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Business License Search

The search function can be used to help identify businesses that are licensed within the Town of Hilton Head Island by business name or by business address.
To get the best results when searching by the business name you will need to be as specific as possible.
When searching by the business address you must include the street number.
The annual business license year is May 1st – April 30th.

If you are not able to locate the business, please contact Revenue Services for assistance at (843) 341-4677.

Issuance of a business license is not an endorsement of the business practices of the licensee.

Search Information: Friday, October 25, 2024
 - Select the field you want to search:
 - Type the keyword you wish to locate:
 - Check to search for any occurrence of your keyword:
 - Display number of results per page:
 - To initiate your search, click on the button which follows:


Town of Hilton Head Island

1 Town Center Court
Hilton Head Island, SC 29928
8 am - 4:30 pm Monday - Friday

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