilities on Hilton Head Island. paving project. citation of two elderly black Islanders and came amid "We don't have the ability or the legal authority to ' "You can spead millions on beach renourishment mounting discontent amongsome native Islanders. • do anything with water in that area;"(Ewing Said, refer- . and to purchase propertles, but when it comes to NAACP members asked for paved roads, im• ring to sections of the Island's northendwhere water mad ddng mlaor Iraprovemenls in the AfricaMAmer can proved drainage systems, and water and sewer ses. sewer Service IS not available. "We couldn't run water community, lboy are uotdoae; ' MitcheUeaid. vicein their neighborhoods. lines down therteven if wehAd the mm* b do 10 I� NAACP also asked the Town Council to show Mayor'Ilarvey Ewing add the NAACP should --I live in the town of HiltoaHead;, reiVnde l Her,*. I (See NAACP, back page) s^®o Israelis refuse p Scoop isftIsland packers24. Demanju's plea..,* • hevrnewnandlnformallon aervlta.Itollara . f®r he�rin frseaccessto quick Information TheAssectated Bross ona varietyof JERUSALEM - John Demjanjuk tailed In an at., Wm to speed up a hearing on whether he should face udlrpnalknal charges of Nazi war crimes, when Israel's Saprflfae and inlem llonal Courideniedhis request Tuesday. . newsandwealMr, Defense Attorney Yoram Sheftelsaid hemade the re- health, quest to move up the Aug. 1t hearing "because I would like Demjanjuktoleave thecmmtrysssoonasposelblo." nd ecopesan0 enhriaiM The ath U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals said, meamv s ment• bile, that the U.S. government could not preventDm;ass- to jukfrom returning tothe United Stotoo If the taraellcourt To use (roes him. ScosD. Previously, the U.S. Justico Department said it ;Hal 6U43I(NEWS)one fouch•.. would root allow Demjagjuktoreturn. Hewa;etrlppedof tons telephosathenanlerafour- ids citizenshipkt1991for lying onbig (mrw*uontorms dlpiloodelogatnaccasstoa ' 11111 I.See HEARK3. back pap) alepory. uas plan wow(' Bien ,I wead By ALAN FRAhj upAMrm.wrlu WASHINGT' many of lbe pool the deflcitreduc andcongresslom For the mid be relatively am tax estimated k year. The package billion from budl1 come to a vote II haveyetlorevea Both parties be dramatic. Den er interest rates I cans say its taxi jobs. i +sdar. August 4..1997 o expand waters mated. "We Intend to apply for another (CoatlauedtromPagel•A> grant," he said. Likely it will be the A C7y NAACP and was deported tv Terael In lost same grant, which Pitts called a 1�1',t�. J� '!Le government could now al: i "livable cities" grant. It is federal money passed along to the gover- (Continued from Page 1•A) NAACP mer.abers what the town to the full 14-judge appellate cou to the V.S. Supreme Court nor's office and administered should have donedifferently. Also Tuesday, the Ukrainian through the Lowcountry Council of more respect for the commu. Mitchell said that when the bassador to Israel said that fen Governments and the town, nity's elderly residents. town is faced with a similarsitua• , juk would not be offered asyhu "Really, there are no other funds Charlie Simmons Sr., 62, tion, It should contact the NAACP . his native land. He had planned out there that I can find to meet our he added, watched Tuesday from a seat near the two tables that had the for help in resolving the problem, The NAACP is coordinating an et• there after his acquittal by the It ` needs," The utility serves about 4,500cus. tomers. It the 500 homes can have NAACP facing the town officials. The Spanish Wells Road rest- tort to clean up Simmons' proper- ty at2 Spanish Wells Road. H Supreme Court lastweek. Demjanjukwas convicted and service extended to them, Pitts said, dent recently lostan old home to a But some members of the local tonced to death hr1985 on charg , be �� the sadistic Nazi guard la ; u "we'd have a very small area left un• served," fire. But before that, on June 15, the town Issued adm a citation for chapter wanted to know what cri- teria the town is using to deter- "Ivan the Terrible" the 7 finks death camp i Poland. e I ' links The utility, which serves the north• violating a town ordinance that prohibits unsanitary, unsightly mine what is unsightly and un• safe. preme Court overturned that ve ern end of the Island, encompasses more low-income and native Island and unsafe conditions. The cite- Youwant togive me judgment last Thursday. But hours before his schedule residents than an of the other public Y p tion requires Simmons to post a TtM38 bondaadappeedar court.e from your eyeballs?" asked Irvin an NAACP member. portation, another Supreme service districts on the island, said commiesionorBobWoad.. the easn Mitchell also cited the cash of "There'sCampbel "There's got to be some criteria �setuptnordertogivethemaCite. panel issued a restretaing,ord response to appeals by a tar-' Water and sewer service has been Dlogenes Singleton, vho was ar• rested by state llvesbrk officials don orarrest them." group and Holocenstsurvivor. a heated issue In the native commu. nity since the town irkorporated in . for feeding his pig table scraps. Several NAACP members The court panel that issued th }' straining order gave the atq 1983. Many native islanders have ex- State law prohibits feeding scraps topigabelogrolsedformarket. asked towa officials to consider gypping the complaint against general seven days to explain in, •, pressed anger that they pay taxes for services they do not receive. ' I don't an how you can refute disrespect- 'Simmons. Ing why Demjanjuk shouldn' 1: tried for other war crimes. It a1 "I agree it's an unfair, Inequitable the fact that you were .. Mitchell kid the mayor and - Ewing said the Tows Council would consider the NAACP's re- arguments forAug. 11� ;t duledoral eit. ; no qumtion about that," saiMayor Harvey Ewing in an In- Lour members the "H quest at a future date. Newebargeswouldfocusonb leged work guard In aq teIn an meeting fn a rmcfi chambers: g to r you had any respect or under- In the meaathrs, Ewing sold be boy✓ the NAACP and the Town ; death camp, S i and in the t In amrounctag the grant award at announcing standing for the contributions Mr. CrAmeli would continue to talk on camps ofr, CB°�ao° cartrpa of Flosaentur; 1 Monday's Town Council meeting, Simmons has made to the com• a regular basis. Mitchell pro. Reg —burg. : Councilman Henry Driessen Jr. munity you would have ban- posed they meet sometime next The &e judges who had am,1 praised Ewing forhis work with Pitts died that aituation other than moaC%. and f.COGiaa6:.uiagthogrent making(ShnmonsandShWeton) After Wameeting, Irvin Camp- 1 Hot Ga. lottery JEwing sold more money must be look like commoncriminals." bell suld he•felt the cewnehl had I S sought in the future. Town officials argued that they come away with a better under 1 ATLANTA (AP) —Nineteen r Ewing said last week that th6 were not involved i➢ the arrest of strvft of the needs of the black the top 20 Georgia Lottery sale! ; PSD's are the legal entity that must Shooton. ca%munity. But he saldhedid not lain are located along the Ala dealwlthwaterand sewer issues, not in Simmons' case, Ewing. said, deal like any specific bum were Tennessee, North Carolina and; %. the town. "We're not in the position to supply the town received a petition with between i5 and id signatures n.solved. , "There was a lot of defensive Carolina elate lines, are q p° that," be said. "We don't control- seeking action from did town for am today— from bothaldes,'he. 1Yresday. ?; that, the PSD's control that." the "unsightly" conditions on the said. All four of those states don't The mayor said he has tried to do whet he can. but added that to do elderly resident's property more thanayearago.: Michell said he hopes the meeting prompts the camcfi to lotteryof their own. Head often doesn't qualify for such ' Counciimaa 4uea Condit asked set Lottery officials declined a re grantrbecauseofilsoverallwealth. from The Atlanta Journal -Con . CrMton + d� :., iC 1 <Coallaned from Page 1•A ) t' +r createany new jobs. e r r +e "The president's economic for taxes, more ape ri calls more and higher deficits," Dole sal, '. critical of a t was particularly I slon that would make the high to Jr °. yr,r >:r come taxes retroactive leas, " 20 days before he even t _ ..—��_:.__:: _ _ __.... 's hi •stakes ea ea i j had many phone caltb "from constituents -- --- yet;either. is in- whoarenthimins tayontheceuncil. Ward 6 representative Dorothy Perkins � He "' "Although I've voted in the minority said Friday she was not ready to declare For the first time, there will be no in. •mpt many times, I feel I'm representing the her intentions just yet. She said she wants to .cumbent running In Ward 3, because the ferry wishes of my ward, ' he said. get through the council's Impending ordl- neat Is currently vacant. Former council 91 to Ward 1 council member Henry Driessen, nances on wetlands and signs- and enjoy r member Tom Peeples had to resign his seat the mayor pro tern and only survivor of the vacation - before she settles down to make June 10 because he moved out of the ward ! fman original Town Council formed In 1883 at In up her mind about running again. he was elected to represent. Road takeoverby town hits apotholep �} H N tL vis By TERRi JO RHAN 7-29'`12 anttwd,a Hey Curtis stop trying Town Council last week dropped an t ++ + n. p any to' rove you're Godzillal. tension of cloud -door diplomacy and asked p y r { residents to "publicly embarrass" a recalci. p y Leo Zabinski trant property owner Into signing New Or- leans Road over to the town. The town has been trying for more than three years to acquire the pothole•riddled 'This whole exercise is r.: K road so It can make repairs. The route Is , popular with Island motorists as a bypass to slily. the Sea Pines Traffic Clyde. w Since the town, by law, cannot own a sub . Curtis Coltrane ! standard road, the area was made a "mu- ' nicipal Improvement district" earlier this Association, the deed to the road was dellv- year so the property owners would share the ered to O'Neill's office at 11:30 a.m. July 20. tr� cost of repair, estimated at $ 00,000. The However, according to Town Attorney k j merchants' share is capped at $200,000. Curtis Coltrane, the town will not officially Council member Russ Condit said at the own the road until several supporting pieces July 19 council meeting that If he Is going to of documentation are provided, which must take flak for the delays In road repairs, then also be signed by Zabinskl. he is going to make sure Leo Zabinskl Coltrane said Uwl before accepting the shares the spotlight, conveyance of property, the town should get Zabinski Is president of the Shipyard the corporation's authority to do so, so the tlk Commercial Landowners Association, the corporation cannot later sue the town for i group that owns the road until the town offl- taking the property, clelly accepts conveyance. The town also needs a copy of the assoct- " When Condit began discussing the sub aUon's bylaws, Coltrane said. Since the as= fject at the July 19 meeting, Town Manager sedation never adopted bylaws, he added, it Mike O'Neill handed him a hand -lettered needs to adopt them so the conveyance can alp with Zabinski's name and address on IL be validated. Condit hung It from his own nameplate, "We have a deal, and all we ask Is that i - wg where it was visible for the rest of the meet- , they honor It," Coltrane said. Hochman confirmed that the association In an Interview during a break in the Is not being asked to do anything out of the meeting, Condit said Zabinski has sat on the ordinary.' "But please make It abundantly , agreement for almost four months, and has clear: It's been out of my hands for three not responded to persistent entreaties to weeks now, sign the supporting documentation. Coltrane was visibly vexed at the July 19 t: xr r�F rtr And I can't think of any good reason meeting, and said he was perplexed by why we can't get an answer out of him. I'm' Zubinski's inaction on the road agreement, Or - or the �3C�t� +,S �{ y7� tired of putting up with the crap and public tally since speedy repairs to New Or- ySaN." r ig 9. wroroverNewOrleansRoadandbeingtold deans Road will benefit nearby businesses I can't respond," Condit said. "The hell I as much as it aids the town's agenda. a bodybtdider, Will two izrho time t$f frgm can't." "Frank Guselo wanted this so badly, he ntly-opened Wd a Gym* Mo88r According to Frank Guscio, president of w.,U door to door himself getting the neces and John own. For mare Gn the Sctt7io property Research Holdings Corp., the firm ;ary signatures," Coltrane said. that formerly held the road deed - which it In a statement Zabinski composed for acquired in the bankruptcy of Hilton Head the media July 20. he said the deed was exe- Fhoto by B!Yan 3 Company - and Brian Hochman, attorney fir the Shipyard Commercial Landowners. •see ROAD, Page A-11 xn creek offers fu.n ' n® heat relied This offered us a good chance to t ee a part of the island you generally don'tsee Ij ;ht in Peggklyy wasn't sure if aha woWd attend the hen weeaerobics class after all the pad �j B6 4 Sh�R ea 4hat a IItUe soreness L -- tlAats �.. rec[or; administrations had - ' """^"" "" "'-" -• _ Lone promised to and chnraclerized Ihcm as "" ""' "^' [""""°' ^ ''^....'. Pave the dirt road, "and it's been on people '110 support the pro egcotod was mnde by Lawcountry Indians id[ tea' the back burner a mighty long time Construction should be compleled in mitlrnla ngo. ! now "Bids for perk month. meets will I ly, even March before next year's tourist In• be sent out next moms• welts will 0 • form O'Neill reported that an engi• fiux,hesald. neering firm has been working on The path's crossing of the plants• include construction of a pedestrian ner,it's right-of-way acquisition for the 1.5• tionentranceshavebeenmovedsev boardwalk and security' Fete. drive.LEN ER �) mite route, dealing with the property eral hundred feet back from Hw , way Impra%cments. entrance and In. wiles lines of more than 50 owners. The 278 for safety reasoro. y lerprelhe signs, sodding and o pro [bing the road !s still months away from a ■ Council gave unanimous re posed observation deck. d ,' "'�,,"� •N[ construction start, he added. Iimina a p • Mayor Ilarvey Ewing noted, When discussing the budget two ry approval to amend- following an invocational prayer for give the ments to the Land Management Or- the recovery of council member isortof /7q{//�® "/��'"/�y�' �g/^�l�y g steely. d /SL i Y i R,iJA•� l about a Pon 0 II they could have been cited for more A in blow• serious violations. Such offenders usually payoff without complaint j works Continued From Page Ai and, since it's a town law, all money ! stays in local coffers. In short, I the vU• "careless driving" tickets are a t l,elea town - which cries out for speeds good way for towns to make money. r we faster than 45 mph, - proved too Also, remember to keep your reg- d ! them great a temptation. Istration In your car; I was driving 'tknow lit• la learned about 'a anew my wife's car when I was pulled SEALv POSTUFIEPEDICr,$IMII ofUckeI.Certain violations InSouth over and she had the registration in RESTONIC'MARVELOUS MIDI:Carolina carry "points," and there her purse, where it did me absolute- PR n• points impact the amountofinsur• lynogood. LOWEST Tn�6 I dven once you pay. Some SouthCarolina Tfyou plan to travel through theed do townshave lately alerted Issuing Savannah River Site (it's no longer roles. "careless driving" citation, which politically correct to call it the Is a hand.carry no espoints. "bomb plant") make sureyou notice ling colas In general, such violaters are told the speed limit signs when you exit. pement to consider themselves lucky, that Or else. .reuu� j/ .reuu�}f o some were pan II g" "19 TWIN Et Pe '89 TWIN U. Pe. a119 TWIN Ea. Pe. 114d ilger, ®ad by Town Manager 0e." end ed ryl!I FULLELPe. 'IN FUUEs.Pc. M68 FULL6.Pc. 'III ire Town Attome Coltrane " He added IM OULT N Sat '299 QUEEN Set 1161 QUEEN Sn V59 There that the public servants have been 'yp KIN-uSn 'IM KING Sol 'S70 KINGSetNS 40 g out self-serving." 1.8 Continued From PageA•1 'I haven't heard word one from r�sJ13�.x�::� ! the vie our grew. leaders;' Zablinski 1 I 1 E cubed by Ms board of directors sev- last week after he was contacted by eral weeks ago, and any delays were the Hilton Head News. "I've only i 1 ft. Coltraue'sfault. gotten phone calls from reporters." I 13E�DAFRAME 'I 'I DELIVE 4:30 The town is certainly free to He criticized Coltrane for dictat- " I 1 I WITH ANYBEDD ire filing adopt Councilwoman (Dorothy) Per- ing terms to him, and added, "Hey, 1 BE SET PURCHASE I I PURCHAf } f yxalere king suggestion and contempt (sic) Curtis, stop trying to prove you're I k w °. a.a'°�'°uw.'°`w,.a°YM1AOA'aem,sb,°' pr u p1 I-1 the property, g I w,b.W.—Marroawww. 1-I aw"e.w.,m+,an.n „ dbeable P Pe y, paying fair market Godz(Ua." 1 e.pn.uya,,,aua 1:7 W.- wo # value for the right of way which we Collrane's response was, "God L____COUpON-31. ,r--J''L----COUP01 estimate at over one million dol• zilla's one of the more favorable uld have Lars,"statedZabimki, comparisons made of me. He's a r-----Lam-----1 r:lson �_��---' d Flo Instead of being thanked by the very popular P.gure, as I recall," l FREE l FRO town for the assoclaUon'e coMrlbu• After a week of public wrangling I 1 7 NO PAYM' talking, nee been to trr ajeedrtto a wrote, all gutsy concl ded, "ThiOrleans ole Road, errcisse Is 130 NIGHT GUARANTEE* C OMFORT 1 NO DOWN PAI the by Councilman Condit, algnmaking silly." I GUARANTEE I I NO INTER IwinissVPMWAamoarosarKMDIsssl I Foaaslarl .. ' My and 1 VW IA I I umes'a.nu!.! . Ikt+'Pkee all AhuaimauF7unituro 1YProHZQo ' ® 4•PVCFundbue L-_-- COUPON ..---J 16 __ .COUPOI, triable rorksand Umbrella � omd. Wood Furniture MA aUE[ fronds. 'Largest Sridoa M7 fa • OutdoorAooaeorla 1 i •Outdoorlfghtlag a 3in6n 6'Food Lion •gbewith toatfai Expire, foursdt7 1711 B. VICTORY DR.'IM E�ware ri. uaasaondsfor sacm wlll Moa •SsL 10�Dem-T.10pm i- -- - -- 11&94&94L4&. r .......... stocks .: ... s 5-B JacquesBrinvRIe TV/mav*i*e*s*'.* in-inineupper-9W.- Forecast, 2-A Towifs drive to incorporate involved years ®i -research. I il Book ties Itall fWMer, 12-A YOUTrindahis-. Butwhybtbetownbere? land input inlocal government. about a specifie plan to Incorporate From staffreports tory and you'll el:,Ied bmsted re- The committee undaftok a three. Hilton Head Island, and mare than flod lists of tulles- =a U=O� e the towns year look at self-goverament which 700 people came. The committee Ten yam ago next Monday, Hilton tones and tales of for —AeA with a drive to incorporate as eventually gathered 1.464 signatures Head Ids- voters made history by. bow the town has are allmited-servicesgovernmenL of qualified freeholders (9a more electing the first leaders of Its brand attempted to con. LM than 10years in thamaking. R gathered reams of data and than the number needed to meet the joewt—governmen't triol growth and The effort was cultuninated when facts. Committee members visited 25 -Arent requirement) to place in - Inside today's Island Packet• preserve its char- acter through the Committee an self -Government Florida communities, Including corporatlootoavotL *11 MA a page special section "The years Of dynamic Options was created by the Hilton Bm Raton, Sanibel, Captive Island But a key move by that committee ballal Tale of.A Town: The Read Chamber of Commerce in Oc- and Fort lAuderdale. Itheldapublic was hiring a team from. the Universi- First 16 Years!' A celes of stories, growth. - tober 119W. It was a specific reaction hearing to disc Incorporation ef- ty of South Carolina to coodocta fee. photographs You'll also find names, faces and to a feeling that Beaufort County forts in Sanibel Island. Fla. which sibility study. =%y M phone numbers to help guide you Council was stonewalling good f&iL% attracted300islaffiders. What came of all the remarch was � through the twn's bureaucracy. efforts to Increase Hilton Head h. - later, a public bearing was held (SeeTOWN.backpage) Story, I-B DRUG DUST QV S set 7TL It —1 uram 1 -to siapp Oil ly air power �- _ conce M Bo'sma N S2rbCNative protest r"t1"1J*rSUnIft,2-A,. )BYTOMRAUM sclisrespectful' treatmenti- An*d.ftdP­r"w WASHINGTON se& dWogue with town. —Edgingeloserto military interven- ByHALMILLARD tion in Bosnia, President Clinton Wednesday declared Wednes- Blacks attending an NAACP meeting Wednesday ready '-Ytb to meet with Hilton Head Islival of - day he was rea n..t%W to seek action on a long list -of to provide air pow. grievances. 7 I i i shape of a sheet cake, and the su„uy nag' crouersara — _ were found In the s BY Prior arrangement, the eher• charged before in the state of South coreidercd trafficking and carries s aspect's Ift's department was called b the Carounainconnecnonwithdrugdhr much stiffer penalties. , Gabel sald earrentalageaoy,Gabelsaid. Y yese. n and was placed on three Gobel sold Kentucky is one of e marijuana, allegedly pur• YearaprobaUon. America's major growing grounds Enter Brutus, who IS owned by a Gabel said the arrest marks the formarijuana. i na, Yompff /T Town Msnuscri t (Continued from Page 1•A) + )i z3t a list of problems the island faced wiU be given and the recommendation that theycould best ovto OCl�s " (t(,rl ' muddy gernmentdealt t.. � a . From staff reports A look at problems listed a decade s, y.i tadf . ego may be the best yardstick of all When it comes to the incor to see how the town has done in its poratiOn of Hilton Head is Htatloyears. land. lawyer Michael L.M.: According to a history of the ens Jordan haswrilien the book. �° 1' .: t• ' y.. compiled by committee member and A age manuscript tel. ling how it ha .• ,�+ � � � a«, island attorney Michael L.M. Jar. Peened 10 years •- dan theUSCteara reportidealifiea ago will be presented to Town the island's problems as: Council Monday. The text will be resented r ■Growth on Hilton Head island is p by Jordan and Horace Flem• y. n• Mcontrollea. ing, then a Clemson Universt.. f -d Y The Island has problems with ty professor who did years of traffiec;1.4estion. research that helped Hilton ■ The !stand's environment is ad. Head Islanders see commu versety impacted by uncontrolled mtY Problems and how gov. growth, ernm m ent was addressing ■ Public recreational facilities ` \\ am not widely available. Cofles will be placed in the town s library, and perhapq w1r ■Development outside the major the island's public library.,, w�. • ;y, Private plantations often exceeds said Jordan. It's a manuscript generally accepted (unwritten) den. written by Fleming and Jar. aityatendards. dan over an 1&month period'; + ■ Police is not ad about a year after the town in- ' T111iocatedPi" equate for the islead'sPopulation. eorporoted. .., finesses annual program was conducted by 30 vol- Jordan, who has boxes of . herd on a unteers and staff of tits U.S. Fish and Wild- N Water service, Pa�O�ly we- documentation of eve step lco Sound, life Service. Banding helps scientists study tersupp>yandwaterquaUty. toward incorporation stoede.% tnded. The the birds' migration and nesting habits. la Sewage treatment plants on the his law Offices, has been edit island aoperating at or war ca- are inB the manuscript for tho, paelly past three months. i ■ Solid waste collection and dispo- What it shows is that the in: sal. corporation was a Weil ■ Portions of the island expzri• thought out Iona -term pro- :r eaco local Hooding prdrlems after Cass, that a conclusion waq j tnesdayNght'smeeting said they the tourists and those who live be. ialm. reacted and had the support } ave the town Is deserting them hind plantation gates, many have of the citizenry behind It,'1. Ne're being left behind at ancomplained. ® Emergency evacualionoftheis. Jordan said. rated pace," said one member. The recent eitatiom against Sim• land. The book serves two tune;, the Town of Hilton Read aware bf mom and Singleton, however, hme report said the beat way to tiom; hesaid. a seemed to galvanize many in the solve the problems was ' to incorpo. {+Yrr4t, lt'tells the chronolo-- ne member said both aides moat community and especially those In rate entire Island as a municipal gy: who did what, when and k together if the town hopes s attendance at Wednesday's meeting. government and absorb all present why. Secondly, it Is a working ` publleservicedistrict functions.,, blueprint or "how-to" book o+ f ;per. The town cited 82-year-old Charlie a Simmonson Jane !S for omen[ Tde report listed advantages of in. incorporation. Ne're all in this community to- �'y, eorporationas: ier - we're not going anywhere. unsightly and unsafe conditions at Head Island !e an urban ravetoworkItout together," his old homesite on Spanish Wells III Hilton Road. Earlier this mouth, Btl- ear• community. hers bclleve thl alleged squeem old Dlogenes E. Singleton was at. s A municipal organization can corporateentity. .alive blenders Is k it's clear where rested and charged with two counts Provide the legal basis of control ■ Certain urban -type services 1 i re they want to go of violatinP state's pig -feeding growth and development an an is. could be provided in a more respoil I Campbell. said native !slander law win or allegedly feeding garbage to hind-widebsals, live and equitable manner by a city the p ■ Incorporation would reduce serry government. ,a woman said she felt like a "But I would surmise the prob. vice fragmentation, over and du- Proponents of incorporation pro- = i !tor", not a native. lags dee m. than Mr. Charlie sad PUcation associated with the island's posed that the town would basically 'hey're changing our social type Mr. Singleton;' said one NAACP pablicr ervicedistricts. pride regulation and control of de. ; Wng, they're changln� our cut. member. ® An incorporated island eadd ment and velopment, and the Island's enviraC r we gotFer, thsaid. !boat from Alikefrl* Some In attendance agreed they . �p'1th one voice through an siveservim character without exten• i Some not been firm enough; or been eltygovartu lent. vigilant enough In stating their Y IncorporationyWould provide (Editor's note: A production cols. P lake resulted In one story In the ape. Mans, allegedly - ,• • •"• • ••�"• - Amerlea•q-major growing grounds ri j B y pur, Enter Brutus, who is owned try a Gabel bald the arrest marks the formarijuana. 01 llrou E t'r +�eYr&z4� TownManuscript (Continued from Page I -A) will .be given a list of problems the island faced ' -R and the recommendation that they ®ificials could best be dealt with through a municipalgtivcrnment. From staff reports i • iwi a' ; A look at problems listed a decode When It comes to the incur - al t ago may be the best yardstick of all poratlon of Hilton Head Is s to are how the town has done in its la , firstl0 nd, lawyer Michael L.M:o' yCors' Jordan has written the book. According to a his tory of the era A SOo-page manuscript te1='' ! e Compiled by committee member and �g how it happened 10 years'- i . i `. slaml attorney Michael L,M, Jor- ago will be presented to Town f dan, the USC team's report Identified Council Monday. the Island's problems as: r... The text will be presented. ■ Growth on Hilton Head Island Is by Jordan and Horace Mara-: uncontrolled. ing, then a Clemson Universl• - a•, N The island has problems with ty professor who did years of trafficCongestioa. research that helped Hilton s Head Islanders are commu+'. ■ The Island's environment Is ad- nily problems and how gov versely impacted by uncontrolled ernment was addressing. growth. them. e Public recreational facilities CoQles will be placed In the r+ `� are not widely available. fauna library, and perhapq .; ■ Development outside the major the Island's public library, , • private plantations often exceeds said Jordan. It's a manuscript sltyel�a ally rd accepted (unwritten) den- de written o er an 18-munthnd Jor period about a year after the town In- TheftwtaledPreu • Police protection s not ad- cor,poro�. equateforfheIsland'spopulation. Jordon, who has boxes of , lass annual program was etieidueted by 30 vol- ■ Water service, particularly wa- documentation of every step.; m a unteers and staffof the U.S. Fish and Wild- tersupplyandwaterquatity, toward Inco find, life Service. Bandin helps scientists study offices, has beenon edit-.: • g p . a Sewage treatment pans on tits his law offices, has been edit- , The the birds migration and nesting Habits. island are operating at or near ca- ing the manuscript for the,: pacify. prat three months. ■ Solid waste collection and dspo- What It shows lathat the In.._ sal. corporation was a well.. vPortions of the stand expert. thought out, long-term pro..,. I once local flooding pro"!ema after �, that a conclusion waq „ itght'smeeting said they the tourists and those who five be- rains. ooffatedciud had the support,. iwnsdesertin them, hind plantation ales, man haveEmergency zenrY behind it; 6 P B Y ■evacuation Jordansald. inA tell behind al an ac• complained. land. The book serves two fuuc•," ' rcc," said one member. The recent citations against Sim- The report said the best way to tions, hesaid. : of Hilton Headawareof mons and Singleton, however, has 'sclvelheproblemawae"totaCorpo- ""^' tt; it'tblls"the'chronola-s seemed to galvanize many in the rate the entire bland as a municipal gy: who did what, when and xr said both sides must community and especially those in government and absorb all present why: Secondly, It Isa working:, er If the town hopes to allendanceatWednesday'smeeting. public servieedistrietfunctions." blueprint or"how-to"hookoq. The town cited 82•year-old Charlie The report fisted advantages of in. Incorporation. ' I In the community to. Simmons on June 15 for unsanitary, corporationas: 're not going anywhere, unsightly and unsafe conditions at ■ Hilton Head Island Is an urban orkitouttogether." his old homesite on Spanish Wells Community. Road. Earlier this month, %year- corporate entity. eve the alleged squeeze old Dtogenes E. Singleton vma ar• ■ A Municipal organization can orders la calculated. "i rested and charged with twr,=to provide the legal bass of Control Ill Certain urban -type services Ir where they want to go of violating the slate's pig -feeding growth and development on an s- could be provided In a more respdh. y' said native slander law for allegedly feeding garbage to 1«nd-wide bees• sive and equitable manner by a'rity 1• swine. ■ Incorporation would reduce ser- Government. n said she felt like a „gut 1 would surmse the F.rob vice fragmoutation, overlap and du Proponents of incorporation pro- ically a native• "But deeper than Mr. Charlie and plicationassociated with liresland's pest that the town would rosofde- ranging our social type Mr. Singleton," said one NAACP public service districts. ve op �vide �nd theisland's nd envi ron y're changIn� our cul- member. ■ An, Incorporated bland could ment and character without eaten. :son said. 'Just like Some in attendance agreed they speak with one voice through an siveseryleesorstaff. oft the boat from Afri• have not been firm enough or been elected city government (Editor's sate: A production cols vigil"tenough Insistingtheirgriev- ®iacorporatlon nquld provide take resulted in one story In the spe• ent In the black com• auceatalhetown: \ • Hilton Head bland a significant cial section not being printed In its ing new. It has been fo- The branch's political action cum- Pant of power under South Grofina ep(j, am, especially since mittee shouid become more involved . law. Ito missing Information has been atedin1903.The In- -.and formal letters of protests should. M Specific urban services needed published on Page s•A of today's vored the developers, be sent toTown Hall. can potentially be better met by a Packet.) tag ;m Pa a 1•A) of fire twice lids week during Serb ! ) 1 ^� ar�Werybombetcome GM ® � G� ' ssanis on tiro Bosnian ' H the request comes we certainly ajevo and attacks on can be prepared, the president said. ee ra ' NAT') be red In a ve �. pe can preps ry . ° spared to fulfill our inieftimespan." Clinton told an early On a cautionary note, senior mW r t� va conference before, tary officials said that warplanes to Christopher on the be used in the operation lack some A U . T H 0 R S .. ;+ former Yugoslav re- critical equipment to carry out precl, ESPRESSOO' jraMideast. reatentheaagaWtweaponatilatth.forneatenthorn: rs (ginton sated Some e0 jet fighters from the Unit anr4'Igtbe or id States, France. Great Britain and ,^_____•---_ -.- 1 t • g - �3 TOWN/S i Some of town's Magistpl committees omitted from special section )Shove expect Part of a story to thespecial sec- Formed by the Town Council to ad" "A COL1JMBiA (AP) —South Caraj Una's magistrate, will get to hear t ' tion Tdlo of a Town" published In minister corridor overlay zoning dis- today's Island Packet was left out trlets in the Land Management lhdl• more cases to help relieve Circuit duetoaproductionerror. nonce as they affect aon•single backlogs, but they'll also r have to know more and be tested The story, which starts on page 21 family developments proposed adja- of the special section, lists the 14 Lent to certain roads, waterways and d i it, the style's chief justiceaai boards and committees established the airport. It deals with aesthetic Wednesday by; the Town of Hilton Head Island. concerns primarily In the desi,gnand Preliminary details released by i Below are descriptions of the color of buildings and signs., Using the tower's talent bank, the seven Supreme Court Chief Z ce David I Harwell also incYide an expanded i boards that were inadvertent) omitted from the list y members are appointed by the Plan. arbitration and mediation program i Nog Commission. There should be at '® Board of Adjustments Hears in- least two, but no more than three de to keep lawsuits, such as medical maipractice cases, from ever ' ` tarp alive appeals to administrative sign professionals. Members serve decisions Involving the zoning ordi- two year staggered terms that ex• reaching a courtroom. nk'nce with "variance requests: ' The pire on May 30 and meet on the sec- To get the effort started, Harwell seven -member committee must and Tuesday ofeach month. announced the appointments of two have one attorney, one architect or IS Land Bank Cormalsolonr commissions, one to create the ar landscapdarchitectandfiveat•large Famed by Town CouaciltogNdethe bitration and mediation system members. Selected through the tat- town in maintaining environmental and the other to draw up training eat bank, members serve three-year iring)oust for public guidelines and testing for magis- staggered terms and meet on the apace, eceaic ease Rom trates. fourth Monday of each month at , mxeatioa areas TowaHaU. s. The seven mans• Giving magistrates more work 'm Capttal Improvement Commit• b� selected from the talent bank should include one naturalist, one and putting some civil and F'arnfly Court Cases into arbitration and top Created by the tower's Planning Colomm ission to develop recomer.., 9roPertY lawyer', one local business- mediation are intended to free up dstions for five-year capital ins• mfia, one Realtor and three at -large prover projects. Four Plaming members. They serve three-year Commission members serve inden- staggered terms. The commit Ion meets the secant and fourth Fridays A nite terms on the committee and A I meet asneededatTewnlfell. atTowDHaU ;iti Construotlon Board of Adjust ® The Major's Selection Corn- riisnts and Appeals Was estab• from meal Formed with . The five UJW under a town ode. Hears a n the Council. The Live f P E peals from administrativemembers, appointed by the mayor,ve decisions select citizens who have served the and variance requests from standard community to be honored at a dieter •tiailding, plumbing, mechanical and sponsored by Brian and Gloria Car - Jim prevention codes. Appointed valves, owners of Hudson's Seafood through the . talent ben*, the nine Corp. The committee consists of.a . members serve farcyear staggered media person, a member of the cler- . teems. The board must have one ar- gy, an educator, a senior citizen and ehitect, one engineer, one electrical one other individual. They serve in - engineer, four contractors•(general, definite terms and meet on the fourth mxhanical, plumbing and electri. Wednesday at Town Hall. Silk j cal), two at -large members from the Hydraogt buliding iadnstry, one alternate from Lrt �,p,r..aoDyy f/,,aN/�'(�TM reasdo anetaearedeeeTliey meet the second Tuesday of rBlaromsupto6 snout eshhmonth atTowoHeU. u:a2z: Sin to Sterns......... 13 00 (o Corridor WeviNw Committoer wl�i�eadlwN1a.'rar Raie " e n Antique Bunches 12 0 j (5-stem) $150 E,_,.. Full 6-Stem Bunches a a . A, VAT rff®yaw o_a L.._ _a--„uc. husk. whru i i Ft 'f 0^A • The -Island Packet, Thursday, July 91P, lrq CCC Packet viewpoint i . a It's our town; let us celebrate For a good time, come to Hilton Head Island. For a really good time, move here. Not that those of us here already here really need any new neighbors, thank ; nti, but the truth is that, alligators in the lagoons notwithstanding, it isa wonderful place to live. For a good understanding of what makes it wonderful, look at and hang onto "A Tale of a Town," a special40-page report Intoday's paper. In addition to finding out whodoes what at Town Hall and learning something about the 10•year history of the municipal government, you will find clues about the nature of our "island character; ' a much -touted if difficult -to -explain quality. Town government certainly is not all that makes Hilton Head Island wonderful, of course, but the truth is that the founding fathers and mothers organized the town to preserve as much of the natural tone of the place as much as possible under -the circumstances. As the dense, flimsy "stack -a - shack" condominiums proliferated in the early 1980s, the fire of incorporation burned brighter and brighter. At last, In the summer of 1983, elected officials took hold of the torch. Toward the goal of controlling the community's "destiny," rive town councils have struggledwith many a public policy question: Ili Mainly, how much growth can we stand and hew can we control it fairly and therefore legally? ■ Shall we repair the eroded beach? Shall we ban alcoholic beverages from it? How shall we make sure the public can get to it? ® How shall we deal with the phenomenon of a crowded, at times almost gridlocked, main thoroughfare, the only one serving the permanent population of 25,000 and the transient population of 1.2 million or so a year? Where Is the wisdom to balance the needs of clamoring commerce with the needs of residents clamoring for peace and quiet? One fright say in the summer of 1993 that even having an elected mayor and town council and a bureaucracy of more than 220 to do their will has not produced perfection. And one ! would certainly be right. If one weakness could be identified In what has otherwise been a noble effort, it would be the system of two- year terms. On many issues, the recently elected revisit and rehash old Issues without the benefit of institutional , memory. Too often, time that could be devoted to creativity Is frittered away wrestling with figurative skills vicious that can be handled only through specific l experience. $1111, for a good time, come to Hilton Head Island. As to looking for a good place to live, where are you going to find anywhere any better? It's time on this loth anniversary to raise the glass and the flog, to cheer on and salute our selves for creating and qus°z I-3ng our town. If It's not all we want to be, whom shall i $Ye berme but ourselves? It Is, after all, ours, uniquely ours, $e ulching for peaceyogi . ti a hail ®� 'r set rotary; State warren �6pher'smmine visit �o�t►e lKiddleList on behalf of thestalled Arab-Israeli peacah .i i OPINION i Such postu i Not even the floods c sy MARIANNE MEANS NUM NUn/1Mn i WASHINGTON — Flrat prirs this Vkie low oil summer for mean-apirited, cold- ?WNE hearted politics goes to the 171 He - and 45 Democratic House members who voted to block aid to theflood-str)ckenMklwest. The $3 billion emergency aid pack- age was delayed for several days be- fore the Democratic congressional leadership put It back an-teack Tues- day and the House passed It. During O that period, millions or suffering Americans were reminded once a + again why they hate Washington so. The fiscal conservatives who stalled the bill argued that the Mid- west should not get any financial help unless the payouts were offset by cuts in other programs. To make a philosophical point about their ded• t (cation to reducing the deficit, the House nay -sayers were prepared to symbolically bold the flood victims tmstage. They proposed to pay for the disas- ter relief with program cuts they claimed would easily pass Congress. + Among other things, they would sat the FBI, the federal prison systsm, tie school lunch program and drug They had hoped to I,`- tmforeemend agencies. They even. it both' WaySr ptittl proposed a is percent cut in the Army Corps of Engineers, the agen• themselves on reci cy which will be In charge of restor- ing the pP �sri�g the Mis. for cost-cutting b immediately therea`;` Such proposals are not serious. They would never pass — nor should Voting for the money they. They am merely ant to a second roll cal- make cynical oratory sound plausi- ble. _ a The pay-as-you-go folks also pro- second roil call. Such bait -and•:';: teased to be riled about an amend tactics are a common congre s"{ meat that would authorize $too a ploy. week to teenagers and young adults The irritated leadership ho taking part In A pilot program to pro- abruptly adjourned the House vide education and employment weekend to allow the dastard) tralNng in depressed urban areas' tosink inbackhome. This is a very minor deal. The [ands outfoxed House GOP Whip had already been approved In a pre ,' viaus bill but was tied up on a tech- Gingrich, n Gs., who had then i' me y the budget -cutters, tried frat ' But they bada't really intended to to get awood vote. delay the relief money long enough I am prepared today to v 1 for the aeady to with (low cavalier the money ••• I want to vote ithY their pligdt had been treated. Be-' fight-"hecrled. I►$ mean to millions of.Innocent via , Five days later, the deb; . ;runs of a natural. disaster Is not - sumed and decency prevail-" unartpolaics,evenfor :il"Conser- ' ume.:. . vatives. "Let's not have a budg They had hoped to'have It both. cussion;' House Majority ways, putting themselves on record Dick Gephardt, D-Mo plc, for cost-cutting but .Immediately "Let's have an emergency i ae, thereafter voting for the money, on a cu sion." �MoMbeimg OyPATRICKSTAt1o1aH inseveralor T ss«wn+m.ysaa him to army on f i fort)towaltfor On Friday, July 9, Hilton Head Island Fire Ile was determ " and Rescue lost one of its most outstanding pea - for a few mini t plo. our friend and brother firefighter Samuel' check He alwa .. 1mtletonlnaiCsllYlosthIetiroloAn minrriohllP IFm•nt n a f{I Jay XarrfThe 1s1&WPuk*f Lww LU 1991, and hospitals made it up by charging private tnsur.- Islander Bobsy Simes works on a landscape paint. Simes was out with friends who make up a ars ars ISO percent of their costs, said Dr. Donald A. Young executive director of the Prospective Payment Assess' Sea Ing along Plantation Drive In Se Pines Thursday. landscape painting group called'Plenalre.' ment Commission, a congressional advisory toard. (See MEDICARE, back page) Lyme disease victims DIP 0 Ve 0 log describes- Wnermg, miscuagnools By JOHN DIAMOND Lyme disease, next to All); the fast- confined to New England and mid- unable tospeak, walk or cat. But experts disagree on the —art- :: Aswdat.d Pms -it., est growing infections disease in the Atlantic states. It now Is found In at ty and longevity of the disease, and Most of the cases still occur in Con - country who told the Labor and Hu- VIASHINGTON — Sitting in a Resources Committee of bar. nian least 44 states. Last year, the Centers little ".eral research money is be- for Disease Control ccunted 20,000 necticut, New York and Pennsylva-Ing spent pursuing more informa• wheelchair, wearing headphones to. rowing battles with migraines, lost. nia where rates in some counties ex- tion. It took a $5,000 donation from eases nationwide. Geed 200 cases out of 100,000 Y shield out normal sounds'Umt would vision, fatigue, and' other major be excruciatingly loud to him, 14 symptoms. They spoke, too, of fve the private National Lyme Disease White, of Suffern, N.Y., contracted population. But there are "hot sptal Foundation based in Connecticut to year-old Evan White whispered his quently mistaken diagnoses and end- Lyme disease to IM. His healthy, of the disease in Callfortfla, NewJer-enable the National Institutes of plea to a Senate commIttew."We lessmedicalbills. e athletic life was turned Into a night- W. Wisconsin, and Massachusetts- Health to continue development of a mare of erroneous diagnoses, abbre- The highest Incidence of the disease think . We can't sleep. We need Discovered In the coastal town of You.,, reliable diagnostic teat.can't viated treatments and rapidly date- has been found on Nantucket Island Lyme, Conn., in 1976, the disease, riorating health. At various times in off Cape Cod with 449 cases per Witness after witness told of White was one of several victims of carried by.a tiny tick, was Initially the three years nine, he has been 100,000. (See LYME, badc page) Officials tie k; traffic. dips,. to metho& t"L 4. of ribcordinj ByTOMSZAROLETA Packelsta"writer K'A Town officials say figures that iftnv traffic levels went down at four key Hilton Head Island intersections in 1992 can be traced to the way traf,- fic repDrtsare compile,A A traffic report presented Wednes i o day to the town Planning Controls - an sbLAND TRAFRIP, 91TISMS Whooping Crane Way 3.930 4,366 Mathews Drhie 3,631 4,145 4,108 4.313 4,212 4,532 5.0% 24.8% Folly Field Road 3,884 4.511 4,310 4,278 4,157 4,513 3.21/6 16.1% Queens Folly Road 4.302 5.009 4.590 4,703 4,614 4,996 3.2% 16.1% Arrow Road 3,711, 4,616 4,382 3,737 3,463 3,741 0.2% S—: T° d Mw H..d 10" I C -1 sion showed reduced traffic flown a t the Williant Milan . I Parkway inter. ly Field and Arrow roads in IM and second week of June eachy6ir, and ruary to eliminate some of the count- coloputer counts the cars. sections with Mathews Drive, Folly 1991 and at Queen's Folly Road in 1990- figures could have been skewed by accident, or a rainstorm, Riley ing problems. The pressure - activated counterg He beneath the The reduced traffic flow figures do Field Road, Queen's Folly Road and Arrow Road. said. . eastbound and westbound lanes of not reflect a decrease in the number The report showed big increases at Steve Riley, director of development for the town, said the "One wreck, one special event, one the parkway near Central Park, The Mail at Shelter Cove, Mathews Drive of tourists visiting the Island, accord - Ing to the Hilton Head Island Cham- all I intersections In I= and in problem probably lies in th, way the rainy day can throw the whole thing off,1.'RUeysa1& andWilbonoRoad. ber. of Commerce. The estimated 19931n traffic was up sigrdfleantly traffic levels were recorded. Traffic number of tourists has risen from V*O for the five-yeap period betw�on too counters were placed across the The town installed a &50,080 perma- The countem are tied into Town 1.48 million In 1982 to 1.65 million in ti 93. But decreases were shown at Fol- highway during the middle of the nent traffic counting system in Feb Hall through telephone lines, and a low. WNW qqbIbNbIir3l M q11117 ByTOM RAUM WASHINGTON — President Linton appealed to the nation Tuesday to rally around 8 compromise budget plan designed to cut $496 billion from the federal deficit with only a molest hit on the middle class. "Tbere ace (�11.1 lonly two choices, ourplanandnoplau,"CUntonsWd. Democratic leaders and administration officials cau. t r tiously predicted that the compromise would pass, but i j is Clinton nonetheless delivered .a nationally televised i • . t prime -time address totry torally public support —ands few critical unecidedSenateDemocrats. to "We cannot afford not to act," Clinton said in the l6 minute address from theOvalOHice. "I needyourbelp:n '- Attributing the deficit and economic drift to years it liberal 6emocratfc "endUemmt" policies followed- ` Republican "abandonment" of responsibility for the ntF . • ' ulna'sproWems,Clintonsaid:"Om•natlrmisfnecanomie danger. Clinton was trarely off the airwbenbia nemesis In thb budgetbattle, Senate Republiean leader Bob Dole at Stan sas, was given an opportunity to respond. He said Clio-. : u r arrm. wr,ae.me ton s.plan would neUher cut the deficit significantly nq@ Hilton Head Island Mayor Harvey Ewing, right, spar'swith NAACP President James Mitchell during Tuesday, meeting _ (seeCL11YTON,back page) Cx® t® bat' for us, l��CP tills t®.�! BRI ` would hit By LEONORA BOHEN-� :? .•' . +ram ".,..-L.: .�*^ �+' / 3 beet CampbeD, a vice president of the local NAACP' _ '` ow p� r,a.lme.Rne /1►g®�� W @I''S !'V1C@?= chaps 1vVectthetowngovernmenttotakecare- NAACP members criticised Hilton Head officials a r .: of my needs. That's your job. It's not my job to ge t+� By ALAN FRAM for insensitivity Tuesday during a"meetingatToxv AS�OO OOgrantaxlardediastweektotheHliton, thecounty(ortheutilities)andfndoutwhytheyare ^""r'�^'°ieie' Hall and urged the town to become more active in He..Ne t Pu61IcServlceD�strictbythe motdoinganyttdug " WASHINGTON — The wealthiest Americacs and hel ' native islanders. responded that the town had asked the 1 ma-1 of the poorest would feel the greatest impact from lmg governor softke.wllienabtetheutilltytoezpand: Ewing animproved Tempers flared and fnutrations showed during county for as improved drainage system But there the deficit reduction compromise that President Clinton.: thetwo•hourmeeting. servicetoabout�0unservedhomesmainiyinihe wasno money in the county budget, he said. and congressional Democratsbaveforged. "We weal you to go to bat for us;' said James nativeisleiidwinmunity. For the middle class, the most direct impact would story, peg maditon,EwingpromisedthatJonesvilleRoad Mitchell, president of Hilton Read Lsland's chapter of see bask a would be ved b the end of the year —something meted to cos the typical driverelatively small: an increase in the a than $304 the National Association for tbp Advancement oY Col. that native islanders say the team has been dragging year.tax , oredPeope take its concerns over drainage to thecamty.Waterand its feetonforseveralyears. It is necessary for you to right these battles for sewer service, town officials said, is controlled by the 10 Ewing said the town budgeted $445,000 for the The pale, which Democrats say would pare W utilities on Hilton Head bland. pavjparrpj billion from budget deficits through 1998 this week The aatis expected in T ilay's meeting followed the recent arrest and come to a vote In Congress later liots citation oftwo elderly black islanders and came amid "We don'thave the ability orthe legal authority to "You can spend millions an beach renourishment baveyettorevealmmnydetailsoftbenbm mountingdiscoatentamongsomenative islanders. do anything with water in that area, Ewing said refer- and to purchase properties. but when it comes to gcib parties naY package's consequences wools NAACP members asked for paved roads, im- ring tosec4wnsofthe island's north endwherewaterand doingmiImprovements inthe African -American bedramate.Democratssayinthelmgrun,ftwaildlow- proved drainage systems, and water and sewer ser- sewer service is not available. "We coddn't run water community, theyarecotdone," Mitchellsaid er interest rates andfostera healthierecariamy. Repub2l vicefntbeirneigliborhoods. lines; down them evenifwehadthe money todoit." The NAACP also asked the Tom Council to show' cam say its fazes would force businesses to eliminate E Mayor Harvey Ewing said the NAACP should "I live in the town of Hilton Head," responded Her(See NAACP, back page) jobs. � (SeeIMPACT, book page) Second local Scoop Israelis refuse BY LEONORA WHElt �: '... •.. a »i•fis a : ,- Two §ervt ce? bat Campbell, a vice pmWent the local NAACP ' cbapta. •'I upect the totivn government to takecare -. :r v 6�Via j .9 jr. %o%sa wa.emnwenr NAACP criticized Hiltw Head officials I� a iE.'� • a # �. of aU' needs. That's your job. It's not my job to go m ByALltq FRAM eni" _ members for b�sensitivity Tuesday during a mceting at Town r 11%ASMAoa grant awarded tMtweekto the Hilton the county (or the utilities) and rind out Why they are aTMdifid rem Hail and urged the town to become more active in HeadNolPubiie5ervixDistrlcfbythe ;.-, j uotdomganythiag•" WASHINGTON --Ihe Wealthtat AmerTca� and ; helpingnativeislanders. 'governorsottice,Wlllenabteflieutilllytoexpand wing responded thaf. the town had asked the sty for an improved drainage system. But there many of the poarstwould feel the greatest impact trom the deficit-reduction compromise that President Clinton :• Tempers flared and frustrations; showed during the two•haarmeeting.' . �rvicetcetroutSoo unservedhomes malniyinthe _1i '_ wasnomoneyinthewmdybudget,hesaid. and iaaalDemoeratsbavetaged. "We want you to go to bat for us," said James c>nafifve(slandcomniunity _: r 'l See story, bark page �' # In ad ition Ewing promised thatJonesvilleRoad For the middle elms, the most direct impact would he relatively small: an increase in the federal gasoline Mite he11 President of Hilton Head Island's chapter ed :'the National Association for thg Advancement of Col- ._ _ would be p9ved by the cad of the year - something that native islanders say the town has been dragging tax estimated to cast the typical driver Itas than MIL `' o ed People. ."It is necessary for you to fight these battles for take its concerns over drainage to the county. Water and sewer service, town officials said, is controlled by the ill its feeton for several years. Sluing add the town budgeted $M.000 for the year. The package, which Democrats say would pare iim billion from budget deficits through U is expected k0 �„ Tuesday s meeting followed the recent arrest and �tiesonHiltonHeadIsland. pavingprojceL_ come to a vote in Congress later this weeds. The autho`s , ..� . __...v,__, :_,._, _. ai,,.mll_ _ „u « "Wedon't have the ability or the legal authority to "You can spend millions on beach renourishment e>ftheplan have yet to reveal __ i. e to expand wa' lei . Service Hung,•-, mated. "We intend to apply for another grant," he said. Likely It will be the same grant, which Pitts called a "livable cities" grant. It Is federal money passed along to the gover- nor's office and administered through the Lowcountry Council of Governments and the town. "Really, there are no other funds out there that i can find to meet our needs," he added. The utility serves about OW cus- tomers. If the SW homes can have service extended to them, Pitts said, "we'd have a very small area left un- served." The utility, which serves the north- ern end of the Island, encompasses more low-income and native Island residents than any of the other public service districts on the Island, said commlasloner B ob Wood.. Water and sewer service has been a heated Issue In the native commu- nity since the town Incorporated in l9o3. Many native islanders have ex - premed anger that they pay taxes for services they do not receive. "1 agree lira an unfair, inequitable situation, no question about that," said Mayor Harvey Ewing In an in- terview last Week. In announcing the grant award at Monday's Town Council mating, Councilman Henry Driessen Jr. e raised Ewing for his work dLCDGinssecuringthe gr nlht. Pilts Ewing said more money must be sought in the future. Ewing said last week that the PSD's are the legal entity that must deal with water and sewer issues, not the town. "We're not in the position to supply that." he said. "We don't control' that, the PSD's control that." The mayor said he has tried to do what he can, but added that Hilton Head often doesn't qualify for such grants because of Its overall wealth. NAACP (Continued from Page 1-A) NAACP members what the town should have done differently. more respect for the commu- Mitchell said that when the nity's elderly residents. Charlie Simmons Sr., 82, town lefacedwith asimilar situa- tion, it should contact the NAACP watched Tuesday from a seat - for help in resolving the problem. near the two tables that had the The NAACP is coordinating an ef- NAACP facing the town officials. fort to clean up Simmons'proper- The Spanish Wells Road rest- tyat2S0nIshWeII3F d. dent recently lost an old home foe But some members of the local fire. But before that, on June 15, chapter wanted to know what cri- the town issued him a citation for • teria the town is robtg to deter - violating a town ordinance that mine what is .unsightly and un- prohibits unsanitary, unsightly safe. and unsafe conditions. The cite- "You want to give mejudgment . lion requires Simmons to post a from your eyeballs?" asked Ervin, $238bond and appear Incourt. Campbell, an NAACP member. Mitchell also cited the case of "There's got to be some criteria Diogenes Singleton, who was ar set upinorder togive them acite. rested by state livestock officials tlonorarrestthem." for feeding his pig table scraps. Several NAACP members State law prohibits feeding scraps asked town officials to consider . to pigs being raised for market. dropping the complaint against 'I don't see how you can refute Simmons. tiie fact that you were disrespect- Ewing said the Town Council ful, ' Mitchell told the mayor and would consider the NAACP's re - four council members at the quest ata future date. meeting in councilchambers;"if In the meantime, Ewing said he you had any respect or under hoped the NAACP and the Town standing for the contributions Mr. Council would continue to talk on Simmons has made to the com. a regular basis. Mitchell pro - mushy ... you would have han- posed they mat sometime next dled that situation other than month. making (Simmons and Singleton) After the mating, Irvin Camp - look like common criminals." bell said he felt the council had Town officials argued that they come away with a better under - were not involved in the arrest of standing of the needs of the black Singleton. community. But he said he did not In Simmons' case, Ewing saiJ, feel like any specific Issues were the town received a petition with resolved. between 15 and 25 signatures "There was a lot of defensive - seeking action from the town for nas today —from both sides; I he the "unsightly" conditions on the said. elderly resident'e property more Mitchell said' he hopes the than a year ago. meeting prompts the boncil to . Councilman Run Condit asked act. (Continued from Page 1-A) andwas deported to Israel In 19 'The government could now a to the full 14-judge appellate cc to the U.S. Supreme Court. Also Tuesday. the t)kralnim hassador to Israel said that De juk would not be offered asyl his native lad. He had planner there after his acquittal by the ll Supreme Court lest week. Dam janjuk was convicted an tented to death in 1988 on char being the sa6'&..1c Ndxt guard i as "Iv„n 1h€'16,4iible''at the Links ditath camp in Poland. T preme 8ourt overturned that v But hours Wire - ifs schedu portadon, anon err wupreme panel lnt-0 s IestrkJNng,a resprnse to appeals. by a 4s oror o add Holecaus! WAVIvor. The coty, petal that lrsual 6 sbndning order gave Its attc� gener*.I so+en days to explain in _ ing wily Demjanjuk shouldn' tried for otter war crimes. It s(j uld oral arguments for Aug. I i. ,9 New charges would focus on h! leged work as a guard in on, death camp, Sobibor, and in the centration camps of Flossenbm? Regensburg. The five judges who had acgt: Hot Ga. lottergr ATLANTA (AP) — Nineteen c the top 29 Georgia Lottery salet lets are located along the Alab Tennessee, North Carolina and 5 Carolina state lines, a report Tuesday. All four of those states don't h; lottery of their own. Lottery officials declined a t ei from The Atlanta Journai-Co% (Continued from Page 1-A) create any new jobs. 1 1 1j µ,Na�'r•a "The president's economic calls for more taxes, more apes d! c" t.and higher deficits," Dole saic was particularly critical of e F sfon that would make the high( come taxes` retroactive to Ja 1993, "2o days before he even E M¢� 7' Clinton's high•stakes sales d..., , opened a feverish final burst o bft in advance of House and . +. .S ate votes due later this week Jul Tore a scheduled coagreeeiy, recess. f'n va n i House age seemed likely deularly elder Clinton won cr, backing from the Congressi. t } Sri }v �s; w �'1fa,i, 3 •,. :}i Black Caucus, which had threat I a. to oppose the plan. ..7 •. '� f Clinton planned to address H : r + Democrats on the plan in the Ca today. I The outcome was far from cei in the Senate, where Vice Presl' 1 ra.iwrms Al Gore broke a 4949 de to pas:. 1 , Clinton holds up a chart after his address from the Oval Office Tuesday. Wualverslonof Cllntn'sprogeu "I don't like taxes any more,, i you do," Clinton said in his tele, a 1. But he sold repeatedly; .. ,. ppoa Impact his plan was fair, would placi p burden of higher laym en the �, i Simmons, Sr., on dune io. ate town's code enforcer, Barbara Bar- rett, charged that the octogenarian's vacant property was littered with such a collection of junk that it con- stituted a health hazard. The complaint stemmed from some two dozen neighbors who signed a petition asking the town's aid in the mailer about one year ago, according to town officials. Simmons, known to long-time residents as the boatman who fer- ried groceries and other supplies to Hilton Head Island in the days be- fore the bridge, is scheduled to ap- pear before Municipal Judge Terry Finger at 3 p.m. Aug.12. The NAACP's ire was also raised by the state prosecution of Diogenes Singleton, a 68-year-old native `s- lander accused by Livestock Law Council Nrvws Briefs 11,, By TERRI JO RYAN staff Writa The Town Council of Hilton Head Island met Aug. 2 and took the fol- lowing actions: a Councilman Frank Brafman slammed the town's proposed 0.5 percent lax on the gross sales of lodgings, restaurants and a variety of tourism -related small businesses. Brafman likened the tax to an old joke in which the punchline is, "It treats us all alike ... like dogs." Rather than punish local entrepre- neurs, he said, the town should seek the entire tax from local resorts and motels. ■ Town Manager Mike O'Neill noted that the S.C. Coastal Council is taking public comment through Aug. 14 on the town's application for a i emphasized that the Singleton case was not a town matter, but one broached by state agents who were trying to trace the source of pollu- tion in a nearby creek. The diminutive and soft-spoken Simmons sal by himself Tuesday af- ternoon at one end of the conference tables in Town Hall council cham- bers, ringed by council members and NAACP officials. Because Ew- ing said he was unable to understand Simmons' speech, the NAACP para- phrased the 82-year-old's remarks: Ewing said the town patiently at- tempted for a year to gel Simmons to take care of the mess on his land, but had no success. NAACP president James Mitchell said that if the town respected elder- ly native Islanders and was sensitive general permit to scrape the beach- es when necessary. O'Neill said the strategy, which calls for pushing offshore sand up onto the dry sand beach, may help stave off a major renourishment for a few years. He assured council that no money has been set aside for such a pro- gram yet and that there are no pro- jects planned, but that the Shore and Beach Preservation Committee rec- ommends the town have the permit on hand when a scraping is needed. ■ Long range planner Mike Bell charted the town's efforts over the last two years to update the local ad- dressing system. With the help of computerized road networks as a data base and extensive field research, the town staff has created a master map which lists building names, existing addresses, unit numbers, land uses and square footage. Of the 13,131 known addresses on Hilton Head Island, Bell said, 5,131 or 39 percent have been flagged by r a_dding that "'a person of Mr. Sim- mons' stature should not be treated as a common criminal. When council member Russ Condit asked what the town could have done differently to diffuse the situation, Mitchell replied that the NAACP should have been brought into the process much earlier to or- ganize a cleanup of the property, lo- cated just off Spanish Wells Road. Mitchell said he was especially concerned because the town took ac- tion against an elderly person. "If it was a young person involved, we wouldn't here today," he said. The NAACP also presented a lengthy list of demands, including water and sewer service for the north Island, the paving of dirt roads, more black town employees the computer as conflicts. That means they are not in the location indicated by tax maps, they are not known addresses, they are using the wrong address, or no address is posted. Bell said some 2,230 or 17 percent of the total may have to change the address they've been using, in order to match up with the master map. Bell said council needed to be made aware of that, in order to deal with constituents who may be unhappy about the changes. Town Manager Mike O'Neill said the town will have to contact home- owners and reassign addresses. Besides helping Enhanced-911, the uniformity of addressing aids in flood plain management, disaster planning and voter registration, Bell said. . w Council gave tentative approval to an agreement with Thomas Barn- well, Jr., the developer of Wild Horse Court affordable homes, in which the town will take possession of the neighborhood's road after con- f 5400,000 for the paving of Jonesville Road this budget year, prompting Mitchell to ask why it took so long. "We are not dragging our feet on Jonesville Road," an exasperated Ewing said. "You don't want to lis- ten! I'm telling you it is in the budg- et, it will be done this year. It's a non -issue now." Condit alluded to "title problems and broken promises" snagging the easement process, and added, I'm not going to be put on the defensive for two hours." Ewing was particularly angered by Mitchell's accusation that the town didn't consider black residents as part of its constituency. He said he's spent hundreds of hours with water officials and state and federal officials to get grants that could turns a color we can use.,, Ewing refuted charges that the black community "gets nothing for its taxes," saying that all Islanders benefit from the law enforcement and fire protection provided through taxes. NAACP official Herbert Camp- bell responded that police patrolling his neighborhood harass more than protect. In fact, he admitted that if sherifrs deputies came to him while looking for a suspect, he'd lie. Ewing mumbled sarcastically, "Now that's really conducive to law and order." Responding to an NAACP request that a community room be con- structed on the old county court- house annex site, Condit asked where they were two years ago when struction and be responsible for fu. Jim took early retirement from ture maintenance. The town is plan- AT&T. She had more than 10 years ning a municipal improvement dis- experience in human resources for trict to recover those maintenance AT&T in Chicago, and prior to that costs. was in human relations for Red Lob- ster in Orlando, Fla. She also is a former manager of a Montgomery sented Town Council with the origi- Ward store. nal manuscript of the town's incor- poration. The town was chartered More recently, she worked this May 10, 1983, but the first council winter with the Island firm Manage - elections were conducted on Aug. 2, ment Recruiters. She starts her new 19a3, among a field of 17 candidates. job Aug.16. Jordan said the town seemed di- a Town Council honored firefight- vided at that point between those ers Jeffrey Harlberger, George who wanted the town government to Winn, Blair Green, Douglas Hub - do something for them, and those bard and Kevin Osterstock for being who worried it would do something named the 1993 state champions in to them. the annual Firefighter Team Com- a O'Neill introduced Nancy petition. Gasen, the town's new personnel di- rector. Her position was created this ■ Mayor Harvey Ewing reported budget year because of the increase that Ward 5 councilwoman Donna in town employees from about 50 to Martin was hospitalized last week, more than 250 with the consolidation the fourth time in less than three of the fire and rescue services. months. He said she was recovering at home, and hopes to make a full Gasen has been an Islander since recovery and return to her council November 1991, when her husband duties soon. I ward people to answer that need. At - fordable housing developer Thomas Barnwell, Jr., retorted that many are interested, but because most meetings are held during the work- day, many native Islanders cannot leave their jobs to serve. Ewing said at the meeting's con- clusion that he hoped for more con- structive dialogue with black lead- ers on future occasions, and less confrontation. The meeting, he said, "will bear some fruit." Mitchell said after the meeting that he wasn't sure if the meeting accomplished much more than blow- ing off some steam, but if the town follows up with "good faith efforts" on some community projects, he will know the session was productive. Talented students shine at Wofford Wofford College's Summer Pro- gram for Academically Talented Students, held July 18-30, included four local students: eighth grader Hilary Allen, the daughter of Louis and Robin Perella of Hilton Head Is- land; ninth grader Scott Allen, the son of Louis and Robin Perella of Hilton Head Island; sixth grader Elliott Lambrecht, the son of Jan Snyder of Hilton Head Island; and eighth grader Mary Vaux, the daughter of Roberts and Mary Vaux of Bluffton. McMillun gets nod from Toastmasters Carmilita McMillan won best speaker at the Fast -Trackers Toast- masters Aug. 5 weekly meeting. Other winners included Lavarn Lu- cas for best extemporaneous speak- er and Frank Soule for best evalua- tor. C _ JIK [:' On ads resent August morning, the pair began at morning, ('r n UftchgBe . --.__._.. - -- -- -- atpauon os ava(es,c mw�" .s�,�-,• on Ja^.urdey In a move that could Igman ar[ Plumes of abe melee tack a portion of the star -filled N `�' ' ` ' s.mer.sonnvm.,wn• help [start peace talks and ease threatsomestemintervention. where hotel structures ` Michelle bumped along Christine Roz ski checks the nest ofa loggerhead seam rtlli • hi , as cnrlatme Y flan president Allis imtbegov- �nblown, (Bee171R71EB,baekpage) (Sa ,back Ie has boycotted the lacks in Geneva But as all fired ads for IiAt for almost two weeks because of the Only a handful of soldiers re- scattered n: Mostor trati g the ®oi ® "��%��< malaed on the mountain pest the toll aggreem Iaopisihe By HALMILLdRD SAS_CT3 By HA MILL town officials' praise of a commer "911 toI atterTownManagerMichael.Serb•setdeadlinetowithdraw.U.N. O'New contacted it to discuss the officials said they no longer repro* tionotBosn Izetbegoi Island Packers* nlormation cial product coped the Flash- Lite"maountatoanendorsement. apoL Use ad lists O'Neill as an of- �tedethrestto5arajevo. "All is going according to plan," jevo radio though �nos 11.1 ce.11oflere �Ccassro It was Cardinal Cushing who said, "When lase a bird that walks like a Iseeatm In case you haven't alreadyRcialendorser,DeLoarheald, guessed, lawyersAMJavolved. � ' "I just suggested people might' sutit,"0'Nelllsaldothls said Cmdr. Barry Frewer, spokes- man forU.N. peacekeepers. Bosni: ing BosnG partitionte malkn �/? ` duck dike a duck and quacks like a duck, I call that bird a Town legal services director Greg DeLoach tired otf a missive Friday. waattust : pB W theTV station. ; to NATO had drawn up plans for air strikes agaWt Serb positions If they opinion, it ( "if this yob _ dingnatfonal duck: ' But Cushing never attended a asking Food Products of IUlton Head : to „cease and desist" from any fur The town has written and talked The Wand packet to let them know failed to ease ft including withdrawing from e of Mount Boanfa lsn _ nlemallonal _' Hilton Head Island Town Council , fherceferencetotowngovernmentln ilaadvertising. t publisher Ben of their a�l by the Igman and the more distant Mount real Bosni from whj andweolher, a, stocks meeling,either. The towns June Zl meeting Is at A TV ad has been pulled from the local cable company, which elected eanpsny will continue to appear. (Bee LIG back page), Bjelasalea. . In na apparent warnlug the West- spring." horo• "and the center of a dispute over whether 0 Ad�a78®JL d eacher,,.recoi �iJd'081 �J1 DuCLa4aJ� e 'ialr, III j use peel b)fI (NEWS) on&touch• . By CAROLYN GRANT , land. Disgruntled Daufuskle Parents. a move that ro under way children, the island Deeds a strong ent 'Rued- early developm lam; Sales was among those who made pleas to the school board to hire a j + ' i IelephoneAhenentsralour• �coatopalneaesstoa nesx.unwnw island probably originated to split the county into three separate quiet sold. "And tpd community wants anearlyddidhoodprogram' new teacher and to build a now schoolonDautuskle. i Ifkcategory. Daufuddeparents have won their lebbying campaign a ldiatrleis. But Kathy Rundqulat, Beaufort, The new teacher v #1 be an early- specialist "I think that might have had a lot to do with that," said Bales, who has , < ,�tt uoslnevn for a new teaches.. Beaufort ConmlyachoolofSclalson to recommend County's curriculum and Instruction supervisor, said the recommends- a childhoodowillwork with whowiBworkwtthlheschool'scur• radtea Catherine Campbell. dhildrenattendingMaryFields. o sold the district may be pay - y � a:, Monday are expected the additional teacher for the. is- tioa for an additional teache• not a• responsetopareatwconceres. .: Parents sold tiey;are Pleased to is s hear a new teacher a belag consid• Ing more attention to Daufuskklie g at= started speaking Out. m 1- lead's two room school that now has jua[mleteache[andanaide. a Consideration for a second teacher : was necessary when district officials �fortheisland school, �� "I think, It's wonderful said parents „Wa'revoictngourconcerns,and _ thank goodnessicin—they era being B/ I I The move, It is approved, would mark one more concession by a learned there were several syestr oldsonDaufuskte,sheaald. Cfirletiaa Hates chairman of the School Improvement Council at met,"sheaaid. t. ntcheol board that has beat accused of being insensltive.to peels on the is• • Because we have so maap young MAX-7 kb �, , } ; [+ , a , , .' (See:" ER,backpage) i • *as The Mass of Resurrecuon ww w _ ; . ;.r DtW V Ip :•®_ pottered al St, Francis by the Sea .�� e�.._.... L<iftUc Church at 11 a.m. Monday � none that I with the Roy, Joseph Majeweki of• the Ore chief came upon O (CoattnuediremPagel•A) Ociatiag,tntermentwiilbeprivate' (CouLlnuedfrom Pagel•A) think you ought toaes•••IthinkY re �lhe--letter The newsletter say i The family suggests that those who see immediately that it's something' ins properties iwish may make memorial coatribu• tab3ct until the company itself re• youlnigl:twanttohaveonyourfront Include' Sea Pines COfnpan Q `iionsto3t.FranciabyUseSeaCatho- quests a change• �r ^ i Sea Pines Forest Preserve, generates more th :oe Church, 45 Beach City or a. At issue for the town is possible lla• Fire Chief David McClellan re which consists of a 104acre wildlife Hilton Head island, SC 2M$;Willy if the "lifesaving" beacons fail, ,ponds with a long discussion of how habitat zone; a 17&acre outdoor rec• mitt ion 8 Year. Abt -� P.O.ox21117, 1he911Flash•Litewouldmekeiteas• �llonzone(includingthe Heritage million inpre4ax :ton Heed Hospital, as well as the "absolutely false min vehicles find homes Fazm) ands 29 acts danitavonione. :loitonHeadbland,SC2=- representation" o[ the ads, Def.oach ter for rescue where there earnings were I The island Funeral Home is in said. . on Hilton Head Inland; a time ■ Alraclofmorelhan30acresbe- ehergeolsrrangements. the g L te. Sons generated In fiSCa gadget, which f installed be are few (the) 6h manager asked tween the Sea Pines Forest Preserve tweenthebulbandsocket,canbeso- ago, uh, (the) town so, u or, iigtonHeadpreparatoryS01:00. 1 1992. tivated by two Dicks of the switch to us to bet involved with this ••• Y Two paved, main parking lots in : Lotte rieS become ,lashing epecaonnel gown doNesl�teendorse It, t I really Harbour Town, Plus the Liberty Oak for maintenance, is believe that W1s H a good product nizationfo, for our area....1hopo thai Parcel. Ly ownore orga The town can't endorse it, it'suldque la owner°• Gl:Or& iAlterY in the shouldn't endorse it, and hasn't en it will go over big, an. Ier ... that's PLOP° Winning numbers Friday dorsed it, DeLoach said. the reason why I'm hero ... to say cLalparcela. SPA also spends move ;Cash3gameare:2,5,7. At issue for Food Products of that I hope You can eow(Mge the phxsCirele. legal obligatioro for the • visitors, Centel prn ■Sea according to the newels ;. Winning numbers Saturday In the Hilton Head, however, i° commad des to consider Putting �8 type The newslettersay�lhatSesPines �$40oo0ayeartorepa :Cash3gameare:3,7,3. tionally protected free speech, perti Company g tainSPA•ownedlandsca hThoma• o[thi�gobth°unita.' enerates more than its �o�� 1 y vice president of sales Re1P g a�� am June 21 million a Year. About it million in Town that are 1 in the son. re council meeting lot sold his camps, prat. earnings were generated. in mrerOur perking. Winning numbers Saturday its cialass on an article nualyearlm. ow 'C6shsgameare:9,2,3. in Anatlont atletter tonlha town SYIsbasing Friday Hilton Head News that Resident Cathy Goon Winning numbersthreatening legal action, but no suits In the weekly Much of the money went to pay o[t responded „pane Of the Cash3gameam:0,1,1. „ debts and to improve and maintain reseachera called her . In the have been filed chsaid �° firm or a should have asked, gpi[ couraes, tennis courts and o of the random samplin; ? Winning numbers Friday thetown,DeLOa °aid,"butitwasIntl" Pa* am Be used by, residents, munity'°s.000Property Fantasy5gameare:1,4.6.10,19. o And if it was written in the Ltaraatd. Winning numbers Friday in the Here's excerpts of the Town Thomason hesaid,itmostbetme. morettieniM,0D0m "i,mvehementlYopB } •Play4game am: 5,5,7,1. Cgmcil's minutes from We June 2t per'p per, oerPA meeting: "Nice theory," responded SPAalso Pays rty�r�sments it,"she eaid "Leave WLmdng number° Sshrrdey in �° ' Town Manager Michael O'Neill: Oelaaeh, "but I don'thave anything t usual properly iPUy4gameare:to community Servtrxs Asaoclatea is:' I oLlo numbers "Asa City, we are not in the business but. tosayaboutthat ' 1^ SaWeday'ewinning ofendoralagPreductaorgang wWbePOhlWxdMmdaY• t +� r rY !Voi A.,- SS i k. >r t�/�It tkr n} tF r . r�'R r _ � t 4 �• yx5 y Yip 4 R r rr. t� Y.-Listen to the facts and work "" •,r •" "4°c'wi=�+c.'+vaaaraneraam' minolo hater. hIa zhterseid T! gy ga requirhrB`�AS�^•- 7Uat money would come from a pool, in (See CLINTON, back ppl;tr ! q ee g PENNIES FOR HIS THOUGHTS power19090 t,, F'rerjs . /AN AMBERG Pritchardville and r were left in the dark an a tree smoldering k e 1 re 10 days ago fell on a a f 4.000 South Carolina +,•' as Co. customers lost 1 utfourhours. E s. .pine tree —apparently from a wildfire Aug. 8 z {{ V Camp land off }o. , T; t r and Goethe roads near , oke off two cross -arms ti n �? By ALl er line to the area, said in, an SCE&G manager a y • ;t, A+ _d,ri T �'t GEN Siaidresidents ofGoethe G { donee, called to report the In.uy demilit l owned tree. , a . city ci uni cfti' J. : at 2:50 p.m. affected � � . �;� •rs � tration' I •rs In the Blufftrm area r mented ritchardvilleand Hard- 2 w ; t Saralej: rding to a company r r A U.i I 'over was restored at c Y fi dve agi "ryfr area a! ;power extended to fret• strategi i gasoline pumps and _� ` which S ct on business offices, 18monf ndotheroutlets. �Thee atScott'sMeats anS.C. ¢' to -face, said a backup genera. leaders: . registers and scales on Mondall )oil In the walk-in trees• r futon i for 24 to 48 hours with ti maln:d said. Open frozen food taiks. store were covered to u f ti „. ' b' But U i,shesaid.- 3 aid when the tree fell it 3wer line to the ground.` !� I' Pc. ad the line Monday to but will return today. line, he said. sift a, !sone . I of the Ridgeland, aid the PrilchardviUe' ByLE01 , bwer. rJ hd.t. W One of wants m from an saltwate 1 elslandPackeliN- /awnmriwwPacw.r Hilton dmrormatlon at Simmons, right, watches as his cited for parking cars too close to Airport District era attorney, Wally Dunn, center, tries Road in. front of his Mid Island Garage. 'I seven-r ' Nto.convince Hilton Head Island have to make a statement,' Simmons said. sources Town Court clerk Susan Cure to accept the 'i see this violation all over the Island. l its meetl d $ 23,800, pennies Simmons laid at her door feel I'm being picked on.' Cure initially re- that the • Monday. The pennies were payment for a.. fused to accept the pennies, saying she had . meet a onal _ = $238 flna imposed on Simmons for violating. no means to count them. But she eventual- watercoi . nal t the town's buffer zone law Simmons was r iyrelented and summoned helpinthetally._., .___it the i . 4•A The Island Packet, Thursday, August 19,1"3 i LOCAL At a glance :From staff reports ;Ewing says town hasn't *endorsed porch beacon This time It's official, � t: • . Mayor Harvey Ewing set the record straight this week, :bsuinginOfficial statement declaring the town had not a endorsed an emergency porch beacon a local company is selling to bland reaIdents: 'fiefiapoverlhegllFlash-Lite began June 21ata Town Council meeting where town managerMichael O'Neill and town Fire Chief David McClellan praised the Product, whichean be used to help rescue personnel find scenes on the bland's dark and confusing streets. Food Products of Hilton Head took the praise tomean a townendorsementand began using it In the company's' printand TV advertising, angering the town and setting lawyers on both sides to work. / The town Is working toward resolving the contlicl, j which erupted when Adelphla Cable pulled the eompany'sTV ad following a call from O'Neill. In his statement released Monday, Ewing said: "The : •Tewn of Hilton Head island, S.C., does not Issue official endorsements of any consumer product; andhas not issuedanyofficial endomementofthis product...:The J.r wrrmu ulna P, Convertible flips: As the rising tide just past the bridges to Hilton Head Isla :.manufacturer and/or distributor of this product have no slowly' advances; toward_ It Wednesday, The convertible Saab went off the ro :relauomhhp,ofnemlorothervlae,with theTawnof- figtaolfeadlslarld,S.C.,and any repreaentattOn$Or Tommy Burrows, of Tommy's Towing, flipped over, and came to rest in concerning the useand effectiveness of the hooks towing cables town automobile that. ,marsh: The two women in the car esca' i ;.clalms :product arethose of the manufacturer'a nd/or dlattlbutoo went out of control on westbound U.S. 278` with minor Injuries. .)road rA7D meet set' hono s depxit1�, awe i ihobioadC"PublieServlceDiatrict6mmiselon , meefaalg:20p.m.todeyatSMarinaSidi Drive Amalglheagendellcmatobeconsideced ,tion �t y •� G�y e A7v�s i`Ai�aia 7 {I s&0laiet mps t® students m -area the_ FcolMnluloniv IrecelvestatusreportsonItsplant 17 fexpansion; the distd&sdroaghtreaponseandanupdate Frornstalfreoorts woman, while olherefailed toacl on theiaaueof6*911datingthe blind's utility districts. jvg guje The students recognizedInclude: A Beaufort County Sheriff's deputy who eaved'a wom• . q Eric Wombleigs graduate of Hilton Head an from drowning last month and several area students 'r Xl��jg� 8aufortCowf! SetloollNatrictSu _ Y perinteadent : ratory School. He plans to attend Limestone Col earned recognition and Scholarships from the J. Edgar Gaffney. 'HomerFoundatIonWednesday r`liidt9rdFlyriahasbeen spend Ingtimeawayfromthe nfR:JiLFIdS!IG'Sl.r A... i... f- + III, iMa Carol Y ne Mary oungt r, a sophomore at »epldy James Childers; who Is a13192!! to petrol University. Sho Ia from Fine -re ar•t t- ..,�+-•+-. j `3r�aF fir. Tom Haldon He said, "They kind of changed their fore toe voters m a rererenuum, ne saw. be A tax that tune after 1 told them 1'd fight It and do my and it must countywide. sales `- to split this group up. if we (food and Is only for Hilton Head island doesn't ap. idbest elation president Charles Greer. "It's a le. beverage people) hadn't caused this ruckus, pear to be valid, he said. to cal option sales tax, right." this thing would have sailed through." "You just can't arbitrarily impose a ,ss Since virtually all businesses here bene. HaMon said the restaurants had to sales tax,." Brazell said. il- fit from the beaches, he said, it's only fair to threaten to pull out of the Hospitality Asso. He added that the Revenue Department the community to spread the taxburden in. among everyone, as long as the money is elation and Its touram draws like SpringFest "to get them to get off their See TAX. Page A-2 8— ` $. � t• HbA 'I 2 he heir Iida- that One rec- t see le Ir. May this f A Growth law. unlike TSA official Says By TERRI JO RYAN snff writ" I What's the difference between the pro- posed Traffic Congestion and Growth Man- agement Ordinance and the Traffic Safety Amendment that voters soundly defeated at the polls four years ago? A lot, says a town official. Under the TSAi, If any intersection re- corded more than "moderate congestion" — a 48-second watt at a traffic light — then the town would cease Issuing all building per- mits until, road Improvements were plarned, financed and scheduled for com- pletion. Thus, one intersection's congestion would have triggered a halt of all construct tion — be it a home, church, school or com- mercialfacWty. In a May 9, 1969, referendum the TSA was defeated 6,375 to 2,998, as more than two-thirds of the Island's )3ctive voters turned cut at the polls. Under the Traffic Congestion and Growth Management Ordinance being con- sidered by the current Town Council, the de- velopers of new projects — with the promi- nent exception of single family housing and public projects — must submit a traffic analysis to town planners. If the analysis shows that the project will generate so much traffic that crucial Inter- ectlons will be taxed beyond their capacity, the developers will be responsible for sug- gesting and arranging for road Improve- ments. However, the draft ordinance also allows the town to deny developers their permits until road congestion Is eased, and no Im-. provements can be made that are unpalat- able to town officials. The Planning Commission Is set to con• duct a special public hearing on the traffic ordinance at 9 a.m. Sept. 8. Unless signifi- cant changes are needed In the ordinance, which received preliminary approval at its first reading Aug. 2, It could be adopted by See GROWTH, Pape A-7 i U i' tout "A"Al6 , EMU By Call Krueger mile highway would be redesigned to cut in half the amount of wetlands Hilton Head Island. The road will connect'Hardee. restore and preserve 112 acres of wetlands in Beaufort County. speeidto,he xaan and neon lobedestroyed orfilled In. vllle at the Interalohe 95 exit, near In another move, the Coastal ` A proposed four -lane highway connecting Hardeeville, S.C., to Hit- Based on that report the Coastal Council agreed to Issue a permit S.C. Hwy.1". The revise plans for the road' . Council approyed adding sand to All Joy Beach on the May River in BIDton I Head IS a step closer to reality with last Thursday's South Carolina when the Department ofTransporla- lion completes final papers, said . .way will destroy about 25 acres of wetlands. The originalproposal to r,, Bluffton. RESTAURAN mill Coastal Council approval are permit to displace wetlands to construct the Donna Gress, spokesperson for the South Carolina Coastal Council, fill and clear the 41 acres of wet. lands drew protests from state and The Bluffton Rotary Club w11i get . a permit to renourish the popular road. The South Carolina Department The transportation department must also get an Army Corps of En• federal environmental and wildlife agencies. public beach, which is about 100 feet by 300 feet. The Rotary Club so far of Transportation was successful in reassuring the group that the 7.2 gineers permit to build the roadway, a final link of a four -lane highwav to The ;tale Department of Trans- portation has purchased properly to has raised $3,000 to cover the re, nourishing expense. s•� ,��(�,/'� SS aBHa77G Has Ali Ybii �x' Growth }� i ♦i a permanent growth control ordinance is adopted by Town Councill Steve Riley, the towns cornmuni• than 60secondsatalighL Don Hook, the former Town Council member who gathered the aged growth. "It's a matter of perspective, however," he added. "Unless your Evu ly development director and admin• signatures to place the TSA referen- parcel is In the zone or the congealed Continued From Page A•1 Islrator of the [And Management - Ordinance, said last week that he oc• dum on the ballot in 1989, said last ' week he hasn't been following the intersection, you may not see that ordinance as being all that different the Town Council on Sept. 20. caslonally hears the proposed ordl- current council's actions all that from the TSA. I can understand being made." Growth management consultant Marlin Lehner assured town staff nonce compared to the TSA, but re- fules the charge. closely ' f felt that with the TSA results, town democratically expressed comparisons Since the TSA was never put Into effect, he said, there' is no trolly of last month that the measures are le- gaily defensible, and a valid method The proposed ordinance's options for developers to come up with after- and in some cases the its direction," he said. "I've been content to let the town go Its own policies to draw on in administering the peraibng ordinance. Policies will Po. already In use in other parts of the country. Lellner said he believed it - native mitigation, get reimbursed for them, are key the way. I tried to get the town to take definitive action, and In that my pur• have to develop in the coming months, he said, because every cir- BI was a first for South Carolina, how- among the differences between two proposals, he sold. pose was accomplished.!' could Trot been con• ceived " u a ; ever. i. Island developers. currently are E governed by the Interim Traffic Im- "That was a great concern to a lot of folks;' said; "the o Rileyper• Greg Walker, the Island attorney who led the anG-TSA forces In 19er- differ- o i ordinance's t drafting. calved of in the oa while "it will take a while to see just 1 effective It is at managing 352 1361 I pact Analysis and Documentation Ordinance, which Is. set to expire hardly to make improvements to an Intersect without the next fellow said there is a mechanical ence between the execution of the .how growth," Walker said. Aug. 31. However, the Interim ordi- nonce will remain In effect until the getting a Free ride.' The proposed ordinance also de- TSA and the proposed ordinance. Not, having spent time studying 1 i • sends ont a monitoring and reporting system that forces the town to ad• he's the various drafts, Walkeaccounts is for dePended'an press accounts for his ''LANGFORD �s g� Doe�+A mg dress problems at an Intersection before It reaches capacity. Interpretation of the pending ordl• nonce If his information Is correct, Riley said the T lain opted a hensive Land .Use Plan adopted a then the proposed ordinance is a more legally defensible method Is said, more YOUR COMPLETE OPTICAL CENT E Continued From Page A•1. goal of having: cars wait no more of achieving the same goal of man - �• man couldn't easily avoid growing become less than a "charao- • � . , Lens P ri cE w Lens 1 O u Low � r % up to ter," no matter where he lived. ' Paul attended high school In Des • • • • •, • • L . 11 'ite Plast LiteLlte Plastic Lite.Plastic ��. Moines and did his undergraduate SINGLE VISION , BIFOCALS TRI•FOCA studies(businessadministration) College.. In he Paul Minn. After a hitch in the :Army.. Minn. After p�A-twchoefNnd� Aeeun�M�aai All of Fin•CAAdreabApfl. 29_ 5e .,.`.;� '':�• Paul end Gerry went to the West ,1 Coast wherehe did his graduate work for his masters and Ph.D. de " ...... 28 mm, Flat top or round . 7x28 men grew atstanford university. After graduation, Paul returned Moines and then ' r , . FoT One Day Quality Eyeglafls Delivery, 45 Local Full Service Grinding Lob. Rx'a iror, j 1, briefly -to Des _._.worked for a number of years ►n i �® ,,, av cno► 4 i I i f i 1 i I i j i • I i j i f , I 7, 1113 LOCAL Minty' e • OUt , crashes i - � : � Rrom ah T lines .nine times as many white as blacks ®f island;'_ thL n. By TOM SYAROLETA =en make u 5l percentot the Island's range planner makes between $W47 and Of -dels) r.ad.uawdur population but �ust Z0.1 petcen! of the iw. y 1 �r a bland h an Now of the town's other black employees town'sworktorce. blddmg nine Hmes es many whites as blacks and James Mitch -ell, president of tho isiand Mw �,s nve highestaId employees + By TOM SZAROLETA ; � I nearly four times as many men as women, NAACP chapter, said he is happy to bear for the town areallwhite. r,d.t.uu.,u.r partmen I the percentage o[ minority town em• „Dargtel an effort needs to be made Two men whose crippled,' project, according to two records. ployeea so Basely resembles the percent- Y• t wW be t lihepresident ofthe feed lchell►rotthaageofminorityresidents.Buthesaidthat's• lmcttractminorltles)althesenlorlevel,at pplaneweoy.1SoFridayynight.; �Nove reallynotgoodenough. the administrative level, of, the town; In Port RoyalSound'offHgton , FIAACP, which has expressedconcernand titalning i about municipal minority employment, „They should be doing better: than the . AfTown,tchell eald. minorsHead juriescapedwilhonly �; td{le, it nt. saysflterolsroomtorimprovement ` population," Michell Town'Manger Michael O'NeiQ b the minorinjuries. q.openedb Of 104 employees on a Bat released by the lyoiotereated (n showing good faith, that the highest paid employee, receiving a i97,500 A U.S, Coast Guard hellcopt-, r ro town, are white men, 31 are white wom• thing to do would be to da better than the . eatery. th paned one of the men from Gthere making more than =50,000 are •the water and a Coast Guard' ice• en;11 are black men, eight am black wom• popubilon," Steve Rlloy, director of community devel• boat found the other about 4e ' r If ttre eaandone is an Asian man. Mltc teB also said ttto town needs to hire OptnenI, who makes 157,ss7; Fire Chief Da- minutes 'alter the single -en. Without i ' Thepuce percentage of black employees to al- more minorities In administrative l l= vid maei enan, who makes $57.7M; •and Ft• gins plane lost power, authors. "f at.way maatldendcaltolhepaeattageo[blacksin tions'Onlythreeblacks'-acaptainanda,'a� Director Shirley Freeman, who tiessaid. �bea ailon. town'spopulul balk lion chief In the fire department and a makes $N,173. Town attorney Gregory Bill Pane; 37, and John Ote et tawn's blank employees make up long •:ange planner at Town Hall - hold Delimcbmakea=4 OW. Hubbard, 38, were treated at, . 9.78 percen! of t)ie towns workrorca. The high•raokingtwaitionswiththetown' Statelaw�thmakint morel than lease Head ngtheHospitai and t. S 918 blacks. regbtered in late i610 census 7be fire captain makes between $23,400 rlea for em making more mall leased following the accident d.. make up B.7Y par ;7 the town'a popula• . and �3,500; while the battalion chief make {50,000. it must raved a salary rang According to ; s Beaufort wDbusy If I tloa. between i�,5110 and $0,500; and the I=& otltorpoeltloas.. County Sheriffs Deeppaartment IatY OI 1 reps, Panas was pi ailing the', and. a ; WKKKKHD 69RADLDCK t 1873 Bellanca from Rock Hill ,, land. m j to Hilton Head Airport when It Prooar lostpower., Panes tried to restore power:': Dbney n but was forced to ditch the a Sotlating . plane In Port Royal Sound,,' d t ; wmr Red Buoy No.2. Liaming Panes and Hubbard were home an t n I able to climb out of the plane `5 R' tt and swim away before itsonk."'N '$ L i P t; Pans, the owner of the IIOsenb°• ` plane, Is president of B.D. fheytee Communications inc. in Rack °rs Thr- mnn- u•rro _ j i i I k �i i i i I I + because N ca in the " pollUeal arena, nave[ having run for o9kebafbre. � }i%g1tJy� f r e a AN AIR. DV It. onna as is running n said M was urged to halo dissattaned with the page Progress being made in Town Hall. Town -wide tax"" 7A;O n �C �v7�T� /r� e3� � R y neighbors. sae says it will ruin my There's a certain percentage who " he said, jokingly. "My think things can be dole more quick- not lokel y! FT4 Shows 16% Increase 'You're crazy.' But I'm ly than they are," he said. The mayoral candidate said he ®'Neill says min a-' least teak. the air bet reef 81V.j The reeulrlliti s ew *� measured befit before aad'ap4 rvos of imoo0 he has fermrl a "steer. would make it a priority of his ad- . smerease ucaw gC"a irductsthi Ittee" of his Sea Pines ministration to get Willy service to Town Manager deendingonthecieraad tpmorencieaedepeadingontheeondit[ga� tt.. and garnered the volun. all islanders, &A to ease traffic con- i of attorney Michael Jor- gestion while construction of the last week that the Hilton Htad is land Hospitality Association's sug• e x x sr $2 :.rmer mayor Ben Racusin Cross•Istand Expressway is pending m. Hamilton said he is re- by synchronizing traffic signals. estion for a lawn -wide halfscent Wes tax for Mooch preservation is ' oFF Du� 1 ` .e major issues before the He said he favors mandatory re- not likely to be instituted. �nyr„�, �;,,yn will call a press confer• cycling of plastics, glass and paper, i he is reaJy to announce starting with the business communi• That's because a local option sales tax has twice been shot down Oon60WSaftn/edCstWeiea fR SorlmrSaraexaA AilionRead Adaata, i in. ty first and then all residents. The ;ly other official candidate money raised from the recycling then be for future beach b Beaufort County voters — "mor• tally," O'Neill added. ArdkLle d; TT day was mayoral hopeful would used 'These people met In earnest, ubinsak, a 93-year-old lim- renourishment projects, eliminating and came up with a solution," he ver. the need for a special beachpreser- said, "and were checking up on It. I appreciate that they came up with a solution.' 1"i o n n k ` aMillion In early June, Mayor Harvey Ewing proposed a levy of It for aQ��. r r erNoraeTaCOLUMN er P6RCrev- ery -$2 spent by tourists and rest - dents alke on overnight accommo- DENTAL IMPLANT vRoseisknownforhisphilanthropicwork. Heolfershelp dations and prepared foods, to help save eroding beaches. JAMESALFREDRO pant for those in need. He has earned a fortune and a Later, !n response to complaints FELLOW, INTERNATIONALCONGFIESS .ledge during his lifetime and wants to share both. from restaurateurs that they were THE ELIMINATION OF D� who gives while he lives , - , also knows where it goes' being singled out, he expanded the : ENDOSSEOUS Illl d� inn R®SS money G scope of the tax to include a variety ottaadamrehtedbuslrussp. N50FASE away When aI of the tooth In a law are missinp dswook Twenty minutes later I ended my conversation with now rrud 90 to a denture to salvo the tun Ore loss 19VN teeth. There are many. thloab- Diane.Ilm eaodthat the was 32.had been andisability 'Go, Wes Indepandently, Is single and has no Chamber t�applaneesbut there are alternatNasi sefm In( children. Up until her IIIMos took control of her Ile, she When she teeth are lost, the bone left Iran support teeth and it Is slowly lost due to Il ? -. hoot, the 'worked In seta and management. Before finding the Continued From Page A-1 that oaellying donture 11 suitbient bow, woman, right medication and doesgo, she used to "crash and ;aparlieu• burn'. DudrngthlapheaehewouWhave sesvroauk9dal In lecture hall and archeology sped• men storage, and looks forward to ka can bo placed In the bone to supp sort to�ttw bone through the use ef Imply mostol tendencies. a at his Then come the line that clinched my commitment W "The takln6 over the top floor of the new facility. The building's total square Orie WII be Bide to sat spar wph tiprry teeth. The new teeth can eilhe allected, helping her. She told me, only thing that kept me et W who ' from committing suicide was knowing that I had to food footage is 7,700. . nation of a fixed substructure and a remoi lure. Each individual will present a unlgd sgsatthe my dogs'That's allIneededtohoar,tounderstandthat The property has 227paved park. Ins spots, Bathes sold, and la close preforences,but both spt:oachessliminab the fit firsthand thedesirotobecomeadogtrainerwabstrongonoughto e a largo, compensate for her Illness. All that was loft to do. was to a sewer cenneutlon at the nearby Ties ttyouwould liketoracsiveacopy of Savannah 912• on him in arrange for financing.Crary The rast of this story is abouUgroup participation . Crab restaurant. Reilly family,which owns the Crazy Crab, Statesboro 912 owedthat and hope. President and founder of the WVCC,Wayne , •o, Inciud• Davis, is a heck of a nice guy, In, addition to being a is in iscussions with the chamber about the feasibility of tapping the, 2 Lester Courts Statesbf ., Say,Joe, maven at his trade. Wayne gonsrouslyallveda$2.000 sewer line, which is in the jurisaic• a ain? scholarship which meant we only noodto come up d, tion of Hilton Head Public BeSeice +' a Is your with 31,eoo, payable tale lint day of class. Mr. Fla" , District No. I. , 4 care of %;zuld easily afford to pay the bdanco, but I wanted requests, esuuraneoofDlene'ocommitmenttoon.Istotheetoher 'I Bethea said Itthe deal is consum• mated, tbenthe Tavern onbiteCreek hours She hours of training required for lepoketohor would close in'a few weeks so that ( 11.9.In mantelhealhcameworker•DanSeschddandheagreed 1 Ross at- that we should got Diane's financial participation. I told ovations could take piece during the offseason in time for a February THERAPEUXi srk some- Dan that l Diana could come up wish $600 Mr. Ross drip." would pay the remaining $1,100. Sho did so ho dld. or March 1904 opening.. Sri Feat; the month -long cane• Are stressed for success or suHeri . m& wo. I road Al the timo ef this writing Diane Is attending school to forthoonothingthatputsmeaningInharlifeandthatwill bratbn U t kicas aft the tourist sea poinsY 16 muule specolish for 0 j Idesire I her was. provide her with the mesa s to be a productive mail son, starts Mont,1. Bathes said the quest for a new ' OUR S?E MUK U would not of society. `After graduating, she wilt stil,havesamo I lost. She Thorewlibotimoswhonshe eraahos and welcome center started In 1268, and with a feasibility � ben �_1-_ sus ,fir rite •ot Foot elexc IW ,•bad•days. I nm BL-_..wil roLsat to.b9d for a low days Diana has an Illness tiJ culminated earagn. y" _Y _ _ __ I I i i I , i i I - _ athofan_.. —jp ,. M• ..-..riantatGlon .though new,w7uuvugnbllday ogaauonshave bnInvited. J%/® cif gets 'vested .d.9d rights ••v� .... - rec®,end�tgons ti alma llof BYORMANAMBERO fadwr e �^ recommendations deal with �Ui,e h ring fostead of two for devel- ofa"judicial forum"forafatrhearingtar�, "vested •fights,,' approvals for Bevel• The I"stie of ho to deal will long -de- opment that were granted under county .veetedris �n buildhn under people denied vested rights and remove' 'A�d layell developmeQQt projects on ton laws in place before Hilton Head was in the realbnslbllltytorarbifraHonfrom the; acid' Head feinnd la baldit imed court,n the Tawn Councll's C01Porated in IflaL Establish deadlines .whereby Ballet townadminlstrator. + Drive Development le now controller! by tile theyOpera woused d them HWI heir Vested eights unless ted "Wc went to try to adhere to high elan E. Members of the Planning Commissioa town's i end Management Ordinance. undr the old county law extend ints nttoathe . grader itho t RAY injustice to a ewe voted unanimously Wedneadaq to send Planning Chairman Bob Moore sold no"IndafiNtsfuture;'otficialaeeld.�� {' &rLag three recommendations on delayed pro. . one seems to know how many people may John Carney, a !a er from Cleveland` aided jests prepared by commissioners Tlamae cis they have "vested rights" foe Ong the public hearing islander Con Ohl, and an owner of Greenbooke Home; •, Calhoun and F. Richard Kramer to the jests on Hilton Head, nfe An eletti cited the unfinished bed and Co , Said he has Invested it Million af•:4 head Town CatmcU, asking that the recommen- . Acting as a Subcommittee cathoun end piRle ll & inn at Main Street as a good ml. yacht Coveand has lads a #1 dent r datlonsbe Included Innewguidelines for Kramer recommend: OMVIOwhytberaishouldbeatim i(Int[or mils for Six years. Hut. Carney leer. fheprojecfs' ■ That officials provide,ons admink ■ Eetablle6 sometimes there are legitimate11 a. procedures fordelayingworkonaprejectd% meport: Thief t steals hunting e fY®lY Wal-Mart "e during move From staff reports of Bluffton, were arrested of the deparfmonl'r 'unceNbnday. Hilton Heed Island allies Monday and charged - - ■ An 10-year-old women reported • schoolp , A thief stole a hunting rifle as Wai•Mart with forgery In connection with checks wrllln 0 Michael Anthony Ce mats assaulted and ahem led to was MDVing Into its neW loeaBon' aCCO an another women's account, Acprdln to the rarrs•� o0, of No. 6 p fie r GroeroRoadwasarraeledathlehomeMonde aide tM Old Oyster Fee Resl ! our Y Cat Y orV ant CathTuesdaerine lot ! 1 e Wilson of HIII y and char ing to a Beaufort County SherltCB Depart- toepdor on Hs+d Island Pied with three counts of failing to file Marshland d Road, of Buckles Marine1. meRt . I o say se MeY a,seam buslr""s called Inca tas returns In Maryland, He was laden ■ Joy Buckle of auekfn Center on± sepal tdatedMOnday. her to say several of. her Checks had bounced, to the Beaufort County JYit end gxlradided 1p. S.C. 46 In Bluffton repMed someone entered _ on She said she did not know when her checkbook Maryland., • r fenced area and stole a $Z000 boat motor either, s t rifle, Was III between Sept.2andSept four counts Of Teresa geeryR and Latroush was ouBushh was• ■D*vwm Reginald Flemming*of tfo 0 MondayorTueaday. 19 as employees were mOYlflg the store cl with one count of forgery, Both wen Groans Road rVarkd f01/'tl0ns elele a islso• ,j N Paul Koflyof ConyorI, Ga., repwf*daome: i taken lolM county lallandnleapd. ' Mon emm pfslol from his home between JuIY! and 1, ,one stole a $700 video camera f� his Hollday± i - i from Port Royal Plaza to Festival Centre Monday. Inn Eigm», hotel room n P Avenue Ixj i a atlA OPark. ■Gregory Alas tween Sept. zoand Sept, 23. dig Moyer MQ of ay Woodhaven O Brin M Rabon .IP, or Bluffton was pr. .' ; Clay Camp of Oxford, Mtn., re 'was and at his home Monday and charged rested Monday andchargedwith portfdso.. The riflawas valued at$W. with Possessing less then ono Ounce of marllua•, than an ounce of marijuana; A possatting leas "MO" broke Into his 1"0 Ford Branco sh� r INS. , Deputies sent to arrest and charge him with Ralson In the Moo C i DIYl� arrested, o Stole UN in golf clubs, a $100 citizen band ra• P ' Inotherreports: driving on a Suspendedllcemeallegedlydiscay. nNCalsouteperklnplotes iidlo,$1301ncessetfetapesand elg0InfoalsW40). - eradthe marijuana Inhis home, Hewashken a r lawatt.gqpuunnfionlnpRabnaboutanunnlaledid• nffwenAug.lSandAus.7owhilelhgfruekwat- r. • '� ; i mTeresaBush,U,aMLatrellBush,ls,both IhacounyJailandreleasedonhnownrgcopni.,'rule Rabatlwpfakn1otheCountyfellandl parked �Inanunk�parkingfotontMbla se. d. P f ~'R ►omEs�nnce pp ®trorlw ua,ett>twEasof THE SWI�S S RC®Oi ER , . t tit�ll NALJNBADDRE86t I ►VG, The Place(orgreatEuropeanSArneKcanFoor! rongxa7rv,Ii�rifwalrwasctt�e i 1aEQ ftezf AtResonablePriCes' kfsEMMd�DlNdrf°Nspselateq ; I Irma6AljredOT oauatst*S-Wdt. PYdatPA,8.67>dfsMhiMbMgBoun poMlPpo rt�ariWMMPoelwasira'Lt'rda0fessd gsN y •�. rN Invite you fo their restaurant for an Outstandingdin _nu5.5•n. 9,1"3 _ 10 Town Council wants utilities - A floor. "Where do you start saying enough is to explain water decision ;: wept down, we'd be down," O'Neill enough? (Why increase. the cost) to make :. ding, =ould further be making sure lightning doesn't strike? I mean, come By HAL MILLARG Perkins added that she is concerned "that es an bland " onl" n.s.f a.awn1.r Information is being supplied to customers only le some council members had a Under the Beaufort County program, all : through brochures and without an release - it t endorsinga plan without hearing four telephone companies wethlo it; the five The Hilton Head Islard Town Council wants the raw data on which the decalon was made imutP n municipalities, the county, and the three three bland utilltles to explain their decision to and therefore, without the town being able t6 Win 'sprrolivea, they voted SA in otothe SavannahRiver for em'zttalwn• Wion'apropoeal. tegratedsystem. jointogelher[oranin : lgersuppllea. suppl evaIualethedata: Zell approval was the last hurdle e as �Aside from flitter Head island, '!au[us• The ceuncil Monday night unanimously ap. She said the town should encourage the atilt. . Ong Winn from drawing up final kie island and We three military I" all proved a resolution that Mayor Harvrj Ewing ties to delay signing any contract until the tow# br the system. Beaufort County cells in the county — including B.. lion — and town manager Michael O'Neill arrange a can evaluate the raw data supporting the deci along with Bluffton end the coon• would be routed through the county der meeting with the'utilitles - Hilton Had No. t • "slog' . e other municipalities, have all en- patch center in Beaufort and Broad Creek Public Service Districts and „ heplan. Hilton Head and Daufuskie emergencies. Hilton Had PlantatlonUtilitles. Even though the utilities have been dele; ciiwoman Donna Martin, public re would ben routed lhro the Hilton Had gated the authority to make such a decision; iireclor with H.rgray Telephone, Councilman Ras Condit also asked that the the town does have a role to play in that it is re; herself eater from the proceedlega and center. The Marine Corps Air Station and ceps backing that decision be made available spoualble for the health, safety and welfare of ate. Cape Hart Housing ara,MePardsIsland for review bythecouncil. Itarmsidenta;'Perkiroeaid. Recndt Depot and the Beaufort Naval liar Ewing and Councilwoman Dorothy Perkins ier councilman Tom Peeples, run- petal would each have their own dispatch y "Certainly, I had hoped there would bb denounced the decision of the' utilities to go to ;poke a In Ward council race centers. the river justweeks before a voter referendum more s,"she add for the overall good of inland opokeagalmttheplaa.Heobjecled Hasty onecentershouldmelNnetlon,aa- citizens; she added. , An the more expensive, countywide other center would take up the slack, "With on theNov:9 municipal electionbollot. j simply to safeguard against an is- just two flicks of a switch," Winn said. For The Idvesory-only referetsfum asks voters Ewing, upset that the utilities couldn't 160 temgotogdown. • instance, If Hilton Had operations go it they prefer the riverorUse Cretaceous Aquif• waited three weeks until the outcome ofthe relr. nk the question 1s, how much sects- down, the Beaufort County dispatch center er as a future source to supplement the Fior lerendum, said: "it shouldn't have tsken pjaci 'ecessary," Peeples said from the will dispatch bland calls, andviceversa. IdanAquIIer.. wtHafter the peoplehadepoken."' Cork, lens . Act h Power conference (CoalinnedtromPa es -Al about polsibleameadments, flood of refugees from risking �lY nPage i•Al g I am fundamentally opp !'to lives an the high sastorachAmert-: hnetoMossCreek. s� t��r��p tomovewithlnsightotshore. amendments which Improperly usidt ca. headded. Ireatmentplarl, built on water Clinton met with foreign policy ad- my ability to perform my constltu- iB Hald 'vended in In% would viaers on the crisis in Haiti as the adi , tloml duties as commander in chest i.aat`night the country's miilialy. From staff reports defied an approaching midnight accommodat�lhead• minblrollen fought attempts in which may: have, unepnstlWtloaa; ban lomo bland cur State Sen. Hotly Cork of Hit- Congress to limithis powers. peovtelona. and whloh U.. adopted,' . deadline to yield power and belittled expected arbwth in ten Head island has organized "This is a time to be very steady 1' could weaken the confidence, of our. a U.N. arms and oil embargo. ifs ; ,a,Moss sold. a news conference for this Secretary of State Warren . allleaintheUnitedStstes..',, right-wing supporters threatened' bed that Ihe. titsee Is- morning. about .three Island Chrlatopher said."Thla is net time in his letter. Clinton objected ape- that any American invaders well�o !Houfd agree to pool utilitles' decision to go te, the to let the emotion of. the moment at . cifleatly-to Dole's proposst as well as home "in bogs." , �:. with customers Inall Savannah River for future we feet and erode thgfundamental twooilror'amendmenla,onebanulng `: Rightists mixed threats agali t y ng me price lerau a. ration otpowerawhich has been • U.S -°troops from: operating u1111M the outside world with gifts of ch - ompt consolidation It W be at it a.m. today at portant'for the United States for a U.N , command and the otter' res- anthemums to foreign" rat these datlon of Town HoU, One Town Center long, long time." trlating bends for Bosnia unless ape- while. I A. Gen. Raoul. Cedma, the Ides' administrative Court Dale said his propelw was oousia• dfMlyauthorisedbycongr-., ' army etro an; suggested pew •^-�.,:',L•t�,.y-- •Td.....---J1r.t...L...�u.......1..�........._ ...1wn1 ..urllh:,MadtttaM...011lt(arrt, by Chr(g�,Qgh4r a1e0 strongly erlG 'tajiS3 Ica Cnartll� Rnt�f%p 1i 1. "Dole said. He said he believes', i he has enough votes to pass his propo- • I sal. Mindful of congressional unhappi- DeSS of his handling of foreign policy, s• y } _ Brian L ftW/nrtls4ndPaCKV Clinton sent aides to Capitol Hill to L Emergency medical personnel treat two women iniured in a three- her car. The collision pushed Simrili's car.Into a car, driven by work with Dole's staff m a possible ?F� car •wreck Monday afternoon on William Hilton Parkway at The Martha Siede, 29; of 1920 Cotton Hope Piantatior, who was,waiting compromise. t Village at Wexford. Authorities said Felicia Hagood, 23, of Burton, to turn left onto the parkway from the shopping center. Hagood and Clinton also tightened pressure on ' was sorthbound on the parkway when a northbound car driven by Simrill were treated and released at Hilton Head Hospital, a nuns- _ Haitian militaiy and pohce officials Virginia Simrill, 63, of 77 Lawlor, Road, turned left into the path of ing supervisor said. Simrill was charged with failureto yield: blamed for bladgng the return of de posed President Jean -Bertrand Oak Aristide. He froze any assets they m�thave intheya • edStatesand denf tbementry counhy Richard Neivcomb, a Treasury Department official, .I Te a` Co �a1 opt .t®,® ; c®unty ' -911 s;�Acia. said, This is meaningfalsndweantistpateblockmgmg j �,:_ niG(ontamamts."But hecould notestimstethe amount" orinfxwimdvedartbemmberofwdividualsaffeeted. By HALMILLARD Q 1 } �1.� : V less•expegdye °pHs of developing an to- dispatchers' abilities to srnd. emergency 911. dispatclusa also will see a map on a.- �e to rule out any options, Clinton ladd-' " lGdagN7wrlkr -: dependent Hilton Head system for a•tance ap- ambulance, fits or police- screen showing the- caller's h°use, shyest catedhewasnatabadtoarderU.S. forcestoHaittmiesa': �11lOg0 ( Tcalls.Unlikgbasie.ell„ftwouldallaava andetosssteee3s •:__ -- Americanatberewerethreatened.1%eepinm3nd,aswe_ Hilton Head Island wi8 join Beau[mt -' t dispatcher b see on a computer screra i .This wi8'allaw dispatchers to quicklyspeak the Haitian government (d Aristlde) has anE• z and properly direct emergeuy petpennel - (loimtyinanew Enhanced ellemergency g� tys�d a•) ° epbotY�numberandaddressvcfiere: �tbeiacidmtlocatiao�Wmnaaid aslredfor that,^.l9intaDsaid Hesaid itwas apptuprnte:; i system that could be up and sunning by open - I theca iscamngfrorn. :, 1 tomakesoned "astougbaspossible ' tywide integrated system is prefers , / Ia addition, inns fire plsas:for buildings June 1995 the Town Council decided Man;. .ble because it will provide backup should t I i Yet; to demonstrateU S. resolve, Ciimm oidtsedsi:'. �y the dispahbcentergodown On Iiilton Head, by n��iB the tbwm's on the island can beinpat to, assist fur l 1 - warships patxolliteg off Haiti to enforce U N. sandiom s . compute dGeographiclnforniation fighters at the scene of a,8re-Also,-:(Seeppp}�,baekpat The colmcilapproved the plane averthe Enhanced 911 is designed to improve :System in �combinahon with l�bamced jl lSeeTOWN.baekpage) gq i ; Utilities vet contract;terSol w F �. coop... o7�lUt�Q115 } a� YiSeiYi fti� j 't i � r -_ i (Lr,gri sa cagey _ rPraCl tea; �T®vebe -w F scaopisTheisludParkers2l- - - 'OnC�iYl@II- •Wl"'Zip.1i1r'���:5�,p�,'...,,.,�,,,...�ef,..,,,,,` -service.tofkrs By LEONORA BOHEN told more than a hall ozen lawyers_ By DANIELQ. NANEY — Peet be�� a time m Os iPe hadao- 3 treesccessto vw eema.,iw seated, at one a of he coaferemce an,,,yd �fi Heir V them' health >Y,worrl „idea these condiments would be so • Iformatian North- to mid•island utility of- The�atforaeysrepresentthewafa NEWORLCADT$=Here's some le.,`s®neiaavarietyofbaMerlaealled powerful 'said Dr:%ails =.,.varkfyof ficials would like to sign a contract authority and individual island atilt- hot news from the'world of ad . �oioplewia liver diseaseb.in ^Aldridgetomeottheresea rhea for drinking water from the Savao- ty taltopeopiewithliverdiseasea>sd . = Tbey fbi and that hat sauce was subjects, c - ties; with some speeialiiing la the le ence: The habit of jazzing up raw ; other underlying health problems the moat potent y Wbea .dashed ,� ^'• Indudingnational - nah River as early as Nov. 15. galitiesofbondnnderwdting. oysterswith'asplashofspicycoci "and internatlonsl - At a workshop Monday at Hiltaa Mondays meeting also attracted tail sauce just might make good it: from I Center i State .. straight_ied them test labs in news and weather, Head No. Public Service District's three utility customers and the hews medical sense. Univei .itq,Medical Ceat� in Nerve ;ria, it killed them aIIwIthin a min sports, conference room, Bob W chair- media, in addition to several repre- - ltkillsthe steno lhleansde�idedtoseefftherewas` ute.Evendihttedl6.to'1;itwtped�. heanhh0'O _ �' sentativesfromotherut;lities sometbiog people.could-add to themoutwithiarrceminutes soopesa� man of that district's commission Most oyster eaters probably in oystesstowipeoutthe germs ^ . Moises dish" and :lemur `ear entertain . asked for a "signable" contract by Dean Moss. genera) manager of Bulge in cocttaII sauce baayse What better place t° start than worked moderately well; ketds,� ment. s the groups next meeting, scheduled the water authority, outlined expan- they like zippy taste The new testing the staff lolle; already put ;hadbttleef[ad -. `' t Touse 1 1 1 iceN01.1ir• sion plans that would lead to autom- report the possibility it on tbem� they also. tested three other va ers of Hilton Head Plantation Utili- couldalso ahealthyth)ngtodo. Sip, The large north enduhlity,Sread ties andHilWnHeadNo.laadBmad Theyontlinedtheirfindings rtefdvaiobacteria.asweIIas dlal616619)INEYVS)onatouch(XeeSPublicServiceDistrictandthe •One risk eating raw oysters Is, Monday at aconf�cesponsored E--softy shigelfa and sAlmonella • . tonet then en eriha Creek PSDs receiving a blend of we-. privately -owned Hilton Head Plants- ter from the Upper Floridan Aquifer the microb�a in their digestive cr the American Sodety Soy Mi liotsaoce)o�d them,too calegory'sfour-digitaaesscode. tion Utilities agreed over the past trade Oytters- are sometimes "rrobiology: _ Aldridge cautmmd that his and the Savannah River. 3s afirstMepacdthatmare_-.- few weeks to negotiate a contract Mcas said the entire project would tainted wI bacteria that can : The seaearcheis experimental �. just . with Beaufort -Jasper water & Sewer cost about $20 million, with just cause ailm' ranging from filar- with the main ingredients of cod( research is Deeded :No one knows r Authority for a supplemental water nnderbalfoftiiatgoingtowardfecili- rbeatodang bloodpn)so^(_g. ail sauce --.Tabasco and other " how well atcktaa :sauce might J _ supply from the Savannah River. ties and pipeline costs on the island. Serious' is rare. However, tauld lilt saiNxs hotseralisb, -work agaitst badceia that arc in 7 "We should turn it over to the at- The remainder would be for expan-- some res ants have posted lemon jufceandketchap _� slde oyaters-ar wbefber lt-sea$ toraeysnow tocomeback with some soon of the authority's treatment sigma that this classic ap 'Same of.tbe 5ndu�s.were a eankeePPecPkfgg s thing that can be signed, and thefast- plant on S.C. 170 at Chelsea and for The Island packet, TuesdaY, October 19,19" Tom;Town Council wal ' (Coatlnued(remPa et -AI handloemergeneycalls. floor. 'Where do you Sled saying enough I. to �X�h's" w���� g "H it went down, we'd be down," O'Neal . e"ongh4 (Why (°crease' the cot) to make citizens can have special information said, adding, "We would further be making "urellghtningdcean'talrlkeTImean come pyHALMILLARD Perks; iloaded into the system, such as any medical ourselves an island." onl" r ad.t.nwnar informal conditions, allergies or any other Informs. Under lice Beaufort County program, all through Don toassist emergency personnel. Wavle. some council members had a four telephone �p�ns within it, the live The Hilton Head island Town Council wants the raw , , problem endorsinga plan without hearing municipalities, the county, and the three; . three island utilities toeuptalnWeir decision to and thei The system Winn and town manger more about alternatives, they voted 5.0In military bases would join together for an In. go to We Savannah River for supplementalwa• .valuate Michael O'Neill endorse will enable the is• favor ofWinn'sproposal. tersupplies. land to keep its own dispatch center. it will tegAside from H have a countywide -start-up cost of nearly Connell approval was the test hurdle Aside from Hilton Head Island, Daufus• , The council Heasley night unanimously ap• She s{ hav a con for Una purchase and installs- �a�en�o g � n from drawing rawin Kup final kle island and the three military bases "U, proved a resolution that Mayor Harvey Ewing ties to de $1.4 Chinn for he purchaseequipmeat. Council, along with Bluffton and fBeaufort coon• calls In the county — Including Bluffton — and town manger Michael O'Neill arrange a can evalj lionMost of that money would be raised by ty's three other municipalities, have all en would be routed through the county die meeting with the utilities -Hilton Head Nond sion. charging a it monthly [ce for 18 months on donsedlheplan. patch center in Beaufort' and Broad Creek Public Service Districts and "Eve each of the aunty's 63,000 phone lines, be- Councilwoman Donn Martin, public re- Milan be Head and ro u h the emergencies Iltilo Councilman Plantation n Utilities. (toted n ginning InJanusryf119l. letters director with . Hargray Telephone, would be routed through the Hilton Head Councilman Russ Condit also asked that Use the town Afterward, monthly caste of nearly excused herself from the proceedings andcenter ' The Marine Corps -Air Station and report backing that decision be made available sponsibl Cape Hart Housing area; the Parris island forreviewbythecouncU. Its resid, 36,000willbepaidthrougha58centmonlh didnotvote. RecruitDeDnt and the Beaufort Naval HasingandCouncliwome"DorothyPerkins ly fee for each phone line In the county. Former councilman Tom Peeples, run pital would each have their own dispatch "Cer The fee would apply to each phone line ning unopposed. denounced the decision of the utilities to go to i In the Ward 4 council race centers. more co nineing to a customer's home or business Nov. 2, spoke against the plan. He objected �, the river just weeks before a voter referendum p P ka Ile arecenterahouidmauancUonIan- citizens, noteach telephone. to going to the more expensive, countywide center would lake up the slack, "With on the Nov.2 municipal election ballot. O'Neill said an Independent Island system simply to safeguard against an Is- just two flicks of a switch," Wine said. For . The advisory oNy referendum asks voters i" system would work, but could place Hiltonland system going down. instance, if Hilton Head operations go it they prefer the river or Use Cretaceous Aqulf- waited 0 Head in jeopardy if, for instance, lightning "I think the question is, how much seen- down, the Beaufort County dispatch center . er as a future source to supplement the Flor- - eren u` struck it and left the island with no way to rity Is necessary," Peeples said from the . 'wiildrsalapatch islandcalls, andviceve; idanAquifer. for: plans Contra Power — v cs y'� f 7�enee about possible amendments. (Continued from Page IA) (Continued from Pages -A) �+®+++�1�+ji�I� tCouttnnedtromPagal-A) "I am fundamentally opposed to bringingaPipellnetoMossCreek. �.^Tp to movewithlnsightofahore. amendmenlawhichimproperly limit 1 from atop South Carolina's Stale ®n, water Ctinton met with foreign policy rd- my ability to perform my anstitu• I house say it honors the state's hers• The Chelsea treatment Plant, built, In:1989 and expanded In 1882, would:` viaers on the crisis in Haiti as the ad- _. Uonl duties u commander in chief, tdge and those who died in lire Civil From staff reports ministration (ought off attempts In . which. may halve unconstitutional be upgraded to accommodate the ad- )sion and which, if adopted.' . War. dition of more Wen lo,000 island cw State Sen. Holly Cork of Hit. Congress t0limithls power. could weaken the confidence of our „These of us who support the flying tomers and for expected growth' lid ton Head Island has organized "This is A time to be very steady," allies in the United States." of the Confederate flag are not going , the Bluffton arvea,Mosaseld. aI. news.' conference for this Secretary of. Slate Warren away. We are going to stand our Wood explained that the three ts• morning about' three. Island Christopher said. "This Is not a time In his letter. Qlnton objected ape - away. ground on tide,", said white state Sen. land uUHUes' would' agree' to pool utilities' decision to go to the to let Use emotion of lire moment af• oiRcother mendDole's proposal u well as ... Glen McConnell, R•Charleston. He feet and erode the fundamental sepa• two other amendments one boning! their with In 3avannahRtverfortuturewa• said his great-grandfather fought at Um districts paying the same price. tersupplies. ration of powers which has been fin- „ U.S. troops from operating under Gettysburg, one of: the Civil Ware forwater. • Itwillbeatlda.m.todayat portastfar the tilted States for a U.N..command and the other res• bloodlestbatlles. This would prompt conaolidaUon o[ Town' Hall, One Taarn Center long, longg Ume.n , . tricting funds for Bosnia unless spe- McConnefl said he would consider the, three utilities', adminiatrativo . Court Dole said his was consis• citicaliy authorized by Congress ,a edaruLs r �„� �,a nms�=ahixtrt ,vm,)d. ��n'ra tent with, lions ouUlned by Christopher also strongly orit • - a,a:,L,r+:.�,s.rr--r+ j i s wnere me price or water was neaueu onHUtonHead. — ---- He also acknowledges he cannot g lIs and. 19e9. My mother and father (both i Bosley said he had not known which way to vote in next Tuesday's outspend or out -debate Incumbent Mayor Harvey Ewing on issues such Education ■ High school: 1969 graduate deceased); Winston Churchil O Who hashed the most referenoum, but the forum helped as water supply, growth control and of Homestead Senior High School, influence on your life?: My him decide to vole for the Savannah traffic. But while he praises Ewing Homestead Pa. parents. River• as a fine and decent man, as well as a 0 Higher education: None. O What's your favorite boo Hlswife, Shelton Bosley, agreed. goal mayor, he says the town needs Work Thedictionary. "I think they did a good job of ex- newblood." ■ Current position: XYZ ■ Favorite Song?: "The St plainingit,"she said."Once they put "Peoplewant changes," hessys. Dispatch Services, limousine Spangled Banner" It In perspective, I understood it. The "I think people are saturated al- driver. 0 Favorite food: Steak ano way I had heard it, I thought we were ready with the same 10 or 12 Woes; ' ■ Prior jobs: General spaghetti; seafood. all going to get nuked. But now I he explains. "I think these Wues manager, Apptebee'srestaurant, a Favorite movie?: understand it " have been talked about for the last Hilton Head; general manager, "Camelot" Young, however, said the forum six years. I IhM people want to see Shoney's restaurant, Columbia, N Do you have any pets? Y. helped convince him that deep wells I—er h I Ih he action. And I do think that compla- S.C.: general manager, Hilton Tiffany, a mixed -breed dog. area c o ce, even ough had been leaning toward the Savan• cency has set in down at Town Hall. I would like to see some new faces on nah River. He said he didn't think PSD 'of- Town Council — I think fresh blood is clot deed, the effort also would help flights Tuesday explained whet veryimportaut." And fresh ideas, too. curb unemployment had help break the cycle of seasonal, menial jobs in might happen at the Savannah River "Im- the hospitality industry. Site in the future with all the differ• tfit forms of radioactive waste that While he has positions on the portant issues," Rubb:sak says he Along the same lines, Rublusak buried there, Qa has a few innovative ideas and,a says he would like to encourage more black -owned businesses to locate y��1��1•j1a ap r ollClB )a , _ =:"1 „ u n He Bays he,a.sympa4pWq to�t`}:e needs of black lslenders and of Here and to get natives more ln- volvedintown government. One eug- from black F' a f . -'' work who ride buses to the island to work gestion he has received �1� buy utiLty „csr'. in menial jobs and he'd like to Use Islanders Is to establish a vocational school onthetslaad Lot staff reits Lot the mayor's office to expand their educationand their horizons. "We need to give them an opportu- nity pull away and have a proprr Mayor Harvey Ewing announced tuesday that he has Hil- He proposes We town help arrange the of mince, not a job peylag i1.25 au approached Wit Head Plantation Utility Co. atlad and subsidize employment teachers on Lowcountry Regional hour," Rubhuak says. Here are some other of Rubinsak's ilia possibility of it being bought by Transportation Authority buses. Ideas: . itietown. hie private, north -end utility is Hundreds of workers spend hours day riding he buses to and Y He said one area in which he'd trim some fat Is in the town's car ode of three utilities that decided re. Eently to negotiate a contract with ro from school had not graduated from high school fleet.Rubinuk proposes switching the fleet to a propene -gas powered IrmufortJasper Water and Sewer could ad tutored on the 1n pre- Fa for general equivalency fleeL Not only does propane bum Authority to pipe in Savannah (jiver cleaner than gasoline, it could save �nkingwater. d , as much as 90 percent in fuel costs, ernment. The current "ivory approach muststop, hebeRe% ■ While the town plans tc bike paths into the GumtT Wildhorse Road areas, R: says more paths are needed c at the north end d the War limo driver. he constantly s. era and pedestrians who pla lives an peril along roadw: cause they have no safe wag around. A big complaint in many a: land communities is the I paved roads. The Town Cow commlted to paving Jonesvfl tide year, but noothers arepl: "Jonesville Road — that's. road," Rubkuak says. "Th residents who deserve belie town should work with the cc getthe roads paved, he says. ■ He wants the town to I mandatory curbside recyclin three -bin system. He believe �EwIng, who supports turning to the �ytsceoas Aquifer for future. water At a recent _u home boil am forum, Rubinsak told builders the Rubinsak esurnstm. m "Return to basinsRubinsaks help create jobs, and that t could profit from the venx tu," , 6:- Plies. said in a news release that Vhe town owned the utility it could great impact they could have if they d a net Islander each employed deta and says. One way is to take the Town Council on the road, periodically Haves selling the recyclabh net the town hundreds of th i possibly force the issue. a holding meetings in different parts of of dollars per year to dedles r „ Head Broad I really doubt !t District) •� Public Service Dlstricq and Broad skill• While performing an Important so. the island and senerating more pub- lic interest and Involvement in gov- sanding the beaches. ■ While he doesn't condon Freek (Public Service District) could go to the river on their own. L believe they would need Hilton Head Plantation withthem to make thehe Store S erHdli n ject economically feasible," said wing, who is running for (Continued from PageI-A) (Continued from Pagel -A) Allen Gallaway, also ofti fort area, said the controvi, keelection. times and in excess of allowable school. We know she hasn't been re- continue until people begin b boon. moved. We'll be back until we get an each other. The Palestlw ; Deaths In addition to the penalty, answer," said A. Leary Jackson, president of the Burton -Dale -Beau- the Jews fought from 1057orI weeks ago. Then they found , Winn -Dixie also agreed to reinforce fort chapterof the NAACP. common ground. The NAA, r••- existing corporate policies and pro.,In response, board cbairman York . the board need to ... taM. Yo: ' -Ruth Kocher LPama that prohibit minors from opeaatlng hazardous equipment and Glover said "the corporate board has said the action taken by the Principal do something as educators t, problem resolved," hesald NEW LONDON,N.H.-Ruth Lay. to adhere to time restrictions. was inappropriate. We've said other But REy Warco, preside, ?sacs Kocher, rw, of New London, sts • ter of Mary Jane Longneder of HB- The Is stores where the violations means could have been taken. Other resources In the system could have Hilton Head Elementary Be provement Council, said it too Head Island, died Oct. is at XoncordHospital. occurred were S.C.; Henderson, Ladogton, North beeunutillzed,"heaeid He n� wills be.serves here believe that Summri support for tak.j 1 1 ' She was . born In Dayton, Ohio, where Wilkesboro, Dallas, Mebane, Reidsville and Eden, N.C,; Bnms- : hind each of its employees and any actlon against any employee will be accessary steps to correct r' Problem. i her family owned the Dayton ,1'ce Cream Cc, She was an aecom- wick, Ga.; Middisburg had Tallalus see, Fla.; and Montgomery, Ala. loved on the district's evaluation Thr-0 the board's lac; ' Pl4hed Pianist and composer, writ• big and staging musical productions proem.port But board members.William ... to Mrs. Summerlineffect telling every student n student forchildrenandadults.Shewaspub. : Robed by Baker Plays of Baton. She • • t, My_ Young and Johnnie Mitchell said they did not agree with Glover's can Influence and stud da admintatrator's authority b. f was the widow ot: an Episcopal min• ..�._.._._.. ... '; _ M V comments on the school board's bringing a weapon to school I i f '1 f e 1't I t' b Arm,, , lw 7 x 1• � � f 1 S' Z 11 {r� r`�t Rogo � 1 ism, I (' W 7-7 . t wo ter FM Hold your breath while we see what changes are in the •air Choosing to go out with a bang rather than a whimper, the Hilton Head Island Town Council this month voted to buy about 160 acres of prune real estate for parks and to boost the Island's bed tax by 2 per- cent. Bo!h actions came as the lame- duckcouncil prepared to clean out its offices while the council -elect, in. eluding a new mayor and three new council members, were learning Town Council had a few last-minute jests other beach park In its cootinuiig . likely will have fewer problems: votes to cast The council unanimously voted to quest to meet South Carolina Coastal Council requirements for public swallowing the outgoing counCRIS&D vote last week to bump up the as authorize Town Manager Mike Never mind, of beach access' commoaatloostazfrom2per�entto O'Neill to buy up to ITl acres of prime land at three different sites. course, that most But wait just a minute before you start passing out the suntan lotion. 4 percent; with the extra revenue x considered a "Beach Preservation The properties will be set aside as parks and open space. current Island resi- Beach parks for those people ten- Fee " Cost for antt5acresite atSkull dents flrStVlSited lucky enough not to ownbeachfront homes orliveinprivateplantrtions Theertratanroahote! motet♦ condominiumroanswillbeinstuw Creek Point, across from Windmill Harbour near the big bridge, is dose: Hilton Head as tour- with ocean access don't jibe with Chapman'svision for Milan Read. ed Mardi 1 and will be set aside In a special interest-bearingaccountta.', to M million, and when the three. . t pay for beach maintenance where to park at Town Hall. Thevotesmaywellbethepart- By John �i.'�iiiiatnS parcel package is wrapped and de- ists. livered, expect Islanders topay $6 Day-trippers, In the new council's eyes the worst of tourists, and even such as rencuris ' Pro hnng Ing shots delivered by Mayor Har- million or more. weekly vacationers don't deserve so provInre,sta- bIlizing dunes, and improving public facilities such as betlnramns � vey hawing and his pro4KWness, we lovedourists-because-they-spend• somewhere else. Another site a roved for r- PP pu chase is the 62-acre Singleton Beach arty. much attention when the needs of full-time -needs such _ Ing lots and dune walkovers lots•ot-money administration. The new mayor and council, Never mind, of course, that most current Island residents first visited tract at mid -Island, with the archae• On the one hand, buying the three ologically-rich Fish Haul parcel ac- parcels fits in nicely with the incom- as .. hmmm, let's see now, what's not being provided? We'll get back. Recently Chapman said he'll ask the new council to chain fe the Beach ' which will include but two incum- bents, will take office Dec. 6 with an Hilton Head as tauLft This is Sim- ply a return to the old days of"I got canting for the third site. ing counall s anti -growth policy. No matterwhat the final cost, the '. With these 170-plus acres taken off to you later on that.. - are being neglected. Preservation Fee law so the money Is used strkUy for beach renoureh. eye toward bringing the Island back . to the Islanders and a Lronh tour- �Y mine, you can't get yours," nc "I moved here from Philadelphia five P property will be bought with money- the market and unavailable for de- vdo shopping seaters, con- in the towns Land Bank fund. Mon. pment as How the newcouncil handles the land -purchase wffi be ment and restr om Improveremts. He wants to prohibit the new money ists. That vision doesn't Include large years ago, so Ict's bum the bridges now and keep the rest of Pennsylva- ey collected from Hilton Head's .25 : domcdums or homes, the new open 'percent Real Estate Transfer Fee ; space dovetails nicely with what esting. It will be a challenge for O'Neill. who seemed to work so from being used to buy more beach access points or to pay for more. _ beach parks. It doesn't include nice from coming down." Chapman sham goes into the special account, along : Mayor -elect Frank Cher amaothJy with Mayor Harvey Extng parking its: beach projects that appeal to tour- hrbL It doesn't include much oPany- Before the new group takes coo- . trot and acts a new cause for the Is- with funds from a 2 mill property ' Pions. tax collection The Land Hank fund ! ' On tbe other side of the fence, and his wilts% to change direction. It'll be like teaming steps to the Change Is in the air at Hilton HeadIsland Hy mid nt®merwe thing foe the 1 million tcnrists who visit Hilton Head Island each year, lend - and only time will tell 'if that course will benefit or detrgt fYom now contains about ll million, and is '. though ls the Large Singleton Beach replenished a time someone waltz and fox trot after two years cf jitterbugging. — should be able to say if it's a paper, other than an Impassioned plea to go the Island's assets - the sittm B.. �' tract, which is viewed by most as a buys or sells a piece oPlsland prop lilrely place for the town to ImIW era Chapman mod the coundWed mill stench nc a sweet gardenia Ira- glance. Uatii flan, hold yar breath : .piton He.- Nears 4' : S Office Park. Box 54 W s � ��. au�' ��gr�s�a+�r Na I tlflrt�nr � MItonHeadIdand.Son% P.O. Carolina 2M8 1 fin. rj[iN�i00FY CAtLR ( comb ass sus UA R� tl 9N � .6FJ .� Kyles Poplin - Publisher Bryn StoLan- ..- fiYs CH - Educe Adverdsing Manager )im lialejob0 stephen i4u mcenrae Am Hayes / Assistant Editar spats Advrrdting Represeandve - Y Ciq .. By Kyi® i'oplin Dina Warner TerrUe Ryan Muguet Paym Office Manager - Staff Writer Advadsing RepresenuGve ��'' ♦ l r W 24 edi coda November 1993 Y Chapman -- ¢ al nip A I { :: i� ; 4•A The Island Packet, Sunday, November 14, IM At a glance Null From staff reports New town officials Sege i I •; " to learn about job BYTOM52AROLI Hilton Head Island officials will attend aretreat F+�+�+�a1lwMler scheduled by town manager Michael O'Neill for Dec. 3 The secretary c and lat the Crystal Sands Resort. At the retreat, the newly elected council will learn how sued a cease and Head island men to perform its job, as well as discuss what Its priorities fraud. _- and goalswill be, officials said. "The best thing we can hope for isWcomeoutofitwlth Keith Shawn D a setofCoals and objectives we can all agree on," Drive is also•cha that Counellman-elect Tom PeeplesSecurities SAd similar retreat two years ago inKlaw hwaastheg most securities and actl i productive two days I ever spent." whilenotregisters Thatcouncil went onto become cohesiveand orrLvraasalw j cooperative, several members said. "We'll id get to know one another," Beaufort County charged wilt • �and Mayor -elect Frank Chapman. Iarglag a Hilton H ;'Accident victim goes home `t�m�� tr—fe .RIDGELAND—ARidgelandwomanleftLowCauntry outherpermissta ^:•�eaeralHospitalFridayfollowing her rescue from a' ter in an potential Wined "T T� e �• autanobileaceidentwhUedHvtngtoherjobonHilton au .� peadbland. Bertha Atwatei; 5 % was hospitalized after the car she' ®V� ii was driving ended up partially sulmiergedinacreek for l } more Ef than anhurThursday as ereenas car, ddYlagalong S.C.30 46et near Wagon Branch about 5:30a.m.She swerved tomL atreethawasnthemidleoftedandendedhro • utti upaJasper County creek. ppQ � I'dreaUzediwas coming oatoatree,hitthebrakes Gt 4 _ andstartingskidding toward the water;'Atwaterseid duringatelephone Interview justbeforeherreleasefrom ,�„e�,.• SOam thehospital.. The car started tosinkwithAtwater still Inside. BY TOM SZAROL "IreaUzedwaterwas comingin,soIcameupright �atNi1i1�,,�Nr I released my seatbeat and prayed that the water would RIDGELAND atop.,. Her prayers were answered. The risingwaterstopped unpowereda[rcr� — justbelow her chin, where it stayed until the S.C. tlUd • Highway Patrol arrived 30minutes laterwithhelp. Johnson, wh Shasaidshe hopes toreturn Monday toherjobatthe Ridgeland, its l haalogged nearU x Westin Resort on Hilton Head island. . f 'Al election announced Johnson wall Is t! watched the Ball HARDEEVILLE-Aspecial electionwillbeheld tofill his home inCro; old enough to tall theHardeevilleCityCouncilmatleftvacaatbytheNov.4 rates instructors jBlackshear, death of Councilman Thomas Blackshear• 59, served on City Council for more than 17 "I went to wlu years. He died of an apparent heart attack while at his flying gliders.". I . job at the Holiday Ian. p dock building ldirpo The special election will be Feb. I. Whoever succeeds Blackshear w9Uhave torun forre IandonV.Shca6 I z ' Out with the old and in with the The other mayoral candidates, Quality tourists are definitely aP- dwellers? sew! who should be applauded for their pealing to those "quality" hotels, The nee council, led ly Chap. So said Hilton Head Island voters last week seating three new faces willingness to participate in the democratic process, found that ap• Hilton Head will spas and restaurants on Hilton Head, but each of them prefers a 100 man, might be even more aggres sive against types of businesses it on the Town Council and replacing, again, the town's mayor. In Hilton 6 �E please doesn't translate into votes: John Rubinsak, a 43-year old limo nevO again be the percent occupancy rate, with a few middle income families tossed in for i feels have little to offer permanent 1 .Islanders, such as Thee tollhouse Head's 10 year Incorporated eras• tense, no mayor has served more ,q �q�� Y,IGR driver, tallied 129 votes, or 2 percent of the ballots cast; Henry Ingram, a Wooded ritzy en- , good measure, to an 80 percent occu. pansy of enly blue -bloods. adult nightclub, miniature golfand amusement parks, or budget motel& j than one two-year term, and voters last week made sure that incumbent Mayor Harvey Ewing didn't break _ ��q r FB1NY!i : 54•year-0Id businessman, received 166 votes, also about 2 petted; and Bill Totten, a SS financial slave for oil the y !her, it's the quantities ofsus- tomers that keep open the Islands ��,'8 gthough,jyat taws { protect same businesses, that elect- tha y�p� B'eG�7G yeai old rich that it was until hundreds of fastfood restaurants, edofficeim'tathrone,andthatasi- The new [aces will join the old at consultant, war 89 votes, roughly I percent. (Joni Dimond, who dropped the Early 1980s. convenience stores, discount shop.lint P!ng centers, pharmacies, book- majority of Islander take ad a swearing -in eensaony Dec. 6 for a By John C. Williams out of the race but remained on the n stores and hole4n the -wall espresso vantage of discount stores, fast-food antspaperback bookstores; two-year run at the Island's limited- services govern meoL Good luck.. '; ballot, garnered 35 votes.) Conventional wisdom used to I- smanvoice convenience stores and even. do tell, The two-year terms are likely to • But Island voters said they'd pre• geonhole candidates indicates Hilton found a! ' " g and vocal advocate for permanent recamsidents willing to adult entertainment dubs. I remain in place because Island vot• fer the opportunity every two years Head now has an antidourist council in Ewin . fight the fight ainstdeve10 ag Pere • As nice as it might be, arxi short r ers rejected, in as advisory referen• to oust the council and the mayor, If dnrn, a proposal to use four-year that's what ffie politicians deserve or, to take an optimist's viewpoint, a pro -resident courxlL - Chap educati an urban planner by ' and career. takes then and the Chamber GfCommerce. He found ice rt from croserva- quick anPlo - of a major hurricane revamping the Island's topography, Head staggered terms as a method of es. Apparently a large number of tablis a continuity to local ov- Hilton Head residents felt it was well That could signal quite a change Ewing . from the 8 i n, PAW none ag He says the Island must us aim for quality tourists, and twee rent& The en tome Home The Rocs b the woo never again be the wooded; ritzy enclave encwilllave the rise that It was emment The bdea. of course, is that past time to make a orange in the were when programs were launched to launched not the tiny of visitors that dog Owners o Owners Coalition, once a vital, a early until the escly ]9805. The Island has -�" � atsgg Rank Chapman Bred terns allow ball We coon- Town Council. Pm bra in more bee do mainter,nce B We Will* dl m Hilton Parkway seethingpolitical organization that moved cil to continue to save while the oth• overwhelmed the mayoral field, tak- money, when $1.25 million was silo- Memo ' Day to Labor Day, alai had goInto hibernation recent The challenge rrow is to makeit er half is up for reelection, provid- Ing 56 percent of the vote and beat• sated to buy and build a new wel- again du{nog the Heritage golf tour - yam. endorsed Chapman Mi kn:sor :, cleanest and safest log a sense of experience to carry I ng Incumbent mayor Harvey Ewing . come center and Island museum, nament did Family Circle CO ten. • • What does all this mean to ilriton Island, for per ms,-r ;atde is a :d I over at each election. by I= votes. earl when We Island's needs always nis mats Head residents and Beaufort County visitors alike. Hilton Head News 5 Office Park, P.O. Box 5446 WEll,rM � YIpRRIED lAliWl� r— ' � Hilton Head Island, South Carotina29938-i (so3)?85-5255 MOV 5AY, WRIT MIS _ — `�i1R PRE51PE�tIAI. — Frank Anderson 1Fa%V5RE rT* nW8( Kyle Poplin Publisher BryanSmvall N. ,51R. ..�•. t1�.i0N Elute Adverd4n Manager - I _—_^_-__ I Jim Liwajohn stephea tkuatiamma An Hayea RA��F Arno -,Editor Spas. AdvatWng Repeeseoutive DianaWamea Tani Jo Ryan Marp-Fay- . By Kyle Poplin � - Ot6ceManater SuQWriter AdvtrUag RePremoudw_--- � � i ,I . ODiioe Musa sha• Write AdvertWiei acFeeetu+U» Wednesday, November 10,1993 It's growth i o � control, stupid The winning candidates' parties are over; now the•hard work be- �—• —; gins. And let there be no mistake about it, the voters have told the - elected officials just what they need to be working on. "Slow the growth I" said the taxpayers, many of whom believe the needs of permanent residents have lately been pushed aside in favor of tourists. '� o • ` t Mayor -elect Frank Chapman did a great job establishing his anti- tourist, anti -growth, anti-incumbent presence in the election, mak- 1! Ing much political hay with Mayor Harvey Ewing's links to the Chamber of Commerce. Most local political "experts" had pegged Ewing as the itontt un ner, with Chapman in good posl8oit to force a runoff. Instead, Chap , i man thrashed Ewing and the other four candidates, taking 56 per cent of the vote compared'to Ewing's 39 percM. That's a mandate, Letters to" the editor i especially for an pnderdog." I Now Chapman will have to figure out how to f dfill his "quality ' not quantity" promise. It's a worthy goal, but not necessarily a new one. made ' ,1 1 B elieve s ®fir c olle wing and his Town Council growth management a priori- ., ty, teWng and spending much money over a "legally defdnslble" oi- . dinanthatmanyislanders - at least voting Iahmders-obvious ly consider inadequate, Chapman depends on defea Is very smart, and he knows all about the problem; af- ter all, he's a former Town Council member and an architect and ' urban planner by trade. But he's no magician. The word is out on the beauty and quality of life on Hilton Head Island; visitors will Editor: Gov ent on all iev Congress Is scheduled to vote on eral, st and local - at continue to come and people wanting to make money will continue to follow them. the proposed North American Free ploys m re Americans the Trade Agreement on Nov. 17, and our cou try's manufacttur.`. Even with a Town Council of a like mind - and early speculation there are still a number of our elect- And that in Itself, Is fright is that a no/stow-growth consensus will quickly develop among Bill Ferguson, q y p g guson, Frank Brafman, Jim Carlin, Tom Peeples, Kate Keep ed officials who have not yet -deter- The prospect of Jos mined whether NAFTA would be American production job: beyond t and Dorothy Perkins -'the hew mayor will not be able to stop pro, gress. All the red tape in the world can't do that. g� _ or bad -for our country. our borders is ev"r because U.S. businessmen; Some of the voters were casting their ballots for a return to the- _ good old days here on the Island. Of course, there's no turning back There can be no doubt about it. If want to trim costs and boc; enacted, the measure would be det- And going overseas - t` rimental to our way of life. Contrary over the Rio Grande - i the clock. The best that can be hoped for Is a stemming of the tide and everyone on the Island is now waiting to see if even that is pos- to what we are assured by some in way to help accomplish the high places NAFTA would neither Ratification of NAFT,'. sible. halt the flood of illegal immlgrants Congress would actually sv A scary thought is that if Chapman and this Town Council don't do it, it can't get done. to the United States nor thg drug del- pie for `those looking sr uge which Is destroying the very it. That Is because, in the e,` berofournation. plants were taken over by ; 1993-95 Town council The following people were elected Nov. 2 Lauds Support ®f 1.7r ta- to two-year tense on the Hilton Head Island Town Council. They,wiil be sworn Into Office on Dec. e. tells of NOV. 14 cele Mayor Frank Chapman 681-6082" motor: site during the dig betweet After almost two and a half years of 8 a.m. and 4 pm. Ward 1 Billy. Fergul 68 8.2763 of effort, the Stoney-Baymrd. Ruins have been appointed to the National The party is to thank Register or Historic Plates on a members of the"Friends" Ward 2 - ..ErAO state level ... supported and encouraged On Sunday Nov.14 a celebration which has been carried out wine and cheese party will be held at ins over the past three yi V�Y fi L4� m �i r a�c�w�r iox r�ia�+, aUu arr ��ttsr.�rMR 'ts rtar'<s�a6' x �� li % � 1 � L�7i 7 1 POW` d � n, IUew Afl�yar n,,:1f t j 1 _ —� rants w" f c'Y(3Rlen 1 Is sworn in 1 r Y [ JV�+;i� a aj^ s ;.4i«kL�V: Who: �� Kar K. f �., will now rd� tnG(U,,t "n a+at to i its ' Lbi Aa'"S S�� r~`,r,' � +1 t �` �' � �'b;.. ° Xx4'"e� �M: Se"�� � � i 1 c, �: d' :s.t r +t,v acl tilRtl �• Ltv mot° 3 a �� r k { Y•s� ^^ I ��,�±1. Jr cl ,' `_� � �h } f �.'� �' ti •�-' •�, ,Jy � �'.� f i IL r"1a 1 IG i!)' i,lF ix t c ':1 vi n T�'t7S dj-. 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Ul . t IeVA >a 3c' t'vr L^rig=tl fine t r,Ctk'r m�viin to n difforert word @iSiyt rBrrtrF?ya 1/ r 1, s `pi 1. �r" 3 of to a" s tnrari l were .% anal r�oul'a cnatata n,. as r., for j , . ,tr♦ L-beO.,m,gtt1`-, ', r _ oSitlaerct r s,cr^,.nasuma.,[ul o, s co+u�al.ra+µ t c t.v} L i tF c a r vioas cmancll u ' t6WA'$ifbL�'. �'A:`xi� a-_n11-wo t1'.ny�gr . %A g: Re rA r'C al.. , lit „ ;, i:1id u v, a fire i ii;ar. tended,F o;cnrn i"go Po,,,piss eecd i tils'iriptmsi.,j e "ouiwii zo _a' ,(.tile c+s wm, cr ah.. p;ot their ,urn h s i f�id .rlwtlxria F' 8+sat A @YirtiS (� p::P ne ticl 41.iugs v cm don in t3 be lltreat ut t (� m :fifawoh :her +Id two Y-a=, Most r t t a3:,. f IwA e;a file wmt p;rt t;stive two Qvr t +ircte3 a ownw o: tuC n ;ata fit =1 te3F; sat u l a i , xatt sf 7n1 cn and ttc saa 1a Q sc Fn ]rag,'< d ads & i1b ii o F r+tav9ratF 6x1uaJaan�tl; IdLsltendGDt ;liiHy u • fo?r�ck�lilpeCf t fap s4�ets "]t;r duthaaey ftsth levreFrfde I Ct. . - .,setr iiivogl% .trnn( ���,�rtt't 1-wd oa' dtri ctr tJ +t d t{^e tb n ,. �ia{u#ry tie tc .if Sls�s3t�'atilett ''Porsrjleaea14 I P' r . t , . ., , .. S .,J;3',*'�'f .-i.,,�.h.L.4.9a , �.� „ . - Jrr � v� % , t�-k,.!? �'.�,".tt t } v.4 .'' ..c a� � . .. 'l . , ,.- fi.. . � 1. . 1. 1. - -1 .. . I - frll�'i =7� '� , - , i7l'.." :11 � 7� 1 - . I . I — I i i Hilton Head Wednesday, December 1,1993 I it,Pe News, Nt `� etire'll this weekendTown C®unc A • By TF.RRI JO RYAN critical issues facing the town, mote understanding among the pea- retreat will also give the new council suawdler A.H. Ill be a lot to do In a very lit- pie who will take office Dec. 9. He's members a glimpse at how a work. Ue time," Thomas said. "With your requesting the members come ready Ing relationship with the town man- Ap�� e�� TMA The same consultants who helped Town Council essentially new council, It's very for- to discuss their Ideas for the next ager can be established. "Mike is like (( pF TH, educate the 1991.93 will do the some this, weekend for tunate that they are getting this training so quickly, because gover• two years, what committee assign- the general of the melts they would like, and what leg- t lops, and the only way we can get 4 6I1' a g7G the council to be sealed Dec. s. nance is too Important to learn on islation they think needs to be ' � the troops at Town Hall is through T® Ed Thomas, director of the Cen• the job." passed Immediately. ldm, ' he said. O'Neill was not avail - ter for Governance, a division of the Thomas said it is "an. interesting The mayor -elect added that the able for comment Monday. 3y Dick Mairiotto Institute for Public Affairs of the University of South Carolina, will be wrinkle" that the meetings; which are being arranged by Town Manag= leading a Town Council retreat Dec. er Mike O'Neill, are closed -to the G 34' at the Crystal Sands Resort. He will will be joined by Nancy Purstey and public. lie sold he's used to conduct - Ing his sessions in accordance with SHOP J. !parker Ltd• Ight dubs and the other with con- Roy Bates. the slate's open meetings act. ert halls. And everyone thinks of 9zz as being free and loose and The sessions will not be open to the public; since the participants "It's up to Mike," said Mayor- elect Frank Chapman. "I don't mind ,��,y FOR Cc':lJLJ S J, J.p'LAS asslcal as being formal and pre- se. But when you get beyond all mt, ti.e differences aren't that are not yet In office, the meetings are not subject to stale "sunshine" laws. the press being there, but Mike is a hard person to handle. I don't care • 'Gifts rge. Goad music captures the spit- Bates, the corporate counsel for who comes, really." Chapman addend, "As far as I'm ��$� ;,,� ty � J V, of people and expresses It In ways y at everyone can Identify with. the city of Columbia, is recognized throughout the state as the "dean of concerned, everyone is welcome. I want a very open regime. The way I Camel Hair Sport p, kets reg,1325 $23500 "You lake life blues, for example. he blues has developed Ina later municipal attorneys," Thomas said. Bates will provide "good basic train- will run council will be, we give our views, we discuss them, we vote in Cashmere Sweaters r 1295 $14900 �' 7 j ays over the years b t no matter [' hat form it's taken, it's kept a Ing" for the 1993.95 council because hell talk about legal Issues and the the open - It's that simple." Chapman said that while he , $ 00 Alligator Belts reg. 250 179 ,;eat deal of the spirit of the Black role of council in comm�,„,;�{y affairs, he added. T' would not object to the presence of the press or the general public at the merican. And 1 don't care about LAltics or race or anything else; ev- Thomas said the sessions, which retreat, he would not insist the meet- Free Gift Wrap, Fret shipping, Free Alterations, 8•ybody who has any musical sense writ be held from 9a.m, unlit 5 p.m. ings be made open. ILup to the . Crest Quality, Servi.; a, and Best Pricest m reel the blues, and when they do; ey're reeling the spirit of those Friday and 9 a.m. until noon Satur. day, will Include atrategie planning, l In office to do the !fi guy who's still sisting," he said. • Value 1' • GZ• `-Ideas opts." the council's vision of Hilton Head Chapman said the meeting of the ced Island and how to get there, and new council members will help pro -- Phillip Atteberry said of Jack In rewmu icTheMississippiReg, i musical careers can match Moore memorial is Thursday To5 0 �® ®]�� ' ick Lesberg's Inknglh, distinction k id diversity. From New York's tyCenterSymphonytoEddieCon• By JIM LiTTLEJOHN Aaw•sedkw He also wrote a newspaper col umn, which he later published as a Rugbyg' $23" Sansabelt Slacks $398 n's on West Third Street, musical activities have Show business star and longtime book, and made several appear - antes on stage for the Community : S rt Shirts $ 4" • $ 988 Po 3 Casual 2 nsistently relbted the Idea that Islander Garry Moore lost a seven- Playhouse. ezandlhectasslcedon'Lmix!' iformation in this column abaft year battle with emphysema Sunday at his home In Sea Pines. He was 78 ilia wife, Betsy Moore, has been Turtlenecks $19� Silk Neckwear $1998 ck is largely from Atleberry's re- in years old. Moore, who began his long career active In the Hilton Head Hospital • Auxiliary since the late 1970s, as had, '+' THIL fw that publication.) while still steel-ager in his, native Moore. Don't iY�15S Ill' New Department Other musicians scheduled to The Jazz Connection Baltimore, had a lengthy career in dating to the mid•19303, and A son, Garry Mor6t Jr., lives on '' the Island. Another son, Jason Me- • rformatare e Ascione, Keeler Betts, Conte radio, was a pioneer In television variety son Morfll, lives in South Freeport, ' J. Parker Ltd. mdoli, Carl Fontana, Urble Green, Programming. Maine He ralso had a brother, Dr. 6 ,ke Hanna, Milt Hinton, Dick 11y Following an early_ partnership Henry Mason Morfit of Demer, arar_, - ' v Letters to The Packet CZ*T each othv;'etc.,cte. merclaldevelopment genvally. Get election 6J Protects L- The letter then wanders off to a '11ds limitation is also a constraint d^ 1 �� , ]tight t0 w®liSAli�i series of comments suggesting bow on competition. It will enhance exist- �s 3 dl wonderful the Russfon Orthodox tng commercial properties. Vaenney ToThe Packet: Church was way back when (check levels will be reduced. Elbow space To ThePackek I found a recent letter toThe Pack -with some of the Jews and other ml- and otb« amenities will be in- it seems clear that The Isl noritieswayback when). v.aed for visitors and residents Packet's blatant self-interest in et curious, both for its heading and alike. Any commercial investor mov- restricted growth and rout is a its content. The heading was "Chit- This is followed by a descripit—z-a of 1n8 oft the Island will find his de- grace to thcommunity it serves. - d.ren have right to worship," towhich Madeleine O'Hare a• ^ Marxist, velopment rights marketable to the say "Amen.' This heading would which she is not; by a description of further benefit of id ownestate. ; - _ Following the recent mayoral e �crteWy suggest that the letter was the U.S.A. as a Christian nation, The out going council is to be con- lion, The Packet's editorials gbout childrenworshiphl. , : which it Is not; and by the statement headlined stories have been noted. that the Bill Of Rights gives the right gratdated on already having raised their unrelenting unfairness to th,:; In the letter of approximately 350 to teach Christianity in our public line accommodations tee by a pres- coming mayor. Please remembers words, the onlyrefereacetochildren schools, which it does not. ently adequate 2 percent beach.m won the election fairly with ove worshiping that I could find was as nourishment charge, to a total of d cent of the votes (a slgnffk, opowa: Whey 1 read about the Children do have a right to percent on hotel bills. majority). Itseems only nvasoa; th Carolina ACLU making a test worship. You bet they do, and the Carrying capacities of. the Island, that his election should be gres Pan about our children's first ACLU is here to protect that right no like that of many elements in the no- with grace and evenhandedr arFnendment rights• of vronship, and matter whom they worship. t[oaandtheworld,areofutmaslccir rather than your finding every speech In the ScpGmber l?th is 1 p o Howard M. Mitnick cern to everyoao. portunity to vilify him before, ndPacket, itremind:idmeof.." I.7I-1 ly toRookayWay Resource items now being strained takes office. ••v'Ner'e was no specific reference as ,,♦ - to the limit on the island are tragic, Vincent J. Triv� what case the lady referral to. I IAt�s Clear tip water, air and wetlands. Crowding of 23 Oyster Bay P only guess that the ACLU case • inhabitants on the island has reached "s.one In a series of cases in which ffiy position a point where quality of life, health, Story ®II Cl°llile 9 ACLU stands for keeping the gov- ToThe Packet: safety and welfare are threatened. ��� help ' ernment out of religion and religion uu: atormatlon on my tourism po- My term in ofP_...-wW be devoted to p out of the government p. h7re letter opened with a descrl}` seems rampant in the local developing sate -backed devices ToTbePackeL ` �6n of a "wonderful" world that I i ems' width will maintain the islard'a We would like to cemmend yo; i it of lire as nearly as possible to I��Lldnotrecegnlze: I should have thought this matter Y your reporting of erUne oa H' hadbecnmadeclearduringtheelec. presentstmdards. Head Island. It is not only perti. 0aoWe are told that in this beautiful ttoncampalgn.Whyelsedldourplat• However, it must be recognized to our socialenvtrorent' t world, the writer has a friend In form manage to entice such large under a weak -mayor form of govern- is also a microcosm of an enttrc grammar school who was Jewish support? ment, that my vote is only one among tion slipping in morals and value pw that's slgnif[cent) and In this seven on every issue that arises. Oth- You have taken a primary ste b c wonderful' world, we said a prayer Tourism, in my own view, wM re,a council members must also be what will hopefully be a reform jno ling and 0done Allegiance and land. However,main as It IdosupportalimHilton itto eon kedthe'u•views. day, to a society of less crime }vhite lived by the Ten Command- any further growth in both the ac- prank R.ChapmanJr. higher moral vaiues. Your or y. pents, and loved and cared about commodations industry and in com- eo Wldewater [toad makes us aware of how serlou r' e.. I i sr .v, ' P�ir1R�i41.1S'nT5R1(nfevne'1RIe�.'n'nl"nT+r�IIt ' i A. 1 y 4-A The Island PUNGL-Wadnesday, December e, Ifff OPMON 'Packet viewpoia u1 SILICONE IMPLANis Tow we depend. • u ; on Chapman"s crew Dot's °' ' With a nod and a smile Monday, Frank Chapman took fifer as mayor of the Town of Hilton Head Island. •.o� Saying Mr. Chapman is somewhat controversial is like rigying the beach is somewhat sandy. NL But then whoever takes a stand on anything important Is. ' eve pyobably going to be controversial, and there is nothing Ito bng with that. Sometimes controversy must erupt in order, to r prod people into thinking, in order to get anything done, in ' �' ' — order to change the course of something moving in the wrong, direction. Brairo for those who speak tip for what they believe in, our only suggestion in that regard being the widespread use Garry Moore's famous line: "Be kind to each other." With that in mind, we wand like to pose nt least the btalil few questions for tilt next two years for Mayor his supporters once, his fellow Town Council Mold, caused � � the embers: l ■ What do you want Hilton Head Islanders tothjnk bout? Tidnking leads t. +-asking, leads y S1S�e�' Ce3I1'fu �� t® Cci which to feelings, hichleadstoactions,yothiu:aimportant.Howdoyouwant ll-time islanders to view others? How do you want the ByKRISTAMAURER' bccRuseldod y„tin. re.....„ 1 f frees and the working community to look at one another cMossthe divide? %:atimpression doyou want, byyour I knmv a Right now my mom is researching a big problem There Ia a fill going on here in the public schools. Moldl strationwon' ordsand actions, togive the rest ofthe county, the state, l}le nation and the world of this community? She's even going on TV to tell about ourexperlences. don't want p My sister had been out of school for two years. This cause this fill ;' A What do yea want to get done? Do you really want to .' year she tried to go back, but within a month she was sick he's ys again. So now our family is in Its third year of dealing y x� k ow growth further and reverse the trend toward off- i asonal tourism? How would you balance the rights of those as yo with this problem• was reading, It started m fourth grade when she was at Hilton appalled at si �h�dltg developed property and the rights of those owning Head Elementary school. she had a small problem with ■ There ' w land? Have you any obligation to residents who own or allergies and asthma, nothing big, but when she started soma of the ,11 fourth grade she got really sick. We would bring her cent. Another ark in businesses? What will you try to achieve, home and get her better, send her back and she would gel a Anolh-1 Clfieaily? slckagain. Mymom nevercouldfigure itout. million) leve Lm If you, ►relieve the ship of Hilton Head Island has been Then one day'a teacher said something about it being Normal is 2(M the school. My mom just blew it off. I mean why would a .but it doesn't ading in the wrong direction recently, in whatnew 1pvction wild you point the bow now? Should land use school get a student sick? � Then she thought about it high. Carbon more. It wasthe school. . ! that can caul ne more and more restrictive and cumbersome and , , TU next year when my sister was to be In the fifth hav i am wru' grade we went in for registration, The smell was horrl- t nsive? What do you propose doing to alleviate �caslonal ble. You could smell the mold in the air. M sister could facts and to severe traffic congestion? barely breathe by the time we got out of there. My mom Ing affected i decided to take her out of school and school her at home three years, i 6 Just on the side, will you always tell us the truth, please? you try to be fair and beneficial to everybody as much as because there was no other acceptable option. The dis- go back to liv trict tied to keep it quiet; They told my mom the only op- ties that have I ssible? Will you try to build good willwherever•you go? Lion was Michael C. R114 in Bluffton, but they wouldn't Someone lem. instead, oo rattdatjons Mayor Frank Cha mati',ndVbbWtcU -`' baICata'i{�e "iin'Carlin End Bill Fer uson a3S�1H°RLIIai,Ifi�bt3iwf0!(glA li. E it Now would you feel if you had to be taken awe py��it's theirg faultani �em,il oned council inembeas'FrankBrafman Doroth r Y ' yaw frtends and cooped up in,a ttvuse all day: No one would like it. She became unbearable to live with. All she ,their Nelpl Scl ins and Tom Peeples. A majority of the voters voting wanted was to be normal and be wlth her blends. That see your frier lives forever. lay. 2 put their confidence In you. Now that the oath Is Worn, both the majority, who voted for you, and the . am year in the moldy school caused her to have to breath; on a machine three times a day end have a horri- help, please c dren, inority, who voted against you, and a long list of others, bleamountotpUbandinhalers. " please 1 get theproble jho didn't vote for various reasons, plus some who couldn't 4o'belleve school Aclals have downplayed the number of people affectwl !::,, ilea it taken so long to (KrlstaN (Editor's Die because they are children, are dependent wit all of you. openly admit that there Is a problem, and why Is it taking ant superini. { ' Controversy we aren't necessarily against, but ill Will we so long to correct? Many ofmy friends are affected. They have been sick for weeks and can't get better.1, myself, American so conditioning It eve no use for. Pledge with us, If you can, to consider more have headaches, Itchy eyes, fatigue and nausea., vet ofSs to ss,! hen personal preference in all you do in the public are ! sccvhooll cle�ll don't y mother thatk I be ameba. ho,the I pnsider everybody. Consider the long term. Consider cause a s I lik1 noll am o i 1000 a arefully what you say and do. As our officially elected stude to class. l like all of my le anti i ail of st steam. My problems are nowhere near to nd change of air.! level where t !aders, you have a lot of polder through BVP,A your wUrds. seaters, but they are very real and they are not caused particulates.); ! faders, you have a lot of power tarougnevN yuur wuh Letters t® The Packet ��M�,,�e,�d�� elected mayor and Town Council a� �a9t d�iolil them for a consensus. w yL Det •r e!l/U study selves and the public sufficient time to study it before rating their final differences. It s the only w-ay we!vill have abetter Wand onwhichtolive �� . "Ili )gill �y t't6at work with .1��i Please. V important very voteonthedevelopmentcontract. WHIM!mD.Sblvel) }� t 0 M To "`tee Sit tvi�llpi. qi� � ely�� ected mayor Two-year terms give us all a po Otherwise, Beaufort County tax- _ IlCountry Club Court ToTbePaekek The Packet: chance to monitor our direction ToTbePacken payers can look forward to a healthy y rise in ,axes over the next several Deliver me g4l �°o�� daybe some people should get off Jacqueline Defray 3r high horses and come to earth Sea a Pines Pd like to preface my comments by complimenting the Beaufort years. �^ tp�p.,�^ fWhe° from a per will your temper tantrums come tv an and? mse. No one has ever pretended to County Council on is business -Ilse Chadbourne r..Cutter To The Packet _ we had the option of a second ro r�t1_,,��� , t , ate touriss," not even the resi- Thanks,, nks� WuAsts, _ - approach to the Del Webb project. This s Y a far cry trmh the This is 42Governorstane y '_r try - This s in response to David Lan- cant be even Mr. I ekes tact d would be even More disappointed refs whovoted for ]?rank Chapman . y"1l� did "hate" for a Ulli,� P. Victoria Bluff giveaway of several ddct S WOrlsWsg .- derdale`s "That's that' column; he hour of t t ,at they were m J"'!s the shopping maB,breaking ToTUPackek years ago. And Del Webb's build erg together this time= will do wed on the comedy oneoftheTvchanaels. that have , Igsin o restaurants at night, drugs sold lots. cal —You Imaw, ' Tbe residents who voted for Thank agreement to an emergency services building is laudable and. welcome ToThePacket• �; Frank Chapman was not even in It wean to me you , -choices _ (. 3 parking the things other people in the Chapman and his antiAourist should stop and think when the tourist have But rm concerned about a number It is time for IMton Head is to take a political and rhetorical, office as mayor and had not done - office anything Yet and already was being -, - 1) Continue to polarize the island two a tolecountry are against. allgone: Whosgoiugtopayfortbeir of other costs that haven't been ad- • time out" )Yank Chapman was judged by — who else Mkt another. expert" of which we seem to have and male the next years wastelanl of gridlock. PerSaps ya there are so many people in this private golf courses, beach renaur. dressed byDel Webb or the Council. elected mayor by a sizable majority ins opponents and detraction; have somanyonths island. :. hope to intimidate Frank Chapmat entry who wish they had our so- shment, highways, real estate taxes 3e lovely way of life. It is precious, and all the things that the tourist First it will take a signficant number of fired deputies and responded dire ns of* � his ' camewith to"emperor,- to the Wid that he will decline wing field open th its beauty, that s why tourists bud helps support? axes will ' man a new building and whll h to the nlandoit views prevail. :,; words and phrases �1de8 the unfit take office, asmeoabmoretoysurlildog. g up, golf memberships and tees me bee in the first plate, and its o reason residents decide to stay. will have to increase and most of the equipment, 24 hours a nay, seven equip a days aweek. The Packet has fired as editorial wearing robes and btaningB ' Spare 2) Recopnizetbat there are those who want plantations will have to cut back on SsP �rw plena wave our way of life. The emo- tiicrmaintentanceaadplaotkng. Second, the new construction *bring broadside. Dr. John Huller has preacbedasermon Alocal busitiess . besides, who votedforhim? ':: legitimate 'be mi of 6e rw real tirades myyur papers recently Thank You, Tourist. I get to enjoy crews will hundreds of new children into our shoos. which will man has come tip with a bumper People came to lids island for recuacikd which must r sake of the sland'a fudn'e.lr e hating the slam). Everyone an island so beautiful and 1 can al- ' require many extra teachers. Del sticker.Peace and tranquility, to get away. from it all, Yes, all! They did not en - make a real contribution ii yea Lots only to stop our island from tolivelhereyear-round ford owing la the wrong stay extent ter Webb has suggested that most of these jabs will be Gilled from the local Friends. [t s time cow to lower our voices and realize that even though vision William ifilton Parkway with God !mows how many stop ilk' . sumed a position of leadershipby the new maym and ew whowant to make some money Barbara E. Wiggins area. But sirce these an skilled jobs, we have strong views on what is best _couraging some two dozen golf courses. more council as they tope with their If run. So stop discrediting ma 6 B Lagoon Road and no one has volunteered the frnan- dal support needed to retrain our for the island, we will have two years of destructive tourist -anti -tourist than 200 restaurants, over a million eultchaileMe. folks, that isn't going to happen warfare if we continue the current tourists a year, and, to make it com- plete a super -size Wal-mart. There Andthat'sthat! Third, a construction job of this rhetoric. are even some imbeciles who are try- DoaaldR IhVea magnitude (500 homes a year, 10 Certainly most of us ward the best ingtoget the Olympic crowd of'96on 11Ga11PoiatRoa MAILING ADDRESS: completions a week) will require the possible homes, the best Possible best services this island. Last, but not least, we are bearing from anotber �xQat," a P.O.BOx5727 P.O.BHeadjslatid,SC299ig county to hire more inspectors and schools, the possible the best economy for the disk jockey from Hardeevige, for Le>Vter�ohcy e supervisors to monitor and enforce and possible but achieve any heavens'sake. s ` our building codes. our we will never hese not work together. Benders' ktteas are , NEWS, BUSINESS OFFICES: �� By my estimate, this project will w need i listwe en to one another, and It s high time for someone like and hopefully it s not too eIt in W most Important teatbees le Tb a,'�' 1 Po Ave. Executive Park ALL-Aand FidtOtlIiead Isla!td, SC29926 cast the county between $1 milfioaChapman, sz million a year. Bred new foxes respectone anther. late, to pin on the brakes hard! I Islam) PsekeL . a' will total only V00,000 over the first Frank Chapman is not the devil in- wish him all the hick. And if you don't like it can always mess it 4 srr a lefts to be pabllsbed. four years. That's a multi-millim dollar shortfall! In my detailed letter �:=Mte. tee is net a 74:a memberedy you up somewhere elm No we sholding sh*ulda be m dogeladet abaat dude tka address Fran5mith Sara Johnson Borton PhilipPorter the of council have ty Counieil to leave Mercer and Asso- thi ves. denattgeedyfhieves Y cu bere ma leash My bumper sticker says: Get rid of wwft wor et an street address a� telephone sms� r Editor Pubkher AdverUskgMaflager ciates consider these facts in their Both bave a responsibility to wot= the"experts." f~"• Davidia0derdale S!GaraShreves Carolyn Davis economic evaluation That report isfor due to the council by Dec. 91 hope the the best interest of the entire commnnnity. Let's begin to dealposb EtamAbblak Yt should be either typed or Mam&ffEddar BuanwMawger 65reuOOMana9er council members will give them- lively and w-Aructively with our 151ted&,rdinalRoad pieted. ibr the council to hold at least one if uurmg the urst public nearing on "Sun City East" last month, almost lion on about 5,000 Beaufort and Jas- per County acres to Del Webb, has Lowcountry Is a stir dice, and we all wa' not two extra meetings to seal the 60 people stood and spoke, more decided to sell off some of its timber With the proper Sul deal. , than 50 of them in favor of the mam- holdings In the Lowcountry for de- opment restriction: Del Webb executives have said moth project. Del Webb bought full- velopment. sures, we can keep they want to decide by Dec. 31 page newspaper ads to thank the The best approach Is to take a safe and appealing. whether to commit to building the community for Its support. deep breath,,plan for every contin- Anyone with lhot Hilton Dead News 5 Office Park, P.O. Box 5446 Hilton Head Island, South Carolina 29938 (803)785.5255 Frank Anderson Kyk Poplin Publisher Dry. Stovall Fluor Advertising Manager Jim Littlejohn stephen Prudhn,mne Ann Hayes Assistant Editor Sports AdvertLsing Representative Diana Warner Terri Jo Ryan Margaret Payne Office Manager Stan Writer Advertisiag Representative Wednesday, December 8,1993 unvt�twtnt+s. t retreat' proves . to be newsworthy Lost week's "retreat" for Town Council members was billed as a "getting to know you" session, but it proved to be much more. It might, in fact, result In at least one fundamental alteration to the way bnsineas is'conducted down at Town Hall. It has heretofore been fairly common for council members to ab- .FLett6ras }pstain from voting on issues before them, One reason given for alr �O ! h� ��!: i�r stention, for example, Is a lack of information about, a particular — -�> subject. Some have sat on their hands because they said they would like to vote "yes" on one part of a proposal dn't but a a" on another. Defends ���Oi' �� (s part, so they split the difference and didn't vote at all. j 6 i t.:� h f "Retreating" council members were visibly shaker. lost week to hear municipal legal expert Roy Bates' suggestion that abstentions Editor: and this phenomenon from voting not be allowed under the nets' administration. Jim Williams' recent letter to an- trolled or ,accurately He said that members who have a conflict of interest — their pri- other Island publication contained the town of Hilton svate gain versus the public good are disqualified by law from vot- some rather strong criticism of OI- changes will confinu ' Ing, but that no other reasons should be acceptable for council mem• sell Associates of Florida and the that location. The tow bens refusing to, take a stand. manner in which the town's Shore emergency grant to a It makes sense. Town Council members are elected to have opin- and Beach Committee is planning pair of the beach at t our next beach renourishment. Beach Club. Ions, and they must accept their^responsibility. There's no good rea- for Although I was not on the com- All computer ry son that each issue can't be given a thumbs up or a thumbs down. mittee during our last renourish- formed in 1986 and t Bates' edifying presentation also included a tidbit about amend- ment program, I have been involved both comprehensive Ing proposed town ordinances on the day of their final reading. Lo- in the follow-up analysis of the per- the -art. Reliance on cal practice has been to require a third reading if an ordinance has formance of the project and for Mr, , metric surveys seawt been charged substantially from its first reading; Bates maintains Williams to assert that the engineer; . land was both pruden that extra reading Is not necessary. Ing firm of Olsen Associates festive at that time. Of course, on this issue, we like the old way. The public's right to "Flubbed the...projece' is not only The January leg' be folly informed on Town Hall actions is usurped If the council can uniformed but may be libelous. port of the Prold w . totally re -write law at the Ilth hour. ` The beach restoration done in about 81 PCn� Hates dropped a few other bombs on the council, including his . 1990 corrected only the most chronic can be aecoltr pper areas at that time — from Coligny cat sur`010 vtousocoun it's have graown nted h'r•5tas lots more authority than pre Circle to the Westin Hottw Areas �twl Only time will tell whether `town Council will act upon the advice north and south of these ied u • Po no public stases as requilred i r it received. But It's not worthy. And while by law th paress coto uld hathat y t teen excluded (be- s retreat was news- �IThe dynamic migragan or i cause five council members hadn't yet been i,cm n in) we're grate- Bank controls area, of .. - fill that we Weren't.. - erosion within Port ltol' L�giant of geptility., a.. - i k4w/ VV No. 51 ha -V -`i3 Hilton Head Island, South Carolina wednt, Expert: Council controls,. money . [but town manager holds power . 0103 "We never asked Mike or Martin (Gainer); By TER)ti ,10 RYAN stinwdla 'Don't hamstring your we always assumed we had the discretirm, ' he said. Town Council members, meeting In "re treat" the island last week, were told town manager. Your g P''re added that he all strongly `� Ileves In utlti:7ng the time and talent of vol- on that they should stay out of the town manag• that citizens have Chosen ra over spending tax dollQn on consul - business and let him do the job he was hired to do. this form of govern' "There's no question, " Mayor Frank' . Chapman said, "we'll have to run people The seven mambas of the 5 Town Council met Dec. 3.5 at the Crystaryssands, l sands to their for the next two "mentand you need to through Mike." In discussing coundi'd various powers, ' 4, Resort plot Boats k let him d0 ills �Ot►.' Bales said the group'e ability to make law ,tn , years. 3 Town Manager Mike O'Neill asked the local media not to Boole the newly -elected. Ray Bates based on "health, as[ety and welfare" con cerna was io=.deat power. Asked to delineate in Ih¢ most succinct ?: officials directly during the course of the 12 hour meeting, because, he said, "They need fashion who has whet powers; Betel replied that the town'manager should handle all the t • ' :- out perfect articule• speak tteely, with to speak many volunteers who staff the town's edvb day-to-day operations of the town while the to 3 The mes:ing was not subject to the spry boards and commissions, Bales re- the under state dore Town Council has the final say and holds the pu law-, slate's open meetings law, since it Includedih five new members of Town Council who had sun* toiota recom_eded b PPo y own manager before the appointment le • The contract employee of the council, be, bald, The town manager !s eiltier an atwill orfiat ye! been sworn into of flee. The attendees listened attentively as Roy ` made. "this has ` and the town's employees are responsible to the town mane not the council. Bates, the corporate counsel for Columbia who has beer, caged the slate's !'dean of - • O'Neill noted that teeny town" 18 boards and commissions. Bates retorted, Bates said that, according to his InteF that, c 'pretetbn of slate law, council Is permitted ) a j A w t municipal attorneys" discussed the _town manegor'a rnany'dutka and Powers- "Folks, you ne#d to,Aean house. Put asun•' set IProvisbn) on t! and alert over." : to request information about employees, but not give d or hidersd, employees. ' "You'll have less to do and fewer head aches If you don't micro -manage the town," Bates strongly discouragedtt the use Town •' Councu s standing committees because ember added have an cob- .' solute solute right to know all accrete o[ a mantel- rig members, all keep that infor- } S We�¢ \%1C l Bates said. "Den't hamstring your town manager. Your n,i ha have chosen this council could. accidentally tread Into the regulatory area and thereby sidestep :the pality; but would he wise to m AtthaedofteFridaymorningsession, form of government, and you need to let him do his job:' lawn manager. new councilman Jim Carlin* said 'he was This gingerbread Church, constructed by Aiexal " among "Country Christmas." earned I Bates made his comments Mier learning that the Town Council has a Per cannel Com• in an interview during a break In the meeting, returning councilmen •Tom .Pee' flabbergasted at "the absolute power of the town manager; I'm surprised at the degree. Legally, it aifirstr for the Festival Of Trees, a fund-raiser ItN Won HE Regency. mittee. He said personnel was purely an op• les said he was astounded to learn that ' We,.aro solely policy makero I eratlonal function that should be handled by I council was obliged to get the lnpul'of , looks kal a have to go tbrough hbn,.onoil j the town manager. Toed that the committee dealt with the . .town manager.,oa""'volunteer etP4 ! P ilti), a ts�?�4�iti� ,,y.4"0I�<� 7� �. I t { va we ao.aws oupp.uusnw...uw. needs range from 1.5 million gallons ferdayin1995to0N1GDby2015. a, Wautln M'fW any v, auw u av"r••�"vu•vwua:A•mn,tn•urc-, ncrr-a,m�•raw,v" er ulllities. Melroble Company owns the private Brafman, who have constituents in "But we're not pressuring anyone waterIhrm. p y p only one o(about 17. "it's not hi decision alone. i7. been lob Preliminary plans call for the purchase of a 1.2-acre site in the else to join us," he said. "We're not HIIlon Head Plantation, and stale The ;11pellne project would cost . Rep., Scott Richardson of (louse Dis- there were no dissenting vote going to call them bad boys if they, approximately $25 million, of which trlct'123. ' e'Chapmanls. vision: `A residential t ' Bi i zRR[ JO R"N ■ Purchasing open space from senwdin Mayor Frank Chapman's vision, the private sector and maintaining it to benefit and onadd to the welfare ' and � ) �� � I he has made clear, is to physical property �taty t perfectly maintain Hilton Head Island wealth of the existing population of t as prl- "a the Island. c t merily residentiid town." Last week he released to the me- s Creating azoning,t blPhan that could be legally defensible that uses l d �� ��� dia his "Directions and Priorities List," which details how he to "carrying capacity" as a growth w i ' plans make that vision a reality. control measure. it Workingwith Beaufort Count Ya v + +> He Intends, for instance, for the put In to to plce "more discerning" r town to take control of the commer• lend use regulations that would ben k clal floor space allowed on the Is- eilt the county and Its municipal-' a I. t: land as an item of"legitimate public tiles, using outside consultants to. purpose." hasten that process. c I is other policy goals Include: ■ Forming an international alli- ance of small island communities to discuss common problems. 1 t V. c Chapman has told the media for several weeks that he will try to en- 6004H2 Council act ordinances that raise the Real Estate Transfer Fee, which applies �® �® A•1 to all property transactions, Orom its : g4 hContinued From Page present,25 percent to 2 percent goals. "If we come together In the spirit He also seeks to amend the. Beach Preservation Fee to eliminate of cooperation, we will survive and the need for a referendum and otherr' r, _ . be stronger," Bethea said. "We hope everyone will act In the openness the "unnecessary riders, He'd also like to try to rescind the business community has. We have a welcome center subsidy,, according to his priorities Hat. very ablive business community. Our mission Is to protect the Greg DeLoach, the town's direc. well-being of that business commu• for of legal services, declined to nity, and we will do that to the best comment when asked If the new of our ability," she said. Town Council can cancel money that The new seating arrangement at was promised by the old Town Coun- cf1• U.S. Dlstrlct Court Judga � ,J Blatt Jr. (left) administered the oath Hyundai C the dais puts all of the experienced of office to Maya Frank Chapman (right) during a ceremony at j hands,,— Peeples, Perkins and Hra[man - on Chapman's left On "That is a questlon I've not yet;, asked to gnawer for anyone to Town Hall Dec, d. Blatt also swore in Town Councii members Bill r, his right are the new faces : Carlin, "'he ,been - tows ," DeLoach said. 'That Fe usdalof. Ward 1, Frank Brafman of .Ward 2, Jim Carlin of re., H Y U r ., Ferguson end Keep. woAj be advice my clients would Ward 3, Tom Peeples of Ward 4, Kate Keep of Ward 5 and Doro- _- The next Town Cowxll meating Is for 7 Dec. 20. have b hear brat, before public con• thy Pelltins Of Ward 8 } I scheduled p,m. sumptionl Photo by Tefrl Jo Ryan .NNEW 1 )nCernett tub U=131"" "v, w (quested re•enforcements to Aspin came to the Cabinet after 11 which military aides were on stana• muung a reauy-ur,tgan w, tttttttttttttttttt�. � ; I Tax ►"�' M 1 � 8 (Continued from Page 1-A) �+,• ir+itdtda ' collected when property changes t hands. It currently stands at V of 1 p percent of the purchase price. Chap- man would like to raise the tax to 2 percent..The money, coupled with theetoproperty by ,latax funds, d f r parrkks d i aq+letpF1e}� Itums,y�' s o Peeplessatdhewillpresentareso. lution at Monday's Town Council a ar meeting preventing any increase un- re, Y 4 W a long-range plan for the purrhitse and use of land is completed. If there s r-1, Is to be any increase at all, Peeples :kfr i wants to restrict it to no more titan a �t FF x halt -percent during the new council's go two-yearti r n �'�"`�` is •.. myy goIadta00r"' The air needs to be clear'edj' Mai o Peeples said Wednesday. The owner )tITNAFHiCA PfesfS etft & of an island construction comOV, irktlai(Iotjct+ItlAfr� H lI (t)el r r Peeples said he has encountered a ulonaE an r ;hledeCA y• �Isonatetaared4he ptlierdAd a p 0 $tile f g high-level of angst among develop - a ngdA S9aso flreto End era, real estate brokers and property tbe! gace zwAR6 ciN 20�g d I 9 P Pe Y j ating a delwefkdep alaitCot)Tt1 $fti I6 ear ivii Wa, Bilt� owners islandwide who tear the a ernaltvfw, oars:ot, � .. aUti�C0'!�j� • A 9 of posed increase. e tst 0, R jitl6Jtj Nair tkt It's on everyone's tongue, every. aQ where you go," he said. ' Every- " where I go, anyone I talk to .thatlq on theirminds." `r 1 u ANG" Peeples said he thought it wag ittl- r portent for the council to give the tl�onw public a clear Iodisation of wherq.it stood on the proposed increase - which would raise an estimated 8 !.1 h ion a year. The existinguc pilll Eatses AtU il:Y riittlioo'e yiear ',� ant tnl•t r, not r 1-1 " w • • .�1pG,IFa>, ' Other council members quar� t'r' " 'ylr lit •acid• they did not favor imch'a`hligfe tern Ireland, embraced the Ma- declarationasa sellout. Increase and that any increase eynelds statement. "I find It very offensive to be told should be incremental. t'n additlolj to aking in the House of Com- In Washington, that In three months time, If the IRA Peeples, council members Dorothy Hume expressed hope "that cease from their violence, without Perkins, Jim Carlin and Frank Brat - willbethelirstinajorsteptiwt PresidentClintOnsaid any. conditions of binding ever man are against it Bill lrcrguson emove forever the gun and the the agreement 'creates weapons or their bomb•maktag ma• said recently that 2 percent tax al terlal,orany other military prowess, would be detrimentt al to raUve is Ittcians in Northern Ireland an historic opportunity that they will be invited as constitu- landem and that he opposer! It. Kate I favor mehrtaWng the union to end the tra is c cle of tional politicians to sit down," aald Keep, however, has not made up her 3i Britain have said they doubted r • i . Paisley, leader of the haru-line Dem- mild, but believes an increase to 2 RA could deliver a cease -tire— bloodshed. ocratic Unionist Party. percent maybe too high. hat it it tried, It would be in dan- Major said the point was to end the Chapman, who has made the In. d splitting just as it did In 1969 violence. "I wish to take action to crease a centerpiece of his plans for P majority in Northern Ireland. the town, said Wednesday: "It loo one faction gave up on violence. make sure there is no more blood. like I'm going to be kind of lonely,"' nes Molyneux, leader of the But the Rev: Ian Paleley, a power- shed of lids sort, no more coffins car• The mayor said he will stick to its +r Unionist Party, chose to ful orator• who was Instrumental In tied away ... because politicians do guns efnd lobby for a 2 percenQpu. s the commitment of both gov- blocking past agreements in North • not have the courage to sit down .:. He addxd, however, that he Is w qq tents to support the wishes of the era Ireland, condemned the and find away through," Major said. to compromise It necessary. Cl p man said he "might back down',, tq 1 percent, but not any lower. Ea/ Chapman said hz bases his 2 per• 1� cent proposal on a similar ta�Ir Previously tanned ChTlstnmac Nantucket, Mass.Tlle tax, base -A-is i tinned lrom Page 1•A) it' helped the school's 1,078 atu• a good Invests eat. It's money the bank," Chapman also believes toavoid a tree, Beaufort County Jimmy Steedley, Who dents cope with the death Wednea• that jacking up the tax and g net Curt Copeland said. Carisaa da ,bat the mood at the school was 66µt�yy�p i J not avoid hitting the tree be- owns the stable where �• of shock ad disbelief that a more land for open apace wiU la- claaamateisgone,"Hitchsaid. creaselatrdvaluesloreveryone.• ,. e of tar forward momentum, he Larissa boarded her But people ouch as Andy Kiep• horse) Said no one saw Carless and her brother J.R., also . chick, outgoing president of the i!ll• an olghth•grader, began attending ton Head Island Association of eraLitr�tarhelico helicopter RNpI P the accident. However, the school at the start of the school tors, said the opposite is true. ._war_ta_Ansnut—Httah_mid. _Their.__,_. The average price fora house on 1 —_ i -- atsazarxa eal$esabout $l.zmillion ayear., • �vR'aIF'oa tither council members querled ' _ri sald'theydid not favor ouch a hdge :rnIreland, embraced the Me- declaration as a sellout. Increase and that any increase ynolds statement. ,ktng In the House of com- hope "fiat In Washington, "I find It very offensive to be told that in three months time, if the IRA from should Le Incremental. In additlon.to " Peep]es, council members Dorothy Perkins, Jim Carlin Frank Braf- Hume expressed President Clinton said cease their violence, without and willbethettrstmajorstepthat any conditions of handing over their man are against it. Bill Ferguson move forever the gun and the the agreement 'creates weapons or their bomb -making ma- said recently that a 2 percent tax from a. mall island people.' ttcians in Northern Ireland an historic opportunity terial, or any other military prowess, that they will be invited as constitu• would be detrimental to native Is. ; lenders and that he opposed it. Kate aver maintaining the union to end the tragic cycle of tional politicians to sit down," said Keep, however, has not made up her lritain have said they doubted Acoulddeliveracease-fire— bloodshed: Paisley, leader of the hard-line Dem• ocratic Unionist Party. mind, but believes an increase to 2 , percent maybe too high. ';atIfittried, itwould beindan• splitting just as it did in 1969 Major said the point was to end the violence. "I wish to take action to Chapman, who has made the In - crease a centerpiece of his plans,ior 'me faction gave up on violence. majority in Northern Ireland. make sure there is no more blood• the town, said Wednesday: "Itl000 'ies Molyneux, leader of the But the Rev. Ian Paisley, a power• shed of this sort, no more coffins car- IDce I'm going to be kind of lonely,": Unionist Party, chose to the commitment of both gov ful orator who was instrumental In blocking past agreements in North• vied away ... because politicians do not have the courage to sit down ... The mayor said he will stick to his hurts and lobby for a 2 percent.tax. -ntstosupport the wishesofthe ern Ireland, condemned the and find away through,"Majorsaid. Headded, however, that heiswilling to compromise if necessary. Cl man said he "might back down' , tp 1 ath percent, but not any lower. •,. Chapman said he bases his 2•per• cent proposal on a similar to in Nantucket, Mass. The tax, inued from Page I -A > g Previously planned Christmas ac. tivities helped the school's 1,076 stu- he said; Is "a good investment. It's money in o avoid a tree, Beaufort County Jimmy Steedley, who dents cope with the death Wednes• day, but the the the bank." Chapman also believes that jacking up the tax and boyi�g ier Curt Copeland said. Carissa hitting not avoidelanthe tree be - mood at school was "one of shock and disbelief that a more land for open space will m. other forward momentum, he of Carissa boarded her classmate is gone," said. g crease land values for everyone.• But people such as Andy Klep� horse, said no one saw Carissa and her brother J.R., also. chick, outgoing president of the kh. er a LUeStarhelico ter took her p .t tht: aceider - However, an eighth -grader, began attending the school at the start of the school ton Head Island Association of Ql• tors, said the opposite is true. emorial Medical Center in Sa- ah. she was pronounced dead at he said there may have year In August, Hitch said. Their parents had taught them at home the The average price for a house on the Island the past yearwas:266,ob0. ?.m,shortly upon arriving at the been a previous twoyears. The transfer tax on that house would Ital : . miscommunication Carissa was an excellent and well. behaved student, Harter, Cadssa's go from $662 to$5,320 If increased tot 1! percent of the closing price. 0'�.- was riding dwithent other stu.red when the accident occurred between Carissa and the maWteacher, said. ti ,a Theresult,ebuy buyer may'ie that the buyer will use the d, 5:45 p.m., about a half-hour "She always bad a smile,' she vehorseasthey crease as a negotiating tool to drivenset, [sa near a stable where she dChablis,herthoroughbred. approached a fork said. "She wasn't a loud or bolster cus person. She really was a well- mancteredatudeat" dawn the purchase price. Even though the buyer technically pa the darkness by the tree,with file transfer tax, it's the seller w osure was a con•created ng factor In the accident," Carissa preparing to Buthormremainedherfirstlove, Harter said. Carissa always wrote loses because he might have to knock down the asking price several thou. , Iandsaid. turn one way and the ., ' . about horses In her English class sanddollars. : at nmySteedley,who owns the Ste. horse preparing togo journals, she Sold. • "she jump," Klepchick said he believes is prudent'� and hereCal3saaboardedherhor_e, no one saw the accident. Howev- the other Way. fovea to her father said, looking upward atacicor,crisp tPltatreelatatetselespen opleantigth ers might not oppose a modest in. s is said there may have been a sky fromhisyacht. "Nowshe's made crease If Were clearly Is a need. but ommunication between Carissa e• the biggest jumpotall." until such a seed has been est o the horse as they approached a cause Carissa couldn't bear to be causecht Cs issa co ldn'twere btar to Funeral services are p.m. Fri. p llshed, Kle back said the to created by the tree,withCarissa away from horses, he said. day at First Presbyterian Church, should not consider any increas..? .ring to turn one way and the a preparing to go the otherway. Carissa was a member of the U.S. 540 William Hilton Parkway. The Rev. John Miller will officiate and in. an. "It just doesn't make sense to I' Equestrian Team, the Coastal Hunt• termentwillbeprivate. besaid. ' twee just like any accident, they ers Circuit and the Georgla Hunter t happen, thesaid. Jumpers Assocdtion. She was upfor rissa was not wearing 'eh hel. a top jumping award Saturday, her aid her father, Richard War- [athersald. He had watched his daughter's At McCracken, where Carissa was iid lesson but was not watching an eighth -grader, some classmates vhen the accident happened.: left school In teats and others sought j comfort from guidance counselors iWhe was single-minded about and the school psycholegist Wednes• ea;' he said as he fought tears. day, principal Richard Mich said. a ieved horses more than life f "We're real devastated by the ac- cident," 'Hitch said. "She was a good ,r devotion to horses was deep, kid. She was a delightful young lady old. The family's plaml to sail and one we're 904 to miss very nd the world on their custom much." Individual But by June, participation must said Bill Hanna, president of the Pi. makes 1nwhatworks(Or you, this reach �thesemployees. lot . About OOObusinesses are Minimum psrticipa• miss tandardpremiurnrate Chambermembe ork. 'ir`� wit]n-1appiyandtheInsurancecam- ny chosen will start underwritingHanna said John Alden Insurance of Miami, Fla., would insure the roke to more than 150 peo- log a health care forum in plan. d in -care plan, while Georgia Healthcare . by the Chamber of Conn- it the Hilton Head Hospital volve pes cking previous health volve checking previaus health care claims in order to consider rate ad• Partnership inc. of Savannah would manage the network of health care Royal Clubhouse. justments. providers in it. utal plans to put Its 353 am- Getting 2,000 employees in the pro- The pair was selected by a earn. n the insurance plan by gram by next December would mitlee formed in October and made hospital administrator equate to sign-ups for about 40 per- up of representatives of island busl- wood said, and that will ex- cent of the employees now in busi- nesses, the Chamber of Commerce art-upquota. nesses belonging to the Chamber, (SeeHEALTH,backpage) JL SARNIN® UP Businessesor Individuals Interested in joining a Chamber of Commerce health Insurance plan must be chamber members by year's and. The minimum fee for a small business Is f233 a year. .For Individuals not owning a business, ft'sS94, said - Chamber president Bill Miles. Call795.3673 for Information. �I AND JOY ► 2 - '.2 \— � Yi New cou nil N starts tenn ''��`•�rr�=xis ` ;�., � with. a ba'nLr An audience members...'. heckle mayor, each other ■'TransfeM.ashike scrapped, 16-A nouncedChapman and demanded an ' r ByHALMILLARD apology from the mayor stemming PackaHhnwrnhr from his remarks at a Dec. 9 com- fl The maiden voyage of the new mission meeting. r/ Hilton Head island Town Council hit Chapmanhadquestionedtheinteg- stormy waters Monday night. rlty of the commission, saying a After a graciois Invocation by for- $15,000 study proposed to determine 1 the island's recreation needs would b mer Councilman Henry Driessen Jr., be a "waste o[ money" and would the; gale alerted when Parks and amount to nothing more than a %VM Recreation Commission chairman ,list" with no real scientific underpin Charles Perry scolded Mayor Frank rings. Chapman also had doubts Chapmanforrecentcritleisms. about the "objectivity" of a local Audience members soon showered professional marketing firm picked the council chambers with groans to conduct the survey. r and catcalls that mixed with a g y history P- Calling it a "sad d'a in the *: Plause for Perry. Some left the meet• of the Town of Hilton Head Island," ng before hearing.Chapman offer Perry said Monday that "the may. arUn LaPaUr/TM hUnA Pa:4p the apology he came prepared to or's comments were rude, uncalled - orn his bed at Hilton Head Hospital. make: for and unconscionable. it hurt mem- With a packed council chamber bersof the commission deeply. hanging on his every word, Perry de- (S"COUNCIL, back page) Critics want review � ong for hospital's patients off-key or struggled with the wards. As their of sales-t.... breaks songs carried through the halls, patients and, e who a re their families smiled, clapped and forgot their The Associated Press ness; "said Will McCain, a lobbyist !I IIIs, if only fora little while. for SCANA Corp., the utility holding 9giftS "It's really good;'.patient BrucePilkinsaid COLUMBIA—Sales taxexemp• company. "This time, we just want a Stgift yoU after the carolers song "Rudolph theRed•Nosed lions that cost South Carolina $742 seat at the table to talk about It." Reindeer" and "We Wish You a Merry million could be up for debate In the An exemption for fuel for power Christmas" to him. "It's a good feeling. It was coming legislativesession. companies and manufacturers will nia of these kidc," +hin.Oneior.�. Tw .., ,ti .n ndln.rinn r<larhr Critics say the exemptions make costthestate$143.3millionthisyear. � - "^1m_Invna..YU_n;,n.none.hudnelhnn.:,_._m,.�_-c.,.•...e,m Maplgct recently gave birth to Trump's ✓ ; �� 4 4.. ,�} ' fourth child, Tiffany; named after the store whose air rights allowed Donald to build ,pq; kiti Trump Tower.Butthechildwashomesleeping whenherparenIsmarried. Photographs of the wedding vrere to be sold 1 for the benefit of charities selected by the 'n.A1W11*dP 1 TrumpFoundation. Newlyweds Donald and Marla Trump pose for photographers Monday "a a ees to delay Coumc� ` r er Tee RR 44�� !!!e!entually 'OncrLe se J1�i.► V A7��jj 1ConllnuedfromPagef•AI angrily: "1 object to attacks on members of volunteer commissions went along in other business, the council: We can handle criticism,. but to b and I'd like to stop it." That, too, gqt a portion of the crowd fired up once he compromise, but said the accuse us of a lack of isle g Y is more with applause. ;hould not raise the fee more • Gave ini list approval to narrow. Ing the scope of the Beach Preserva• inexcusable. To question the integri• ty of a person goes straight to the Chapman came to An P geletti's de. )0percent. at would be hard to swallow," ,,,lion Fee. Currently, the moneytense erated from an additional 2 prcent heart of who that person .... ,.. • and said that anyone who ob. jected to her remarks could leave the i. "I hope we wouldn't do such tax on overnight lodging is to be used Perry demanded an apology to the council chambers, whereupon about . " not only for beach resanding, but for commission members, who are all 20 to 25 people began heading for the le most council members capital improvements to beach ac- cess parks and roads and to buy volunteers, as well as to L.A. Ramsey, whose firm had been exits. One unidentified man said as he ' they didn't want to see the fee beach access areas. Under amend. Picked to conduct the upcoming sur- left, "We elected the Town Council!" or wanted it raised only in ments proposed by Councilman vey of island residents. AChapman supporter called backlo sonr also t arCued Councilman g )owl, Frank Brafman, the money would be used primarily for resanding Perry had received a personal . him: "You didn't elect anyone!" e property owners should be exempt from paying the fee. beaches and maintaining dunes and for necessary maintenance or public apology from Chapman a day after the commission meeting, but said he Chapman allowedAngelettitocon• cludeherremarks. is rend. beach access, dune walkovers and reslrooms only. Y would not accept It. Perry said he had been holding out for a public Things began to settle down only after Chapman final) to es hands on then es hands an the island. The The raised is used by the town, in addition, the proposed change apology. P Y got make the apology he said he already ha�f with 2 mills in property taxes, land to be set as,as open would drop the current ordinances After he finished his remarks, oast r aboisterousround fe. planned but was unable to give be causef all the commotion that has or parks. Under the current uirement that any future increase i�e fax would require approval by applause that out . ' [ee brings in abeutil.2 mil• referendum. onds. Councilman Tom Peeples, a P champion of increasing recreation Looking at Perry, Chapman.said ear and has generated about, since it was enacted'in Tre vote was 43, with council members Peeples, Perkins and Fer- opportunities on the island, clapped along, the sole council member to do he stood behind his criticism ofllion commission's planned survey, 'say) - [the guson voting against the changes. if so.would ing a detailed socio-economic survey be better. But he apologized ies, a home builder, had said was fear among developers, approved on final'reading, the fee would become effective on March 1, The rancormy heated up when (or hi for his remarks about the commis- "1 agents and land owners 1�!• Chapman sup rterCannieAngelelti stood to spec against the commis - integrity and sett: shout.tate sloneverhavedonethat" ,really increasing the fee would a Gave unanimous approval to a slon. She received a hearty round of After commission member Jeasf property values. The buyer is "clarifying" amendment to theTraf- boos and catcalls from about 30audi. nle Jordan -Ussery reminded Cha1L� I sed to pay the fee, but often it is fic Congestion and Growth Nanage• ence members, but replied for all to man that the maligned survey, was filer who pays because he or she ment law. The change would require hear: "if don't like It, the first in long you you can, just step a pros r lower the asking price in order developers with final development a' ike the sale more palatable to P jump Perry accepted the apology and Pa permits granted prior to the land "i Chapman said, hope we cap,@p ryer. Management Ordinance in1987tore-, Angelettithenbegantoreadfrom work together in the future." "* + average home price on Hilton ceive traffic -plan approval before an editorial written by parks com: '• being issued a building permit. mission member Bette Weseman Asked afterward if shefearedsucch. Is $266,000, according to island about south -island retirees and their spectacles would be an ongoing'fq. ors. Ifthe tax were Increased to The change will be reviewed by the opposition to recreation that Angelet- lure of future council meetings, see - cent, the fee would be$5,320 as town Planning Commission at a pub- It said had "offended" her. and -term Council Woman Doroth y ;ed to SM under the current lie hearing early next year before re- Perkins smiled and. said: "sure I ceiving a final vote by the council. Peeples, his face reddening, said hopenot." + i '' The Island Funeral Home comes to a city like Beaufort, maybe. I Gybe you need an you need an incentive — but we should debate them every year, not ntive — but we automatically write off 16 percent of, potential state revenue ' Keyserling'. uld debate them said ry year, not ' The average person also gets some breaks There's no sales tax charged, omatically write off for prescription medicine, and that Will cost the state $20.1 million this ereent of potential year. Breaks for home fuel and elec. i @revenue: tricltywill cost $85.1million. But South V line I one or 16 i and Crematory Hilton Head island, South Carolina 29928 ' 4 Cardinal Road (803)681.4400 Allen L. Richardson ' THE ORDER OF THE GOLDEN RULE Sharon N. Richardson Funeral Directors ! The Island Packet, Monday, December i9, 1993 -10Public meetings G 'Col LOCAL, Coun'. wants tourism impact study 1 Says town should focus on how growth has affected native islanders By DUANE MARSTELLER - The study is needed because native is- The study could become part of an up- sonsaid. - Paeketstattwrtter landers weren't prepared to watch Hilton coming Clemson University study on the "We have residents from other wards Head transform from an agricultural effects of tourism on South Carolina's making decisions that affect the fives of -rot' meets ir, council chambers at Town Halt, 1 Hilt onHeadfslandshouldcomm issiona community to a famous resort area in less coast, said Ron Smith, executive director Ward I residents. yet there isnorepresen ers study to see how its rapid growth and tour- than two decades, he said. ofOri inalIslandersInc.Fe on found- tativefromWardI."F Town Center Court. Agenda Items include: g a ergttsonsaid sob tiveist-dislander economy has affected sna-aid ed the group earlier this � A resolution on the real transfer tee. live islanders, a town councilman said "It's a case of culture g P year to address The lack of representation could be un list ■ A report from the Parks and Recreation shock;'hesaid. concerns of The or illegal.hesaid. lar Commission.. Sunday' ■ Final reading of a lease purchase agree At a public meeting he raped far resi- Ferguson said such a Also at Sunday's meeting, attended by Other issues discussed included plans to as mentforacquiringlandat5ku11CreekPoint• dents to voice concerns, Ward 1 Colin- study, by identifying- seven people in all. Ferguson said his extend bicycle paths alongside William ■ First reading of amendments to the town problems, could s ward has too lithe representation on the. Hilton Parkway northward to Gum for cifrian Bill Ferguson said he will ask oth- Pro . Pm towns boards, committees and comma Road and the lack of central water u Beach Preservation Fee. er council members tonight to budget town officialstoseekso- g fi Firstreadin ofamendmenistolheTraffic sions. sewer service iu.predominanUy bla cr1 . • g money and seek bids for the study. The lutions. Congestion and Growth Management Ordi• council meets at 7 p.m. at Town Hall, 1 The former Town Councils Personnel areas nance. Ferguson said he Although few residents attended Town Center Court. Committee, which selected residents to _ wing rc. ■ A closed -door session on personnel natters doesn't know bow much rn designed to give them a clla qc - and land acquisition. . If approved,. Ferguson said the study the study would cnct, Ferguson to those bodies, included no Ward 1 to voice their concerns to Ferguson, eb ' ` . TUESDAY, Dec-21 would focus on the political, social and but hopes other council representation, he said. Because of that, said he lopes to make it a monthly e 4 p.m.: The Hilton Head Island Parks and economic impacts of the island's devel members agree to in- town Planning Commission member The next meeting tentatively is Recreation Commission meets in conference meat on native islanders, the majority'elude it in the 19M-95 budget year, which Thomas C. Barnwell Jr. is the only resi- for m.Jan. lsatthe PatmenoEMctri bt ' room No. at Town Hall, Town Center Court, y P- T. - otwhom areblack. begins July 1,1991. dent of his ward on a town board, Fergu- Caoperabvebuilding on Mathews Drive. to discuss a recreation survey with L.A. Ram- TODAY 8:30 a.m.:The town Accommodations Tax Advisory Committee meets In conference room No. a at Town Hall,1 Town Center Court, to pre- pare bed -tax recommendations for the Town Council. 7 p.m.:The Hilton Head Island Town Council sey Marketing Research. d 6 p.m..- The Hilton Head Island Construction Board of Adjustments meets fn council sham - T a � barsaTTown Hall,1 Town CenterCourt. a � ® � ' �t a glance . Stretch _ ,From staff reports Workers hope to fmish .Citizenship award Habitat house by Jan. 1 ;noi=ations due ByNORMAVANAMBERG ' The Hilton Head island Chamberof Commerce will Packet staff writer ;accept nominations for its 1993 good citizenship and outstanding organization awards until next Monday. With enough help from professionals and volunteers, the Ronald Stewart family may be able to move into its �The citizenship award. called the Alice Glenn Doughtie new New YearsDay.Humanityhouse onBligenLane around is e�t�tntnrnrnr, 1 1 •-� Yr l son y . Ida. bird New 11toll lc/- a S i and! two h Hilton Head Island, South Carolina _ - Wednesday, December 29,1993 Aso I. Town Court Judge Terry .Finger finds that justice is gray w.—fl— She stole _8. ' -- County zoning. The tree! Is -" '"'"'' " ""'. v i.em - «.,,,s. qualifications to chart the course of Ing across from Windmill Her- recommended the council spend the The audience heaped scornful recreational needs. Ani. marHy outside town ill He next two meetings In workshop ses- groans and "boos" on Town Council Perry concluded with a plea to star !e preliminary approval to stop to get the background they as Perry read a long statement de- "work together in a professional, in- yell ' P ry PP need. manding an apology for himself, the telligent and amicable man- him ents of the Beach Preserve- Peeples requested a presentation commission, and the consulting firm nea..This commission Is going to I ordinance, taking out fund- by town staff on the updated Capltal that proposes to conduct a survey of move forward with our recreation mar leach parkland acquisition Improvements Plan, to get himself recreational needs for resident chil- needs survey. We Intend to capital. Itng Wary' paving projects and and other new council members up dren. Ize on the ex ertence of this coin- tl o inating a requirement to on ndin P public referendum before g projects. At the Dec. 9 recreation eating, mission too accomplish the goals es- Ing: P Perkins asked for a report about Chapman said a $15,000 stud funded tablished b Town Council." Tow he fee above the 2 percent on -Island mitigation of the wetland by the previous Town Councll to de- When he finished his remarks, supi ay the previous Town Caun- loss expected from the Cross•Island termine the Island's recreational the audience broke into enthusiastic didn Expressway. O'Neill promised Per. needs would be a "waste of money" applause and cheers that lasted P e 4-3 vote - with council kins a report at a later date. and result In no more than a wish about 30 seconds. Tom Peeples, who um, Bill Ferguson, Dorothy Ferguson said he found the re- list with no scientific underpinnings has long supported Island recreation cil t and Tom Peeples opposing cent Town Council retreat so helpful, for Its conclusions. programs, was the only council agen unell determined It should he would like to see a series of work- Chapman also expressed doubts member to applaud. A ate the 'funds on beach shops for the council, so it could con• that an Island firm could be objec. Then Sea Pines resident Connie ange nce, such as future renour• tinue Its education on local Issues. tive. The local professional market- Angeletti, a frequent commentator latef 'rejects• "It would ease the transition," he Ing firm of L.A. Ramsey was hired at council meetings, asked Chapman of th !!! get an Irresponsible coun• said, "and It would give me a better to do the survey. If she could speak. When the audi- ntiea re, or anyone else," said feel for town hall functions." During the Dec. 20 meeting, Per- ence responded with a groan, she CI t ` ro•tem Frank Brafman, ■ Persuaded Ferguson to with- ry called that Dec. 9 meeting "a sad loudly retorted, "If you don't like it, er M y posed the amendments, draw, for now, a request that the day in the history of the Town of Hil• . you can lump it!,, hand !! dd get caught up in the eu- town fund a "socio-economic" study ton Head Island." With boos and shouts ringing out, O'Ne . the moment and use it for of the effect of development on no- "The mayor failed to do his Angeletti attempted to read a quote was i live Islanders, which he wanted ac- homework," Perry said. "He made by Parks and Recreation Commis• lenge, and Perkins argued that complished within six months. 'A N £ LaS la ' A 9 t93 mee er uses of the beach fund - Peeples, however, took exception ithrough a 2 percent tax on to limiting such a study only Ward Ferguson maintains er accommodations - are le- 1, saying development has had an Is - spending of the fee; other- land -wide impact on all residents. ♦ clear f noted, residents will have Mayor Frank Chapman said he 11eW rules weren't A �,.rr parking lots and land felt a special case could be made for11 thantourlsts. a Ward 1 study, because it Is " aon of the beach tax begins long -neglected area" and the report 1.� could help native 'Islanders "boot- By TERRI JO RYAN day for each day their forms are unanimous preliminary strap themselves to a better place." snnwma late, with a SW cap. to an amendment of the Ferguson persisted, saying the Ward 1 Town Councll re resents• State law requires candidates to iagement Ordinance, re- elderly native Islanders who have tive Bill Fd receivederguson said D9c. 23 he file a form within 10 days after ei• a 8 lopmenects t that avals before su adventffered of rapid developmost culture ment are k with was unaware of state requirements $W en emery, spending ereafterheir , to never been completed a eadvedwindlingresource which must be that. he file a campaign disclosure with a grace period of 10 days after tmft to the traffic conger• tapped befre the are one, form 15 days before the Nov. 2 relec,the the end of the calendar quarter to rowth management ordi• Brafman asked Ferguson to hold lion, and was merely waiting for the get the report in, Baker said. off on such a stud for the moment, end of the quarter to get his paper- At the very least, even if a candi• se -pointed, following a 70• noting the council hadn't even work In to the state. date accepts no funds and spends xutive session, Town At formed its own internal committeeserguson was responding to a nothing, be or she still must file a its Coltrane. His two-year yet, Dec.De22 ankle in the Hilton Head form at least 15 days before the elec. 111 be reviewed b Town News on the campaign disclosure Bon, Baker said. Reporting require. Illce e r e reviewed Y Perkins said that following the forms from the fall race. According menu became much stricter !n Jan - correct procedure, such as waiting to the state'a Ethics Commission, rneil also announced Its for committees to be formed, "pro- Fergusonary 1992. it of Jim Vaughn to fill tects us all. It kee s us &am coming rguson was In violatkn for failure The disclosure form doesn't re - up [ ` P a to file his form within a 10-day grace quire Itemization for contributions of t at the last minute and spending a period, and faced a civil penalty of lss than$t00. rA >✓areCI' Club at of time on a topic we may not be u to it M• C able to resolve right away. p Ferguson said he was never notla Heard former Mayor Pro•tem fled by the state that he was In viola"PD1—MQ—_C-"d k Hvaylassrooms Henry Driessen give the invocation, tfon, and said he was trying to clear as he had done for the last decade: up any misunderstanding with ofti- areer Cfub, cansisting of Driehu quickly ducked out, saying clals, but was having a hard timefrom 10 vocation• his church has heaped new respond• reaching the right people in state of - Programs, recently vis• btiltle on him because of his new• fices because of the Christmas boll-k/� liver Elementary School found"free" time. day.rate skills they have After the meeting, Brafman Notin that he had "a reat bi t3A42]CEC. These students noted he was having difficulty lining campaign committee" of one to help�)a nt►w1sUaRt � to give fourth and fltth up preachers to give the Invocation him file, Ferguson said he took in nds•on experience with for council. O'Neill said In a recent $140 in Individual contributions, and The Hilton Head- News mint and materials used Interview on view that he is seeking a rota- spent $136 of his own funds. Because to �Y ay by N gy, he had not yet reached a $500 mini• qN swinf lrhll mum, he said, he thought ha had un- til Dec. 31 to send his forms to the OFF ISLAND NIAIL 'TC" THE 1996 OLYMPICS afaGaryPostage Baker, Ethics Commission Wilmington bland estate in beautiful SAVANNAH, GA. A executive director, said candidate �� I d 6 acres nesQ among ma n southern ooks ovedooWnp die would be assessed $too for not fill z 1 ,Year � $12 ' n Rim Brealhiaking view of -water and marsh. this 3 okl 2 their campaign disclosure form I � home has S it's 6 Uhs. designer opi�nhnenh within the grace period, and $10 t 6 Months. — a ; o wing Pool, spa, sautes, =A cor gerogr fantasgn D� privay and socuriy (or llm most selective purchaser ghl, is o Hilton Head News— - i it Dining :XFORD shops, d choices other 1. The Island Packet, Wednesday, Deceanber 1, IM G-A LOCAL Last dance ; Outgoing Town Council to mwlt Thursday. From staff reports tractual and personnel matters. duct," Riley said."It helps facWtate The vested rights procedures have The Hilton Head Island Town been in the works for several our long-range plannirs and clears up uncertainties for the town and for Council will hold a special meeting months. Though considered a Thursday night to take care of anti- Property Owners." _ Wished business before handing over "housekeeping" measure, the adop- As the town makes assum tions thereinsofpowernextweek. tion of vested rights procedures by about future growth it's hnportant to the Town Council on Thursday know what development is going The meeting will take place at 7 should help simplify the town's long- where, how big it's going to be and p.m, in council chambers at Town range planning, town administrator what impact it will have on the corn. Hall. Steve Riley said recently. munity, Riley said. On the agenda will be a resolution An unknown number of unfinuned For example, if a developmentwas to adopt vested rights determination development projects exist on the is- permitted to have 50 homes under j procedures. Following the meeting land. Some, Riley said, predate the the older and more liberal Develop will be an executive session on con- town's Land ManagementOrdinancb'" ment Standards Ordinance; but only y ":-- Adopted In 1987. Under the proce 10 under the stricter LMO, it is trh- dares, the town will be better able to portent to find out H the project is 1( determine which projects may pro- "vested" under the old law. The lafg- ceed under past land -use laws and er development, of course, will have which ones must adhere to the strict- er rovislons of the LMO A',much greater impact on suelr things -A. d d :, .. an sewer an "It just helps us to get a better proformsofinfrastnrcture. ....Riley said the newly adopted p& cedures finally address the problekn where before the town had no set of specific criteria. 'Tiie new rules should also help Ian. • • downers, Riley said. For those wtlo belelve their projects are vested T ar m under the expired DSO, they nol# have a chance to prove it. btoi - It. they prove their rights . ale {{ vested, then old prior approval or H- L� R E C. T 0 R Y nal development permits can be ex. YYe Se�l l/Jt° �S�Lin�� tended by the town for five years. 'Z OCEAN ORIENTED Democrats �6f� ESTATE SALE . ✓ 38R 21/2BASea Pines home Wth great poll view. Den, 2 car garage Set Wo��iS�IO�D UMW and lyhltnlahed•Ju9t FromstaNraparts 11stod for 49,000. CaA Paggte queJ BaAay A12201g. At least one Democratic candid4 i WALK TO BEACH for governor, Lt. Gov. Nick Theo- • dore, will address Beaufort Counttyy oet PALMETTO DUNE'S Democrats at a Dec. iE leadership 191 ' Cm beach acom workshop it's sponsoring. t pfkW In Oplex $139 900. CeA The workshops, which will be held g$ Dudley Ai19ff from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. In the meeting ton WALK TO BEACH room o Crhe ave Sttrreeeei n Beeaauffoty rt, i - 5:30 m PORT ROYAL will focus an precinct organizing Great 51h row 48R home WAhin Theodore has confirmed that 1te welkirgdisWncet0ftbeach.An will attend the workshops, said Bob this for Wag under $200K,Jtlstask Masteller,.chairman of the county Pnceso Jule10119132. party, He said he is waiting for coil MARSH VIEW firmation from S.C. Attorney Genef- r.se..-ti... _—TOWNHCIUSE____ al Travis Medlock and Charleston iishments over the past two "' Adifficultyear the consolidation of island fire wasan.the Ca 6� "v"—.,,<,uwauuueverage uwuctworkeaw<n,vtw workers, the construetlon workers, "I wanted d wanted continue being ments, a test well project, an other heartbreak ingardeners and landscapers, and or.I yeas that be it.to c I tamssaid it before d de source of funding for beach gan with the January death of his young, working-class couples shn. f'm going to say It again invent, — we did a and so on. But he and wife, Hilda, from breast cancer. family, make a living and raise a damn good job.We ma de the Is(add'a la-ID-�f� better place to live for everybody." man." Members of out om e him: I respect him,' Dries• d, areas.In ominentlyblack,undeveloped �®�=�g� �®u�� tiviY VV • areas. offer er adding that he and Fergu• "The two main things are road (m• .thee "were like two peas Ina provefnents and drainage,"herald. Accomplishments 77 Vd of � fe1t4T QaT®��� —!e�I ad� j 'tending development , ! ;en said the main difference I Ferguson and himself is As a council member, Driessen eYHALMILLARD sold: "many, many agendas." said he fought hard to snake the °atl ""11rn°" ,i Conditsaid the council "is nopi4e ing of Jonesville Road s ional. Ferguson's generation a priority. That That work is supposed s be L0 com• Outgoing Hilton Head Island Town toramateurs.^ , a • likely to look at Hilton development as a bad thing Cork Y Council members have a message He and Martin believe theoutgofug for those freshmen coming in: "Its' headed by Mayor Harvey because native islanders shared in the wealth. InaddiUon,hehassoughttoextend bike Paths Into black areas and ex. tend i aln'taseasyasitlooks." Ong, has been the most effective and productive in the town's 10•year { They will read thousands of lessen, however, just the op. true, water service to unserved areas. Such efforts are beginning, pages of information over the next two history. They credited this to i years, be annoyed by the Ewing's leadership and a "cohesive• I ? of the best things that ever with plans for a path down Gumtree Road and a recent grant to extend press, vtlF fled by some constituents, spend ness" formed at a council retreat countless hours in meetings Pend prior to taking office in1991. . d to this island is when Char- :rand Fred Hack started to water service to a portion of the Spanish Wells area. struggle to decide on "gut -wrench- The. The Incoming crop had a siniilhr ' this past weekend. ing" issues, say the members who it, Driessen said. "Most of s) were farmers or working Driessen also said he worked hard with fellow council members to re. leaveofficetoday. Several of the new council me The best advice that outgoing acouncil meetsng had not ,'tsattt` needid )ad or oyster industry and Ingwas sort of playing out. route the cross -island highway to sPare the destruction of homes and members Russ Condit, Henry Dries• before the election. Martin said thht sen Jr. and Donna Martin i t think anything bad has IInourward,"he added. the uprooting of families in the Jonesville area off of Spanish Wells can give during election campaign forums in their replacements is try their which challengers answered qugs• to cooperate, listen Dons, "atleast90percentofthei{•,an- 'he1Mveloping See er annes Road. Though Driessen often sits quietly ,hardest and re• al>ectone auotber, awerswerewron .,, "My advice is simple: work hard, The outgoing council memberq, {n• th in residents and tourism Ong council meetings, sometimes do Your homework and appreciate cledirg Ewing, said they wouldwait Iught more jobs and more Y "Driessensaid. s�8 only when giving the invo- cation or registering a vote, Mayor �� etbers viewpoints; ' said three• before Passing any judgment on lhe term member Condit. "I pray for — members. But ifthey legogpe Race relations Harvey Ewing has nothing but praise for Driessen and his efforts to help them, IreaUy do." . PPY with the way the new ct$ua- i Both Condit and one tetra oil runs the town the outgoing n also doesn't believe there relations problem on the Is. COastltuents. ."He has been a vital part o: this member Spitp: Martin, neither of whom sought re. di members and Ewing all saId they d election, remember scrambling n0t nrle out another run for'bf• oes Ferguson. 's zamcil and a big help to me," the mayorsald. when they first started, getting ac• Driessen, for instance, said he, iir01 qucinted with the rigors of elective nothing the whites, in m ave done to t taken advantage tta a of care g Ewing astd most that pied for the aide of Driessen that office. keep a close eye on Mayor -eject When asked what immediately the shiFrank Chapman. the right couhe rse Into Drieaseasatd he believes, still have the the t neighborhood i types of nei 1 Provements that critics complained he didn't came and the her head when she thouell, threeght former mayors don't come batkCl about theIncom of to co whom are new two Y to build their own buss. try hard enough to secure. „ Politics, Martin overanr p myself,,, V Driessen: adte f shape their own destiny. to himself as an example, Everything the town has done, whether good or bad, I was a part � s Abe Grant's restaurant of," Driessen said. "There is no one The Island Funeral oad and a handful of other Mau who has done anything on his Home j m businesses in the area. own." and Crematory :rr I: certainly an'opportunity Driessen said he wants to be re• m be Hilton H 7ti whoodplanning,"hesald, env red as the town's first black cad Island, South Carolina 29928 councilman and as a councilman who f Ferguson and other black cared about all his constituents, not leaders, Driessen said justblacks. 4 Cardinal Road E ads to focus on an "It's been a pleasure, an baror. ILi P-blems that are common thankGod,"besatd."'p��(803)681.4400 Allen L. RichardsonDER OF THE GOLDEN RULE Funeral Director V l01OL SPUlM'Auuns.Al4%uvv ` "... Azee q clue 4g61J8 I I a 9 ....... solWO I a� e� "*PaMIllssaD M0 _ . The Island Packet, Wednesday, December 22,19l2 5- - FOCAL = Town gives fin al ® to purchase of waterfront land From staff reports veloped into a passiveoractive park. tight, declined to say why he voted picked Jim Vaughn as the new chair- against thepurchase. man of the town's Olympic Games Vaughn, who takes the place of for- Because of the holidays, the couw- i mer visitor and convention bureau cil also announced it would resched ` The Hilton Head Island Town By buying the land, the town pre, empts commercial development Task Force. In other business late Monday chairman John Curry, said the task ule its January meetings for Jan. 10! force will also try to make sure that at 1:30p.m. andJan. 24 at7 p.m. Council gave final approval Monday night to a lease -purchase Plan to brry there which might have included a night following an executive session, Vaughn, a business owner and for- the council unanimously voted torenear commodore of the Yacht Club of the island plays a part in events lead- A replay of Moods council ing up to the Olympics and making meeting can be watched Wednesday'• eS acres of prime waterfront land attain Skull CreekPoink regional shopping center. The tract is located across from Windmill Har- town attorney Curtis Coltrane Hilton Head, will oversee a commit- for two more years. As town attar• tee that will assist Savannah and Ty- the best of a "once in a lifetime op• at 10 p.m. locally on WHHI TV Chan--- - 10. The $3.9Z million tract will be paid hour near the mainland bridge. The vote was 6-1, with Councilman ney, Coltrane represents the town in bee Island Ga., in preparing for court as well as often drafting legis- hosting its sailing and beach volley- riuni net lb tY ! ! for with town land bank funds over the next 10 years. The site could pos- Bill Ferguson dissenting. Ferguson lation for the ceancil. ball venues for the August 1996 h it also unanimously games �$ a ���nC� F. sibly be left in its natural state or de when reached at bus home ltitesday T e counc _ i From staff reports island stores, as well as surveying ' Islanders on the phone and in 'R Man didn't pay, P—m-' Ramsawe �lsslaners wan -ant Charges Charles ,JoeOwenandBette Beaufort County Sherifrs deputies WesemanspentTuesdayfinetmnog�' arresteda Hilton Read Island man themorethan3oquestionsthatwill t be asked. Perry said before the Monday on charges he failed Wpay a meeting that the results ultimately subcontractor,accordiogto will be used to draw up a long-range department reports. masterplanfor recreation. Deputies arrestedStephen Charles Ramseysaidhis"representative '- Abbottof6WaodIbisanawarrant gampl'.g" wldchwilicost 'd on charginghimwith notpayinga subcontractor $6,200,the report said. the town u �otSM000,would have 7 US IN E S JI R CT O R•Y IarryPowellofTheRemodelers Inc. tolddeputies that Abbott, who a margineferrmofmmore' I thanspercent.Also.beadded,it shuld"prettymuchmatchthe was acting as an agent of Carson demographics of the community." Landscape Co. Inc., was supposed to 1NayorIYankChapmanhas p� Wespecialize in fine American, English, and �40�y,,� V+1;W i�l7i1 mero ' a paythe;6,200onNov.lbu.didnot, thereportsaid Abbottilandreeased criticized the study, sayingit amounts to nothing more thanawish oriental fnmiturefrom ��' ? :� "�' nhisownBeaufort Co�mtyjailandreleasedonhisown "neea.determined"weals"butnet h "needs." � the lSthand l9th century. Oriental rugs, �Mm-p • Christmas ��®� All recognizance, a booking officersaid. In otherreports: ButafWgoing over the ri preliminary yy ey lam porcelains, fine lamps, Chan '-- �N-, Greg ooks ce�I�itlunkdcovetsw�twe r :m:.. Zt0Chj9mM paintings, prints& ■ reportedsomonestolehisS400 good. FiiltiQltes accessories. We will be closed �/ s. ®� ■®9ar leatherjacketTuesday while he was need."`• December 22nd for the at Thee Dollbouse,llhmnagan•s Ailey. Inadditiontothesurvey,Perry . i said therewill two public forums on t. Werpelconweeakrv&deco it rJ Holidays and will re -open R Bluffton ■JohnnyNash,managerofthe recreation in late January.The i specifics haven't been worked out, -I-- - ---- - .laitUa 5th 1994. January _ ------.. pied Continental someone stoleal; S.fla andaS.C.stateflag but Perry said the foram *ill seek ._. __,= - - `- -.. - - 11 i I rote;• Wald said.- "Ttiaro was no wrongdoing on the driver's part." 1111.}"(" ,�', •-.,..,-;;-, ,:q,. That stretch of Wjlllam Hilton ; Parkway is dark and has no street- lights, but Ward said he didn't know if streetlights would have prevented theaccident. "With her in that dark clothing, I President Clinton stops to talk with 5-year- TMAsocuI.d P, the 270 victims of the bombing of Pan A can't say whether she would have old Nicholas Bright Tuesday during flight 103 over Lockerble, Scotland fi been seen," Ward said. groundbreaking ceremonies for a-memori- years ago. Bright is the son of one of i Brown worked as a waitress at al at Arlington National Cemetery to honor bombing victims. . (See FATAL. back page) St11 9� m �i�d Mrst lady reflects on family, laments `outrageous stories'°' ■ Just when things were looking up, 3-A ■ Arkansas troopers say intimidation a factor,? -A By RON FOURNIER A.a,u.tw Pnnw,lt.r - WASHINGTON — Pulling her straight-backed chair up,to a roaring fire, Hillary Rodham Clinton reflected i'.. Tuesday on her first year as fast lady: Her husband, her daughter, her hair, her power —and her anger. In an interview with TheAssociated Press, Mrs. C .n- too firmly denounced the people behind "outrageous, ter- rtble stories" accusing President Clinton of extramarital sex and said she was "bewildered" by a controversy in-. volving the couple's personal finances. First lady Hillary Rodham I (See HILLARY, back page) day in the Diplomatic Room scoop Indigo Rini . lawsuit rulin l.. favors town ByNORMAVANAMBERG ' By nNvrcll.r The state Supreme Court, in a rul- ing favoring Hilton Head Island, said the town has no special duty to pro. 1 test a developer from risks. Monday's ruling reversed a deel- slon that held the town liable for $215,990 in damages to Brady De- velopment Co. of Charlotte, N.C. The company sued the town on May 23, 1999, alleging, among other things, that the town was negligent in per- mitting the sale of lots in Indigo Run in 19M when no water and sewer ser- vice was available. Town lawyers and officials hailed 1" vl to - RiChud By HALMILLARD P.ctH.LNwrItN Nuclear waste, propert; automobile insurance, ed It you've got an opinion, at - Scott Richardson is all ears The S.C. General Asse scheduled to reconyei month and Richardson, a Head Island Republican, s open to opinions, ideas and tions from constituents in! trict 1W. . Richardson recently set letter to about 300 people it trict asking for their court HOLIDAY CAUSE M. Monday s rating as a more c- ry,and said ltput torest similar law-� r suits by about 60 other property y� , ✓ + owners. "We were convinced the town had acted properly all along," town man- a -` 0, Volunteers work furiously Tuesday at a location In 1 ager Michael O'Neill said. they prepare donated Christmas gifts for distributio. The Supreme Court ruled that a de- of the 'HeartfuI of Toys' campaign sponsored by Dee, velopment ordinance in place at the Bluffton Self Help and the Salvation Army, the prei time B-Jy built the home in mill Run was designed to "protect the uted today and Thursday to families in the area. i IFee LAWAIJIT. hack navel ' as longer be necessary to pay for her espectallyhire inthe Christmas sw- Asked ffshestsndsbehind her hus- not interview job appplicants, she did notavailableatpress time. ish healtheareplan. son — people for their own purposes hand Mrs. Clinton said,"Absolute• meetwithpeoplewho"eitherwanted Steedieysaid the four were not '. nd n Commended the news media for would be attacking my family," she , fy " to meet me or whom I was Interested injured seriously enough to be take: •a; giving her daughter, Chelsea, l5,and said. Turning to the financial question, Inmeeting." to the hospital but had asked to be al. Vice President Al Gore's four chil- Two Arkansas troopers who Mrs. Clinton said there was no rea- On a more comfortable topic — taken there as a precaution. :la dren "their own space to be able to worked on Clinton's security detail soh to release a personal file on the health care — Mrs. Clinton backed ThetwopeoplelnlheBlarxrwen .of grow up as who God meant them to when he was governor say they couple's Investments in an Arkansas away from her October endorsement not injured, he said. Their names ;ix be." helped arrange sexual encounters real estate deal and the deal's ties to of a plan to partially pay for health also were not available at press tim es- ■ Noted with pleasure that her husband has spent more time with for Clinton. The troopers, who hoppsa to write a book, are represented by Madison Guaranty Savings and Loan. Federal investigators and con- care reforms with a tax on guns. Fearing a controversy, the White The collbson'sforce crumpled the Volkswagen's trunk and nearly ins fro Chelsea than he did In Arkansas. The "We live where he works." Clinton nemesis Cliff Jackson, anAr- kansas lawyer who In 199arepeated- gcessional officials are looking into the costly collapse of the thrift and House said at the time she was speaking for herself. On Tuesday, pushed it Into the back seat. lttook two tow trucks to pull the vehicles at- reason: m Joked that she has no sense of 1}y accused his old college friend of the owner's personal and financial Mrs. Clinton said that she had sup• apart. �ak style but has learned to enjoy the at-, dodging the Vietnam draft. ties to Clinton, ported the tax proposal as a way to. tendon she gets for the way she Mrs. Clinton said Jackson is part of "I am bewildered that a losing In- stem the influx of handguns but that he wears her hair or chooses her a group "that has become obsessed vestment ... is still a topic of bnqu- her husband's anti -crime program Of clothes. "It Is to me just kind of fun- with the president" and raises the iry, 'she said. has since made Inroads on that prob- of �a�� M. ny and amusing that people do invest sexual allegations "every time he Is A the on the subject kept by Vin- lem. e's (Continued from Page 1-A ) rat 1. Tact clo • 'Lawsuit � Shoney's for about six months, as Jim Conley Sr., the operator of t L, _M may RJR dCl�y� chain'stwolfiltonHas restaurant _ GEORGETOWN (AP) —The (Continued from Page I -A) future' because it Is one of the flat cases that dealt straight forward M. Woodward of Columbia, were lawyers for Brady Development. "It's just a shack the way it he pened," he said. "She was a he University otSouthCerollnab[d y $10.5 million for the Prince George bllcfroanthedan dangers g with development,"Gibsonsaid. Laughlin said Tuesday he would kid, one you'd never forget. Heavet �— tract, beating Georgetown County's lopment on the island. of Hilton Head," and was not designed to pro- In June 1985, Brady bought a lot In confer with his client and decide whether to ask the state Supreme gained anotherstar with her." Brown originally came from Tex bid of$5,710,000 and topping the appraised $9.8 million value of the tect the developer. Indigo Rim and hired a contractor to build a house. However. Hilton Head Courttoreconsider Its decision. and had no immediate family rites ion 1,934 acres near Pawleys Island, The (Myrtle Beach) Sun News reported. Bredy had agreed that "the eseen tial a of the ordinance" was to purpose No. f Public Service DlaMct had re- fused, to approve water and sewer "There was conflicting evidence at the Mal about the presence of roads hers In the area, Conley said. Howe her,e she was engaged to be marrye he as TheTuesdaynigawererergetowvealed s Gal the protect the for systems for operation because the and fire hydrants that Brady sew on the ply„ Laughlin said. "The said. Conley said memorialservicesw y'a County held asht meeting. The court also doted that Brady, as rWnl� by federal law had been former Hilton Head Company, owner of Indigo Rw, lad gone banlaupt u understood the HUD report cit- ed was a snapshot in time and a new be held in the Camden-Lugotf ar; northeast of Columbia, where's; The FedernlDepositnsurance Corp., which owns thea]moet2,000 given a Department of Dousing and without paying the construction fee IH)Dreflortwasisauedlater" had family members. acreprohichownsthealnsa bids on Urban Development report con- raining a warning that the central forthesystems•, f Friday. The closing, atwhich title to the •water system serving the develop- menthadnotbeenbuilt. Brady's nearly completed, vacant bousefatewesvandalized and even- I propertyectueUychangesllands, ty ale tuallyburned. may n d ym:!_ ry so lhaunotbe eldntirmupfis According to We court, Brady as- eltmedtherlsltofdevnlopmentwhen 6oRupwassoldtothe MehioseF/T �S l.�Ej{LW RY the financing, agency spokesman he "freely iand voluntarily exposed Co. in1991. PMUTWAL Andrew Porterfieldsaid. himself to a known danger sad In addiUon'to Gibson, Columbia " The county submitted a joint bid Melrose Co. of Hilton Head understood and appreciated the dan- her" lawyers Charles E. Carpenter, Jr..1�S and Deborah L. Harrison repro -island. UNLYPUBLYC Cl+b�Elil'with Plans called for about IW0 James Gibson Jr. of Beaufort, a vented the town in the appeal of thed Family Plots, Memorial Markers the homes, a hotel, three golf courses, a lawyer for the town, said Monday's case involving the town's insuranceColumbarlum Niches Available state park, a public beach access and ruling could strengthen othertown's handsindealingwlLhdevelopen. companies.jlrotectionofoilwetlands,barrier RRY SDC0ANS,CIRK91BRY the beach andred-cockededwoodpecker wall 1—wall.nif..l 1. 0— Drew A. Laugblln sad Jolm R.C.FKACB rl-- nr pill— U..A en.i F.iw.wi PostOmceDwaNine Tinto, TY—I T.l..,,t. c -INXMn 3UTWC,4 OLINA THURSDAY, DEC. 23, I993 30 pages 3 secttoni i �f ici do CHn'tons ret n j Island will welcome it 1st sitting president ' for Renaissance event u ByN ,.=VANAMBERG 13, uN l•Nwrll'r I r 0.„' President Clinton and his family plan to arrive Wednesday on Hilton Head Island for the annual Re- naissance Weekend, his spokeswomansaid. • ' ; ` Clinton's visit Is believed to be the first to the is- ri' 4. i land by a sitting president. i �..' .. J�+ if White House spokeswoman Dee Dee Myers said the Clintons plan to remain on the Island until Jan. 2, e taking part In the annual retreat that has been de- scribed as an extended "house party" dedicated to • ; "personal and national renewal." y Brainstorming sessions at this year's event in- rJly 1 elude such topics as "Leave It to ... Beavis & But. wt 1. 1 thead?: Contemporary Values & the Media;" "A 7 + j FClinical View of the Clinton Administration," and S•omething That's Been �.. Bugging Me La- tely (uth ad[. D {{ d Myers said Wednesday that +' Jtir• the Clintons ffl -• plannedtospend Christmas at the White House, leave Monday for Ar- kansas, and on Wednesday travel to Hilton He". Renaissance Weekend was founded in 1991 by I a part-time islander Phil Lader and his wife, Linda Le• j 3�I• SourdLader. t j •t € 1 know that Renaissance Weekends have been ►•I1 importanions to the ntons and, naturally, we're r •; :' i1:q 'I ;�5� ple' dtheyareplanningtocome," Linda Ladersaid Wednesdaynighlwhenreached ather Island home. Aboui325families have been Invited tothe first of TMI4wcl•Iw vmf �� planned Renaissance sessions at the Hyatt Re- �SQtJR�s gency and about 1,000 people are expected, said Guy y:IR fhe Roosevelt Room,of fhelvol j�'� Smith of Smith Worldwide Strategic Communlca-.. bons In New York, media coordinator for this year's %. • �q► • ` retreat. Sex allegations painful' Hyatt general manager Sheldon Fox said all 500 I } • rooms in the oceanfront hotel in Palmetto Dunes Re- sort are booked for the New Year's Renaissance Into the governor's mansion after he was day Ume," the president said. At times, he Weekendguests. elected president. seemed uncomfortable talking about the Island real estate agent Phil Schembra said Ile denied that he tried to buy the silence charges.Wednesday,arrangamentshave been made with the don de- of one trooper It y offering him a ),ob before . In his in2_afew with AP Broadcast and Secret Service for the First Family to return to the hat he theallegations=mepublic. Theaile- other radio networks, the president was oceanfront vacationhomeofPaul Robert BurgeJr.at rnorof gallons on abuse of the state or the federal 'asked directly. by Peter MaerofMa-"A- lBBrigsntineinPalmeltoDunes. j •ital ar• positions I have — it's not true," Clinton NBC Radio, "So none of this ever hap. Buse, a businessman from Vienna, W.Va., last {not said. pened?" year agreed to offer his palatial Island home as a gift . That absolutely did not happen,"Ciin• "have nothing else to say," Clinton mthe president-elect after being contacted bySchem- tonsaid Rrmly. said. Groping for words from his chair in bra and Islander Lois West, wire of former South Car - the Questions about the troopers' allege- the Cabinet Room, he hesitated and then Olin Gov. John West. ess. it • lions dominated three separate interviews continued: "We ... we did, lf, the, the. I, "I guess I'll have to say I cannot confirm or deny herges Clinton conducted as year-end assess the stories are just as they have been said. it,°Burge said Wednesday when asked about the use tthey mentswithreportersfromnewsagencles, They're outrageous and they'renotso." . of his house this year. d hotel radionetworksand the Arkansas media. In Little Rock, troopers Roger Perry The president and Hillary Rodham Clinton have Homan "it's a painful thing, especially at bell- (See ACCUSE, back page) (see WEEKEND, back page) 3 Getting close to first family won't be easy this year By DUANE MARSTELLER chatted with residents as he jogged to (a nearby conference center). I plemented Secret Service protec• ►,cx•estonwil . on the beach and played golf. But don't think wVIIsee that this year." tionduring his stay in1992-93. Those hoingtocatch atill mpseoP that was before he became the lead- Bortonsaid Rick Turner, Green- The sheriff's department had alo• k PreaidenlCllntonrelaxingonHseon erofthe free world. wood's security director, wlll meet deputy team coordinated by then i Head island next weekend may find "I don't think we'll see that open- with the Secret Service soon to draft mot Sgt. P.J. Tanner, who has been pro - Head mated to lieutenant and tr the de the task harder than It was 12 Ms this year," said Brett Borton, security measures. Greenwood sa j director of advertising and public curily's role mostly will be to make pe mender. s southern dlvison rnm- monthaago, relations for Greenwood Develop- sure the constIsclear when the aln- mender. Security likely will be tighter SLED assigned more than adozen mentCor p., which developed there tone enter and leave the resort BoF officers, and the Highway Patrol when the president attends Bartels• sor"(Clinton)tonaald. provided four troo rs from the lance Weekend In Palmetto Dunes t �° t � exercised a lot of free- � During Clinton's last visit to HII• Beaufort County unit to handle trot. • Resort Wednesday through Jan. 2, a Palmetto Dunes official said. dam teal year, but he hadn't been lad Head, ottittre from file State Rc. The U.S. 1Harine orps also sworn in yet. He ran on the beach, Law Enforcement Division, the S.C. helped out, with Boris, ."be mbsnif• When he attended the IM-93 played golf, and i even heard he Highway Patrol and the Beaufort Bng German Shepard, checking lug - event as president-elect, Clinton walked from the Hyatt to a meeting County Sherlft s Department sup- gage at Hilton Head Airport. ! roniorcuw, — .u.nc nuau,.cucr, the store's assistant manager. guberua . i ♦ u Weekend At the Transportation Depart- ment's Greenville District garage, (Continued from Pagel -A) Engineer Administrator Cyril Bus. been guests at the brainstorming re - bee and his troops readied 200 dump ttuckswith snow plows and about l0o treats for the past nine years. But the event attracted rddonal attention sand spreaders. last year when the Cliatons, along SFive hundred maintenance work- with daughter, Chelsea, attended af. ors were on standby, and coffee pots ter Anton won the presidential wire perking for the night shift. nomination. "I think we can handle this one," Other guests have included such Busbeesaid. luminaries as Ted Sorenson, former counsel for President John Kennedy; Statewide, "more than 600 plows Marshall Loeb, editor of Fortune ma - and 300 sand spreaders were ready to gazine; Phyllis George, former Miss clear the roads, the department said. America and Millard Fuller, founder South Carolina Highway Patrol of- of Habitat forHumanity. ficials in Greenville said there were The Laden began the extended no reports of accidents along" get-togethers after becoming con- Interstates 385 and 85 by 9 p.m. cerned that a generational change of Wednesday leadershipwas taking place in Amer - lea without the kinds of "candid per- sonal friendships" common in the Deaths past, according to information on the event. ' Lader, 47, who served the Clinton lGmmeyP.Brown Administration this year as deputy "Mmmery "Kim" Phonan Broom, directorofmanagementatthe Office . 35, died Monday after she was struck of Management and Budget, was ap- byaearonHilton Read Island. . pointed deputy White House chief of She was bona in Galveston, Texas, staff early this month. and was the daughter of James Lee A former South Carolina Accuse (Continued from Paget -A> and Larry Patterson also met mt ch�argess..'Imtell gtheetruthstood h,,"P�at- tenon said. "rve told the complete truth. I have no reason to lie." He said he was willing to tape a Be'd& tector test "or any other test you cap come up with," although his allomey said otherwise. Perry said "rm scared to death. rve never felt so alone in my life." He said he decided to come forward I because "I sat and watched him (Clinton) being parkaged, groomed and polished for this job. I thought the American people ought to know this man. On another controversial matter. Clinton said he would cooperate with federal investigators if they want to review a personal file on his invest- menls in an Arkansas real estate deal and the deal's ties to Madison GuaranySavingsandImmFedefai 1 investigators and congressionel of 6cials are looking into the costly cal - lapse j of the S&L and the owneespeE- , t sonalandfrnancialtiestoClint .. , The file was removed from the a( - and Betty Springer Brown. She was torial candidate, Iaderformerly was rice of White House coumsd Vincent an employeeof Shoney's. president of Sea Pines Co. He also brings together innovative leaders in As the "extended family" of Be- To return to a more personal and Faster after his suicide and giveato Survivors Include her parents of served as president of Winthrop Col- business, education, government, naissance guests bat grown, mul- intimate scale, three 1994 weekends the Clintons' personal attorney, Da- i Lugori; a daughter, Tara Nicole Brown of Elgin; sister, Jennifer Sav- lege and Bond University in law, medicine' sports, religion, the media and the arts. tipe Renaissance Weekends were are pi About 200 families will vidKendall. _y age of Columbia; three brothers, Australia.. Al) +%scissions shared during pan- added inrecentyears. attend sessions Feb. 17.21 at the Clinton said be did not know whgt t was in the Ida and that no one hkd neihbd Ron Roberti of Chicago; James It. The Hilton Head retreat is orga- el sessions, meals and recreation Last year, because the Laders Westin Resort in Port Royal Resort, asked see the documents. Brown and Randall Brown, both of nized by the Renaissance Institute as events are "off the record" unless were living in Australia, only one and too March 24.27 at the I•Llton Be- snyone wants, thinks that we hale Lugoff; and her maternal grand- Carolyn private gatherings held during long New Year's weekends. The event someone gives permission to be weekend was organized. Some 515 sort in Palmetto Dunes, Smith said in some relevant information, thedc6- mother, Springer of Fort quoted. families participated arelease. viouslywe'll dowhat wecan tocoog: Worth; Texas. erate," he said. Officials said dmtiee .;The. funeral service will be at 2 - Department investigators are inter p.m. today in the Highway Pentecos- (� Casinos _ _~_ - - __ - - - ested in -reviewing the file-bof des tal Holiness Church with the Rev. dined tdsaywhether ithas beenst JImmyFloyd otfciating.Burial isin the church cemetery. (Continued from Paget -A) Hollywood Casino owns The Sands in she thing. cent of the U.S. population —travel poenaedit. ` Capitol Hill Rep. Jim Leach " + -Memorials may be made to the American Heart Association, P.O. former state Rep. Bobby Kneece; Atlantic City and San Juan, Puerto Rico, as well as two riverboat gam- "But I don't see that it would have a great impact on our tourism," she some parto[therondyearly,hesaid. "Unfortunately for you, right now, e Iowa, senior Republican op'tbe Iowa, How Banking Committer urged � Box 6604 Columbia, S.C. =Kornegay Funeral Home of Cam- former South Carolina Education As- sociation executive director Joe bling operations in Aurora, Ill. A partner company, Pratt Hotel Corp., said. "I don't think it is something that is immediate.„ they leave very little money in your state,; Pratt said, a adding the casino Attorney General Janet Reno to des- i den isincharge ofarrangemeats. - Grant; and lawyer Jack West, the son of former Gov. John West, who is andmajora joranohiseeMHolivelope and a major commercial developer. Mayor Frank Cho Chapman, who has would be marketed to attract to a s counsel to investi• ga�teCtintonsArkansasfinances. •:: 1 ..Jnet B. aHilton Head re has. - att is der chairman often stated his moral opposition to gambling and its detrimental effects travelers who would otherwise drive through toFlorida. Clinton refused lackmoWalkel Janet ayath ore meWalker, E 65, died WednesdayatherhomeinEne Pa. Cherooff�ilver has formed Pal- r mettoDocksideGamingAssociation thealso of nationwas wide TGIF of the nationwide TGIF restaurant restaurant eham,whichhasarestaurantonIM- rt" on communities, said he would be "adamantly a Y against" any such Iasi- The lure for the state would be the tax dollars from tourists and thou- net charges any detail. saYiuB any deail,discuss; saying He did not want to go beyond a state- } - . ia_.�.__, ;_ .� � �� :_._ ,,,--mentissuedearlierbyadviserBrucc in ale third place, the town as a whole should take the lead for organizing options for the infrastructure under discussion. It is the only entity capable of taxing islandwide, the only entity in charge of determining when and where development demands exist. It is also the entity responsible foe regulation of land use, winch is tightly linked to water and sewer service. 1 Water service offers reliability that individual wells, some of them old and shallow, might not offer, and it also offers fire protection. But it costs money, both in the building and in the hooking up. While properly built septic tanks work fine in certain locations, they are not suitable for some soils and not suitable for dense development, whether commercial or residential. And yet public sewer service is more expensive that water service — and as to up front costs, more expensive also than septic tanks. t Already, we have some sewer lines in place that some cannot afford to use. Hilton Head No. 1 PSI) bit the target when it decided to gather information After getting the cost estimates, one woolen hope someone, possibly town officials, would gather - dhta and opinions from the property owners andresidents about them. Before anything solid can go forward in thebusjness of putting utilities in the umserved communities, the people involved must make their wishes and commitments known thro th stove Any success in that regard depends feaie retied fears That the hurry to dlamnntle the old was in fact laying The etratesic mlsatte force voted 72 percent in favor of the ultra -national- Rlget we ron6.,ft;,V K a roe► cow is that Foreign MWster Andrei daY. YentZ wis gtviog Mlkhell Go , . , bschev and the Soviet Union their ft+ the ground for fascism, just as Ger- many's economic distress in the fists, the Moscow military district 46 percent, the air force 40 percent, Kozyrev, who has become the sym- hot of close cooperation with the. nelpushintothedustbhtofhistory. irms did for Hitler. That makes the even though they -voted for Yeltstn's West, may not be around for much Russia's transition to an i cost of the inflexible free-market mratitution.Defense Minister Pavel longer. - "' nth" isamfar from over. Merry !� tm Hilton Head 1�ndIN 1A-a3-'3 6YALECTURNER swrwten"r•n•t .So soon again its Tingle Time, once more the search for friendly rhyme, While idling on this pleasant shelf, Withdw!ndlingshare of gossip's pelf. Some feel that'93 was kind, Yet others cheer it's now behind. Impatience seems tomark the day — "Aginner's era" one might say. With governors and mayors tossed out, Their fans and minions put to rouut, The voters seek to rod new ways Tb changetheirstatus quo malaise. It's true that no onecan decry. Resou cereplacementcastsarehigh. Some say all island visitors oughter. Arrive with their own sand and water. But in ourtvshto lindthe new Let's not toss out things tried and true. There's much to cherish on our isle. We still have things that bring a smite. So few ofEwing's doings flopped. Much he accomplished can't be topped. So as we go to ninety-four, Remember those who've gone before. Please give them thanks and praises due As we say, "Hi," to Chapman's crew. Perhaps we can improve our lot, But what a wotdrotu world we've got! So many groups devote their skills To lessening their neighoes tins. . Mayflancy'sDeep Well overflow, With liquid donors' flaw of dough! Hail Jack McConnell, thanks to him Are f indasdveesstcruagvois, While driving friends meet needsfawhals. For trips to doctor or with meaLL To these and many others, "Thanks"l What willingtalents fill our ranksl Yetwhile we'vegained, we've also lost Again to rime's relentless cost To Charley. Garry, Minor,vance, r_ i And all whose friendship belped enha nce Tbelivesofallwhopassedyourway: wr `Bless. youvebrighteoedeveryday."3 And now for us wbo stillarc here, we send to friends this Christmas cheer: "Hekind," as GarryMoorewould say. 110nd to each other" everyday. It's long past time to end this flow This woro jinglerbegstogo• ughan0 eT y. not only onwhat the town as awhole is willing to dobut also ITsselllesshordesammg buildVIM. Ittay Mbesuretrtttollg Toanthebestofeverything. onthe north -end residents' desires and on their ability and It's not surprisingfolks sboutayearn _ For things to take a brighter turn, Asvaluableasteamaofpols (Alec Turner uvesaeTheCypres>) _ Willingness to pay for what they want. t I Letters to the Packed No deliveries have mixed emotions and comments the environment and area of I called the other Cunt. I explained to the gentlemen I was not sure what ,t, n A � t1 G tLilellC`d31� and occults and excluded the true and living God. This began to affect Site the repository for nuclear wa� from26 foreign countries Is a horr>ly; ingsittsstimHow stupid! This siteu a�� Sandalwood about SandalwoodTerrace their services were then fife ex- to me that they deliver for 15 fl'ir to v7 W 11g W p j • the t nation's belief in God. In � �Y a Vie. ng nation was upriver from most southf udhto for thos�f Ear Now, on the matter of my concern, plained restaurants on the and bow the deliv- ToTbePaclnet: fractured and no longer pulled to- g ether as a society. - -a and Georgia and tqn anptifer states and Florida, too. To take nj ; i ToThePackek Hilton on one recent Saturday night, my son andIdecidedtocalloutfazafoodde eryworks.Iorderfromhim,heor- lets from the restaurant and the god in the our country u believe dimtioa I believe these facts "Perversion, obscenity. vulgarity. � � thewatersinffiis poisoning magi ucent area could result in a i t After five years of Irving on I i )acedandreadiugTheIslandPacket. livery. We called a pizza restaurant, �nng fordeliveryservice.They ad • food is delivered within 45- 0 min.wrong After south -end res- need to be brought to the attention of profanity and degradation slowly crept in and was!ibeled'freedomof tragedy worsethanCheraobyL q r now have a concern that I Teel the residents ofthe island need to he vertise to deliver as far south as col- ly Field Road. However. when I gave aces. taurants he listed, I asked him how He far all I you'll a and print this Y anonymous piece, given to me by my speech' The pubIIc schools quit teaching Iran God's word, tbeBible, To ceate� that there le no long from this waste is asiatM llthet� #afareof. the lady my address, she put me on far north he delivered. said as as Gumtree Road. I said, "Excel- daughter. Maybe tt will make a dif- ference.Ihopeso. and eventuall bamted this book of Y truth frMt their curriucla. Morals esneed wise. why would these that the to ship it out? To say that the dispni Since June of this year, my family 1}es resided in Sandalwood Terrace. hold and came back to say that they only deliver to designated areas and �,., "Once upon a time there was a na- w-m no longer taught and right sad sal would be temporary is also ridle, Pm sure this Is a well-known area by if that Sandalwood Terrace was not !n but maybe another business I gave him my address and he said, "Huh, wait a minute": he then fum- tion which became great her tt was fooled under and blessed by wrong had ne boundaries. This great nation was obviously headed toward dace. Can you Imagine that once rid of their waste these counties wadd — tplany and I am also sure that eluded, ._., id ......._.._.._. • •- '-black noaesN(firigthecooloceana[r. •' While the Clinton cheer in the of Hilton Read Island. in New Year on Hilton Head Island, But that doesn't mean theClintons'_ of Socks the cat should be curled up to . 1 famous cat — the subject of national 'e R look -alike contests and the recipient INanarmchafriatheWhiteHouse. pienl Of course, the nation's first cat of at least 150 pieces of mail every X. month —will beallbyhimself. n' could be slinking through the rose White House officials said there. garden or stalking out action o the "He usually doesn't travel with the will ke minimal staff at the Whites be th acres of grounds that surrounds family." House during the holidays. It was not; it the White House., So when the Clinton family arrives Immediately clear who would be. Ys "Socks will bestaying atthe White on Hilton Head Island Wednesday, filling Socks'water bowl. Ihl House," said Nell Lattimore, Hillary don'texp6;,ttocatch aglimpse ofthe Besides, cats are independent: Clinton's deputy press secretary. first cat's w61te'pa va curler around %See SOCKS. back paget' i iR 1 DOWN TO C11R/3TMAS 12y Jq3 an er `w i'•�sP °�_ • Bed tax,,.. WONr ielr7Y pow b. cklash Town facing lawsuit ; ►-L�' over ,plans; to hike -row— ' accommodations fee ' _ g,•f , � S��V f „` 'BYNORMAVAN AMBER6 Paa4l.bffwr11tr r •,� , i "j A state motel and restaurant association is suing the: Town of Hilton Head Island, claiming that an ordinance; 1�' J? , > ;,► increasing local"bed taxes" is unconstitutional. `:,� ,►✓✓ v',,.., pa{q The trade association said in its suit that the townhas� no authority under state law to approve the Increases In'' t `f bed or "accommodations" taxes for motel and hotel 1 ; rooms that it enacted Nov.15. Several island hotels also . �!,s.:t' • r:;;'y► �i�;tjolnedtlyttWlegolnetthoto�va+.,. " ' Similar lawsuits were filed Wednesday by the Hosr.1- tallty Association of South Carolina against the city of Y �k Charleston and Charleston County. The suits were tiled with the state Supreme Court. They ask the court to prevent the local governments 1 from enacting their laws Increasing local taxes. Hilton Head's "bed tax" increase Is to take effect March 1. The local tax would be 2 percent of the cost of a room and is designed to s «:d;a l;•�; provide money to repair island BrianLaPaln/rM l.lam7 Peckel beaches eroded by storms or ocean currents. The iocal tax comes on top of a 2 percent state tax on hotel and motel beds that has been in place since 19M. The state tax provides money for tour. ism promotion and the arts. The Hilton Head suit says area me. tels and hotels would suffer "Imme- diate and jrreparablg harm" from the Schuster increase by subjecting them to costly collection and re- porting of the taxes, and would penalize them if they fail to adequately, follow the new law. "The hospitality industry to South Carolina, and in each of the ,jurladictions imposing these taxes, is not against making our'communities better places to live," Thomas L. Sponseller, executive vice president of the 1,200•member state association and a plaintiff in the law. suit,sald. "All of our 'benches need sources of fond- Head's tax' Hilton H ing for renou- , rishment, ell of increase is to take effect our c�oommunities needpo lice pro- -Marsh 1. tection and waste services, and we all sup- port cenveotion centera'or at- tractions that support tourism." However, Sponseller said, association members do oppose "random taxation of our businesses to derive the funds for these projects, without realizing the ultimate consequences ofauchtaxes." , The trade association is made up of hotel, restaurant and related industries. The association's suit is Intended tochatlengethe extent of Rome Rule powers. Sponseller and islander Don Schuster, general man- ager of the'Rilton Resort, which also Is named as a: (See LAWSUIT, back page). ' I boosts I O 3 AM 1 0 11 I � ; I edWednesday. _ to victory on ..++.• ,•• -. _ "Champ; ' too of the fastest horses on ���'ace�ng to native is- - __ - house or painting we wool join m. popular "I don't know why we walk but the ys."She AUlheaeighborswould help." .. maTr�µeredecoratedwithSpanish old folks started it a long time ago keep wen come net uer:' nnucr was due to have a baby in a few days and her boyfriend bad thrown canto. (St. Lawrence landers who remember the break- neck gallops across the island's dirt Charlie Simmons Sr., who ope• moss and pine cones, but not every and it's a tradition we must rated the ferry Edgar Hearst — a family had a tree. Some hung stock- up; ' Young said. "I don't know if I'll he out of his house with only a tew dothes and s2o in ner purse " N.Y., where he U and coached roads. "Those horses used to fly. They boat large enough for 3o people and a Ystill itnp Pll make sure my kid car on the top — would make a pre= in gs to be filled with Christmas will keewalk, fer- goodies. The boyfriend resented the fact she was having a baby and e le remained an e remainder of had some nice horses," remembers Christmas trip to Savannah, his that 1t drunken rage claimed he was mtthe father. �I, he served in ■ L`��tSaaa� "With the assistance of a deputy sheriff she was transported to a16cal .wherehewas iy Air Corp. He �Y Inn BV doing business as the _ _Tare would pre "friendly theyabouingiht as house in t Sea response- The plaintiffs also ask the motel,,,Miller said. "She spent the night there and about 6 a.m. the next erCorp. aFarmers Club (Continued from Page 1•A T C.ystalsands Resort. Pines and paid the fee in February court to require the defendants to pay the costs and expenses incurred, day went into labor. She called us to ask for advice. We told her d Hilton Head plaintiff, said Thursday that the III suit is a test case Of the "Williams' -our concern is we are the easiest industry to tax because it is Per 1991. fort her The Supreme Court upheld a including attorney fees, deemed that may be deemed "just and again to call 911 and get to the bospitoat 2is wife, Marjo- four daughters, decision." Schuster is president of the S.C. ceived the tax is paid by tourists; Schuster said. "The Williams' case �� March 6.1992, order issued by Judgeonce." Sppnseller said the association is Thomas F. Kemmerlfn Jr. of Beau- proper."While hospital Deep she was in the hose in, Mich., > Barbara Hotel and Motel Association and will of the state set a Print and we wonder what could be nod, a local income tax? fort that the ordinance was constitu- petitioning the. Supreme Court to tional. hear the case rather than have it go Well contacted her parents in IWnaia and they came. and took her aid the. s, Md., LC., and Jenifer ig, Md.; a broth- also become president Hospitality Association on New Year's Day. The executive commit- In April, the state Supreme Court the validity of a Hilton "This court concludes that by en- to three separate judicial courts. acting the Home Rule Act ... the Le- The city Of Charleston's 1 Percent I baby back home. "For our cam and concern they made a small gift to + Jr. of Atlanta m tees of the Hotel and Motel Assoca- tion and the state Restaurant Asso- affirmed Head ordinance that went into effect Ml. to collect a percent lature intended to ... restore au- fee on the Purchase of PrePa 'ttoonomy to local government," the meals from restaurants with alcohol Deep well,,, M lersaid. islanders who would Mce to help a will be at 11 Chapel ciation make-up the board of the Hospitality Association that decided Jan 1, .25 real estate transfer `Yee" Om most on the island. The state Supreme Court stated in its licenses to fund police and garbage four•page ruling. services is scheduled to start Jan I, y families may contritnttetot)� Well Cbnstmas i�imd Baldwin erian Church, tofilethelawsuit, Schuster said- real estate sales buyer pays the tax. The money is to nd Town manager Michael ONeill according toS's2perin�feeon Charleston Coun 2 pence annual spoasored�Thels>aadPackd ovate graveside iw Cemetery in O� plaintiffs in the Hilton Read suit are Mariners Inn Owners Asso- Ir ; for a fund to buy land for publicuseand to control growth. said the complaintserved to the town r Thursday was anticipated. O'Neill accommodations rentals to fund a Center - Checks made out W the Deep 1ileU ed to Christmas Fund may be mailHilton es will be an- ciation.doin$businessasTheHilton Resort, the Hyatt Regency Hilton WU- Island lawyer wife Arlene liams and his wife Arlene iced a edtostaquarril,2-um said town attorney Curbs Coltrane, Convention who argued the Williams case before jects is scheduled to start AprU1. The Packet, P.O. Box r cash h *MY Head Island, S.C. 29M Or cash rpaY e First Prwbyte- mHead Island. Head, The Westin Resort and HoU- �7 • o shopping' procrastnators news be brought to the neExecut - office atOuePopeAvenueiSkecativeParlk theamouutof be made to the s, ZO Palmetto n� Socks friend Tq ® 7� friend Bran Names of donors and their gifts wiU be Pnuted daily aloaB ' 4 Hilton Head Is- ■7� at yL• find with a total of contributions. Ho1i M Need Fund, First rcb, 540 William (Continued from Page 1-A) around the country, according to Laurie Abrams, whose department, 1113 FREEPORT. Maine (AP) — With "We knew for a whole month we'd er, donations may be made anony- Don Morrison, mously and should be noted as such Uton Head Island, types that can survive on a bowl of Correspondence, While House Cares ndence, has been handling the cat s mail. the Christmas shopping season slip- have to do this," said the ho shoppers wander- who grabbed 10 gifts, ranging from on the check, or with a note attaj:hed All contributions are tax eral Home is in Friskies for a couple of days. The Clintoas had a dog several Thomas on used to get 150 Thomas Ping away, ing around L.L. Bean at 2:10 a.m. clothes to a gun ease for his brother.. Thursday weren't Procrastinators. procrastinators? to cash. ductible. rents. years ago in Arkansas but a car ran letters a "A letter will say. 'Hi, my name is The real dawdlers shop Christmas Basically: 'Beth Morrison said Eve, or even Christmas Day, at lire Ta ay's contributions: +n m.mar o+ G+ r' .ao s� ® 1 him over. "Socks was a stray: ' said Latti- Snowballand I think we'd make cute kittens together," said Abrams. "Or. Store that never closes. Popular gifts_ for ]ate night buyers I.H ! ...........::::::::::::.:::::.: three of boots tucked are big -ticket items like cross-coun- �ui HMUnd .........+:..:....:......F:i+ro more. "The Clintons took him in and made him flrat cat In Arkansas end 'Do you play with yarn? Do the Clio- tons allow you to walk on the couch? With pairs des, store manager Y N. KeMall ab Edro Felu ...............".f10C his arm e b a k try skis and bicycles, under back John Chaney said. The middle -of -the- r �,n R+.h+re.o�..•••••••••••••••••••••� he might Johnson under his arm. Rick might ...................amo mg now I guess he's the nation's fast cat." t is next to the My scratching post doyouhave one?' t= Eve or tern tend W be serious, and they n�+++^�Jr+ywn.m � It know they will be able to get individ- c AL a s';wYoaa� ::::;......:::.-:i+m FauWNusm sofa: Day to make his last porches The White House correspondence wouldn't be the fast tune, he ad- ualizedattention Lattimore said he received a call KanroMa.nMJan LCrnFDell .......................................:,. '.......... i in Bluffton will not this week from a reporter who was de eel sends back PrePriuted milted. The shoppers find cheer at L.L. mina o.r4L w.vaa+++ broadcast of a per- attempting to confirm a report that5 sporting a Photo of the E.NaenadLeuraG.Dnhem.............i1W "It's last-minute, no doubt about Bean from 11 p.m. until 5 a.m. be- rm,,,.,••• .............................is uc.irm/,tr0.7s the cat was being kept in the White 1 Michael C. Riley White House stud kitty, tiianking let- Hoisebasement. it,., Johnson said. "Always the last cause the store is at its least crowded there's rarely trouble finding Amer+can Pos+a+wor+ursunw' A a ^"0"r" 0 f ::::::: i• m Ki.r-0so-ika................. ad Ensemble. The ter writers for their time. minute. and thinBPlace. Par a,er,me.++r ow:aJaow ..............sm Graham aMp,ga.................... fs -The association is accepting Christmas treesfor learned in a positive way," he said recycling until Jan. 9, chairman Hank Johnson said. The "I think every child can learn.... every child can be subject radiating from that person. There needs to be en - thusiarn flgwing from that person. With that, its much just computation. Mike Bull trees will be recycled into mulch. 'successful if you take the time and energy to reach that easier to get the kids to believe what you're saying; he Residents can drop off their trees at the Sea Pines Circle SeiviceStatian and atPort RoyalPlaza, Johnson child," Bull said B�, who in August received a doctorate in administra- He intended to pursue a career in international bank- said. Bull also is reshaping the course of math instructi094P said The drop-off areas will be marked with yellow tape. lion from the University of South Carolina, said his phi- ing. But, instead, went to work as a coach and math tea- local schools. a, Mulch will be available Jan. 9. he said. Those who want mulchshould bring two heavy-duty gar'uage bags- losophy for teaching was inspired by his former high math teacher. Leomine Bair. cher at a high school in Holly Hill. "There was so much success that first year, I said to •"We are changing," Bull said. For instance, in Cyndi Pride's sixth -grade ' math 1'O�Vn, �� off t school "My interest in math goes back as far as high school myself, "this is what I want to do for the rest of my life,' " said Bull, who later got master's degrees In classes at H.S. McCracken Middle School, students h% concentrating on solving word problems rather than The Hilton Head lslandTownHallandBeaufortCounty berauseIhadanabsolutelysensationalteacher. "She was the teacher that had the idea that 'I'm not for to school administration and physical education from the University of SouthCarolina. multiplication,divi4ionorothercomptdatioas. " "We're banding that in the long run. kids will be bet* offices will be closed today for the holidays. The Town Hall will reopen at 8: 30 a.m. Tuesday, but going to let you fail. I'm going to find some way you sucCeed; "be said of Bair. After several years of teaching elsewhere. Bull got a Hilton at thinking skills because they will have beenexpased'tb solving skills rather than jL-A eomputatiok' will bedosedagainonFriday for New Year's.Itwill reopen Monday, Jan. 3, at 8:30 a.m. After high school, Bull went to Clemson University where he graduated in 1975 with a business degree. job coaching basketball and teaching math at Head High School in 1%7. After three years, he applied to problem Bull said. The central offices of theBeaufort County School District also will be closed today and will reopen Tuesday. Puban.3.schools are closed for winter vacation. 1�W t® ���� strengt ,�• TtieyreopenJan.3.�r�irig ® �Ve�li�l'1C'S 1 � r. `Lawman' sentenced [ormerNorth Carolina police chief, who once sougbt_ �EOMORABOHEN' tobecome the town manager of Port Royal, was - • •• -• years inprison after being rnnvictedin PaddaunM,.r' -' I.�.) 'There areeiearlgopholesinstateand resentencedtosix co,mectionwithfalseresumesheusedtogetpoliceand _ -Read Island officials•6eitevec6e'y6avecrafieda _ federal lawsthat'don'treCognizelocal citymanager jobsacross the country. Dubbed the "flimflam lawman." Randy Keyser,39, wetlands protection ordinance that could be more strict than state and federalwetlandsregulations. forced toidentify all wetlands ontheir propertF.Those ; conditions.' , used false resumes, references,anddocumentstodupe The ordinance created by a town wetlands will be evaluated onatest that determiaestheir Todd BallanNne atleastl3smalltow: a from Florida to Alaskaiutohiring wetlands subcommittee that has been ice. him as a policeman, chief or city managerbetween 19M and 1987, authorities say. meeting almost weekly for more than year, could be presented to the Iowa's on !h outcome, developers would be asked Depending or for estnxtioGofwet- thepidawetiondfother Inthaolddays,tyrighnu totheedgeoisw&i1d+k- Keyser applied for the position of town manager in Port Royal,S.C.,severalyearsago, butPort Royal Mayor ; Manning Commission in the first months of 1994,saidCouncilwQmanDo- wetlap nds, the preservation of other wetlands, restoration ai wet- landsorthecreationofnewwetlands Balhwtinesard velopwhit their property right gi to the edge '! webs id. damaging toavround ;i.shesald juhemtost iss Henry Robinsonsaidhewassuspicious ofKeyser from i thefusttimehelaideyesonhim. rothy Perkins, a member of the wet- lands subcommittee. Wtheend,therewillbenonetlossofwetlands,amen- the federal government fail to fnccr- "Nowwanbe put "Nowwellas thatst telaisprovr provide emostmin Gress added that slats laws provide only tiremastmini- "He was very, very suspicious to me in the way he looked and acted," Robinson said Saturday after hearing .Tye goal here is to have no net lass of wetlands," Perkins said."It entails sire that state and porateinto theirwetlandprotection laws, heexplained. malprotection. the news that Keyser was sentemedtoprison. Robinsonsaidthe town isvery ca:•etulabout hiring, a more objective evaluation of wet- Perkin lands to determine when they are valu- "Developers will be highly encouraged to avoid wet• lands," added Ballantine. - "Emerging local governments should enact their own environmental ordinances. because we're justsettfngtbe atndconducted research onKeyser before deciding he sbould not be a candidate for town manager. Keyserwas chief in the Halifax County town of able and what functions they perform." Developing a comprehensive wetlands policy was first The ordinance differs from state and federal laws in that it is more tailored to the Hilton Head Island commu- minimum standards, and if a community wants to give their resources greater protection, then we're all forit," sbesafd = police Enfield, N.C., from 1986 to I=, records show. 'Keyser had been given alo-year term last year after he identified by the Town Council as a priority during a goal- setting session for new town officials in1992.. nity,local officials say. Federal regulations allow developersWiillwetlanisas In the past, at least athird ofthe island was wwdred withwetlands.Ballantinesaid violatedEdsprobatienonaFirst-0egreethettconviction stemming from lies he told to land a job as city Evenh?r1y the towm's Planing Commission assem- bled a panel of experts to draft the law, a highly scientific long s they are less than C acres, said Donna Gress, s spokeswomanfortiieSauthCaroiinaCaastalCounc7 [he new Law will docv aseu i how much uit that is tell as owners apply for p,.r-tstodevelop properm administrator in the Alaska village ofKakein19M The Alaska Court of Appeals in August ruled the to- and technical undertaking that had confounded some pol- iticians. Butthestate ismore strict. property "lthink there might be some people who would take"tbe year term was excessive and returned the — to Superior Court for resentencing. Sincethat time, the law has evolved into "a very and objective wetlands ordinance; Developers must pinpoint wetlands they intend tofill or age. H the wetlands are an acre or less, the developer approach that state and federal laws are good enod*4 and they don't need another level of lit reautsacy, Judge Duane CraskeonThusdaygaveKeyseran eight -year sentence with two years suspended, and unique, practical said Todd Ballantine, another member of the wetlands generally will get approval to fill them in'exrhange for better of more productive wetlands, Gress said"Butwiere not abureaucracy.Thereareclear holes in state and federal laws that don't recognize 1 ordered him to pay $17,355 in restitution to Kake. When released, Keyserwillbeonprobation forfiveyears. subcommittee. Under the proposed ordinance, developers will be protection said. conditions." , Imagine Lithe r j THE D a n:i - -- SEASON'S MEETINGS l + s f � I i v A'y I Forecast, 2-A Story,l-B `IND PACKET i C ROLINA MONDAY, DEC. 27, 1993 24 pages 2 s®cflons THE DAY AFTER ® i ~• ,. campawyn A lmanCus ]Former mayor. outspent Chapman I by 4-1 during race 'i ■ Details ofcandldates'financoreports, 12•A SYHALMILLARD •+., .i Pack td&"wHHn 'ar' Final campaign finance reports • s show former mayor Harvey Ewing out - winner - 9� spent Frank Chapman•9 to-1, but both men say money wasn't a sign!. " ficant teeter in the race for mayor of *' Hilton Head Island. _ Chapman spent just ia,741 in the �. townwide race, accords to a cam- y . nB f o pa ign report filed with the state Ethics Commission. Ewing spent $27,997, Ewing campaign treasurer Sheila Ogletreesald. Chapman h a it I think It was the ideas." Chapman said Sunday. "1 { don't think the money had an effect. It's possible you could buy votes if this was Chicago... but thlsls not Chicago." s` ar4n LaP,krciTM hl,ndPacM�/ Chapman campaigned on a no - growth, anti -tourism platform that struck a chord with voters worried about bumper-to-bumpersummer traf- 4 tic and the potential deterioration of ..+.:,? the [stand's natural beauty. Mill,t i 1 _ +•: : �:. t `.fi! He captured 56 percent of the vote •• ::. In the Nov. 2 election, defeating Ewing r '� ; 4.141 to 2,1189. Ewing, who was stung by a devastating TV commercial showing Ewing him saying he was a 'pawn of the chamber," captured • q%4: a St (See FINANCE& back page) helmets, new - laws have gat The island Packet, Monday, December 27, 1999 ins: filgCM% V h.7 Coatinned from Page 1-A) 16�39 percent of the vote. #'Ewing said Sunday that he knew money alone wouldn't win the race. X3�''+a'I think its been proven in the past t's not true, and it certainly was 'proven here," Ewing said, of the ad - 'age that money wins. "It does show that money is not always the deter. - mining factor." Some of Ewing's supporters have blamed his loss mostly on the com- placency of supporters who thought hewas a shoo-in to win. Ogletree last week had not yet filed •Ewing's final report, but said Ewing received $28,604 in cash and inAind contributions. The campaign fund re- mains open, with a balance of $1,237 ,retained for a future campaign," shesaid. The money, Ogletree said, is there reported a campaign fund of $359A6 — all his own.money. He spent $90 of it on bumper stickers, he reported. He has since pledged to spend "what- ever it takes' in a future race, say- ing, "I will be mayor." Joni Dimond, who dropped out of the mayor's race just prior to the election, has been asked to submit another ]report. Gary Baker, the commission's executive director, said her initial report had been (m- properlydone. Baker said last week that mayorill candidates John Rubinsak and gig Totten had not filed their reports and have been notified they face as much as M in civil penalties unless they . comply. Also In violation of state ethics laws is new Ward 1 Coda• oilman Bill Ferguson, who has apQ filed any reports either, Baker said. Rubinsak said Sunday, he tul) sWd the 67-year-0Id Ewing decide mitted his repot last week, but to challenge Chapman in1995.Ewing tributors do not have to be reported Honda. Chamber of Commerce luncheon Chapman supporter Cpnnie hasn't heard if be will be penaW for Ong late. He said he spent lesit told The Island Packet in a recent in- tesvlewhemayrimagain by law if they come from contribu- Despite the large expenditure of crowd in 1991 as a "pawn of the "tongue- Angeletti provided the videotape of thari$250outofhisownpocketonhl5 'As for Cha man's austere cam- . lions of less than $100 each money, Evriag campaign aide Tom chamber." Ewing said the mr]neek remark" offended many the mayor's speech to the chamber group. Angektti said a friend had campaign paign,the newmayor spent $3,637of Ewing, meanwhile, had 130 Itemized ibu- Garda said after the election the campaign chest was not enough to voters who were fed up with a per- bought the tape for her from WHH1_ Ferguson said Sunday hehas u6W Dec.31 to file his his awn money to wage a last-minute race. He reported $3,104 in cash con- and naitemized cont lions, compared with more than 150 counter widespread complacency among Ewing supporters nor Chap ceived increase in development and tourism on the island TV for $50. "I was appalled." Angeletti said of received less � .mbec'r bons. He said contributors gave $i4o tribtttions. Chapman's contributions in- in his 1991 mayoral race, Ogletree- said. In a preelection report filed in -mares television and radiocommer- In a post -election interview, Ewing Ew�'sremarks tothe group. tobiscampaign. cluded: Joe Adams, 81,000; Grant G. October, Ewing listed itemized con- dals• Ewing chiefly used print ads. said he had feared the comment Spending by otter• mayoral candi- Totten could not be reached. Simmons Jr., $596; and Jay Reid, tributions of $500 from Ronald and -- .Chapman's television ad particu- might one day come beck to "haunt' dates was minimal, among to (Packet staff writer Duane $58326. Chapman had $925 in "tin- CarolBruno of 52 New Orleans Road, larly fiat. It showed Ewing addres- him. "And sure enough, it did," he theirreports. • MlIrsteller contributed to this re- itemized contributions." .Such car and $1,000 from Hilton Read Island sing himself to a Hilton Head Island said. Mayoral candidate Henry Ingram port.) Captureda (Continued from Page 1-A) � ; � a 3 ""• � --�" on accompUces in the territory of Russia," he said on Russian televis• .10a _ v � The crisis began Thursday morn ingwhen the kidnappers, armed with three automatic rifles and a pistol, ; 1 seized about a dozen student s'in Ras- tov-on-Don, 600 miles south of j Water (Continued from Page 1-A ) Islanders currently get their water from the Upper Floridan AWifer, but they must limit use of that atlni- fer to 9.5 million gallons of water a day by September 1995 because of the potential for saltwater contami- nation. Another aquifer or the Savan- nah Raver are potential sources for newwater. "Clearly something has crystallized In the last year," said Fred Siegel, a historian st Cooper III a tea You allow IttospreadthroughoutataclelyaY, Election returns this year suggest that g P Pro t ar competition. The threet of ' matc email hi of violence inspired a California law that Unionairstrege am thin w York. "This s becoming mainstream thinking.,, a politicians are Imppeeriled If they don't deal head-on with the lets schools ban Ong garb in class start(ngJan. i. It's not that America has become a na. ion ticelin(ng quality of urban life and the public's increasing Impatience Now Hampshire doctors who test Positive AIDS virus or hepatitis B will needs ial hive for the of Scrooges. In fact, one recent poll ound at percent would higher with what Siegel calls "the moral derform eregw lat(onof society." P invasivesurgery. permission to pay taxes to ielp the homeless. But (here are many ions that the pendulum Is its New York, in San Francisco, In Ica Angeles the January holds no special importance in the timing of lawa,apartfromlhe� mbolismofafreshstartatthe top way back romthetthe eo[thepermissiveip6ils. is "The implicit slogan of the'60s was'it in wonewere oseh who understood theircon.who on. atituents' anger about steps that smell like 90daaysacalendar. effect 60 or ftersigning,orafterthelegislati estates set laws to sessi needs. But siftino th—mi •__..__..___ ... • •-�- ,urcr pager pected Orga.been purged of C�itnizer denies, that guest list g waves has , on .critics From Staffand wire reports ly scolded him at a recent dinner. Presidential loyalty was not a "" "She said, 'You're being toohard requirement to be on this week's p on Bill and Hillary,' " he re, Renaissance Weekend guest list, called, an organizer said Son day after R .. ® one of President Clinton's critics fader denied making the re - suggested Itwas, mark, saying she doesn't refer to . Linda Leifer— who founded the the C11nWns by lhelrflrat names. annual •social and public policy She was responding to published Still' the exclusive New Year's retreat in1081with husband Ph11, comments made'by James David• gathering has slashed Its well. now the deputy White House chief son, chairman of the National Tax. connected guest list, perturbing aEstandothed riding Clintonepubli. payers Union, 8 Clinton friend and a some Washingtonians but cans and other critics of Clinton aiso longtime Renaissance Participant. Prompting indifference among have been Invited to the _ other longtime participants. The are gearing up for more no. event on Hilton Head island. Davidson t oaviddsonwho writtesst eegic presenceofapresident,theysay, water -conservation educe- In She would not release any de- conservative financial newsletter has sapped litional recycling measures, tails on who has been invited, cit. Itsothe Intimacy from the chases by the town that act that has been highly critical of Clin- annual social and public policy development and stronger tell. 1 etoprotectguGsta'pt3- ton's economic policies o was retreat. mofitawetlands. vacY among 800orsohiv(teesmoved from "It was such a zoo lastyear:We e Island's choice of a supple. "I was amused to read that tie. the New Year's guest list to a presi- are not disappointed," said John ,eater source will probably cause there le no polillcai Remus dent -less President's Day session or Gayle, a Richmond, Texas, law. most Profound Impact onIs- testtobeontheguestllatforRen• aweekndinMarch. yerandchildren'atheaterdirec- since a new water source alssonce Weekend," fader Bald. He said he suspected presidential for who was moved to another luble the cost of water for "I certainly don't see any favor loyalty had become the new stan- Renaissance Weekend later In orders In the future, Itlem." dard for guests after fader alleged- Renaissance (See WATER, back page) F 16, _....._ lil took off again - Oj•Ing for auuut n huvr q suburban btakhachkala, is 459 _. _. �.__ ____ _... ._ - - Mall at Shelter Cove or bargains on Christmas ) t aid ITAR`Pall hiakhnchkela from ttostov-on•Don, where items for next year. t ss . .� L tiles schostages Were taken. I t's a Iways busy the day R t Y (Christmas); said ��FF The gunmen claimed'at -a time to e suffering from AIDS [ra de, after store owner Jan Brusse. • r ' 'People like the savings.' handed free passage Bryn U reatmenl. But First Deputy Prime dinister 0leg Soskovets, who headed he effort to end the crisis, said that operation,smokescreen. p.Dared ing the con- •During the operation, 1 An ��� �® uncivil liberties an eluded that they simply wanted to h'sappear in an unknown direction ogether with the money they have they mnerieans se& return to or_derlyt .responslblE eceiv SeeCAPTU ED.backpagit rearm that el b' ® Cisneros: U.S. cities in crisis, 4•A and discipline to their social policies, with forbidden to forbid,',! LAW RENCE Congress poised to do the same to the Ceder- people are discovers behavi ® a glance- By J ILL d sfuncdonal 'm_j tNPrauwrlhr al welfare program. Y "Clearly something has crystallized in you allow itlospread, have Fred Siegel, a historian Election returns t WASHINGTON — Americans may the last year," said finally decided this year they've had it with at Cooper Union college in New York. "This ppoo d-onns are tappeerr headon with the dell - . panhandlers and loiterers, drug sellers and is becoming mainstream thinking." I life and the public's i New offer prostitutes, squeegee men and graffiti art- lea not that America has become a no, with what Siegel cal' fists, welfare parents without jobs, streets tfon of Scrooges. In fact, one recent poll lation of society." r: CAIRO, Egypt littered with people in obvious need of found 81 percent would pay higher taxes to Id New York, In.' palestkdana-ndiarael[• negotiators may have anew medlcalcare. help the homeless. But there are many Angeles, in gaheste signs that the pendulum is on Its way back won were those who r 'proposaltocensider Call it compassion fatigue or plain frus- lire perm stituents' anger abot tration. But cities and states increasingly tromdieteraideofthe Issive1960a. lodeyywwhenthey begin their u .ttempttobreakthe amtrying torestore order totheir streets Theimplicitsloganolthe80swas'itis, lliceLl deadlock over their peace Geary. Story, i• •'. J2LSt 7113 Water issue expected orgamer .Get the Scwop . . Scoop lsThe ),tend Packers 4/• to keep inaWhig waves hm been , l,. hour news and Information uy service. It offers (Editor's note: This It the first in a From staff and wire reports rr freeaccessto Information series of stories examining some Of the issues and events that will be Im• Presidential loyalty was requirement to be on this wee one a;; variety of n _ porlant toHilton Head island and Southern Beaufort County In 199d.) Renaissance Weekend guest 1 an organizer said Sunday of r• subjects, u. includingnational. : ' news and weather, = 9 ■ ■ ■ Year's environmentstorles,l4-A one of President Clfntods exit suggesteditwas. sports, stocks, .,, waleshealth, horo- ,apes Byt.EONORABOHEN Packet staliwriler Linda Lader—who founded! annual social and public pot nd entertelro Look for Hilton Head Island to choosy: an additional source of drink- retreat in 1981 with husband P now the deputy White House cl ment. Touse t ing water, pass a sweeping wetlands- of staff — said leading Repu Scoop, to I protection ordinance and move to- cans and other critics of Clir dial 6s64MINEWS)onatouch•. tone telephone, then enter the ward curbside recyclingnextyear. In fact, 1994Islikely tofind island- u for more no- officials are gearing p also have been invited to event on Hilton Head Island. category'sfour•dlgitaccesscode. It:ronmentel ers attempting to protect their envi- ficeable water -conservation educa' She would not release any SOIO resources more than ever tlon, additional recycling measures, tails on who has been invited, National news before. land purchases by the town that act ing a desire to protect guests' ,,jMemetialeittews T4aS •'1 think the only thing I can crys. to Umlt development and stronger vary. tal•ball In 1994 is that a final decieiop. protection of Its wetlands. "I was amused to read thaP --� on one or more supplemental water. But the island's choice of a supple supplies will be finalized and work mental water source will probably cause there is no political llt� text to be on the guest list for I�f will begin moving forward with those have the most profound impact on is- aissance Weekend," Laderk� ! ® selections," said Arnold Ellishm, landere, since a new water source manager of Sea Pines Public could double the cast of water for "I certainly don't see any ta ifism." general Service District, some islanders In the future. The island's elected and appointed (See WATER, beck page) t F e expenditure of chamber." Ewing said the "tongue. the mayor's speech to the chamber campaign 1paigrPalde Tem I ' the election the In-heek remark" offended many group. AngeletU said a friend bad bought the tape for her from WHHI• Ferguson said Sunday he has until is not enough to voters who were fed up with a per- calved increase in development and TV for$50• Dec. 31 to file his report because he received less than tt500 in contrihu= id complacency nor Chap- tourism on the island. "I was appalled," Angelelti said of tions. He said contributors gave $140 rsorters hdradiocommer- used ads. inapost-election interview, Ewing Ewing's remarks to the group. Spending by other mayoralcandi- tofdscampaign. Totten could not be reached. print ision ad particu- said he had feared the comment might one day come back to"haunt" dates was minimal, according to (Pneket staff writer Duane ad Ewing addres- him. "And sure enough, it did," he theirreports. • Marsteller contributed to this re. Tilton Head island said. Mayoral candidate Henry Ingram port.) Water • (Continued from Page 1-A) islanders currently get their water from the Upper Floridan Aqplfer, but they must limit use of that aqui- far to 9.5 million gallons of water a day by September 1995 because of the potential for saltwater contami- nation. Another aquifer or the Savan- t nah River are potential sources for s newwater. Town officials also said the consol- idation of the Island's utilities will be studied In earnest beginning in 1994. "1 hope that the town will initiate — preferably jointly with the utilities ,r _a study on the economic impact of the consolidation of the utilities," said Councilman Tom Peeples, who is chairman of the towns Water Commission. Peeples said he hopes the Island's 10 utilities will consolidate into one utility, but they may consolidate into two or three utilities. TMbeOcl&itd Prof I„,, 1 �.^•! 't In 1994, uties will also study,how gina Tomski, center, and Jason Miller take a h, provide watet and kewet.service ding at the popular Frontier Park in Erie, Pa. to some residents on the north end of the, island who now get their water from private wells and use septic t tanks for weir was lewa er. Also In 1994: obtained, the survey would,,be ■ A town wetlands subcommittee startednextyear. r in a supervised not an answer" to the homeless prob- lem facing American cities. "The an- hopes to put a wetlands protection or- dinance in the hands of the town Another large beach renourlsh• ment project is not planned for al the Victims? swer cannot be just sweeping people off the streets;' he said on NBC's Planning Commission by April. The ordinance provides for no net loss o[, least another three years. !The county's transfer staUon oft all these moves say d in discipline, scan- "Meet the Press." But conservative William Bennett, wetlands on the island, a move that Is more strict than state and federal Pembroke Drive will turn into re- cycling center run by the Low Colon. Ibility and getting vho need it — not in former education secretary and drug czar in isms, said city officials In- regulations, according to a wetlands subcommittee member, Todd by Recycling Association sometime in the first few months of 1994. ns. Advocates for the creasingly are feeling political pres• Ballantine. ■ Low Country Recycling Aso- poor, however, say ire facile and some- sure and "are now reversing their policies" toward the homeless be- "Not many local governments have an ordinance. t hat is this de- elation is also looking forcondomini• um associations and apartmentcom• cause often "they constitute a nui• veloped,"he said. plazas interested in placing a small these ordinances are cane and... a threat to the safety of olherpeople." ■ The towns Shore and Beach Committee will at- waist high recycling collection sta- Uonintheir parking late. ; id Laurel Weir, a lob- National Law Center Some of the same groups talking tough on welfare reform and home- Preservation tempt toget $Ioo,000from the town to do highly technical computer sur• islanders could deposit glass, newspapers and aluminum cans In ness and Poverty. rying to legislate the 7essness say government should spend more to solve just such prob• veysofWeisland'sbeacti. the igloo•type apparatus, Jot -on said, adding that there are now 100 of homelessness out of r than addressing the lams. But they say there's no reason meanwhile to tolerate deviant or ir- One survey will the depth o[ the ocean floor as far as five the "Igloos„ available. For informs- don, caU 591.9995. i tell homeless people' in the street when responsible behavior. PecpIs do not have "a constitution- do things; 'sold miles offshore. Another win take sand cores from off shore to locate and analyze suitable beach fill, The group also plans to begli working with hotels and inside da ,p e else la go? ask civil al right to uncivil Rob Teir, general counsel for the according to Al Winston, chairman of the beach committee. If the money is velopments to collect recyclable goods in the next year. Johnsonaaid :gal aid groups. How' American Alliance of Rights and Re- mnottourinatetnthe ties don't have public welfare sponsibiBUes, which helps cities de - fend their ordinances. had il, % • �e �e + marry Fir brother • o j�i`•`'''r an you make when jobs, child care dare unavailable? „i people have even. many who are liberals," said author Joel K,,peo an expert in urban we "People saying look, we fie} ' today newspaper reports ; Vdlix Y .8i j�re I Urban Development ry Cisneros said Sun- faire. are want the streets back. And they have Now York Daily News was no Indication that the ehousingpeople isjust arighttodist." President Clinton's errant half- president would make the ceremony, 'and a White House official would not brother . Will marry the pregnant confine the wedding retort Sunday mother of his Drat child today, night. ; according to a published report. Roger C inton's bride won't get a The president, however, has hing. the permissible level of alcohol in Whits House wedding, but her fame- fimlahed fiance's most famous half- shuffled his schedule so he'll arrive this afternoon in Hot SPrings, Ark, achangelestate am the blood to 0.08 percent from o.to in California, anyone under brother might just be in the audl- where Roger lives. may the states ere law policy direction; law percent, al caught driving with a bloodaltro hoc level of just w will lose his o- alike. The groom, a 37-year-old wannabe Since the 1991 presidential cam - Clinton has tried earnestly b , Ad King, assistant pro- is policy at Harvard's her license for one year. Undera yearlong experiment, iUI• rocker, actor, pitchman and author, will wed Molly Martin on today In Paige, cash in on his brother's higher sla- don by touring with a rock band, ptd sdy School of Govern- • kale wilt join about 30 states that re m repeat drunken drivers to use q,u..,,,-,,,_,1,.,,,.nrrrnm_s)nrtinit Dallas, according toTime. . . )fie magazine said Roger's re dling his memoirs and courting act. ingjobs.ButHisHalE•BroU)ernas6 I •.,.... _p.•�n0e'.•of m,-tfornreremonvathis big brolh- i , . cue— .. s v.e non. The U.N.peacekeepers here de Lebanon is, ' EQatand sass. ptoyed in south Lebanon In 1978 as a Separately, Lebanese security buffer between Israel and guerrillas sources said an elderly woman was launchingcross•borderattecks, killed today when Israeli•allied milt - The bead of fsrael's northern com- tiamen tired mortar shells on south mend, Maj. Gen. Yitzhak Morde• Lebanon. The sources said they did g chef, expressed regret over the loci- not know what instigated the mom. dent and appointed a top officer to Ing shelling, which occurred around t Th.Ad«1dwnMS Nvestigateit, the army said. the U.N.-policed village ofBraachit. Cd in a air has swept across much of the Northern A Norwegian military spokesmen Relations between Israeli troops s they United States, thickening dlesel fuel to identified the soldier killed as Pvt. and their surrogate South Lebanon raffic jelly In fuel tanks and sending the homeless Gored trooper as Lt. and �� militia andthe strained frigid scrambling for shelter. Story,2-A Berg 38 over recentshooting incidents. ®rtune :1lIllazda turns to Ford for help Me high prices of Japanese cars in the United States and the Americans' own record of improving reliability J.nited States is expected to overtake Japan this year as the world's andg allitdyaS�pe restores r nge fro'r four-wheel [It vehicle producer for the first time in 13 years. drive to Chrysler's sleek LH sedans. Although American cars have yet i} to achieve any significant sales in pal take a bigger hand inope- The decision comes against a back- similar to the pain that the U.S. auto- Japan, sales or U.S. vehicles in the azda by appointing a vice drop of rising trouble in Japan's once motive Industry endured through United States have been Increasing and other officials. There pre-eminent automotive industry, much of the 1978sandWs, atdoable-digit percentage rates. The ;ie speculation that Ford where the news nowadays is stag- United States is expected to overtake ly could increase its 24.5 pant sales, layoffs, production cut• Detroit, meanwhile, is in the midst Japan this year as the world's merest. backs and plummeting profits — of a renaissance, helped partly by 1geeFORD,backpage) Sheriff hop�g to expand patrols- ;ram �a ire the new year (Edltor's note: This is the second In a series of stories iGs q t r ECLit k{Jtix%t' on Issues and events that will be of importance to Hilton Head Island and Southern Besutort County in 1994.1 b — ByDUANEARSTELLER tA { More money, more deputies • �--+-- ,-, ti., a, „ apoless crime. t That's what - Beaufort County Sheriff D.J. Lucas dopes 1994 brings to his de pstmentbutar hoAwwar w y pend on whether It gets the e,unuvdxrtn.m.mv.cta money. et time: The showers at the Holiday Inn Oceanfront stand idle Lucas hopes toadd more deputies for the department's community - day, a reminder of buster times, while a solitary couple enjoys oriented policing program, hire deputies to work In the ng the beach all to themselves. I schools and add a third full-time deputy to patrol Bluffton WeesltERIFF, back page) e I - timeinl3years. r Y r ; ^ I � � - n toe gunmen s nc mro -P �Pa'�'s and beaded in different directions into i 1 • Russian P the pi Sunda night, t a�treedteem. y — President Bons Yeltsin's oven- mPr whichsufferedanelec4ovset- Mazda, which produces cars lice otege m We 626 sedan, Protege compact and alters were reunited with their par- back to extreme nationalists and i hostage ntains the wooded Caucasus MnceofT hoping to increase tiheirchanceates rY 5 Mute a is to A� expects eats in Rostov -on -Don, the southern tY city where Communists who used the rise in crime as a cry,respondedto �Iy negotiator cape, policesaid. '1 lase 32 billion yen or i168 million this the hostage -taking with unusual ?: Valentina They also broke the aircraft's ra- N fiscal year, vs. a profit of 2.6 billion Although the kidnappers initially speed and vigor. Petrenko din to prevent the pilots from Calrmg _ a ken last year. It is forgoing a divi- demanded safe passage to Iran, po• - �._ gives freed for help. But local police and com• 3 td dend for the first time since its stock ice said they now believed the only It appointed a deputy prime min- hostage mandos following in other heUcoP' & pasltstedin1949. been through goal was to extort the $10 million In istertooverseethecrisis,sentaFor• eign Ministry negotiator and dis. r = Andrei ters quickly began Searching the µ A •:' Mazda has going '00me very difficult times, the red ink U.S. currency that was paid by the Russian government• patched commandos of the former . _ '- Sehaterin,14, rugged area. Shortly after midnight, they eap W continues to spread and deepen," said Chris Cedergren, an analyst at Police said they recovered about KGB. Warplanes were put on stand- by, ready to destroy the helicopter if ; z = " r^ r ":+ ' a comforting hug after his tired two kidnappers during a brie! gunfight inwhichnoOnewaskilied . t 1 k the AutoPacific Group, a consulting 49.4million. the hostages were harmed. _ release Police said they recovered $6.5 0 and research firm In Thousand Oaks, The kidnappers' ringleader told in- - The Central Bank hurriedly bor- Sunda y million, an automatic rifle and a pis - G-Calif. e, "Font wants to get more in- volved so it can help Mazda weather vestigators they threw the restof the cash out of the helicopter while in rowed $10 million from two private banks to pay the ransom and sent the . a ,4 � . _ . Sx _ 1 f` Aryl sm tot from Abdulgatar Abduzhamilov, 21, of Uzbekistan and Arlan Kasi• Ir the storm." flight Sunday night. cash by special plane from Moscow. Y mov, 48, an ethnic Kyrgyzfrom Am- O M : Cedergren called Fords increased involvement "They thought the money was On Monday, Yeltsin thanked police .cg z .: = +_x' baiian. The two other kidnappers were f • is helping from a management marked and wanted to mislead the Police, so that people would pick up andotherofficials[ortheir work. Most ofthe standoff unfolded atthe but fog and heavy clouds kept the be. captured afew hours later, carrying : � " standpoint, maybe from a watchdog the money and be mistaken for kid- ."This hour of trial has revealed the rt in Minerain a Vod , a resort airport Y Y Uce ter grounded until Sunda night. P Bi° Y gb most of the remaining ransom but no g M standpoint too. Who knows, this tdghteven lead toanincreased equi- said Andrei OSm°' a bestqualitiesofour people,who have never been indifferent to the suffer- miles South of Rostov-or,After freeing the finaltwoboysand weapons: Police Identified them as Marat i u (stake." first deputy �m P ing of others, whose souls have not Donabout andeutho[Mascrow a bus driver, the gunman ordered the Kauzbekov, 19, of Kazakhstan and S+ `Mazda President Yoshihiro Wade Authorities could not immediately grown callous, even today," his The ransom was delivered and most helicopter's two military pilots to Anatoly iHikbeyev, 46, of fbe Russian O said the agreement with Ford would confirm the kidnappers' story, and statement said. of the hostages were freed Friday, take off at 6:45 pan. After abed 90 - city of Yekatednburg. M improve long-term cooperation be- i tiveen them in development and pro- r !9>�3 S TOP CRIME STORIES ductionofcars. `• ='It's not just for the benefit of one SherH* f september-The Beaufort suffers Injuriestohis left had, �. side. It will take better advantage of �ii si E ' A h the strengths of both companies," he toldanewsconfererice. (Continued s2Do,00o state grant to hire school ne compared with 1991, and it loolis like County Sheriff's Department announcasitaCommunity chest, legs and face when a letter bomb explodes In his kitchen. The ' t L Under the new arrangement, Ford Township in 1994. source officers for each of the cam- ty's six public high schools and mid- that trend continued in1993,hesaid rm afraid it will (increase) and Oriented Policing program. bomber has not baLn caught. j 5e will Increase � numb of directors ii nominates from four to seven on The department has applied for a dleschools,Lucassaid. He also will ask for more road pa- I'm afraid it's going up all over the country; ' he said. "We're a fast- putting p gfoot patrols several high-crimeareas. ■ e-Lt.J.E."Eddie" Heath, the sheriffs department's P Mazda's 43•member board. Four of those seven will be given manage $M-000 U.S. Department of Justice grant to hire a dozes deputies in the trol deputies in his proposed 1994-95 growing community, and the more n May 9-Lester Rahem ' sadhern nder , divisfoncommaabruptly G meat positions - onea�sanexecutive next thme y for the community policing program, Lucas said The budget but how is not yet known The department people you have3nBeaufortCounty, the more likely crime will go up. The Chisholm,ale•yearroldH.E. McCracken Middle school resigns, citing "adminisfrafivedifferenees" i e vibe president That will � department should know in January operates with more than 10o employ- ees hlcludingnearly5Dworkingout trend nationwide tells us violent crime is goingup." student, dies after being shot In with Sheriff D.J. Lucas. Sgt. P.J. N ty aarfly • influential role In Japan's whether it gets the [ederal grant be mod•. - of the Hilton Head office, on a $5 mil- The new year also may bring a y the chest when cau caught 9 aoss•fireofgunplayoutside Tanners romotedtoHeath's P spotaweeklater. - G si faith -largest automaker. But for now, Ford said it will not invest any The program, Which began in Sep lion budget in the 1993.94 budget year- - change in who occupies the sheriffs seat. Lucas is up for re-election to the Cohen' s Gym on Spanish Wells y - ■.tune 27 -A masked man I , p more money or boost its equity stake• tember, now has rive deputies patrol -New ing neighborhoods on Hilton Head patrol cars also may be in the position he won in 1990, but he has not Road. robs the NationsBank branch In - 1 ± H "."The steps we are taking will add and St. Helena islands and in Bluff- offing, Lucas said The department hopes to replace about a quarter of announced whether he will seek an- other tern as the county's top law- Anthony Donnell Lee, 23, of Bluffton Township Is charged the Pineland MITI Shops and escapes with an undetermined j new strength and potential towhat is ton And Grey'sHill onfoot. its Beet- about 25vehicles -with man, with murder In the case and amountofmoney. i p .already acimowledged to be one of H the department gets the grant, new ones in the newyear. "I always give it (seeking another • awaits trial O the most successful of all intents- same of those new deputies likely Lucasal5obopescrimeinBeaufort term) a thought," he said. "Every The leading suspect In the heist, µ tionalbusinessassociations," Wayne would patrol condominium and Cauntydecieasesnextyear,butbe's politician does. But I haven't com- ■ may to-HtltonHead Patrick Michael Mitchell, has not' - N Booker. Ford's executive vice presi- apartment complexes on Hilton notoptimistic. pletely made up my mind one way or Island developer Ned E. Gilleland been caught despite appearing on B dent of international automotive op- Head,hesaid. Violent crime in Beaufort County another. I'd rather focus on the task Sr- loseshis right handand the FBI's "Most WanteeF' list. P erotions,said inastatement. The department also is seeking a increased nearly 8 percent in 1992 athandrather than re•election." i -On the Tokyo Stock Exchange, v N - Mazda stock rallied 14 yen to 398 an Si o reports of the agreement. Ford stock finished at;64.5D a share. down 37Yz'+h - - - Busk e cents on the New York Stock Ex- ' o change. a a xs is nickieo.im ar mh_lm ' c e f a....Wa a— m How ha.dim the tommuc. of - event on Hiton Head Is- r.r,..a an ■,va code plan for the united Sates, Can- - TM""0C•10�"" traesporting the Marine One bell- President Clinton stops to talk with old friends Frank and Carolyn Stanley at a gas station ceP(u' and one of see sal limousines land.. It begins Thursday �_ (See EVENT, back page) ada'and the Caribbean in iia. they Tuesday near H& Springs, Ark. Clinton is taking a short vacation. Story,14-A (SeeC1,INTONS, back page) figured the plan would last Into the next century, said Ron Conners, di- rector of North American Num- Bell - bering new Coe,the roue that doles out Core, the grasp that doles out new • O Brack islanders h®pmg to see Black • ]results from • promses y Q2 . The plan relied on the familiar area codes — those with a second (Editor's note: This is the third In jai 1-{ y _ digitior0—because it allowed series of Sj7„'„'c community mG[ldyg an impact the prmihveswitching equipment the Issues and events that will be then in use to recognize a long dis- important to Hilton Read island and j{ tance call after the second number Southern Beaufort County InIM.) ByLEONORABOHEN McConnell, who estimated the you've got blacks and Hispania was dialed. But the last of those ■ ■ ■ uae,im" island's Hispanic population at competing forlow income jobs." ` codeswas assigned this year. ByLEQNORABOHEN Hilton Head Island's growing 'said the group has been In addition, the Hispanic by Iaps bounds over from large Southern Bells new dialing rules n„tnmm.,+n. Hispanic community, by one ash• CB and munity comes a variety they divided ter South Carolina are answer to both the slate's shortage of new numbers, Hilton Head island's black corn- ® mate as high as 2,500 people, its own advocacy group will thecourseofseveralyears. of countries, so are neat IfMcCooneB's estimate is tor- into small communities of shared as well as North America's shortage mimity would like to see town oE- ficials deliver on the Promises of the year.have rec(, Hilton Head's Spanish -speak- cultures. ing population may already ex- 11a[aelPalma;aColumbianden- ofareacoda. of Pal. And the creation of a new His- teed the Wands black population list who moved to the island nine OnJan. 1,1995, the continent's tole phone companies will begin assign- Outheblackcommunity'swish-list panic association could give a the — g,Mg in the 1990 census. The years ago, hopes to pull those voice in together the ing area codes that break the 1 or 0 for 194 are: better working condi- minority group greater Island issues. same census set the island's Asian, splinter groups with i I rule. For Instance, part of Alatrama tions, bbsic water and sewer service "� American Indian and Hispanic creation of the Hiltaa Head Ms. CommunityAssociatkm. to in line to get a 334 arcs code, for minority c'ommtmitiesand condi- Head," said James Mitchell. presi- end Is no longer choco- eommunityatMI:169. panic . "I Colombian to imofpo_ Creech said. lions thAt help minority businesses dent of the Island chapter of the Na- late and vanilla," said Dr. Jack think there may, be a real The plans would be , In South Carolina, the dialing becomemoreswxessful. • •: tional Association for the Advance- McConnell, who created a voltm- .problem downstream with how rate'the group, which dedicated to helping Hispanic farm change likely will mean extra work "We're going to work real bard at mentof ColoredPeople. teer healthcare facility caned in Medicine. 'There's the Hispania are accepted into this - because of comped- flies on theisland during the next few months for bust- trying to work with the town to take a Mitchell said he will meet with Volunteers So have community to think tim in taking away jobs from Many Hispania on the Island nisses such as burglar' alarm compa- more proactive role and see that the newly elected Mayor Frank Chap• also caramel. we blacks," McConnell. "Now (SeeE]SPANIC, backpage) nles that monitor alarms in houses African -American community is bet- man In January to discuss issues of alwutblack.white andHispanle." - said iilloverthestate. ter served by the town of Hilton (See BLACKS, back page) SP®®p . • Noticing g NAFTA COLD SNAP CONTMUES Island trade dear •= liournewsandintormatton McX1C0 wi l feel initial impact of r .^�4t service. ltoffen _ •freeaccessto ByJOSEPH B. FRAZIER �.----- �~ _ZU • •Information An d.tatP—S—tav s ' =,ana d than By the year 2004, less than 1 MEXICO CITY —Barriers to more an ietof halt the United States' trade with Mexico of the trade between f subjects _ - of percent likely to feel it including national = vanish on Jan. 1. Mexicans are the countries will besubject - And International - more, and more quickly,thanAmeriana. .newsandweather, Under the terms of the North American to tariffs. sports, stocks. Free Trade Agreement, tariffs will disappear, "'health, horo- on about half of American exports to Mexico �scopesand and75percentotUSimpertstromMexirn. estimated 4,sm items to be stripped of tariffs .. enlertatn immediately. the K .merit t By the year 3004, less than 1 percent of be to Tariffs on American automobileswill be cut II To use 1 1 I m between the countries will subject trade in half to 10 percent Jan.1 and are to vanish in tariffs. - _, ..ells 6ea•W (NEWS) m a touch- five years. American automakers sold about with an econoipY just a twentieth as big as 5,000 cars in Mexico in 1993 and hope to sell at be _ tonetelephone,thenenterthe _.._.. the U.S. economy, Mexico will much more least 10 times that man next year. Y y T+ Yrc.. m t A -a iron industrial �- - _41 ekPeritatntation the d laxaaa�iv Y C � _. _._ ... _ marijuanace Is whichClinton said he year] •' f ^ � i didn't inhale — and his.efforts-to famil ram Pagel=A) ' (Continued from Pagel•A) CAFE coordinator, Doris Grant. avoid military service during the Lade The Hyatt Regency Hilton Head Vietnam War. i landscaping, construe. concern to black islanders. Specul- was the first to implement the policy "I remember two years ago, they „R't nism•related industries tally, native islanders want to de- converting banquet workers to hour- closed ranks behind him," West said. ly of id. But many can't get velop a better working relationship lywages. Other hotels have since fol-' "People who know him, trust him.I comn� a they ban't speak Eng- with local schools and they want to lowed suit. West said that he thinks that meoy powe improve living conditions in black "In 94, if they don't straighten up, of the event's Republican and con- Lade, communities. we shall overcome," said Grant, ref- servative alumni most likely not only H& They come to the The NAACP representative added erring to hotels and other large busi• morally supported Clinton, but voted telnl island after hear- that he would like to see the town nesseson the Island. for him as well based on their contact i n g of higher help get paved roads, water and sew- 'She said the group will make every w):h him at Renaissance..w� 1 wages from er service and better drainage in the effort to changehotel pay policies. "It wouldn't surprise me at all," he E friends and family native communities. Town officials "I just hope that whole issue is re- said, "II members who in the past, he added, have placed re- solved in 19%," she said. "We will The retreat has been described as he so have made .the sponsibility for some of these needs agitate until something is done and an intellectual "house party," con- "It' I same pilgrimage withthecounty. ' something will be done this year." sisting largely of families headed by before them. "We want the town to take an ac- Emory Campbell, director of the respected names in the fields of buss- • e�stin Live role in helping us work to solve Penn Center on St. Helena Islandand ness, economics, government, the thing J)II Faster, a m our probles; ' Mitchell added a Hilton Head Island resident, sera media, the law, sports and the arts. town planner, Better working conditions for economic development for minori- In addition to the Clinton, partici• . �g agrees that the is- black residents is also an issue, Mt- ties as one of the most important is- pants have included everyone from a ilrdcpopulationisgrow• chellsaid. • . sues facing the island in the future. Supreme Court justice toanAustra- own doubts It Is as large as "Underemployment in the Afri- Minority landowners, who want to Ban housewife. To {{ can -American community is a prob• develop their property, face stricter In its 14 years, Renaissance Week-' vited mates that as many as lem and we hope to talk with the ma- ordinances that limit what they can end has grown in scope and In size, onsts He families live on the Is jor employers on the Island about the do with their property, he said culminating with 1,500 people- last regk aid the community has NAACP falr-share agreement," said "Town zoning ordinances affect year. This weekend, 2,000 people are brae in recent years be. Mitchell. minority landowners and restrict expected, with two smaller Rents- and i nomicconditions. The fair -share agreement asks em- their ability to start businesses," sance Weekends planned for early. tens( I ployers "to morally live up to hiring Campbellsaid 1994. . lnish-speaking residents African.Americans at an levels of But before any action can take The organization even got a trade- „A Island, but then leave be- employment and to contract with Af- place, islanders need to join together- mark for "Renaissance Weekend" so the f t can't survive on the rican-American businesses," he to face the problems that exist on the, it could stop copycat weekends in talki receive. said. island, 'said Ward 1 Town Court- other parts of the country. o'clo mic association would be Locally, the NAACP is attempting cilman BRIFerguson. When the future First Family ar- my f I j Local Hispanics and In. to get one of the island hotels to sign "There are too many separations rived on Hilton Head Island just a c( would allow the His nic an agreement with the NAACP, he on this island," Ferguson said, "We weeks prior to the Jan. 20lnauguta- Com to accept donationssaid Mitchell would not reveal the need to find a way to get all of our- tion, the event suddenly evolved the hotel's name. selves together as a people rather from an obscure gathering of "policy Bro+ Another group dedicated to work- than just nadimIslanders." wanks" into an internationally Bf il said the idea came ers' rights, the Carolina Alliance for The newly elected councilman said known powwow of the cultural, ells I Greater Island Commit. Fair Employment, is still attempting he will seek town funding for a study media and political elite. Hai i that focuses on island Is. to make local hotels chang! their pay that would develop ways to increase The event, however, had an inno- Jolu sblems.Palma Isanasso. policies for hotel banquet workers. the "socio•ecoaomicbase" ofdisad- cuousbeghming. Iikef ,er of the group. Specifically. CAFE is working to vantaged Hilton Head Island rest- It was hatched in the home of Mr, the rose Co. maintenance get hotels to change palsies which dents. and b4rs. John Trask, who bad itr pcol ed that - many as three charge 17 percent gratuities to ban- The study would establish the viked newlyweds Phil and Linda L.ad- amilies will lives one quet guests, but fall to hand over the needs of minority and disadvantaged er to a 1981 Valentine's Day party. 1 and many limes shah• one in. money to banquet wozkers,said local residents on the island. After every one had gone home, the of dry up in the winter with couples sat around talking when he i of seasonal work such as 'someone lamented what a "lost hall- ho Iand tourist -related jobs. day" New Year's had become. sum NAYTASo I said, 'Why don't we just have hoof mpt, an Islander who a New Year's party for some of the Opp,,'; t monthly Spanish -speak- (Continued from Page 1-A) been keeping the shelves stocked." most interesting people we've had a i de - a services at St. Frauds. chance to meet and have them bring hub . on Beach City Road more Traditionally, Mexican stores ago, said she can tell you But both countries negotiated pro. worked on a high margin of profit s Spanish.speaking rest. tection for key industries that cotdd and a relatively low volume of sales. be hurt by competition, delaying is. Most U.S. franchises work the other riff reductions for as much ar, 15 wayaroand. � ®� �s� Cg i I is a problem," said years,Me The sad result should be lower , 7 ems. " and o fought knowSpan. y prcesforMexicanconsumers. PErayZi Jm 'ean.'Onecouls'fknow NAFTAIfkei will 1 cause they can't make do, changes in the way Me,xicodoea MW- Economists here say small. and Z�i ISIAND'S U1VLY PII+ I uple Is talking about leav nm, introducing concepts that are ■ medium-sized distributors and re- j novelty here_ -,like sales for shop._IaileracouldbahurtlnMexico in SfngleandFamilyPlots,1h Brim LaWft/Th. Isimd Dunes Resort. �` "' This is a wonderful respite from the extraordinary pressures of his ® fob "Ledersaid. Both families hu ed each other, •' before the Clintons�daughter, Chet - it Bill Clinton, sea, looking relaxed Ina pairofjeans salut s81ute5 his 8nd a red sweater, took Mary Cath- as hesteps erine and Whitaker into the presi- te at the HI It Wednesday wine daygre de°tlal hellcepter. Then the Clintons and the Laders ai ing split into pairs with the president and ly are Phil and Phil Lader strolling across the tar- tndtheir mac several steps in front of Linda LaderandHillary RodhamClinton to :ntthenktcked a shiny black limousine nearby. j But the Clinton did nqt get into the ret ret reat with a stretch Cadillac. near his ich nene house in :atIles. Clinton, dressed casually in olive slacks and a maroon -checked shirt, (SeeCLINTONS. back page) ` r . • . Two arrested in N.Y. b bings . �P.X-• ByJOHNF.BONFATTI �g ;',,. ?, bsuAlsdl suwrltsr IP.IC�IiIg :kj CHEFd{TOWAGA, N.Y. — Be- difo'at01'S neath.Eleanor and Robert Fowler's vb ad wnene. , i-er. too " a seemingly quiet lives in the country - sida, a family squabble simmered. Then it boiled over. On'Wednesday, the day after six bombs were sent across upstate New York, the Fowlers, Eleanor Fowler's daughter, and two other people were dead vi lima t hat According to three unidentified .law enforcement sources quoted by The Buffalo News, Eleanor Fowler's daughter from a previous marriage, Brenda Lazore Stevens, and her es- tranged husband, Michael Stevens, had argued recently. Erie County Sheriffs Chief of Pa- trol Thomas Staebell said invesdga- tons theorize the bombs may have been designed to silence Michael Stevens' critics in the Fowlerfamlly. _ sus peeled lobe a vengeful plot. . 'Authorities ' "That's what we feel at this end t t '•: At least eight law enforcement were releasing little in- this point, but we're still getting bits ' �. agencies were examining debris and formation publicly, though published and pieces of Information," hesaid. talking with three people they be- reports painted a picture of a fight Stevens and Farl Figley, described. Have have knowledge of the tackle between a woman and her estranged as a friend of Stevens from prison; . boxes that were rigged. to explode husband — and the friction that dis- were arrested Wednesday on federal J a s o N`s upon opening. pute caused within the family, (See BOMBINGS, back page) Od 93 Nov 93 8 2 99.1 99 6 1;2' 30. ^;c7 • • School district seeeldag greater unity us &LgKw� AP out of bed." said economist (Editar's note: This A the fourth In drew in the coming months a recom- uel D. Kahan of FuJi Securities ' a series of stories examiaing Issues, mendation that taxpayers be asked in'Cideago. "The worst that wilt and events that will be Important to to approve a$141 million bond issue. i la things will moderate and, Hilton Read island and Southern. The school board is wasting little rreattrendscontinue,thingswill Beaufort County in1994.) time addressing problems in the eryatrong.. ■ ■ m coming'year. Officials have ached- :e gross damesllcproduct —the Top school stories for '97,10 A uled a retreat for Jan: 29 23 to look at eofgoodsand services produced e United States — advanced in ByCAROLYNORANT academics and other matters. trytqunrierof 1993atananemic hrLNs}aewrMsr "We're going t0 set timetables to tannualrate. 'Beaufort county school ofBelals, measure success in the district for bill Improved in each quarter rocked by criticisms and a continu- the next fiveyears,"boardehairman s:.. Kahan and other analysts ing effort to split the district, are ea. York GloversaId. r nit will top 4 percent in the tering 1994 searching for unity and a With the issue of splitting the dis- th quarter but pull back to 3 per. better way to mesa= progress in trict still at the forefront and the ialessnext quarter. theyearahead. board being described by a county 4 (See FIGURFS. back page) But school officials also must ad- (See SCHOOLS, back page) it by friends eY the taimotm ' lead the owner t make Heir r; said the queuty on— pappolntments made its rental value H a Jack and rrie omen 'election. la i she voted for In the 1992 presider t availableGthepresident. aiton Head, this year and last, dUficult to estimate. -But -Schein era said less lavish Woodbury, N.Y., who said they have been visiting Milton Head since 1973 Although she caught a fieet- in6 glimpse of ClkLton ad his iknau- )een Linda Lader, a co-founder Renatssence Weekends the oceanfront houses in Hilton Head would rent for at Ieast;5,000 a week, and bought a time-share 10 years ago in The Village at Palmetto Dunes, ekLe sped by, she said it didn't coin- 'to his Inauguration, which she j is attend every NewYear's. even in the winter, and other real es- tate agents there said the Burge said they saw Canton playing touch football on theheachlaatyear. said was "the most thrilling momegt ' "• otwas ,p Schembra, a Hilton Head state executive, said Wedim- house was worth atleast $2million. While House officials defended imY said 'Happy New Year' to ""HeHe wa in the second car and'lie "I at the Cantons "never asked meble" when friends first be Clinton's decision once again to ac- cep( Burge's offer by saying the us last year on the Bch" Harriet HoHmaneald. 'waved to everyone," she said. lia'b hoped he would ride wilhUtewindow search for an appropriate .• president had never met the West Bonnie Johnson of Utah said this open, but I guess security ruled 11wt �z eBurgesgave the house tothe Virginian. "He's even a Republi- can,"Eller, theWWteHousespokes was her firstvisit to Hilton Head with jar daughter's family from Chapel including out." (Packet staff writer Duane Marstellercontributed tothis st #.) Ps last year to say 'thank you man, said of Burge. Hill, N.C. The group, TOP SCHOOL STORIES 0 i993 Schools ■Mays —Lester Rahem 0Doesmeor14—Aschool , tobert Fowler, all, was killed (Continued from Page ]-A) Chisolm, a former student at H.E. McCracken Middle School, Is shot Facilities Task Force recommends aEUlmillion bond he opened one of the rigged — and kllledataparty oround2 package for new schools and boxes where he worked, Ar- education group as more concerned a.m. on Mother's Day. renovations. d Motor Services of America in ctowaga. John O'Donnell, a co- about micromanaging than about setting standards, Glover said he O out. is ■ Aprils —A group of citizens.: relied ChildrenFirstlaunch er who happened to be walking Len Fowler opened the box, also wants to see the board take a turn In a more positive direction. Beaufort -Dale Branch of the NAACP calls for the school board efforts to break Beaufort County _ into three school districts: one for ;Sled• Pamela Epperson, 32, another P ,it is my desire that the board come together as a unified body to remove Beaufort Elementary School principal Ruth Hilton Head and Bluffton schools, onefor DeufuskleIsland and one career Fowaer'a daughters from a marriage, was Wiled woridng with the administration so we can bring about some positive Summerlin,forcallingthePolice• w-oughthena eshool, for northern Beaufort County. ■8spt1C—Contlnulnpmold ' J ! isheopened the deadly packega ishe to her Rochester apartment. A success within the district;' Glover broughleknifetoscheol,and knifet first -grade teacher Teena Deer, problems lead to renewed d with her at the time, Richard an, 42, was killed. said. Sehoolotficialsaisolu,vebeencril- ebeenufort cialsalsohallorthern for putting the same 4todentIn the bathroom as a discipline protests by parents, who say the fungi are hermfuItostudents and Eleanor Fowler, 56, was killed IcSchoolized by a oun• ty NAACP branch. NAACP officials measure. school employees. i she opened the package bomb lie kitchen of her home a West ' called for the removal of principal n and teacher after Ruth Sucipal for but complaints ey, a rural community in the �3omilessouthotButtalo. 3o a the principal summonedpollcewhen s a fhst•grader was discovered with a alxwld be attending school in a new building in the fall of 1994, as well. several years, from parents became particularly Mogen, guidance counselor at t Valley Central School, where knife at Beaufort Elementary District officials plan to accept con- struction bids for the new school in shrill during the past year. Beaufort County 2000, a local edu• ` Fowlers' children had attended ol, described them as "no differ- School. - Mike Kristoff, meanwhile, the January or February. The school, which will replace the cation watchdog group, plans to pressure the school board to Identify 'than any other family and stu• is fr our school system' They got chairmen of a group that is trying to split the district Into three separate toe- current Mary Fields School, will be located on Haig Point Road and will student achievement as its most im- ppoortant concern and make changes igweilwithallthepeople.Itwas systems, said the group will push Ys ward with its plans to seek a vote on be for students In kindergarten Ineducationmoreswiftl said y, . gomithshe .anaveragefamtiy." thebreak•up. through eighth grade• ill Repair and renovation work aidh rgr fir Smithshepeople "isee the schoolboardasdoing the also is planned or will get under way to runup thle find people to run for fhb right thing and allowing the voters of our county to vote on the issues," he in 1994 at H.E. McCracken Middle School, Hilton Head High School and School, l board s ; school board orals in o plan some Private schools also plan some in; - said district school that will be provements in the coming year. ,e rates wouldn't get any better I could get worse. The sales ad- Kristoff's group, which is called Children First, wants a separate dis- identified later, said William Rentz, assistant superintendent of opera- officials attfiltanHead Preparoto ry School plan reroofing and recar- �Lce came as rates reported by the trict for Hilton Head and Bluffton tions for the school district.. peting projects, said headmaster I30-yeer �1eral Home Loan Mortgage Corp. mortgages edged upfrom schools; another for Daufuskie island and one for schools north of Some of those repairs, including a new airconditioning system at Michael Pratt. Halton Head Christian Academy 5-year low of 6.e3 percent in Octo- rto7.16percentInNovember. the Broad River. Glover, though, said he stands by a McCracken, are being done to fight a persistent mold problem. Local nut year will be concentrating on re• ducing Its $900,000 debt and on ex- inNovember, eight of the 11 for. resolution the school board adopted schools have been troubled by mold pandinglheschool, ird.looking indicators contributed this year supporting one district for' - the upturn inthe leading Index. their impact, from larg- the county. In order of t to smallest, they were: a decline He also said the $141 million propo- e Is d Funeral Home_ applications for unemployment 1 Ine[its, an Increase in orders and sal for new buildings and renovations will provide direction for a district and Crematory �ntracts for new commercial build- business equipment, a rise where several building projects are intheworks. Hilton Head Island, South Carolina 29928 ' $s and s Iprices of raw materials, a gain to !ding permits an Increase in the ,already Is A new elementary school In Bur- ton, the Joseph S. Shanklin Sr. 4 Cardinal Road fiaUon adjusted backing of orders faclorissfordureblagoods,aaad- of called Elementary School is under con-' sWcUon and scheduled to open m . ' o () 6814400 A1180 L, Richardson i nee m the average work week the tan. The building will ba for Stu- �L story ern loyeea, growth in the dents In kindergarten through tUtit GOLDEN RULE SherOn N. RIChBfdSOD Betlon ad�uatedmoneysupply,and uptick in new orders for consumerldren THE ORDER OF THE Funeral Directors sods on DautuaWe intend 1 i matic ties, 'wait_ -- exchanged in about four months. The taro sides have two years to negotiate the details of the agreement. Celli said that the accord had (Sp VATICAN, back page) At a glance 1993 in review The Clinton in the White House. U.S. troops In Somalia. Michael Jackson in drug rehab. Yes, 19nwas astrange and twisted time - but how much of it doyou actually remember? . Stories, T•A-9.A Get the Scoop Scoop Is The Island Packer, 24- . hour news and information It tiers • freeaccessto Information .•ono :- varietyot _ - �., subjects, _ -_ Inc ludingnatTonal _ In Tonal - - -nemandweather, +. ports,stocks, health hero• scopesand entertain- ment. , To use I t . �a1686.6197(NEWS)anatouch- tone telephone, then enter the category's four -digit access code. National new - 2040 International news 269 Nat'l. sports report 2505 Vie Iyheldstocks 2015 It chain" across the bridge. OopsI The president flew onto the island aboard Marine One, the presidential helicopter. But that'sOK. The National Vietnam POW Strike Force would have struck an the wrong day, anyway. The group was to protesttaday. MEN Well, at least its a neighboring state. A reporter from the group covering the president issues a • pool report' each day summarizing activities. Pool Report No. 4, filed Thursday by a New York Times' reporter, was datelined Hilton Head, N.C. M ■ ■ Hilton Head islander Carol Scherrbra and her son Christopher, 6, caught a glimp•:e of the president near his borrowed home. Schembra said the president told Christopher he liked the youngster's boots. ter and six other participants joined and done miii- . --- Hurter up and wait ` _ the norm for press " hn ByLEONORABOHEN' , ; Paa.ra29wrn.r their stories on notebook cam- puters,talking anthe phone totheir _ Hilton Head Islanders struggling editors and bosses, sleeping, read - or watching the movie 'Rising to catch a glimpse of President Clinton cannot avoid running into Su n. Sun' lent At least that's what they did the White House press corps. Thursday while waiting for PresSt• The pool of about 50 reporters, dent Clinton to attend a session at photographers, radio and network the annual Renaissance weekend - - correspondents, camera operators at the HyattRegency Hilton Head. and soundmen follows the presi- "finis is considered mostly pro- ±. denVs every move - even while he tective coverage," CBS crews re- tsonvacation. porter Mark Knoller later said. f e do just what islanders And they ]us 'The major newsOrganizationsa - � do -an awful lot ofwaiting. trarl with him at considerable ex- j "See this Nerf hall." said Reut- pensebecause he is president." ers' white House correspondent Kanner, who has covered the last Steve Holland, pulling a red and form presidents, said Clinton iscov- 4a1 x,rr�r,�„bP,ryt P log a >osB pool session, we'll do What a lard: Sea Pines resident Mae Wunder Kemp caused �' f0°� from his bag 'll d of esentts- erect by a "tes a single which includes a smgie repramta- a bit of a stir Thursday when she brought a life-size cardboard agytifttofightboreaom." tfve from each type of media cutout of President Clinton to the Hyatt Regency. They wait inhotelrooms,writing (SeePRESS,back page) a-31-9,3 Cumty has big plus for Daufuslde Island NAACP keeping uP Pressure (Editor's note: This is the fifth in a County's success In dodging that series of stories examining Issues suit. and events that will be Important to HBton Head. island and Southern "We're looking fora i interesting 1994 on Daufuskie," said deputy. Beaufort County in1994.) county administrator Morris Camp• " M ■ E By CAROLYN GRANT bell."We are cautiously optimistic." Alan Jenkins, a lawyer with the PaclutManwlnv Campbell said the county hopes to NAACP Legal Defense and Eda. begin work on a home repair project cation Fund which outlined several The shadow o[ an NAACP lawsuit win continue to loom over P lawsuitkie win cointhenewyear. on the island, erect a community ser- vice building, start a recycling pro• demands to the county in January, said he's encouraged by Campbell's gram and launch a training course plans, but wants to see action Money may determine Beaufort for residents in the year ahead. (See DAUFUSKIE, back page) TOP STORIES OF §93 I ■ Jan. tl9-The NAACP's Legal Defense Fund, which had spend SMW8tobuy INAand build anew school on the island. threatened to sue the county Over . Afternegotiationswithparents, Its perceived fallureto provide adequate services toDaufuskte's school officials agree thatctasses will be offered through theeighfh native black population, offers grade• the county 26"remedies"to avoid 9Nov.2-School ferry the lawsuit. operator Capt. Ed Richards pleads guilty to violating two U.S. ■Auq.3a-The Beaufort AastGuardreguWdonsandIs County Council accepts a $170,000 placed on 18montlu'probation. federal housing grant to repair TheCoaatGuardcitedhimfor six toeight homes onthe island. ` overloading one of his boats In The grants will be managed by December 1992and operating theLowcountryCouncilof another boat without adeckhand 1 Governments. In August. The county Is ■March -The Beaufort considering dropping the contract i . County School Board agrees to he has had since1987. ------------- - 4 1 G-A The Island Packet, Friday, December 31, . +r r Daufuslde Clinton (Continued from Page l-A) (Continued from Pagel -A) ' "They are steps in the right direc- could play badminton or roll along lion, but results are the ultimate the roads in Palmetto Dunes on in - test," Jenkins said, adding that his tine skates If he wanted to. organization continues to negotiate Thursday afternoon, a pair of size wits the county. The Legal Defense 13 in -line skates arrived for the presi- Fund, in a series of letters dating to dent from a manufacturer, the volun- 1992, threatened the county with a teer said. He said the skates were lawsuit, saying it has failed to pro- converted from a pair of tee skates vide adequate services to Daufus- because a large -enough size couldn't k►e'snative black population. be found for the president. The Legal Defense Fund also con- The skates, along with all the other tends that the county failed to seek sports equipment, were to be deliv- available grants to improve housing . ered to the president's tour -bedroom on Daufuskie; that a public ferry ser- vacation home on the beach at Pal - vice, used chiefly by school children, mettoDunes7bursdayevening. is inadequate; that residents do not The volunteer added that the presi- have adequate access to public dent had also been receiving a lot of health-care facllitesand that there Is gifts and even a letter from locals. ,not enough low-cost housing on the One little girl sent a letter asking island. the president to visit her family U he :"• Jenkins, in a telephone interview gotbored. last week, sold the threatened law- "My dad's a carpet -cleaner but ''suit can be avoided if the county ful. he's a nice guy just like you," the let - fills Its obligations toresidents oren. ter from the local child said. ' tars into a "binding aggreement"with the NAAC? group to flu se. AB of the guts and sporting equip "Either would be satisfactory, but ment must be scanned for bombs by the Secret Service. none of these have been done yet," Jenkinssaid, Even Mae Wunder Kemp's life-size Campbell, how- cutoutotClinton. They allowed me to go into the ho- ever, said efforts tel and up to the reception desk, but continuing they put it in a back room so that the to see President Clinton and It's the Kaplan, ppoointing to a tAare with abowing ren- ovationproject, �retService could make sure there thrill of the lifetime to shake hands "He shookourhands a "We hope to was no bomb," the Sea Pines rest- dent said, of the 6-foot-2-inch card- wilhhim." after he was exhaw Schneider was one of hundreds run." _ commence that board image she brought to Clinton who emerged on the beach to watch The president Birch project in early at the Hyatt. "They said they would the president jog as the sun made Its of the wooden stairs spring. We're fi- present it to him later." way above the horizon. the donated home he. nalizing the houses Kemp said she ordered the image Wearing a brand new red and are staying in. That will be done," of Clinton from a catalogue for i5o white Arkansas Razorbacks basket- The president's wilt Campbell he said, adding :,that county officials have hit a snag several months ago. Kemp added that she took photos ball warm-up suit, Clinton emerged ham Clinton, did not on the beach at about 0 a.m. and Pearance and was , In identifying homes for repairs. of her family with the cardboard jogged northward —.the same route sleeping in" Thurso; • Campbell said some of the native Island residents are reluctant to have Clinton. "f got it for him because f felt like he took the night before. toEller. As about eight shrimp trawlers She is scheduled to 1 day with Supreme Cot :;:extensive renovations to their homes '. because of sent[menal ties or be- he probably didn't have one," she "And It's such a likeness to him trailed by dolphins and seagulls Blackmun at a moved back and forth in front of the,ry "Ran+ :;:pause the homes are on heirs' prop - �erty said. ...other than the hale. Its a little beach at Palmetto Dunes, Clinton Hard Choices are l ' dark." kept a stead pace and finished the im p y inton, who Clinton,closedwho The $170,M renovation project Kemp did not get give Clinton three-mile jog in about minutes. session "Oh, By the 1 the I ::-Would be paid for with money from h her gift,late but she said she hoped to see t Only then did he greet about 10o is- dent, May i Suggest.! ,the federal Department of Housing him later. lenders and visitors who turned out early for his got[ gaol *.hnd Urban Development, officials Others were luckier. In front of his home. Sweating pro-, to participate as a IN haveseid. :, .� s jus"It't the greatest thrill," said fusely, according to some accounts, sion Saturday night. . Also, Campbell said some work the 9.3 Joan Schneider, a vacationer from the president shook hands with be He and Phil lade may be started next year on lend .3 North St, Paul, Minn., early tween3o and 40 people. deputy chief of staff acre tract of county owned re tract Thursday morning, after getting a ,it was a pleasant surprise for my founders of Renaissa D e. handshake from the president. "Ina child and a great piece o history for Hilton Head Island, :. "Our effort is to try and secure a million years I never thought I'd get him to take home," said Wendy panel called "What I', :grant for a human services facility ' :.:that will Include medical services andsocial services." Campbell said. t: County officials, working in Jan- Label_ S :uery with the Lowcountry Council of , :'Governments, will apply fora ' ' said when asked to give an example a p ; ,W,00e state grant to help pay for,•;'(CanllnuedfmmPage l-A).»•' -o; something' con6rete 'Ihiit' had 'sins ,!�pome of the Improvements and will .�ubmtt that application in April, former chairman of fbe Federal Do- emerged from the annual gather- she �0ecompbellsaid. posit Insurance Corp.; Elmo "Bud" Ings, I she went career sta He said the county also wants to :;;;provide recreation services, such as Zumwalt, former etllef of naval op- erotions; Phil Scanlon of Sydney, Lader said average citizens ebeuLln't expect a position paper or Part of her growtl to handle sucresswi temdsandbasketballcourts,onDan. Auslraila, founder oPUro Australlan an economic philosophy to emerge "no,'she said. fuskie and construct a building for and American Founds lion; Bill Nelson of Melbourne, Fla,; former from the retreat. Mathabane, a fri emergency services and public works. astronaut ndoformercongressman; „Wejustaskpeople tothink and to ask she said. "There's Ids pro Stan Smith, � "But that will be contingent upon and Sam Ervin andSa j questions," too little time to think." tending Renaissanc years, said people o dollars made available locally and The presence of f sitting president suaslons have an grants" the county can secure, he Lader also defended the retreat has changed the usually low-key speak frankly dw Bald. when asked U It was a self-indulgent, weekend into an event of national in.. record sessions. The county also plans a recycling expensive gathering, terest, she acknowledged. In an interview G I njogram on Dau[uakie for the new 'It's not Belt- But fader said she does the week tog, Mathabane so year, Campbell said. There are also i to have a community -based indulgent for peo- �+�' . pletohavetimea[I cod because she hopes it makes a Renaissance partic Plans training program that will be offered ... to re-examine contribution. thesameweyonth .. In cooperation with Clemson Unlver•' values," Lader �•. ,It's like childbirth," she said. "They should pr' sityExtemiael:.ervice,hemid. said. "ll'a a Be -"Afterwards you forget the pain." everyday,' Matt, - .'.'7be training irogram, which will rtousapproach but Carpenter's new single, "He wouldbebetter[or 1 have tun Thinks He'll Keep Her." recently de- '"fie least talk( t :::grant for a human services facility..---r— URt will Include medical services •.r•• •-�•+!•N;r��-••o.wy .pens cautst-oast l'vef eii andsocial services," Campbell said. County officials, working in Jan. Label..Xuary with the Lowcountry council of, Governments, will apply for a .j,, $ O .Ooo state grant to help pay for, (Continued from Page l-A)..p.. : said when asked to give nn example _..�, ypmthe of the Improvements and will of something 'that' a period she went through %..submit that application In April, former chairman of the Federal De . . concrete had ' emerged from the annual gather.'* , singing career started takir shefelt"stressedouL" ;';Campbell said. 1• He said the county also wants to posit Insurance Corp.; Elmo "Bud" Zumwalt, former chief of naval op- Inge. Lader said average citizens "Ctwndevaatatiag;'alre ;;,provide recreation services, such as eration; Phil Scanlon of Sydney, shouldn't expect a position paper or Part of her growth in leaf tenets and baskelbellcourts, onDau- fuskte and construct a building for Ausand [can Founder of dationAus;lian en economic philosophy to emerge noenshesa ddle esswasl emergency services and public works. Nelson of Melbourne, Fla.; former astronaut and former co man; from the retreat. ..Wejustaskpeopletathinkandto Mathabane,afriend ofL nis : "But that will be contingent upon and Sam Ervin of Morganton, N.C., a ask questions," she said. "There's pro Stan Smith, who h4 tending Renaissance Weektiilnk." dollars made available locally and Iormerjudge. taollltietimeto years, said people of all poll krants" the county can secure, he Lader also defended the retreat The presence of a sitting president suasion .have an opporl said. when asked H it was a self-indulgent, has changed the usually low-key speak frankly during th The county also plan a recycling expensive gathering. weekend Into an event of national in- recordsession. program on Daufuskle for the new "It's not self- terest, she acknowledged. In anInterview following' year, Campbell said. There are also plans to have a community -based (rainingprogramthat beoffered indulgent for peo- pie to have time off 044 But Lader sold she does the week- end because she hopes it makes a ing, Mathabane said he i Renaissance participants will to reexamine contribution. thesamewayonlherecerd In cooperation with Clemson Univer- sityExtension Service, hesaid. values," Lader said. "It's a se- > "It's like childbirth," she said. "Afterwards "They should practice U The training program, which will be open to all island residents, will rious approach but we also have tun. you forget the pain." Carpenter's new single, "He everyday," Mathabane, would be better for rocereh leach cooperation It's Thinks He'll Keep Her," recen tly de- "The least talked about bided at No. 47 on the charts, but the America) is race," "In the past, we halsaid.ve Lader said the majority of people 35-year-old Linger said without the weekend retreat on Hilton Head people are wrMmuing witty should do it publicly," al tofdifffeerentvocesastowhatthe cammunitywants;'headded. Lader are not high Island, she might be home alone. Asked what the prase) Camphefi said Capt. Ed Richards, achievers but rather good friends and" g "people "I used to sit home wondering it I away from the weekend of Who has a contract with the county would have a date next year," she Mathabane said Clinton kt operate the publlctearyservice,will "Young peoplesaybemuse offien- said. "I feel verywelcomedhem" pie talk franldy to him. continue to run the ferry through alssance, they've decided to do some- Chapin also tried to explain what a "I talk to. him like a June 30, 199t. The ferry has been a thing different with their lives," she time of renewal can mean, recalling Mathabanesaid. source of complaints by a group of is- land residents, and Richards pleaded ' guilty in November to violating two s� DeathsU.S. Coast Guard regulation. He was placed on 18 months' probation. :he Coast Guard cited him for over- loading one of his bode and operat• Dr. Charles S. MCCants Medical Association; a fellow In the lumbia: Isabel Yates of l Iinganotherwilhoutadckbend. A memorial service was held American Academy of Family Phy- sicians; a member of the board of the ICy. He also had 10grandchi I I great grandchildren. Campbell also said the county 'plans some road paving on the Island Thursday at The Seabrook for Dr. Charles Spencer Mccants, who died visitors at the Medical University of Arne Sni th in 1994, with Haig Point Road one of Monday afternoon at the op of 103. South Carolina'and of the board of Fairfield MemorialHospita3. Arne TorpSmith, 72, those that would be Improved. McConts, father of Nelle Smith, Head Plantation died Wed The Melrose Co., which hasa do- had lived for seven years atThe Sea- McCants also was a charter mem. the Hilton Head Hospital. yelopment on Daufuskie Island, will brook. The family suggests that bee andas! ppresident of Winnsboro He was a native of Col pave a road from Melrose Landing memorials be made to Sion Pres Rotary Club and was a Rotary Paul Denmark, and was the son on Daufuskie to Bloody Point, said byterian Church,118 Washington St., Harris Fellow. fie was president of Christian Haakon Anders company president Bob Kolb, fie Winnboro29180. Community Federal Savings and andDagmarAlfrdaTorp.: said that road, which will be outside of the developed areas, will cost Services were also held at Sion Loan Association, which he co-found- ed, from 1934 until 1984, when he be- to Htitan Head Island in London. about$2milllon. Presbyterian Church Wednesday In Winnsboro, where McCants was born came president emeritus. He was a director and former president of He was a veteran of Woi Kolb said the com n also lens y P to spend $M,000 to build a beach and where he practiced medicine for morethan65years, Merchants and Planters Bank and where he served In the Tbeahe.Hewasagraclub duatt i aB�bedroom lodgee I Point and $W000 to build asn the McCants graduated with honors was chairman of the board of trus- fees of Mount Zion Institute for many western University. He r� managing director of U.S. Bloody Point area. Both will be for the use o[ residents or members of from Davidson College in 1912. He graduated first in his class from the years. He served as president of Mt. Zion Social y, president of Fairfield ternntlonlofEuro thedevelopment. Medical College of Virginia. He in- tamed in Richmond, Va., and In County Chamber of Ctmmerce. He was a member of the St. Andrews So. Survivors include his w e Lou Brumley TorpSmith; ., Florence and served in the medical ctety and a recipient of,the Sertoms Robert Torp-Smith of F as C '®"®i7®� reserve in World Wart. Distinguished Service to Mankind award' Mich.; a son, Thomas Torp-Smith, died in1991. He first practiced medicine to Fairfield County. He built ahospital McCants was a lifelong member o[ Friends will be received ; land Funeral Home from 8 �' In 1943 and later served as adminis. trator of Fairfield Memorial Hos P i. Sion Presbyterian Church and served as deacon and elder for more p.m. Sunday. A memorh will be at 7:90 p.m. Sunday Wimzoq numbers Thursday in the tal. As a family physician, he deliv- than 70 years. He wrote the sesqul•. Community Church with Cash3gornneare:3,3,5. - eyed more than 2,000 babies and centennial history of the church. Roy Graves officiating. B i FIw317e Loam made made many house calls. to the late Isabel Gooding, be in Mount Emblem Cot rs Wimdng,:wnbersThursdaylntiw McCants was a former president of also of Winnsboro, for 67 years, Elmhurst, Ill. Coah3gameate: the Tri-State Medical Association McCants leaves, In addition to Nelle Memorial contributions and Fairfield County Medical Asso• Smith of the Island, three other made to the missionary o: . Winning m nbers Thursday in the ciatitin; a member of the S.C. Medic- daughters; Eleanor ^currency of of The Harvesters, 318 Wf Play 4 game mi: 8, 0, 4.4. al Associationand the American Huntsville, Ala., Lolly Dana of Co-- rule, Swannanoa,NC28778.,'