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2011 TRAFFIC SIGNAL MAST ARM PROJECT CI P ACCT: 30000070-53105 CIP ACCT: 30000070-55399-RM001 CONTRACT NO: C31-2011 (Part One) PAYMENT APPROVAL REQUEST MEMORANDUM TO: Natalie Majorkiewicz, Systems & Reporting Administrator FROM: �Parrin Shoemaker, Traffic and Transportation Engineer VIA: `1`Jeff Buckalew, Town Engineer Scott Liggett, Director of Public Projects & Facilities/Chief Engineer DATE: April 12th 2012 SUBJECT: Contract No. C31-2011 — 2011 Traffic Signal Mast Arm Project — CIP account no. 30000070-53105. This is to recommend payment in a total amount of $24,407.20 to German Technical Group, LLC to serve as payment for the end -of -project quantity adjustments necessary to make the construction quantities match the contract quantities on the subject contract, which actually includes two CIP projects. One project is to construct a mast - arm mounted traffic signal at the intersection of William Hilton Parkway with Coggins Point Road, and the other is to construct a mast -arm mounted traffic signal at the intersection of William Hilton Parkway with Dillon Road. I have thoroughly reviewed these charges and find them consistent with the final construction quantities and unit prices less the original contract quantities. This is the final invoice associated with both of the referenced CIP projects and will close out both projects. PROJECT BUDGET ....................................... (As amended by change order #1 dated 3/23/12) PROJECT COSTS PREVIOUSLY INCURRED ON THIS CONTRACT RECOMMENDED PAYMENT ....... :....................... TOTAL PROJECT COST UNDER THIS CONTRACT ............. REMAINING CONTRACT AMOUNT FOR THIS PROJECT ........ $ 120,063.70 $ 95,656.50 $ 24,407.20 $ 120,063.70 $ 0.00 CIP CIJECK REQUEST FORM PROJECT NAME CONTRACT NUMBER ACCOUNT NUMBER VENDOR INVOICE AMOUNT AMOUNT APPROVED 2011 Traffic Signal Mast Arms C31-2011 30000070- 53105 German Technical Group, LLC $24,407.20 $24,407.20 Comments: This is the invoice for the net quantity adjustments necessary to make the construction quantities match the contract quantities as approved under change order #1. This is the final invoice associated with this contract, and closes out the projects to construct mast -arm mounted traffic signals at the intersections of William Hilton Parkway with Co ins Point Road and with Dillon Road. Signatures: I r. Protect Manager Dir. of PP&F/Chief Eng. or Asst. Town Manager Town Manager (if over $500,000) Received by Finance (5-7 business days prior to payment due) Revised04/12/2012 GERMAN TECHNICAL GROUP, LLC Traffic Signal Systems - Intelligent Transportation Systems Town of Hilton Head Darrin Shoemaker One Town Center Court Hilton Head, SC 29928-2701 Project: Invoice Date Invoice # 2/3/2012 1836REVISED Traffic Sgnl Mast -Arm Prj IFB#2011-0017 Description Qty U... Unit Price Amount INSTALL PEDESTRIAN POLE (to be provided by Town) -1 EA 115.00 -115.00 CONSTRUCT CONCRETE FOUNDATION FOR PEDESTRIAN POLE -1 EA 175.00 -175.00 PROVIDE & INSTALL PED SIGNAL MOUNTING HARDWARE FOR SIDE OF MAST -ARM POLE -3 EA 125.00 -375.00 PROVIDE & INSTALL PED SIGNAL MOUNTING I-IARDWARE FOR TOP OF PED POLE (Single Head) -I EA 150.00 -150.00 REINSTALL EXISTING OVERHEAD OPTICOM EMERGENCY VEHICLE DETECTORS ON NEW 4 EA 250.00 1,000.00 MAST -ARM SUPPORTS (Mini Mounting Bracket to be Provided by Contractor) PROVIDE & INSTALL OPTICOM COMPATIBLE WIRING CABLE 130 LF 1.75 227.50 2.0" SCHEDULE 80 PVC CONDUIT (DIRECTIONAL BORED) 880 LF 20.00 17,600.00 4.0" SCHEDULE 80 PVC CONDUIT (TRENCHED OR RISER) -10 LF 25.00 -250.00 2.0" SCHEDULE 80 PVC CONDUIT (TRENCHED OR RISER) 185 LF 10.00 1,850.00 3.0" SCHEDULE 80 PVC CONDUIT (TRENCHED OR RISER) 25 LF 16.00 400.00 HMA SURFACE COURSE - TYPE C -0.33 ton 500.00 -165.00 NO 14 CU WIRE, 4 COND - BLACK 847 LF 1.65 1,397.55 NO 14 CU WIRE, 4 COND - GRAY 240 LF 1.75 420.00 NO 14 CU WIRE, 8 COND - BLACK -4 LF 2.15 -8.60 NO 14 CU WIRE, 8 COND - GRAY 167 LF 2.25 375.75 CONSTRUCT/ASSEMBLE NEW GROUND MOUNTED POWER SERVICE ON WOOD PEDESTAL 1 EA 625.00 625.00 COMPLETE METER BASE, BREAKER BOX & EXTERNAL SURGE SUPPRESSOR 13"Wx24"LxI8"D ELECTRICAL FLUSH UNDERGROUND ENCLOSURE-SplBx- 5 EA 350.00 1,750.00 (STR.POLY.CONC)/HD 1z-15 L I AM work is complete! Please make checks payable to German Technical Group, LLC. TOTAL $24,407.20 105 Umphlett Cir * Moncks Corner SC 29461 * 843-899-7195 * 843-899-7196 Fax * www.GermanTechGroup.com 2011 TRAFFIC SIGNAL MAST ARM PROJECT Contract No. C31-2011 — German Technical Group, LLC CHANGE ORDER #1 Traffic Signal Mast Arms — CIP Account # 30000070-55399-RM001 TOWN CHANGE ORDER APPROVAL ROUTING ORDER/FORM* When routing for final approval, please adhere to the following order/individuals: Person/Position Initials Needed Date 1. Project Manager n 1/ 2. Town CIP Manager 1 3. Town Procurement Officer 4. Finance Director 5. Director of PP&F/Chief Engineer i *Please include this form as a cover sheet on all Town Change Orders being routed for approval. MEMORANDUM TO: Stephen G. Riley, CM, Town Manager FROM: Darrin A. Shoemaker, Traffic and Transportation Engineer VIA: Jeff Buckalew, Town Engineer Scott Liggett, Director of Public Projects & Facilities/Chief Engineer Tom Fultz, Director of Administrative ervices Susan Simmons, Director of Finance' 14 DATE: March 23`d, 2012 SUBJ: Change Order: Town Contract #C31-2011 — 2011 Traffic Signal Mast -Arm Project Recommendation: Approve the attached change order #1 referencing Town contract number C31- 2011 with German Technical Group, LLC in an amount of $24,407.20, It is also recommended that $2,982.43 in hospitality tax monies budgeted for the WHP/Coggins Point project be shifted to the WHP/Dillon project to cover a shortfall in this project's budget. It is further recommended that a budget amendment shifting $403.06 in hospitality tax monies from the current fiscal year's WHP/Queens Folly/King Neptune CIP project budget to the previous year's WHP/Dillon Road CIP project be executed to ensure the adequacy of all affected project budgets.. Summary: This is the requisite post -project change order to adjust the contract quantities to match the field quantities expended toward the project by the contractor. Over seventy percent of this change order value is a result of recently amended S. C. Dept. of Transportation specifications that require that loop detector input wires and signal head output wires be placed in separate parallel conduits rather than together in a single conduit. I became aware of this specification approximately two years ago, but neglected to specify dual 2" conduit runs to be directionally bored beneath the street. Our contract quantity included only an estimated quantity for single 2" directionally -bored conduit runs, so this contract quantity effectively doubled. All other contract quantity adjustments have been field verified, and I have negotiated a resolution to identified discrepancies with the contractor. The individual quantity adjustments are detailed and categorized by project location on Attachment "A." The contractor has already been paid for all contract quantities, and has issued an invoice that reflects the quantity adjustments exclusively and their resulting effect on the contract price. Payment of this invoice in the amount of the change order will allow this CIP project to be completely closed. Background: The WHP/Coggins Point Road project budget has $26,986.57 in hospitality tax money remaining as available. The WHP/Dillon Road project budget, funded with TIF monies, has a $2,982.43 shortfall at present. Hence, $24,004.14 in hospitality tax money remains available to cover this change order, resulting in a shortfall of $403.06. r �. RECOMMENDED: - ,. G Dar'rin Shoema er ' N Project Manager Director bf Public Projects and Facilities/ Chief Engineer Tom Fultz Director of Administrative Services S'mmons Diread of Finance Stephen G. Riley, CM Town Manager `� Datc of issuance: March 23t', 2)0I2 Change Order No. l VrOleCi' 2V1 1 1 ralhC'Signal (Yvmer: Z own Of Hilton Flead Owner's Contract. No.: C31-201 i .viast-Ami Prqj> ci Island Fonts Ict: Retrofit t.tvo (2) existing wood pole and span %Vire Date of Contract: July 19th, 2011 ttii�urtt�.c_j_l�_fii�si}?n�t.�s_on ntaSl-amp Su��nortS Contractor: German Technical Grottp, L,LC Engineci's Project No.: 2011-202 Effective Date: March 23'd, 2012 The Contract Documents are modified as foliovvs upon execution of this Chancre Order: Description: This post -project change order is necessary to adjust thecontract quantities to match the actual quatttitics expended by the contractor tmvard the project. A sit iificant increase in the quantity of directional _ bored conduit was necessary to satisfy recetah, amended S.C.D.O.T signal specifications for bored conduit. attachments (list documents supporting chnngr): Contractor Invoice IS 16REVISED Attachment "A" -- Quantity Adjustment Breakdown CHANGE In CONTRA CI' PRICE: Ori!�inal Contract Trice: $ 95,656.50 Increase from previously appro ved Change Orders No, 000 tip NV 001: S 0.00 CHANGE IN CONTRACT TIKES: --�ial-eolr�da;s Emote': _. or date f4rier-easel ��'T. kta�s Sabstamial eenipletien{days): Ready Asir- -- Contract Price prior to this Chance Order_ Gett,,ae4 Times t: to 4his (Ata ee Or-d _ S 95,656.50 Pam; {�a tfia��is ar �te3: Increase of this Change Order: [I fle.•_,asel 1 Dee...., el 'hange n-de-. ays a ,. ocy-�-nt--aerce�-_._.._.... --- 5 24.40" 20 - Finai Contract Pricc rncl. chis C1tan-,e Order: su�l-Esalatie�t-�da�✓s or-te7 $ 120,063.70 01-parRent-IA.-, e�u-*-`. R CUUi1vSE k:[) , ACCEPTL r1Ct6l:B, 1 '' By: g Engineer (Authqrfcd �ra e:) Qwrt iAutho z d Signature) 14 uti,ortzed Sigiaiure') Date: March 232012'Date: Z Date: by Funding Agency (if 'applicable) _ Date: WCUC: C-941 Ctranee Outer Prepared by the Eneinern.kPim Contract Documents Committee sad endorsed by the Construction Specification Jinurmc- Page 1 of 2 Change Order Instructions A. GENERAL INFORMATION This document was developed to provide a uniform format for handling contract changes that affect Contract Price or Contract Times. Changes that have been initiated by a Work Change Directive must be incorporated into a subsequent Change Order if they affect Price or Times. Changes that affect Contract Price or Contract Times should be promptly covered by a Change Order. The practice of accumulating Change Orders to reduce the administrative burden may lead to unnecessary disputes. If Milestones have been listed in the Agreement, any effect of a Change Order thereon should be addressed. For supplemental instructions and minor changes not involving a change in the Contract Price or Contract Times, a Field Order should be used. B. COMPLETING THE CHANGE ORDER FORM Engineer normally initiates the form, including a description of the changes involved and attachments based upon documents and proposals submitted by Contractor, or requests from Owner, or both. Once Engineer has completed and signed the form, all copies should be sent to Owner or Contractor for approval, depending on whether the Change Order is a true order to the Contractor or the formalization of a negotiated agreement for a previously performed change. After approval by one contracting party, all copies should be sent to the other party for approval. Engineer should make distribution of executed copies after approval by both parties. If a change only applies to price or to times, cross out the part of the tabulation that does not apply. EJCDC C-941 Change Order Prepared by the Engineers Joint Contract Documents Committee and endorsed by the Construction Specifications Institute. Paee 2 of 2 Date of Issuance: March 23rd, 2012 Effective Date: March 23rd, 2012 Change Order No. 1 Project: 2011 Traffic Signal Owner: Town of Hilton Head Owner's Contract No.: C31-2011 Mast -Arm Project Island Contract: Retrofit two (2) existing wood pole and span wire I Date of Contract: July 19th, 2011 Contractor: German Technical Group, LLC Engineer's Project No.: 2011-202 The Contract Documents are modified as follows upon execution of this Change Order: Description: This post -project change order is necessary to adjust the contract quantities to match the actual quantities expended by the contractor toward the project. A significant increase in the quantity of directional bored conduit was necessary to satisfy recently amended S.C.D.O.T signal specifications for bored conduit. Attachments (list documents supporting change): Contractor Invoice 1836REVISED Attachment "A" - Quantity Adjustment Breakdown CHANGE IN CONTRACT PRICE: CHANGE IN CONTRACT TIMES: Original Contract Price: Original Gei4faet Times: n Worki ' "" n Calendar- days —Substantial -ce letie" or- d4e): $ 95,656.50 - Ready for final pa��elitdays or fie`• Increase from previously approved Change [ ' [Deer -ease] ffof " tsly ved Change Orders " Orders No. 000 to No. 001: No to 140 Substantial eempletion (days).: $ 0.00 -Ready -fer-final pa�zzeFA (days). Contract Price prior to this Change Order: CepAraet T' to this Change Or -den - SubstapAial eempletien (daysor-date'. $ 95,656.50 Ready for- final pa��ent (days or date): Increase of this Change Order: rT , [Deer —easel of this Change n,-a Substantial eomplle4en (days or date): $ 24,407.20 Ready f l payment (days or- dat ): Final Contract Price incl. this Chance Order: GorAfaet Times with all ,1 Change Orders: SubstarAial eempletien (days or- Rte): $ 120,063.70 R,-41 for- final pa5qnefA (days or- date): REQOMMJ IND�D;,- r r-) - ACCEPTE . ,y ACCEPTED: LOIN LI-A Engineer (Auth zed ?�aT) Own& (A/�utthoofzd'd Signature) Date: March 23rd, 2012 Date: Approved by Funding Agency (if applicable): C Contractor (Authorized Signature) Date: Date: EJCDC C-941 Change Order Prepared by the Engineers Joint Contract Documents Committee and endorsed by the Construction Specifications Institute. 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In no event will EJCDC be liable to you for any damages, including any lost profits, lost savings or other incidental or consequential damages arising out of the use or inability to use EJCDC Design and Construction Related Documents even if EJCDC has been advised of the possibility of such damages, or for any claim by any other party. Some states do not allow the limitation or exclusion of liability for incidental or consequential damages, so the above limitation or exclusion may not apply to you. General: You may not sublicense, assign, or transfer this license except as expressly provided in this Agreement. Any attempt otherwise to sublicense, assign, or transfer any of the rights, duties, or obligations hereunder is void. This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of Virginia. Should you have any questions concerning this Agreement, you may contact EJCDC by writing to: Arthur Schwartz, Esq. General Counsel National Society of Professional Engineers 1420 King Street Alexandria, VA 22314 Phone: (703) 684-2845 Fax: (703)836-4875 e-mail: aschwartz@nspe.org You acknowledge that you have read this agreement, understand it and agree to be bound by its terms and conditions. You further agree that it is the complete and exclusive statement of the agreement between us which supersedes any proposal or prior agreement, oral or written, and any other communications between us relating to the subject matter of this agreement. xa W O W U) z Q U - - o 0 0 a 0 o In 0 o o o 0 o p o p o Ln r� m o bD �n In rl to O Ln p0 eM-I .DD �n lD O C) 1.0 M e i Ln �D c .�-I m r l r-I O o N r l r- N N 0 e1 v 0 0 O 0 o n o 0 0 0 0 Lq n c�-i N 0 O In In In O O r4 O In O lD O `-i e 4 N N O U r-I r N In In N N r-I i--I 0 Ln t- c-i e-I rl r--I N m c w w Q Q Q U- W - 11 al >-L.L U-L.L U Q W W W J J J J J N J J J J W 41 N N r-I r-1 l- In M p lD to N 00 O 'It lD O r-I In N M 00 r� al U O mr-I a M M N N Ln r-i O O� O O m Cl N� oro, O Rt O Ln L 0 U N U 4J a! 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Unit Price Amount INSTALL PEDESTRIAN POLE (to be provided by Town) -1 EA 115.00 -115.00 CONSTRUCT CONCRETE FOUNDATION FOR PEDESTRIAN POLE -1 EA 175.00 -175.00 PROVIDE & INSTALL PED SIGNAL MOUNTING HARDWARE FOR SIDE OF MAST -ARM POLE -3 EA 125.00 -375.00 PROVIDE & INSTALL PED SIGNAL MOUNTING HARDWARE FOR TOP OF PED POLE (Single Head) -1 EA 150.00 -150.00 REINSTALL EXISTING OVERHEAD OPTICOM EMERGENCY VEHICLE DETECTORS ON NEW 4 EA 250.00 1,000.00 MAST -ARM SUPPORTS (Mini Mounting Bracket to be Provided by Contractor) PROVIDE & INSTALL OPTICOM COMPATIBLE W]RJNG CABLE 130 LF 1.75 227.50 2.0" SCHEDULE 80 PVC CONDUIT (DIRECTIONAL BORED) 880 LF 20.00 17,600.00 4.0" SCHEDULE 80 PVC CONDUIT (TRENCHED OR RISER) -10 LF 25.00 -250.00 2.0" SCHEDULE 80 PVC CONDUIT (TRENCHED OR RISER) 185 LF 10.00 1.850.00 3.0" SCHEDULE 80 PVC CONDUIT (TRENCHED OR RISER) 25 LF 16.00 400.00 HMA SURFACE COURSE - TYPE C -0.33 ton 500.00 -165.00 NO 14 CU WIRE, 4 COND - BLACK 847 LF 1.65 1,397.55 NO 14 CU WIRE, 4 COND - GRAY 240 LF 1.75 420.00 NO 14 CU WIRE, 8 COND - BLACK -4 LF 2.15 -8.60 NO 14 CU WIRE, 8 COND - GRAY 167 LF 2.25 375.75 CONSTRUCT/ASSEMBLE NEW GROUND MOUNTED POWER SERVICE ON WOOD PEDESTAL 1 EA 625.00 625.00 COMPLETE METER BASE, BREAKER BOX & EXTERNAL SURGE SUPPRESSOR 13"Wx24"LXI8"D ELECTRICAL FLUSH UNDERGROUND ENCLOSURE-Sp1Bx- 5 EA 350.00 1,750.00 (STR.POLY.CONC)/HD All work is complete! Please make checks payable to German Technical Group, LLC. TOTAL $24,407.20 105 Umphlett Cir * Moncks Corner SC 29461 * 843-899-7195 * 843-899-7196 Fax * www.GermanTechGroup.com 03/23/2012 10:06 ITOWN OF HILTON HEAD ISLAND IPG 1 nataliem IYTD BUDGET REPORT Iglytdbud FOR 2012 99 JOURNAL DETAIL 2012 1 TO 2012 13 ORIGINAL APPROP TRANS/ADJSMTS REVISED BUDGET YTD EXPENDED ENCUMBRANCES AVAILABLE BUDGET USED ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 00 NON FUNCTION ` e clo 30000070 CAP PROJ ROAD IMPROVEMENTS �( Q` ---------------------------------- 1&A. ?\va - "KJGbL `- 10�,00�� 0- RM001 TRAFFIC SIGNAL MAST ARMS �1. a(\t� .-� tU \��,,�OO �0.i`- ----------------------------------- �a�.rn. Dons - `l vJ�J (� 1u vec l') RM001 TRAFFIC SIGNAL MAST ARMS ----------------------------------- 30000070 55399 RM001 SIG MAST 0.00 0.00 0.00 105,096.86 95,656.50-200,753.36 100.016 2012/04/000157 10/28/2011 API 1,600.00 VND 008871 PO SVG,LLC EASEMENT AGREEMENT PORT ROYAL 7193 2012/07/000164 01/27/2012 API 95,656.50 VND 006080 PO GERMAN TECHNICA C31-2011 TRAFFIC SIGNAL SYSTEM 7261 2012/05/000079 11/10/2011 API 1,590.00 VND 001756 PO 20110117 SEA ISLAND LAND C28-2010: INDEFINITE SURVEYING 7205 2012/06/000207 12/22/2011 POM 1,950.00 VND 001756 PO 20110117 SEA ISLAND LAND C28-2010 JO#45 2011 2012/06/000208 12/22/2011 POM-1,950.00 VND 001756 PO 20110117 SEA ISLAND LAND C28-2010 JO#45 PD W/O PO 2011 2012/03/000104 09/19/2011 POE 4,865.95 VND 004362 PO 20120265 ATLANTIC TECHNI TRAFFIC SIGNAL MAST -ARMS 2012/03/000221 09/29/2011 API 5,087.85 VND 004362 PO 20120265 ATLANTIC TECHNI TRAFFIC SIGNAL MAST -ARMS 7151 2012/03/000221 09/29/2011 POL-4,755.00 VND 004362 PO 20120265 ATLANTIC TECHNI TRAFFIC SIGNAL MAST -ARMS 2012 2012/03/000221 09/29/2011 POL-110.95 VND 004362 PO 20120265 ATLANTIC TECHNI TRAFFIC SIGNAL MAST -ARMS 2012 2012/04/000096 10/19/2011 POE 536.25 VND 005771 PO 20120382 SMOOT & PITTS TRAFFIC SIGNAL MAST ARMS 2012/05/000030 11/03/2011 API 536.25 VND 005771 PO 20120382 SMOOT & PITTS TRAFFIC SIGNAL MAST ARMS 7197 2012/OS/000030 11/03/2011 POL-250.00 VND 005771 PO 20120382 SMOOT & PITTS TRAFFIC SIGNAL MAST ARMS 2012 2012/05/000030 11/03/2011 POL -50.00 VND 005771 PO 20120382 SMOOT & PITTS TRAFFIC SIGNAL MAST ARMS 2012 2012/05/000030 11/03/2011 POL-105.00 VND 005771 PO 20120382 SMOOT & PITTS TRAFFIC SIGNAL MAST ARMS 2012 2012/05/000030 11/03/2011 POL-131.25 VND 005771 PO 20120382 SMOOT & PITTS TRAFFIC SIGNAL MAST ARMS 2012 2012/07/000173 01/27/2012 006080 PO 20120680 GERMAN TECHNICA C31-2011: 2 TRAFFIC SIGNALS 2012/09/000092 03/12/2012 POE VND 006080 PO 20120835 GERMAN TECHNICA TRAFFIC SIGNAL CONSTRUCTION 2012/09/000127 03/16/2012 API •a. 626.26 006080 PO 20120835 GERMAN TECHNICA TRAFFIC SIGNAL CONSTRUCTION 7311 2012/09/000127 03/16/2012 POLj-626.26 VND 006080 PO 20120835 GERMAN TECHNICA TRAFFIC SIGNAL CONSTRUCTIO2012 TOTAL TRAFFIC SIGNAL MAST ARMS 0.00 0.00 0.00 105,096.86 4 i '34 � ^ T' " 10 0 .1 TOTAL TRAFFIC SIGNAL MAST ARMS 0.00 0.00 0.00 105, 096.86 95r, 056 0 100.0% TOTAL CAP PROJ ROAD IMPROVEMENTS 0.00 0.00 0.00 GRAND TOTAL 0.00 0.00 0.00 105,096.86 9r65S"0- .'488,"5 q.9.6- 100.00 105, 096. 86 95-6(36--Sfi-� -29 ion 0% J" 03/23/2012 10:06 ITOWN OF HILTON HEAD ISLAND IPG 2 nataliem IYTD BUDGET REPORT Iglytdbud FOR 2012 99 JOURNAL DETAIL 2012 1 TO 2012 13 ORIGINAL APPROP TRANS/ADJSMTS REVISED BUDGET YTD EXPENDED ENCUMBRANCES AVAILABLE BUDGET % USED ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ** END OF REPORT - Generated by Natalie Majorkiewicz ** PHASE FUNCTION FLAGS SIGNAL EQUIPMENT - - - J�•r I �v� T� � �, n I� LOOP DETECTOR INSTALLATION CHARTNAL DISPLAY SEQUENCE _ ONE 1 8 PHASE FULLY ACTUATED STANDARD 2070 CONTROLLER WITH FLASHER, SIGNAL MONITOR UNIT, AND GROUND -MOUNTED MODEL 332 CABINET (NEW) SIX (6) MODEL 222 TWO -CHANNEL VEHICLE DETECTOR UNITS ONE (1) DC ISOLATOR FOUR (4) SCDOT MAST -ARM SUPPORTS SUPPORTS SIGNAL HEADS HEAD NO. 6 2 4 52 6 8 4P 6P L*10 $ G O (D 0 O ®®Y @ ® $ G O (D Q (D (DLENS �I® PHASE 116 2 4 512 6 8 4P 4P SIZE 1211 1211 1211 1211 1211 12" QUANTITY 1 2 2 1 2 2 SIGNAL PHASING Bt +06 8P 93 +A8 M...... 6 I NE !I+p5 P2+^r 4.2 s} 6i- *� _. '�i2 12+A5 S. J- 02 NOTE: ACTUATED PHASES HAVING I CALL SHALL BE SKIPPED E-W STREET COORDINATED ©BEECOMOMB c■■■■■■©s ■E■■M■■■■ o■■■M■Mm vcummu©©©© ©■■MOM■©© ■■■■■O■■■ o■■■M■M©© ®B6OBBEOOO o■MMMM■©o ■■■■■O■■■ mmmMM■MOO vO00000000 o■■EE■■©e ■■■■■■■■■ o■■■■■■00 E nammummen o■M■■■■mm ■M■■MMM■■ ME■■M■■©E �ommoo■■■■ ■■■O■■■E■ ■■■■MOM■■ ■MM■■■■M■ �ommoo■■■■ ■M■M■M■■■ ■■M■■■M■■ ■MMM■■■M■ �EMEMMM■MM ■■MMMMMMM EMMEME■■M EMMMMEME■I �mommo■■■■ ■■MM■■MM■ ■M■MM■■■■ ■E■■■O■■E MIC000000m000m m■■■■■■ee ■M■MEMM■■ 0M■■■■■mo M10Mmmmmmmomo �■■■■■■om ■■■■■■■■■ o■■■■■■mm �ommoo■■■■ ■E■■■■■■■ ■M■■■MM■■ ■■■■■■■■■ FA2=i O■■■■eeoo ■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■ W=�MLe E�■e■■■■MOMo ©m■■■■mmen mommma©©o ■MOMM■MM■ ■E■O■O■E■ vo■E■E0000 o■■■■0000 ■EMM■■■■■ ■E■■■ME■■ ®o■■■■oo■■ N■MM■Mm9so n■■■■ummu ■E■E■M■M■ ■M■M■M■■■ oo■■■■meam ■MME■M■M■ ■■■■■■■■■ vommomDODO E■■■■EOEe ■ENO■O■■■ ■■MMM■MM■ ■■■■EE■■E■■ ■■■M■■■■■ ■E■■■ONE■ ■■■O■■■E■ �ommooEOM■ ■■■O■■■E■ ■■■■■■■■■ ■■MEMO■■■ IMEMIMME■EMMEM ME■■M■■EE EMMEMEMME ME■■M■■EE' �■■■■■■■■■ ■■MM■■■■■ ■■MM■MM■■ ■■■MMM■M■ M�MM■■■■M■■ ■E■OMO■E■ ■EME■EMMM 0mmm■■cmmc m■■■■mmmm MEMEMEMEM ME■■M■■EE �oom■■mooc m■■■■momo ■MMMEMEME EMME■MEEM �M■MMMMM■M ME■■M■■EE- -MEMMME■■M MEMMEMMEM A z � A a r� A110 I ro 1 4 04(3 .04A ,-ova I I' t- 101. t I t I Gi ' �i ` 6P 1xi i I t I�t I 8 (� - 1I.,Gp 102A I o t . 1 X-7_- • fG - pil DEIAY EXTEND FEATURES ATTRIBUTES 11' DESIGN amp©■Q®■■■■ � � � . 1, � ©® ©�1©111011 o�11111011 ©■��11111111 o ' � t ' 11111v11 o�11111111 0 1©101010 om111111�1! 011111111 ago©1o©o1n. p � � 11111111 ©� 11111111 n 11111111 ©�1©111011 PHASES 12345618 n�11111111 n 11111111 n�11111111 a�11111111 0�11111111 o t �' ' 11111111 o �(11111111 o 11111111 o� �, , 11111111 011111111 o � , , • • 11©o111n'I o � � • 11111111 ��11111111 ©�11111111 CONTROLLER FUNCTION FLAGS a000©000 v©©00000 n11111111 n�11111111 ©�11111111 ©•• � 11111111 o • � � 0111©111 o � 11111111 U1517.997, � 11111111 p 111v1111 o 01111011 p � o ,- - -6+)c40' _ - ��� r - --- �� , ® US 278 BUS. WM. HILTON PKWY. J-05 _ D._ _ _ _ _ _ 1 V - ' t�� iz6�R-36 � x i SL rI - 02 1 4? 1 -i 2 1 ,/ ®���' �t T a a �UAIMI r ,-T- R6-IL-36 f � i , i t � ,� � LEFT R 2_/ �v�- __-i�_,1- �,�=I= _ ___ - NOTE: INSTALL CUSTOM RIO-3i-9 o------------------------------------------------------------- Ti a�rla � YIELD 4 4% t l i a r a6alwlli S I G N I ON GREEN $ 'I, -BES I DE BOTH PED BUTTONS c�'• � I � t L _ L _ I 2N PY G � tNM7 gOSi . PATHU/AY c � t�, , rn8B � �� R10-12- 24 PAR>1fWAY R10-3i } _ --PHASE BANK 1 PHASE 9 A B C- D 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 8 WALK 0 - - - 6 - 6 - - 0 - - - - - RRI DLY 0 FLASH D!W 1 - - - 24 - 20 - - 1 I PHASE 1 6 - - - - RRI CLR 1 MIN AIITIAL 2 6 24 - 8 6 24 - 8 2 PHASE 2 24 - - - - EVA DLY 2 TYPE 3 LIMIT 3 - - - - - - - - 3 PHASE 3 - - - - - EVA CLR * 3 ADDIVEH 4 - - - - - - - - 4 PHASE 8 - - - - EVB DLY 4 VEH EXTEN 5 2.5 4.0 - 3.0 2.5 4.0 - 3.0 5 PHASES 6 - - - - EVB CLR * 5 MAX GAP 6 12.5 4.0 1 - 3.0 12.5 4.0 - 3.0 6 1 PHASE 6 24 - - - - EVC DLY 6 MAN GAP 7 2.5 4.0 1 -- 3.0 12.5 4.0 - 3.0 7 1 PHASE 7 - - - - - EVC CLR * 7 MAX LIMIT 8 15 401 251 15 40 - 25 8 1 PHASE 8 8 - - - - EVD DLY 8 MAX2 9 35 140 601 35 140 60 Kaymoka: F+9+PHASE thuwgh F+D+PHASE RED REVERT (F/1+0+n- 5.0 --,A ALL RED START (F/1+00) - 5.0 - Mo.k ADV. WARNEJG SIGN N1: PHASE(F/I+C+n- NPLIOW(F/-.c+E,- TDaR WARNING nDv. wnRNwG s1GI.1 sez: PHASE 1RE �W (F/I+D+M- � EVD CLR * 9 ANDLY WALK A - - - - - - - - RR2 DLY A PREMT PD CLR B - - - - - - - _ RR2 CLR B CONDSVCMN C - - - - - - - - EV CLR C REDUCEEVERY D 25.5 25.5 25.5 25.5 .5 25.5 25.5 25.5 EVDLY D YELLOW E 3.5 4.5 - 4.0 3.5 4.5 - 4.0 RR CLR E RED CLEARANCE F 12.5 12.0 - 13.0 2, - 2.0 - 3.0 RR DLY ! c 1 ^-- F EXCLUSIVE PED: WALK (F/1+0+0) - FLASH DONT WALK (F/1+0+1) - -- RED CLEARANCE (F/I+Or2) - LONG POWER DOWN CORRECTION FACTOR (F+0+6)-----A0.7 v- scconds SHORT POWER DOWN CORRECTION FACTOR (F+0+7) __ u."& EMERGENCY VEHICLE PREEMPTION - EMERGENCY VEHICLE PREEMPTION SYSTEM IS OPTICOMf MODEL 700 SERIES - ALL OVERHEAD DETECTORS TO BE MOUNTED CENTERED ON ARMS FOR ALL FOUR APPROACHES - DETECTOR PHASE ASSIGNMENTS AS OUTLINED IN CONTROLLER PHASE FLAG TABLE - ALL CONFLICTING VEHICLE AND PEDESTRIAN PHASES TERMINATED UPON PREEMPTION USING BACKGROUND CLEARANCE INTERVALS - PREEMPT PHASE REMAINS ACTIVE WHILE CALL IS PRESENT - SIGNAL RETURNS TO PHASE 2-6 FOLLOWING TERMINATION OF CALL USING PREEMPTION PHASE'S BACKGROUND CLEARANCE INTERVALS Y, YTRAFFIC SIGNAL PLAN US 278 BUS., WIVI, HILTON PKWY,' WITH S-7-334 DILLON RD.) .JOB ND DIFER1 MTFj V371I DRAWN We DAS NZOED By- DAS SURVEYED BYI SURVEY MM SHEET I 202 SIGNAL EQUIPMENT ONE (1) 8 PHASE FULLY ACTUATED STANDARD 2070 CONTROLLER WITH FLASHER, SIGNAL MONITOR UNIT, AND GROUND -MOUNTED MODEL 332 CABINET THREE (3) MODEL 222 TWO-CHANNII, VEHICLE DETECTOR UNITS DCISOLATOR THREE (3) SCDOT MAST -ARM SUPPORTS SUPPORTS SIGNAL HEADS HEADNO. 1 2 4 5 6 LENS © (D O 0 O (y) O PHASE OLA 4 1 5 6 SIZE 12" 12" 12" 12" QUANTITY 2 2 1 2 2 s", OLA=04+05+06 03 CONTROLLER FUNCTION FLAGS �« ; 11111111 ©''r'«'11111111 �© 1.,,• 11111111 p!!11/f11 © I � 11111111 pC�ol101000 01, ;I 17 ol111111 p 1 y oil logo 0 I " 11111111 0 11111011 v . y' 111l1111 u �� 1111©111' V 1 1/111111 u�1l111111 ©��!l111111 y ���11001l00 ©� ' y 11111111 ©� ► ► 11111111 p I 1 « 1111111/ © 51 11111111 p ' ► ' 01111111 0 ► 111l1111 � 51 11111101 0 111111011 O ' , ' 11111111 0 01100l11 u ► iiiiiiii l�L�'711111111 ©11111111 PHASE FUNCTION FLAGS a©0000ao o©©o©000 O1�11111111 p �' y� " 11111111 © �� 11111111 ©r r]!1lo0111 © I 11 11111111 p 1 11111111 p l �► �11111111 p 11111111 0 �" r �' .. !!!loll! o x 1ll11111 o�:►'Y' 11111111 [� ] .1 01111111 u11111111 IIF .111/11II © ], 11111111 EMERGENCY VEHICLE PREEMPTION - EMERGENCY VEHICLE PREEMPTION SYSTEM IS OPTICONl" MODEL 700 SERIES -ALL OVERHEAD DETECTORS TO BE MOUNTED CENTERED ON ARMS FOR ALL FOUR APPROACHES -DETECTOR PHASE ASSIGNMENTS AS OUTLINED IN CONTROLLER PHASE FLAG TABLE -ALL CONFLICTING VEHICLE AND PEDESTRIAN PHASES TERMINATED UPON PREEMPTION USING BACKGROUND CLEARANCE INTERVALS - PREEMPT PHASE REMAINS ACTIVE WHILE CALL IS PRESENT -SIGNAL RETURNS TO PHASE 6 FOLLOWING TERMINATION OF CALL USING PREEMPTION PHASE'S BACKGROUND CLEARANCE INTERVALS n 1©1oaoln p 11111111 © 1 I « 1©111011 a�1©u1o11 O ► ' 10111101 ©�11111111 p • � � 11111111 0 1 � 11111111 0 o©Ia©o10 Om11111111 0 I 11111111 o®u©l�aolo [� I " 11110101 V�� •► 11111001 !1 � 1 � 11110011 © 1©111�11 PORT ROYAL 4 �•may=�,�� �� \ n U5 L.! V BUS. ISL.. 4 . H I LTO N K P r-- t SIGNAL DISPLAY SEQUENCE 0 LOOP DETECT0RM`TALLA-T40N-eHART-'- SPECULFUMS -"-- i ArMWM 7� • ao�©�©®emu■■■ � � �� 1 � ' ©® u�u0■m1us�©utu�� _ � 1l�f7©m PHASE BANK 1 Lq olool0000a�uoou�o�-s�u�o oe�oese�ou�eemeeeeem�©� ©eoeou�®eoeme�se�e�ulo ©e�eee�e�eee©meu�elea�l�©© oeuu�� 000a�uo®�oee . � ®Deameee�em©o Ime�leeeu� I �o TRAFFIC SIGNAL PLAN HILTON HEAD ISLAND, BEAUFORT COUNTY, SOUTH CAROLJNA US 278 BUS. WM. H ILTON PKWY. WITH COGG I N S PT. RD. (O.S.) . .n i s nr►m - I I 1uHN 1Y DEODi • Ih n sn suRVEY a►rE► SHEET SIGNAL EQUIPMENT EMERGENCY VEHICLE PREEMPTION - EMERGENCY VEHICLE PREEMPTION SYSTEM IS OPTICOMT'' MODEL 700 SERIES - ALL OVERHEAD DETECTORS TO BE MOUNTED CENTERED ON ARMS FOR ALL FOUR APPROACHES - DETECTOR PHASE ASSIGNMENTS AS OUTLINED IN CONTROLLER PHASE FLAG TABLE - ALL CONFLICTING VEHICLE AND PEDESTRIAN PHASES TERMINATED UPON PREEMPTION USING BACKGROUND CLEARANCE INTERVALS - PREEMPT PHASE REMAINS ACTIVE WHILE CALL IS PRESENT - SIGNAL RETURNS TO PHASE 6 FOLLOWING TERMINATION OF CALL USING PREEMPTION PHASE'S BACKGROUND CLEARANCE INTERVALS CONTROLLER FUNCTION FLAGS O z co 0 PORT ROYAL 04� y� RI-2-36 yRI -2-36 ,. HEAD NUMBER ■■■■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■ - - TWIN -*rot --�6 r , R3-Z-24 � f vs 278 IJU`-'rrkIOG B � S - WM.SL. 4- H PTO N P KW 05 4 o 1 Z- 2 ` w#N I' 1F OPERATION EXTEND SPECIAL FEATURES ATMUTES —A L11' DESIGNDELAY SIZE TURNS SETBACK PHASE BANK 1 v T. 471114h ilsry HILTON HEAD ISLAND, BEAUFORT COUNTY, SOUTH CAROLINA COGGINS 'PT. RD. (0,S.j_ .O ND INEM IMTEi - 1-11 DRAVN B1h DAS DES CD BY, suav m am SURVEY DAM 9GAI-E s SHEET 203 PAYMENT APPROVAL REQUEST MEMORANDUM TO: Natalie Majorkiewicz, Systems & Reporting Administrator FROM: D.arrin Shoemaker, Traffic and Transportation Engineer VIA: Jeff Buckalew, Town Engineer Scott Liggett, Director of Public Projects & Facilities/Chief Engineer DATE: January 20th, 2012 SUBJECT: Contract No. C31-2011 — 2011 Traffic Signal Mast Arm Project — CIP account no. 30000070-53105. This is to recommend payment in a total amount of $95,656.50 to German Technical Group, LLC to serve as full payment for the subject contract in the contract amount. No progress payment requests were submitted by the contractor during the project. I have reviewed these charges and find them consistent with the original contract quantities and unit prices. CIP funds were encumbered by the subject contract, and project budgets are adequate to satisfy this payment request. A subsequent change order to account for quantity adjustments will be submitted. Director of Administrative Services Fultz recommended this pay request action at the January 19th, 2012 CIP staff meeting. PROJECT BUDGET ....................................... . (Amount of Contract No. C31-2011) PROJECT COSTS PREVIOUSLY INCURRED ON THIS CONTRACT RECOMMENDED PAYMENT ............................... TOTAL PROJECT COST UNDER THIS CONTRACT ............. REMAINING CONTRACT AMOUNT FOR THIS PROJECT ........ $ 95,656.50 $ 0.00 $ 95,656.50 $ 95,656.50 $ 0.00 CIP COCK REQUEST FORM PROJECT NAME CONTRACT NUMBER ACCOUNT NUMBER VENDOR INVOICE AMOUNT AMOUNT APPROVED 2011 Traffic Signal Mast Arm Project C31-2011 30000070- 53105 German Technical Group, LLC $95,656.50 $95,656.50 Comments: This is full payment for all contract quantities and matches the contract amount. A subsequent change order will be issued to account for quantity adjustments. Existing CIP budgets are adequate to pay this invoice in the amount of the contract. Work on the project was substantially completed on December 9th, 2011, the contract completion date identified in the contract as amended. Signatures: Prbjee'ct Manager % f 1 Dir. of PP&F/Chief Eng. or Asst. Town Manager Town Manager (if over $500,000) Received by Finance (5-7 business days prior to payment due) Revised01 /20/2012 GERMAN TECHNICAL GROUP, LLC Traffic Signal Systems a Intelligent Transportation Systems Town of Hilton Head Darrin Shoemaker One Town Center Court Hilton Head, SC 29928-2701 Project: Invoice Date Invoice # 1/19/2012 921 Traffic Sgnl Mast -Arm Prj IFB#2011-0017 Description Qty U... Unit Price Amount MOBILIZATION 1 LS 6,000.00 6,000.00 TRAFFIC CONTROL % 8,500.00 8,500.00 INSTALL MAST -ARM POLE WITH SINGLE MAST -ARM (to be Provided by Town) 7 EA 500.00 3,500.00 INSTALL PEDESTRIAN POLE (to be provided by Town) 3 EA 115.00 345.00 PROVIDE 3-SECTION (R.Y.G.) VEHICLE TRAFFIC SIGNAL HEADS - HWY YELLOW HOUSING 14 EA 680.00 9,520.00 PROVIDE 1-SECTION (GA) VEHICLE TRAFFIC SIGNAL HEADS - HWY YELLOW HOUSING 2 EA 210.00 420.00 PROVIDE 5-SECTION (R.YA.GA.Y.G.) VEHICLE TRAFFIC SIGNAL HEADS - HWY YELLOW 2 EA 1,000.00 2,000.00 HOUSING INSTALL MAST -ARM MOUNTED VEHICLE TRAFFIC SIGNAL (Mounting Hardware to be Provided by 18 EA 100.00 1,800.00 Town) CONSTRUCT CONCRETE FOUNDATION FOR MAST -ARM POLES 7 EA 2,700.00 18,900.00 CONSTRUCT CONCRETE FOUNDATION FOR PEDESTRIAN POLE 3 EA 175.00 525.00 PROVIDE 1-SECTION (COUNTDOWN/HAND/MAN EMBLEM) PEDESTRIAN SIGNAL HEAD - HWY 4 EA 405.00 1,620.00 YELLOW HOUSING INSTALL PEDESTRIAN SIGNAL HEAD 4 EA 235.00 940.00 PROVIDE & INSTALL PED SIGNAL MOUNTING HARDWARE FOR SIDE OF MAST -ARM POLE 4 EA 125.00 500.00 PROVIDE & INSTALL PED SIGNAL MOUNTING HARDWARE FOR TOP OF PED POLE (2 Ped Heads 1 EA 350.00 350.00 Mounted @ Rt Angles to Each Other) PROVIDE & INSTALL PED SIGNAL MOUNTING HARDWARE FOR TOP OF PED POLE (Single Head) 2 EA 150.00 300.00 PROVIDE 2" PEDESTRIAN PUSH BUTTON 2 EA 125.00 250.00 INSTALL 2" PEDESTRIAN PUSH BUTTON & CUSTOM ACCOMPANYING SIGN (Custom Signs to be 2 EA 100.00 200.00 Provided by Town) REINSTALL EXISTING OVERHEAD OPTICOM EMERGENCY VEHICLE DETECTORS ON NEW 3 EA 250.00 750.00 MAST -ARM SUPPORTS (Mini Mounting Bracket to be Provided by Contractor) PROVIDE & INSTALL OPTICOM COMPATIBLE WIRING CABLE 2,000 LF 1.75 3,500.00 PROVIDE FLAT SHEET, TYPE III, FIXED SIZE & MSG (OVERHEAD) 12 SF 38.00 456.00 INSTALL FLAT SHEET, TYPE III, FIXED SIZE & MSG SIGN ON MAST -ARM 2 EA 150.00 300.00 MOUNTING ASSEMBLY FOR FIXED SIZE & MSG SIGN MOUNTED ON MAST ARM 2 EA 125.00 250.00 2.0" SCHEDULE 80 PVC CONDUIT (DIRECTIONAL BORED) 700 LF 20.00 14,000,00 4.0" SCHEDULE 80 PVC CONDUIT (TRENCHED OR RISER) 30 LF 25.00 750.00 2.0" SCHEDULE 80 PVC CONDUIT (TRENCHED OR RISER) 90 LF 10.00 900.00 3.0" SCHEDULE 80 PVC CONDUIT (TRENCHED OR RISER) 10 LF 16.00 160.00 REMOVE EXISTING ASPHALT PATHWAY (SURFACE COURSE - TYPE C) 4 SY 218.00 872.00 HMA SURFACE COURSE - TYPE C 0.33 ton 500.00 165.00 All work is complete! Please make checks payable to German Technical Group, LLC. TOTAL 105 Umphlett Cir * Moncks Corner SC 29461 * 843-899-7195 * 843-899-7196 Fax * www.GermanTechGroup.com Page 1 GERMAN TECHNICAL GROUP, LLC Traffic Signal Systems - Intelligent Transportation Systems Town of Hilton Head Darrin Shoemaker One Town Center Court Hilton Head, SC 29928-2701 Project: Invoice Date Invoice # 1/19/2012 921 Traffic Sgnl Mast -Arm Prj IFB#2011-0017 Description Qty U... Unit Price Amount NO 14 CU WIRE, 4 COND - BLACK 900 LF 1.65 1,485.00 NO 14 CU WIRE, 4 COND - GRAY 1,355 LF 1.75 2,371.25 NO 14 CU WIRE, 8 COND - BLACK 3,240 LF 2.15 6,966.00 NO 14 CU WIRE, 8 COND - GRAY 1,505 LF 2.25 3,386.25 CONSTRUCT/ASSEMBLE NEW GROUND MOUNTED POWER SERVICE ON WOOD PEDESTAL I EA 625.00 625.00 COMPLETE METER BASE, BREAKER BOX & EXTERNAL SURGE SUPPRESSOR 13"Wx24"LxI8"D ELECTRICAL FLUSH UNDERGROUND ENCLOSURE-SplBx- 2 EA 350.00 700.00 (STR.POLY.CONC)/HD REMOVE & DISPOSE OF ALL SUPERSEDED SIGNAL EQUIP INC SIGNAL SUPPORT HW (Rtn all 1 LS 2,000.00 2,000.00 pre-existing yellow signal heads to the Town) PROVIDE ANY ADD-L REQUIRED FINISHING HARDWARE (FASTENERS, END CONNECTION, ETC) 1 LS 100.00 100.00 AS BUILT CONSTRUCTION PLANS 1 250.00 250.00 All work is complete! Please make checks payable to German Technical Group, LLC. TOTAL $95,656.50 105 Umphlett Cir * Moncks Corner SC 29461 * 843-899-7195 * 843-899-7196 Fax * www.GermanTechGroup.com Page 2 2011 TRAFFIC SIGNAL MAST -ARM PROJECT Item Description Qty, Unit Unit Cost Extension 1031000 Mobilization and Preparation JOB LS �CA 1071000 Traffic Control JOB LS 6888170 Install Mast -Arm Pole with Single Mast -Arm (to 7 EA $� $ be provided b Town 2�M oa , 6688190 Install Pedestrian Pole (to be provided by 3 EA $ $ Town) ' yJ' oc� 21 bo J`I� 6865731 Provide 3-Section (R/Y/G) Signal Heads — 14 EA $ $ Highway Yellow Housings / S;II� 6865738 Provide 1 Section (jG) Signal Heads — 2 EA $ $ Highway Yellow Housings ^ ID00 a 4X�o 6865710 Provide and Install 5-Section Doghouse 2 EA $ $ (R/Y/G/E-Y/FG) Signal Head — Highway Yellow Housings p� 6888305 Install Mast -Arm Mounted Vehicle Traffic Signal 18 EA $ $ — MountingHardware to be Provided b Town �cucp I � co , Construct Concrete Foundations for Mast -Arm Poles 7 EA $��� $I �� Construct Concrete Foundations for Pedestrian 3 EA $ I� oo $ Poles 6865783 Provide 1-Section Pedestrian Heads —Highway 4 EA. $ $ Yellow Housings - Complete with LED Lic6c '(JX m Hand/Man Indications and Countdown Timer 6888320 Install Pedestrian Signal Heads 4 EA $ a35 ® $ q�0� 6865841 Provide and Install Pedestrian Signal Mounting Hardware for Side of Mast -Arm Pole 4 EA. $ (zoo $� 686584x Provide and Install Pedestrian Signal Mounting 1 EA $ $ Hardware for Top of Pedestrian Pole (Two Pedestrian Heads Mounted at Right Angles to 0a � 00 , Each Other 6865840 Provide and Install Pedestrian Signal Mounting 2 EA $ $ Hardware for Top of Pedestrian Signal Pole ��/loD nW (Single Head) •N 6865791 Provide 2" Pedestrian Pushbuttons 2 EA $ N $ z1)47 i 6888325 Install 2" Pedestrian Pushbutton and Custom 2 EA $ $ Accompanying Signs (custom signs to be lwQo RD� provided b Town)' 6770423 Reinstall Existing Overhead OPTICOM 3 -EA- $ $ Emergency Vehicle Detectors on new mast- arm supports. Mounting Hardware (mini-�, co ��,00 bracket) to be provided by contractor 6770419 Provide and Install OPTICOM compatible 2000 LF $ $ wiring cable U7 j �op 6510105 Provide Flat Sheet Type III Fixed Size & 12 SF $ $ Message Sign 3Q 00 y5( ij 2011 TRAFFIC SIGNAL MAST -ARM PROJECT Item Description Qty. Unit Unit Cost Extension 6888132 Install Flat Sheet Type III Fixed Size & 2 EA $ od 1 50, $ � o0 Message Sign on Mast Arm 6513020 Mounting Assembly for Fixed Size & 2 EA $ $ Message Sign to Mount on Mast -Arm CD l� 95D. 6750090 2.0" Schedule 80 PVC Conduit (Directional Bored) 700 LF $ @0 $ , L1� 6750275 4.0" Schedule 80 PVC Conduit (Trenched) 30 LF $ $ _-150cp 6750278 2.0" Schedule 80 PVC Conduit (Trenched) 90 LF $ ' a� $ 675027C 3.0" Schedule 80 PVC Conduit (Trenched) 10 LF $ oo $ vo .� 2025000 Remove Existing Asphalt Pathway Surface Course — Type C 4 SY $ 91V $ 4030340 HMA Surface Course — Type C 0.33 TON $ cO $ o0 6770388 No. 14 Copper Wire, 4-Conductor — Black 900 LF $ $ 6770389 No. 14 Copper Wire, 4-Conductor— Gray 1355 LF $ $ ' a3�►.� 6770393 No. 14 Copper Wire, 8-Conductor — Black 3240 LF $ $ 15 6770394 No. 14 Copper Wire, 8-Conductor —Gray 1505 LF $ S $ 33�� a5 i 6800499 Construct / Assemble New Ground Mounted 1 EA $ $ Power Service on Wood Pedestal Complete w/ Meter Base, Breaker Box, and External Surge U)5co W5.co Suppressor 6800518 13"x24"x18" D. Electrical Flush Underground 2 EA $ $ Junction Box Enclosure (Str. Poly. 3so '7X00 Concrete)HD J 6885990 Remove and Dispose of All Superseded Signal JOB LS $ Equipment, Including Signal Support Hardware. co Return All Pre -Existing Yellow Signal Heads to , the Town. 1 Provide Any Additional Required Finishing Hardware End Connections, JOB LS >< $ op (Fasteners, Etc.) 1090200 As Built Construction Plans JOB LS $ ><a5a� TOTAL BID 450 I 14 EXHIBIT 25 CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT CLOSE OUT CHECKLIST TOWN OF HILTON HEAD ISLAND Project Title: Contract Number: Contractor: Date of Substantial Completion: /®Y ❑ No 1. Has all work on this contractitask order/job order been satisfactorily co p to ' IF No 2. Have all required change orders been processed and approved? re e D(No 3. Has the final request for payment (including retainage and final quantity adj me ts) been processed and paid? s 0 No 4. Has the final certification/affidavit that all subcontractors and vendors have n paid in full been received by the Town and filed with the Legal Department eYes ❑ o 5. Have confirmation of service certifications been issued by the utilities? &Yes VNo 6. Have all permitting agencies been notified and accepted the project as being com leted and in compliance with the permit conditions in writing confirmation o? Os ❑ No 7. Have all project related equipment manuals, test reports, and material certificattii7s been received? El Yes ®'No 8. Have as -built surveys and record drawings been received? ❑ Yes ❑ No 9. Has the Certificate of Compliance been issued by the Town? t /I A ❑ Yes ❑ No 10. Has the Certificate of Occupancy been issued by the Town? rV /A ❑ Yes IP/No 11. Has the project account budget been reconciled with Finance? ❑ YesVNo 12. Is insurance required for any equipment, building, infrastructure, or property, and if so has a written request been made to Administrative to add this to the To�n's Insurance Policy? [� Yes ❑ No 13. Have the payment and performance bonds been released? Yes ❑ No 14. Have all rights of way or permanent easements acquired for others been dedicated o the intended agency and recorded with the register of deeds? ❑ Yes dedicated 15. Are their any pending contractual issues requiring the involvement of the Staff Attorney? I, the Project Manager hereby certify thesestatements to be true to the bes7 of my, knowledge: -- i �A 27Zt N �rf U�'WAKk �_ - � `� Z Z [Printed Name] Sig to Date Approved bv: CIP Account Number: Director of Public Projects (all CIP) Date: Technical Department Director Date: Director of Finance Date: Staff Attorney (if required): Date: Procurement Official: Date: Attachments: Any documents needed to support the answers provided herein shall be attached or filed with the Legal Department. Shoemaker Darrin From: Shoemaker Darrin Sent: Monday, December 19, 2011 9:01 AM To: 'mulliganwm@scdot.org' Subject: Encroachment Permit Notification Good morning, Wendell. In keeping with the conditions of encroachment permits #S-07-11-0073 95250 (mast -arm signal construction on US 278 Bus. at 5-7-334) and #5-07-11-0074 95251 (mast -arm signal construction on US 278 Bus. at Coggins Pt. Rd. (O.S.)), the Town is advising that the work covered under these permits is now complete. Thanks, DAS/ �-j n, Y P r Ca 1'-U� C <--cfLv ( --, CP s ((�G,�l-(,� ''44 / l n r-a�t1Y2 r ry�QVAki - I cut-' /D� r � � is r >�, . 'v-n G�1 •-� o � C �i �' �.�-X -� -� e �11�• ryl ( C"o � n C a� • �� u__ 1� �u lu6t-k I- - 64-, dw.�' � r o-ll�f n -� C, yd- � �_r 12/07/2011 8:22:23AM Inspection Request Specific Reporting Page 1 Hilton Head Island, SC Requested Date: 12/07/2011 Inspection Area: Address: 500 WILLIAM HILTON PARKWAY INTERSECTION OF COGGINS POINT ROAD AND 2 A/P/D Information: Activity: B1101759 Type: BLDG Sub Type: ELEC Status: ISSUED on: 07/19/20 Const Type: OTHR Occupancy: Use: Insp Area: PARCEL: Valuation: $500.00 APPLICANT: GERMAN TECHNICAL. GROUP LLC 843-805-7'i95 OWNER: SCDOT CONTRACTOR: GERMAN TECHNICAL GROUP LLC 843-805-7195 #2 E contr: HVAC: Architect: Engr: P contr: Description: INTERSECTION OF COGGINS POINT ROAD AND 278 - INSTALLA I IUN Ur MAb i ruk i rwrrw SIGNAL. NEW GROUND MOUNTED ELECTRICAL POWER SERVICE FOR MAST ARM MOUNTED SIGNAL Requested Inspection(s): B1101759 Item: 170 Final Inspection Requested Time: 12:00:00 AM Requester Phone or Comment - Entered By DONNAH Assigned To:o- Inspection History: 14- Item:170 Final Inspection j Item: 160 Permanent Service t Item: 292 Permit Check Item 120 Rough In Electrical 11/15/2011 Inspector mlt Comment: Item 160 Permanent Service 11/15/2011 Inspector mlt Comment: 1:Need to contact power company 2:Service needs line side conduit and wire run to power co. pedestal or transformer Action AP Action DN MEMORANDUM TO: Scott Liggett, Director of Public Projects & Facilties/Chief Engineer FROM: Parrin Shoemaker, Traffic and Transportation Engineer VIA: Jeff Buckalew, Town Engineer Scott Liggett, Director of Public Projects & Facilities/Chief Engineer Tom Fultz, Director of Administrative Services Brian Hulbert, Staff Attorney/Prosecutor DATE: December 2"d, 2011 SUBJ: Contract Addendum No. Two — Contract No. C31-2011 Traffic Signal Mast - Arm Project 2011 Recommendation: Approve the attached contract addendum number one with German Technical Group, LLC to extend the contract completion time forty-three (7) calendar days to December 9th, 2011. Summary: This is the second addendum to contract number C31-2011 executed on July 19th, 2011. This extension in the contract's completion time is recommended to give the contractor additional time to complete the project, due to the contractor being asked to stop work on Monday, November 28 , 2011 due to an electrical service issue requiring action by Palmetto Electric Cooperative, Inc. The utility does not have a power service pedestal conveniently located at the intersection of William Hilton Parkway with Coggins Point Road as is typical of signalized intersections. The matter was resolved by the contractor with subsurface explorations on Friday, December 2°d, 2011, the currently established contract completion date, and they were allowed by the Town to resume work on this date. Background: The construction of mast -arm mounted traffic signals is programmed and funded within the Town's Capital Improvements Program (CIP). The contract amount is not being revised under this amendment. This project is substantially complete pending the scheduled removal of pre-existing wood pole supports, which could not be accomplished prior to the resolution of the power service issue involving Palmetto Electric Cooperative outlined above. APPROVED: Scott Liggett, Director of PP&F/Chief Engineer Tom Fultz Director of Administrative Services Brian Hulbert Staff Attorney/Prosecutor Scott P. Liggett for Stephen G. Riley Town Manager STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA ) ADDENDUM #2 TO TOWN/ GERMAN TECHNICAL GROUP, LLC BEAUFORT COUNTY ) AGREEMENT WHEREAS, an Agreement (C31-2011) was made and entered into on July 191h, 2011 between the Town of Hilton Head Island, hereafter referred to as (Town) and German Technical Group, LLC (Contractor); and WHEREAS, German Technical Group, LLC entered into an Agreement with the Town for the purpose of constructing two mast -arm supported traffic signals and deconstructing the two previously existing wood -pole and span wire -mounted traffic signals at the intersections of William Hilton Parkway with Coggins Point Road and with Dillon Road and Plaza Drive, and WHEREAS, the Town seeks to amend the Agreement's contract completion time due to the fact that the contractor was requested by the Town to stop work on Monday, November 28`h, 2011 while an electrical service availability matter could be resolved in cooperation with Palmetto Electric Cooperative, Inc. and was able to resume work on Friday, December 2nd, 2011; NOW THEREFORE, the "Town" and "Contractor" hereby mutually agree that the Agreement shall be amended as follows: Article 4: Contract Completion Time The contract completion time of ninety (90) days shall be amended to a period of one - hundred -and -thirty-three (133) days following the issuance of a notice to proceed by the Town. The revised contract completion time is set at December 9`h, 2011. A penalty of Five -Hundred -Dollars -and -No -Cents ($500.00) per day will be assessed for each calendar day required by the contractor to complete the project beyond the contract completion time. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused the within Addendum #1 to be executed this day of December, 2011. WITNESSES: GERMAN TECHNICAL GROUP, LLC. 51 Its: WITNESSES: TOWN OF HILTON HEAD ISLAND Scott P. Liggett, P.E. Its: Director of Public Projects & Facilities/Chief Engineer MEMORANDUM TO: Scott Liggett, Director of Public Projects & Facilties/Chief Engineer FROM: Darrin Shoemaker, Traffic and Transportation Engineer VIA: Jeff Buckalew, Town Enginee Scott Liggett, Director of Public Projects & Facilities/Chief Engineer Tom Fultz, Director of Administrative Services Brian Hulbert, Staff Attorney/Prosecutor DATE: November 15`h, 2011 SUBJ: Contract Addendum No. One — Contract No. C31-2011 Traffic Signal Mast - Arm Project 2011 Recommendation: Approve the attached contract addendum number one with German Technical Groin, LLC to extend the contract completion time forty-three (43) calendar days to December 2" , 2011, and to extend the term of the agreement until December 31S`, 2011. Summary: This is the first addendum to contract number C31-2011 executed on July 19`h, 2011. This extension in the contract's term and in its contract completion time is necessary to give the contractor additional time to complete the project, necessary due to the Town being required to issue a stop work order to the contractor on August 301h, 2011. The stop work order was due to the identification of inadequate available public right-of-way to accommodate the required -size pole foundation in the southwest quadrant of the intersection of Wm. Hilton Pkwy. with Dillon Road and Plaza Drive. The matter was resolved and the stop work order lifted on October 10`h, 2011, a period of forty-three (43) days. Background: The construction of mast -arm mounted traffic signals is programmed and funded within the Town's Capital Improvements Program (CIP). The contract amount is not being revised under this amendment. The contractor has advised the Town of their anticipated ability to complete the project prior to November 30`h, 2011. of PP&F/Chief Engineer Tom Fultz Director of Administrative Services Brian Hulbert Staff Attorney/Prosecutor Scott P. Liggett for Stephen G. Riley Town Manager STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA BEAUFORT COUNTY ADDENDUM 91 TO TOWN/ GERMAN TECHNICAL GROUP, LLC AGREEMENT WHEREAS, an Agreement (C31-2011) was made and entered into on July 19th, 2011 between the Town of Hilton Head Island, hereafter referred to as (Town) and German Technical Group, LLC (Contractor); and WHEREAS, German Technical Group, LLC entered into an Agreement with the Town for the purpose of constructing two mast -arm supported traffic signals and deconstructing the two previously existing wood -pole and span wire -mounted traffic signals at the intersections of William Hilton Parkway with Coggins Point Road and with Dillon Road and Plaza Drive, and WHEREAS, the Town seeks to amend the Agreement's contract completion time and date of expiration due to the fact that a legal matter involving right-of-way arose during construction that required the contractor to stop work for a period of approximately six weeks from August 30th, 2011 through October 1 Oth, 2011 while the legal matter was resolved, and NOW THEREFORE, the "Town" and "Contractor" hereby mutually agree that the Agreement shall be amended as follows: Article 3 • Term The Term of this Agreement shall be from the date of execution to December 31St, 2011. Article 4: Contract Completion Time The contract completion time of ninety (90) days shall be amended to a period of one - hundred -and -thirty-three (133) days following the issuance of a notice to proceed by the Town. A penalty of Five -Hundred -Dollars -and -No -Cents ($500.00) per day will be assessed for each calendar day required by the contractor to complete the project beyond the contract completion time. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused the within Addendum 41 to be executed this day of November, 2011. WITNESSES: GERMAN TECHNICAL GROUP, LLC. By. 4ze-, O1 Its: �c 'Ck `fin WITNESSES: TOWN OF HILTON HEAD ISLAND IN Scott P. Liggett, P.E. Its: Director of Public Projects & Facilities/Chief Engineer N.T.S. SOME OR ALL AREAS ON THIS PLAT ARE FLOOD HAZARD AREAS AND HAVE BEEN IDENTIFIED AS HAVING AT LEAST A ONE PERCENT CHANCE OF BEING FLOODED IN ANY GIVEN YEAR BY RISING TiDAL WATERS ASSOCIATED WITH POSSIBLE HURRICANES. LOCAL REGULATIONS REQUIRE THAT CERTAIN FLOOD HAZARD PROTECTIVE MEASURES BE INCORPORATED IN THE DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION OF STRUCTURES IN THESE DESIGNATED AREAS. REFERENCE SHALL BE MADE TO THE DEVELOPMENT COVENANTS AND RESTRICTIONS OF THIS DEVELOPMENT AND REQUIREMENTS OF THE TOWN BUILDING OFFICIAL IN ADDITION, FEDERAL LAW REQUIRES MANDATORY PURCHASE OF FLOOD INSURANCE AS A PREREQUISITE TO FEDERALLY INSURED MORTGAGE FINANCING IN THESE DESIGNATED FLOOD HAZARD AREAS. TRAFFIC SIGNAL POLE ASPHALT BIKE PATH SIGN I / l a� N/F SVG LLC I PARCEL S-2 R511 008 000 0192 0000 DB 2604 PG 665 PID R511 008 000 202C 0000 MCDONALDS CORPORATION MCDONALDS (39/098) PO BOX 23229 CITY HILTON HEAD STATE SC ZIP 29925 3229 1) A PLAT OF HERITAGE CENTER A PORTION OF THE INDUSTRIAL PARK TRACT HILTON HAED ISLAND, BEAUFORT, SOUTH CAROLINA DRAWN: AUG 30, 1983, LAST REVISED MAR 19, 1984 RECORDED IN BOOK 32, PAGE 57 ROD. BEAUFORT COUNTY, SC BY: ELMER A ANDERSON S.C.R.L.S. #8936 2) AN ASBUILT SURVEY AND BOUNDARY PLAT OF PARCEL D A PORTION OF PARCEL A PORT ROYAL PLAZA, HILTON HEAD ISLAND, BEAUFORT COUNTY, SOUTH CAROLINA. DRAWN: 10/03/85, REVISED: 11/19/85 RECORDED IN BOOK 33, PAGE 134, DATED 11/27/85 ROD. BEAUFORT COUNTY, SC BY: THOMAS B. RICHARDSON S.C.R.LS. # 8612 PROPERTY AREA = 0.005 Ac. 200 Sq Ft ADDRESS: PLAZA DRIVE DISTRICT: R511, MAP: 008, PARCEL: 0192 THIS PROPERTY LIES IN F.E.M.A. ZONE A7-14.0' COMMUNITY NO.450250, PANEL: 0009D, DATED: 9/29/86 0[951111 C1 CURB INLET U. S/HWy- 278 , K'LLlq&t HI` r® i 18.56' �- 4'XB' CULVERT i N7758'21 „ w / / L i i 4V U m V TRAFFIC SIGNAL MAST RIP RAPQ EASEMENT 200 Sq.Ft. 0- L2 PLAZA DRIVE / SVG LLC / EASEMENT FOR ROADWAY & UTILITIES PARCEL R511 008 000 0192 0000 / DEED BOOK 2604 PAGE 665 Q� / o 1). THIS PLAT HAS BEEN PREPARED WITHOUT BENEFIT OF A COMPLETE TITLE SEARCH BY SEA ISLAND LAND SURVEY, LLC. 2). THIS PROPERTY MAY BE SUBJECT TO EASEMENTS OF RECORD AND COVENANT RESTRICTIONS AS RECORDED IN THE OFFICE OF THE ROD FOR BEAUFORT COUNTY. 3). THIS PROPERTY LIES WITHIN THE AIRPORT HAZARD OVERLAY DISTRICT CURVE TABLE CURVE LENGTH RADIUS CHORD BEARING DELTA C1 20.02 136.69 20.00 N16-32'05"E 8'23'27" C2 20.02 146.69 20.00 N16-13'37" E 7-49'04" LINE TABLE LINE LENGTH BEARING L1 10.00 N 77'58'21" W L2 10.11 S 77-55'34" E This plat does not constitute development; pursuant to the Town of Hilton Head Island, SC _tmd Management Ordinance Section: 1&1-IM2) 0 16-1-1i>6�5) Disclaimer: The Town of Hilton Head ISL3nd makes an expressed declaration of policy that the public regulation of land is entirely separate from and independent of private restrictions. This approval in no way implies that the proposed. development is in conformance with any restrictive covenants. private easements or deed restrictions. I HEREBY STATE THAT TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE, INFORMATION, AND BELIEF, THE SURVEY SHOWN HEREON WAS MADE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE MINIMUM STANDARDS MANUAL FOR THE PRACTICE OF LAND SURVEYING IN SOUTH CAROLINA, AND MEETS OR EXCEEDS THE REQUIREMENTS FORA CLASS "A" SURVEY AS SPECIFIED THEREIN; ALSO THERE ARE NO VISIBLE ENCROACHMENTS OR PROJECTIONS OTHER THAN SHOWN. TRAFFIC SIGNAL MAST EASEMENT OVER PLAZA DRIVE, HERITAGE CENTER, A PORTION OF PARCEL R511 008 000 0192 0000 HILTON HEAD ISLAND, BEAUFORT COUNTY, SOUTH CAROLINA PREPARED FOR: TOWN OF HILTON HEAD ISLAND DATE: 10/7/2011 SCALE: 1" = 10' \\\\\�����WIIWUWuruir�i��INMEM RAPHIC SCAL IIIIIIIII : 0 10 20 30 SEA LAND ISLAND _ S m Sea Island Land Survey, LLC. NO.0O21$0 / = = 4D Mathews Court, Tel (843) 681-3248 Hilton Head Island, Fax (843) 689-3871 `' SC 29926 E-mail: sils@sprynet.com FILE No: 11135 DWG No.: 4-1660 rrfrlmnriurdll�\� armwivi in er su MAW wu 9 ?WY uc moor STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA EASEMENT AGREEMENT COUNTY OF BEAUFORT This Easement Agreement is made this day of 2011, by and between SVG, LLC, (hereinafter collectively referred to as the "Grantor"), and THE TOWN OF HILTON HEAD ISLAND, SOUTH CAROLINA, having an address of One Town Center Court, Hilton Head Island, South Carolina 29928, (hereinafter referred to as the "Town") WITNESSETH WHEREAS, the Town has planned and desires to install a traffic signal mast arm and related infrastructure (the "Mast Arm") at the intersection of U.S. Highway 278 (William Hilton Parkway) and Plaza Drive located at the entrance to Port Royal Plaza Shopping Center which will lie on real property owned by Grantor which is described hereinbelow and referred to as the Easement Property, with said Mast Arm being for the benefit and use of the general public; and WHEREAS, the Grantor desires to grant the Town a permanent easement for the installation, maintenance and use of the aforesaid Mast Arm. NOW, THEREFORE, know all men by these presents, the Grantor, for and in consideration of the sum of One Thousand Six Hundred and No/100 ($1,600.00) Dollars, and other valuable consideration, has bargained, granted, and sold and by these presents does hereby bargain, grant, and sell to the Town, its successors and assigns, a perpetual, non-exclusive easement to plan, install, use and maintain the Mast Arm, with the Mast Arm to be utilized by the general public, on, over and across that portion of the Grantor's property which is described as follows: All that certain piece, parcel or lot of land, situate, lying and being on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, shown and designated as "TRAFFIC SIGNAL MAST ARM EASEMENT 200 Sq.Ft." on a Plat entitled "Traffic Signal Mast Easement Over Plaza Drive, A Portion of Parcel R511 008 000 0192 0000, Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina," dated October 7, 2011, prepared by Sea Island Land Survey, LLC certified by Mark Renew, SCPLS # 25437, which is recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book at Page . (Hereinafter, the "Easement Property"). The easement is granted and accepted subject to the following terms: This easement is conveyed subject to all other easements, licenses, and conveyances of record and is subject to the rights herein reserved by the Grantor, its successors and assigns, to utilize the Grantor's property at any time, in any manner, and for any purpose, provided, however, that such use by the Grantor shall not be inconsistent with nor prevent the full utilization by the Town and the general public of the rights and privileges granted herein. 2. The Town agrees to install a Mast Arm for traffic control purposes and use by the general public upon the Easement Property, and further agrees that the use of and access to said Mast Arm shall be under the exclusive control of the Town and that the Town shall at all times comply with all applicable laws, rules, codes, and regulations. 3. From the date of the commencement of the installation of the Mast Arm described herein, the Town shall, at its sole cost and expense, cause all timely cleaning, repair, renovation, striping, and all other improvements in general to the Mast Arm as shall be or shall become necessary and/or prudent for the reasonable safety of all persons using said the Mast Arm. 2 4. The Town agrees to cause all work contemplated hereunder to be performed in a workmanlike fashion with minimal interference to Plaza Drive traffic flow and to the Grantor, its successors, assigns, invitees, guests, licensees, and agents. Notwithstanding that the Easement Property includes a portion of Plaza Drive, The Town warrants that no portion of the Mast Arm base or related improvements will be installed within paved portion of Plaza Drive. The Town further agrees to cause the work contemplated hereunder to be completed in an expeditious and timely fashion, that the Mast Arm shall at all times be maintained in a safe condition, and that all debris and construction materials relating to work undertaken by the Town pursuant to the rights granted hereunder shall be promptly removed. The Town shall restore any other part of the Grantors' property that may be damaged as a result of the Town's exercise of the rights granted hereunder to its pre-existing state. The Town hereby warrants to the Grantor that the granting of the within easement will not affect "set back" lines under the Town's jurisdiction of any property currently owned by the Grantor. 6. The parties hereto recognize and agree that each has available to them, in the event of a breach of this Agreement, all legal and equitable remedies including specific performance and injunction, and further agree that in the event of any action for beach or enforcement of this Agreement, the prevailing party shall be entitled to recover from the non -prevailing party costs, litigation expenses and reasonable attorneys fees. 7. This Easement may be recorded in the Office of Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina. 8. No amendments, waivers or modifications to this Agreement shall be made or deemed to have been made unless in writing and executed by both parties. 9. If any provision of this Agreement or the application thereof to any person or circumstances shall be deemed to be invalid or unenforceable to any extent, the remainder of this Agreement and application of 3 such provision to other persons or circumstances shall not be affected thereby and shall be enforced to the greatest extend permitted by law. 10. No consent or waiver, express or implied, by any parry to or of any breach or default by any party in the performance by any other parry of its obligations hereunder shall be deemed or construed to be a consent or waiver to or of any other breach or default in the performance by such other party of the same or any other obligations of such parry hereunder. Failure on the parry of any party to complain of any act or failure to act of any of the other party or to declare the other parry in default or breach, irrespective of how long such failure continues, shall not constitute a waiver of such parry of its rights hereunder or under applicable law. To have and to hold, all and singular, the rights, privileges, and easements aforesaid unto the Town of Hilton Head Island, South Carolina, its successors and assigns, forever. In Witness whereof, the parties hereto have caused the within Easement Agreement to be executed by their duly authorized officers on this day of , 2011. 4 WITNESSES: GRANTOR: SVG, LLC By: SVG Management, LLC Its: Manager 2) 1) (Signature of Witness #1) By: James W. Bradshaw, Manager 3) (Signature of Witness #2 — the Notary Public) STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA ) UNIFORM ACKNOWLEDGMENT COUNTY OF BEAUFORT ) S. C. CODE ANN. § 30-5-30 (SUPP. 2010) I, the undersigned Notary Public, do hereby certify that JAMES W. BRADSHAW personally appeared before me on this day and duly acknowledged the execution of the foregoing instrument on behalf of SVG, LLC. Sworn to and Subscribed before me on this Day of )2011. Y, Notary Public for South Carolina My Commission Expires: ** Instructions for Execution: All signatures should be in blue ink. ALL blanks must be filled in. Grantor signs at line(s)1) Witness #1 signs at line 2) Notary Public signs at line 3) Notary Public signs at line 4) and affixes notary seal 5 WITNESSES: (Signature of Witness #1) (Signature of Witness #2 — the Notary Public) STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF BEAUFORT THE TOWN OF HILTON HEAD ISLAND, SOUTH CAROLINA Stephen G. Riley, Manager UNIFORM ACKNOWLEDGMENT S. C. CODE ANN. § 30-5-30 (SUPP. 2010) I, the undersigned Notary Public, do hereby certify that STEPHEN G. RILEY, personally appeared before me on this day and duly acknowledge the execution of the foregoing instrument on behalf of The Town of Hilton Head Island, South Carolina. Sworn to and Subscribed before me on this Day of , 2011. Notary Public for South Carolina My Commission Expires: roll STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA RIGHT OF ENTRY COUNTY OF BEAUFORT Comes now, SVG, LLC ("Grantor"), and states that for and in consideration of the sum of Five and no/100 ($5.00) Dollars, the receipt and sufficiency at and before the execution and delivery of these presents is acknowledged, Grantor has granted and delivered to The Town of Hilton Head Island, South Carolina (the "Town"), a right of entry on, over and across the following described property, to wit: A two hundred (200) square foot portion of the roadway and utility easement located in Port Royal Plaza, Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, known as Plaza Drive, as shown on Exhibits attached hereto and incorporated herein. (Hereinafter, referred to as the "Property") Said right of entry is granted to permit the Town, its agents, employees, contractors and subcontractors, as well as any of their equipment, to enter upon the Property for the purpose of installing a traffic signal mast arm and performing surveying to facilitate a permanent easement. The Town agrees to restore any damage down to Grantor's adjacent Property to its pre-existing condition. Grantor reserves any and all rights provided under the provisions of The South Carolina Eminent Domain Procedures Act, S. C. Code Ann. § 28-2-10, et seq. (Supp. 2010). Dated this day of S'G,wrh ?i1/ 22011. WITNESSES: � o U GRANTOR: SVG, LLC By: f/L'Sri ;C �fLSle,(u fry c .rCrS ItS:rf�2yilJy'%�c�'fyif/'iZ /l�ly��ilE �y aC , �� � IDW PUK- MEMORANDUM TO: Stephen G. Riley, CM, Town Manager FROM: Darrin A. Shoemaker, Traffic and Transportation Engineer ,...4.) VIA: Jeff Buckalew, Town Engineer Scott Liggett, Director of Public Projects & Facilities/Chief Engineer Tom Fultz, Director of Administrative Services Susan Simmons, Director of Finance DATE: September 121h, 2011 SUBJ: Change Order: Town Contract #C31-2011 — 2011 Traffic Signal Mast Arm Project — German Technical Group, LLC Recommendation: Approve the attached change order #1 referencing Town contract number C31-2011 with German Technical Group, LLC in an amount of $4,812.36. Summary: This change order is necessary to reimburse the contractor for additional materials and labor expended on the subject project as required to remediate unfavorable and unforeseen soil conditions encountered during pole foundation construction on six of the seven foundations included in the contract. The contractor requested a review of the geotechnical exploration soil classification findings for the area surrounding each foundation prior to submitting a bid, but found that soil conditions were generally and consistently less favorable than those described in the report. Soil conditions were found to be looser, sandier and less stable than those described in the report, and the water table level was found to be significantly more elevated than that described in the report. Page 2 of the geotechnical report indicates that groundwater levels were not directly determined during the explorations detailed in the report, but estimates levels of five to ten feet based on ground elevations and expected seasonal groundwater variations. Groundwater was encountered at a depth of between three and four feet at six of the seven foundation locations included in this contract, and the hydrostatic pressure associated with the increased head surrounding the lower portions of the foundations caused the SonitubeTM concrete forming product to liquefy and collapse within the foundation's lower elevations. The SonotubeTM concrete forming product is composed of heavily reinforced cardboard as detailed on the attached product information. A substitute form composed of 48" corrugated steel pipe was substituted for the failed SonotubeTM forms, a product that has been routinely employed on previous pole foundation constructions for mast -arm mounted traffic signals on Hilton Head Island. Compensation to the contractor for six of the 10-foot long, 48" diameter corrugated pipes and an additional hour of labor for a two -man crew at each of the six foundation locations is recommended. Per the enclosed documentation, the contractor is seeking compensation for their actual material cost for the corrugated pipe. Further, the additional hourly labor charge for a two -man crew is in accordance with the on -call statewide S. C. Dept. of Transportation contract. Their invoice for the purchase of the six pipe sections dated August 17`h, 2011 is attached, as is a photograph of one of these items made during a review of the contractor's storage area by myself as project manager. Adequate funds are available in this project's CIP account to fund this change order while maintaining sufficient project budgets for the upcoming 2012 traffic signal mast arm projects. Background: While the subsurface soil conditions and their potential impact on the foundation constructability was observed by myself as Town project manager and discussed with me by the contractor, no verbal or written approval to proceed with the material and labor included in this change order was issued prior to my receipt of a change order request from the contractor. The inability for the Town to approve change orders covering work completed in advance of the change order's approval was discussed with the contractor at the project's July 19`h, 2011 pre -construction meeting and a number of times subsequently. When I pointed this out to the contractor, they acknowledged that a change order request was supposed to be transmitted to me by a clerical assistant in advance of the work being done, and that this transmission was inadvertently overlooked by the employee in question. An e-mail supporting this occurrence is also attached. Despite the fact that my instructions to the contractor were not followed, I am recommending approval based on my determination that the evidence that the additional work was required and performed is satisfactory, as well as the documentation that the contractor is simply trying to recover their additional expense resulting from the unforeseen subsurface conditions. The contractor has been advised that this special consideration will not be extended a second time under this contract. RECOMMENDED: 1 D in Shoemaker Proapt _. _.. ject Manager Jeff Buckalew Town Engineer Tom Fultz Director of Administrative Services APPROVED: Scott Liggett Director of Public Projects and Facilities/ Chief Engineer Susan Simmons Director of Finance SPL for Stephen G. Riley, CM Town Manager Change Order Date of Issuance: September 12`, 2011 Effective Date: September 12'h, 2011 Project: 2011 Traffic Signal Mast Owner: Town of Hilton Head Owner's Contract No.: C31-2011 Arm Project Island Contract: Retrofit of two (2) wood pole and span wire mounted I Date of Contract: July 19th, 2011 Contractor: German Technical Group, LLC Engineer's Project No.: 2011-202 No. 1 The Contract Documents are modified as follows upon execution of this Change Order: Description: This change order is necessary to compensate the contractor for remedial materials and additional labor required to address undesirable and unforeseen soil conditions at six of seven subgrade foundations included in the project. Attachments (list documents supporting change): Photo of material employed, written contractor explanation, 8/25/11 e-mail message, geotechnical report, SonotubeTM product information, contractor invoice. CHANGE IN CONTRACT PRICE: CHANGE IN CONTRACT TIMES: Original Contract Price: ofiginal Gent, aet Times. D W,,,a,in aay n Ga4e dar days —nustaptial eempletion (days - date): $ 95,656.50 Ready for- final pa)q:nent (days of da e): Increase from previously approved Change Orders No. 000 to No. 000: Ne. to Ne. Substantial completion (days): $ 0.00 Ready-fopayment (days): Contract Price prior to this Change Order: Gentfact Times pFier-to this Change Or -de .: S=bstapAial eompletion (daysor-date). $ 95,656.50 —Ready for- final payment (days or- date`: Increase of this Change Order: [Ine easel [Deefeasel of this Change Order-: --Sumeempletion (days or dale`. $ 4,812.36Ready for- pa)�efit (dam of date): Final Contract Price incl. this Change Order: re.,*raet Times with all , oa Change Orders: — -S��aEemp etren (days erg $ 100,468.86 Ready orfinal payment (dayser-dale` ACCEPTED: C (A Owner (Authorized Signature) Date: September 12`h, �011 � Date: Approved by Funding Agency (if applicable): ACCEPTED: C Contractor (Authorized Signature) Date: Date: EJCDC C-941 Change Order Prepared by the Engineers Joint Contract Documents Committee and endorsed by the Construction Specifications Institute. Pace 1 of 2 Change Order Instructions A. GENERAL INFORMATION This document was developed to provide a uniform format for handling contract changes that affect Contract Price or Contract Times. Changes that have been initiated by a Work Change Directive must be incorporated into a subsequent Change Order if they affect Price or Times. Changes that affect Contract Price or Contract Times should be promptly covered by a Change Order. The practice of accumulating Change Orders to reduce the administrative burden may lead to unnecessary disputes. If Milestones have been listed in the Agreement, any effect of a Change Order thereon should be addressed. For supplemental instructions and minor changes not involving a change in the Contract Price or Contract Times, a Field Order should be used. B. COMPLETING THE CHANGE ORDER FORM Engineer normally initiates the form, including a description of the changes involved and attachments based upon documents and proposals submitted by Contractor, or requests from Owner, or both. Once Engineer has completed and signed the form, all copies should be sent to Owner or Contractor for approval, depending on whether the Change Order is a true order to the Contractor or the formalization of a negotiated agreement for a previously performed change. After approval by one contracting parry, all copies should be sent to the other party for approval. Engineer should make distribution of executed copies after approval by both parties. If a change only applies to price or to times, cross out the part of the tabulation that does not apply. EJCDC C-941 Change Order Prepared by the Engineers Joint Contract Documents Committee and endorsed by the Construction Specifications Institute. Paae 2 of 2 OR/31/2R11 14:48 8439378809 GERMAN TECHNICAL PAGE 02/03 GERMAN TECHNICAL GROUP, LLC Traffic Signal Systems • Intelligent Transportation Systems August 29, 2011 Darrin Shoemaker Traffic & Transportation Engineer Town of Hilton Head Island One Town Center Court Hilton Head Island SC 29928 RE: 2133.1 Traffic Signal Mast Arm Project Change Order Request No. 01: Foundation Issues Mr. Shoemaker: Please accept my sincere apologies on behalf of everyone here at German Technical Group, LLC for any trouble I have caused by not properly completing the required documentation for this project. I am truly sorry I failed to follow the procedures you clearly defined in the Notice to Proceed dated )uly 25`h, 2011. Our project manager asked that I prepare and submit a change order request directly to you on August 18, 2011 for 6 necessary foundation modifications. The change order request was in reference to the soil issues GTG encountered while trying to install the foundations for the Mast Arm Poles. As we attempted to install the foundations, the soil conditions were much less favorable then the soil reports indicated. The soil was extremely sandy, so the holes we were drilling kept filling with water and collapsing in on themselves. The only viable solution was to purchase and install 48" round by 10` long pieces of corrugated pipe so the foundations could be installed properly. The change order covers the actual cost of the corrugated pipe plus additional labor at the SCDOT On -Call rate for each piece of pipe installed (6 total). I would like to reiterate how sorry I am for not following procedures and submitting the change order for approved prior to the work being completed. I have no excuse; I simply made a clerical error and did not include you in the email specifically intended for you to process and approve the attached change order request. Please contact me if you have any questions or need any additional information or clarification regarding this matter. Sincerely, Crystal Olheiser Cc: Eugene German, VP of Operations Brandon 0Ihelser, Project Manager 898 Rutledge Ave - Charleston, SC 29403 - (843) 805-7195 office - (843) 937-Si309 Fax - www.GermanTechGroup.com 08/31/2011 14:42 9439378809 GEP.MAN TECHNICAL PAGE 03/03 �--- GERMAN TECHNICAL GROUP, LLC CHANGE ORDER V,. Traffic Signal Systems . Intelligent Transportation Systems s� Date Change Order # 893 Rutledge Ave Charleston, SC Z9403 S/ 17/2011 CO 1415-01 Town of Hilton Head Darrin Shoemaker One Town Center Court Hilton Head, SC 29928-2701 PR03ECT: Traffic Sgnl Mast -Arm Prj IF13#2011-0017 Description Qty U/M Unit Price TOTAL: CHANGE ORDER #01 - ADDITIONAL FOUNDATION WORK REQUIRED FOR MAST ARM INSTALLATION FURNISH CORRUGATED PIPE FOR STEEL STRAIN POLE W/ MAST ARMS 6 EA 614.18 3,685.08 FOUNDATIONS WORKING CREW W/ EQUIPMENT (BUCKET TRUCK, LINE TRUCK/POLE TRAILER, 6 EA 187.88 1,127.28 FOREMAN VEHICLE). MAY SUS. LINE TRUCK FOR BUCKET, IF NECESSARY. PAY RATE TO BE 1 1/2 X DAY. Please sign to accept: TOTAL: $4,812.36 (843) 805-7195 www.GERMANTECHGROUP.com (843) 937-8809 Shoemaker Darrin From: Crystal Olheiser [crystal@germantechgroup.com] Sent: Thursday, August 25, 2011 3:55 PM To: Shoemaker Darrin Cc: 'German Technical Group, LLC'; brandon@germantechgroup.com Subject: Change Order: 2011 Mast Arm Project Attachments: H H_CO1415-01. pdf Darrin, Attached please find our Charge Order Request for additional foundation work required on the above referenced project. I prepared the change order last week and had Brandon review it, but I don't believe I ever sent it to you. If you have any questions, please contact Brandon or myself; otherwise, please sign and return. Thanks, Crystal GERMAN TECHNICAL GROUP, LLC 898 Rutledge Ave Charleston SC 29403 843-805-7195 843-937-8809 - fax www.germantechgroup.com F19112r2011 15:01 ^439373 R 09 GEPIAN TECHNICAL PAGE 01/01 PICK 'TICITIaT PEPRINT AW MID-AILANTIC Dk.F.INJRGE, INC. NO. 135064 PCB BOX 399 CO14OVr_,R, NC 28613 Page 1 Mid -Atlantic Drainage, Inc. 828/324-0808 03/17/31 Snip -to: TEMP Bill -to: 663 GflPM1 715CHNICAL GROUP LLC MISCEIJ ANFOUS SALES HWY 2.78 A71) DILLON RD SOUTH CAROLINA 843-906-0500 ACCOLT.NT HIL`i011 HEAD , SC . SC SCE # 1 OR.D= ! REQUESTED "' SLSP ! --- ! t,&I ! FREIGITF! SHIP VIA -------------------------------------- 7----------- 7-------------------------------- GER w TECH . ! 08/17/11 ! ASAP ! 5 ° ! 05 ! PREP AID ! 14AD ~r^YITEMI.D,SCRIFTION� ! OPDERPV'. SHIP! BACK!UM! WEIGHT! LOC 486PS 4811-16GA CSP FT ARIN 6 W/ ER ENDS-20' 6/10' ' 2286 DIRECT (� I t -7 1 a-0 I I E� 6 1 J2of .: On :�'.. I:.. .'-y •JI::: I.:I) i.�l.✓ i..7:� I:a t. I:': -_ :a r- .: '.... y.. I— �:a 66 t-A u ]HUTH[ A* �f �r Lip _ STAND STRONG 91R SONOCO N M o bo Z'3 v u o ILE a ire g Eg 7 M .o �b 1 m .N 5 � E c . E 6 v E o W v Z n G � v A E o � 3 8 _ o 0 v E a Y E s N 3 � O V C O t L c m w E >c N n m y � 52 y H w Q Sonotube° round concrete forms Sizes Concrete Requirements (Expressed in cubic yards for columns of various heights) Diameter Height of Column r- _ Forms are available in (in.) 3 ft. 6 ft. 8 ft. 10 ft. 12 it. 16 ft. 20 ft. lengths up to 60' with 6 .022 .044 .058 - .073_ .088 .117 .146 diameters ranging from 8 .039 .077 __ .103_- .129 .155 .266 .258 _ 10 .061 .121 .162 .202 .242 .323 .404 6" to 60" 12 .087 _ .176 .233 .291 .349 .466 _-_ .582 14 .119 .238 _ .317 .396 .475 .634 .792 1G .155 .310 .414 .517 _ .620 .827 1.034 18 .196 .392 .523 . 554 .785 1.046 1.310 20 .242 .485 _ .64_6 . 008 .970 _ 1.293 1.616 22 .293 _ .587 .782-- .978 1.173 _ 1.56- 5 _ 1.956 24 .349 .698 .931 1.164 1.397 1.862 2.328 26 .410 .820 1.093 1.366 1.639 2.186 2.732 28 .475 .950 1.270 1.584 1.901 2.534 3.170 30.545 _1.091 1.454 1.818 2.182 2.909 3.636 32 _ .621 1.241 1.655 2.069 2.483 3.310 4.138 34 _ .701 1.401 1.868 2.335 2.802 3.736 4.670 36 _ .785- _ 1._571 _ 2.094 _ 2.618 3.142 4.189 5.236_ 40 .970 1.939 2.586 3.232 3.878 _ 5.171 6.464 42- 1_069 2.138 2.850 3.563_ 4.276 5.701 7.126 48 1.396 2.792 - 3.723 4.654 5.585 _ 7.446 _ 9.308 -_54 1.767__ 3,534_ 4.712 5.890 7.069 9.424 11.780 60 2.181 4.363 5.817 7.272 8.727 - 11.634 14.544 Learn more about Sonotube forms Sonotube concrete forms are available from dealers throughout North America. For additional product or technical information, please contact your Sonotube concrete form distributor or Sonoco. Sonoco, founded in 1899, is a global manufacturer ofindustrial and consumer products and provider of packaging services, with more than 300 locations serving customers in 85 nations. For more information about the Company visit the Sonoco Web site at sonoco. com. sonolube.com 888/766-TUBE (8823) SONOTUBE • SONOTUBE rtu,d • SONOTUBE I i __ • SODOTUOE,, ri ,,� • SONOVOID • SONOOOID �Ljb • SONOBOID b�;m SONOCO IP020009 © 2009 Sonoco Sonotube Concrete Forms - Sonoco Construction Products Page 1 of 2 Sonoco Construction Products Sonotube Concrete Forms • Home • Products • Sonotube Concrete Forms Rain resistance Sonoco engineers applied a century of leadership in design, technology and manufacturing to create a high -strength, rain -resistant design for Sonotube forms. Sonoco's unique design has reduced the weight of the forms, making them easier to handle, set, strip and discard. What's more, with patented RainGuard technology, Sonotube round concrete forms stand strong even in wet weather - making it possible to set today and pour tomorrow. Industry -leading technology and value Contractors around the world have relied on the Sonotubeg brand for more than half a century. More than just paper tubes, Sonotube concrete forms stand strong as the most economical way to create round columns for buildings, entryways, structural columns, light posts and other commercial and residential structures. More recently, Sonoco leveraged over a century of paper -making experience to re -engineer its Sonotube concrete column forms. The outcome is a proprietary fiber form with improved strength, toughness and durability in wet conditions that has resulted in superior strength -to -weight properties and the virtual elimination of "blowouts" — the most frequent mode of failure of wet fiber concrete tubes. Contractors widely recognize the advantages of Sonotube concrete forms. For instance, the superior strength -to -weight properties of Sonotube concrete forms prevent blowouts and may eliminate the need to use a crane during setup. And since Sonotube brand forms incorporate a proprietary, high -strength, water-resistant paper, contractors can set them in wet weather and pour concrete the next day. This gives contractors added scheduling flexibility to complete construction projects on time. Sonotube Concrete Forms • Round http://www.sonotube.com/products/sonotubeconcreteforms.aspx 09/12/2011 Sonotube Concrete Forms - Sonoco Construction Products Page 2 of 2 • Finish -Free • Commercial • Builders Tube • Tube Base ©Copyright 2011 Sonoco Website by Cyberwoven • Search • Sitemap • Privacy • Leoal http://www.sonotube.com/products/sonotubeconcreteforms.aspx 09/12/2011 HSA ENGINEERS & SCIENTISTS A member of the CRA family of companies Subsurface Exploration and Evaluation William Hilton Parkway Traffic Signals Hilton Head Island, South Carolina HSA Project No. 414-4302-00 www.hsa-env.com HSA ENGINEERS & SCIENTISTS A member of the CRA family of companies www.hsa-env.com Subsurface Exploration and Evaluation William Hilton Parkway Traffic Signals Hilton Head Island, South Carolina HSA Project No. 414-4302-00 peaH uOIPH . uo}sajaeg3 . geuueneS . elooesuad . yoea8 wled ;saM . saaAA lao_� . opuepo . edwel 6Z1�-5t8i�t�8) :xe-=l • :lei • 01,66Z eulloaeO ulnoS `uolj4nl8 • apio �jed 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S2J33NIJN3 IfSHm, N 0 11 0 3 S H 3 1 N I 0 V 0 H N 0 1 1 1 a I1 N 0 1 1 0 3 S H 3 1 N I 1 N 1 O d S N I J J 0 0 AHMN1 ]Vd NOiIIH NVI�-1IM L-Ti R w1gh . � v Am Creation Date: Feb 11, 2011 12:17 Modification Date: Mar 24, 2011 04:0 a F- ENTRY RC'Q vz STE - roe- } 6 a ir 40 Wiwi Q` f i Ar -.NIS it x rilk A Foundation engineering - Slurry Displacement Method Page 1 of 4 Smart questions Smart answers Smart people Go • Join • Directory E==�— ) Find A Forum Go j • Search • Tell A Friend • Whitepapers • Jobs Home > Forums > Geotechnical Engineers > Activities > Foundation engineering Forum G' Slurry Displacement Method thread256-252662 Drilling Fluids Looking for High Quality Drilling Fluid Products? Visit Us Now! www.Weatherford.com/DriIIFluids AdChoices j;> abusementpark (Structural) 23 Aug 09 21:13 I often heard of this method for installation of drilled shafts, but have never anyone explain how it precisely works. Can anybody give me a quick summary of this?? Drumchaser (Civil/Environme) 24 Aug 09 20:08 This method is employed when the excavation will not stay open and ground water cannot be controlled by casing due to various reasons, and at various depths (including from the onset) of drilling. Bentonite is mixed with water (on -site preferably) to a spec. gravity, and viscosity required by the exist. conditions. Drilling in slurry produces a filter cake on the sidewall of the shaft thus discouraging influx of water, also the hydrostatic head and or downward pressure of a shaft full of slurry stabilizes the walls until such time as concrete can be placed. This is the short version.... placing concrete (w/ tremie) is a whole other topic. Bentonite I have seen used came from Bariod and is essentially clay dust from the Black Hills of Wyoming ... I think. http://www.eng-tips.com/viewthread.cfm?qid=252662&page=7 09/15/2011 Foundation engineering - Slurry Displacement Method Page 2 of 4 abusementnark (Structural) 24 Aug 09 22:30 So is the bentonite/slurry pumped out before the concete is pumped in?? hokie66 (Structural) 24 Aug 09 22:34 No, the concrete is placed from the bottom by tremie and displaces the bentonite upward. The bentonite is collected and recycled. So the bentonite stabilizes the walls while drilling and until the concrete is in place. Zambo (Civil/Environme) 24 Aug 09 23:42 Polymer drilling fluids are also available. There are various advantages/disadvantages for using polymer, bentonite or a mixture of both. Tests have been made which show that the placement of concrete by tremie to displace the drilling support fluid does not have a detrimental effect on the bond between rebar and concrete. In Asia it is not unsual to have bored piles (drilled shafts) constructed by this method in excess of 100m depth. abusementpark (Structural) 25 Aug 09 6:57 Is the bentonite placed in the shaft as it is being drilled? Zambo (Civil/ Envi ron me) 25 Aug 09 21:13 Yes Drumchaser (Civil/Environme) 25 Aug http://www.eng-tips.com/viewthread.cfm?qid=252662&page=7 09/15/2011 Foundation engineering - Slurry Displacement Method Page 3 of 4 09 22:03 Zambo There have been problems with the Polymer slurry. It is no longer allowed in my work areas. Zambo (Civil/Environme) 25 Aug 09 22:28 Problems..... There are advantages/disadvantages of polymer and bentonite. The main disadvantage of polymer is the cost which the polymer manufacturers say is compensated for by reuse advantages. For bentonite the main disadvantage stated is the possible effect of debonding of the concrete to rebar, and the coating of the bore wall which affects the friction capacity of the pile. Both of these properties are enhanced by the use of polymer. Drumchaser (Civil/Environme) 26 Aug 09 19:52 As stated .... the Polymer slurry is not allowed. This is not to say it is/has been used with great success in many, many other areas ...globally. Just not here. Zambo (Civil/Environme) 26 Aug 09 20:43 Drumchaser, not disputing it's not allowed in your area. Just interested to know whether it is banned on environmental concerns or .performance as a drilling support fluid. Drumchaser (Civil/Environme) 27 Aug 09 18:45 OK ... it is my understanding that the Polymer slurry properties must be more carefully monitored. I do not have firsthand knowledge of the "settlement" problems associated with this product.... only documentation of a moratorium on its use at the present time. http://www.eng-tips.com/viewthread.cfm?qid=252662&page=7 09/15/2011 Foundation engineering - Slurry Displacement Method Page 4 of 4 Apparently at several locations shafts were turned down due to obvious problems. It may have very well been attributed to mismanagement of the operation and or said product. Not environmental. Have you used this product routinely with much success? Kilian Engineering North Carolina Engineering Consultants. Professional Service. www,KilianEnclineering.com AdChodces [ Join I Jobs I Advertise I About Us I Contact Us I Site Policies Copyright © 1998-2011 Tecumseh Group, Inc. All rights reserved. Unauthorized reproduction or linking forbidden without express written permission. http://www.eng-tips.com/viewthread.cfm?qid=252662&page=7 09/15/2011 2011 TRAFFIC SIGNAL MAST ARM PROJECT Contract No. C31-2011— German Technical Group, LLC Traffic Signal Mast Arms - CIP Account #: 30000070-53105 TOWN CHANGE ORDER APPROVAL ROUTING ORDER/FORM* When routing for final approval, please adhere to the following order/individuals: Person/Position Initials Needed Date 1. Project Manager 2. Town CIP Manager 3. Town Procurement Officer 4. Finance Director 5. Director of PP&F/Chief Engineer *Please include this form as a cover sheet on all Town Change Orders being routed for approval. MEMORANDUM TO: Stephen G. Riley, CM, Town Manager FROM: �arrin A. Shoemaker, Traffic and Transportation Engineer VIA: Jeff Buckalew, Town Engineer Scott Liggett, Director of Public Projects & Facilities/Chief Engineer Tom Fultz, Director of Administrative Services Susan Simmons, Director of Finance DATE: September 12`h, 2011 SUBJ: Change Order: Town Contract #C31-2011 — 2011 Traffic Signal Mast Arm Project — German Technical Group, LLC Recommendation: Approve the attached change order #1 referencing Town contract number C31-2011 with German Technical Group, LLC in an amount of $4,812.36. Summary: This change order is necessary to reimburse the contractor for additional materials and labor expended on the subject project as required to remediate unfavorable and unforeseen soil conditions encountered during pole foundation construction on six of the seven foundations included in the contract. The contractor requested a review of the geotechnical exploration soil classification findings for the area surrounding each foundation prior to submitting a bid, but found that soil conditions were generally and consistently less favorable than those described in the report. Soil conditions were found to be looser, sandier and less stable than those described in the report, and the water table level was found to be significantly more elevated than that described in the report. Page 2 of the geotechnical report indicates that groundwater levels were not directly determined during the explorations detailed in the report, but estimates levels of five to ten feet based on ground elevations and expected seasonal groundwater variations. Groundwater was encountered at a depth of between three and four feet at six of the seven foundation locations included in this contract, and the hydrostatic pressure associated with the increased head surrounding the lower portions of the foundations caused the SonitubeTm concrete forming product to liquefy and collapse within the foundation's lower elevations. The Sonotube'm concrete forming product is composed of heavily reinforced cardboard as detailed on the attached product information. A substitute form composed of 48" corrugated steel pipe was substituted for the failed SonotubeTm forms, a product that has been routinely employed on previous pole foundation constructions for mast -arm mounted traffic signals on Hilton Head Island. Compensation to the contractor for six of the 10-foot long, 48" diameter corrugated pipes and an additional hour of labor for a two -man crew at each of the six foundation locations is recommended. Per the enclosed documentation, the contractor is seeking compensation for their actual material cost for the corrugated pipe. Further, the additional hourly labor charge for a two -man crew is in accordance with the on -call statewide S. C. Dept. of Transportation contract. Their invoice for the purchase of the six pipe sections dated August 17th 2011 is attached, as is a photograph of one of these items made during a review of the contractor's storage area by myself as project manager. Background: While the subsurface soil conditions and their potential impact on the foundation constructability was observed by myself as Town project manager and discussed with me by the contractor, no verbal or written approval to proceed with the material and labor included in this change order was issued prior to my receipt of a change order request from the contractor. The inability for the Town to approve change orders covering work completed in advance of the change order's approval was discussed with the contractor at the project's July 191', 2011 pre -construction meeting and a number of times subsequently. When I pointed this out to the contractor, they acknowledged that a change order request was supposed to be transmitted to me by a clerical assistant in advance of the work being done, and that this transmission was inadvertently overlooked by the employee in question. An e-mail supporting this occurrence is also attached. Despite the fact that my instructions to the contractor were not followed, I am recommending approval based on my determination that the evidence that the additional work was required and performed is satisfactory, as well as the documentation that the contractor is simply trying to recover their additional expense resulting from the unforeseen subsurface conditions. The contractor has been advised that this special consideration will not be extended a second time under this contract. RECOMMENDED: in Shoemak Project Manager Jeff Buckalew Town Engineer Tom Fultz Director of Administrative Services APPROVED: Scott Liggett Director of Public Projects and Facilities/ Chief Engineer Susan Simmons Director of Finance Stephen G. Riley, CM Town Manager Engineers Joint Documents Committee Design and Construction Related Documents Instructions and License Agreement Instructions Before you use any EJCDC document: 1. Read the License Agreement. You agree to it and are bound by its terms when you use the EJCDC document. 2. Make sure that you have the correct version for your word processing software. How to Use: 1. While EJCDC has expended considerable effort to make the software translations exact, it can be that a few document controls (e.g., bold, underline) did not carry over. 2. 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Change Order No. 1 Date of Issuance: September 12`i', 2011 Effective Date: September 12'h, 2011 Project: 2011 Traffic Signal Mast (Owner: Town of Hilton Head (Owner's Contract No.: C31-2011 r" Island Contract: Retrofit of two (2) wood pole and span wire mounted I Date of Contract: July 19th, 2011 Contractor: German Technical Group, LLC Engineer's Project No.: 2011-202 The Contract Documents are modified as follows upon execution of this Change Order: Description: This change order is necessary to compensate the contractor for remedial materials and additional labor reauired to address undesirable and unforeseen soil conditions at six of seven suberade foundations included in the Droiect. Attachments (list documents supporting change): Photo of material employed, written contractor explanation, 8/25/11 e-mail message, geotechnical report, SonotubeTM product information, contractor invoice. CHANGE IN CONTRACT PRICE: CHANGE IN CONTRACT TIMES: Original Contract Price: Original rv,..+4ae* Ti D Werring ,1 y P (''.,to.,dar- days --Substa Aial ee pletien (dayRe` $ 95,656.50 —Ready f r final payment {c (days or rate): Increase from previously approved Change [Increase] [Deer -ease] f.,,,,.,pr-evieusly appr-oved Change Orders - Orders No. 000 to No. 000: No. to -late= Substai4ia eompletion (days`: $ 0.00 —Ready for final payment (days`: Contract Price prior to this Change Order: G,,,,tfaet Times prier to this Change Or -de.: —S4stapAial completien (days or- date $ 95,656.50 —Ready owl payrnepA (days or date): Increase of this Change Order: [Inefe sel [Deefeasel of this Change n,.def: Substar}*ial eempletion (days o date): $ 4,812.36 —Ready for final payment (days or date) Final Contract Price incl. this Chance Order: Gontfaet Times with all apor-oved Gh. nRe Orders: S4stapAial eompletie(days owe): $ 100,468.86Ready for- final payment (days eraate): REGQM By: ACCEPTED: i Owner (Authorized Signature) Date: September 12'h, COI 1 t Date: Approved by Funding Agency (if applicable): ACCEPTED: Contractor (Authorized Signature) Date: Date: EJCDC C-941 Change Order Prepared by the Engineers Joint Contract Documents Committee and endorsed by the Construction Specifications Institute. Page 1 of 2 Change Order Instructions A. GENERAL INFORMATION This document was developed to provide a uniform format for handling contract changes that affect Contract Price or Contract Times. Changes that have been initiated by a Work Change Directive must be incorporated into a subsequent Change Order if they affect Price or Times. Changes that affect Contract Price or Contract Times should be promptly covered by a Change Order. The practice of accumulating Change Orders to reduce the administrative burden may lead to unnecessary disputes. If Milestones have been listed in the Agreement, any effect of a Change Order thereon should be addressed. For supplemental instructions and minor changes not involving a change in the Contract Price or Contract Times, a Field Order should be used. B. COMPLETING THE CHANGE ORDER FORM Engineer normally initiates the form, including a description of the changes involved and attachments based upon documents and proposals submitted by Contractor, or requests from Owner, or both. Once Engineer has completed and signed the form, all copies should be sent to Owner or Contractor for approval, depending on whether the Change Order is a true order to the Contractor or the formalization of a negotiated agreement for a previously performed change. After approval by one contracting party, all copies should be sent to the other party for approval. Engineer should make distribution of executed copies after approval by both parties. If a change only applies to price or to times, cross out the part of the tabulation that does not apply. EJCDC C-941 Change Order Prepared by the Engineers Joint Contract Documents Committee and endorsed by the Construction Specifications Institute. Pase 2 of 2 0^;'J1rZ_ 14:4s? ^439378^09 GEFMAN TECHNICAL PAGE 02103 GERMAN TECHNICAL GROUP, LLC Traffic Signal Systems • Intelligent Transportation Systems August 29, 2011 Darrin Shoemaker Traffic & Transportation Engineer Town of Hilton Head Island One Town Center Court Hilton Head Island SC 29928 RE: 20.11 Traffic Signal Mast Arm Project Change Order Request No. 01: Foundation Issues Mr. Shoemaker: Please accept my sincere apologies on behalf of everyone here at German Technical Group, LLC for any trouble I have caused by not properly completing the required documentation for this project. I am truly sorry I failed to follow the procedures you clearly defined in the Notice to Proceed dated July 25`h, 2011. Our project manager asked that I prepare and submit a change order request directly to you on August 18, 2011 for 6 necessary foundation modifications. The change order request was in reference to the soil issues GTG encountered while trying to install the foundations for the Mast Arm Poles. As we attempted to install the foundations, the soil conditions were much less favorable then the soil reports indicated. The soil was extremely sandy, so the holes we were drilling kept filling with water and collapsing in on themselves. The only viable solution was to purchase and install 48" round by 10` long pieces of corrugated pipe so the foundations could be installed properly. The change order covers the actual cost of the corrugated pipe plus additional labor at the SCDOT On -Call rate for each piece of pipe installed (6 total). I would like to reiterate how sorry I am for not following procedures and submitting the change order for approved prior to the work being completed. I have no excuse; I simply made a clerical error and did not include you in the email specifically intended for you to process and approve the attached change order request. Please contact me if you have any questions or need any additional information or clarification regarding this matter. Sincerely, Crystal Oiheiser Cc: Eugene German, VP of Operations Brandon o1helser, Project Manager 398 Rutledge Ave • Charleston, SC 29403 - (843) 805-71 95 Office - (843) 937-8809 Fax - www.GermanTechGroup.com 0s/ 31I2R11 14:48 84393,88E_19 GEFt4AN TECHNICAL PAGE n31/03 GERMAN TECHNICAL GROUP, LLC CHANGE ORDER Traffic Signal Systems . Intelligent Transportation Systems AIT!L. '. , 898 Rutledge Ave Date Change Order # Charleston, SC Z9403 E/17/2011 C01415-01 Town of Hilton Head Darrin Shoemaker One Town Center Court Hilton Head, SC 29928-2701 PR03ECT: Traffic 5gnl Mast -Arm Prj IF113#2011-0017 Description Qty U/M Unit Price TOTAL: CHANGE ORDER #01 - ADDITIONAL FOUNDATION WORK REQUIRED FOR MAST ARM INSTALLATION FURNISH CORRUGATED PIPE FOR STEEL STRAIN POLE W/ MAST ARMS 6 EA 614.18 3,685.08 FOUNDATIONS WORKING CREW W/ EQUIPMENT (BUCKET' TRUCK, LINE TRUCK/POLE TRAILER, 6 EA 187.88 1,127.28 FOREMAN VEHICLE). MAY SUB. LINE TRUCK FOR BUCKET, IF NECESSARY. PAY RATE TO BE 1 1/2 X DAY. Please sign to accept: TOTAL: $4,812.36 (843) 805-7195 www.GERMANTECHGROUP.com (843) 937-8809 PICK TICI= FZPRM P1ID-AtLP,N`I'IC DRRINAGE;, INC- NO. 135064 PO BOX 199 CONOVT R, xC 22613 Page 1 Mid -Atlantic Drainage, Inc. 828/ 324-0808 a3/17/11 Ship -to: 1EMP Bill -to: 663 GMmMl nT;CFINICAL GROUP LLC MTSCELJ 7 NEOUS SALES HWY 278 A10 DILLON RD SOUTH C.AROLINA 843-906-0500 ACCOUNT h' 01,7 !EAD , SC , 5C REFBI IJMCE # ! OP,DERED ! REQUESTED ! SLSP ! ---- L WH ! FREIGHT! SHIP VIA -------------------------------------- 7----------- 7----------------------- GERMAN =H . ! 08/17/11 ! ASAP ! 5 .° ! 05 ! PREi AID'.I'TAD ITEK I. D7ESCRTPTI ON+ ! OP�DERED ! SHIP! BAC%! UM ! WEIGHT! LOC 486PS 48'1-16GA CSP PLAIN 6 W/ ER ENDS-20' 6/10` to5., Vise l 2286 DIRECT �1 i-lla-oo e ZI r !r: i'!: 1'�• — •�} I�IM I Cr � . Ll.r ..:. �4:f .•• - "::) {A"! i.Jj :..r, Lc': - _ :•] r�� e: ` 17 ,.. 1..6a l , r I.i�.�, .;. :. 1::.:: I�... ter." •'.. C-.._ _ a v ty �, 1� Shoemaker Darrin From: Crystal Olheiser [crystal@germantechgroup.com] Sent: Thursday, August 25, 2011 3:55 PM To: Shoemaker Darrin Cc: 'German Technical Group, LLC'; brandon@germantechgroup.com Subject: Change Order: 2011 Mast Arm Project Attachments: HH_CO1415-01. pdf Darrin, Attached please find our Charge Order Request for additional foundation work required on the above referenced project. I prepared the change order last week and had Brandon review it, but I don't believe I ever sent it to you. If you have any questions, please contact Brandon or myself; otherwise, please sign and return. Thanks, Crystal GERMAN TECHNICAL GROUP, LLC 898 Rutledge Ave Charleston SC 29403 843-805-7195 843-937-8809 - fax www.germantechgroup.com 2011 TRAFFIC SIGNAL MAST ARM PROJECT Contract No. C31-2011— German Technical Group, LLC Traffic Signal Mast Arms - CIP Account #: 30000070-53105 TOWN CHANGE ORDER APPROVAL ROUTING ORDER/FORM* When routing for final approval, please adhere to the following order/individuals: Person/Position Initials Needed Date 1. Project Manager 2. Town CIP Manager 3. Town Procurement Officer 4. Finance Director 5. Director of PP&F/Chief Engineer *Please include this form as a cover sheet on all Town Change Orders being routed for approval. a o � 0 r 0 0 m � r v V J w 0 � �'n1I U 1/ �, N CGi L � G c El a C H K K E^ cc d r cr Q t� a 0 C 1-1 ' m :� � ........ .. ........ ... 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C m N F E F 7 O 0 m F m w 1 4wi !4 F v C7 11, G '~ N S N H O y N C9 U C N i., 3 3 w g N Y U 7 f'J 'Z IT �-t m C W p O x Y G y N G m A a ° a N v 0)?, ..fit b+ 0 walO Dr >r ~ V .0 F m N m Y m O ro 'O CL N D m W A '¢ W a' m F IA N Lgo N $°+ .mw 0, U' w U V U 6.0 O \ ?L O 'O 1+ T1 C O O •� +t a e m a m ro a v ro a w z° ro a m a a s u' t 1 a i a f t _.. 5 , > n .x r, _ . > 4,v;t}t. % p:, Up r, . r?g� ate: off, ;t ,awl c�c +�i!FsaaadN fi tsBM»=� J �s:?' ill , ....•- i L � r Lai 12E=L2.�2 4RE - 41, 1, �a o 0 0 10 .0 .o al 4j 41 w o F ro 45 41 po m w o r o) kW11 IS c o_.rW,MC40 c o al o w w to o o to o 0, -x. 2 'o lwo, 0 4 1 . 14 u m m r 41 fc, o 0m x no o 4ro V ol u I In o f s oo w 1 0 W r o cl 44 j3 w 41 m 14 L > m F R W a a g Nowmw lu P� > I'd o N 14 o 31 0 4l r ID $� x,w-o w p w.mzr4 . lo c H IF r w w a do ael o r do a) w m 0 M S4 Id a c4 a a . c o 4) c 41 d E.,y�>i ro ro • - VN'N O o v d WOV �• �s s W 1 s H 9d1 d C II g wT7m! rot' N i N 3 �$GY111 G E..Ci $zti ti �C ro O 91 e �NYro9, �q N E Ls U S; W 1 2 m LL m p d o a ,)r3•waa a s\ s / d L4 dE.GdN dQ 4i 84 W C21G w�'dOd • Sx S7 ro W Q)A dY d 41 N�10 ro= \ �L0 w. ,•] fZ-1 N N C •N tt~ H a d I1{ .O o H ni a0 N d •�� H u d a ro N Y N N y tGyaWoqy •.YK.W.� �J � 4EwOU yyboWW W((5Zffjj RYOdN7�yNd ti,IVA F£Wk>d.. 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O G F a N d, N 4 M N O a tr x» .d x T W u u V x N p• H s• p O O pryry M 0.� pp H C V P. p a s w M T u O M S R F q wa N W M N W 4 P N 0 pA y i m ro m x O �tl tttlpp 4 0 d qC W 6 M 0. �QIIIVu W NUx �fip� pxp6 uVup,aW TwW�rPj1nV�dy ..tGa4w y prCiy� d.G Yfi C71 a "� � d +t •G pw ,�HGtS C � a o °o u a o u u D W '� .e tor, v+ A� eo > e a :+ �o a M u Z x v O O "' .. M ,r--r u V m 'S ?p1 d IW+ F O ,r iV•I V L F 8 u x u u •+ r+ F d u D M O C o y JO.+ 0 a a H d S u W V F x q u Z a y WQ❑ •dpp G �� b V a t N x 0 H F P-G 'r O N .-. r... {r�7i o� y tl sai a� D W g �•dI u a W A a M M w y N 'D M M ya u ion ap WIC E+ H M d 3 C 'O C x YDi .F 7. C w .tl pap O W 9 tl J3 M W d N a M u 4 W M pDb F' U W .-1 r• 0 p>O.. ._ � q�.� W R A 4 10+ N tp N "t rdi G -rt O N m q •rdi N xW a✓ W M V L Np .Pf � 9 P a e. N F ,yea{+ yN d N N u m T O O u Phi �W 4> ❑R❑ 4' ./�i M N I� O +1 U 0.� N x w .0 H hp W rNl W a 0pp1 F X q yy M pxl fC ^GJ M O a P 4 'V •qqt Fm hf dC U u u V Rb +�i W Hpp M u Y 4qq +V1 i+ W 6 P. W N W W y�j pdj .p y v V A W CJ m f u A CxP m 0 u d w m W S D 6 Fl h' N t ym H M O H u G + • = i g 3 i 2 i D r , D : 9 r !ar.f.r ri `, ..,,s� s k�y' _. ., � n r i ✓ .s t I wl C !t klk'�. �i 6`( S .h 1_ { �I ` .1 �.+,.s. F� ��.N�rs9.d^�'hif'.Y''"�.,'L✓.^'�,.i:.'.�:k"SS�ltcf�N9c1"�lwlti{Y8� Imo" FId6''u'�tI3i��.�����'.,�..�Eli5�6� r?' i..° i pI CID. 00 a da�i AiS5f7 Nrn q O iVFUJO°.�a° wyy O NIIO• E" U `U'f C ��. K '.°+ Y N� '0 p W MW Yw b�N 'a' 50 H C N ~ F.1U fU U w' 0 � Vl 0 � - y 00 0.4 �N�W �. ' O 6Cgt� .! O � � •O O�'f p f^ 2WY 5Nw yNJ� .3�7 p0 ' W..di O U at.T 3 N Yf R 'pyJiry(((( N N V t� A W ' } � 4] A N � H �,�.r+ O y'�, 43 N n R .Pi H L •+ O i'' • ;3 y m w m � is N °� o � � m �.�p % r O -y d }XY yt>y�Z O°N� .`F w O C ^•t lI d O A H O; N a O H O .0 O W El a [rt rt4 !a d r"a 1f i y +m t If ,,......<F..til5 it`3?t..Evtcd`�2i�'`��.i9.`r�',�.. 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Y d M •� 'WO C y n Y; m u M� m� Y � M d b A b k m •a ''�, G "� m o V �j W 7 N~ m A W p• .-� IR+ 0 O, .W A W i+ u u rmi�m~Tw aa,�d �w 4p ia���� ad q O O A S N 6 m 1+ M f3 M w T M w O U � W •-1 m Y m a YMV WW bpW o $ pa0 +miuy u O m.,Oj 10i.di Rm '1 rlO baA M a CAOGUD\ 9Appm y"{ �, pp Cx V.-1 W OGA �,-mi ,MR W�p•1 W why ON+Rt vi rai > 4 N 6 j 0 5 7 t 4 t 100 1 .t A Ell, 4, 0. o I ................ !1! 111211 jj,�, MW 5N., -i .;,:: h re,gi R�aY_�`sr"�Yr'ta`r oar"? F {iz r anJ�a1 fir' tk, RN, Aig1'x ['{` J{�zS �'SMrtWttS 9 A r" • ♦r kyd Rill- 4la .�. 7. 't< < r •Y {yr�,�r� 1'7rls M < t�1... fax^r �• - f F � -�f �"srif tr ..F. �,sirtkt x^v 's 1. �; `x�pd �'�' � � F qq N Rw w �x -d o r d V 1 V� Y N✓ .N D O �M .oP :. tj r apit w '" � � 'u � o m r .a v �, d r-a w i' -� ,; L ♦9 � . SO to U cp9 •.� 13 M d C d p W F W C IS9 < � p Rd 4 :.i j�'F 7J. ♦S;k -.+ JC n 5 1iH t is d A[�s 3n IflJ'F.y"!vgg; _ J - F +,- � >7 i' z f ff il^t5'4 'f� ih +4s t�'a� 1}}�1 {��(•� ; S 7 F W O O Q W tl ca k Hp d u M ^y •� O tl L N 0 Vi u N V .k H O tl 2 n 0 w A 6 U m g m ro O H R M a g YQ u y 1 NFIJ �fI 1 y� . N N gE C W W V N•M R N'�. v m ro F>:^ `� ma a i. �u v m D H .°J.m, u �a•w om.Ya w u w v c o e"�ti'��•.a�, CAr,. �S'�''.. qm s Mp m H M N A�H� tluF q .0 m M O Y pptlkl Tu '� � Pew •> " U d a m M .M u O u N d M k O A W W y U 9 • N V H ,sf Q_. U N d w O N Ea U ro >d w-� 'a � a � u u tl w w Y o W Y u u a a, m�• '^ 4° '~ dv ::� �;� Hu m o oro h o 'e❑.-1 H rl Lea ro �dPHf n^'"w p ryH � vp a o y ro d �s ° N� ai p ftl N s dW Y W� w p3 Fi N ,0 Q u •• N A 4 p w H H W u dl O W Y u A w W V�j H tl H 0. H O .0 '�.J CC7 mNH'{{.��• dW d Td N u IyA e0 0004W u O dg C m u Y W V W �u1 O 1 +f o mro od mgHmp somaIr wudYi.vO � T m tl Q W N •O F' d: d W d O d w EO H u N .•>i N d d H m H N tl u -�' b CI N d H Q F T d .'Hj +tea U H M tl m o W ro wr mm U H 0. 0 M •-I m f� - "O NtgN H W T u yU u q toQ A x d > p d 0.jhA b ,j. ',� ��•-.1 '. W byp d M r-f W IJ 4 W m H F1 N 4_ yy O ) y� {FYMyN 'f 6 Wtl V �m ad JimpA. IUe OFMHtl4 .�Wd r.0 W F..,_. !�S 1tl O .-i p O N N H m N W 4 tl tl .Ni tl k I g W 6 M ttEE m F T ¢Z' - 1 i"'1 tl N m W H N M t P, q q q tl M i1 W tl W tl k 6 H Pi L F V Fi .YF y M ID '•'+ q D N M u �" W -� •i it fit, - - b q • Z d H: W O N tl r N W H W p O H _ W� N W •1 � d W F W m Y W Y H 0 e-1 i.. �" ,`+' `i ># 1 „rr . .x, o a w a t, , ,y tl u `a •D A W u '" d o a, .H F i u 4 Y o W w�� H a � .r ''� �j Yk7M�, 4 t ._ '� H• WW A H y Y W� du fNf�r p 1! y� H M Y,rkj p,D m • prd1Y "f O Y a YH t' K tI" ..Y 4t Y1 A 3_ d W H Q'i " C H I � N tl M W N g V 9 T� 4 d i •pO w ..I W� M� H V W G P q V x $ � I v-��• � 'O U .i : "J !qa C Y U .0 u PO O P, d H W N F A 4 it m M k m •-� p, p6 fay d � � � rv� � �.'� u•f '. 1 +i. r rtl U O r/ H it W W O •-f W M R� 0 'O .i Y .0 vt v ^ M :S k f- � � w t �O 64Wf� � W W H •D � W W grP�i F d m m W1y lJ at ..yf M 4 b _ 1 a �� Z ��1-. r. �.� '� n 9 •0 W W q O C N d O N p tl1 0 H j� . ,p f1 tf W {�( T �j y,,§+t NyfWE uya v�-0 P9A{pail, NAdY ym mF Nwmddtam�W pm1'y •.:�. FR�'^'-� ,y¢`r� _ r. tyr fO� pQp��i W V H Wq 31 M .0 6 Q R' •u .ql m y N c •IL 0. W tl b C d mW W H H H q 1$ vim. `. 6 aF7 U w N ul Ip tl iHi H u .�1• W • m .( m U y, W O m W q P d En i }4 '� :; '�'� @ ti Fa+ m N K, � H W �> tl •Fq R M d O %� u W^ V tl ,� � � N AY-. U 6+ f0 o - --11 qqqq S!• m u m mW A g N wV i tl W #2 !ibi i ne �� r ? Y { } a Y 1 V uiilfi-Fti 't�C M4\ _4.��4cL;.a fi t 11 M 1p Id0 d 9 Z N H F r qm 4 H _. a�HiHli. d`•pSS if: V 0. y O H n^ 4 CW @ V y V b V O u O O w e0 N G Yl V ay0 V N u u M ID O u P O ,ir � 4 �rl Om aF, y m F � N N YOi .1 OS Y y U� 6 R LO � 16 •L � �P�' ,(^,]j L to d Li m j G. m N q w 4 y 6 k3 C QI V V x C d 'O W O V ',O O JD a q q O N G V F V 4 Y> i S pN N M R d 1. 0 i�/J Iiiij •. a v� O Cep q i.. '� b V ..\. w y � G V j d m C d V 4 7 •i7 y to G CO H Mr-r a d. y L y m 0.� V d� � w! 4 G� ol y pp VY �UM0. m LNG�„rw W N 'C W G O OO?V tl O y U O u 4 n 4 •p W d 4 N p d n W m A F Y C M N C tl= ? Y ` G m C L 4H V u O V. ro .rG1 y6A m T0•-( V7 F d ^. w F u O b 0 K w N t0 Nb u "r O "r W b Yr K ?:.J .'•1 w � ,ry L d y .O( G b Q" tl V a n O� u 0 0 O '$ U y b T b G .�1 p 6• N. S tl 0? 4 F m �> n� G� •. V •� � L m GO V •rr r-r 0yf b V T 4 W m ri N« O 1. u u M D a w V 4 Mg u w 6 r!1 u a 4 p N w S d .•i O 'O e0 G O~y U 7 m �j d b 'O N D? +'( tGi y t N G y S w m �+ CI m> w � � C N ZN �u� P.H � 4 i11• Qtl t � ryry wW AP 9w0 6Q6 ia L 1 _ ' + . . � 1 "�, L�4i'�'f'Y �U �hM1y 1 h v t .tr...- f- I iUU121� T��h{ifiY+L'•anbr?."'iNr{It�(..tCf P`G'r.. ilXui..'. J a tea 8 7 in 1the event that ASH gives such approval, then, , Pizza But shall have the right to proceed to erect the proposed sign .in accordance with the rene'ering and specificati— so submitted. (if) Pizza Hut shall at all rites maintain in good order and repair the sign easement and the signs %i located within the sign easement, at the sole coot and expense of Pizza Hut. 3. Common ownership. In the event Cost the AU Proparty and the Pizza Hut Property shall at any time be owned in common by one person or entity, then, at the option of such common owner, all easements herein granted and imposed with respect to the Pizza But Property and the ASS Property shall terminate and be of no further force or effect, upon the execution and recordation on the public records of Beaufort County, South Carolina of a statement of termination by such common aver evidencing the termination of said easements and restrictions. 4. Real Covenants. The easements, and agreements set forth herein shall run with the land, shall inure to the benefit of, aid be binding upon the successors, successors -in -title, heirs and assigns of the parties hereto, shall remain in full force and effect for the t:-m specified herein and shall be unaffected by any change in ownership of the ASB Property or the Pizza Hut Property, or by any change of use of the ASH Property or the Pizza Hut Property or other circumstances, except as otherwise expressly provided in ithis Agreement. Each of the rights created under this Agreement shall be specifically enforceable in a court of equity, all parties hereto recognizing and agreeing that damages at law will be inadequate. 5. Miscellaneous. This Agreement shall be binding upon and shall inure to the benefit of ASS and Pizza Hut, their respective successors, successors -in -title, legal representatives, heirs and assigns. All references herein to -the 'owner" of property shall be deemed to refer to ell of the owners of the property referred to, or any one of said owners as the context requires, it being the intention of the parties that the easements and agree- ments hereby created shall run with the land and be enforceable by the owner(s) of all or any portion of the property bene£itted by said easements and agreements, in the event any provision hereof is held to be invalid or unenforceable, such invalidity or unenforceability shall not effect the validity or enforceability of any other provision hereof. This Agreement contains the entire agreement of the parties hereto with respect to the subject matter hereof, and no representations, inducements, promises or agreemerta, oral or otherwise, not expressly set forth herein shall be of an^ force or effect. This Agreement may not be modified except by written modification, executed by all parties hereto. All titles or captions of the paragraphs set forth in this Agreement are inserted only as a matter of convenience ar.d for reference, and in no way define, limit, eutend or describe the scope of this Agreement, or the intent of any provision hereof. This Agreement shall be construed, governed and interpreted in accordance with the 1 laws of South Carolina. B rTA,•♦..roADA4 I ��� e 6RIiF,N. P A. 'Z�ii`' h -. ra. GAL 6 {` c 4a' IJ1AFt�-1i t 3, 19 8 j tl ri 99 E� HF5 f' i CaJ. 51u �tf �. �aJGy�YaD A0& p,5 iGaiAT&5, e 4J+Vtax HCAC M-A C. k11jv AAR AMN :�GT a:fiVL631i)i: P.T.oiJ : cl`li'�• sre PIIaaA.eaA IN ': f.\ NZVA WVS AND r- i IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this instrument to be signed as of the day and year first a:nve written. 709 uz HBsa>s, Ass ASSOCUTIS SA9ORI1I. VEti M GROUP, Partner BGr �RMIRTER G., Managing! artner Bfis. Y H. As ' ,iPartner ptgg SAAW, Farm r PIZZA OS MAIM, INC. v W 4 f^/HUT By: 'i j/))p'4 04 Attast: errNu. �eRowN R 6Rll/IN. PA. ATTPPI,iTi MD W V Ma[LLNi K uw N�LlaN M[AO IK,Nu, i. C. 4 nI7 `t'� 500TI-I GAMGLINJ P SarR�L:{`eryai 1v:�-11S,141tl� NKMJt�iiNlzt 1ckJ.5faaias .`dY'61f4EF A-AnIDe&.^�'1i.t. �i;75GLtAiL�+;:MG. NEe10 1'S:AF40. A14P •••�U��d `i Ilk 9� fi STATE OF Sr_7TN CAROLIUA CORPORATE PROBATE COI i ! UNTY OF BEAUFORT ) I 703 1 PERSONALLY appeared before me L , I on oath, says that s/he saw the within named ASB ~ TbD M P ✓ { Associates• by its Partners, it sign, seal and as its act and deed, deliver the :-ithin written Instrument; and y_ that a/be wit4 �� aE I . wit eased the exccatsd ihe4zof. � X 1 l SWORN TO anj, Subscribed WHEREAS the Uniform Recognition of Ack;r,�w- I v befor this day ed iege'ents Act (Section 26-3�10 et seq.) pro- vides it 1983. for recognition of certain notarial act and acknowledgements performed outsinade the i State of South Caroli; and S EAS, the within document has been ex ecut UT$ CARQLINA NOTARY PUBLIC FOR SO outside the State of South Carolina; and �., Ny Commission Expires: 9(}:14y NREREAS, the form of acknowledgement is consi tent with the requirements contained in Uniform Recognition of �.cknowled r,: z NOW, TNEREPORE: 4emcats Act; r 4' STATE OPT MKXXEKVM RANSAS ;E H I COUNTY OF SEDfryll{](__� CORPORATE PROBATE zr I Y 8 a Nota s PERSONALLY appeared PuDlic pp ared before me "rv� L. p�—ich z�l, ��'s�Jibax&atitxrhe within named Pizza Eut of Sumter. Inc.. Dy Instrument, and Linn F- 1 • its President • 1 its retaty �` and the said Corp. by said officers, i °e�Corssd;;axsxxfasx,aobrx;mm�cx��+.,..-.�.i -- CidGaTOtxbsar D -"`��rzn'axx�zaxaa�ss-.. awxs --•--^"=.r..cx,czxxx;oaotP�omssvDc�•�•.•..e, i F IJII the foregoing Uitlity Easement. acknowledged z 4„ �3 I r r i SWORN TO sad subscribed )I befohrh this 23 day of 1 1983. 9ETHSa. JORaAN 7" � L `r ? ecn,rvra o.. I NOTARY P LIC FOE i S4f StlffbM KAWSAS Ny CO scion Expires: iii PrrcFa Ir tir)'1 AI,) ti'ILIC s a QN j $ ALt-fix q.a .1'�1A>itWiigS,f9E3 b1Vi`}9Pj4diA(21 Rc;t.?I•-sja3 u,i, `i £ r 4 �- �'. 4 . ' r70�VBY4V R•a� Aisb MSSOGIATL's ,` eyQiltl4 CP.pf;� jy j: .� d � • 6Y &iW-4 A'ANV9 K7ni45 iEOG7 AT.G:,, iyC. i tyglHBt;Gh g1 'cJCVG`�o.�',b: YP WL1oriHSAQ f n7 T itGOl.{s83tlJTTT1 �N r� , :FA E MY ExxzBlr "A" t 710 All that certain piece, parcel or lot of land situate, lying and being near V. S. Highway 278 and Matthews Drive on Hilton Read Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, consisting of 0.502 Acres and described on a plat catitle� "Pizza But of Sumter. Plat of 0.502 Acres, a Portion of the Industrial park Tract". and dated March 13, 1983, revised March 28. 1983, and prepared by Elmer A. Anderson, S.C., P.E. and R.L.S. &umber 8936. For a more detailed description as to iodation, courses, metes, bounds, distances, directions, etc. reference to said plat is craved. The vithin plat was recorded in the Office of the Clerk of Court for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Boot: 31 at Page J aEtliG� JOROAN • Oe,FFiii. �. A b1CAwiT, ANp GgV11N0.LW 4T 4aV NIL>N NtwC IWNG, f. C. SGA1.t�':ins! 1v1A5tt3i'a19i3 114k-0til'.uad�7f=�l �` � �7ULYSY� 4'os /k�7' A?9�cy$Si;s ''• '' ra'�S��t6FE3--ram —�''+ . `�- ;"�: l iiLMeLv4 i1N0l:G9oM Jp'i°i!�Cili?di w.';,. swe+NSC,t �` a ag-i���aet:�Hwtq 2w,:4A4�+ ebsa�lra nut+ . �i�1 hgtinaW 7►1 ; ;. 2, Ta y lhfffa*q* AAln �cQ EXHIBIT "B" , '711 All that certain piece, parcel or tract of land situate, lying and being en Hilton Head island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, shown and described as 4.014 Acres, more or less, on a plat prepared by g. H. Freiesleben, P.E. 5 L,S-, entitled "Boundary Survey Prepared for Williams Wakefield", dated February 11, 1981, and recorded in the Office of the Clerk of Court for Beaufort County. South Carolina. in reed Ea=k 316 at Page 308. Said property' being more particularly described as.foLovs: Beginning at a concrete monu- ment at the Northeastern boundary of the property fronting on the £aatbound lane of U. S. Highway 278 at the intersection of the property line and the big:hway right -of -tray and running SOl'05'17"E for a distance of 381.55 feet to a concrete monument, thence turning and running S84'21'43"W for a distance of 399.81 feet to a concrete monument, thence turning and running NO0'09'27"W for a distance of 504.34 feet to a concrete monument at the edge of the right-of-way for Highway 278 and thence turning and rouning S77'57'57"E for a distance of 400.83 feet to the point of beginning. Said property. is bounded on its Northern boundary by the Eastbound lane and right-of-way on Highway 278, on its Eastern boundary by lands now or formerly of Williams Wakefield,: in its Southern boundary by lands now or formerly of Hilton Head No. I Public Service District, and on its Western boundary by lands now or formerly belong iug to the Bank of Beaufort. SAVE AND EXCEPT therefrom the 0.502 Acre portion of the above property more particularly described in Exhibit "A" to this Agreement. LCT14SA. JOROM $ GRIMM, P. A. tTLO1M.IY� AMD COu1lilLlpC AT LAW XILTON MLM Iq.IND, i. C�iB {$& rl'Q° t>SAiRi13/1'1P�j �i�i1°}t�41Nf�1 sGJ.9i�lE7,cncur,"ee,A } ZN LANp�v, { �jU�jpc�'IrS7' fi'a6/h�� A$3.ztcA'Ti6S � 'y7 � i �� OFtso%i d c'vR W{�'}oM NGkG 13i.AHp. � pl,a f e In 1 G To si Cor+vkYa¢ To - I .t 1. iK d9f'fZZA•HUT drSVMfiLLiz Q'�-_} t:. Ri ! 0.502 AGR65 Q.j Q h x', i EE �, • �, � 7' ii q ��� • �`---�� . _ taw its a2.8h �� �': �,� � �Rt� �_•r r -r Ta 18.-L0. ` Qi ) ��•' � .�i P�'`! y _ :-�'3'i Y� wit a tgvi rG ZA og, �7, if1•S y T o 1ji i 6sl yaLt4��Ap•iy `gy"t4Y�Yfj �p �,� t ` .�., A° z5' 4yz• ce AtA. i "�` � =z� 94 � %� 0 a]i. 98�5 : S •e -�.�^�� �vin��. Njq Z78 \ > Jx fi is y am. i. A' H U 0;- 11AT �z;P— i / {, Pt AT of O. aC�4 ACZL-$ A FORT10►4 OF' THa 114UU5T;CfAL- PAkrTKAk:T HILTC?N iD 15LAtJP It -f� y ` FSt:A 1-O�T G©LINTY, `'OUT►-i CAVOLIWA } 6UC:V€+Y-C, for- ASS& ,.yaZH �ARp���,,. t1E.C•A Amps ptvo J x•ry:OGi Al'.L.`.,,tHL. A!C- K L.ltltaH HC.A,: 1SLAL49, ,*jLA- - yam{ N&S/HLN:adg PARTNERSHIP F— No. 106-Title to Rd Estate by a CW" atxr„o Aeviad t974 (Sandhill 312-8} c��r £Qi ua �� QlHrstlut�, COUNTY OF BEAUFORT WHEREAS, the within Grantor is also sometimes known as the Sandhill Yentu:•e Group. KNOW .iLL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That THE SANDHILL JOINTFILED IN GM BOOK 394 PAGE 824 PILED AT 0,%M ON 05/18M in the State aforesaid, for and -------- —----------------------- ia consideration of the sum of Ten and No/100(G70.00) ---------- -------- ------------ ----------------------- Dollars and other valuable consideration------------------------ ----" r,to�{n.hand paid at and before the sealing of these Presents, by McDONALD15 CORPORATION, 1975 Century Boulevard, NE, Suite 4. Atlanta, Georgia 30345 -__ facet Whereof u her acknoloiedged) in the State afa+'---------^------------ -- i� Pt e°f � �i h4v f gtarded, bargained, sold and faksm , and by these Presents do grant, bargain, asT1 slut re7euse, an I tothewd McDONALD'S CORPORATION, its successors and assigns forever, the following described real estate, to -wit: �. ALL...that certain non-exclusive right for ingress and egress and utilities <. installation along that certain 45' easement for roadways and utilities located Grantor herein and identified as "45' Easement for upon property owned by the Roadway and Utilities" located within or adjacent to property of Sandhill Venture Group known as Hilton Head Shopping Center. Hilton Head Island, Beaufort 'County, South Carolina, as shown and described on a survey entitled 'Heritage Center-, a Portion of the Industrial Park Tract" prepared by Elmer A. Anderson & Associates, Engineers and Surveyors (P.E. & R.L.S. No. 8936) said survey dated August 30. 1983. and finally revised on March 19. 1984, which said survey is recorded in the Office of the Clerk of Court for Beaufort County, South I..' Carolina, in Plat Book at Page . For a more detailed description as to courses, metes, bounds. distances, ovation, etc. reference to said plat of record my be had. AND ALSO, a non-exclusive easement for ingress and egress along all roadway areas as now or hereafter designated and defined on that certain property owned by the ,Grantor. herein identified as 17.71 acres .and located in the Town of Hilton Head'Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and shown and described on that certain survey entitled "Hilton Head Shopping Center and Out Parcels, a Portion of the Industrial Park Tract' prepared by Elmer A. Anderson & Associates, Engineers and Surveyors (P.E. & R.L.S. No. 8936) which said survey is dated the 18th day of July, 1983, as finally revised on the 19th day of March, 1984. and recorded in the Office of the Clerk of Court for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 32 at Page 37 . For a more detailed description as to courses, metes, bounds, -distances,-To7Eition, etc. of said pro. perty, reference to said Olat of record nay be had. AND ALSO, an exclusive easement for signage located upon the 17.71 acre tract shown and described on a survey entitled "Hilton Head Island Shopping Center and Out Parcels, a Portion of the Industrial Park 1:•act" prepared by Elmer A. Anderson & Associates, Engineers and Surveyors (P.E. & R.L.S. No. 8936) and being located adjacent to the eastern right-of-way of Matthews Drive and con- sisting of a parcel 10 feet square and 100 square feet identified as "Easement for McDonald's Sign" on the above referred to survey. Said property being located 1,228.08 feet from the eastern intersection of Matthews Drive with the southern intersection of the right-of-way of U.S. Highway 278 south 00 degrees 9 minutes 27 seconds east, SHAUFORT COUNTY TAX HAP REF& M09 s Lap n r Bloc,j IT IS A CONDITION SUBSEQUENT of this transfer that in the event such 100 square foot sign usage parcel has not been utilized by the Grantee herein by December 31, 1984, or, if so initially used, such parcel shall not be utililized by the Grantee herein for any crntinuous thirty (30) day period thereafter then, in that event, the right thereof to the .within easement shall be extinguished and no longer of any force and effect. TOGETHER with all and singular the Rights, Members, Hereditaments and Appurtenances to the said i?r—Ises belonging, or in any+oise incident or t appertainafg. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD, all and singular the said premises before mentioned unto the said ,�CDONALD'S CORPORATION, its successors JSIlFzIEYand Assigns forever FILED IN DEED BOCK 394 PAGE 825 FILED AT 095W ON 85i10i84 A dAsSad TfS_ SAtiDHILL JOINT VENTURE GROUP datalarabybmditsetf its assigns and its successors, to warrant and forever defend all and singular the sdd promises rry.,;to.aafd_ McDONALD`S.CORPORATION, its successors and Assigns, against itself and its successors and anyone whomsoever la=afuIIy claiming -or to claim the same, or any part thereof. IN WITNESS WHEREOF THE SANDHILL .JOINT VENTURE GROUP has ceused f.a+r ems d Ce+0oa/ these esents to be ewoutgd i 3is name KariEngelman, Elaine Engelman, James &,radshaw by �iton Head Shopping enter Company - By W�]IRC„�,r j �i r, aJ Partner and XXiS�ie4i'BFrXIX W by Perry Parrott, Jr., Partner and By James BradshaykK, Partner (Z_ .r,. of $_ e. T, pal c and its �e�aead to be hereto wised this' ' day of in the year of our Lord one tlwusand nine hundred and eighty-four and in the two hundred and eighth Year Sfates of America. Signed, Sealed and Deliaeredl in �cpence of Witness Notary Public Witness i. 1;1 BY , Na it w a �AeyIN F' ,; ► i ci ANT,$ y,-T 2014, HCGl7FGG y1tToC>-rta•:AG, ' �� i �' :s' o t - t asl_Sa- ✓•� »d.+y4'17'V� ti1Z• .i ' �• �.Q9e.. 73ep .. �_�-t91. e. �:4vtL ,_ _ -'_` _'.4•'91W:.'S Ex?SY.. �: '. ::..: • ,r Mtn: 1 81.q a ..L.iC' !!s6»v�': roi-or:� �,i>�'- �' � Iw• iA S�Mc:i: mac ^ �EA,t : �O~�eyv �c� - r ��Iff I N M t "�. toW Z . aCJ7j.r" ''6•i�i 1: 14-tACL or ' ,� J h ,� t iZy �be.. .��w, �p•S••44 e� � i I 0 !' 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'dt fln �C J `i',' T.n, f �1 _ 'f J.Y '• '-. - --- ----'_- -- / ,' ''/ / / / �(, / _---_---- '---_- ----_ _------- ____ __ WIL L / /z]'/l/kY / TOA/ ' U m � 'ON OOM OR8 .OZ =.1 3-1 SNV_1d N011of1nSN0O S103rOad S1N3VUA08dYVI ldl1dd0 803 S30IA83S JNI833NION3 0S ,Ifisl Od3H NO11IH 30 NMO1 ~J 31r0 N/21 adnOS 300 Iva ''Dd01 NOKIA3l1 30 NORA S30 in 19 'IN'A31 z b 141 YON 0 do- fiedac0ei5Z Am' ' •------------ 3: 000 M N C I 00 0 U M0 M i NM I M � N /te r L co CD 6� cfl N � I I M 3 E N p� cS3 CC)G coo` *` co \ � E _4 ©© ``� SHRUB R� 0 ® 0- � a \ C)do co N I 5 ILD ... 0 co A )p ccy lb- N 0- (Z) 0 # c:g LC")9 1 �, N N N a M _,� _ -w- - -w- - -w- - -w- clop -~ -w---w---w---w---W--w--_w---w---w---w---w---w----w-- ��� - 'X « D`� _w- - -w- - -w- - -w- - -w- - -w- - -w- - _ _ w � / -w__-w---w---w---w---w-- _ _ _ _ 1 _ - ---� _ ---� _�_ - �° �� _w__-w---w---� ,mow---w---w---w---w---w-- -�— --, _w— -w- - -w- — w- - Sew- l ~~ _ IF. rri Z E \ \ \ S 7 6 48 23 E )jjjf( Z 8061+ 9 �` AIR�pRT 831 ins SSVa9.9 O 51GN L , kvAkH.LVd .01 a3Jz1ne SSVaJ •9 9---------------------- ------------------ ----- - - - - - - -- -- - - - _ _ ---------------------------- r------------------_-��_-- �9 t_- VMH V 1------------------------ 42 RCP __-_- ------------- 6-- 3A�n� _-►:------------------------- - w__--------_______---------------------------------- ---- --Q --- -- 'x^�------ ---- N Cst - - --�_ - - -' -- �-► - �'--� -- - ,�'�� t g$ min L.J 9� co 0 1 do/ N a 199 ' 'AN I CID If I 'OL '69 '29+91 Z 'V1S 1p 0 VI,W d N a- 0- a 0 A 0- 37014NVM 100 OS 9 t9 , 96 'S 'AN 1tp 1 3 �' 7n < N b I O o- ld .99 '69 'Z£ 'ZOOS 1 Z 'V1S y s � \ 0 C Q N� 9 , I 1 '1► 'Awl S ED 7 14NVM 100 OS c9 � 0 0- C C 161 .6£ '29 69 '£9t91 Z 'Vl n -, - - E - ` --�-- - E _ _ cA 3 0 £ I O co p- rrr, C 0- 6 3d.11 100 Ot E o N � .G 'AN1 1p 1 '006 '£9 '66•0,1 Z ro1S iwS3 wa3d 6 3d Al 100 OS cria 4 s tQr o - 31`d1S3 Id38 'd2H0O VIAOHOVM � Q 0 `� 0/0 *AN` 9 -I`dN011`dN `dNi-108dO H1nOS c� v J/N 0 s� 1 1a0-i1d38 sons £ �11 i fUl amw 7irts vow 1 1 N3M3Sd 3 l N-gNV M6f3d S3d07S dO d1SNOD 80d 1 N.3W.3SV 3 mld G381 nO 36r 30N3d NO / 1 Onyi SHOO 30NV 80 Memo To: From Via: Steve Riley, Town Manager Darrin Shoemaker, Traffic and Transportation Engineer Jeff Buckalew, Town Engine Teri Lewis, LMO Official T. J�'`'j.., Scott Liggett, Director of Public Projects & Facilities/Chief Engineer67 Date: 07/29/2011 Re: Request to Utilize Town Owned Property for CIP Project Equipment Storage Recommendation: Staff recommends approval be granted to allow the contractor constructing the 2011 Traffic Signal Mast Arm project to temporarily store heavy vehicle equipment and construction materials within the unimproved Ashmore tract access that is located adjacent to the on -island William Hilton Parkway travel lanes opposite Union Cemetery Road. Summary: The contractor has sought Town assistance in identifying a lay -down storage area for construction materials and heavy vehicles required to construct the 2011 Traffic Signal Mast -Arm project, which includes the reconstruction of two signals on William Hilton Parkway, at Dillon Road and Coggins Point Road. The unimproved access leads away from William Hilton Parkway opposite Union Cemetery Road into a thickly wooded area that is very well screened with trees, offering very limited visibility to William Hilton Parkway. The contractor has sought adequate space to store for overnight and weekend periods a maximum total of two heavy vehicles, which may include an auger boring truck, a boom truck, and/or a bucket truck. Materials to be stored may be the poles/arms themselves, numbering seven each, with the poles approximately 21' in length and the arms varying from 40' to 65' in length, and two pallets of construction materials such as the 8' long foundation anchor bolts and signal head mounting hardware used to mount the heads to the mast -arms. The unimproved access currently serves a settling pond maintained by Hilton Head Public Service District (HHPSD) and a nearby cell tower. An inspection of the unimproved Ashmore tract access today, July 28I', revealed that there is ample room to store the required equipment sufficiently far back from William Hilton Parkway to allay any visibility concerns while ensuring that access to the HHPSD and cell phone facilities are not impeded. The unimproved access is approximately 40' in width and extends approximately 430' into the Town's Ashmore tract. A large backhoe was parked at the far end of the access near the gated entrance to the HHPSD settlement pond during today's inspection. Background: The Town has issued a Notice to Proceed (NTP) on the mast -arm project as of July 25d', 2011, although construction has not commenced as of the date of this memorandum. The contract completion period is ninety (90) days from the issuance of the NTP, or Sunday, October 23'd, 2011. The value of the contract is $95,656.50 and includes a $500.00/day liquidated damages clause for failing to substantially complete the project within the contract completion period. Attachments ATTACHMENT A APPLICABLE LAND MANAGEMENT ORDINANCE Section 16-4-1403 of the Land Management Ordinance (see below) addresses this use of land. The property owner's consent is required, thus the Town Council and/or Town Manager must approve this use. Sec. 16-4-1403. Construction Staging and Storage Construction staging and storage of equipment and materials is permitted as a temporary use provided that it is located on the site of the approved project or in close proximity or adjacent to the approved project site if it can be demonstrated that it cannot be located on site. When the construction is not in conjunction with any approved Development Plan Review or Subdivision, the staging and storage shall be permitted on a case by case basis as approved by the Administrator, considering the following criteria and requirements: A. Adequate parcel size to accommodate the staging needs without impacts to buffers or protected natural resources; B. Property owner's notarized consent; C. Proposed use, anticipated noise levels of equipment and types of materials to be stored are all compatible with the adjacent land uses; D. Site shall have adequate vehicular access for deliveries and/or emergencies; E. Staging and storage should not interfere with access or take up any required parking for the site; F. Staging and storage should be in an existing cleared area available for use; there shall be no tree removal allowed for the purpose of construction staging; G. Tree protection shall be required; H. A sediment and erosion control plan if deemed necessary; I. Equipment and materials must be removed prior to receiving final certificate of compliance for the project, or if a certificate of compliance is not required, within two weeks of final completion of the project; J. Screening of the construction staging or storage area may be required at the discretion of the Administrator. (Revised 2/3/09--Ordinance 2009-02) Buckalew Jeff From: Foster Jill Sent: Friday, July 29, 2011 10:48 AM To: Buckalew Jeff Cc: Lewis Teri Subject: RE: TM —Memo —for mast arm staging 7-29-11 Ok by me. Please rnal<e sure they follow through with the tree protection issue, if there are any trees near where they want to store. It's my understanding, though, that they will be in existing cleared areas, right? From: Buckalew Jeff Sent: Friday, July 29, 2011 10:29 AM To: Foster Jill Subject: FW: TM —Memo —for mast arm staging 7-29-11 Can you handle this? thanks Jeffrey S. Buckalew, PE Town of Hilton Head Island One Town Center Court Hilton Head Island, SC 29928 jeff b@hiltonheadislandsc.gov (843) 341-4772 (offc) (843) 384-5142 (cell) (843) 842-8587 (fax) From: Buckalew Jeff Sent: Friday, July 29, 2011 10:28 AM To: Lewis Teri Cc: Shoemaker Darrin; Liggett Scott Subject: FW: TM —Memo —for mast arm staging 7-29-11 Teri, this is the area HHPSD was working in this past month. There will be no land disturbing activities, only temporary storage of materials and equipment for the installation of the traffic signal mast arms. We will direct the contractor to store items back away from the parkway and maintain a neat work site. Let us know if you have any questions. If you are okay with this, we will route the memo via you for signature. Thanks Jeffrey S. Buckalew, PE Town of Hilton Head Island One Town Center Court Hilton Head Island, SC 29928 lieffb@ hiItonheadislandsc.gov (843) 341-4772 (offc) (843) 384-5142 (cell) (843) 842-8587 (fax) From: Liggett Scott Sent: Friday, July 29, 2011 10:18 AM To: Buckalew Jeff Cc: Shoemaker Darrin; Lewis Teri Subject: FW: TM —Memo —for mast arm staging 7-29-11 We need to give CID and opportunity to concur/approve before we take it to Steve. From: 8uckslewJeff Sent: Friday, July 29, 2011 10:06AM To: Liggett Scott Cc: Shoemaker Darrin Subject: TM —Memo —for mast arm staging 7-29-11 Darhn'smast arm contractor requires asecure staging and storage area. VVerecommend the Ashmore tract driveway to the HHPSD. If approved byTIVI, we will be sure to coordinate with the HHPSD as to not adversely interfere with their access. Buckalew Jeff From: Liggett Scott Sent: Friday, July 29, 2011 10:18 AM To: Buckalew Jeff Cc: Shoemaker Darrin; Lewis Teri Subject: FW: TM_Memo _for mast arm staging 7-29-11 Attachments: TM_Memo_for mast arm staging 7-29-11.doc We need to give CD and opportunity to concur/approve before we take it to Steve. S From: Buckalew Jeff Sent: Friday, July 29, 2011 10:06 AM To: Liggett Scott Cc: Shoemaker Darrin Subject: TM —Memo —for mast arm staging 7-29-11 Darrin's mast arm contractor requires a secure staging and storage area. We recommend the Ashmore tract driveway to the HHPSD. If approved by TM, we will be sure to coordinate with the HHPSD as to not adversely interfere with their access. EDSCO Fasteners, Inc. - NC 300 Dalton Avenue Charlotte NC 28206 Phone: 940-380-8000 Fax: 940-380-1118 Ship To: Hilton Head Island One Town Center Court Hilton Head Island SC. 29928 \\\\\EDSCO \\\\ EDSCO Fasteners, Inc. TX • NC • UT Packing Slip # 13848 Sold To: Bradley R. Mantz Atlantic Technical Sales 14522-K Lee Road Chantilly VA 20151 Fax: 703-631-6694 1985-2011 26 1 E A R S O F EXCIE LLLNCE Page: 1 of 1 Date: 7/6/2011 Ship Date: 7/6/2011 Ship Via: Conway F.O.B.: EDSCO Sales Order: 63359 Customer PO: 14657-9004 Salesperson: Miley Akers Tag pallet with Customer PO# 14657-9004 PO Ordered Shipped BID Line Qty Qty Qty Part Number/Description Rev Tag pallet with Customer PO# 14657-9004 20.00 20.00 BBGC175-09000K 1-3/4" x 84 x 6 F1554Gr55 BB 12T 24G w/ 2 Gr2H Hvy Nuts, 2 HRW HDG *** All Domestic *** 8.00 8.00 BBGC200-09000K 2" x 84 x 6 F1554Gr55 BB 12T 24G w/ 2 Gr2H Hvy Nuts, 2 HRW HDG *** All Domestic *** Claims for errors, shortages or defects will not be considered unless made within 90 days after receipt of material. In no event shall seller be liable for any loss, damage, direct, incidental or consequential damages of any kind in connection with the sale or the use of the products. Seller's maximum liability shall not in any case exceed the purchase price of the material. Purchaser acknowledges seller is not responsible for inspecting and/or testing the products to determine their suitability for their end -use application or purpose w w m W W 0O -1- Z U Q O = LL o H J Z 0 J ► \, w J u CO 0- a 0 o W U Z = W of U Z W LL a = LL a ~ 0 w w 3: o , O � O cn Y d a cu Q 0 a S CL z (U p rn c ca CL W LL LY 0 `� O O v 2 0 0 c to 0 N U c f6 O rn H o U O Q Q m D I Y LY O cn r fn M U � 0- } LL LL w m 00 N H � N U U' LJ zOv z o z Of W Q W O zLr) W cn w Z U N U = = O z O z U w �_ z �~ -iz -i rn O D a 0X-(L r0 O N Q L Z oN w Q O C� J > ~ U LL) LLI} Ln J W J y !- o a C] Lr)N N W �• J J � � Q m Q + U :D v rr M O Cl) O 0000 N 0 0.O 0 Z N O L N V O * N N a U W c N ui O `m m z aU� U) W O z Z I I O U (11) N O N O N c J W ; 00 z O Ci Q w f- Q 0- N N N = co ` M (p CO CO c0 O r co F- N m N U W co 00 N U U) W 00 z LL O U U 0 O r-- 0 w ca Q U v 0 cn 0 Q o E i LLLi w w co D z Q 0 a a _O H L a Z = Q (/� CY ©its© > ►- I-> > d. m Li o CL z z d o � co 00 00w co co v OD co au w co w M m v a0 cD v ODw cD a0 (D w m w cD w aD co w � m 00 00 cD 00 M O N O N O N O N O N O N O N O N O N O N O N O N O N O N O N O N O N 00 o (D a O O O O O CO O O O O O O O O O n rn # U _ Y U U J J I w N I W m LL ' O LL* W S N 0 cc) - LL Ooo z-v j a O w Q w o cn co 0 U W Cl)= LY U cn a= c) 00 0 W V' LU w M Q —L N (n `- Z W N LL M 0 Z z O 00 LL Q 0 � X LL co LL. 0 z � Q S (n X CDv r� (p co X Lri � CL LLo O N W ~ w 0 wN a¢ LL S a Q U J< LL LL w D - Ln � d LL Ln S LL Q U 0 J W Z (n O>= a F- LL Ln U Z Z S o U(L S U a i Z� Q LL t "' �j z� NLf) o M LL u0.. 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M w o> fa- = Ir U z 2 U 2 a 2 Q LL t 6� Z L LL� U Q LL a a = Lp U� Z 0 m Q Z¢ Z U 'S m-i (9 U) a w (n U m (n Y LL Y Z Y Y m LL Y Q Q¢ m m (.D NwO d o N O M O N O (n O V r W O M N o (D O 00 O N Q NO V N O ( Cl) D) O O N M Q D) (D o N m Q N mO Q O N (_ON N O mto Q N O O M N 1 O (D N V q d' 0 �? N N N N N M st N N N N N N (n LO ((i O (D u) (D ui (D W) (D V) (D ui U) n ui r W) r LO � U) r-� ui r`� ui 00 «i 00 ((i OR ui O Lri M LO c0 (ri 7 (D N (D Lll Cl) W N U V M W M W N U V Y � U N ? co 00 coIq o0 co o0 coo ODD co 0 N o N o N o N o N O N O N o N O N 0 N O N M M M M M M M M M M M o O O O c0 O O O O O Cl) O d U I I I i a o 00 Z O 0= O rnV O�¢ co QQQmmQQaZ(nd O = Z D O N = rn zm a Nao N s N N a) a oN m m 3 Q O C) O p o O o N �1• Oo 0 o M > ( O o eo Z O o= 0 O > C7 _ U Z D o N v rn 0 m O cl N coU Q (n z ov m U) W w H W w m U) I- < Q Z cD (D � (D 00 It N X o m O 2 (D N (D m (MD N (D I- O O N M Cl) V O a M � O O N M M V w z O — Lo Cl) Do N M V' Lq N M to a- N M ,6 co co ti r; ao 00 00 C040fe4At�41L*a WWW.CON-WAY.COM/FREIGHT CONSIGNEE e* INVOICE NUMBER FREIGHT CNWY COPY EQUIP. NUMBER DATE ORIGIN OUR REVENUE ADVANCEBEYOND= I E BEYOND DESTINATION REFER TO THIS NUMBER. + 347-3381.06 CONSIGNEE SHIPPER'S NUMBER 2A 3223 �-!-ILTON HEAD ISLAND 14657 9004 I -OWN CT R CT o INVOICE NUMBER 58) f ..'I IL T 0 N HEAD, SC -29928 3 4 -7 -- 33 8 1 6 0 SHIPPER EDSCO FAS'TENERS INC BILL TO 3,00 DALTON r1VE CHARLUTTE, NI C 282061-3118 WEIGHT (LBS) RATE -------- TOTAL CHARGES # PCS. HM DESCRIPTION OF ARTICLES AND MARKS ,-:-"KD IRON Sl-EEL FAS-TENERE3 r. 0 ➢zif.-, I -A. -ASS 50 HCD 1-4 1 GH COST DELIVERY ILL. BION 13RCI-46 m -FO'TAL L4 ;L r-,PD ❑ INSIDE DELIVERY ❑ LIFT GATE SERVICE ❑ RESIDENTIAL DELIVERY 1:1 CONSTRUCTION/UTILITY SITE - SHRINK W WTACTNO RAP ONO ? 70N/Aj BYES DUNS # 10-315-1007 LEAVE THIS COPY WITH CONSIGNEE UNLESS C SERA ATE CONTRACT, TERMS AND CONDITTINS OF TARIFF CNWy DESCRIBED FREIGHT IN GOOD CONDITION 199 APPLY UNLESS MARKED OTHERWISE 0 0 m C <m3j < Wm m . Cl- M. < m Fn 0 m C Cf) m :+ Do tv c 'M -n r-n a C/) 0 m Omm < titern D, ZM S2PI G) o Zia 0 m 0 ova '3 OLmj Z. 41 o 0 z cn x z m m m NMM.WAW Cf) 0 0 :3 CD o C� C) :> --1 0 0 0-mmom 0 z m > < m K 0 CO- U) Z .Nmmw� z CO > an > ZO m C) Z CO I m m Im _0 01 U) U) cn > ON c > c m Cl) ABr FREIGHT INC. Fri mll (A —F ~' CONSIGNEE COPY www.abf.oum 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 -�ERMINAL 912-964-O413 ouwaous90-2yr 09/06/11 014 PAGE 1 OF 3 PICK UP DATE --- [ —C—O—D—E"—TO P.O. NO. NO. OF P.O.'S ROUTING FREIGHT BILL NO. PIECES M'l DESCRIPTION WEIGHT (LBS.) RATE CHARGES )02 COD 6 9 PAY THIS AMOUNT R P REMIT TO )ELIVEI�� DUE DELIVERY DATE DRIVER YOUR ACCEPTANCE OF DELIVERY IS SUBJECT TO ABE 111 SERIES TERMS." "CONSIGNEE BY (CUSTOMER'S SIGNATURE) A13F FREIGHT INC. (ABFS)uu"o'o'"cE COPY !NUN�N�U UNUU0UNUNU�|KNUNNUNNN ERMINAL 912-964-0413 oowoo0-e90-2yn 0,9/06/11 014 PAGE 2 OF 3 smPPFn",mn '?"75 CRN D4 PICK UP DATE CODETO P.O. NO. NO. OF P.O.'S ROUTING -\ 1-11 FREIGHT BILL N PIECES H DESCRIPTION WEIGHT (LBS.) RATE CHARGES BILL TO F* B :1. -1 9 1:10(% 2 ol COD AMOUNT RB PAY THIS AMOUNT SPEC. HAND. R P REMIT TO DELIVERY DATE DRIVER 'YOUR ACCEPTANCE OF DELIVERY IS SUBJECT TO ABE 111 SERIES TERMS." 'CONSIGNEE BY (CUSTOMER'S SIGNATURE) 1 m N rn m N � U a in W VI w tn w W W r la- �? 2 U} E- J uj H � ins-b ►--p u7 a o ri J j W LL uj LL J J N tNre Q d V D (V T V M m V r` M m cn M (D r ao i M Lu @ OD CO � 4 r F 45 C3 a ro m Wr `Q a _ N (WD � r U N RI. cc), XG!99COc�m co (D co00 to �}3¢yYC�HI �� iSfIR"I ii 3 I�i r .- � r r .- .- r- a- r - r r t* . r � 0 o O O O O Cc r, 0 0 0 0 O O O O O iO e+f a (f rl �� m N Cy yr !'IcoLL < m a`m U- � rq rn a zz uj J m m U W a U to z VS U O m Q rr L17 N W a Z a M> a. n ryn a U` NM a z Q L LL W J LL W aLij n m o. n t- U '~mod' j LUto o v 7tX . J a o Sc z ip .~.IN QO p = 2 = 'Ca c Z z m m iai 0 X Y in .+pwM Eft F r rz�fi 04 N N M U n rn r 'n n m en .- m CO ED m m +� v a F a at D U U N G (v <[ Q o i Al >d VAN 0 a V G } C 6 0 O U 0 mq R, W 0 m a J u7 z r N) Let cr U) O d IS Zoo - abed gg:10 I Loz/90I60 S1119 ❑NnO9NI :ol 1L691: IN31SAS ONIJ` AI :woJ3 FAX 2 ppo To: Crystal Olheiser, German Technical Group (FAX(843)937-8809) From: 14rrin Shoemaker, Traffic and Transportation Engineer (Voice (843)341-4774) 1, (Fax (843)842-8587) (Cell (843)384-5021) cc: Date: 07/25/2011 0841 Re: Notice to Proceed — 2011 Traffic Signal Mast Arm Project Good morning, Crystal. Here is the promised "Notice to Proceed" for the subject project. I have sent it electronically to germantechnicalq a[7bellsouth.net and am placing a hard copy in the mail. It looks like you are likely to continue to get those early morning telephone calls from me. 0 Page 1 TOWN OF HILTON HEAD ISLAND One Town Center Court, Hilton Head Island, S.C. 29928 (843) 341-4600 Fax (843) 842-7728 www.hiltonheadislandsc.gov July 25th, 2011 Drew A. Laughlin Mayor Mr. Eugene K. German, Operations Mgr. Kenneth S. Heitzke c/o German Technical Group, LLC Mayor ProTem 898 Rutledge Avenue Council Members Charleston, SC 29403 Wm. Lee Edwards Re: Notice to Proceed — Town Contract No. C31-2011 — 2011 Traffic Signal Willie (Bill) Ferguson William D. Harkins Mast Arm Project Kimberly W. Likins George W. Williams, Jr. Dear Mr. German: Stephen G. Riley Town Manager Pursuant to our meeting on July 19th, 2011, 1 am providing this written notice to proceed on the subject project. Please notify me at once if you identify :any individual pay items that will be required to complete the project that are not .currently listed in the summary of estimated quantities attached to the contract as Appendix D. :Quantities for pay items that are included in the summary of estimated quantities, but in a different quantity that will be required to complete the project can be .-accounted .for with an end -of -project change order after the work is substantially complete. A' change order will need to be prepared and approved in advance of construction for any required pay items that are not included in the summary of estimated quantities. As the Town's project manager, please contact me and advise me of your plans to mobilize. I will need to coordinate with the general manager at Port Royal Plantation prior to any land disturbing activities at the Coggin Point Road job site. Lastly, I have received a pair of approved Town building permits that need to be posted on the respective job sites. Sincerely, r / Darrin A. Shoemaker, P. . Traffic and Transportation Engineer cc: Mr. Dan Davis Town Engineer DAS/das / G ®/g o _ c \ LID $ / �. C } « e k -0 o z m §/ z 7 c Q « / \ coE 2 5 A ) m 2 % / \ LU 0 .0 \�\_\ ` co 0 > LU .E@3e2 n 5ƒ/ E}$ 7 ±E6 � 0 _y/\ f\ $ \ 2\ ) / E 7 0 / /® a \ƒ o \ 5� 6 \ ° z J e e= o ® # \ \ E [ § c 0c) o @ o &/s 2 / LLJ ©.5 . $ \ = 2 }� o § 3 S / LL \ S .:% �0 \ .§ / R \\\ \ \_ o ) %./ f 0LE § 2 LU /2> & / _ w § A c)-(D/ .\ \&2> \ \ \s0 _ = c w \ z \_ C a) � /_ I \ 5 '( \ \ �) �0 o E /�/ 2 2 » \ ..7 .75 a)5o � \ /CL \\\ G . E ) 2 \ m e (n 6 0 0 6 \\/ I 60)§ / 3 Too ƒ \ / e e = oc .» n e \ k m ?%\ o \ LL § ffo 0 z o 0 f= ± c - E � e \ o ¥ j \§ k q m \</ 7 °/ 5 k \ 75 § ( o < E o® m3/\a w \ 0 \E\ ƒ k \ E » ° w > % [ o \ \ ® \ ® j j \ \ / \ o « = R o E w 2 :D ./ / i 0000 } \/\ f t o 2 %// 7 /CD 3 L) k �� / ) 0 §�o / -/ A °° ® CN 2 { .\■§I 0 noc ° \\ ^2\(\\ \\\\» // >\\ ��� �6.. W N 023 � k .\ 2 - I � \ & § E » 2 p k eg z2»»/ 3: Lu $ e = 2 % o ) < 2 / / t E 0].]\ƒ±} #� O� .nƒ E \ z ° z = \ a k \ _)§f § \ » b m 6 °_: z z% e o \ s« o 0 $ n e « ) 2 w ® o < k3a< � a / \\ 0 Q O 0 wCD ��a) O LO � o v U O O1 O r >rn Q -0-0 tO 1� w a " Z 0 c� 69 E Q w C co E D � M oS 19 x 0) - O (DE 00 coro (D a) c6 a. 0 `fC O N N / L Q Q>+a) O Cam_ > ,Qq. W O LL N > N N m O ix Q ''Q^ U o �, (6 L> 0 ) M � N M V-0 CD o Z LL W O }• 0 U L 0 0 0 w Z COZ W a)�o Q Ei) Q w Cl) p O ca M ' z 0_70 Z LL a Q O a p 0 p a0) O U u W U J a L LL a a O L) n~ o c0 N J z W O �, Q W � p C c 0 >-O O W Q O CM U O E.� N w p 3 � LL Z" > z O 0 a) Enn F- ¢ .- C 7 z c N w > w c)a) E O -i a) _o o O a e E> Q a) U N �t N O p own -0 U LL 7 CDY > J o Q Q 0 M m a) W p N ns LLI r` 2 d .O n N {_} j O ~ � z y a) a) (n 0 O s. C > LL CT L) o O 0 �-0 LL o NE ct) Z LL c O L O O a) o a)LL d `+- x z c cp O ¢ O O c 0 0 � '� U O U U O 0 L N J C z > a) d 0- O m U ca) m L L) L 0 O ate+ a) E:�n z U G _ 0.2 z m =y 0 a o ? w Z M -:5Q70 cr W Y a) � �`. CO w X : O w Y 0 '� a) c �oo�o w z a)o Q c a) Q o Z C �. T W w Q C cn x O E W O 4 Q C OOOO J _0� 0 = N — L z U U O 0 C^ Z J z 0 U J w U z X O a) N O J R LL J u J O7 (n U 0O z J w J 0 L Z �aCL O E00 0')O 0 ~ W C7 <n (n E 0 M 0 LL W U� O e. rn E E O U w a= w z (D o Lo W cn z LL a) o o �o �n C� C� H O > c cri CD LO �. n3 _ m J� m m c Q Q2Q Z c a 0-LL,cn o 0 02.3 .. � N ci 0 Via' N Z a,o _ E =a) =3 E E O 0 0 � E ° a z q CL ���Yp Z c L At u, `vl = Z Z o `o a m `- U O 0 a h Q a_ '?j a U a a w m Q LL d Z >1 7- cal TOWN OF HILTON HEAD ISLAND - COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Inspection Information Sheet To request an inspection, call our Interactive Voice Response System at 843-341-4677 or you may register to request inspections on-line. Requests made by phone by 7AM will be processed that day if possible. Requests made on-line can be made up to midnight for a next day inspection. You must know your permit number and the inspection item number for the requested inspection. If you feel changes are needed to the inspection list, contact our offices. The Building Permit must be posted on the job site within view of the road and a set of marked plans must be available at the site upon inspection. All required paperwork has to be submitted before you request the inspection. • Electrical, plumbing and mechanical certificates, signed and notarized, must be submitted before work begins in these trades. • Flood Elevation Certificate, if needed, must be submitted before vertical construction begins. • Any other pertinent documentation such as termite treatment, gas certification, final septic tank approval, shop drawings, structural calculations etc. related to your construction. Before Permanent Service (PS) inspection request: • Subroster with current business licenses for all subcontractors including specialty license numbers for residential work Before Certificate of Occupancy (CO) • If required, a Certificate of Compliance or a Planning site inspection must be approved before the CO inspection. • As-builts are required for new construction. As-builts are also required for swimming pools in overlay districts and pools located near OCRM or saltwater setbacks or where required by the Planning Division.. • An original Flood Elevation Certificate for finished construction must be submitted prior to a request for a CO inspection. The inspections listed below are required based on the type work you are performing for permit number B1101758 located at 454 WILLIAM HILTON PARKWAY PLEASE LEAVE A MESSAGE FOR THE INSPECTOR WITH THE GATE CODE IF GATE ACCESS IS REQUIRED TO PERFORM THE INSPECTION. INTERSECTION OF DILLON ROAD AND 278 - INSTALLATION OF MAST FOR TRAFFIC SIGNAL. NEW GROUND MOUNTED ELECTRICAL SERVICE TO SERVE NEW MAST ARM MOUNTED SIGNAL Item: 00295 Information Item: 00292 Permit Check Item: 00120 Rough In Electrical Item: 00160 Permanent Service Item: 00170 Final Inspection TOWN OF HILTON HEAD ISLAND - COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Inspection Information Sheet To request an inspection, call our Interactive Voice Response System at 843-341-4677 or you may register to request inspections on-line. Requests made by phone by 7AM will be processed that day if possible. Requests made on-line can be made up to midnight for a next day inspection. You must know your permit number and the inspection item number for the requested inspection. If you feel changes are needed to the inspection list, contact our offices. The Building Permit must be posted on the job site within view of the road and a set of marked plans must be available at the site upon inspection. All required paperwork has to be submitted before you request the inspection. • Electrical, plumbing and mechanical certificates, signed and notarized, must be submitted before work begins in these trades. • Flood Elevation Certificate, if needed, must be submitted before vertical construction begins. • Any other pertinent documentation such as termite treatment, gas certification, final septic tank approval, shop drawings, structural calculations etc. related to your construction. Before Permanent Service (PS) inspection request: • Subroster with current business licenses for all subcontractors including specialty license numbers for residential work Before Certificate of Occupancy (CO) • If required, a Certificate of Compliance or a Planning site inspection must be approved before the CO inspection. • As-builts are required for new construction. As-builts are also required for swimming pools in overlay districts and pools located near OCRM or saltwater setbacks or where required by the Planning Division.. • An original Flood Elevation Certificate for finished construction must be submitted prior to a request for a CO inspection. The inspections listed below are required based on the type work you are performing for permit number B1101759 located at 500 WILLIAM HILTON PARKWAY PLEASE LEAVE A MESSAGE FOR THE INSPECTOR WITH THE GATE CODE IF GATE ACCESS IS REQUIRED TO PERFORM THE INSPECTION. INTERSECTION OF COGGINS POINT ROAD AND 278 - INSTALLATION OF MAST FOR TRAFFIC SIGNAL. NEW GROUND MOUNTED ELECTRICAL POWER SERVICE FOR MAST ARM MOUNTED SIGNAL Item: 00295 Information Item: 00292 Permit Check Item: 00120 Rough In Electrical Item: 00160 Permanent Service Item: 00170 Final Inspection &CONSTRUCTION MEETING AGENDA 011 Traffic Signal Mast Arm Project July 19t , 2011 1015 — Conference Room Three I. Introductions/Sign-In — What Happened to Our Loop Repair Yesterday? ``-- II. Contractural Issues A. Contract Execution B. Contract Quantities/Change Orders 2����`�>� C. Contract Completion Time 1. NTP 2. Liquidated Damages :E7 D. Contract Expiration — o er 15th, 2011 E. Bid Bond _��v F. Section 13 III. General Conditions IV. Special Provisions A. SCDOT Signal Specifications B. Traffic Control C. Insurance D. Resident Project Engineer E. Accidents/First Aid F. Utility Coordination1. 7 SC811 2. Water U LDS G. Keep Clean Worksite 1. Foundation Installations/Sediment Control 2. Clean-up V. Construction Issues.&,- PAN A. Equipment Storage B. Heavy Material Locations C. Pole Locations/Pedestrian Signals 1. Construct New Signal Around Old 2. Port Royal 3. Pedestrian Signal Treatment 4. Signal Head Alignment @ Port Royal D. Arm Installations/BCSO Coordination E. Power Service Relocations/Building Permit-- F. No Phasing Revisions/Maintain Controller and Cabinet at Each Location G. OpticomTM Reinstallations H. Press Releases I. Remove All Signal Equipment/Salvage J. Some Add-Ons 1. Overhead Signage 2. Cabinet Lighting @ Port Royal K. Label All Wiring L. Loop Detector Wiring @ Dillon M. Safety First VI. Contractor questions VII. Adjourn STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA AGREEMENT COUNTY OF BEAUFORT THIS AGREEMENT is made this /394day of July, 2011 between German Technical Group, LLC ( hereinafter called "Contractor") and the Town of Hilton Head Island (hereinafter called "Town"), a municipal corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of South Carolina. WHEREAS, the Town has a requirement to reconstruct two (2) existing traffic signals on decorative mast-ann supports, and; WHEREAS, the Town and the Contractor desire to enter into an Agreement wherein the Contractor shall provide such services as set forth herein below. NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the mutual promises, undertakings and covenants set forth herein, the receipt and sufficiency of which is acknowledged and affirmed by the Town and the Contractor, the parties hereto agree as follows: The Contractor shall reconstruct two (2) existing traffic signals on decorative mast -arm supports to be provided by the Town, and deconstruct the existing signals and remove and dispose of any replaced equipment that the Town does not wish to retain. The work shall be performed in accordance with the General Conditions attached as Exhibit A, the Special Provisions attached as Exhibit B, the specifications attached as Exhibit C, and the unit costs attached as Exhibit D. 2. The total cost of this contract as outlined in Exhibit D shall not exceed Ninety - Five -Thousand -Six -Hundred -and -Fifty -Six Dollars and Fifty Cents ($95,656.50). 3. The term of this Agreement shall be from the date of execution to November 15te, 2011. 4. The contract performance time shall be ninety (90) calendar days following the issuance of a written Notice to Proceed by the Town. In the event that the work is not substantially completed within the contract performance time, such failure will result in a material breach of this contract. A penalty of Five -Hundred - Dollars and No Cents ($500.00) per day will be assessed for each calendar day that work continues past the end of the contract performance time. The contractor is required to maintain appropriate levels of insurance for both workers compensation coverage and for auto liability. The Contractor is required to maintain One Million dollars of general liability insurance. The contractor must provide the Town with a Certificate of Workers Compensation and general liability coverage that names the Town as an additional insured. The contractor is required to immediately contact the Town should any change to these policies occur during the course of the performance of this contract. Failure to maintain these policies is grounds for termination. The Town Manager may terminate this contract in whole or in part at any time for the convenience of the Town. If the contract is terminated for the convenience, the Town will pay the contractor for costs incurred to that date of termination. 7. Should any part of this Agreement be rendered void, invalid, or unenforceable by any court of law, such a determination shall not render void, invalid, or unenforceable any other part of this Agreement. 8. This Agreement has been made and entered into in the State of South Carolina, and the laws of South Carolina shall govern the validity and interpretation of this Agreement in the performance due hereunder. 9. This Agreement may not be modified unless such modification is in writing and signed by both parties. 10. The Contractor may not assign this contract without the prior written approval of the Town. 11. The Contractor shall defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the Town, its officers, directors, agents, and employees from and against any and all actions, costs, claims, losses, expenses, and/or damages, including attorney's fees, whether incurred prior to the institution of litigation, during litigation, or on appeal arising out of or resulting from the conduct of any activity hereby authorized or the performance of any requirement imposed pursuant by this Agreement, however caused or occasioned, unless caused by the willful misconduct or gross negligence of the Town. 12. The parties hereto intend that no master/servant, employer/employee, or principal/agent relationship will be created by this Agreement. Nothing contained herein creates any relationship between the Town and the Contractor other than that which is expressly stated herein. The Town is interested only in the results to be achieved under this Agreement, and the conduct and control of the agents and employees of the Contractor and the methods utilized by the Contractor in fulfilling its obligations hereunder shall lie solely and exclusively with the Contractor and its agents and employees shall not be considered agents or employees of the Town for any purpose. No person employed by the Contractor shall have any benefits, status, or right of employment with the Town. 13. The Contractor, by signing this Contract, hereby certifies that Contractor shall comply with all applicable requirements of the South Carolina Illegal Immigration Reform Act, S.C. Code Ann. §41-8-10 (2007) et seq., (the "Act"), and that Contractor covenants and agrees as follows: 13.1. Contractor shall not knowingly or intentionally employ any unauthorized alien and, unless excluded from coverage of the "Act", shall verify the work authorization of all new employees performing work under the contract by either: (a) registering and participating in the Federal Work Authorization Program (E-verify) and verifying the work authorization of every new hired employee within five (5) business days after employing employee; or (b) employing only workers who, at the time of said employment: 1. possess a valid South Carolina driver's license or identification card; or 2. are eligible to obtain a South Carolina driver's license or identification card by providing proof of name, social security number and date and place of birth; or 3. possess a valid driver's license or identification card from another state deemed by the Executive Director Department of Motor Vehicles to have requirements at least as strict as those in South Carolina. Contractor may choose either option 13.1 (a) or option 13.1 (b) but acknowledges that Contractor cannot use both. 13.2. Contractor agrees to provide to the Town all documentation requested by it to establish either: (a) the applicability of the South Carolina Illegal Immigration Reform Act to Contractor; or (b) compliance with the South Carolina Illegal Immigration Reform Act by Contractor. 13.3. Contractor agrees to include in any contracts with its sub -contractors language requiring its sub -contractors to: (a) comply with the applicable requirements of Title 8, Chapter 14 of the South Carolina Code of Laws; and (b) include in their contracts with the sub -subcontractors language requiring the sub -subcontractors to comply with the applicable requirements of Title 8, Chapter 14 of the South Carolina Code of Laws. 13.4. Contractor acknowledges and agrees that it shall comply with requirements of the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 including the non- discrimination provisions thereof, and shall complete all required I-9 documentation for all workers employed by it. 13.5. Contractor certifies it shall comply with all state, federal, and local laws, rules, regulations and orders applicable to it in performance of work under the contract. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have affixed their signatures hereto the date first written hereinabove. WITNESSES: GERMAN TECHNICAL GROUP, LLC TOWN OIJJEIILTON MEAD ISLAND By: P. Idi—dPYA, P.E. Its: Director of Public Projects & Facilities/Chief Engineer ATS-Sales, LLC 14522-K Lee Road Chantilly, VA 20151 Phone 703-631-6661 Fax 703-631-6694 BILL TO Hilton Head Island One Town Center Court Hilton Head Island, SC 29928 Invoice DATE INVOICE # 6/14/2011 25496 SHIP TO Hilton Head Island One Town Center Court Hilton Head Island, SC 29928 P.O. NUMBER TERMS DUE DATE REP SHIPPED VIA ATS# PROJECT Net 30 7/14/2011 RRM 6/14/2011 truck 9004 William Hilton P... ITEM DESCRIPTION QUANTI... RATE AMOUNT 1 21' Mast Arm Pole Fluted with Rounc 45' Arm Galv & Powder 2 6,840.00 13,680.00 Coated Brown with Anchor Bolts 2 21' Mast Arm Pole Fluted with Round 50' Arm Galv & Powder 1 7,139.00 7,139.00 Coated Brown with Anchor Bolts 3 21' Mast Arm Pole Fluted with .Round 55' Arm Galv & Powder 1 8,897.00 8,897.00 Coated Brown with Anchor Bolts 4 21' Mast Arm Pole Fluted with Round 60' Arm Galv & Powder 1 9,314.00 9,314.00 Coated Brown with Anchor Bolts 5 21' Mast Arm Pole Fluted with Round 65' Arm Galv & Powder 2 9,560.00 19,120.00 Coated Brown with Anchor Bolts 6 Adapter Plates for above Poles 2 1,000.00 2,000.00 REVISED INVOICE Z C _Az /i Y M11 �w1 1 f � � v 1 7 1 1 1.5% Monthly Interest on Balance Over 30 Days Total $60,150.00 STRAIGHT BILL OF LADING PAGE 4 OF 8 BOL NBR. 131497 ORIGINAL - NOT NEGOTIABLE DATE 6/3/20112 TERMS FOB Origin Freight Prepaid CARRIER Hinz Trucking, Inc. 29011111111111111111111 53 TRAILER 1006 CUSTOMER PO: 143209004 PRO NBR CONSIGNEE SHIPPER HILTON HEAD ISLAND Valmont Industries, Inc. ONE TOWN CENTER COURT 7002 North 288th Street P. O. Box 358 HILTON HEAD ISLAND SC 29928 Valley NE 680640358 (402) 359-2201 Ext. Customer Order 147326-2-1 BILL TO OR REMIT TO Customer PO No 143209004 Valmont / Valley Attn: Transportation Dept Customer REF No 4.-, P.O. Box 358 Consolidation No 6112 Valley NE 68064-0358 Commodity Code 00 GENERAL COMMENTS Carrier Call: 48 hrs ptd to 843-341-4774 Marks: po# 143209004 ***Color Code: Orange *** ***DELIVER ASAP*** CCS PIECES IN H PART NO DESCRIPTION WEIGHT RATE CHARGES CLASS 2 J169887 FLUTED POLE ASSY 2746 2 J169903 TAPERED ARM ASSY 1554 1 J113644 BASE PLATE MULTI SIDED 178 1 J130499 BASE PLATE MULTI SIDED 178 1 MISC CRATE 517 ---- OI 147326-2-1 21 ORDER TOTAL 18520 21 STOP TOTAL 18620 REMIT C.O.D. COD $ C.O.D. FEE TO AMT: PREPAID e $ COLLECT Subject to Section 7 of conditions, if this shipment is to be ADDRESS TOTAL CHARGES $ delivered to the consignee without recourse on the consignor, the consignor shall sign the following statement: The carrier shall not make delivery of this shipment without NOTE —Where the rate is dependant on value, shippers are required to state specifically in writing the agreed or declared value of the property. payment of freight and all other lawful charges. Visit The agreed or declared value of the property is hereby specifically stated by the shipper to be not exceeding. $ hftps://web.valmont.com/sales (Signature of Consignor) per for Terms and Conditions RECEIVED, subject to the classifications and tariffs in effect on the date of the issue of this Bill of Lading, the property described above in apparent good order, except as noted (contents and condition of contents of packages unknown). marked, consigned, and destined as indicated above which as indicated above which said carrier (the word carrier being understood throughout this contract as meaning any person or corporation in possession of property under the contract) agrees to carry to its usual place of delivery at said destination, if on its route, otherwise to deliver to another carrier on the route to said destination. It is mutually agreed as to each carrier of all or any of said property, over all or any portion if said route to destination and as to each party at any time interested in all or any said property, that every service to be performed hereunder shall be subject to all the bill of lading terns and conditions in governing dassification on the date of shipment. Shipper hereby certifies that he is familiar with all the bill of lading terms and conditions in the governing classification and the said terms and conditions are hereby agreed to by the shipper and accepted for himself and his assigns. This is to certify that the above named materials are properly classified, described, packaged, marked and labeled and are in proper condition for transportation, according to the applicable regulations of the Department of Transportation. SHIPPER CARRIER Valmont Industries, Inc. Hinz Trucking, Inc. DATE PER PER * mar n with n or RQ if appropriate to designate Hazardous Materials or Hazardous Substances as defined in the Department of Transportation Regulations governing the transportation of 1 hazardous materials. The use of this column is an optional method for identifying hazardous materials on bills of lading per Section 172.201(a)(1)(III) of Title 49, Code of Federal Regulations. Also, when shipping hazardous materials, the shipper's certification statement prescribed in Section 172.204 (a) of the Federal Regulations must be indicated on the bill of lading, unless a specific exception from this requirement is provided in the Regulations for a particular material. CONTRACT TERMS AND CONDITIONS Sec. 1. (a) The Carrier or the parry In possession of any of the property described In this bill of lading shall be liable as at common law for any loss thereof or damage thereto. except as hereinafter provided. Sac. I. (b) I. No carrier w party in possession Of all or any portion of the property described in this bill of lading shall be liable for any loss of or damage to the said property or for any delay caused by an Act of God, thin public enemy, the authority of law, or the an of default of the shipper or owner. Further, no carrier or party in possession of all Or any portion of the said properly shall be liable for any natural shrinkage of the property. 2. The carrier shell be liable solely as a warehouseman for loss, damage or delay resulting tram fire occurring after the expiration of free time (if any) allowed by the tariffs lawfully on file (such free [line to be computed as provided in said tariffs) whore such less, damage or delay occurs. (a) after notice of the arrival of the property at the destination (or, if the property is intended for export. after notice of the arrival of said property at the port of export) has been duly sent or given, and (b) after placement of the property for delivery at destination or tender of delivery of the property to the parry entitled to receive it has been made. 3. Except in the case of negligence of the carrier or the parry In possession. the carder or party in possession shall not be liable for country damage to cotton, or for loss. damage or delay which results: (a) when the property is stopped and held in transit upon request of the shipper, owner w parry entitled to make such request, or (b) from a defect or vice in the property, or (c) from riots or strikes. The burden to prove freedom from such negligence is on the carrier or the party in possession. 4. Except in the case of negligence of the carrier, no carrier or party in possession of all or any of the property described in this bill of lading shall be liable for delay caused by highway obstruction, by faulty or impassable highway, or by lack of capacity of any highway, bridge or terry. The burden to prove freedom from such negligence is on the carder or parry in possession. Sec. 1. (a) In case of quarantine, the Property may be discharged at the owners risk and expense Into a quarantine depot or elsewhere as required by quarantine regulations or authorities, or for the caner's dispatch, the property may be dlscharged at the owner's disk and expense at the nearest available point in the carder's judgernem. The canter's responsibility shall cease when the property is so discharged, or the property may be returned by the canner at the owner's expense to the shipping point. earning freight both ways. All quarantine expenses at whatever nature or kind which are incurred with respect to the property shall be borne by the owners of the property or shell become a lien on the property. The carder shall not be liable for lose or damage caused by fumigation, disinfection or other acts required or done by quarantine regulations or authorities even through these acts may have been done by the carrier's officers, agents, or employees. In addhion, the center shall not be liable for detention, loss, or damage of any kind occasioned by the quarantine or the enforcement of the quarantine. No carrier shall be liable except in the case of negligence, for any mistake or Inaccuracy in any ininnnation furnished by the carrier, its agents m officers, as to quarantine laws or regulations. The shipper shall indemnity the carrier for any expense incurred or damages the carriers may be required to pay as a result of introducing the property covered by contract into any Place against the quarantine laws or regulations in effect at such place. Sec. 2. (a) 1. No carrier is bound to transport said property by any particular schedule, train, vehicle or vessel, or in time far any particular market, or in any manner other then with reasonable dispatch. Every carrier shall have the right, In case of physical necessity, to forward said property by any carder or route between the point of shipment and the point of destnatio i. 2. In all cases not prohibited by law, where a lower value then the aclual value of the said property has been stated in writing by the shipper or has been agreed upon in writing as the released value of this shipment as determined by the classification or tariffs upon which the rate is based, such lower value plus freight charges t paid shall be the maximum recoverable amount for loss or damage, whether or not such loss or damage occurs from negligence. Sec. 2. (b) As a condition precedent to recovery, claims must be filed in writing with: 1. the receiving or delivering carrier, or 2, the carrier issuing this bill of lading, or 3. the carrier whose line the loss, damage. injury or delay occurred; or 4. the carrier in possession of the properly when the loss, damage, injury at delay occurred. Such claims must be filed within nine months after the delivery of the Property (or, In the case of export traffic, within nine months after delivery at the port of export). except that claims for failure to make delivery must be filed within nine months after a reasonable time for delivery has elapsed. Suits for loss, damage, injury or delay shall be instituted against any carrier no later than two years and one day from the day when written notice is given by the carrier to the claimant that the carrier has disallowed the claim or any part or parts of the claim specified in the notice. Where claims are not filed or suits are not Instituted thereon in accordance with the foregoing provisions. no carder shall be liable, and such claims will not be paid. See. 2 (c) Any carrier or parry liable fair lass of or damage to any of said property shall have the lull benefit of any insurance That may have been effected, upon or on account of said properly, so far as this shall not avoid the policies or contracts of Insurance. PROVIDED, that the caller receiving the benefit of Such insurance will reimburse the claimant for the premium paid on the insurance Policy or contract. Sec. 3. At property shall be subject to necessary cooperage and baling at owner's cost, except where such Service is required as the result of carrer's negligence. Each Gamer over whose route cotton or cotton Inters is to be transported under this bill of lading shall have the privilege. at its own cost and risk, of compressing the cotton or cotton linters for greater convenience in handling or forwarding. and shall not be hold responsible for deviation or unavoidable delays in procurring such compression. Grain in bulk consigned to a Point where there is a railroad, public or licensed elevator, may (unless otherwise expressly noted in this bill of lading and then only if the grain In bulk is not promptly unloaded) be there delivered, and placed with other grain of the same kind and grade without respect to ownership and prompt notice thereof shall be given to the consignor. If the grain in bulk Is so delivered, it shall be subject to a lien for elevator charges In addition to all other appllcabla charges. See. 4. (a) In the event that: 1. Said property is not removed by the parry entitled to receive it within the free time (if any) allowed by the tariffs, lawfully on file (such free fine is to be computed as provided in the said tariffs and nonce of lhe arrwal of the Property at the destination (w at the port of export, if Intended for export) has been duly sent or given, and placement of the property for delivery at destination has been made, or 2. Properly is not received at the time tender of delivery of the property to the party entitled to receive It has been made. Such properly may be kept in vessel, vehicle, car, depot, warehouse or place of business of the carrier, subject to the tariff charge for storage and to the carrier's responsibility solely as warehouseman. Alternatively, at the option of the carrier, such property may be removed to and stored in a public or licensed warehouse at the point of delivery or at another available Print, or if no such warehouse is available at the point of delivery or at another available point, then the property may be reproved to and stored in another available storage facility, at the owner's cost and held there without liability on the part of the carder and subject to a lien for all freight and other lawful charges, Including a reasonable charge for storage. In the event consignee cannot be found at the address given for delivery, then notice of the placing of such goods in warehouse shall be mailed to the address given on the bill of lading for delivery and to any other address given on the bill of lading for notification, slowing the warehouse In which the property has been placed subject to the provisions a this paragraph. Sec. 4. (b) Whoa non•pedshable properly transported to the destination stated In this bill of lading is refused by consignee or the party entitled to receive it upon tender of delivery, or said consignee or party entitled to receive the property fails to receive or claim it within 15 days alter notice of arrival Mall have been duty sent or given, the carder may sell the property, at public auction to the highest bidder, at such place as may be designated by the carrier. PROVIDED, that the carder shall have first mailed, sent or given to the consignor notice that the property has been refused or remains unclaimed, as the case may be, and that It will be subject to sale under the terms of the bill of lading If disposition Is not arranged for, and that after 30 days have elapsed from the time sed notice to the consignor was mailed, sent or given, the carrier shall also have published a notice contalning a description of fie properly, the name of the party to whom consigned or if shipped order notify the name of the party to be notified and the time and place of sale, once a week for Iwo consecutive weeks, in a newspaper of general circulation of the place of sale or nearest place where such newspaper is published. Sec. 4. (c) Where perishable property transported to the destination stated in this bill of lading is refused by conslarree or party entitled to receive it or said consignee or party entitled to receive the properly fails to receive it promptly. the tamer may, in its discretion, to prevent deterioration or further deterioration, sett the properly to the best advantage at private or public, sale: PROVIDED, that if there is sufficient time to notify the consignor w owner or the refusal of the property or the failure to receive it and to request for disposition of the property, such notification shall be given. in such manner as the exercise of due diligence requires, before the property is sod. See. 4. (d) Where the procedure provided or in Section 4 (b) and 4 (c) of this bill of lading Is not possible, it is agreed that nothing In these paragraphs shall be construed to abridge the right of the carder at Its option to sell the properly under such circumstances and In such manner as may be authorized by law. Sec. 4. (a) The proceeds of any sale made under this section shall be applied by the carrier to file payment of freight demurrage, storage. and any other lawful charges, to the expense of notice, advertisement, sale. and other necessary expense and to the expense of caring for and maintaining the property If proper care of the property requires special expense. Should there be a balance remaining after all charges and expenses are paid, such balance shall be paid to the owner of the property sold hereunder. Sec. 4. (f) Properly destined to or taken from a station. wharf, landing or other place at which there is no regularly appointed freight agent, shall be entirely at risk of Owner after being unloaded from cars, vehicles. or vessels or until loaded Into cars, vehicles or vessels. Further. except in case of tamer's negligence, when property is received tram or delivered to such stations, wharfs, landings, or other places, the property shall be at the Owner's risk unlit tha cars are attached to and after they are detached from Locomotive or train, or until Loaded into and after unloading from vessels, or if properly is transported in motor vehicle trailers or semi -trailers. until such trailers or e8mi-trallers are atfachad to and after they are detached from power units. Where a carrier is directed to unload or deliver property transported by mow vehicle of a particular location where consignee or consignor's agent is not regularly located, the risk after unloading, or delivery. shall be that of the owner. See. 5, No carder hereunder will carry or be liable In any way or any documents, coin money, or for any articles of extraordinary value not specifically rated in the published classification or tariffs unless a special agreement to do so and a stipulated value of the articles are endorsed on this bill of lading. Sec. 6. Every party, whether principal or agent. who ships explosives or dangerous goods without previous full written disclosure to the carrier of their nature, shall be liable for and Indemnity the carrier against at loss or damage caused by such goods. Such goods may be warehoused at owner's risk and expense Or destroyed without compensation. Sec. 7. The owner or consignee shall pay the freight and average. 4 any. and all other lawful charges, accruing on said property but, except In those Instances where it may lawfully be authorized to do so, no carrier shall deliver or relinquish possession at destination of the property covered by this bill of lading unfit all tariff rates and charges thereon have been paid. The consignor Mall be liable for the freight and all other lawful charges, except that if the consignor stipulates, by signature. in the space provided for that purpose on the face of this bill of lading that the carder shell not make delivery without requiring payment of such charges and the carder, contrary to such stipulation shell make delivery without requiring sari' payment, the consignor (except as herineher provided) shall not be table for Such charges. PROVIDED. That. a consignee shall not be liable for transportation charges (beyond those billed against him at the time of delivery or which he is otherwise liable) which may be found to be due after the property has been delivered to him subject to all of the following conditions: (a) The shipper or consignor has Instructed the carrier to deliver the property to a consignee other than the shipper or consignor (b) The consignee is an agent only and has no beneficial title in the property and (c) Prior to delivery the consignee has notified the delivering carder in writing that he is only an agent and has no ben sfcial title in the property and (d) In cases where the shipment has been reconsigned or diverted to a point other than that specified in the bill of lading the consignee has also notified the delivering carrier in writing of the name and address of the beneficial owner of said property. Where the consignee is not liable for certain transportation charges In accordance with this provision and the preceding conditions, the shipper or consignor, or, in the case of a shipment so reconsigned or diverted as specified in condition (d), the beneficial owner shall be liable for such additional charges, PROVIDED FURTHER, that where the shipment is designated'prepaid'the shipper or consignee shall remain liable for undercharges which result from an erroneous determination of the transportation charge assessed. It the consignee has given to the career enormous information as to whom the beneficial owner is, such consignee shall himself be liable for such additional charges. Nothing herein shall limit the right of the carrier to require at time of shipment the prepayment or guarantee of the charges. If upon inspection it is ascertained that the articles shipped are not those described in this bill of lading, the freight charges must be paid upon the anicles actually shipped. Sec. 8. If this bill of lading is Issued an the order of the shipper, or his agent In exchange Or In substitution for another bill of lading, the shipper's signature on the prior bit of lading or In connection with the prior Will of lading as to the statement of value or otherwise, or as to the election of common law or bill of lading liability shall be considered a part of this bill of lading as fulty as t the same were written on or made in connection with this bill of lading. Sec. 9. (a) If all or any part of said property is carded by water over anypart of said route, such water carnage shall be performed subject to all the Loons and provisions of, and all the exemptions from liability contained in the Act approved by the United States Congress an February 13,180 and entted'An act relating to the navigation of vessels, etc.' and in other Unwed Slates Statutes according camere by water the protection of Hinted liability. Such water carriage shall also be performed subject to the conditions contained in this bill of lading which are not inconsistent with the said Act of Congress and United States Statutes or with this section Sec. 9. (b) No such carrier by water shall be liable or any loss ordamege resulting from any fire happening to or an board the vessel, or, front explosion, bursting of boilers or breaking of shafts, unless meed by the design or neglect of such cattier. Sae. 9. (c) If the owner shall have exercised due diligence in making the vessel in all respects seaworthy and Properly manned, equipped and supplied, no such cattier shall be liable for any less or damage regulfin from the perils of the lakes, seas, or In other waters or from latent defects in the hut, machinery. or appurtenances whether existing prior to, at the time of, or after setup or from collision, stranding, or other accidents of navigation, or from prolongation of the voyage. And, when for any reason it is necessary, any vessel carrying any o all of the property described in this bill of lading shall be at liberty to call at any port or ports, in or out of the customary route, to ow and be towed, to transfer, transship, or lighter, to load and discharge goods at any time, to assist vessels in distress, to deviate for the purpose of saving life Or property, and for docking and repairs. Except in the case of negligence, such carder shall not be responsible fir any less or damage to properly it it is necessary w is usual to carry the property upon deck. - Sec. 9. (d) General Average shall be payable according to the York -Antwerp Rules of 1924, Sections 1 to 15, Inclusive, and Sections 17 to 22, inclusive, and as to matters not covered in the said rues, according to the levee and usages of the Pon of New York. If the Owners shall have exercised due diligence to hake the vessel In all respects seaworthy and properly manned, equipped and supplied, fl is hereby agreed that in case of danger, damage or disaster resuhing from faults orerrors in navigation from the management of the vessel, or from any talent or other defects in the vessel, the machinery Or appurtenances (provided the talent or other defects were not discoverable by the exercise of due diligence), or from unseaworthihess, whethmaxisting at the time of shipment or at the beginning of the voyage (provided the unsisaworthlness was not discoverable by the exercise of due diligence) the shippers, consignees andnor owners of the cargo Shall nevertheless pay selvage and any special charges incurred in respect of the cargo and shall contribute with the shipowners In general average to the payment of any sacrifices, losses or expenses of a general average nature thatmay be made or lneur W or the common berelk or to relieve the adventure from any common peal. Sec. 9. (a) If the property is being carried under a tariff which provides that any carder or tamers parry thereto shall be liable for loss from the perils of the sea, then as to such carrier or centers the provisions of this sectien Shall be modified in accordance with the Will provisions and the ariff provisions shall be regarded as Incorporated Into the conditions of this bill of lading.. Sec. 9. (f) The term -water carnage' in this section shall not be constructed as including lighterage in or across rivers. harbors. or lakes. when performed by oron behalf of carders Other then water carriers. Sec. 10. Any alteration, addition or erasure In this bill of lading which Is made without the special notation hereon of the agent of the carrier issuing this bill of Lading, shall be without effect, and this bill of lading shall be enforceable according to cos original tenor. STRAIGHT BILL OF LADING PAGE 3 OF 8 BOL NBR. 131497 ORIGINAL - NOT NEGOTIABLE DATE 6/3/20112 TERMS FOB Origin Freight Prepaid CARRIER Hinz Trucking, Inc. 290153 TRAILER 1006 CUSTOMER PO: 143209004 PRO NBR CONSIGNEE SHIPPER HILTON HEAD ISLAND Valmont Industries, Inc. ONE TOWN CENTER COURT 7002 North 288th Street P O Box 358 HILTON HEAD ISLAND SC 29928 . Valley NE (402) 359-2201 Ext. BILL TO OR REMIT TO Valmont / Valley Attn: Transportation Dept P.O. Box 358 Valley NE 680640358 Customer Order Customer PO No Customer REF No Consolidation No 68064-0358 Commodity Code 147326-2-1 143209004 6112 00 GENERAL COMMENTS Carrier Call: 48 hrs ptd to 843-341-4774 Marks: po# 143209004 ***Color Code: Orange *** ***DELIVER ASAP*** CCS 4- r , PIECES IN H PART NO DESCRIPTION WEIGHT RATE CHARGES CLASS STOP 2 2 J169871 FLUTED POLE ASSY 1974 2 J169891 TAPERED ARM ASSY 4' 5" 2036 1 J169872 FLUTED POLE ASSY 1080 1 J169892 TAPERED ARM ASSY 1079 1 J169877 FLUTED POLE ASSY 1149 1 J169897 TAPERED ARM ASSY 628 1 J169900 TAPERED ARM ASSY 724 1 J169886 FLUTED POLE ASSY 1268 1 J169901 TAPERED ARM ASSY 607 3 J169902 TAPERED ARM ASSY 2802 REMIT C.O.D. COD $ C.O.D. FEE TO AMT: PREPAID B COLLECT ADDRESS Subject to Section 7 of conditions, if this shipment is to be delivered to the consignee without recourse on the consignor, the consignor shall sign the following statement: The carrier shall not make delivery of this shipment without TOTAL CHARGES NOTE - Where the rate is dependant on value, shippers are required to state specifically in writing the agreed or declared value of the property. payment of freight and all other lawful charges. Visit The agreed or declared value of the property is hereby specifically stated by the shipper to be not exceeding. $ https://web.valmont.com/sales (Signature of Consignor) per for Terms and Conditions RECEIVED, subject to the classifications and tariffs in effect on the date of the issue of this Bill of Lading, the pmperly described above in apparent good order, except as noted (contents and condition of contents of packages unknown), marked, consigned, and destined as indicated above which as indicated above which said carrier (the word carrier being understood throughout this contract as meaning any person or corporation in possession of property under the contract) agrees to carry to its usual place of delivery at said destination, if on its route, otherwise to deliver to another carrier on the mute to said destination. It is mutually agreed as to each carrier of all or any of said property, over all or any portion if said route to destination and as to each party at any time interested in all or any said property, that every service to be performed hereunder shall be subject to all the bill of lading terms and conditions in governing classification on the date of shipment. Shipper hereby certifies that he is familiar with all the bill of lading terms and conditions in the governing classification and the said terns and conditions are hereby agreed to by the shipper and accepted for himself and his assigns. This is to certify that the above named materials are properly classified, described, packaged, marked and labeled and are in proper condition for transportation, according to the applicable regulations of the Department of Transportation. SHIPPER CARRIER Valmont Industries, Inc. Hinz Trucking, Inc. DATE PER PER * mark wlm .h or -Ku IT appropriate to aeslgnate tyazaraous materials or rlazaracus auostances as oennea in me aepartmem or I ransponation Kegulauons governing me transportation or 1 hazardous materials. The use of this column is an optional method for identifying hazardous materials on bills of lading per Section 172.201(a)(1)(III) of Title 49, Code of Federal Regulations. Also, when shipping hazardous materials, the shippers certification statement prescribed in Section 172.204 (a) of the Federal Regulations must be indicated on the bill of lading, unless a specific exception from this requirement is provided in the Regulations for a particular material. CONTRACT TERMS AND CONDITIONS Sec. 1 (a} the Carrier or the party,'[ possess on A any of the property descnbeC IF this bill of 1,1 .J .,hell Fa al? -.c at rim orI nv✓ ! ;r a Fly Ic,.n T1iarr- it r a -,,magi e m c r.,;^r-.} is h_ reinnit :r erov dad ac Ibl 1 No cis ,,, or party ,n possession Of all „r any pra'fion of the property described n Ihis bill of In I rl st all be I t.ble 1 ,r airy lies o! or rJnmag., to in -,seta ope:;y or !o :i y c cl�•; -nc �e.. Gy ,_n Ad ;,I GOO, III" public Ithe authe',ly Of I¢!•t. ar the _I r I def,ol" o1 the shipper or owner. Further - c r party , posse 5 o tit sh o r y re t r c I 1 e d I ,,pc,',1 -: L, I to rt . gc o -po ?. The can shall be liable solely as a w, Sit rusloate +c, oss dar:age o I rc su tiny iron I r, Car rr no a Ic I u r.,e t (,I ..ny) allowed lay t: e . s ,<-.:f .Ity r. h c .h ha , n�i 1,, II;S ter np,;led as pipe' 1sd c said Ienlfsj .t v,h c u , a y a delay occc s ,not-, . , . _ not are of the an J„ 1 )f ehe or-c-ly tit he dclnndhon tar, it this properly air tended for expo'[, all' r!cl re of : 4_ I r. » drops.,/ `he der of expclly _c5 bee' oe 1y Si nt oe green. and r ! ate, pl curt eel o i e P {, rl y for 1 y- t Jc' 1 1a rn or to d r of de c y u. t e I _ rty to Il o f ty t'. l 1- c a b c ! eeJ J Exc i_,a , as_ of neyl q u . c` The caner . r ar the party in dos c.sbn, the uamOr Ill per`; n po_.,e:: ur 1a r b l ,LL sir eau 11ry de. n..ge tO ro e,, ar ia- s, damage o .c _) cF:;h Ivan: e r the prOpert- of..>.d nn7 helot n t ,r. upon request of the shined owner or pa. •y antitlad _ _ u.-Sr ;ue,1. r:r h/rim a datum Or vice n the urnpeiv !,r (c) 1: on1 riots or sinew .. b zn to f va flacon" f cY ! _ c it tl a ;. r e or the early n posses-, E x:.r ,1 in t Tf case of nc_I gn .? of Inc c..r-it no cs, er or party in possession of all or any of the pmpery descrbod in Ihi; I' f or lading shall be liable for rr^la,: Cal Sod by h gr- Why .till,! let On by faulty (�r'mpa,sable h cJh_,ay. or by lack nl cop - 1' ,In: Ii qh way bridge y. 1,11 o Ider, to pro e f roedmn from such negligence is on the carrier of pan I, in c - - Seca 1. (e) In case of qua ti t lie, the propady may be d,charged of the owner s risk and expense Into a quzi J PSt o c ,ewn,rc o required by i enroll regulations .,, euihanfes, or for [no caner s dispat.h the property may be discharged at I1,O avant: s ,sk and expense at the '[tore sl vailablc point n the cis• - s judge,, e 1. The cis ur' e p b hl st -II _ Sh Orup y s so d'scf arged. or !ill)riuric rt✓ may be 1 lied try 'heer ;ror at the ow^ors expanse to the,Pupping po_ t. earn in freight both ways All toarson e p inses of vilalt- nature or k nd which ere incitrred w tin "o t l Inc pr iperiv shall be, borne by the owners of the property or snail L-Ornn a lien or. the padri The earner shall not be hattle for loss Jr lanlage caused by fumigie d i rvteehon rrr oihel acts required or cone by quarantine regula'U's or autl o,ni I cugh h arts may have ben 1 dune by the c ri er Ih ors. 'rrr Its pI; fees. In additien. the came, shall not be had for dCTc I cis, loss ,I, dantree of any ii vJ uacasic. e 1 I ; the t''e and e o the enforcffnlenl 01 the quar,, hoer No n r I. too ' 'c ;T 'n r e <. as. of egg yar,ue for ny'. s, k . 'c a v i. any -alto iur 1-shed by the carrier, its agents or c,lf .f, as ta quarantine laws Or 'spulat'on,. he shipper shall' )der I) t + carrier to, any expense i 1:urn•. rJ 11 del , the, . ,err¢ , noisy be r q tr_d o Fay as a use It 0. 'trod tong I r prope tV r-:•o ed ley cant ail into enY Place against the quarantine laws or regulations in effect at such place. Sec. 2. (a) No carrier is hound to transport said property by any particular schedule. Train, vehicle of vessel, or in rime Inr any n¢�',cular marknl. or in any manner other than ar,in reasonable dispatrii Evsy earner shall have the rirht. to case of physical lie ras Fly "I lon✓ard sa d property by any carrier or route betwr= I the point o+ shipment and the pot of duct u, h 1. 7 hr del cis:.. s not prohibTed by law, where a Inwer value than rim actual value of ire said propene ha. Goren staler n wlJing by the chipper or has beer agreed !trio wr t ng as Ihis released vat ;e of this shipment as determined by the C rest itcatlon Or !antis upn;T lich the rate is based, such lower value plus trelght charges if peid shall he the max. t n ccov.3r tl a,noent for less or damage. vahether o rot such loss x damage occurs Irom negigenca. Sec. 2. (b) As a conditioi precedent to rerovery, claims must be tried ,n wining with: t the racel,nng cr delivering career, ,, 7 tiie Comer:,Bourg the b,I1 of lading, or 3 the carrier whose line the lake, damago. injury rir delay occurred or 1 the 'truer n possession of the properly when the lass, de. -Ow. injury or delay occurred. Duch isms must be hied w 1hr' nine rt . o tins after tine delive y Of the property for In the case of exoort traffic. ith !I nine months alter delivery Of the port of expo'[). except that claims for fnllum to mai,o delivery must be hind within none months altar a reasonable t me for delvi has elapsetl. Suits lot loss o - . damage. snot ry or delay shall be instituted against any -airier no later than two years and one day from the day when written notice is g,oin all the earlier to tho claimant that the carr or has d sallowed the claim or any earl or pans of heclaim specllied ,n the no fee Where claims are not filed of sc lie are not instituted thereon in accordance with the forego ng provisions, no came shall ^ liable, and such claims :11 0l be pad. Sec. 2 Ic) Any carrier or parry fable lac loss of or damage to any of said property shall have :he full benefit of any n., trancrr'ha1 may hay., been ,ff.. riled, upon or on a_Munt of said property, sn far as Ines shall not avoid Ste policies or contracts of msumncr PROVIDED, that the Carl,,, recce v 1g the bonrf.l of ch nsi _ -k ei h se i cha for the p a,rf St,-ce poR,y rrr contract Sec 3. All pteporty shall be subject to necessary coo,.erage an- bat nq at O-ol-S Cost e,x_OPt v:here such son cis a ecl,red S the ,esc I: of cis r cr ; negl ganee. Fah .an.er r-, rant, Callon cr cotton lirtors is to he Transported under this btu of lading shall love the privilege. at Its awn COST and risk, of compress rig the cotton or cotton ;In„rs of c,reat. cc ue eve nce r he -olv:g or for,ard rig and shol, cut el. held reas� ibu on for devist in or unavoidable delays in proeumng such m io ass on in bulk cans,gnsd to a doing where there is a railroad, public or ersi ere . Mr !nay lu le fl . ise 1 i I - I.. bu f l g and the only Ike q a - - bulk s r el Promptly unloaded) be Mere delivered and placed with other '[ran of the same kind and grade without respect to rwnsrs!,ip and prompt '[mice [hereof shall be g'.,' te, !lie -:n•.s y,Or In,-, . . qmi , r'. e tie ,o Seti-ad. 't shall bs cub,ec. Ire : tsn or elevator r,ha yes In addition to all other applicable charges. Grain Sec 4 (a) to `he even) ihaC t "aid property s not removed by the parry onfi fed to receive ,1 war- the Irse +ime (if any) allowed by the tar tf< lrfull,� r hlr such tell , 'm ,s ! U? e;oulp :led a previded in the said lentils arid noacc of Ina anneal Of me propene at the dectinalon (or at the pod of export. II Intended tar export) has been duly sent or given, any placement of the property for �leiiy al oeshr,tbe has heon matte. a 2. Property ,s not received at the time fonder Of del Ivory of the property tin [he party entitled 1a eta e it has been t ado. Such p„openy may be keel In vessel, vehicle, cat, depot. wamhouse or place of b:is ress el :n, c:. subject to The t:u',If eha,ac for =tor ige and to the c. r - s respons bi11se Tian y solely as warehouAltematively, at Inception at the corner, such p,00rny may be removed to and stated ,n a public or licen,od warehouse at the point Of del very III at another available Win[. or I no such warehouses available. al the po el or del very or at another available point. Then the property may be removed to and stared m -other available storage facility, at the owner s cost and held there without t I Gutty el the pan of the carrier -,no Gle ' Io ken for all Iroghl and other lawful fi� yes including a reasonable charyo for storage. in the event cons gnee canner be h;und at the address -en tar dollvery. then nut oe or Yu= ufacmg of such lords 11 .vane- ,,use shall br misled ,o It.e , J I - at tin the bit I of lad ,9 for rlcLvep au d ,o any ofic address givun cn the bill of lading for notification, Shar g The v se in wt'c 1l e pray ty bee , placed subec. to the provis f I, pc'tl Ph' J (bI Where non-perishable property Ironspodcd Io the dust ra ell stated fills .ill of lad rigs af� sad by con, gnse or Ilb, party entitled to receive it upon ie )der of delivery or sold consignee titled or party enin receive the proper v fails to r . , n it within 15 days afei notice of a : lbol Faye bean July ui Or giver, r hir. ,or er niov ,ell :he oropnly at pol I ', ,Ilan to the highest G d d . at :to la ray 1e rJ .s J Iated by the carrier. PROVIDED, that The carder shall have f ma ,t ilarl. sent or given to flip. an signor not ce e (• that !his has heon refused _r remains undairnen as the ,. case may h . and that ,; II T , object to sale under the hotels of the billof lading it disposikon ,. Io'. a. aagsJ for and that after :td days have Stepson 1•nm ter time said r:nlico to In constgrrrr as mailed. -1 or a-vf 1 ;n_ n lei shall also have published a -!- cndra,ninq a de-.Cnptron of the peaparty me name of tine party to whom consigned 1 �'l,r f;,,u Orrler 1r (y the name of the carry to be. netrhed and the time ant: blei of s-de once a week or tav0 c ns c. t ve v ,. n a newspaper at general circulation 31 the Marc af I as e. f ci Yre e Sorh I)cNinei 1$ publshecd Sec. 4. (c) Where perishable property vansported In the r) doclina+ior stater• III,,, of lesion is rolused by -ones ct per• S melted to ec e It, or cad cans q - Dart entitled receive Ithp opedy fails .o receive ,I promptly, life carrier may.. ,n 1': J s., elan. to prevent daeul ation cr hlnher doierloration, sell the property In 'he best advent. q al li-we. :r p,.l he .To PRO'✓IDED. that it Ihe•e is sufficient t mo to notify Ine con :.qr_r or owner of Ine refusal of the property or the failure to r•,�e mI slid to request for d ;position of Ih property, such notification I be giver. 1 such mat . the ex s a ro , d ldence requires. before The property Is sold. Sec. 4. (d) Vihrre the procedure elm -Ind in, In S:r,Sbn 4 lb) and 4 (.) of v:;bill of ad is not pc s- hies It , aq suit ll a. n.Ihiny in These, paragraphs shall uC' Construed to abr:dgo Irk ig!n „I ter, earner at its option: to sell the property once, such t -c.mtled in Such manner as may, b o. Thor zed by law. Sec. 4. (e) The proceeds o• anysale rrlalf0 u )der this section shall be alp ,od by the carrier to the payment f g1 t d e muff ug Storage. and any Otl err I a vt a er a•) s. to The -Pc cf ."a- advert ssmcnT sale, and othat necessary,,,Parisu a ,d 1.) tl e eplenar of canny for and maintaining lire croperty II proper care of Tire property :eqc res spa.. a.: Xcc. sc, Shin Id there be a balance, reina,urIg affe all charges and expenses a I'll such balance shall be paid to the owner of the p ;_unity Said 'C' erc.I Sec. 4. (f) Property dent lied to ur tutor, from a slatipn whorl, land-e .nq or other pin al win ch fine,. r t la ly -. ppofreight t - 1 I agent, shall be ,'[truly at risk Of O ¢. after beirig unleaded from car, vehiGes or "essels Or until loaded into cars, t ge- s>e1s. Further, Copt n se caof carr er s ingl hence, rotten P 4.erty s ce od Irom f. red : t'-- !aT.pns win d... landings or oilier Mares, I; e property „hall he ul he sw lei -sk c r; I fine rags are adachcid Io and after they are ti d,l 1C.ir:'d frafii (lepmaflVe Of Ira) 1 ar hot loaded In10 and after unloading from '!e5$B, fir If pfppeny , 1 OnSl,or1 •.: n more; vehicle trailers oT 5 ml tracers, until such I d la 5 O' semi-t a I- are alached to and after they are detached from power unds Wb- c;rrrisr s d�reclad Ip unload or Jeilvar p•oaerty transported by motor vein cle al a pan c lac local on :She e _ ig e o c. s goofs agent is not regularly located therisk - ile u laad'ny, rrr de very :hall be that of the owner. Sec. 5. No earner hereunder ,ilf carry or he able in any way for any documents. con money, or for any In dc„ e ex ciord.nary value rot specdicalty rated In the pubs ,hod ela's,l Cohan or IaIlls unless a special agreement to do so and a sl pc fated vnl Hine .errde_ are endorsed or, it,,, nit of iadnig. Sec, 6. Every pady v:hsthsr principal or agent, .rho snips explosives Or dangc taus goods without preteens fug ,a then dtscloo- to the tamer of their nature, shall be liable for and adernnly lie carder against all less or damage c<wsed by such goods. Sort h goods may be warehoused of o risk and expense or destroyed without compsnsa. on. Sec 7. The owner or consignee shall pay Inc fr;tyhl and average. 1 any and ail oth et lawful cha ges, aci it q O 1 -aid property M, a,1c6p1 in .hose instarces where it ray lawfully be authorized to 00 so no cattier shall deliver or relf lquish ^o , ^rs it ai des) na on of be prupeny covered by this hint of lading unto all Tariff rates and cha ges Therecl have bee. paid T' ..c '.s girt, shall be liable fo, the: Fall roil all other lawn .. charge. irei fiat f the consignor stipulates, by signature. ,n hi ;,o.ic: Pr.. v,tled for that purpose on the face of this b'.II of ladt:g that the ra,rier shall ,lot make tlel very M `hoof . re3u i rig dr, rent Of fall charge., ¢ed I en rior. cc nt I Such t n lag en sin Dee oally. ry v:'thom requiring such payment, the n aO Iept as herieafler provided) a,Iall nut be liable for sue!^. charges. PROVIDED, That, s cons gnee ;hall not be labl Tor uansportatlon charges (beyond those b ag ainst ains, him at the Ilme, .1 del very or which he S Oth ,rnise liable) which noisy cx. ac le-d !o be due he !ha property has been delivered to hin, subject to all of the following conditions. (,a) The shipper or chesigeur has iaslruc!ed the carrier to deliver the property !o a consignee the, than the shreds, o' cOns,yn�r b} The consignee is an agent only end has ro beneficial title in the properly and Ir) Pro, to del very file consignee has notified the del venng carrier ,n writing that he is only an agent e rd h z no bone 1 c el file in i,te p¢iPerly and fdl In cases where fine shlpmert has been recons geed or d vereO to a point other than that specifletl �n the bit of lad - ct th consignee has also notified The delivering harrier ,n writing of the name and address of line beneficial owner of said pn,pe,hy vV .re file ons,i Is not liable for certain transportation cnacges .n accordance :ate INS prr-,on and the i .cedmq rr'l id' o.., the shtppor pr consignor, or. In the -se of a shipment so raecnsi0ned or diverted as specifletl in condition (d), the be'af r. al ,v.ner Shall be liable fC Ct additional . PROVIDED FURTHER, that he : the ship s d-grated p epaid' :he slipper a. e a,1 sin'[ u .t re.......tali 11, , rid cJ ges ' filet c. a1 f o . e nor so s leT r al 'I h r it e xtaticn charge assessed. If the S::,n5 gr ec has giveTa u e carrier erroneous nlurnial on as to whom the bevel c'al ovm_r s, sc ch ro 1,ign_e sl:rll ors .It inns iahle f it s, ,:h ad .'t o ,.i .;harge, NUlnf .. r,yn.. ,,sell rrr t h� r yin. of the, rarr'er to regc,ire at time of shlpmsm the d•apaymsnl ar guaranioo of the charges. II -riot i lspecl t s asc+,rrr:nsd that the en files shipped ore nO! The, de :. h,I of tad, g the freight ch rr e$ rei, h paid upon the anicies'. cl, ally shipper). Sec. 9. It this bill of lading -s issued on the order of The Shipp¢, or his agent in exchange or in subst tubnd lotother bill of I d 7.:he shipper s signatc re on the prior bill of lading or in connection wish. the prior bill of lading as to the statement of value or otherwise. or as to Ine election o` cam, on law or bill of lading abilRy shall he cops -dared a cart of tins bit of I I-q as fully a • ,t the same were written an or made In tone -loon with this bill o. Urting. Sec. 9. (a) If all or any poll of said property ,s earned by wale over any part of said route. such water carnage, shall be put Jrnied subject to all the terms and provisions of, and all the casmption, fluid habday contained in the Act approved by the S lJn ao Stales Congress on Petri 13. T B93 and enf,ted An act relating to life ravrgation of vessels. etc an0 ,n other Un,tc J Slates Starnes according came,$ by water the purn- w I of I'm too uatnfity Such water carnage shall also be performed Se bjecl •01ha onditons carraine< i 1 this )1of lading wh of e no! nco s,stall With the id Act of Congress d U, till St t - st T es or ,v ih III 5 $act 01. Sec 9 (b) No such carrier by water shall be liable For any loss o- damageresulting from any fie hat. pen ng , , o rrr hear ihs e ssel or from expius On burst ng of boiler or b'art ng o1 shalt unless caused by the design rrr neglect of such carter Sec, 9. (c) If Ihis owner shall have exorc .ell re. e diligence n:'[eking She vessel r all respects _c al.orthy a d err.„ c r n 1 equ pped and suppled no such earner shall be liaU e I' , any loss or damayc resulting from the perils o' the lakes. Si or in other waters or Irom latent doiecls in The hull machinery, or appe rtenances whether existing prior to, at the t ter of or after sciiiing or from collision, stranding, or other accidents of nav,getton, or from prolongation of The voyage And when for any reason s necessary. any vessel r any ;, al of the p pr.ny de h d tin t la 11g ='[all be uI I bcrty Io call al ¢ y f o I c poti dui of tire e customary awe, to Iov a d b lowed, to a Is!er. Irons ship or lighter. to load and discharge gootls at Day 6mr,. to assist .-5:e6 , d- steers. to day ors fir II' c I„rpc_a d ", nq e rrr property, ar d lot docking a-d Iepe n. Eire I n fit, corn d negl gents such carrier shall not br . sp..n_:b,e for any loss or da'•rage !o property ii It is necessary or S us, of to Carry the Pfoparty upon docc Sec 9. 1 General Average shall be payable acco:J ' J 1 h - / I• A t - T Rules 1 I )21 Sections 1 i' 1 cl - .d'actions 1 !c 2 inclusive. and t; at s n-1 cO r, eu'n [be saitl les accord'.nq to life I,nSws and usages of the Pon of Nr,w York. If the o v.1or.,,, ,all nai': rxerc sod de C dl gen,., e a ,f. lie vasbn ,ill -,pact, aeew.irtf f :,,in proder1 manned ,Fr r , r ...Pill a'd ,f I, rinpab, � ore-1 this ,-lS: : t larger, damag . o d t;oS er rentil'rg fret n facillc. or cr s ,n hav gala'[ Iron In. manageme. I O ill, vu e a from Icy a- it a, u h defaul$ iri (lie vessel, II T' cry pp t.n'1, 'red 11I r 1 rrr l hf e1. Pf ,- 1.1 1.. CJy hl2 IT. e (xef tf, it due Ipr' Pj_ ( -f I flseirl'fr,rt I lies, wFe!ho existing of the Itmer .II sb n al the herpnn,n❑ of In,voyage {prav;dec the unseawcnh'ne. s ties n..f n o'aerahle by IF ern',S? a, do a ditiger,si h. shvpls Y, 1. iq [.es arty or ov nuns :1f file cis go .: hat never:hele_s pay -1u,g0 and aey 'pedal charges incurred in respect at lie cargo. and sr l car k'bu•e w III, the sh,lovmers in )social average to the payment of any sac, lines, losses or expenses of a general average nature that may ha, inade or '[Sorrell for fine common G6ne111 or re -,l-, the ad to - fur < n� co n nun pe t sec. 9. (e) 1 ehe p[ erly s being car' ed unde, a tariff which provides'tat r y carr ar or carr e-s Parts- tre,Oto shall t n o B r, :,sr frcn •h? her is c' the sea, th[r as fr- such correct or cue- S the Provisions of this surly shall he modified In accorda ee .r ll re a ill 1, 1 the tariff : c 'h \I r. re. lid r. rpc atr,d into the an. t f r t.J 1, g Sec. 9 (f) Th - e r ' Ic r In, , It l li .I t ..r 1 r 'e: "Ind tg -:gin r lie 1 -..r h ail r L - h f.. fc rm .d by or n t behalf of ca io - 11 h I . of carriers Sec, tin. Any altr, a!,I"' r1 add,, t rrr erasure - -c h .If ladrr, M, .)ado Uro'..1 Ih:..riec, notatnr. n, o,n or _he :,r,[ nl , ,C c. s_u no II', hill of I id,nif. ., . hall e, '? ihout _II,-t and INS bit of lad 1g shall be enforceable occ-r,g in is r,g,r4a oI leer;,, I EncrPermit Page 1 of 3 S.C. Department of Transpoitation Form 637 (Rev 4/2008) RecId: 0 Application for Encroachment Permit To Applicant: Town of Hilton Head Island Street: 1 Town Center Court City: State Hilton Head Island SC Zip Permit Nbr: -5 '% County: Beaufort SZS Cnty/Route: Road Name: L US 278 Bus. Wm. Hilton Pkw)�. 29928-2701 2. Phone: (843) 341-4774 3. Fax: (843) 842-8587 4. Contact: Darrin A. Shoemaker, P.E. 5. 1. Type of Encroachment: Traffic Signal Reconstructions on Mast -Arm Supports (Two) 2. Description of Location: Intersections of US 278 Bus. (Wm. Hilton Pkw)4) with: 1. S-7-334 (Dillon Road) --_ -_ 2. Coggin.s Point Road (o.s. ) (Attach sketch indicating roadway features such as: pavement width, shoulder width, sidewalk and curb and gutter location, significant drainage structure, north arrow, right c width, and location of the proposed encroachment with respect to the roadway centerline and the nearest intersecting road on the State system.) 3. The undersigned applicant hereby requests the SCDOT to permit encroachment on the SCDOT right of way as described herein. It is e: understood that the encroachment, if and when constructed, shall be installed in accordance with the sketch attached hereto and made a hereof. The applicant agrees to comply with and be bound by the SCDOT's "A Policy for Accommodating Utilities on Highways Right way", "Standard Specifications for Highway Construction", the "General Provisions" and "Special Provisions", attached here made a part hereof by reference, during the installation, operation and maintenance of said encroachment within the SCDOT's of Way. DISCHARGES OF STORM WATER AND NON -STORM WATER: Work within State Highway right-of-way shall be conduc compliance with all applicable requirements of the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit(s) issued Department of Transportation (Department), to govern the discharge of storm water and non -storm water from its properties. shall also be in compliance with all other applicable Federal, State and Local laws and regulations, and with the Department's Encroachment Permits Manual and encroachment permit. The encroachment permit will not be issued until the applicant has an NPDES construction permit from SC Department of Health and Environmental Control. The applicant agrees to comply with all current SCDOT Standards Specifications for Highway Constriction including all Supplementa Technical Specifications. The applicant hereby further agrees, and binds his/her/its heirs, personal representatives, successors, assigns, assume any and all liability for accidents or injuries to persons, or damage to property, including the highway, that may be caused by tl construction, maintenance, use, moving or removing of the physical appurtenances contemplated herein, and the applicant agrees to in( and hold SCDOT harmless from and against any and all claims for personal injury and/or property damage which may be sustained by person by reason of the construction, maintenance or existence of said encroachment on the SCDOT's right of way. Applicant's Name: Da Date: April 5th 2 r_ �(Pieas .p '�pe) Applicant's Sig: Title: Traffic/Transp. Engr. In accordance with you equest and subjec to all t e pr isions, terms, conditions, and restrictions stated in the application and the ge special provisions atta ed hereto, the SCD ereby a p_roves your application for an encroachment permit. This permit shall become and void unless the work contemplated herein shall have been completed prior to: AU14 a ad / JeSd/o— 1. cr :pit lzcduironnenl; PDES grwmit Nbr: 61/ r� J ?"��/ (Date received by Res. Maint. Engr.) (SCDO Approval) (Date) ....._ Di.ilrl C, i".tt� [1<_li :�' :'1.C; fi it it Gi,.TF4E't7C 1 i Crt C`l :.. `• .. http://dbw.sedot.org/EncrPermitWebPrjV2/EiicrPermit.aspx 04/05/2011 M. 0 N O 41 10 6 o 0 m U] wo ( H co m rct w O ' O) a * o � n Sv n rt 1-x H ro nN b H H � H nr h7 lrwUH o % nr n m a t O z C H ..H nw~ O�F- .. Cftl Z t1i n O ,o G H ct C7 r H y 0 H F- bd r O n w z 0 OO�++ rn rt O z zi H z 0 N- ttzi H z Dd '=J n H x n v� rr O LOB fzn txj H H '=J t+i H z O H H H Ki xi xf Ci HVLJ t+] r 1-3 tzi " �7, H PC 0 uHi pq z t7 n x l7 H r z O H O O x DI DI H � ci O z O H C7 O x H 0 z H .� GZ � x En r H C) x uzi 0 H H H to Fr � w z r H tLi �Dl r1i z ro H t+i z H H t+i ro r Pd M H Ki O C-r En z 00 m q Hw rr a In CT ca bd (D a a can m Ul x bd n r ro r b H (D Ea 0 L4 z � � w � tziH w p 'n 3 h7 z z � rn m to n �1, F-3 x,. CJ N t1i coo n $ r oo w w C7 ' w w w n a n m ro H z H- r• m Ea � N ' n7 0 0 � n z v N. z J CJ N C7ct r-r Z t, OH CD (D O 10 d H k K N N N PC J V LzJ H '=J ni O N N P Ki O O zH n~i N � x rj m r_ Z Z D 0 Z m O n m m ' z 3 G)-n m� z --i(n U) x mD �O z r,ncrrermit Page 1 of 3 S.C. Department of Transportation Application for Encroachment Permit E Fomt 637 (Rev 4/2008) RecId: Permit Nbr: .S- - oo Z3 Applicant: Town of Hilton Head Island County: SZ,5V PP y Beaufort Street: 1 Town Center Court Cnty/Route: Road Name: City: State: Phone: Fax: Hilton Head Island SC Zip 29928-2701 I. US 278 Bus. Wm. Hilton Pkwy. 2. (843)341-4774 3. 843)842-85 4. Contact: Darrin A. Shoemaker, P.E. >. 1. Type of Encroachment: Traffic Signal Reconstructions on Mast -Arm Supports (Two) 2. Description of Location: Intersections of US 278 Bus. (Wm. Hilton Pk )v ) with: 1. S-7-334 (Dillon Road) 2. Coggins Point Road (o.s.) (Attach sketch indicating roadway features such as: pavement width, shoulder width, sidewalk and curb and gutter location, significant drainage structure, north arrow, right c width, and location of the proposed encroachment with respect to the roadway centerline and the nearest intersecting road on the State system.) 3. The undersigned applicant hereby requests the SCDOT to permit encroachment on the SCDOT right of way as described herein. It is e: understood that the encroachment, if and when constructed, shall be installed in accordance with the sketch attached hereto and made a hereof. The applicant agrees to comply with and be bound by the SCDOT's "A Policy for Accommodating Utilities on Highways Right way", "Standard Specifications for Highway Construction", the "General Provisions" and "Special Provisions", attached here made a part hereof by reference, during the installation, operation and maintenance of said encroachment within the SCDOT's of Way. DISCHARGES OF STORM WATER AND NON -STORM WATER: Work within State Highway right-of-way shall be conduc compliance with all applicable requirements of the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit(s) issued Department of Transportation (Department), to govern the discharge of storm water and non -storm water from its properties. shall also be in compliance with all other applicable Federal, State and Local laws and regulations, and with the Department's Encroachment Permits Manual and encroachment permit. The encroachment permit will not be issued until the applicant has an NPDES construction permit from SC Department of Health and Environmental Control. The applicant agrees to comply with all current SCDOT Standards Specifications for Highway Construction including all Supplementa Technical Specifications. The applicant hereby further agrees, and binds his/her/its heirs, personal representatives, successors, assigns, assume any and all liability for accidents or injuries to persons, or damage to property, including the highway, that may be caused by tf construction, maintenance, use, moving or removing of the physical appurtenances contemplated herein, and the applicant agrees to in( and hold SCDOT harmless from and against any and all claims for personal injury and/or property damage which may be sustained by person by reason of the construction, maintenance or existence of said encroachment on the SCDOT's right of way. Applicant's Name: Da Date: April 5 h 2`¢ (Pleas pe) Applicant's Sig: Title: Traffic/Transp, Enar. In accordance with you equest and subjec to a t e pr isions, terms, conditions, and restrictions stated in the application and the ge special provisions atta ed hereto, the SCD ereby a roves your application for an encroachment permit. This permit shall becom, and void unless the work contemplated herein shall have been completed prior to: sec :Umc:hed ,` peciti' Rovisi n::;; an" or Perri, Requirement (Date received by Res. Maint. Engr.) (SCApproval) V D ,7,i Qnt, llaintcnFncu [. In-inccr Distric2:l::Di!Inc'c'€'3": Acitntn.tiiralor (Date) l.):i.u`, `cci: ian tor:.. 1 iSu ict http://dbw.scdot.org/EncrPermitWebPrjV2/EncrPermit.aspx 04/05/2011 EnerPermit rage / of Application for Encroachment Permit Tt� General Provisions Permit Nbr: 1. DEFINITIONS: The word "Pennittee" used herein shall mean the name of the person, firm, or corporation to whom this permit is addressed, his, her, its, heirs, personal representatives, successors and assigns. The word "DEPARTMENT" shall mean the South Carolina Department of Transportation. 2. NOTICE PRIOR TO STARTING WORK: Before starting the work contemplated herein within the limits of the highway right of way, [he Department's Resident Maintenance Engineer in the county in which the proposed work is located shall be notified 24 hours in advance so that he may be present while the work is under way. 3. PERMIT SUBJECT TO INSPECTION: This permit shall be kept at the site of the work at all times while said work is under way and must be shown to any representative of the Department or law enforcement officer on demand. 4. PROTECTION OF HIGHWAY TRAFFIC: The applicant shall be responsible for the protection of the highway traffic at all times during the construction, mamten removing or moving of the encroachment permitted herein. Detours, barricades, warning signs and flagmen, as necessary, shall be provided by and at the expense of the Pe and shall be in accordance with the "Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices" (MUTCD). The work shall be planned and carried out so that there will be the least poss inconvenience to the motoring public. The Pennittee agrees to observe all rules and regulations of the Department while carrying on the work contemplated herein and take other precautions that circumstances warrant. 5. STANDARDS OF CONSTRUCTION: All work shall conform to the Department's standards of construction and shall be performed in a workman -like manner. T applicant shall make adequate provisions for maintaining the proper drainage of the highway as it may be affected by the encroachment permitted herein. All work shall be to the supervision and satisfaction of [Ire Department. 6. FUTURE MOVING OF PHYSICAL APPURTENANCES: If, in the opinion of the State Highway Engineer, it should ever become necessary to move or remove physical appurtenances, or any part thereof contemplated herein, on account of change in location of the highway, widening of the highway, or for any other sufficient reas, moving shall be done on demand of the Department at the expense of the Permittee. 7. RESTORATION OF HIGHWAY FACILITIES UPON MOVING OR REMOVING OF PHYSICAL APPUTENANCES: If, and when, the physical appurtenances contemplated herein shall be moved or removed, either on the demand of the Department or at the option of the Pennittee, the highway and facilities shall immediately be restored to their original condition at the expense of the Pennittee. 8. COSTS: All work in connection with the construction, maintenance, moving or removing of the physical appurtenances contemplated herein shall be done by and at expense of the pennittee. 9. ADDITIONAL PERMISSIONS: (a) It is distmcdy understood that this permit does not in any way grant or release any rights lawfully possessed by the abutting property owners. The Permittee steal any such rights, as necessary, from said abutting property owners. (b) The Pennittee shall be responsible for obtaining all other approvals or permits necessary for installation of the encroachment from other government entities. (c) There shall be no excavation of soil nearer than two feet to any public utility line or appurtenant facility except with the consent of the owner thereof, or except ( special permission of this Department after an opportunity to be heard is given the owner of such line or appurtenant facility. 10. ADDITIONAL WORK PERFORMANCE: (a) All crossings over the highway shall be constructed in accordance with "Specifications for Overhead Crossings of Light and Power Transmission Lines and Tel( Lines over each other and over Highway Rights of Way in South Carolina," as approved by the Public Service Commission of South Carolina and effective as o this permit. (b) All tunneling, boring, or jacking shall be done in such a way as not to disturb the highway surfacing. (c) No pavement shall be cut unless specifically authorized herein. (d) No excavation shall be nearer than three feet to the edge of pavement unless specifically authorized herein. (e) Underground facilities will be located at minimum depths as defined in the "Utility Accommodations Manual" for the transrnittant, generally as follows: 4 feet minimum for hazardous or dangerous transmittant, 3 feet minimum for other lines. The Department may approve shallower depths if adequate protection is prov Such approval must be obtained in writing. (f) Service and other small diameter pipes shall be jacked, driven, or otherwise forced underneath the pavements on any surfaced road without disturbing the paver The section under the highway pavement and within a distance of three (3) feet on either side shall be continuous without joints. 11. ACCESS: (a) Permittee is responsible for maintaining reasonable access to private driveways during construction. (b) It is expressly provided that, with respect to any limited access highway, the Permittee shall not have or gain access from the main traveled way of the highway, on or off ramps to such facility, except upon approval by the Department. 12. DRIVEWAYS: (a) The existing crown of the highway shall be continued to the outside shoulder line of the highway. (b) If the driveway or approach is concrete pavement, the pavement shall be constructed at least 6 inches thick and with a minimum of class 2500 concrete. There sl bituminous expan&r joint, not less than 3/4 inches in thickness, placed between the highway paving and the paving of the approach for the full width of the apl 0,11 13. BEAUTIFICATIOIQ (a) All tre nts, flo, etc. shall be placed in accordance with the provisions specifically stipulated herein. (b) Al1,Irebs, plants, s, etc. shall be maintained by, and at the expense of, the Pennittee and the provisions of this permit shall become null and void, if and wh .tree ceases t amtaip,said trees, plants, flowers, etc. 14. AS-BUtit'I PLAN �v Ov' The at shall ide the Department with survey -quality as -built plans in accordance with the requirements set forth in the Department's "A Policy for Acco datingak rues on Highway Rights of Way". http://dbw.sedot.org/EncrPermitWebPrjV2/EnerPermit.aspx 04/05/2011 N P w n * H N F3 � rt W p 4 (D C o rn r• sv * * o cD �} rr H r -4 rr ¢ o 0 0' w rn r �Dl xi Fl ~ Cd nG r H ro b 0H (� P. � rrr H any °z w n ran r•- °cHo m n ,� o �- tzj Htj O LA)x H n H N U H ° rrt rdr on �r r H w O FC w z `,b � OH H 0, r- z z o �- H z x n U) l� �rilO ° n H H Ili C H ttzi r 1-3 H H� pq]n a zt tnx H O OwO x W Hz z: O H U Fl x z H w x N r H n w t1i En VI � 7C H H z � � N PC H r H d a e r" H z x ro H z z m :z r Ea ts] H -.7 ro r t+] N H H N J O rt ci to z m m o rt Ct En tzi (D t)J U can oo En k n t-I ro r � � H (D En n �- b b N [rJ H N �j �j ko t7 z �1 ro (D (D ro n t1] $ 0o ao t17 cr H N oo & w & Lo d Or CrJ I-'- (D i N p N �P 1P rt m H z � N� oo � N• H• m (D z `o ro o o 0 O C7 N. CJ P � O O t4 (D (D(D tzj 1-3 ro d H x1 C to N3 o t1] H ro tLi O N N .ro m O O t+i nx N �, t+] t+] r- Z Z D 3 Z O n m rt z 3 >-n mDZ z --i cf) co u <0 U) X m> �O z TOWN OF HILTON HEAD ISLAND One Town Center Court, Hilton Head Island, S.C. 29928 (843) 341-4600 Fax (843) 842-7728 www.hiltonheadislandsc.gov Drew A. Laughlin May 17th, 2011 Mavor Kenneth S. Heitzke Mayor ProTem Mr. Wendell Mulligan, Resident Maintenance Engineer Council Members S. C. Dept. of Transportation Beaufort Maintenance Ofc Wm. Lee Edwards 13 Munch Drive Willie (Bill) Ferguson William D. Harkins Beaufort, SC 29902 Kimberly W. Likins George W. Williams, Jr. Re: Encroachment Permit Application — Mast -Arm Signal Reconstructions at Stephen G. Riley 1. US 278 Business @ S-7-334 (Dillon Road) Town Manager 2. US 278 Business @ Coggins Point Road (O.S.) Dear Mr u ligan: In response to District Traffic Engineer Nesbit's May 91h memorandum to you commenting on the subject encroachment permit package, I am submitting a signal plan for the Coggins Point Road installation revised to include a NEMA phasing diagram, the geotechnical report summarizing the soil borings at each pole location, and a detail of the Astro-BracketTM mounting hardware employed by the Town. The May 9th memorandum also cited the need to modify the signal sequence chart on both plans. I discussed the fact that these clearances are possible during emergency vehicle preemption and that the emergency vehicle preemption notes reference the signal sequence chart with DTE Nesbit, and he concurred with leaving these barrier clearances in the signal sequence chart. DTE Nesbit also relieved the Town of the request to provide letters of compliance, and to provide minimum 4 second yellow change and 2 second all -red clearance intervals. The 6' x 40' detection loops are existing and will not be replaced during this project, so the plans accurately reflect the loop designs that are already present. I noted during my revisions that the Coggins Point Road signal plan previously submitted indicated the display of steady -burn downward -pointing green arrows to serve on -island US 278 Business. These green arrows are supposed to be upward -pointing, and this correction has been made on the enclosed revised signal plan as well. As per my typical practice, I have copied District Traffic Engineer Nesbit with three copies of the revised signal plan, the soil boring logs and the mounting hardware detail. Sincerely, Darrin A. Shoemaker, P.E. Traffic and Transportation Engineer Enclosures: Revised Signal Plan Soil Boring Logs Mounting Hardware Detail cc: District Traffic Engineer Nesbit DAS/das ` 'VI I i �-�A' _q !mmp South Carolina Departlr'tci)t of Transpoitatiot7 MEMORANDUM TO: Wendell Mulligan, Resident Maintenance Engr FROM: D. Mark Nesbit., District Traffic Engineer 04ine DATE: May 9, 2011 RE: Mast Arm Conversion Project— Town of Hilton Head Island US-278 (William Hilton Parkway) at S-7-334 (Dillon Road) US-278 (William Hilton Parkway) at Coggins Point Road (O.S.) We have reviewed the plans and the following comments are a result of the review: US-278 at Coggins Point Road • Show the NEMA Phasing on the plans. • Signal Display Sequence Chart - Phase 1 — Phase 5 do not clear to barrier [3cali rarfc: lwty Betke:ley r!owity Charleston County collekon county Dorcho stet C carniv Jaspar County US-278 at Dillon Road • Signal Display Sequence Chart - Phases l and 5, phases 1 and 6, and phases 2 and 5 do not clear to the barrier. With vehicle recall and double entry on phases 2 and 6 all of the above phase options will clear to phases 2 and 6 not the barrier. General Comments • Why use 6 x 40 feet stop bar loops? The Department standard is 6 x 30 feet loops. • Provide letter of compliance for each location. • Provide soil boring logs for each location, ® Minimum clearance times should be 4" yellow and 2" red. • Provide detail on how signal head will attach to mast arras. If you have any comments or questions, please feel free to contact me at (843) 740-1667 ext. 118. cc: Darrin Shoemaker, Town of Hilton Head Island Terance Brooks, Resident Traffic Engineer File. D6/Beaufort/DMN i}tstn;a S,x Engineering 6355 Fain Boulevard Mono: (8,13) 7,10-1665 AN EQUAL OPk'oR'CtlN 11'(/ F;yrtit C�ltartelitxt, 5C 2.L1t3(i•=1S3ft9 Fix: (8,13) 740.1663 AFI-InMAriVE ACTION EMPLOYER Traffic Signal Hardware Page 1 of 2 PP.—I.P, f s vacs ar sroMaeien, rywl ieu. sm.u. Traffic Hardware Utility Products A& Web l; Site Search Ornamental Lighting Structural Poles Company News Product Center All Products 1 You Need It, We Have It Stop wasting time searching for traffic hardware and replacement parts. Make just one call to Pelco Products, Inc. We are the traffic Client Login hardware leaders, with the largest selection, highest quality, best customer service and the ability to create custom applications. Pelco User Name: Products. 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The available LED options for 2010 are: No LED (option 08) w/ LED Circuit module (option 041) w/ LED Terminal Strip (option 042) More information here... Search Products Q` Below Part # Search Part Number Search (� 0 Signal Mounts Sign Mounts Camera Mounts Pedestrian Push Buttons Signal Mounts L] Remember Login Login 9.et6eyg hrcQ.unt 1nf9l.2!d.LQq NEW Traffic Products Improved 5E-ZQD5-08. 0 NEW Utility Products POS[ InS4?[dlgr nfdSle_A.S�xktOf. Anti-The-ft-CaUle -Retainer . IL \ A Astro-Brat Band Mint. Astro-Brat 5-Sec Astro-Brat 2-Way Astro$-Brat 2-Way Var Kit Cluster Band Mnt Band Part#AB-0108 Pan #. AB-0109 Pa.n. #AB-^110 Part#AB-0111 http://www.pelcoinc.com/TrafficHardware/tabid/56/Default.aspx 05/12/2011 Traffic Signal Hardware Page 2 of 2 Bases / Anchors UAstro-Bracl-Way Poles / Mast Arms Backplates I GIRLlAstro-Brac 1-Way Astro-Brac Tenon Astro-Mini Brac Band Signage Term Ban Mount Mnt Part#: AB-0112 Pan #: AB-0118 Part #: AB-0121 Flasher Cabinets Components Brackets I Mounts I Clamps 4�' ♦"^ cY ��a Horizontal Span Wire Horizontal Span Wire Astro-Brac 1-Way Astro-Brac 1-Way Decorative Lighting Assy Assy Band Mnt Cable Mn Part #: AB-0122 Part #: AB-0123 Part #_ AB-" 124 Part #: AB-0125 Benches / Containers Flag Poles I Banner Brackets Capacitor Control Horizontal Span Wire Astro-Brac Artic. Astro-Brac 2-Way ICC Astro Mini wl -. Assy .... Assy Page 1 of 24 ##Pod Next Reducer Last» Part #. AB-0127 -, 2 3 4 5 6 a4 #8 Ag- V1 G 011 12 13 14 15 16 D" Al AINO 1 21 22 23 24 Part #: AB-6132 Q 2009 Pelco Products, Inc. Contact Us / S7ei mao / Looin Part #: Alt. Part #: Specs: Files: 320 W. 18th Street •'Edmond. OK 73013 • (405) 340-3434 • (405) 340-3435 Fax http://www.pelcoinc.com/TrafficHardware/tabid/56/Default.aspx 05/12/2011 A S ,dales, LL C 14522-IC Lee Road Chantilly, VA 20151 Phone 703-631-6661 Fax 703-631-6694 BILL TO Hilton Head Island One Town Center Court Hilton Head Island, SC 29928 Packing �6 DATE INVOICE # 5/10/2011 25266 SHIP TO Hilton Head Island Manint. 200 Dillon Road Hilton Head Island, SC 29926 843-384-5021 P.O. NO. TERMS REP SHIP DATE SHIP VIA ATS# PROJECT Jeff. Net 30 BW 5/10/2011 Conway 9004 ITEM DESCRIPTION UNIT ORDERED SHIPPED A243 SP-1010-VA-96 12" 3-section mast arm hanger ea 14 14 A226 SP-1011-VA-84SS SM-3 Cluster ea 2 2 A216 Gusseted Tube; 37" W/Insert AB-2003-37 ea 2 2 A210 Arm Kit; Standard 9" AB-4000 ea 2 2 A209 SP-1009-VA-96SS ea 2 2 A220 Astro Tube Cap AB-0260 ea 16 16 Shipping 44 2� ~ t cl 1 n Sign Here: IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII CONSIGNEE+' INVOICE NUMBER ""'N-WAY.COM/FREIGHT EQUIP. NUMBER DATE JHI(-Al IN OUR REVENUE ADVANCE C E BEYOND -Jw' DESTINATION REFER TO THIS NUMBER. NWR :1618-009232 CONSIGNEE SHIPPER'S NUMBER SN# 900A. HILTOk! HEAD ISLAND MANIN-T Wl P (") # J E F F RAE INVOICE NUMBER 200 'DILLON RI) HY'...'I"ON HEAD ISLAND,, SIC 29926 a -- .11710 2 3 SHIPPER BILL TO ATLANTIC TECHNICAL SALES INC 14522K LEE RD # PCS. HMI DESCRIPTION OF ARTICLES AND MARKS r WEIGHT (LBS) RATE TOTAL CHARGES SKI) SKI) TRAFFIC L.-IGHTS -,)Btj"r/LESI,7' TAHN 15 175885-08 CLASS 35 75- HCD HIGH COST DELIVERY R[Urlot\l TOTAL PPD ❑ INSIDE DELIVERY 0 LIFT GATN'sERVICE,' I LJ YES El NO I DUNS # 10-315-1007 LEAVE THIS COPY WITH CONSIGNEE \A7❑ 11 RESIDENTIAL DELIVERY ❑CONSTRUCTION/UTILITY SITE 2A c) FAX 2 ppm To: Bob Mantz, Atlantic Technical Sales, Inc. (FAX(703)631-6694) From: Darrin Shoemaker, Traffic and Transportation Engineer (Voice (843)341-4774) ( (Fax (843)842-8587) (Cell (843)384-5021) cc: Date: 05/10/2011 1116 Re: Acceptance of Quote — Mounting Hardware Please find the attached accepted quote and add this to our mast arm order. � 0 Page 1 2a�� 9 ATS-SALES, LLC 14522-K Lee Road Chantilly, VA 20151 (703) 631-6661 phone (703) 631-6694 fax Shoemaker Sales Quotation Townown of Hilton Head Island One Town Center Court Quote Number Date Quote Expires Hilton Head Island, SC 29928 009170 5/10/2011 6/9/2011 Phone: 843-341-4774 Project Location Fax: 843-842-8587 Fax # 843-842-8587 Project ID Hangers Line # Part # Description Price Qty Extend 12" 5-section signal head mast arm hanger $185.00 2 $370.00 12" 3-section signal head mast arm hanger $105.00 14 $1,470.00 12" 1-section signal head mast arm hanger $100.00 2 $200.00 St C-, tv A-t_ "EAV 6"1 O v NT1 NC, H (Z_C�l LA)A VjL 2€QU(I:zE9 '�.�(z 2 - wNP JC (,G(NS (''r . Sub Total $2,040.00 Freight Estimate $85.00 Tax t 42-80 Total $ 125.00 Acceptance of this quote constitutes acceptance of the following Terms and Conditions: 1. Current shipping estimate is to weeks after receipt of purchase order, with complete information (includes drawing approval and release if required). Actual shipping estimate will be that in effect at time of order. 2. All quotations subject to acceptance by Atlantic Technical Sales, Inc. (ATS) at time of order placement. 3. Quotation based upon quantities and design information provided at time of quotation. The customer is solely responsible for determining final acceptability of materials for the intended use. 4. It is the customers responsibility to notify ATS of any applicable completion dates at time of order. 5. Terms are net 30 days. Payments not received within 30 calendar days shall be charged a 1.5% (18% APR) per month until full payment has been made. Terms do not change for any material placed in "Stored Materials". 6. Prices held firm only until "Quote Expires" date shown above. 7. Prices are subject to change if the order is not released for fabrication within 100 days of this quotation date. 8. Shipment of material may be put on hold until customer's total account with ATS is within our 30 kday terms. 9. Freight prepaid and allowed unless otherwise noted. Sincere , eo r J e!Ff= 5. T3U c t• AL_Z_LJ .," lowly �O.IGrNE�f? (ate ov � � {-{- t �—�.�-► � fE� �5 � �� SC Smith Carolina DF;pat'l1vient of Transportation MEMORANDUM TO: Wendell Mulligan, Resident Maintenance Engine r FROM: D. Mark Nesbit, District Traffic Engineer DATE: May 9, 2011 RE: Mast Arm Conversion Project— Town of Hilton Head Island US-278 (William Hilton Parkway) at S-7-334 (Dillon Road) US-278 (William Hilton Parkway) at Coggins Point Road (O.S.) We have reviewed the plans and the following comments are a result of the review: US-278 at Coggins Point Road • Show the NEMA Phasing on the plans. • Signal Display Sequence Chart - Phase 1 — Phase 5 do not clear to barrier Iit, :!IJ1trt „rily (3c:iiiCaf � � r:UYit'f Charleston Ci�sant; colleton Counly t)or;a,n:t:r ,Jaispra G-'H,r Y US-278 at Dillon Road • Signal Display Sequence Chart - Phases 1 .and 5, phases- 1 and 6,. and phases 2 and 5 do not clear to the barrier. With vehicle recall and double entry on phases 2 and 6 all of the above phase options will clean to phases 2 and 6 not the barrier. General Comments • Why use 6 x 40 feet stop bar loops? The Department standard is 6 x 30 feet loops. • Provide letter of compliance for each location. • Provide soil boring logs for each location. • Minimum clearance times should be 4" yellow and 2" red. • Provide detail on how signal head will attach to mast arras. If you have any comments or questions, please feel free to contact me at (843) 740-1667 ext, 1.18. cc: Darrin Shoemaker, Town of Hilton Head Island Terance Brooks, Resident Traffic` Engineer File::D6/Beaufort/DMN DI'A i A Six Frigmeerintl 6355 fain Boulevard Phone:: (6,13) 740-'1665 AN EQUAL OPPORTUN113'1 N.,dh iChar'loMon, 5C 29406-•1989 Fax: (8,13) 740.1663 AFFIRMATIVE ACTION 1_ OPL.OYE Si TOWN OF HILTON HEAD ISLAND One Town Center Court, Hilton Head Island, S.C. 29928 (843) 341-4600 Fax (843) 842-7728 www.hiltonheadislandsc.gov Drew A. Laughlin April 51h, 2011 Mayor Kenneth S. Heitzke Mayor ProTem Council Members Mr. Wendell Mulligan, Resident Maint. Engr Wm. Lee Edwards c/o S.C.D.O.T. Beaufort Maintenance Office Willie(Bill)Ferguson 13 Munch Drive William D. Harkins Kimberly W. Likins Beaufort, SC 29902 George W. Williams, Jr. Stephen G. Riley Town Manager Re: Encroachment Permit Application — US 278 Bus. (Wm. Hilton Pkwy.) with: 1. 5-7-334 (Dillon Road) 2. Coggins Point Road (O.S.) Dear Mr. Mulligan: Attached please find a complete encroachment permit application for the reconstruction of two traffic signals on decorative mast arm supports in conjunction with the Town's ongoing mast -arm retrofit program. This application details signal reconstructions at two signalized intersections that will bring the total number of mast - arm mounted signals within the Town to seventeen (17). Following this work, there will only be five (5) remaining existing permanent signals that remain mounted on span wire. The permit application includes a new signal plan for each installation, mast -arm record drawings and foundation designs for each location, a 2001 AASHTO mast -arm design form required by the Department, and mast -arm information forms required by the Department under the mast -arm standards policy. The record drawings and foundation designs are certified as being fully compliant with current Department signal specifications, and are duly stamped and sealed by a qualified professional engineer registered in the state of South Carolina. They were designed following the completion of soil test borings to a depth of 20' by the Town of Hilton Head Island at each of the seven foundation locations. Please review these signal plans and related permitting materials and provide comments as your work schedule permits. As is typical, I have forwarded three (3) additional complete encroachment permit packages to the District Engineering Administrator for review by the District Six headquarters office. We look forward to your response. Sincerely, Darrin A. Shoemaker, P.E. Traffic and Transportation Engineer Enclosures: Permit Application Signal Plans SCDOT Mast -Arm Info Forms AASHTO Mast -Arm Design Form Record Drawings Foundation Designs cc: Mr. Robert T. Clark Town Engineer DAS/das hncrrermit Page 1 of 3 S.C. Department of Transportation Form 637 (Rev 4/2008) RecId: Application for Encroachment Permit Applicant: Town of Hilton Head Island Street: 1 Town Center Court City: State: Hilton Head Island SC Zip 29928-2701 County: Beaufort Cnty/Route: Permit Nbr: Rond Nnunp- I. US 278 Bus. Wm. Hilton Pkwy, 2. Phone: ( 843) 341-4774 3. Fax: ( 843) 842-8587 4• Contact: Darrin A. Shoemaker, P.E. 5. 1. Type of Encroachment: Traffic Signal Reconstructions on Mast -Arm Supports (Two) 2. Description of Location: Intersections of US 278 Bus. (Wm. Hilton Pkwy.) with: 1. S-7-334 (Dillon Road) 2. Coggins Point Road (o.s.) "Cv (Attach sketch indicating roadway features such as: pavement width, shoulder width, sidewalk and curb and gutter location, significant drainage structure, north arrow, right c width, and location of the proposed encroachment with respect to the roadway centerline and the nearest intersecting road on the State system.) 3. The undersigned applicant hereby requests the SCDOT to permit encroachment on the SCDOT right of way as described herein. It is e: understood that the encroachment, if and when constructed, shall be installed in accordance with the sketch attached hereto and made a hereof. The applicant agrees to comply with and be bound by the SCDOT's "A Policy for Accommodating Utilities on Highways Right way", "Standard Specifications for Highway Construction", the "General Provisions" and "Special Provisions", attached here made a part hereof by reference, during the installation, operation and maintenance of said encroachment within the SCDOT's of Way. DISCHARGES OF STORM WATER AND NON -STORM WATER: Work within State Highway right-of-way shall be conduc compliance with all applicable requirements of the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit(s) issued Department of Transportation (Department), to govern the discharge of storm water and non -storm water from its properties. shall also be in compliance with all other applicable Federal, State and Local laws and regulations, and with the Department's Encroachment Permits Manual and encroachment permit. The encroachment permit will not be issued until the applicant has an NPDES construction permit from SC Department of Health and Environmental Control. The applicant agrees to comply with all current SCDOT Standards Specifications for Highway Construction including all Supplementa Technical Specifications. The applicant hereby further agrees, and binds his/her/its heirs, personal representatives, successors, assigns, assume any and all liability for accidents or injuries to persons, or damage to property, including the highway, that may be caused by tl construction, maintenance, use, moving or removing of the physical appurtenances contemplated herein, and the applicant agrees to in( and hold SCDOT harmless from and against any and all claims for personal injury and/or property damage which may be sustained by person by reason of the construction, maintenance or existence of said encroachment on the SCDOT's right of way. Applicant's Name: Da Date: April 5 th 2 f (PlMaspe) Applicant's Sig: Title: Traffic/Transp. Engr. In accordance with you equest and subjec to a t e pr isions, terms, conditions, and restrictions stated in the application and the ge. special provisions atta ed hereto, the SCD ereby a roves your application for an encroachment permit. This permit shall become and void unless the work contemplated herein shall have been completed prior to: se(:. fermi( NPDES Permit Nbr: (Date received by Res. Maint. Engr.) (SCDOT Approval) (Date) li:.,i3::J£rtt,.L'li?InCCs"lfin IIS�?:nCL`.r-7.7�i;Ur �..t,i;f M_ t.)t':'::.E r'3(I Cl"tlil!5iriliirt' .... ; i.i t6C:'!(,1 �1 v.1.';., {. � http://dbw.scdot.org/EncrPermitWebPrjV2/EnerPermit.aspx 04/05/2011 EncrPermit rage z of Application for Encroachment Permit I To General Provisions Permit Nbr: 1. DEFINITIONS: The word "Permittee" used herein shall mean the name of the person, firm, or corporation to whom this permit is addressed, his, her, its, heirs, personal representatives, successors and assigns. The word "DEPARTMENT" shall mean the South Carolina Deportment of Transportation. 2. NOTICE PRIOR TO STARTING WORK: Before starting the work contemplated herein widen the limits of the highway right of way, the Department's Resident Maintenance Engineer in the county in which the proposed work is located shall be notified 24 hours in advance so that he may be present while the work is under way. 3. PERMIT SUBJECT TO INSPECTION: This permit shall be kept at the site of the work at all times while said work is under way and must be shown to any representative of the Department or law enforcement officer on demand. 4. PROTECTION OF HIGHWAY TRAFFIC: The applicant shall be responsible for the protection of the highway traffic at all times during the construction, mainten removing or moving of the encroachment permitted herein. Detours, barricades, warning signs and flagmen, as necessary, shall be provided by and at the expense of the Pe and shall be in accordance with the "Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices" (MUTCD). The work shall be planned and carried out so that there will be the least poss inconvenience to the motoring public. The Permittee agrees to observe all riles and regulations of the Department while carrying on the work contemplated herein and take other precautions that circumstances warrant. 5. STANDARDS OF CONSTRUCTION: All work shall conform to the Department's standards of construction and shall be performed in a workman -like manner. T applicant shall make adequate provisions for maintaining the proper drainage of the highway as it may be affected by the encroachment permitted herein. All work shall be to the supervision and satisfaction of the Department. 6. FUTURE MOVING OF PHYSICAL APPURTENANCES: If, in the opinion of the State Highway Engineer, it should ever become necessary to move or remove physical appurtenances, or any part thereof contemplated herein, on account of change in location of the highway, widening of the highway, or for any other sufficient reasi moving shall be done on demand of the Department at the expense of the Permittee. 7, RESTORATION OF HIGHWAY FACILITIES UPON MOVING OR REMOVING OF PHYSICAL APPUTENANCES: If, and when, the physical appurtenances contemplated herein shall be moved or removed, either on the demand of the Department or at the option of the Pennittee, the highway and facilities shall immediately be restored to their original condition at the expense of the Permittee. 8. COSTS: All work in connection with the construction, maintenance, moving or removing of the physical appurtenances contemplated herein shall be done by and at expense of the permittee. 9. ADDITIONAL PERMISSIONS: (a) It is distinctly understood that this permit does not in any way grant or release any rights lawfully possessed by the abutting property owners. The Permittee steal any such rights, as necessary, from said abutting property owners. (b) The Permittee shall be responsible for obtaining all other approvals or permits necessary for installation of the encroachment from other government entities. (c) There shall be no excavation of soil nearer than two feet to any public utility line or appurtenant facility except with the consent of the owner thereof, or except i special permission of this Department after an opportunity to be heard is given the owner of such line or appurtenant facility. 10. ADDITIONAL WORK PERFORMANCE: (a) All crossings over the highway shall be constructed in accordance with "Specifications for Overhead Crossings of Light and Power Transmission Lines and Tel( Lines over each other and over Highway Rights of Way in South Carolina," as approved by the Public Service Commission of South Carolina and effective as o this pennit. (b) All tunneling, boring, orjacking shall be done in such a way as not to disturb the highway surfacing. (c) No pavement shall be cut unless specifically authorized herein. (d) No excavation shall be nearer than three feet to the edge of pavement unless specifically authorized herein. (e) Underground facilities will be located at minimum depths as defined in the "Utility Accommodations Manual" for the transmittant, generally as follows: 4 feet minimum for hazardous or dangerous transmittant, 3 feet minimum for other lines. The Department may approve shallower depths if adequate protection is prop Such approval must be obtained in writing. (f) Service and other small diameter pipes shall be jacked, driven, or otherwise forced underneath the pavements on any surfaced road without disturbing the paves The section under the highway pavement and within a distance of three (3) feet on either side shall be continuous without joints. 11. ACCESS: (a) Permittee is responsible for maintaining reasonable access to private driveways during construction. (b) It is expressly provided that, with respect to any limited access highway, the Permittee shall not have or gain access from the train traveled way of the highway, on or off ramps to such facility, except upon approval by the Department. 12. DRIVEWAYS: (a) The existing crown of the highway shall be continued to the outside shoulder line of the highway. (b) If the driveway or approach is concrete pavement, the pavement shall be constructed at least 6 inches thick and with a minimum of class 2500 concrete. There sl bituminous expansion joint, not less than 3/4 inches in thickness, placed between the highway paving and the paving of the approach for the full width of the apl 13. BEAUTIFICATION: (a) All trees, plants, flowers, etc. shall be placed in accordance with the provisions specifically stipulated herein. (b) All trees, plants, flowers, etc. shall be maintained by, and at the expense of, the Permittee and the provisions of this permit shall become null and void, if and wh Permittee ceases to maintain said trees, plants, flowers, etc. 14. AS -BUILT PLANS: (a) The applicant shall provide the Department with survey -quality as -built plans in accordance with the requirements set forth in the Department's "A Policy for Accommodating Utilities on Highway Rights of Way". i3acl: 1( http://dbw.scdot.org/EncrPermitWebPrjV2/EncrPermit.aspx 04/05/2011 SCDOT Mast Arm Standards (page 3 of 3) Mast arm Information Form Documentation for each mast arm must be provided to SCDOT. A copy of this information should also be retained by the local government. All mast aims should meet the SCDOT specification m effect at the time of installation. County: Beaufort City/Town: Hilton Head Island Intersection: US 278 Bus. @ S-7-334 NF. 011nd SE Ouad NW Quad SW Quad Mast form imornauul, Arm Length Pole Height 5 0' 6 5' 6 5' 45' 21' 21' 21 21' Pole Manufacturer Pole Color (Number) Install date Installed by (Signal Contractor) PE of Record Maintained by Replacement poles purchased (yes/no) If yes, located where? If no, ordering information and delivery time frame. Specs attached (yes/no) The mast arms installed meet the current SCDOT specification in place during the pole installation. (Yes/No) Contact Person for Mast Arm Maintenance / Replacement Title: Affiliation Address City / State / Zip Phone Cell Fax Valmont Inc. Valley, NE F283EC 6/2011 (est.) unk SCDOT-approved/licensed _ Darrin A. Shoemaker (SC#15568) Town of Hilton Head Island Atlantic Technical Sales Inc. Chantilly, VA (703)631-6661 (town does not plan to purchase) yes D.A.Shoemaker (843)384-5021 Traffic/ Transp __Engr. Town of Hilton Head Island 1 Town C-tr. Ct. HH1 , SC 29928-2701 (843)341-4774 (843)384-5021 (843)842-8587 SCDOT Mast Arm Standards (page 3 of 3) Mast Arm Information Form Documentation for each mast arm must be provided to SCDOT. A copy of this information should also be retained by the local government. All mast aims should meet the SCDOT specification in effect at the time of installation. County: Beaufort City/Town: Hilton Head Island Intersection: US 278 Bus. @ Coggins Pt. Rd. ._r_� NE Quad SE Quad NW Quad SW Quad MaSL 'i 111 ll11V1111a Llu11 - Arm Length 45' 55' -- 60' Pole Height 21' 21' 2V 21' Pole Manufacturer Pole Color (Number) Install date Installed by (Signal Contractor) PE of Record Maintained by Replacement poles purchased (yes/no) If yes, located where? If no, ordering information and delivery time frame. Specs attached (yes/no) The mast arms installed meet the current SCDOT specification in place during the pole installation. (Yes/No) Contact Person for Mast Arm Maintenance / Replacement Title: Affiliation Address City / State / Zip Phone Cell Fax Valmont Inc. Valley NE F283EC 6/2011 (est.) unk. SCDOT-approved/licensed _ Darrin A. Shoemaker (SC#15568) Town of Hilton Head Island no Atlantic Technical Sales, Inc. Chantilly, VA (703)631-6661 (town does not plan to purchase) yes D. A. Shoemaker (843)384-5021 Traffic/Transp. Engr. Town of Hilton Head Island 1 Town Ctr. Ct. HH I , SC 29928-2701 (843)341-4774 (843)384-5021 (843)842-8587 2001 AASHTO Design Specification Form Name: Darrin A. Shoemaker, P.E. Title: Traffic & Transp. Engr. Organization: Town of Hilton Head Island Phone #: (843) 341-4774 Project Site Location: US 278 Bus. @ 1. S-7-334 2. Coggins Point Rd. (O.S.) 1. Basic Wind Speed - AASHTO Section 3.8.2 and Figure 3-2 130 mph (See Attached Map) 2. Design Life or Recurrence Interval - AASHTO Section 3.8.3 and Table 3-3 recommends the following design life intervals for various structure types and locations, unless otherwise specified by the owner. (check one only) 10 years for roadside sign structures. X 25 years for luminaire support structures less the 49.2' in height and signal structures where locations and safety considerations permit, and when approved by the owner. (* SCDOT minimum standard*) 50 years for luminaire support structures exceeding 49.2' in height and overhead sign structures. 100 years for critical locations. 3. Fatigue Category - AASHTO Section 11.6 and Table 11-1 (check one only) Category I For critical cantilevered support structures installed on major highways, which present a high hazard in the event of failure. X Category II For all cantilevered support structures installed on major highways and all cantilevered support structures installed on secondary highways. (* SCDOT minimum standard*) Category III For cantilevered support structures installed at all other locations. 4. Galloping loads - AASHTO Section 11.7.1 (check one only) Design cantilevered support structures to resist periodic galloping forces. Do not design cantilevered support structures to resist periodic galloping forces. An owner approved mitigation device will be attached to each structure. Mitigation device shall be the sole responsibility of the owner. X Do not design cantilevered support structures to resist periodic galloping forces. The owner will install an approved mitigation device only if a structure displays a galloping problem. The mitigation device must be installed as quickly as possible after the galloping problem appears. (* SCDOT minimum standard*) 5. Truck loads - AASHTO Section 11.7.4 (check one only) X Include truck -induced gust loads. The specified average truck speed is 45 mph. _ AASHTO equations are based on a truck speed of 65 mph, but also allow for a design pressure reduction for lower speeds. (* SCDOT minimum standard*) Do not include truck -induced gust loads as allowed by the owner. REMOVABLE END CAP DETAIL 7� DETAIL 2-\ ,- DETAIL 1 SEE POLE AND SIGNAL ARM DATA MAST ARM 180" 0 0 ALL ANGLES MEASURED CLOCKWISE FROM HAND - HOLE AS VIEWED FROM DETAIL 3 0 SMALL END OF POLE 45' 18. F-ANCHOR BOLT HANDHOLE HOLE ID TAG DETAIL 6 . 0 16 SHARP FLUTE SECTION A -A SEE POLE AND SIGNAL ARM DATA - DETAIL 4 & 5 MATERIAL DATA COMPONENT DESIGNATION MIN YIELD (KSI) COMPONENT DESIGNATIO MIN YIELD (KSI) POLE SHAFT- 3,75,11 GA. A595 GR.A 55 ARM CONN. BOLTS A225 POLE SHAFT- ALL OTHERS A572 GR,55 55 GALVANIZING- POLE A123 POLE BASE A36 36 GALVANIZING- HARDWARE A153 ARM SHAFT- 3,5,7 GA. A595 GR,A 55 ANCHOR BOLTS IF1554 GR.S 55 ARM SHAFT- ALL OTHERS. IA572 GR.65 65 FINISH NOTE: GALVANIZED & POWDER COATED BROWN VALMONT SPEC F283EC ARM CONNECTION IA36 36 0,50' T4.4'C' HDDK FOR WIRING ANDHANDLING-0.50' DIA, COMMERCIAL GRADE HOT ROLLED BAR 00" MIN DETAIL 11 POLE TOP POLE TUBE WALL T-.06 (T-.06) T+.06 as (T = SHAFT WALL THICKNESS) 0.50" COVER MOUNTING CLIP SECTION A -A NO.12 STAINLESS STEEL SINGLE JACK CHAIN SECURED WITH 0.19" X 0.50" POP RIVETS ___-I 5.63" 1- A 11.00" 0.50" TAPPED HOLE IN RIM FOR GROUNDING 12 GA. H.R.M.S. COVER SECURED WTH 0.25" X 0.50" STAINLESS STEEL CAP SCREWS DETAIL 3 HANDHOLE/CA049 A. B. PROJ IS 8" (POLE TO BE MOUNTED ON ADAPTER PLATE) ANCHOR BOLTS EACH WITH (2) HEX NUTS AND (2) WASHERS PER BOLT WITH THREADED END GALVANIZED AT LEAST 12". DETAIL 6 ANCHOR BOLT SHAFT DATA BASE PLATE TRAFFIC ARM DATA ANCHOR BOLT SHAFT BASE TOP WALL DIA. BOLT THK. HOLE FIXED FREE GAUGE SEC. RADIAL ATTACH DIA. LGTH. & 'THREAD ID QTY DIA. DIA. LGTH . THICK "S. CIRCLE "M„ „Z„ END END OR THK LGTH. SPAN ORIENT ELEV "K" HOOK LENGTH (IN) (IN) (FT) (IN) (IN) „ (IN) (IN) DIA. DIA. (IN) (FT) (FT) (DEG) (FT) (IN) (ICJ) (IN) ) (IN) (IN) (IN) (I 9004-1-1 2 15.00 12.06 21.0 0.188 22.0 21.0 1.50 2.00 13.00 6.70 0.179 45.00 45.0 180 '20.0 1.75 B4 X 6 9.0 45' ARM 9004-1-2 1 15.00 12.06 21.0 0.219 22.0 21.0 1.50 2.00 13.00 6.00 0.179 50.00 ,50.0 180 20.0 1..75 64 X 6 9.0 50' ARM 9004-1-3 1 16.00 13.06 21.0 0.219 22.0 21.0 1.50 2,00 13.74 11.29 0.188 17.57 55.0 .180 20.0 1.75 84 X 6 9.0 12.00 6.40 0.179 40.00 55' ARM 9004-1-4 1 17.Od 14.06 21.0 0.219 23.0 22.0 1.50 2.00 14.04 12.27 0.219 12.70 60:0 180 20.0 1.75 84 X 6 9.0 13.00 6.00 0.179 50.00 60'.ARM 9004-i-5 00 14.74 12.27 0.219 17.70 22.25 17.00 14.06 21.0 0.250 23.0.50 F220 1 65.0 180 20.0 2.00 84 X 13.00 6.00 1 0.179 1 50.00 65'ARM SIZE "F•' HEX TYP I 31 I NUMBER OF E' HEAD BOLTS WITH (1) FLANGE BOLTS ' PER TABLE 0.31" THICK WASHER PER BOLT B -=- 1 50" B BELOW '� TOP & 8TM O GUSSETS TYP - A TYP' 0.31" THICK I (T +.25) X T NP 31 SIDE GUSSETS Li RISE TUBE �• T=TUBE WALL THICKNESS IN ARM THK. 25 TOP VIEW ; •,C., „E, ---------� SECTION B-B ,IFTWINARMS TYP SIZE "F" HEX .31 I HLAU tiULIJ WITH 1,1) WASHER PER BOLT B =- 1.50 B POLE BASE NUM OF "A" "B" "C" "D" "E" "F" _ I DIA. BOLTS 13.00 4 18.25 18.25 14.50 14.50 1.75 1.50" X 4.00" TYP 19 I 15.00 8 20.25 20.25 1 16.50 16.50 1 1.75 1.50" X 4.00" (T +.25) X 7 30• TYP .31 ' 0.31" THICK T=TUBE WALL THICKNESS SIDE GUSSETS TOP VIEW IF SINGLE ARM DETAIL 2 SIGNAL ARM ATTACHMENT 16 SHARP FLUTED POLE SHAFT i0R BOLT. AND NUT ATTACHMENT SCREW �- DECORATIVE NUT COVER CASTING PnI r aAcr PI ATr I DETAIL 5 1 DECOR.TIVE NUT COVER_ DETAIL SEAL. WELD (T +.44) X T T=TUBE WALL THICKNESS 0.25" THICK BACK-UP RING Y" . \,` `^`tliytiyl)1Ir17.`/� POLE BASE INSIDE DIA. -1.00" D ' I.4 All ! -%� POLE BASE I '493 C. END SECTION WITH BASE SECTION WITH FIELD HOLE FOR 0.63- BOLT, DRILLED HOLE FOR 0,63' BOLT, FIELD ASSEMBLED TO ACHIEVE a{ 0.63' HEADED A SNUG TIGHT JOINT (MINIMUM THRU-BOLT WITH NUT OVERLAP NOT LESS THAN 1.5 TIMES THE I.D. OF END SECTION) I DETAIL 7 1 SIGNAL ARM SLIP J❑INT 2,00' DIA, HOLES FOR -7- ` BOLT BOLT CIRCLE TO MATCH POLE (4) 2.375' DIA, HOLES MATCH ON 18,0' BOLT CIRCLE POLE BASE 3.0, Zak CEN PLATE Has 1.00" APROX. � CLIPPED CORNERS (TYP.) PLATE THICKNESS = 2" i B.O.M. PER PLATE I .(4) 2"x10•• GALV. HEX HEAD CAP SCREWS (12) 2.0" HEX NUTS (8) 2.0" FLAT WASHERS ITEMS TO BE PROVIDED IN A BURLAP BAG AND PLACED INSIDE POLE DETAIL 8 SQUARE ADAPTER PLATE TOWN [IF HILTON HEAD ISLAND WILLIAM HILTON PARKWAY ATLANTIC TECHNICAL _ SALES I valm(MtT, Valley,NE 68064 POLES (4112) 359-2201 02/14/11 REY. 9004-1 SEE APPROVED POLE DRAWING FOR ANCHOR BOL' DATA INCLUDING NUMBER OF BOLTS, BOLT CIRCLE, BOLT DIAMETER AND LAYOUT PATTERN MAX HGHT = 1 BOLT DIA. + 1.0' (NO GROUT ALLOWE] w J l7 W z Q JU W Q y y WQ Li a 0 w w ow z o x� � o w w w w ITICAL STEEL SEE TABLE HOOPS SEE TABLE SECTION A -A FLAT WASHERS REQUIRED ABOVE AND BELOW BASEPLATE. SPLIT WASHERS NOT ALLOWED 3.0'TYP. ' i I I I I OSCAGEE. THE AT TOPOF REST EVENLY SPACED I I I A I A I I I -I_ CLOSED HOOPS (WELDED) NOTES: - FOUNDATION TO BE CAST AGAINST UNDISTURBED SOIL - ACTUAL REQUIRED CONCRETE VOLUME SHOULD BE DETERMINED AFTER PLACEMENT. THEORETICAL VOLUME IS ONLY APPROXIMATE AND SHOULD BE CONSIDERED AS A MINIMUM. FACTORS THAT WILL AFFECT FINAL CONCRETE VOLUME WILL INCLUDE: ACTUAL SOIL CONDITIONS (i.e. DISLODGED ROCK POCKETS, SIDE WALL SLOGHING, REMOVED SOFT ZONES, ETC.),. CONSTRUCTION TOLERANCES AND HOLE ENLARGEMENT FROM AUGER MOVEMENT. - CONCRETE SHALL BE f c=5000 PSI (MIN), AIR ENTRAINED - GRADE IS ASSUMED TO BE SH : IV OR FLATTER UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED - ALL REINFORCING TO BE ASTM A706 GRADE 60 DEFORMED BARS MAINTAIN AT LEAST 6.0" COVER ON ALL REINFORCEMENT - ANY NECESSARY CONDUIT LAYOUT IS NOT SHOWN - ANY REQUIRED GROUNDING ROD/PROVISIONS NOT SHOWN - DESIGNS UTILIZE GEOTECHNICINL DATA PROVIDED - SEE INDIVUDUAL BORING LOGS FOR SPECIFIC POLE DATA - PLEASE REFER TO SCDOT STANDARD CONSTRUCTION DETAILS FOR ADDITIONAL INFO. - PLEASE REFER TO APPROVED POLE DRAWING; FOR ANCHOR BOLT DATA INCLUDING BOLT CIRCLE, BOLT DIAMETER, NUMBER OF BOLTS, AND BOLT LAYOUT PATTERN - NO WELDING TO ANCHOR BOLTS IS PERMITTED. POLE ID LOCATION BORING PIER DIA (FT) DEPTH BELOW GRADE (FT), � REINFORCING GRADE VERTICAL TRANSVERSE / HOOPS Qty/ Size OUT -TO -OUT DIA. (1N) Max Qty/ Size / Spacing P g MP#1 Coggins Pt. (S) B-1 4.0 13.0 13 - #8 36.0 20. -44 @ 9.0 8 H : IV MP#2 Coggins Pt. (N) B-2 4.0 12.0 12 -#8 . 36.0 .14 - #4 @ 1.2.0 8 H: IV MP#3 Coggins Pt. (W) B-3 4.0 12.5 13 .- #8 36.0 19. - #4 @ 9.0 8 H: IV MP#4 Dillon Rd. (NE) B-4 4.0 10.5 12 "#8 36.0 .13 -#4 @ 12.0 8 H : 1V .MP#5 Dillon Rd. (NW) B-5 4.0 12.0 12 - #8 36.0 26 - #4 @ 6.0 8 H : IV MP#6 Dillon Rd. (SW) B-6 4.0 10.5 12 - #8 36.0 13 --#4 @ 12.0 8 H : 1 V MP#7 Dillon Rd. (SE) B-7 4.0 11.5 12 -#8 36.0 25 - #4 @. 6.0 8 H :.1 V ,l11et^7^t�ljlJ�h .� do .493 fi���f� 1rlr ra+ xx'h �s- I-Vj VAIC I KLV1NiUN ATLANTIC TECHNICAL SALES CUSTOMER, HILTON HEAD ISLAND FOUNDATION DETAILS TOWN OF HILTON HEAD ISLAND WILLIAM HILTON PARKWAY & 02/17/11 REV COGGINS POINT/DILLON ROAD 9 0 0 4 -1 TOWN OF HILTON HEAD ISLAND One Town Center Court, Hilton Head Island, S.C. 29928 (843) 341-4600 Fax (843) 842-7728 www.hiltonheadislandsc.gov Drew A. Laughlin April 5th, 2011 Mayor Kenneth S. Heitzke Mayor ProTem Council Members Mr. Wendell Mulligan, Resident Maint. Engr. Wm. Lee Edwards c/o S.C.D.O.T. Beaufort Maintenance Office Willie(Bill)Ferguson 13 Munch Drive William D. Harkins Kimberly W. Likins Beaufort, SC 29902 George W. Williams, Jr. Stephen G. Riley Re: Encroachment Permit Application — US 278 Bus. (Wm. Hilton Pkwy.) with: Town Manager 1. S-7-334 (Dillon Road) 2. Coggins Point Road (O.S.) Dear Mr. Mulligan: Attached please find a complete encroachment permit application for the reconstruction of two traffic signals on decorative mast arm supports in conjunction with the Town's ongoing mast -arm retrofit program. This application details signal reconstructions at two signalized intersections that will bring the total number of mast - arm mounted signals within the Town to seventeen (17). Following this work, there will only be five (5) remaining existing permanent signals that remain mounted on span wire. The permit application includes a new signal plan for each installation, mast -arm record drawings and foundation designs for each location, a 2001 AASHTO mast -arm design form required by the Department, and mast -arm information forms required by the Department under the mast -arm standards policy. The record drawings and foundation designs are certified as being fully compliant with current Department signal specifications, and are duly stamped and sealed by a qualified professional engineer registered in the state of South Carolina. They were designed following the completion of soil test borings to a depth of 20' by the Town of Hilton Head Island at each of the seven foundation locations. Please review these signal plans and related permitting materials and provide comments as your work schedule permits. As is typical, I have forwarded three (3) additional complete encroachment permit packages to the District Engineering Administrator for review by the District Six headquarters office. We look forward to your response. Sincerely, ------------ Darrin A. Shoemaker, P1 Traffic and Transportation Engineer Enclosures: Permit Application Signal Plans SCDOT Mast -Arm Info Forms AASHTO Mast -Arm Design Form Record Drawings Foundation Designs cc: Mr. Robert T. Clark Town Engineer DAS/d a s EncrPermit Page 1 of') S.C. Department of Transportation Form 637 (Rev 412008) RecId: Applicant: Street: City: State: Application for Encroachment Permit Town of Hilton Head Island 1 Town Center Court Hilton Head Island SC Zip 29928-2701 C_o Permit Nbr: County: Beaufort Cnty/Route: Road Name: I. US 278 Bus. Wm. Hilton Pkwy. 2. Phone: ( 843) 341-4774 3. Fax: ( 843) 842-8587 4. Contact: Darrin A. Shoemaker, P.E. 5. 1. Type of Encroachment: Traffic Siclnal Reconstructions on Mast -Arm Supports (Two 2. Description of Location: Intersections of US 278 Bus. (Wm. Hilton Pkwy.) with: 1. S-7-334 (Dillon Road) 2. Coaains Point Road (o.s. ) (Attach sketch indicating roadway features such as: pavement width, shoulder width, sidewalk and curb and gutter location, significant drainage structure, north arrow, right c width, and location of the proposed encroachment with respect to the roadway centerline and the nearest intersecting road on the State system.) 3. The undersigned applicant hereby requests the SCDOT to permit encroachment on the SCDOT right of way as described herein. It is e: understood that the encroachment, if and when constructed, shall be installed in accordance with the sketch attached hereto and made a hereof. The applicant agrees to comply with and be bound by the SCDOT's "A Policy for Accommodating Utilities on Highways Right way", "Standard Specifications for Highway Construction", the "General Provisions" and "Special Provisions", attached here made a part hereof by reference, during the installation, operation and maintenance of said encroachment within the SCDOT's of Way. DISCHARGES OF STORM WATER AND NON -STORM WATER: Work within State Highway right-of-way shall be conduc compliance with all applicable requirements of the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit(s) issued Department of Transportation (Department), to govern the discharge of storm water and non -storm water from its properties. shall also be in compliance with all other applicable Federal, State and Local laws and regulations, and with the Department's Encroachment Permits Manual and encroachment permit. The encroachment permit will not be issued until the applicant has an NPDES construction permit from SC Department of Health and Environmental Control. The applicant agrees to comply with all current SCDOT Standards Specifications for Highway Construction including all Supplementa Technical Specifications. The applicant hereby further agrees, and binds his/her/its heirs, personal representatives, successors, assigns, assume any and all liability for accidents or injuries to persons, or damage to property, including the highway, that may be caused by tl construction, maintenance, use, moving or removing of the physical appurtenances contemplated herein, and the applicant agrees to inc and hold SCDOT harmless from and against any and all claims for personal injury and/or property damage which may be sustained by person by reason of the construction, maintenance or existence of said encroachment on the SCDOT's right of way. Applicant's Name: Da Date: April 5 th 2 f (Pleas pe) Applicant's Sig: Title: Traffic/Transp, Engr. In accordance with you equest and subjec to a t e pr isions, terms, conditions, and restrictions stated in the application and the ge special provisions atta ed hereto, the SC er by a roves your application for an encroachment permit. This permit shall becom, and void unless the work contemplated herein shall have been completed prior to: t'.s E tsiu., ndt o J'crm;t Require ner l NPDES Permit Nbr: (I)Me received by Res. Maint. Engr.) (SCDOT Approval) (Date) ....: [i.CSidcnt MWI)ECiiancc IJInZlz'Icer http://dbw.scdot.org/EncrPermitWebPrjV2/EncrPermit.aspx 04/05/2011 EncrPermit Page 2 of 3 Application for Encroachment Permit E General Provisions Permit Nbr: 1. DEFINITIONS: The word "Pennittee" used herein shall mean the name of the person, firm, or corporation to whom this permit is addressed, his, her, its, heirs, personal representatives, successors and assigns. The word "DEPARTMENT" shall mean the South Carolina Department of Transportation. 2. NOTICE PRIOR TO STARTING WORK: Before starting the work contemplated herein within the limits of the highway right of way, the Department's Resident Maintenance Engineer in the county in which the proposed work is located shall be notified 24 hours in advance so that he may be present while the work is under way. 3. PERMIT SUBJECT TO INSPECTION: This permit shall be kept at the site of the work at all times while said work is under way and must be shown to any representative of the Department or law enforcement officer on demand. 4. PROTECTION OF HIGHWAY TRAFFIC: The applicant shall be responsible for the protection of the highway traffic at all times during the construction, mainten removing or moving of the encroachment permitted herein. Detours, barricades, warning signs and flagmen, as necessary, shall be provided by and at the expense of the Pe and shall be in accordance with the "Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices" (MUTCD). The work shall be planned and carried out so that there will be the least poss inconvenience to the motoring public. The Pennittee agrees to observe all rules and regulations of the Department while carrying on the work contemplated herein and take other precautions that circumstances warrant. 5. STANDARDS OF CONSTRUCTION: All work shall conform to the Department's standards of construction and shall be performed in a workmanlike manner. T applicant shall make adequate provisions for maintaining the proper drainage of the highway as it may be affected by the encroachment permitted herein. All work shall be to the supervision and satisfaction of the Department. 6. FUTURE MOVING OF PHYSICAL APPURTENANCES: If, in the opinion of the State Highway Engineer, it should ever become necessary to move or remove physical appurtenances, or any part thereof contemplated herein, on account of change in location of the highway, widening of the highway, or for any other sufficient real, moving shall be done on demand of the Department at the expense of the Permittee. 7. RESTORATION OF HIGHWAY FACILITIES UPON MOVING OR REMOVING OF PHYSICAL APPUTENANCES: If, and when, the physical appurtenances contemplated herein shall be moved or removed, either on the demand of the Department or at the option of the Pennittee, the highway and facilities shall immediately be restored to their original condition at the expense of the Permittee. 8. COSTS: All work in connection with the construction, maintenance, moving or removing of the physical appurtenances contemplated herein shall be done by and at expense of the permittee. 9. ADDITIONAL PERMISSIONS: (a) It is distinctly understood that this permit does not in any way grant or release any rights lawfully possessed by the abutting property owners. The Permittee steal any such rights, as necessary, from said abutting property owners. (b) The Permittee shall be responsible for obtaining all other approvals or permits necessary for installation of the encroaclunent from other government entities. (c) There shall be no excavation of soil nearer than two feet to any public utility line or appurtenant facility except with the consent of the owner thereof, or except i special permission of this Department after an opportunity to be heard is given the owner of such line or appurtenant facility. 10. ADDITIONAL WORK PERFORMANCE: (a) All crossings over the highway shall be constructed in accordance with "Specifications for Overhead Crossings of Light and Power Transmission Lines and Tel( Lines over each other and over Highway Rights of Way in South Carolina," as approved by the Public Service Commission of South Carolina and effective as o this permit. (b) All tunneling, boring, or jacking shall be done in such a way as not to disturb the highway surfacing. (c) No pavement shall be cut unless specifically authorized herein. (d) No excavation shall be nearer than three feet to the edge of pavement unless specifically authorized herein. (e) Underground facilities will be located at minimum depths as defined in the "Utility Accommodations Manual" for the transmittant, generally as follows: 4 feet minimum for hazardous or dangerous transmittant, 3 feet minimum for other lines. The Department may approve shallower depths if adequate protection is prop Such approval must be obtained in writing. (f) Service and other small diameter pipes shall be jacked, driven, or otherwise forced underneath the pavements on any surfaced road without disturbing the paver The section under the highway pavement and within a distance of three (3) feet on either side shall be continuous without joints. ACCESS: (a) Pennittee is responsible for maintaining reasonable access to private driveways during construction. (b) It is expressly provided that, with respect to any limited access highway, the Permittee shall not have or gain access from the main traveled way of the highway, on or off ramps to such facility, except upon approval by the Department. 12. DRIVEWAYS: (a) The existing crown of the highway shall be continued to the outside shoulder line of the highway. (b) If the driveway or approach is concrete pavement, the pavement shall be constructed at least 6 inches thick and with a minimum of class 2500 concrete. There sl bituminous expansion joint, not less than 3/4 inches in thickness, placed between the highway paving and the paving of the approach for the full width of the apl 13, BEAUTIFICATION: (a) All trees, plants, flowers, etc. shall be placed in accordance with the provisions specifically stipulated herein. (b) All trees, plants, flowers, etc, shall be maintained by, and at the expense of, the Permittee and the provisions of this permit shall become null and void, if and wh Permittee ceases to maintain said trees, plants, flowers, etc. 14. AS -BUILT PLANS: (a) The applicant shall provide the Department with survey -quality as -built plans in accordance with the requirements set forth in the Department's "A Policy for Accommodating Utilities on Highway Rights of Way". 1-ittp:Hdbw.scdot.org/EncrPermitWebPrjV2/EnerPermit.aspx 04/05/2011 SCDOT Mast Arm Standards (page 3 of 3) Mast Arm Information Form Documentation for each mast arm must be provided to SCDOT. A copy of this information should also be retained by the local government. All mast arms should meet the SCDOT specification in effect at the time of installation. County: Beaufort City/Town: Hilton Head Island Intersection: US 278 Bus. @ S-7-334 NF (1„ari SE Ouad NW Quad SW Quad masi J\rm 11110MIatluti Arm Length Pole Height - 50' 65' 65' 21 21' +_45'� 21' 21' Pole Manufacturer Pole Color (Number) Install date Installed by (Signal Contractor) PE of Record Maintained by Replacement poles purchased (yes/no) If yes, located where? If no, ordering information and delivery time frame. Specs attached (yes/no) The mast arms installed meet the current SCDOT specification in place during the pole installation. (Yes/No) Contact Person for Mast Arm Maintenance / Replacement Title: Affiliation Address City / State / Zip Phone Cell Fax Valmont Inc. Valley, NE F283EC 6/2011 (est.) unk SCDOT-approved/licensed Darrin A. Shoemaker (SC#15568) Town of Hilton Head Island Atlantic Technical Sales, Inc. Chantilly, VA (703)631-6661 (town does not plan to purchase) yes D.A.Shoemaker (843)384-5021 Traffic/Transp—Engr. Town of Hilton Head Island 1 Town Ctr. Ct. HH1 , SC 29928-2701 (843)341-4774 (843)384-5021 (843)842-8587 SCDOT Mast Arm Standards (page 3 of 3) Mast Arm Information Form Documentation for each mast arm must be provided to SCDOT. A copy of this infomation should also be retained by the local government. All mast arms should meet the SCDOT specification in effect at the time of installation. County: Beaufort City/Town: Hilton Head Island Intersection: US 278 Bus. @ Coggins Pt. Rd. NF nnad SE Ouad NW Quad SW Quad Mast Arm tntoirnauon Arm Length 45' S5' -- _ 60' 21' 21' 21' 21' Pole Height Pole Manufacturer Pole Color (Number) Install date Installed by (Signal Contractor) PE of Record Maintained by Replacement poles purchased (yes/no) If yes, located where? If no, ordering information and delivery time frame. Specs attached (yes/no) The mast arms installed meet the current SCDOT specification in place during the pole installation. (Yes/No) Contact Person for Mast Arm Maintenance / Replacement Title: Affiliation Address City / State / Zip Phone Cell Fax Valmont, Inc Valley NE F283EC 6/2011 (est.) unk SCDOT-approved/l,i tensed __ Darrin A. Shoemaker (SC#15568) Town of Hilton Head Island no Atlantic Technical Sales, Inc. Chantilly, VA (703)631-6661 (town does not plan to purchase) yes D. A. Shoemaker (843)384-5021 Traffic/Transp. Engr. Town of Hilton Head Island 1 Town Ctr. Ct. HHI, SC 29928-2701 (843)341-4774 (843)384-5021 (843)842-8587 2001 AASHTO Design Specification Form Name: Darrin A. Shoemaker, P.E. Title: Traffic & Transp. Engr. Organization: Town of Hilton Head Island Phone#: (843)341-4774 Project Site Location US 278 Bus. @ 1. S-7-334 2. Coggins Point Rd. (O.S.) 1. Basic Wind Speed - AASHTO Section 3.8.2 and Figure 3-2 130 mph (See Attached Map) 2. Design Life or Recurrence Interval - AASHTO Section 3.8.3 and Table 3-3 recommends the following design life intervals for various structure types and locations, unless otherwise specified by the owner. (check one only) 10 years for roadside sign structures. X 25 years for luminaire support structures less the 49.2' in height and signal structures where locations and safety considerations permit, and when approved by the owner. (* SCDOT minimum standard*) 50 years for luminaire support structures exceeding 49.2' in height and overhead sign structures. 100 years for critical locations. 3. Fatigue Category - AASHTO Section 11.6 and Table 11-1 (check one only) Category I For critical cantilevered support structures installed on major highways, which present a high hazard in the event of failure. X Category II For all cantilevered support structures installed on major highways and all cantilevered support structures installed on secondary highways. (* SCDOT minimum standard*) Category III For cantilevered support structures installed at all other locations. 4. Galloping loads - AASHTO Section 11.7.1 (check one only) Design cantilevered support structures to resist periodic galloping forces. Do not design cantilevered support structures to resist periodic galloping forces. An owner approved mitigation device will be attached to each structure. Mitigation device shall be the sole responsibility of the owner. X Do not design cantilevered support structures to resist periodic galloping forces. The owner will install an approved mitigation device only if a structure displays a galloping problem. The mitigation device must be installed as quickly as possible after the galloping problem appears. (* SCDOT minimum standard*) 5. Truck loads - AASHTO Section 11.7.4 (check one only) X Include truck -induced gust loads. The specified average truck speed is 45 mph. AASHTO equations are based on a truck speed of 65 mph, but also allow for a design pressure reduction for lower speeds. (* SCDOT minimum standard*) Do not include truck -induced gust loads as allowed by the owner. REMOVABLE END CAP DETAIL 7----� DETAIL 2-1 r- DETAIL 1 SEE POLE AND SIGNAL ARM DATA MAST ARM 180" O O ALL ANGLES MEASURED CLOCKWISE FROM HAND - HOLE AS VIEWED FROM DETAIL 3 0 SMALL END OF POLE 18. F-ANCHOR BOLT 5" HANDHOLE HOLE ID TAG DETAIL 6 . 0 16 SHARP FLUTE SECTION A -A SEE POLE AND SIGNAL ARM DATA DETAIL 4 & 5 MATERIAL DATA COMPONENT DESIGNATION MIN K YIELD COMPONENT DESIGNATION MIN CKSID POLE SHAFT- 3,75,11 GA. A595 GR.A 55 ARM CONN. BOLTS A325 POLE SHAFT- ALL OTHERS A572 GR.55 55 GALVANIZING- POLE A123 POLE BASE A36 36 GALVANIZING- HARDWARE A153 ARM SHAFT- 3,5,7 GA, IA595 GR.A 55 ANCHOR BOLTS F1554 GR.S 55 ARM SHAFT- ALL OTHERS, IA572 GR.65 65 FINISH NOTE: GALVANIZED & POWDER COATED BROWN VALMONT SPEC F283EC ARM CONNECTION IA36 36 0,50' T4.4'C' HDDK FOR WIRING ANDHANDLING-0,50' DIA. COMMERCIAL GRADE HOT ROLLED BAR 00' MIN DETAIL 11 POLE TOP POLE TUBE WALL T-.06 (T-.06) T+.06 as (T = SHAFT WALL THICKNESS) 0.50" COVER MOUNTING CLIP SECTION A -A NO.12 STAINLESS STEEL SINGLE JACK CHAIN SECURED WITH 0.19" X 0.50" POP RIVETS --I 5.63" I- --- A 11.00" 0.50" TAPPED HOLE IN RIM FOR GROUNDING 12 GA. H.R.M.S. COVER SECURED WITH 0.25" X 0.50" STAINLESS STEEL CAP SCREWS DETAIL 3 HANDHOLE/CA049 A. B, PR❑J IS 8' (POLE TO BE 'N' MOUNTED ON ADAPTER PLATE) ANCHOR BOLTS EACH WITH (2) HEX NUTS AND (2) WASHERS PER BOLT WITH THREADED END GALVANIZED AT LEAST 12". DETAIL 6 ANCHOR BOLT SHAFT DATA BASE PLATE TRAFFIC ARM DATA ANCHOR BOLT SHAFT BASE TOP WALL DIA. BOLT THK. HOLE FIXED FREE GAUGE SEC. RADIAL AT DIA. LGTH. & THREAD ID OTY DIA. DIA. LGTH. THICK "S° CIRCLE °M" °Z" END END OR THK LGTH. SPAN ORIENT ELEV °K° HOOK LENGTH (IN) (IN) (FT) (IN) (IN) Y. (IN) (IN) DIA. DIA. (IN) (FT) iFT) (DEG) (FT) (IN) (IN) 11 U (IN) (IN) (IN) (IN) 9004-1-1 2 15.00 12.06 21.0 0.188 22.0 21.0 1.50 2.00 13.00 6.70 0.179 45.00 45.0 180 20.0 1.75 84 X 6 9.0 45' ARM 9004-1 2 1 15.00 12.06 21.0 0.219 22.0 21.0 1.50 2.00 13.00 6.00 0.179 50.00 50.0 180 20.0 1..75 84 X 6 9.0 50' ARM 9004-1-3 13.74 11.29 0.188 17.57 i 16.00 13.06 21.0 0.219 22.0 21.0 1.50 2.00 55,0 .180 20.0 1.75 64 X 6 9.0 12.00 6.40 0.179 40.00 55' ARM 9004-1-4 14.04 12.27 0.219 12,70 1 17.00 14.06 21.0 0.219 23.0 22.0 1.50 2.00 60:0 180 20.0 1.75. 64 X 69.0 13.00 6.00 0.179 50.00 60'.ARM 9004-1-5 14.74 12.27 0.219 17.70 2 17.00 14.06 21.0 0.250 23.0 .22.0 1.50 2.25 65.0 180 20.0 2.00 84 X 6 9.0 13.00 6.00 0,179 50.00 65' NAM i SIZE "F" HEX TYP 31 HEAD BOLTS WITH (1) WASHER PER BOLT g "' 1.50" B I �'- TYP A 19 ! 0.31" THICK `- (T +.25) X T TYP 31 'SIDE GUSSETS I li T=TUBE WALL THICKNESS 25 TOP VIEW IF TWIN ARMS ----------- --- - SIZE "F" HEX .31--- TYP HEAD B719 (1) WASHER g " 1.50" B TYP NUMBER OF E' FLANGE BOLTS PER TABLE 0.31" THICK BELOW TOP & BTU O ® GUSSETS it )J ® I 31 TYP. RISE TUBE TYP IN ARM � THK. „C.. „E, .- "B" SECTION B-B POLE NUM BASE OF "A" B" "C" "D" "E" "F" DIA. BOLTS 13.00 4 18.25 18.25 14.60 1 14.50 1.75 1 1.50" X 4.00" 15.00 8 20.25 20.25 16.50 16.50 1.75 1 1.50" 30' (T +.25) X 7 TYP .31 ' 0.31" THICK T=TUBE WALL THICKNESS SIDE GUSSETS TOP VIEW IF SINGLE ARM DETAIL 2 SIGNAL ARM ATTACHMENT 16 SHARP FLUTED POLE SHAFT HOR BOLT. AND NUT ATTACHMENT SCREW �- DECORATIVE NUT COVER CASTING POLE BASE PLATE DETAIL 5 1 DECOR.TIVE NUT COVER, DETAIL SEAL. WELD' 7+.44)X ESS .5HICK BACK-UP RING T- - "Y" . I L POLE BASE INSIDE DIA. -1.00" ,`��Lltt511d1Ntlpf�r� CARP D L, 4 / POLE BASE 4 P 0�. 493 = _ END SECTION WITH BASE SECTION WITH FIELD HOLE FOR 0.63- BOLT, DRILLED HOLE FOR 0..3' BOLT. FIELD ASSEMBLED TO ACHIEVE a -I 0.63' HEADED ASNUG TIGHT JOINT (MINIMUM - THRU-BOLT WITH NUT OVERLAP NOT LESS THAN 1.5 TIMES THE I.D. OF END SECTION) I DETAIL 7 I SIGNAL ARM SLIP JOINT 2.00' DIA. HOLES FOR ` - BOLT BOLT CIRCLE TO MATCH POLE (4) 2.375' DIA. HOLES MATCH ON 18.0' BOLT CIRCLE POLE BASE a.o• wa PLATE `H"Ha 1.00" APROX. CLIPPED CORNERS (TYP.) PLATE THICKNESS = 2" B.O.M. PER PLATE .(4) 2"x10" GALV. HEX HEAD CAP SCREWS (12) 2.0" HEX NUTS (8) 2.0" FLAT WASHERS ITEMS TO BE PROVIDED IN A BURLAP BAG AND PLACED INSIDE POLE DETAIL 8 1 SQUARE ADAPTER PLATE TOWN OF HILTON HEAD ISLAND WILLIAM HILTON PARKWAY ATLANTIC TECHNICAL SALES va1monty. Vnttey,NE 68064 POLES C402) 359-2201 . 02/14/11 REV. 9004-1 SEE APPROVED POLE DRAWING FOR ANCHOR B❑L' DATA INCLUDING NUMBER OF BOLTS, BOLT CIRCLE, BOLT DIAMETER AND LAYOUT PATTERN SECTI❑N A -A 'TICAL STEEL SEE TABLE HOOPS SEE TABLE MAX HGHT = FLAT WASHERS REQUIRED 1 BOLT DIA. + I.0' ABOVE AND BELOW BASEPLATE. CND GROUT ALLOWED) SPLIT WASHERS NOT ALLOWED A- - A lt:r rpm J 0 W z nu P7 W 1 y = W A a ti¢ W F 0 y z O W A O W W IXF IV 3.0'TYP. WI- \-2 RHE AT I I I TOPOOFSCAGE. REST EVENLY SPACED I I 1 A I I I A I�-_L I l I I I I I I I I 1 I I _1. _I- L -I--1-- 1 1 1 1 1 OJ�r��� ^I _ -1 _I_ L CLOSED HOOPS (WELDED) NOTES: - FOUNDATION TO BE CAST AGAINST UNDISTURBED SOIL - ACTUAL REQUIRED CONCRETE VOLUME SHOULD BE DETERMINED AFTER PLACEMENT. THEORETICAL VOLUME IS ONLY. APPROXIMATE AND SHOULD BE CONSIDERED AS A MINIMUM. FACTORS THAT WILL AFFECT FINAL CONCRETE VOLUME WILL INCLUDE: ACTUAL SOIL CONDITIONS (i.e. DISLODGED ROCK POCKETS, SIDE WALL SLOGHING, REMOVED SOFT ZONES, ETC.), CONSTRUCTION TOLERANCES AND HOLE ENLARGEMENT FROM AUGER MOVEMENT. - CONCRETE SHALL BE f'c=5000 PSI (MIN), AIR ENTRAINED - GRADE IS ASSUMED TO BE SH : IV OR FLATTER UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED - ALL REINFORCING TO BE ASTM A706 GRADE 60 DEFORMED BARS MAINTAIN AT LEAST 6.0" COVER ON ALL REINFORCEMENT - ANY NECESSARY CONDUIT LAYOUT IS NOT SHOWN - ANY REQUIRED GROUNDING ROD/PROVISIONS NOT SHOWN - DESIGNS UTILIZE GEOTECHNIC^-:L DATA =-,JDED - SEE INDIVUDUAL BORING LOGS FOR SPECIFIC POLE DATA - PLEASE REFER TO SCDOT 51-,NDARD CONSTRUCTION DETAILS FOR ADDITIONAL INFO. - PLEASE REFER TO APPROVED POLE DRAWINGS FOR ANCHOR BOLT DATA INCLUDING BOLT CIRCLE, BOLT DIAMETER, NUMBER OF BOLTS, AND BOLT LAYOUT PATTERN - NO WELDING TO ANCHOR BOLTS IS PERMITTED. POLE ID LOCATION BORING PIER DIA (FT) DEPTH BELOW GRADE (FT) REINFORCING GRADE VERTICAL TRANSVERSE / HOOPS Qty / Size OUT -TO -OUT Di (IN) Max Qty / Size / Spacing MP#1 Coggins Pt. (S) B-1 4.0 13.0 13 - #8 36.0 20. -#4 @ 9.0 8 H : IV MP#2 Coggins Pt. (N) B-2 4.0 12.0 12 - #8 . 36.0 .14 - #4 @ 12.0 8 H: IV MP#3 Coggins Pt. (W) B-3 4.0 12.5 13 - #8 36.0 19 - #4 @ 9.0 8 H : IV MP#4 Dillon Rd. (NE) B-4 4.0 10.5 12 "#8 36.0 13 = #4 @ 12.0 8 H: IV MP#5 Dillon Rd. (NW) B-5 4.0 12,0 12 -#8 36.0 26 - #4 @ 6.0 8 H : IV MP#6 Dillon Rd. (SW) B-6 4.0 10.5 12 -#8 36.0 13 --#4 @ 12.0 8 H:-IV MP#7 Dillon Rd. (SE) B-7 4.0 11.5 12 -#8 36.0 25 - #4 @. 6.0 8 H :.1 V wo;? a d0 ',493 �fi'�prrutte�t S'�'' RE DATE I REVISION CUSTOMER, HILTON HEAD ISLAND FOUNDATION DETAILS TOWN! OF HILTON HEAD ISLAND WILLIAM HILTON PARKWAY & COGGINS POINT/DILLON ROAD ATLANTIC TECHNICAL SALES 02/17/11 9004-IF